#good idea im going to draw it someday
tarteggs · 3 months
i have too many au ideas and approximately negative writing skills but i still want to see these come to life someday T_T
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monamipencil · 3 months
— jealousy, jealousy | k.mg
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“want me to fuck you loudly so that she could hear it?” 
synopsis; a trip to the convenience store with your boyfriend takes an unexpected turn.
pairings; mingyu x fem! reader | genre; slight angst, smut, established relationship | w.c; 800+ | warnings; mentions of food, marking kink, possessiveness, exhibitionism, fingering, overuse of 'baby', slight dry humping, orgasm denial (f. receiving), a mention of punishment. | a/n; yea.. my old blog was deleted and im reposting.. dont mind me.
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you’re jealous. quite jealous. 
The taste of iron greets your tongue when you lick your lips. The bruise he had given you. You lift your hand involuntarily to touch the blooms of hickeys that sit on your neck, discreetly covered by your boyfriend’s hoodie. He marked you up in all ways. For everyone to see. to know. That you’re his. But him? 
Your eyes reluctantly dart towards mingyu and the part-timer, who is clearly hitting on him. You can’t help but roll your eyes and scoff. The annoying knot in your stomach tightens when you hear him laugh at whatever stupid joke she just made. You resort to picking on your nails, trying to drown out everything. 
But you know you have to address this someday. And it might be today. Address the fact that your boyfriend will never be just yours. Your heart uncomfortably twists at that. It was indeed true. 
Mingyu is an eye candy. The heartstopper. No matter where you go, the limelight will always be on him. Good looks, personality, intelligence. He’s got the whole pack. It’s as if God took his sweet time sculpting his heart, mind, and body.  
“Hey, baby,” you flinch at the sound of his voice and sigh, placing a hand over your heart. mingyu eyes you in confusion, and with a small smile on his lips, he apologizes for scaring you. Sending a half-hearted nod his way, you bring the food closer to your side. 
It was your idea. To go to the nearby convenience store to get food after an intense love-making session that left you tired and hungry. You didn’t accept his offer to cook, knowing that he was tired too. But frankly, you lost your appetite. You toy with your food, drawing shapes in the sauce. 
With a loud sigh, you stand, muttering to him that you want to buy something. He nods and tries his best to reply with his ramen-filled mouth. You groan as soon as you’re out of his sight. A part of you knows it’s not his fault. And the other part reasons that he should know how it would feel since he, himself is the possessive type. 
You take something random from the aisle after a moment of consideration and turn to return to the table when a hand roughly pulls your hips back. You gasp, hearing mingyu’s hushed voice, “want me to fuck you loudly so that she could hear it?” 
You bite your lip, swallowing the moan that the lewd thought elicited in you. His fingers dig into the exposed skin of your thigh, and he grinds his clothed crotch against your hip. You let out small gasps and bated breaths as he continues to grind himself harder. Your (his) hoodie is unzipped halfway to expose your neck, which he marks yet again. 
“I’m yours, baby. don’t you know that? hmm? I can prove it.” he whispers, his hands slipping into your panties. His other hand keeps your mouth open, and a moan escapes your lips. The cool wind hitting your skin makes you shiver, and him toying with your clit adds to it. 
“mingyu,” you mewl out his name, your hips grind onto his fingers, chasing friction. 
“God, you’re so wet. And we just fucked a hour ago.” 
He pushes two fingers into your soaking cunt, pushing them in and out at a comfortable pace. mingyu stops his ministrations and curls his fingers against that spot. It forces you to gasp and tug at his hair. He removes his hand from your mouth, and the saliva-coated fingers find your nipple under your shirt. 
Your body hasn’t yet recovered from the previous carnal venture. Every touch has you seeing stars, and you can feel the orgasm ripping through already. But it stops when he removes his hands from your needy core. “Not here. Can’t have my baby walking with wet shorts back home,” he laughs at your needy figure and kisses your strained neck muscles. 
Mingyu holds you against him till you come down from your high. His hands massage your body, and he softly whispers that he’s only yours. It brings a smile to your face, and all ugly feelings are thrown out the window. 
“I love you, baby,” he whispers against your cheeks with a love-sick look in his eyes. You chuckle and whisper the same back to him. Reaching to hold his face, you lean in, but you’re cut off by the part-timer. 
Annoyance runs through your veins, but you’re satisfied to find her shocked state at your intimate position with mingyu. You press a kiss to his lips, eyes still on her. A cocky smile plays on your lips, and your heart feels light when you pull back. Mingyu shakes his head when you shoot him a sickeningly-sweet smile and laughs, playing into your game. 
You pack the food, not wanting to waste the money, and leave the store. But not before you flaunt the love bites gifted by your boyfriend. All exhaustion seems to have left you as you happily skip in the street. He skips along with you, blushing and laughing at the scandalising act you both pulled. You let him do so while he can. And your boyfriend links hands with you, oblivious to the punishment awaiting him. 
a reblog?
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tags; @seungkwanschicken @aaa-sia
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
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I do intend to get back around to my FNAF AU soon. Rn I'm just going through it™ and don't feel like dealing with all the work and effort it takes to draw those big comics.. I'd just rather draw simple ocs and random memes for now.
