#gonna treat her as soon as i can too bc shes been dealing w depressed me all summer & her bro has been helping me out w
freesomebodybyluna · 2 years
I got an internship!!!! 😭😭 Gonna call to confirm things w the industry professional I spoke w today tmrw morning but I let my program head know already & im gonna work on getting all the paperwork done asap but ahhhh finally
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symphysins · 7 years
Have any other good fics for us???
sorry this took a while to reply back to. i’ve been compiling this for a while.
since you didn’t specify what kind of fics, i’m gonna give like a smorgasbord of different ut fics i love w/ a blurb of stupid commentary from me :’D
(be warned, snas is my fav so a bunch feature him/are centered around him.)
(also be warned that not everything i like may be ur cup of tea, so make sure to read the tags/warnings.)
longpost under cut. ready? here we gooo~ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ 
Universal Displacement by knowmeknot: A forgotten doctor once theorized that when the same event occurs at the exact same time in two separate universes, they converge for a single moment and something… spectacular happens. A destabilization maybe. Or a merge. Or better yet, a displacement of two similar but different entities.
one of my favorite kedgeup things is when ut!sans or uf!paps lands in the other’s universe, and this fic expands on this idea rlly well.
A Lack of Brotherly Love by Askellie: After a brutal series of genocide runs, Sans wakes up in an alternate universe where the monsters were saved, everyone is on the surface and the future looks bright…except the fundamental difference in this universe is that its resident Sans never loved or supported his brother. As a result, Papyrus is a lonely outcast, unable to fit in and scarred from years of emotional neglect.And Sans isn’t going to let that stand.
i desperately want sans to punch the fuck out of dr.serif. and then go give poor paps all the hugs he deserves.
To Love Yourself by undertailsoulsex: UF!Sans fights with his brother and doesn’t know what to do with himself. He ends up traveling to the Undertale Universe where he meets the kindhearted Sans and Papyrus.UF!Sans has to come to terms with his depression and his newfound feelings for the other skeletons.
this fic emotionally destroyed me… but in a good way i swear! it’ll lead you on a rollercoaster of feels, but it’s worth it.
It’s A Long Story by RiseiTekiSensei: a soriel series detailing toriel and sans’ relationship in the underground and aboveground. i really like how both of them have their own issues, and how they support eachother through those issues. i also love how head over heels sans is for toriel.
A Fortune Cookie For You by Darkhymns: “In bed” jokes are the lowest form of comedy. So, of course, Sans and Toriel love them.
the jokes man. the jokes are the best.
Never a Lovely So Real by Kaesa: The city of Ebott, 193X. The market’s down, the crime rate’s up, and Sans is just trying to make a buck and keep an eye on his brother by working for the Dreemurr crime family. But after the Dreemurrs rescue a human child from their rival gang, the Flower Boys, Sans soon finds himself in way over his head. (Well. Not that that’s hard.)  
i love all the research put in to make this mob au fic really authentic. reading the little anecdotes at the end is rlly fun. 
Our Skeleton by yastaghr: The people who love him come to realise Sans may be hiding something from them. 
this. this is the fic that really got me into sansgoriel. royal goats showering tiny skele in love is the best.
for queen and country by tealmoon: Being the Judge of the Underground isn’t just a job, it’s about being chosen to carry out the infallible will of the Royal Family, to keep chaos and crime at bay, to protect all of Monsterkind.            
And for Papyrus, it’s about being helpless, and afraid, and alone.
us!paps suffering: the fic. somebody give this skele a friend. pls, he desperately needs one.   
Fired Up and Bone Weary by perniciousLizard: slowburn domestic sansby series. sans is written so in-character and grillby is really fleshed-out as a character. there’s tension and drama here and there, but it still feels mellow overall. reading this fic feels like sitting next to a warm hearth. 
These are our Days by Rehlia: Two days ago, you said goodbye to your best friend. Yesterday, you lost your job with no prior notice. And then today, you had a fight with your mom. So that’s your day today. Lonely, fighting with your mom, jobless. Perfect Day for a drink or two, right? What’s that on TV about monsters?You didn’t expect the monsters to accept that application for a social media job you sent them while you were drunk. Now you’ve suddenly moved to Ebott and spend your days hanging out with monsters, documenting your weird new life, and marvelling at how different monsters and humans can be - and how similar.  
god, i love all the worldbuilding in this fic. the little things about monster culture are so great. this fic really makes me invested in monsterkind’s integration on the surface. and the build-up to the sans/reader relationship rlly makes it all the more satisfying.
