#gonna strangle afo my d*mn self
ihatebnha · 2 years
im not ok can u imagine getting repeated trauma as a child, missing out on important developmental yrs, then being spoon-fed into criminality bc wtf else r u supposed to do w how fucked up u r from it?? ill bet u mentally dabi is just stuck at 13, & the fact that endeavour is not only living but he was THRIVING doesnt sit right in my stomach. imagine the inner child AND teen dabi would have to heal. he had no chance at normalcy. good thing he killed innocents bc we'd all b on his side otherwise
FACTS FACTS FACTS because actually one of the things I'm ALWAYS thinking about is how most of the LOV are just... people who never got the chance to grow up. I think it's so, so important to recognize how their hate towards the world seems very childish because... at the core of it, they all assumed villainy AS CHILDREN :(((
(It's a different discussion altogether, but I completely agree about him needing to heal his inner children + teens. One thing I think about all the time is just... how different things would be if... idk, both Shiggy and Dabi were allowed to high school and/or college.)
ALSO it's such a great point you bring up about being fed into criminality... because like, Dabi literally had to CHOOSE between death or violence, DID, and then still tried to go home to a place that he then deemed worse than being a criminal/getting revenge.
Makes me so incredibly mad and sad that the only people who saw the true potential of his flames just wanted to harvest them from him for Nomu purposes... like imagine that you've been good and POWERFUL this whole time and yet, both sides of the fight disregard the soul that harbors this strength and turns you into a monster that you never wanted to be.
...And in the meantime Endeavor set up a whole ass altar for Touya STILL not realizing how fucked up his actions were, and now swears to be a better father for all those he's failed? You keep Touya's name out of your fucking mouth, Enji Todoroki.
Also LMFAOOO agreed but also... I'm on his side anyway💖
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