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That's a good question.. I'd like to think that normally they would. But with Calico Jack loosing his leg maybe he's not as stable as he once was.. I can see the both of them jumping off of something and Kwazii sticks the landing but Jack falls flat due to his peg leg 💔
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@khoiazo (Post in question)
Oh yeah I got Bonnet. :0 But thank you for the reminder! I almost forgot her too the first time around <XD
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@neo-metalscottic (Post in question)
AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'M GLAD YOU LIKED THEM!! :DD And I'm glad you liked Coconut especially! I wasn't super sure of her design so this is nice to hear! :}}
As for the koopalings, they are in my Mario AU, I just never got around to properly drawing them for it-
Its intended that they live in Bowsers secret castle somewhere. Guarded by Kamek, Kammy and the entire Blue paratroopa population. :0
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Oh sure! No problem with that :00 Thank you so much for asking first! It means the world to me <:}}}
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@citrusfruitman (Post in question)
:DD Thank you!!! And I'm glad I got the tags right <XDD
As for the Octonauts, Kwazii probably wouldn't be surprised at all XDD But everyone else would freak out. "Talking cookies???"
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I know,, I know, I'm ashamed <XD
Making him look like Davy Jones was only way I could capture the personality I wanted for him 💔 My only defense is that he doesn't have a beard like Davy-
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TH.... THANK YOUUU,,, SOO MUCH!!! 💖💖😭💖
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:D Thank you!! I'm glad you liked it!! :}}}
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Thank you so much! :D And maybe someday I'll return to transformers :00
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Hmm.. I'd say maybe some of the game environments? Like the Minecraft title screen :0
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By default I feel like Funtime Foxy would be the better "performer". Foxy is a little closer to a Daycare attendant than he is to a stage performer. :0
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:D Thank you! I'm honored :)) ALSO NOO DON'T CRY IM SORRY-- <XDD
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I basically completely threw out 60% of it, heavily rewrote 35% and kept 5% relatively the same XD
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Ohhh I see :0
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(Post in question)
XDD I'm glad you liked it!
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The idea is that Papyrus didn't kill anyone. But Seam doesn't know that.
What happened is.. something.. swept through the underground and killed everyone. It wasn't a human or a monster. It wasn't even really a person.. It was just.. something.
Maybe it was a sound, a song? And everyone stepped outside to hear it. Only to be obliterated all at once..
Papyrus for some reason wasn't killed. And he was left all alone. The event left him so traumatized that he.. didn't really truly process it? Papyrus just goes through his usual daily routine as if nothing is wrong.
The land around Papyrus started to deteriorate though. With no one to run the core and regulate the temperatures.. Hotlands cooled down and Snowdin warmed up. All the snow melted, the trees and grass became dehydrated and died.
There was no new food being grown or made so everything expired. Papyrus was left with just soup cans and non perishables. With Sans "not being around" to patch his battle body.. it started to develop tears and busted seams overtime..
This AU is horrible. And Papyrus has basically completely lost his mind. And he had nothing to do with it.. it just.. happened. They all just.. died. And anything else he had in his life started to decay overtime too..
Its a shame that this situation ended up making Papyrus look like the villain. If Seam had known the truth, maybe things would have been different..
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In my AU there are not multiple chain chomps. There is only 1 chain chomp. And he is this huge disgusting pile of molten metal and teeth, whos very spine is bolted to the castles basement floor. Its this absolutely horrible creature, whos as big as a 2 story house. It makes horrible inhuman sounds.. and it always hungry..
Due to it being locked away in Bowsers basement, the bros have never encountered it thankfully. But if they ever did, it would probably try to eat them.. And the only power ups that could really damage the chain chomp would be the super star. Which is very rare and the bros haven't exactly learned how to control it yet..
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Thank you so much! :D And its not going to be Circus Baby's entertainment and rentals or Circus babys pizza world. And its not connected to Fazbear Entertainemnt.
I'm thinking that its a classical styled circus. Tents and all. They travel from place to place like old timey circus's did. :0
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Its always a shame to hear when people found me through pinterest.. but I'm glad you're at the source now and you like what you see! :}}
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I feel like maybe DJ, DA and Freddy might participate in their "birthdays". But Chica, Monty and Roxy?.. Theyyyy probably wouldn't be interested.. :(
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I got plans for Lolbit don't worry XD
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After looking it up on YouTube, it appears to be an ice skating act..? Its beautiful! But none of the Circus members are ice skaters.. :(
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(Post in question)
XD Oh yeah for sure. Circus Baby and Freddy definitely manhandled him through it-
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Huh, what a combo! I'm not sure what that would look like :00
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Sorry, I don't take requests!
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noellefan101 · 8 months
I´ll Keep You Warm-Albedo Oneshot
Characters: Albedo x gn Reader
Summary: you give Albedo an unexpected visit in Dragonspine, and he warms you up(+crushes on you).
"Warnings": established relationship, not proof-read
Note: im tired, i wanna sleep aahhhhhh
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He wasn't expecting you to visit him on Dragonspine today, although you told him you´d be visiting him, he just wasn't quite expecting it to be today. It doesn't bother him, but he was quite focused on the experiment he was currently working on, and you were already distracting. But he paid his experiment no mind when he saw the state you were in, though you had on a good few layers of clothes and some food for him in your hands(your man needs to eat, badly)but you were freezing. He was quick to take the food out of your hands, lay you down on his mattress he never uses, and give you a nice thick blanket to warm you up a little.
The experiment had long gone from his mind, now he all thought about was making sure you were warm enough. Even through all your protests that he shouldn´t worry about you, and go back to whatever he was working on. But how could he ever do that when your normally warm and soft skin was now freezing cold.
Making sure you were alright and well was much more important to him than working right now. He also didn't want to deal with you being sick, but he didn't tell you that.
He waited for you to fall asleep, brushing your hair with his fingers, doing his very best to make you feel safe and warm. It didn't take you long to fall asleep, your face peacefully lying on the pillow he brought for you.
