#gonna start using this tag when I yap :D
Oda when I catch you Oda 🙂🔪
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dre1mp1r1site · 4 months
++ Folly's Introduction Post! ++
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"Yea yea... check check.. yada yada.. blah blah blah.."
"Oh! hello there, stranger. Welcome to Folly's roleplay blog! Enjoy you're stay while u can..."
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Ooc : This rp blog is finally finished!! i'm probably gonna add more things if i feel motivated to draw more to make it more interesting... overall let's get to the point of this blog! :3
First of, the owner of this blog is >( @shynighter )< Haii!! :3
Secondly, i might mess up Folly's personality abit!!!! (sorry!!!)
Folly in this blog obviously uses She/Her pronouns!
To add last, i might post some Folly art here for you guys to enjoy! Along other characters! (Like Mark n Wallter ;3)
I'm ok with decent suggestive asks; i'm also fine with some funny asks for humour, its free!
Ill also try to reply some asks with art if i feel motivated! pls don't be dissapointed if i don't... drawing is pretty motive killing, i hope u understand!
I think thats all i have to say?? if i'm missing something ill edit this post and add it!! for now enjoy this Folly blog!!! :D
AHEM RIGHT! THERE MAY BE GORE RPS???? SO U HAVE BEEN WARNED!- (Cuz Folly is a bloody murderer to me hehrgddg-)
Other Roleplay Blogs I Haz!!! > (There's more to come obviously-)
@m3l1ni3tvbun (Melanie rp blog)
@gn1rpyn1rp (Gnarpy rp blog)
@pr0t0typ3b0t (Prototype rp blog)
<Specific tags will be used for this silly rp blog too read if u want!!>
= Folly's yapping = : Random stuff said outloud.
= Folly's answers = : The answers to you guy's silly asks! Along reblog replies!! :3
= Folly's interactions = : When i reblog posts of other roleplay blogs to talk with! (i think this will be rare i dunno..)
= Folly's shitposts = : Silly funny things (i guess) about Folly that comes up to my mind and i feel like sharing for laugh n giggles!
= Folly's albums = : For efforted art! (Or just normal silly art..) Which could be gifts too for other roleplay blogs! :3
= Folly's Jokerys = : For things that are ABSOLUTELY out of the blue and ect.
= Ooc shenanigans = : Out of character said things!
= (Folly's fav doodles) = : Secret tag for my fav drawings... ehehe..
And these popular tags will be used too:
< Regretevator
< Regretavator
< Regretevator rp
< Regretevator rp blog
< Regretevator ask blog
< Regretevator folly
These TOO if i post GOOD art! (Art thats worth seeing /j):
< Regretevator Art
< Regretevator Fanart
< Recent blog update >: = Friday 9th August 2024 =
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megastarstriker · 4 years
✯𝒞𝒽𝓇𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓈 𝒲𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒴𝑜𝓊✯
✮*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✧*˚  ˚*✧˚*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✮
˚*✧˚*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✮       ˚*✧˚*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✮
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Contains: FLUFF 
𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Nikki Sixx  x Female Reader
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩:
𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩: @metalheartofgold, @ginny-rose-sixx, @xxqueencolourxx​, @littlemisscare-all​,
(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(D/N) - Daughter’s Name
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“Dada.....”, The little 3 year old baby girl that I held in my arms babbled as she looked at her father over my shoulder with her cute curious eyes who was already walking towards me with a small smile on his face, looking at the small child as he looked at her excited (E/C) eyes with his warm hazel ones. 
“I’m here, sweetie....”, He murmured softly as he kissed the girl sweetly on the forehead making her giggle and coo happily at her father,” Good morning.”
“Good morning,...Nik...”, I said as I leaned into Nikki’s touch as he wrapped his arm with security and warmth around me and the little bundle of joy that was right next to us.
“Morning, beautiful.....”, He whispered in my ear kissing my forehead and then my cheek, only then to plant his warm and slightly chapped lips unto mine. The kiss was short but despite that it had a burning taste of passion in it that I couldn’t describe but either way... I loved it. 
The embrace was then interrupted by a small barking sound from the floor, as I felt a tug on my nightgown. I then departed my eyes from Nikki to see two small set of brown eyes looking at me energetically as the small pup wagged its tail with joy as he looked at the baby with wonderment. 
“And you too, bud....”, He said with a laugh as he picked up the dog from the ground, making the dog yap at him and his tail wag with speed. I giggled at how cute the two of them were as I then looked at (D/N) tiny form as she leaned gently into my shoulder giggling at the pup that was in Nikki’s hands. 
‘Buddy was new to the family once (D/N) was born. It wasn’t just an early Christmas present but it was also something that Nikki and I talked about when she was born. I thought about what it would be like if we did have a pet and if it would be nice that our daughter got to play with it. Nikki of course agreed same going for me as we both had our fair share of love for animals especially dogs. And he couldn’t say not to his newborn daughter too. We wanted to buy and get a pup especially for her, but I then heard about an option for adopting one from one of my closest friends. I overhead from her that these pups were homeless or abandoned and needed homes, as well as it would be an amazing idea to have one. It wouldn’t just be a good decision but rather an amazing way to spread awareness about these animals who need love and attention. Thinking about that made me think of Nikki and his past. It always left me thinking that Nikki deserved better. A better family to have raised him, a better childhood, and a better life. Nikki of course was happy now and would always remind me that I was always there for him and that things have changed now because of me and the people that supported him aka the crue as well as other people and to not worry about the things that happened to him in the past, because he already has his two most greatest things: His Band and His Family. But those exact same thoughts made me wonder. 