Tend to your memories by Rainbow_Sprinkles: Post-Pacifist after many, many resets. Explores political, social, and personal facets of monster integration into human society. Begins in 211X and spans over many years. Political and social climates have undergone major shifts from those of the present day. Character development and platonic-familial relationships receive the most attention. Major motifs include health, medicine, and science. 
realistically, i think a lot of the ut cast have been traumatized in some way, and this fic explores that very thoroughly. i think my favorite part about this series is the frisk, flowey, and chara development.
Kingship, And What Comes Next by CatKing_Catkin: This is the story of the Underground after Sans hung up the phone, after Papyrus took the throne. There’s no one left to guide him, no one left to look up to. Papyrus doesn’t want to let anyone down, especially not Sans when his brother is working so hard to support him. Sans doesn’t want to let Papyrus down, when his brother really is all he has left.They make mistakes, they miss one another, but together, they try to figure things out.This is a story about growing up, moving on, and what’s important in life.
this fic managed to take one of the saddest (imo) endings and turn it into something hopeful. 
lest ye be judged by nilchance: in an alternate universe, asgore became something like a parental figure to sans and papyrus. the whole series is wonderful, and i love the relationship sans and asgore have. 
Tsum Papyri by BarkingPup: In this world there is only Papyrus and… more Papyrus
the super sweet tsumtsum au made by zarla turned incredibly horrifying.
Overextension by MaxieSatan: Strength and weakness are not mutually exclusive, and neither one always looks the same.
i like reading fics about undyne & sans, bc you really never see them interact in game. it’s interesting to think about how they’d act around eachother.
Late Night Snack by EvilZebra:    
Tuesday 3:55 amRUDE SKELETON: did he ask you to help too                     
RUDE SKELETON: he did i can hear more pots dying             
RUDE SKELETON: pls spare my ketchup it does not deserve this 
papyrus cooks at 3 in the morning. sans and undyne suffer.
social links by simplycarryon: Friendship’s pretty neat, or so your video games and anime dictate. But you are not an anime protagonist, and you’re not sure you know what friendship is any more.
i love sans and alphys being science buddy friends.
Angels in the Underground by joliemariella: 200 years ago, angels were banished from the surface world after the commander of the heavenly host, Asgore, declared war on mankind. Now, young Frisk has fallen into the Underground and must conquer the angels’ seven trials if she, and the angels themselves, are to have any hope of escape. Along the way she meets Sans, a wounded seraphim who agrees to guide her through the trials at Toriel’s request. Friends are made, history unfolds, and Sans comes to hope again.
monsters with wiiiingsss. also seraphim dad sans is best dad.
Butterscotch and Bones by kaliawai512: Toriel promised herself she would never leave the Ruins. She had to stay there, to make sure that if a human fell, she could care for them - even if she couldn’t stop them from going to their deaths in time. But now and then, leaving is inevitable. The Ruins have only so many resources, after all. This time, before she heads Home from her latest expedition, she decides to stop and check in on the asocial Royal Scientist who was once her good friend.                                                   
She doesn’t find him.                                        
She finds two other someones instead.
FLUFF. SO MUCH FLUFF. some sad, bUT THAT ONLY MAKES THE FLUFF SWEETER. this fic is like a balm on the soul from the hurt of the handplates au.
Under the Veil by poplasia: Sans has gotten himself stuck in the void between worlds in a successful attempt to stop the resets of his timeline. He’s not sure how long he’s been chillin’ alone there, but eventually a chance at escape stumbles his way in from the Veil of Death. His name?—Sirius Black.
crossovers are great. crossovers with two of my favorite fandoms are even better. i’m really excited to see what these two pranksters will do next.
Missing Child Case by StoryCloud: Against all odds, the police find the four-year old that went missing around the summit of Mount Ebbot. A story from a child’s perspective has many interpretations.
it’s really rare to see fics that deal with neutral route endings, so this is a nice treat. also the fact that frisk is only four puts things into a diff. perspective.
The Best of Times, the Worst of Times by ABadTime: Set immediately after the pacifist run, the dark history of the skeleton brothers begins to surface when everything that held them together unravels, leading to the revelation of dark and transformative truths.The Best of Times, the Worst of Times sees the rise of heroes of unusual stripes in the face of unusual traumas, and explores the value of relationships in unusual times. The True Labs hold a great many terrible secrets only some of which have been able to reach their conclusion.
leaves you hanging on at the edge of your seat at some points, and has a satisfyingly happy ending. not to mention super cool gb!sans.
a lesson in grief. by ohmygodwhy:                           
you’ve got pressure dripping off your shoulders.               
or: sans tries to deal with some things.
let’s end this off with some of that sweet, sweet sans suffering. one of the first few ut fics i read. the ending was like a punch in the gut.