He didnt actually do much while you were sleeping, to distracted by your face to go do something else. Looking at your mesmerizing face was enough to entertain him for longer than he thought and would like to admit.
Its not like what he was doing before wasnt interesting to him anymore, it definitely was, he just found something else to spend his time on. Though its not productive, he will admit that, he couldn´t take his eyes off of you for longer than a few seconds. he considered drawing you, sealing your beauty on a piece of paper, but decided not to. He would rather have this memory all on his own, only within him and him alone. He also didnt even think he could capture your beauty with even the prettiest of paints.
People always compliment him on his art, drawings, paintings, or whatever they´ll call it at the time. But he doesn't think he´ll be even close to doing your beauty justice, he knows you´ll disagree, you always do when he says he can´t.
Maybe he´ll do it someday, but not know, as he is too lost in your beauty to process anything else other than you.
He loves you more than you and him realises.
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thank u for reading, im very sorry for not posting, I'm trying to write but I just have no ideas and my mind is blank(also dealing with mental health issues), luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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cherrycherryking · 1 year
Hi! I love your stuff with Wally!! I was wondering if you could do Wally (Or Eddie if you write for him) with a reader who likes to write and make up fun stories to share with friends? (You don’t have to but I think it’d be cute) Oki have a nice daaaay :))
sooo idk if you just wanted this to be just and x reader or a character ideas, so, i did both!! hope you like it <3
(+some drawings!)
Wally Darling x Gen!Reader (platonic or romantic) Eddie Dearest x Gen!Reader (platonic or romantic)
Writer Character
✧We got ourselves a little writer!
✧Or maybe an author, or a librarian, or a poet- point is! You love to write and create this silly funny stories for all of your friends to see.
✧Some fun concepts for a character like this could be a bee cause spelling bee! Or a mouse because library mouse (or just whatever you like)
✧We know in the show there was storybook sections. I think a lot of these would be narrated and a lot of times even created by you!
✧I can picture your segment starting with the camera focusing on you reading or writing, then inviting the viewer to follow the story along. As you may imagine for a kids show they all had a neat message at the end.
✧Oh, and another resident smarty pants! I can think of some chapters or scenes where you teach spelling and grammar. "No, is not t-h-e-y-r-e, they're birthday, but t-h-e-i-r, their birthday!" (or maybe like me you suck at spelling, so ignore this lol)
✧For outfits i can suggest plaid pattern, glasses, a vest or maybe a cardigan! You can either go for a well put together smart little guy or a mess of a bookworm (that's like a scale on my head.)
✧Sally and you could be good friends now that i think about it! She loooves to make her friends perform her plays and you're just the perfect helper for that.
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(if you use this as a base credit me and tag me so i can see!!)
✧Maybe appear with Frank as well, I think he could borrow books if you have a library or even have a little book club with other neighbors :]
───────────.★..─╮ Eddie x Reader ─..★.───────────╯
✧Oh you appear to help when he's teaching arts and crafts!
✧If you're big into reading, or trying to publish a book or any other sort of thing then you would see Eddie pretty often because he would always have a package or letter for you.
✧He's a bit of a forgetful klutz so you always make sure to help him a little by organizing a calendar for him! Writing down stuff you know for sure he'll forget.
✧Yes it makes him a little bit embarrassed to say the least but he's infinitely grateful of your help.
✧Every single morning in his usual route if he has the time, he always goes past your house to say hello and catch up on what you have been writing! Eddie is interested in the story you have and always listens to it with so much focus, almost as if you were telling him the hottest latest gossip of them all.
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(help my poor soul im getting into an art block. eddie someday i will make you justice i promise.)
✧Or maybe you walk with him a little to accompany him. Just a heads up! Be ready to catch him when he inevitably falls because of some marbles julie forgot to pick up, a plastic duck (Barnaby- pick up your trash!) or just because!!
✧But is all worth it at the end of the day. Eddie always has time for you and your rambles. Only problem is he likes everything you write so he's not the best person if you're searching for criticism!
───────────.★..─╮ Wally x Reader ─..★.───────────╯
✧As the most prominent character of the series the plot follows Wally, and that's a way you two end up talking so much for a starters.
✧Any time Wally is staring at his canvas with no idea of what to draw he thinks "Well, they surely will have an idea" and go search for you (that is if you're not already there).
✧Thinking about how many chapters could follow the formula of you and Wally brainstorming ideas for a story, with him drawing what you narrate (and we come back to the storybook sections of the show!)
✧He would ask you "what are you doing today, neighbor?" to which you respond that you are writing about something! He asks what, you respond, he asks for more context of your story and- well now you're infodumping to him telling him all about what you have so far.
✧Oh but he would definitely be the type to draw your characters because "they are a lot of fun".
✧Picturing calm afternoons consisting of the two of you doing parallel play and every so often showing the other your progress <3
by the end i kinda got into an artblock 😭😭 og plan was to make two rendered drawings, one for wally other for eddit yet it appears i flew too close to the sun. my god.
also this is my first time writing eddie so i'm not sure if i captured him correctly! in any case thank you so much for reading.
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sylenth-l · 7 months
Hi! Hello. I just have to say that your art is some of the most unearthly beautiful art I have ever seen. Absolutely gorgeous. I LOVE your Felwinter so much,, he is Everything to me and I'm pretty sure your art of him was the reason I've been thinking about him nonstop for like, over a month now. He has taken up permanent residence in my brain with Cayde and Shiro, which is, quite frankly, a dangerous combination (BLESS YOU FOR YOUR ART OF THEM TOO THWY ARE SO BEAUTIFUL. IM SO GLAD THAT THERE IS BEAUTIFUL SHIRO ART OUT IN THE WORLD). He is simply unfathomably beautiful. And the black leather pants are sinful 🫣
I love seeing every appearance of him, and your Felwinter and baby bird Osiris are also just so delightful — the stories, emotions, and words unspoken between them that you convey are just.... Wonderful, so wonderful. So much to see on the surface, and yet even more to infer when you dig just a little deeper. They glow with inner light, and I'm not just talking about that amazing effect you create with the inks .... I'm obsessed with that, btw. Someday I will master that too. Maybe not today but oh, I'm going to master it so hard.