“Those animals deserve the exact same thing.
Love, attention, and a Family.”
Not Hatred, Loneliness, and Abandonment.
Just Like Nikki needed it and has it now.
As I rethought the decision in my mind, I smiled as I then went and talked it over with Nikki about adopting a pet. He of course was shocked to see me talk about my reasons for it especially since he was mainly the reason for it. Of course after finishing he gave me a strong embrace and a kiss, and accepted on a adoption for a pet. Afterwards, He told me that I had such a heart of gold and teased me about it for the rest of the day......
‘Ughh’, I thought in my head as I groaned at Nikki’s teasing remarks that day, as I saw him play with ‘Buddy’, as well as (D/N) joining him in the floor of the living room. ‘What a dork.’ I smiled with a blush as I looked at them as I went to the kitchen to start on breakfast, as a few moments later my two devilish angels a.k.a Nikki and (D/N) decided on wanting to join in and help me with it.  
  But at least he’s my dork.
8 hours later
“Mommy.”, (D/N) asked me as she tugged on my party dress I picked out for the dinner party  looking at me with cute baby doll eyes.
“Yes sweetie”, I said softly as I picked her up gently looking at her as I awaited for her response.
“When are my aunties and uncles going to come.”, She said her eyes a bit sad as she looked down, as she already had her clothes ready for the Christmas dinner party we were holding at our place. 
“Oh, honey...”, I started to say my heart breaking at her expression she gave me, “Your aunts and uncles will come....Even some of the kids too so you can all play....There are just running a bit late....But don’t worry....Okay.”
“Really?”, She said as she had hopeful eyes gleaming, rubbing her eyes.
“Yeah, princess.”, Nikki said as he appeared next to me, wearing his formal wear, looking as handsome as always, taking (D/N) in his arms and hugged her, “Everything will be ok.”
Then as soon as he said that a door ringing was hear from the front door.
“Speaking of the devil.”, I muttered jokingly to Nikki as he chuckled rolling his eyes a bit playfully as he patted my shoulder as he gently put (D/N) on the floor next to Buddy who was now wagging his tail in excitement. 
“I’ll get it.”, He told me as he went over to the door opening to reveal...
You guessed it.
The breathing, living, and rocking crue....
Standing at our door...
My Parents , my friends along with their husbands and daughters , and.....
My brother!
Looking at him standing there I was shocked.
“Surprise!”, He said as he had his arms out ready to hug me and a huge smile on his face.
“(B/N)!”, I said with wide eyes open as I hugged him tightly a happy smile reaching its way on my face, deep down believing this was all a dream. 
“ In the flesh.”, He said with a chuckle as he broke free from the heartwarming embrace. 
“But- How.....”, I asked him still amazed at him standing here in front of me, “I thought you couldn’t come because of your job.”
“Well..., let’s just say a little someone gave me a nice talk through the phone and told me to come here and meet you as a surprise.”, He said as he looked at me trailing off a bit.
“When I mean a ‘little someone’ I mean Nikki.”, He then said as he gestured towards him who was busy welcoming Tommy, Vince, and Mick, “And when I mean a nice talk, I mean he was going to beat and murder my ass if I didn’t come here.”
“Oh no....”, I said as I felt a bit guilty thinking that he came here because of Nikki’s threat., “Didn’t Nikki really force you to come here-”
“No no no, He didn’t....”, He said as he understood what I was trying to say, “I mean a bit but, no. Don’t blame him for anything though, I only came here because of you and about what Nikki said when he called me up.”
“What did he say?”, I asked him as I quirked an eyebrow.
“Well, He told me about how much you missed having me visit for the holidays and well that he wanted to change that by bringing me here....”, He started to say as he stood in front of me, “.......And then he told me about how you were incredibly special to him and lovey dovey stuff as he liked to put it.”
I gasped hearing this..
Did Nikki really just..?...
“But that’s all I can say for now......”, He finished as he then gave a smile, “Other than that I am happy to see you and mom and dad again here together. I know I haven’t been the best bro for not coming for the holidays, but I guess I feel happy now that  I’m here. Huh? Now that I’m thinking about it, I feel like with Nikki being around with you its a miracle for him.... He really cares about you, I can tell......”
Still a bit taken aback by all of this information, I saw as I small girl and a woman came walking beside my brother.
“Oh yeah, I didn’t came here alone of course.”, He said as she then said a small ‘hello’, sending me a welcoming smile holding her daughter in her arms.
“I guess I already told you about them in a few occasions over the phone, but this is my wife Donna, and this little munchkin over here is my daughter Annie.”, He introduced as they both said hi, Donna shaking my hand as she said it was nice to meet me, her daughter giving me a shy wave as to say hello to me.