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enchantechante · 7 years
22012017 0509
its 330a and i woke up crying.
im still drunk, so i feel like i can be honest now.
i have been trying to ask myself what hurts. everything. everything hurts. and i dont know if im having a depressive episode in the middle of the night or if im just mourning bc my family is back home watching my gma die.
idk if i just have so much unforgiveness in my heart that it just wakes me up out my sleep.
all the demons i need to feed.
i cant remember the last time i spent time with someone who wasnt in their phone. and its becoming hard to distinguish if its a nervous habit or if people rly just rather be in their phone than be fully present w me.
speaking of things that make me feel non essential, i think certain people need people around like a fidget toy. to deflect their nervous energy or something.
esp me.
spending time w me is rly nice for some people bc i can easily have a full conversation abt someone else and be engaged. bc i love ppl. very specifically and devoutly. and ppl can feel that. and i think for people who neglect themselves, my genuine attention quenches something deeper for them.
like an itch they cant seem to scratch on their own.
and for a while ive felt like im a good stepping stone for certain people until they get ahold of themselves, heal and are able to give that genuine attn to someone else.
which is natural i guess. to finally acknowledge i was never all too memorable (to them).
but thats when you can feel good abt something like never speaking to your best friend again.
when you remember how disposable they made you feel.
you’re finally free to find someone who can treat you how you treat them.
even if that person is just you.
and they finally get it and agree to let the friendship die and its like watching everything, all of it, the pain and the pleasure, float off into outter space.
and the terror of when are they gonna hurt you again isnt lingering over your head. you can breathe a little deeper knowing theres one less person whos going to try and tear you down mentally again.
even tho it “wasnt always like that”.
tell me, how many times does someone need to tell you they used to try and make you feel stupid on purpose for you to day dream abt how to get free from that? (not them, as a person but THAT. whatever that thing is that lets “loved ones” go to sleep hurting so our egos can thrive)
if its possible to “bring the abuser out” in a person, i guess i do.
or for him i did.
call me old fashioned but i cant refriend ppl i know need professional psychological assistance and have not yet received it.
but thats nothing new.
i feel free now tho. & that is new.
sad but mostly free.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
since christmas ive started struggling w suicidal ideology again and i see why my therapist made a huge deal abt self care.
bc once you learn to take care of yourself, there is always undoubtedly one person who can back you when you need it. who can love you as you need it.
who you will never be too clingy to. or easily ignored w someones dash/feed/phone/txt.
me loving myself came out of necessity.
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i smoke. i drink.
but watching my family suffer, watching them die as she dies, hurts so deep ive stopped enjoying it.
there is nothing chemical or otherwise that can take this away.
i still do it.
but in the way ppl who hate their jobs drink coffee. bc its the only not-so-shitty part. it could be freshly ground & columbian imported.
its just another thing to make the empty feeling inside feel a little less empty.
except my shitty job is living rn.
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i dont give people the opportunity to call me “clingy” twice. after the first time i enjoyed your presence and you felt mine was excessive im gon get the fuck on. its becoming hard to distinguish if he just wants to be around bc he’s used to me being around but when we’re actually out, if im beside him clingy.
it makes functions my boyfriends gonna be at w me feel like im going out by myself.
bc who gives someone the opportunity to call them clingy twice...
not in a relationship.
(or anywhere rly).
the race to be at a friends house as soon as i get home. or in another room. the constant desire to be entertained, we cant just sit and actually, you know, just be w each other.
things i enjoy bc i actually like my bf as a person.
theres are ways to be here and gone.
for me to tell you “i miss you” and youre sitting right across from me, in a room where no one else is talking. and im not soft spoken its just one of those here-and-gone things.
i asked him if he heard me tonight and he said he didnt.
i said it wasnt important.
cause it doesnt feel like it is anymore. - - - - - - - - - - - - -
my friend and i are talking again.
and thats the only plus i could give today. the only thing that didnt have a fucked up underside.
i think its hard when youve accidentally hurt someone you care abt and you want to rebuild the friendship you gotta consider why ita such an uphill battle.
but its worth it bc of who he is.
he had so much to mourn. and be angry abt. so much to try and make sense of. and bc he matters to me, i did my very best to understand at any given moment since i hurt him i could be encountering him at any stage of grief.
some of how he feels isnt so much personal to me as it is also apart of unpacking what every thing thats transpired meant to him.
and bc i love him, im patient.
and i will apologize for the rest of my life if i need to. hes too important to not understand how important he is to me.
it means a lot we got to talk today.