Anyway!! I just wanted to say that I love your art so much, thank you for kindly showing it to us all, and I hope you have a good day!!! ❤️
Aah, OMG thank you so much for so many nice words!!!
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The black leather pants were certainly the best design decision I took about Felwinter it seems aksdjhfkjsd. Drawing leather is still not easy for me, but he makes it WAY more enjoyable, really wanna render more of it 👀
And oh, I have SO MANY feelings and thoughts about these Warlocks... I'm super happy and grateful for all the support, you have no idea!
(also I got your message back when I was lying super sick and miserable, couldn't answer it right away, but it INSTANTLY made me feel better, I swear 💙 Now I'm almost well and ready to get back to my bullshit ✨ So yeah, thank you again!!!)
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quirkle2 · 2 months
I read most of the zombie au stuff you have in here and I am being 100% honest with you here that I started tearing up while reading, ESPECIALLY when it was anything related to the kageyama brothers…
All of this is so so so good, so I came to ask if you would be interested in making a fic about this story someday? I would love to read it if so. If not then I have another question!! Will there be more content about it in the future? It’s just so awesome I’m gonna crumble to the ground now thinking about it
THAT'SWHAT I LIKE TO HEEEAAARRR not the you crying part that's sad im sorry.but also yay emotional turmoil <3
i answered a similar question here ! although lately it's been getting harder and harder to ignore the urge to make a fic. i already have like a rough timeline written of how things go, just to keep my head on straight abt it. there ? seems to be more demand for a fic than i thought there'd be (read: like three people) and the fact that some of u Want a fic of it is reassuring. still not super confident it'd be a good zombie story, but i think i could make something worth reading around the characters themselves ? hrrrmmmmm
and ofc there will !! i lovea this au and i was Just drawing zombie au ritsu like half an hour ago <3 there's more art comin, and likely more written snippets if i get any ideas for a good one :]
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raylex · 8 months
ngl seeing ur posts actually teared me up a bit. im demiaroace and went thru a rlly bad toxic relationship. its hard for me to fall in love w people in general bc of this but im always loving fictional characters. so this past one has been rlly rlly hard for me, but fictional characters always have made me feel better (this has been a whole thing w me since i was little due to trauma & abuse). i guess i dont rlly consider myself fictosexual? maybe i kinda am? ive drawn personas and self shipped but mostly i just draw ships and live vicariously thru them heh. but seeing you, your posts, how cute you and rayman are together. idk it gives me hope? like im actually tearing up NOW HSSHSH idk i just. find it so sweet? how you guys found each other. and idk it gives me hope that love will happen to me one day ig? IDK how to explain it but im very happy for you guys, congrats on almost 1 year!! and never stop bc you guys have such a deep bond and yeah!! #raylex !!!
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anon oh my GOODNESS, you are gonna be the one to make ME tear up! this is such a sweet and lovely message to receive... 🥺 you have no idea how happy I am to know that I can give you even just a little bit of hope that love will come your way someday. I promise it will! I'm so sorry for what you had to go through, but please know that I am cheering you on all the way for a bright future! 💖
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kachimera · 2 months
1, 4, 13, 24 (choose your fave <3)
*sigh* i've been meaning to be more varied with my fandom posts but. Yea castlevania again sorry not sorry
1) OTP?:
Maleon and Saraleon. Idk what can i say that i haven't said already? The pure love and affection, the devotion, the betrayal. My mans Leon got the best gf and the worst bf of all time and the repercussions of their fallout lasted almost a thousand years, iconic. Runner up is Celiakado bc love my toxic manipulative bastards duo. Daddy issues x cringefail girl <3
4) Is there a popular pairing you dont necessarily dislike but aren't too invested in?:
Again, Richtercard. Neat ship, can get it, but not my thing. Idk what other popular ships i could talk abt bc small fandom. Im pretty 👍 abt most of them i guess
13) What's a character or ship you haven't written/drawn yet but would like to someday?:
Ohhh so many. I have a dumped Leonx Isaac wip fic that i'd like to pic back up, and also some Sara x Julia ideas. And well, if i started listing all the ships i'd like to draw i'd never finish, but you kno stuff like belshine, shalaura, hevor, etc. In terms of characters, i wanna do some doodles with the wygol villagers living their lives, and draw the Lecarde twins or Yoko bc oh man the underrated witches of all time. And this is not going into my cv64/LoD comic n fic ideas (help).
24) What's your favourite thing abt [character]?:
You know let's go with Isaac this time. I like... the tragedy his choices lead him to. He keeps getting rejected and hated and losing and the ways he reacts are both understandable (as in, yea i get why he'd do that) and also the absolute worst you could do (both for himself and everyone around him, he's one awful bastard). And, since he is so intrinsically tied to Hector, i like how he is his dark reflection, how he shows what Hector could have been if instead of prioritizing his right to live as a human, he had grabbed all that willpower and instead used it to reduce and dehumanize himself for the sake of love and acceptance. It's like, Isaac is strong, smart, stubborn and determined yet he can't use those qualities for his own good or to help others but to spread misery and make himself worse in the process. He really became Dracula's weapon, at the cost of his own life. I am feeling normal abt him (gonna run him over with a bulldozer <3)
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junowritings · 3 months
Im not as familiar with Fallout New Vegas, but your courier oc looks so cool! Id love to see you talk about them if youd like :DD 🍒
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Anon literally your ask sent me on the deep end of doodles and ideas sdfghj forgive the little ramble that I'm about to go on
Bentley's an oc I keep coming back to every couple of months bc A) I love the game so much and B) I love my lil courier who's just jinglin janglin their way through the Mojave with their lil robo buddies ED-E and Rex.