“Its Nice to meet you too,” I said with a warm welcome as I told them to go ahead and make themselves comfortable at home. 
I then said hello to my parents and my friends who brought over their husbands and daughters...
And of course couldn’t forget about the jolly ol’ crue....
“Hey Tommy, Vince!”, I greeted as I then walked over to them both as they enveloped me in a warm friendly hug.
They both said hello to me before releasing me from the hug, I was about to greet Mick only to find he wasn’t there. 
“Where’s Mick?”, I asked as I tried looking for him around where I stood.
“Mick is with Nikki in the kitchen talking about something... code word ‘ private’....”, Tommy said as he held out the quotation marks in the air whispering the word to me. 
“And He doesn’t want us in on listening to their small chat, thinking we are gonna gossip about it to the fellas around here......so yeah here we are.... trying but also not trying to ‘eavesdrop’ on them.....”, Vince continued as he rolled his eyes a bit. 
I giggled at them both as I shook my head, “Well good luck with that. ”
After a couple of minutes of introduction with everyone including Mick who came out with Nikki after their so called ‘private conversation’ , we all went to the dining room, Me and Nikki being the last ones as he looked to me.
“So your brother came.”, Nikki commented as he stood beside me. 
“Yeah, I noticed.” I said as I tried to play along with his game although already knowing it was his idea all along for him to come here,” I’m really happy he came.”
“Um, I sort of called him to come here. I know how much he means to you as family.”, Nikki said nervously as he looked at me coughing a bit.
Damn it why did he have to be so cute!
“So yeah....”, He said with a chuckle ,” I’m gonna go and head over-”
I cut off his sentence with a warm kiss as I gripped his coat.
He was shocked but slowly kissed me back.
I then pulled away with a sigh.
“I know you called him over and why. He told me everything”, I said with a smile as I noticed him look a bit surprised to hear me say this.
“What you did was really sweet and the best gift I could have from you, I love you.”, I said as I hugged him tightly, not wanting to ever let go from him.
Before long he hugged me back, saying those same words.
“I love you too, Merry Christmas baby.....”
Hey Guys and Merry Christmas to everyone who is reading this or not!!!!
Hope you guys have an amazing holiday whether it is with your family or friends or whoever you celebrate and however you do it!!
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piastri · 3 years
Tumblr Tag Game
Been waiting to do this one so thank you for tagging me Anna! @gp2engine 💛
1. Why did you choose your url?
I had it saved since Yuki’s F3 days and was waiting for the day he got into F1 and that day came so 🎉
2. Any side blogs?
This is a sideblog, @dailycillianmurphy is another one and i have a few others mostly to save things on. 
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
I’ve had my main since 2014... i was a lonely year 7 and for better or worse turned to tumblr for interaction. 
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Yeah ‘q’ coz i’m really creative like that <3
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I had a Daniel insta fanpage in 2017/18 and this was a good source for like Dan updates, so i’d occasionally reblog pictures of him. I didn’t interact with anyone or speak in the tags so it was pretty much just a place to save pics. I started being active on here in April 2019 coz I got tired of f1 reddit dudebros but still wanted to speak to people about it. 
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Coz that’s my baby, that’s my love 💘 My header + url are both F1 so I wanted something feeder series to reflect my blog and it’s a really nice pic of Liam who is my fave feeder series driver :)
7. Why did you choose your header?
I made a bunch of Daniel/Lewis headers last year and i thought they looked pretty so i just meshed them both together so I could have both my faves there :D
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
For once my tagging system comes in handy, it’s close between Uncle Daniel and my ‘prove them wrong’ set, they both have 1.5k notes. 
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I don’t really know who i’m mutuals with it’s hard to tell with sideblogs. 
10. How many followers do you have?
11. How many people do you follow?
312, 174 of which are motorsport blogs (yes i just counted and i didn’t realise i follow that many wow) 
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
Yeah but i don’t do it that often, i’ll leave it to the actually funny people
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
Depends, during the work week i delete the app off my phone which decreases it a lot so probs 1-2 hours in the evening, during the weekends.... when am i not on here. 
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
*cricket noises* it was a while ago now, and just lead to mutual unfollowing. nowadays i just don’t respond, if u wanna argue under my posts go ahead just don’t drag me into it. 
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
‘I guess it depends? Like those posts about a topic that says stuff like you need to reblog otherwise you don't care I'm always like "well now i won't do it".’ < yap agreed, or like the ‘reblog or u’ll have good/bad luck’ posts gtfo. In terms of supporting content creators, i feel like it’s beating a dead horse at this point but yeah pleaseee reblog it means a lot and motivates us to make more content so i feel like it’s a win-win situation. 
16. Do you like tag games?
I really like being tagged!! I don’t talk to that many people on here so it’s nice to be acknowledged from time to time. I’ll admit i’m not the best at doing them sometimes like my brain just short circuits and for the love of god there’s only so many times i can expose my shitty music taste 😂😩
17. Do you like ask games?
I don’t do them often coz i’m scared i won’t get any asks lol, but it’s nice when people do send them and I like reading other people’s. 