- - - - - - - - - - -
also got great advice from bestables. whos subtle love keeps me from feeling like im falling apart from too long. bestables could txt once a week.
bc she gave me love that grew. and we both tend it often and regularly.
bc what she built by design is self-sustaining (sured up w love, trust, understanding, consistency, pure intentions, grace and forgiveness - all that good best friend stuff) she can leave and come back.
she knows how to say or do just a few things here and there, bc she knows me, that keep my heart full.
she is my living example of how to use love to keep a person strong rather than leave them weak (which i think is an over romanticized state to be in bc of “love”).
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i deleted a young woman i used to talk to.
and she reached out this evening and we had a v nice talk. she & i have only had a few nice talks, and flirted a bit. but she got some rly dark news.
and she stopped talking to me. which im fine w but it was hard seeing her pop up on fb talking and flirting w all of her other friends.
so i just tried to make a graceful exit and im surprised she noticed.
im kind of at the point in my life tho where if someones gonna be my friend i need them to come on w it.
mentally i dont think i have the energy for one-sided friendships rn.
also: this isolating myself shit? its clutch af.
why? bc ppl rly suck rn. & im so v fragile.
ppl still be like, “how are you?” and if im bein honest i just say “not good.” i feel sick but like its in my heart/mind.
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cliveboney · 5 years
wow. i don’t want to wake up tomorrow
(transferring the tags here bc it’s better to just hide it all in the read more so nobody really has to see it anyway)
i’ve been going through a really rough patch w/ depression lately & what happened today in my personal life just. ended me. there are either going to be repercussions or nothing is going to change & both of those possibilities are too much for me to handle right now
i want to have a good relationship with my sister but my depression is incompatible with her minimalist healthy lifestyle & she sees that as a personal attack even though at this point im literally just living my life trying to get through each day to the next one & the bare minimum is literally all i can handle
yes i am very messy yes i own a lot of junk i don’t need yes i sit on my laptop all day yes i eat like shit no i can’t just up and fucking fix everything about my life on a whim just because you said i should no you don’t get to judge me no it’s not any of your goddamn business
she says she cares about me but everything she has shown in that department adds up to jack shit you don’t care about me you care that my symptoms & their manifestations are inconveniencing you and that’s it full stop. never have you shown any ounce of “concern” except when you were asking me to fix a behavior of mine or make a major lifestyle change that would make things easier on you and then whenever i try to explain to you that it’s not that simple you start preaching to me about mental health and diets like im some fucking idiot who needs my own life explained at me, like you think you know more about depression and what it takes to overcome it talking out of your neurotypical ass than the person who’s lived with it consistently for the past 10 years
if you really cared you would shut up for 5 goddamn seconds and listen and make an effort to accommodate for the things that can be accommodated for instead of bending over backwards to make yourself the goddamn victim every single time
look i know i’m not perfect i know i have shit to work on i know im quick to anger and slow to listen and always so self-centered even when i’m trying not to be. but it does no one any good to seize my mistakes and hold them up as proof that i’m some kind of abusive piece of shit who’s out to get you. i’m just trying my fucking best i’m trying to get better i’m trying to gain better control of my emotions, but it’s just so hard to make any progress with you when you’ve already decided that i’m shit and treat me accordingly, when you decide that you’re allowed to be angry and rude and snarky but the second i’m any of those things i’m the one who’s out of line
you said you want us to have a better relationship but how are we supposed to achieve that when every time i try to bring up a concern you immediately get defensive and nasty and start making excuses for why your behavior is justified and i’m just being ridiculous and unfair
“this is the living room im allowed to watch my things without headphones, if that gives you anxiety then that’s your problem and you should keep it to yourself and remove yourself and isolate yourself in your room so that i don’t have to deal with it, if that only makes your depression worse then that’s also your problem, you should be fixing that anyway hey when are you going to start thinking more positively and eating healthy and exercising more when are you gonna fix your life and make mine easier you lazy piece of shit”
“compromise” means nothing if all you’re gonna care about is how you benefit from it. don’t fucking feed me bullshit about how you’re just “worried” about me and are only trying to “help” when literally all the rest of your words and actions show that the only thing you’re worried about is helping yourself
it’s just so much to deal with. im so fucking tired of it. i don’t want to wake up tomorrow i don’t want to deal with tomorrow i don’t i don’t i don’t
i hope i make it out of this funk soon because right now this is the worst i’ve felt since fucking high school lol
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