In terms of a backstory Bentley's past prior to the run in with Benny is spotty at best - the Doc did a great job patching their skull back together but there's a lot of patches in their memory. They're not too fussed by that for the most part (can't miss what you don't remember right?) but it does become a more prominent issue for them later down the line both in the main game and in terms of the DLC.
They do remember most things though! Mostly surrounding their work and the skills at their disposal - they've been a jack of all trades taking up any kind of job that'll let them travel and explore what's left of the world. Bentley had actually been at the courier gig for a good couple years! Not to mention they've picked up a fair bit of useful info in their travels - people sure love to talk loosely around people they never think they'll see again after all.
Bentley's a bit too laise faire for their own good - they'll shrug off grudges and downplay situations when they really shouldn't so long as they come out of the situation in one piece. Probably the only one out of all my couriers who wouldn't actively throttle Benny immediately on sight if only because they're too invested in the why of the whole picture rather than their own mortality.
Fun fact in their initial design they actually had a pet radroach called Spit! But I suck at drawing animals so I hardly draw em lmao. Maybe someday who knows.
Literally got this and got so excited I had to doodle proper looks for each of the DLCs - they've got a bunch more outfits than this but their coat is too much of a look for them to be caught dead without.
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I actually have a couple couriers! One for each of the endings - Bentley's the one that I play the most often but I have fun doodling the others from time to time!
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Thank you so much for the ask I had way too much fun rambling and I'm honestly super stoked that you think that they look cool!!! Hope you don't mind if I call you Cherry anon - I hope you have a wonderful day hun! :D
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seashellcosmos · 4 months
I was vibrating during my readthrough of this week’s chapter. idk why maybe its the sleep deprivation, but i was very much on SOMETHING when I saw it. I almost died when they kissed, thanks a lot. the fuyuhiko pov caught me OFF GUARD,,, and shuichi getting dragged away by gonta??? im really worried for the next chapter… anyway!! I have an ask for u, if it isn’t too much trouble!!!
okay so, the v3 pills basically um. enhance people’s mutation thing, right??? kokichi’s original plan involved him taking the pills and killing kamakura like that (at least, i think that’s what he was implying???) and i was just wondering how his enhancement would work after he took said pills. weird ask, i know, but kokichi’s enhancement itself is his body being,,, well,,,, radioactive,,, and I just started thinking about how exactly his body would react to the pills. i also started thinking abt if the side effects would be significantly worse on him because,, imma face it,,, i have no idea what’s going on under that little gremlin’s skin and how the acid hasn’t killed his insides already so… just a question, don’t feel pressured to answer it!!
note: thisssss👌close to drawing smthg for this fic. idk just need something to,,,, push me over the edge……… (not blackmail…. totes hehe.. ) /j (its bound to happen someday, one day…….)
AH sorry it took me so long to answer! And unfortunately I…. Cannot answer that. Yet. Unfortunately the gremlin’s plans are still a mystery…..
Although to Kinda answer your question it would definitely make his enhancement stronger, it might not melt his insides or anything, but it would make it…. Very very dangerous for people around him. If someone got close to him after taking some of those it would Not Be Good.
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cluelessbees · 1 year
A concept— Dash and Lily Byler AU (I posted a part 2-ish)
Idk if you guys have watched dash and lily but it’s a very cute season-long like cheesy Christmas romance. The whole premise is that Lily puts this book in a bookstore that Dash finds and they essentially communicate through the notebook. They don’t know each others identities but they have to do a dare in order for the other to answer their question.
Im like not explaining it well but it’s very cute 😭. So like I was wondering ….byler au 👀?
So now enjoy my take on their notebook entries to each other—
(For context this one is Will’s to Mike after Mike proposed being called Blue + Mike’s entry afterwards)
Idk if it’s any good but enjoy—
Blue huh? 
You really aren’t giving me any clues to your name? I guess you do really like the mystery aspect of this all.
I guess I’ll continue in the theme of colours. Call me yellow. Or…think of me as yellow. I don’t think yellow works as well as a name compare to Blue, but it’s my favourite colour.
It just feels warm….which feels sorta weird to say. How can a colour feel warm? 
I don’t know. It just- reminds me of sun and how it would tickle my skin when I would lay on the grass in the park with my family. It’s just one of those warm memories. Something I think about when I want to escape.
That’s- a really weird thing to admit to a boy I’ve never met. But it’s just easier to tell you these things I guess? You’re easy to talk to- or write to.
I’m sorry if I’m being weird. I hope I’m not scaring you away.
Because ….i like talking to you blue. I hope you like talking to me.
Anyways, enough about me. It’s time for your dare. 
You’ve mentioned never really being an artist, huh? I’m not buying it. I think you like being creative. You just hate showing it.
I’ve attached a drawing of a map to this art centre. Go to it. I’ve booked you for a 4pm painting lesson. Let me know what you draw.
Don’t focus on perfection just have fun, okay? 
Give the book to the instructor, tall guy with a weird mustache you’ll know what I mean when you see it.