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Cassy @dams-racing is tumblr famous as she should be :)
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I’m straight but some of my moots are very lengg, I wanna send asks gushing over them but then i’m like are we that close, are u gonna think i’m creepy? so i just send marriage propsals on anon lol 
20. Tags!
Tagging: @dennishaugers (i forgot that u changed ur url djskd), @maxielstan @iguessfutball @querencva @justdrivee @brighterrdays if you haven’t already and anyone else who wants to say that i tagged you :)
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lilacslovers · 4 years
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Camping Date  - (A Gordie x Lilac Fanfic)
“Gordie and Lilac share a lovely camping trip with each other as they have a mutual crushing relationship. Lilac also meets Gordie’s Pokémon team properly for the first time, and desperately hopes they’ll like her...”
I hope you guys enjoy this silly little fic I made for me and Gordie ;w;! (rbs are always appreciated!)
Subcategories/Tags for this fic include: Pre-Canon (basically before Gordie and I get together/married), Fluff, Mutual Pining, Humour/Romantic Comedy, Friends
fic under the cut ♡( ◡‿◡ )
Gordie suddenly stopped in his tracks as a message from his good friend kept him from pacing down his hallway for the twentieth time.
Raihan: ayyyy mate
Raihan: you ready for that camping date w lilac??
Gordie’s cheeks flushed at the word ‘date’.
Gordie: Raihan it’s not a date, she wouldn’t wanna go on a date with me.
Raihan: nah she totally would. have you seen the way she acts around you?
Raihan: I’m proud of ya son
Gordie: shut up
Raihan: also she sees the way you act around her, you know
Raihan: sooo its obv she has feelings for you mate.
Gordie turned his head away from his Rotom Phone, not looking at the text to make himself calm down; he definitely had feelings for her, but, could he really have his hopes up like that? That she liked him back?
Gordie: I’m just glad she accepted my offer to hang out with me tbh
Raihan: mhmm... ‘hang out’
Raihan: so you two could smooch in the stony wilderness eh
Gordie: stop making this romantic raihan
Raihan: why? because you can’t accept the truth? lol
Gordie: ugh
Gordie: just don’t make me nervous before this. it’s really big for me
Raihan: i got you bro! you’re gonna do great.
Raihan: she loves your pokemon (and you) I can tell.
Raihan was right at that. Ever since the Gym Challenge that made them Gym Leaders, Lilac always showed interest towards Gordie’s Pokémon team. It was probably the only interest towards his Pokémon then, but it continued on to their careers as Gym Leaders, and that’s what he loved.
Gordie: thanks, mate. i’m about to get into a flying taxi to head over now. see you :]
Raihan: my man’s gonna get a gf!!!!! good luck out there lad!
Gordie had just finished setting up the campsite in the Stony Wilderness when he heard a Corviknight squawking and flapping its wings nearby. He knew it was Lilac’s taxi, and began to walk up to the seating area he set up for them, which was a tree trunk he found nearby that his Tyranitar carried over for him (such a strong guy, Tyranitar!). 
And before he even knew it, Lilac poked her head around the corner of the two stones that were just behind the trunk bench, smiling.
“Gordie!” she greeted him. Gordie involuntarily gave her a beam, hugging her. It was a tight hug, but not too tight: like a big Beartic hug saved just for her. After all, he couldn’t really help but feel anxious in a peculiar homesick way whenever the two couldn’t see each other at work. 
“Hey, Lils! How have you been?” he said, trying not to trip over his words already as he heard his heart beat against his chest. “You find your way here alright with the cabbie?” 
“It was fine! The guy even mentioned he liked this place quite a bit. Said it was a great location for a d- uh, you know, just a nice campfire with your Pokémon!”
Gordie laughed in agreement, but wondered about the cabbie knowing about their date; if he knew, the news could spread out to the public and everyone could know, including his mum of all people...! (Not that she didn’t know they had ‘unrequited’ feelings for each other anyways.)
They both heard the low, neutral growls of Gordie’s Pokémon, looking behind them to see the whole team clamoured around them both in a circle.
“Oh, they’ve noticed you’re here now, eh?” he said, turning around to face his team. “Alright, you lot. Lilac’s here, okay? She’s gonna be camping with us, so all of you on your best behaviour around her!” 
Lilac grinned to herself at that statement, comparing it to Gordie instructing a bunch of mischievous kids like he was a teacher. But, she always knew his team could be mischievous like little kids themselves, including Shuckle, who was quite fussy over PokéDolls. And, to be fair, her team was playful in their own ways as well. 
Lilac sent out her Pokémon with each Poké Ball’s signature zap, releasing her team for a play outside with Gordie’s. Pikachu looked around at the Rock-type Pokémon, inquisitive as the rest of her team went out on the grassy field to play.
“I’m surprised Pikachu let me put her in her ball,” she stated. “but she loves to play with Coalossal, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was for him!”
Gordie felt his cheeks heat up; maybe it was such a simple statement, but the fact even her Pokémon were in a good relationship with his seemed like pure happiness, like everyone was getting along... Even with all the Gym Battles they’d been paired up with, Pikachu and Coalossal seemed like Poké Buddies, through Gigantamax and thin.
Gordie cleared his throat to distract from his now very rosy cheeks. “How about you take a seat? I’m gonna make curry for all of us, I’m sure we have enough for two teams!”
“That sounds lovely! Thanks, Gordie.” she replied, sitting down on the trunk and propping her cane up against the side of it, consoling her shy Togedemaru as Gordie came over to his curry-making pot to set up his ingredients.
In her eyes, Gordie always made the best curry for her. He once made her Moomoo Cheese-Covered Curry at work and fell in love with his cooking skill since; if she married him or moved in with him it would mean all the best meals for her and their Pokémon in the World...
When everyone had finished their curry, Gordie and Lilac sat on the trunk as their Pokémon played together. It was like watching their - quite large if taken both figuratively and literally - family run around in the park as a married couple.
 Lilac quickly scratched those thoughts out of her mind; what was she thinking already acting like she was married to Gordie...? A breeze came across their faces and Lilac sighed, trying to distract from the ridiculous daydream she had. There was another question on her mind, ever since she arrived at the Stony Wilderness.
“Hm?” Gordie perked up from the sudden question from them being so silent as they relaxed.
“Do you think... Coalossal likes me? Like, doesn’t hate me or whatever?” she puffed out, cheeks in her hands.
“No, I don’t think so. I think none of my team dislike you in any way. How come you ask that, Lils?”
“He’s been staring at me for a while...” 
Gordie turned around to see Coalossal gazing at Lilac from afar with somewhat confused and focused eyes. If he’d ever seen eyes like those, he just wanted to play with Lilac.
Gordie got up from his seat and started calling for Coalossal. 
Coalossal let out a dim roar as he walked to Lilac, yet his footsteps were so powerful and loud against the soft grass. It shook Lilac to her very core, holding onto Gordie and then freezing in place when she tried to escape.
“Gordie! He’s mad at me-!”
“Don’t worry, it’s okay, he’s coming over with me here...!”
When Coalossal let the last booms of his footstep echo throughout the field, he was dangerously near Lilac when she spotted something in his hands...
A ball. 
“Ah?” Lilac exclaimed. Coalossal gave her a happy expression, a cheerful rumble coming out of him as he leaned in to give her the ball with his large, yet hilariously stubby arms. Shuckle patted her ankle with one of his strange, limp arms, calming her with little ‘shuckle-shuckle’ sentences of his. It was a weird, but a very reassuring feeling.
“You scared her a little, Coalossal! Next time you wanna play, go up to her nicely this time, alright?” Gordie chortled with a wide smile on his face. Coalossal replied with a purl and Lilac threw the ball for Coalossal when she had finally unfroze. The same pounding footsteps continued as Coalossal chased after the ball, catching it to play with Barbaracle and Boltund, with Boltund yapping away. 
Lilac laughed at herself for being so silly around Coalossal, and turned to Gordie. At this point, she became quite fixated on him; she noticed how reassuring and motivating he was, especially recently around one of his main and very intimidating Pokémon. She didn’t notice she was staring until he looked himself into her eyes. His cute eyes. Her cute eyes, he thought.
“Gordie?” she asked again, but with an explicitly more shy tone. “You know, I think I like you too.” 
Gordie inhaled a sharp breath as a wave of relief swept over him from the amount of tension he had experienced, tense over whether or not she liked him.
“Yeah... Y-Yeah, I do. You’re...”
Their heads moved in close together, a move completely involuntary, but a move needed to break the feeling of unrequited feelings between each other.
A loud cry from Pikachu startled both of them, when they peeked together at what made her do that, Shuckle was cradling her like one of his PokéDolls. 
“No! No, Shuck- I’m so sorry, Li- Shuckle, that is not one of your PokéDolls! That’s Lils’ Pikachu! Drop her now!”
Lilac watched on as Shuckle cried out in retaliation, disappointed that they were interrupted so suddenly, but still amused at how much of a toddler Shuckle acted like. She leaned down, petting her Togedemaru, returning to near her legs.
“That’s Gordie’s team for you, isn’t it, sweet?”
Lilac: gordie, i really enjoyed that camping time. shuckle’s so funny :3
Gordie: he is, isn’t he? haha, little troublemaker
Lilac: lol ^^
Lilac: gordie? do you
Lilac: do you want to go on another date sometime?
Gordie: of course i do. :)
Gordie: what time? 
💜: hehe
💜: 7:30pm maybe? after all the gym work? :)
Gordie: deal ;D
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the1918 · 4 years
Bespoke, Chapter 5 is taking me a stupid amount of time to finish, and I feel so bad about it that I’m going post post a teaser here :) This is about a quarter of the chapter. Hope you like it!
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Teaser for Bespoke, Chapter 5
[Story No. 2 in the Compatibile A/B/O Universe]
Pairing: Shrunkyclunks (Cap Steve Rogers / Modern Bucky Barnes), of the bearded Alpha Steve and Omega twink!Bucky subvariety
Rating: Story Rated E for Explicit, this excerpt Rated T for Teen
Tags: A/B/O, sugar daddy!Steve
December 15
Thursday - 2:15 P.M.