Yellow (?) (i have no idea of yellow is working or not)
Dear Yellow,
I’ll have to admit- it doesn’t work as well as Blue, but that’s okay. I think I’ll continue calling you notebook boy. I like the mystery element behind it. You’re very mysterious to me. I cant help wanting to know more about you.
You do remind me of yellow though- the warmth that is. I don’t know how else to describe it you just seem like such a warm person. Which- is weird to admit because I don’t even know you but it’s true.
Also, you don’t have to worry about scaring me off. I’m far too intrigued in knowing who you are to be scared off by anything. 
And….I happen to like you too, Notebook Boy
(See notebook boy just works better)
Anyways, a finger painting class huh? Have to admit I did not expect that. You’re always filled with surprises.
At first I thought you were just being sadistic. Like- you wanted me to stain my hands as some sort of punishment for a previous dare. But- I have to admit it was fun getting messy.
And I managed to get a sweet finger painted rainbow out of it. I’m sure I can’t compete with the art you make. You’re probably the most talented artist I know (I’m aware I haven’t seen your art yet but I’m still right.) But I like it- I think. It’s a decent painting.
Scratch that my friend just asked me if it was made by my little sister— okay so maybe not decent, but I had fun. Maybe…I do like creativity. Although no one will know but you.
I hope I get to see your paintings someday.
For now, i leave you with a dare and a question. 
What’s your taste of music like, Notebook Boy?
Mine is a mixed of genres, but I thought it would be fun for you to try something new. You seem very reserved so…I’ve attached a ticket to a friends rock show. It’s for tomorrow at 9. He makes good music. I’ve always like the atmosphere of his gigs. They’re so loud and the energy just seeps through the veins. 
I hope you like it. 
P.S. hand the book over to my friend at the end of the show! He’s the guitarist. Tell him Blue sent you. 
I have more if y'all want but yeah--- thoughts? (Part 2)
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gothlute · 3 months
His "name" is Dr Sunshine, at least that's how people call him. No one knows his real name, we're not even sure he remembers it either.
He looks like this :
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(I'm planning on drawing more of this silly guy)
He's a boy, estimated to be in his 30s, pretty tall. He has an extravagant style, very colorful except for his striped jacket, and is always wearing space-themed things.
He is based off Dr Sunshine is Dead by Will wood and the tapeworms!! One of my fav bands :D
He's english, but also speaks french fluently along with some other languages
+ : He is very social, smart and funny, it's hard for anyone not to like him. Fun fact : he always wears red smoky eyeliner!
- : He's very secretive, maybe even a liar, and NOTHING is natural about him : he's literally just a persona he created
The thing he loves the most in the whole entire world is space. You will NEVER see him not wearing space-themed clothes and/or jewelery. And what he hates the most is anything that reminds him of his past self/that implies that he is something else than his persona.
Also, something VERY important : his biggest fear is to be forgotten, he wants people to remember him if he had to die.
Now let's get into his story!!!!
As stated before, he LOVES space, and especially the sun. He has this weird obsession about it. His absolute biggest dream is to go to space someday and touch the sun with his bare hand, so he will feel fully connected to it.
So he made a plan.
He started his own personal show, giving people lectures about space, and occasionally making good jokes. He's naturally good at talking and at being liked, so he gained a big public pretty fast.
Now something I haven't mentionned yet is that he has powers. He can manipulate people, trick their minds and force them to do anything he asks. No one knows about it : they all think he's just super eloquent. He activates it by spinning his sun-shaped monocle :D
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(Have a drawing of it except it sucks ass because I made it when I was 14, Im gonna redraw it)
Soon enough he had a nice little army ready to obey him.
He asked them to go steal tools from big companies to build a super resistant spaceship that would be able to touch the sun. They started doing it, his army was getting bigger and bigger and soon enough he had enough tools.
BUT meanwhile : of course the police was getting involved though Sunshine had no idea. They were intrigued by all of these random people stealing from companies (because some got caught ofc) and they started investigating.
While they were searching for clues, Sunshine and his army were working hard and building the spaceship : it took months, maybe even a year, but they finally did it. The ship was huge, fast and resistant, and Sunshine was sure it would be enough.
And so one day, they launched it. Sunshine was inside the spaceship, alone except for the driver. Except while they were working the police got more and more clues and ended up suspecting him : one of the officers snuck into the ship before the launch with a loaded gun.
He waited a bit, and when they were pretty high, he got out of his hiding spot and threatened Sunshine with a gun. He told him to give up and ask the driver to go back on earth so he can be judged along with his "army".
Sunshine seemed pretty calm, gently asking the officer to put down his weapon and telling him it was too late, he was about to be the first man to ever touch the sun. To which the officer replied "it's crazy, YOU are crazy, do you genuinely think this ship will be able to do that?? It's gonna melt before reaching the sun, obviously."
That statement made Sunshine lose his smile. He walked back, slowly, still threatened by the gun, and opened a big window. He looked back at the confused officer, gave him a big smile, spread out his arms and he let himself fall off the window, back first. They werent in space already, but the fall killed him.
Now there's two things left to know.
1) The whole scene with the officer aired live. About half of the world was watching. Dr Sunshine is now known in the whole entire world as a crazy criminal and his case is now a classic among true crime fans. He fulfilled one of his goals : he's never going to be forgotten.
2) Neither him nor the officer knew, but the spaceship was actually good enough : if that officer didnt sneak into it, Dr Sunshine would have touched the sun. :)
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factual-fantasy · 11 months
30 askssss :00000
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Nope, in my AU they have a strictly brother/sister relationship.
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Nope. No ships in my AU. No exceptions.