Elevators in medical buildings always smelled like rubbing alcohol and iodine, which was definitely not Bucky’s favorite smell. He breathed through his mouth instead of his nose as the elevator descended the fourteen floors from Dr. Pete’s office suite, down to the ground floor.
Bucky had left work early that day to catch his monthly blood work appointment. Unpleasantly sterile smells aside, he was breathing especially easy that afternoon, for two reasons. First, he had finally wrapped up the enormous project he’d been working on in his lab for almost eight months, and he’d passed it off to the StarkTech testing department. Getting that load off his plate was a massive relief, and it came at the perfect time; he could now embark on his Vermont vacation (tomorrow!) with Steve and leave behind the weight of work on his shoulders. Second, the results of Bucky’s blood work had shown his hormone levels right where Dr. Pete had expected them to be, based on the Heat time-table they were anticipating. No early Heat.
Bucky was more stress-free than he could remember feeling in six months.
As he stepped out of the elevator to the ground floor, Bucky immediately felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out to find a text message from Steve.
 [2:15 P.M.] Stevie: Done at Pete’s yet?
 Instead of walking out onto the cold, winter-time city streets, Bucky found a bench in the lobby and sat down to respond.
 [2:16 P.M.] Sent: Yep, just finished.
[2:16 P.M.] Stevie: Great. Any surprises?
 Bucky knew Steve was referring to his blood work. He typed out his response knowing Steve would be relieved by the results, just as Bucky was.
 [2:17 P.M.] Sent: Nope. Everything was where Dr. P thought it would be.
[2:18 P.M.] Sent: He says I look on track for April, maybe February if it comes early.
 Bucky watched his phone. There was no response from Steve for a while, and Bucky worried that he may have spooked him with details about their time-table. The two hadn’t talked about Bucky’s next Heat much at all since their first and only therapy visit with Dr. Welsh, but Bucky knew it was hanging over their heads. If his Heat came within the conservative margin of error that Dr. Pete had estimated, they could theoretically be dealing with it in less than 60 days. With it would come Steve’s rut, and if they didn’t make any significant, tangible progress on the knotting issue before then, they could very well be dealing with something they weren’t ready for emotionally. The pressure, however silent, was there.
His phone vibrated again just as he was pulling out his gloves to head out onto the street.
 [2:22 P.M.] Stevie: Good to hear. You got any other plans this afternoon?
 Bucky frowned. He wondered if Steve was going to ask him for a late lunch, and he wished he hadn't already eaten.
 [2:23 P.M.] Sent: No. Was gonna come home for the day, help you out with the lighting installation.
[2:23 P.M.] Sent: Why?
[2:24 P.M.] Stevie: Because you have plans now.
[2:24 P.M.] Stevie: [Blue Serenity Spa]  - You’ve Been Sent a Link on Google Maps!
His confused frown deepened as he clicked the link. It took him to the location of some sort of day spa in northwest Brooklyn, not far from their apartment. Before Bucky could text back a ‘???’, another text from Steve came through.
 [2:25 P.M.] Stevie: You have an open-ended appointment starting at 3:15 P.M. Any and all services you ask for. I got you scheduled for a massage already, but you can change that if you want.
[2:26 P.M.] Stevie: They have my card info. Don’t you dare to even think about looking at the price list.
[2:26 P.M.] Stevie: Better go catch the next train baby ;)
 Flabbergasted, thumbs paralyzed and seemingly unable to type out another text, Bucky decided to just hit the call button on Steve’s contact. He placed the phone to his ear and he suddenly felt antsy as he waited for Steve to pick up. There was no ‘hello’ when the ringing stopped, only Steve’s teasing voice.
“I thought I told you to head for the train?”
“Steve,” Bucky began, emphatically. “What is this? You booked me a spa appointment?”
Steve was silent on the other end of the line for a long moment, and Bucky wondered if it was because he was more nervous than his confident communication let on.
“Yeah, angel. I did. Look,” Steve sighed, “you really don’t have to go if you don’t want to. I shouldn’t have assumed you’d like this, I’m sorry. I just thought—”
“Woah,” Bucky interjected. “Hang on, I never said I didn’t like it. I just… I guess I don’t know why you want — why you think I deserved—”
“—You don’t know why I think you deserved to be pampered, Buck?” Steve interrupted, incredulous. “Really? After you just worked your ass off at work for months to finish a project that no one else could have even dreamed of doing? The technology that Tony’s been yapping to me about since before I even knew you?”
“It’s still technically in R&D,” Bucky muttered, blushing. Steve had always been supportive and enthusiastic about Bucky’s engineering work, but it still never ceased to make him feel a little bashful when Steve got to actually raving about him and his skills.
“Yeah, and the finished product is going to be amazing, because Bucky fucking Barnes developed it.”
Bucky laughed and fiddled with a thread on his sweater.
“You… you’re sure? I’ve never really been to a spa like that before, and it looked really nice on Google…”
“And it will be nice for you, which is exactly what I want.”
“Stevie…” Bucky smiled to himself and shook his head, a little at a loss for words. “I really was going to come home and help, you know. It takes more than two hands to put up some of those bigger fixtures.”
“Doesn’t have to be your hands, though. That’s why Sam is here.” Sure enough, in the background of the phone call Bucky suddenly heard Sam’s voice, hollering something that sounded a lot like, ‘go get a fucking rub down, Barnes!’.
Steve chuckled, and then Bucky thought he could hear him walking away.
“Also…” Steve said, volume lower, “last night, you put a plug in your ass and begged me to nail you on Tony’s conference room table. I think treating my baby to a spa appointment is the least I can do when you’ve just fulfilled multiple fantasies I didn’t even know I had.”
Bucky barked out a laugh at that. He looked down at the clock on his new smart watch—another gift from Steve—and realized that he really did have to head for the train if he was actually going to do this. He stood up and grabbed his bag.
“Alright… alright,” he conceded. Steve’s smile was almost audible through the phone. “You’ve convinced me. Thank you, Stevie.”
“No thanks necessary, baby. I wish you would let me treat you like this all the time, but I’ll take what I can get.”
Finally walking out onto the cold and busy sidewalk, Bucky was just about to say his goodbye and hang up when Steve chimed in again.  
“By the way, I just put in a call to Tony. You’ll be hearing from him very soon.”
Bucky’s stomach dropped. “Shit. Did he figure out what we did? I mean, cleanup was a bitch, and we definitely had to throw away that undershirt after using it as towel, but I think we did a pretty good job covering our tracks? God, I’m gonna be in such deep shit with him—”
“No, nothing like that,” Steve chuckled. “I mean, there’s no way he doesn’t know, but he also knows damn well that he better come to me first if he’s got a problem with it. Besides… He probably considers it payback.”
“Payback? For what?”
“A story for another time,” Steve promised. “Are you at the station yet?”
“I’m walking there right now.”
“Alright, I’ll let you go. Have a relaxing time, baby. You deserve it. And use your time there, okay? I don’t want to see you home before six. Hell— keep ‘em ‘till they close, if you can manage it.”
“Okay,” Bucky laughed. “Thank you, Steve. Seriously… and I love you.”
“I love you, too, and I really love you when you let me spoil you.” Bucky could practically hear Steve wink. “Bye, honey.”
 As Bucky walked the familiar route to the subway station, his phone dinged again, this time from Tony.
 [2:44 P.M.] Tiny Snark: I literally cannot look at your face after what you did to my conference room with your jackass boyfriend.
[2:44 P.M.] Tiny Snark: Do not come in tomorrow.
[2:45 P.M.] Tiny Snark: Consider it extra paid vacation, you disgusting pond scum.
[2:45 P.M.] Tiny Snark: Seriously. I better not see you or your vile beau again until January.
 Bucky probably looked like an idiot laughing so hard alone in public, but he didn’t care.
 [2:46 P.M.] Sent: Thanks Tony. Merry Christmas.
[2:47 P.M.] Tiny Snark: Yeah, and Happy fucking New Year.
 Bucky stuffed his phone in his pocket and abandoned himself to his thoughts as he jogged down the steps into the station, marveling at the wonder that was his boyfriend. Sometimes, he still could not believe that Steve was his. Steve—who had not only been a supportive partner to Bucky from the very beginning, but who was also a powerful and attentive lover, and—most importantly—the single greatest source of Bucky’s joy. By the time he reached the subway platform, waiting for the train, the sudden enormity of his gratitude for Steve had begun to bubble up and spread within the depths of Bucky’s chest, and he felt fit to combust with it. He had to remind himself just to breathe.
How had he gotten so lucky?
I hope you enjoyed this sneak peek! Their relationship is about to head in a very special direction, starting in this chapter.
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diyunho · 8 years
The Joker X Reader -“Play Pretend”
The Joker loves having “rehearsal therapy sessions” with you just in case he will end up at Arkham again. The truth is he enjoys playing games and so do you. UNTIL…
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“So ,baby, how are you feeling today?” you ask, readjusting your eyeglasses and looking at him. J is tide up in his straitjacket and you even ordered him custom sweatpants with Arkham logo, this way it feels more…official.
“Aroused!” he replies, bouncing his legs up and down like a kid, winking at you. “And you can’t call me baby, you know that. You have to call me Mister Joker.”
You roll your eyes and sigh: “Kaayyyy, Mister Joker, then you can’t call me anything but Doctor Y/N, you know the rule.”
“Since when you’re a doctor, Princess?”
“Since you’ve became …Mister Joker,” you lift your eyebrows, glaring his way.
“Sassy, aren’t we?”
“Are you really talking like this when you are at Arkham?”, you cut him off, annoyed.
“More or less.”
“Pfftt, I’m surprised they keep you there, I wouldn’t,” you scoff, thinking of your next questions.
“I really like your lab coat, doc,” J keeps on yapping, ignoring what you just said.
“Yeah, special order so it looks even more real. Anyway, next question: tell me about your parents, your mom for example.”
“My mom was a striper,” J pouts, pretending to be sad.
“No, she wasn’t,” you interrupt.
“How would you know?”
“I just do, oh my God, you’re not taking this seriously today, might as well stop,” you anxiously tap on your clipboard with your pen, sulking.