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I think I have seen all of the DLC. Personally I give it a 4/10. Had a lot of stuff I liked, more horror, beautiful environment. But I hated how much more complicated the lore got with its release. 🙄
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Maybe someday! :0
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XD Thank you! And yes I've been very careful to stay hydrated. Its been pretty hot around here recently. Uhhgg,
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THANK YOU! Its mostly just because I'm not comfortable with fanart. But those are even MORE reasons to not want it!
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:DDD Thank you so much!! :DD
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Bowser doesn't really have any allies in my AU. King Boo and his boos are a really small community of creatures in comparison to Bowsers kingdom. And they mostly just stay in their forest and mind their own business. And yes sometimes troops go into that forest and King Boo takes them. But Bowser doesn't care about a few measly troops disappearing. It would only be a problem if huge clusters of troops went missing.
Point is though, King Boo and Bowser have no alliance. They just kind'a leave each other alone.
As for King Bomb Omb and King Thwomp? I pictured them to be mega troops created by Kamek. Thwomps are supposed to be these enormous bricks from an old temple that were brought to life. Perhaps King Thwomp is a huge wall of bricks that didn't separate when they were brought to life? King Bomb Omb could be the same. A giant experimental bomb omb that was brought to life.
In the end, King Thwomp and King Bomb Omb were created to serve Bowser. He treats and uses them as tools. Nothing more really..
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I thought he was always supposed to be just 1 person. Mentally and physically. And something just went wrong. At least that's what I took from it, so that what I made in my AU :0
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Duuuuude that's so interesting! Also your birds sound cute! XDD
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Oof, I hope none of mine get dubbed, but I see the compliment! Thank you! :DD
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XD Don't worry! That's not cannon. I just wanted to draw Roxy and that idea came to mind.
But to be honest, if Bonnie was faced with a situation like that? He sadly would fight back against his friends as best he could. His top priority is to protect Gregory.. He might not do much considering he's missing an arm and a foot but he'd try-
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XD Awe, thank you! :DD
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:DD THANK YOU SO MUCH!! And I'm glad you liked Octonauts!! :DD
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A good start is an oval/circle with a line through it. I've hit my image limit for this post I cant post references- but you can peek at my Chica(FNAF) and Peso(Octonauts) art for more ideas!
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:DDD Thank you!!
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AAAA thank you so much! And I'm glad you understand my stance on fanart! :DD
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Jangles would open his mouth very fast and eat it before it hit him.
Bibi would be so horrified by Jangles actions that he wouldn't be paying attention and get cheesed in the face XD
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Just, no art. Okay? No art, music or fics. Just comments/reblogs. And none of this "but I'm not good with words.." Just leave a "💗!!" On every post. I will see that effort and its gonna mean a whole lot more to me than a drawing. Its easier for both of us. No more drama, no more questions or clarifying, just simple little comments that I can wake up to and read. That would be the best for me.
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Thank you so much! :DD Also I listen to a lot of different music when I'm drawing. But recently I've been listening to this on repeat.
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XDD Awe, thank you so much!! :DD
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Thats!... a good question actually. Its hard to tell with Octonauts sometimes. I guess that's up for your interpretation! Considering I don't tend to have a lot of wild animals in my drawings <XD --
Also I'm glad my artwork inspired you! :DD
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Awe <XDD Thank you!! Also cute critters you got there!! :DD
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Thank you so much!! :DD
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Thank you so much! And I yeah. I just prefer no art. Just comments and reblogs. 👍
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I mostly know Kirby from the Anime and some older games I played. I cant remember much from the games, although I do remember liking them.. I also loved the Anime to bits! 10/10 would Kirby again! :DD
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maythearo · 1 year
Jamil Viper was found at the streets of Pernambuco, enjoying the Carnaval and dancing frevo! In a exclusive interview, he said his favorite food is acarajé and coxinha
Jokes aside, I really like the idea of Scarabia duo, Octatrio and Savannaclaw enjoying Brazil! And I really like that Malleus would use something similar to that Hawaiian shirt he bought in the Yasmina silk event (I really don't know what that shirts name, I just know its the same as the Genie in the end of Aladdin). And I also love thinking about Jamil using traditional São João outfit (mano, ele com uma camisa xadrez vermelha e preta... Oh homem lindo).
I want to claim Jamil as Brazilian, but I can't-
Do you have any HCs like that?
And omg you opened comissions!!!! I'm so happy, even if I don't have money for it, IM STILL VERY HAPPY FOR U FOR A REASON I CAN'T EXPLAIN, I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY!
- The BR Jamil Simp Anon
First of all, you're so sweet, thank you 😫 and second ANON LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING YOU'RE MAKING MY BRAIN GO NUTS CAUSE I WANNA DRAW ALL OF THAT, AS A GOOD BRAZILIAN ARTIST WOULD! Also hello Jamil bbygirl what are you doing here in Brazil haha twirls hair twirls hair
Omg I'm thinking on the spot rn of some good br headcanons, and I completely agree with you, out of all the dorms, Scarabia, Octavinelle and Savanaclaw would definitely vibe the most in Brazil. Hold on lemme breath in before I shove all my hcs into this post hold on. Eng speaking mutuals and followers I will hold yall hostage to listen to my insane rambles ok here we go
First and foremost, I just know Ruggie is brazilian 100%, and I think we can all agree to that, he's our boy 🙌 he would absolutely drag Leona and Jack around, getting them to try a little bit of everything whenever they get the chance. The hyena boy would pile a bunch of stuff on Jack's arms saying "You HAVE to try this snack- wait have some caldo de cana too... OH you can't forget this piece of candy-" and last thing you know Jack is just buried under pounds of little treats and trinkets.
I personally visited very little States here, but at least around São Paulo and Rio, one of my favorite things to do is to browse those classic, super pretty handmade jewelry they sell on the beach, decorated with crystals and stones, and I just want to get them all even though I might not even use half of the stuff I buy. But anyways, Leona doing that. Leona getting tererê de cabelo to go with the braids. He's gonna spend so much money with clothes and accessories and he's gonna look stunning doing it.
Btw btw I'm obsessed with a store called Atame (@/voudeatame on ig) they have the most brazilian jewelry and clothes ever and the designs are gorge, I should draw Leona wearing something inspired by that someday 😭
Bro if there's anything we all learn in major tourist spots is that you gotta be smart with prices and everything, keep an eye out to not get scammed, unfortunately... But you know what, Octavinelle is just chill with that. You think anyone can scam AZUL? That's impossible. Anyone tries anything with the octatrio, the person is just gonna get scammed back. Jokes aside, I picture Floyd wearing the good ol havaianas, shorts, and maybe #those glasses wherever he goes, Jade might even go along with it every now and then, why not.
This randomly reminds me of Ace cause his casual outfits definitely exclusively consist of that + a random football team shirt. I couldn't care less about football but listen. Corinthians. Simply cause he's annoying and that would be very in character of him (É MEMES, NAO ME MATEM CORINTHIANOS)
Have you ever noticed how Trey looks like the twst version of Zé Carioca. Let that sink in.
Thinking about Malleus, don't you think he would love to visit historical towns and monuments? There's so much history in our architecture, he'd find most fascinating I'm sure.
I just know Jamil and Kalim would absolutely own the dance floor in carnaval, like. No dobts about that. Kalim specially, would love to participate in any bloquinhos de carnaval if he could. Sounds exhausting for me to even be amongst a single one, but okay Kalim, get it I guess 💃 Scarabia and Brazil we share vibes!!!!!
You mentioned the São João fit, and I also thought of Epel, that boy invented Festa Junina, fr. He throws biribinha/estalinhos everywhere to piss off Vil. Also Jamil oh homem perfeito c é doido, n é possível uma coisa dessas.
São João stalls under the management of Octavinelle and it's hell on earth
Sam would open a famous lojinha de 1,99 for sure, I will not elaborate. Oh also whenever I stumble upon frog shaped reco-reco I think of him, I think he would sell them idk idk
Ruggie will show Kalim those brown colored glass plate sets every grandma got in their houses, and tell him they are indestructible.
"Jamil, Jamil! Check this out! Ruggie says these plates NEVER break! Oh we need to have them in Scarabia, pleeaseee!"
"What do you mean they never break? No, Kalim don't-"
Kalim throws it to the floor, it immediately shatters in a million pieces. "I think it hit a weird angle, that must be it."
Idia = alanzoka
Me @ Jamil:
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cubedmango · 4 months
hi!! i just wanted to let you know that i started reading cherry magic in july last year after seeing the anime announced on toyota-sensei's twitter! i couldn't even rlly translate the announcement myself without the help of google translate LMAO but her illustration of them looked so sweet i had to snoop around. more than half a year later. i am no longer normal and my brain is fully rotted over and i think of those two nearly every waking moment!! your art, along with so many others feeds me and your translations are So Appreciated thank you for doing gods work. i usually don't get super involved in fandom or w/e other than consuming fanart or fics so the fact i find myself actually drawing them is so new to me...idk cherry magic really is so refreshing and it's just nice as an adult to see a mature relationship between two working adults. there are callbacks to childhood or childlike behaviors or interests sprinkled throughout the manga's dialogue and i always appreciated how they weren't seen as embarrassing or immature to embrace or learn from as an adult, but encouraged or seen as a valuable part of balancing work, life, and love. idk it's def one of the more subtle and less expanded upon parts of it but i love how adachi's and kurosawa's love of manga, though seen as a children's activity (from how kurosawa thought people saw it) was actually one of their first mutual hobbies. it's also interesting to see how many things about kurosawa's psyche are remnants of ideas probably for a lack of better wording, were taught to him from an early age. his self-image, how he tries to uphold certain societal standards, etc etc. im glad he found refuge in adachi that way. im sorry for rambling for so long but i've just been thinking about these two so much ldks
anon pls u never have to apologize for rambling abt my fav guys of all time, u should actually talk w me about them more i want to hear ur thoughts !! the eng speaking fandom isnt that big (or at least i dont get to interact w a lot of ppl personally) but its fun making art and doing the translations for my blorbos so im happy other ppl enjoy it too 🥺
and yess everything u said abt the childlike/immature stuff krdc enjoy like the fact that their interest in manga and stuff is never made fun of or anything (which would be ironic anyway since theyre In a manga themselves fdkjskf) but actually one of the things that gets them closer is So good augh?? (also spoilers for the radio drama if u havent seen it yet, but to me one of the best changes they made was changing the port scenes setting to an anime con instead like Yeah!! theyre little nerd guys of course theyd attend a con!!!! that plus how they both like watching animated movies and playing games too like its a very specific thing to Me but that relatability w stuff i do myself makes them both feel a lot more human? if that makes sense)
also w kurosawas whole deal its Definitely a longterm thing hes had for a while, and in canon its mostly been his friendships/relationships that affected him (probs the most clear in ch45 my beloved) but from the way the meeting w his parents went theres for sure a lot of parental/family pressure involved too?? this is going into hc territory but i have like a whole Thing brewing in my head about kurosawas and maris relations w their parents and how that affected their self image and all growing up too and i rlly wanna make stuff for it someday (idk if anyone would be interested but id probably do it regardless so fkdjksjfk)
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