“We never take this seriously, Kitten, it’s for fun.” The Joker’s eye narrow, suspiciously analyzing you. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing!” you immediately bounce back, trying to change your attitude to a more cheerful one. Crap, he noticed you’re distracted. How could you not be when you plan to make your move soon and he doesn’t even know yet? Of course you’re nervous, but it is for the best. You have to be more careful, he can’t catch on. Your plan must go smooth. Jesus, it’s going to be hard though…
“Don’t lie to me,” he growls, wanting to get up from his armchair.
“Sit down, baby, it’s all good. Oops, sorry…Mister Joker,” you giggle, apologizing, keeping that huge, fake smile on your face.
In the meantime, Frost wants to get in the office to talk to you two but he is stopped by the other henchmen.
“Don’t even dare knocking,” Richard warns him.
“Why, what’s going on?”
“He’s in a therapy session again,” Richard dramatically uses his fingers for the quote-unquote gestures.
“Again?! It’s the 3rd time this week,” Jonny frowns, unhappy he has to wait now.
Joe lifts his shoulders, knowing there is nothing they can do.
“You know they like to pretend they’re at Arkham, it’s their…thing.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, I’ll be back in about an hour, maybe they’re be done.”
“Not if they wanna have even more fun after the session,” Richard elbows Frost, chuckling.
“I can’t wait that long, I have important things I have to tell them,” Jonny takes a deep breath, aggravated.
“Don’t matter, man, it’ll have to wait. If you disturb them, it’s on you. I don’t want the boss to kill me.”
In the meantime, you manage to trick your boyfriend that everything is fine and you continue your fake interview with him.
“Can you tell me something about your dad?” you utter, pretending to write down the answer. “My dad was a striper.”
You burst out laughing.
“Jeez, Mister Joker, you really gotta use that if they catch you again. Do they really buy this crap at Arkham?”
“They have no choice, because I tell them what I want,” he bites his lips, roaring your way. “But you sure look sexy in your new lab coat, Doctor Y/N.”
“Baby, do you ever flirt like this when you’re in there?!” you suddenly realize it and it’s kind of pissing you off.
“Whaaa’? Ne-e-ver! E-ver!”  He didn’t even realize you didn’t call him Mister Joker, you’re onto something here.
“That sounded so unconvincing,” you shake your head, closing one eye and sucking on your cheeks, unamused. Perfect occasion to do what you have to do.
You stand up from the couch and go and sit in his lap. You start caressing his green hair, and then hug him tight.
“What’s wrong, Pumpkin? You have to tell me,” he moves around in his jacket, trying to loosen it. You didn’t really tied him up that bad.
“Nothing, I just want to have some fun,” you flutter your eyelashes at him and get up, go at his desk and take out the duct tape.
“Ohhhh, yeah, let’s get kinky,” J purrs, anticipating all the fun you’ll have, forgetting he sensed something not quite right going on.
“I’m so taking advantage of you, baby,” you giggle, starting to go around him with the duct tape until his upper body is completely stuck to the chair.
“You’re such a bad girl, I love it!” he grins at you and doesn’t understand why you look so upset out of the sudden. “Ok, what is it? It’s driving me nuts,” he asks, antagonized.
You take off your lab coat and you glasses and place them on the desk.
“I’m doing this for you, so please don’t come looking for me, OK?”
Your voice is getting a bit shaky.
“Huh?!” “I’m really going to miss you, even if you’re a jerk…” you swallow the lump in your throat as you rip a small piece of duct tape from the roll. “ But you’re my jerk and I want you to know you’ll always be my favorite boyfriend,” you sadly smile, leaning over to kiss him.
“What are you talking about, baby Doll?!”
You kiss him again, not answering and placing the duct tape on his mouth.
“Don’t worry, the boys will find you shortly, I just need a head start. Don’t look for me, will you?… Please?… If I’m gone you’ll be safer,” you whimper and you stare in his eyes that got a shade darker.  You stroke his cheek and then abruptly pull yourself together and leave the office, leaving him muttering and struggling to escape, confused and mad at the whole thing.
You didn’t want him to know how you’ve been approached by Gotham’s Secret Service and offered a deal that will erase your heavy  police record in exchange of turning him over to them. You debated for 20 seconds before you already knew you won’t do such a thing; you’re nobody’s puppet. You want to disappear and leave town, maybe even the country if you can. Double crossing the Secret Service seems like a good idea, even if it means leaving the Joker behind. Like you told him, it’s for his own good.
Too bad you got caught at the airport and place in supposedly federal care (or so they told you because the prison you’re in doesn’t resemble Arkham or anything like it). They “accidentally” bruise you up very often, they interrogate you at least once a day and they medicate you against your will with God knows what until you don’t feel like yourself anymore. But you don’t tell them anything even if they probably want to kill you for not disclosing where the Prince of Crime is.
Four months have passed and nothing has changed. Oh, something did: they dislocated your shoulder so now they have to place you in a special type of straitjacket.Today is just another day. You are so groggy from the pills you don’t even fight the guards anymore while they place you in the garment. The security kind of has to drag you to the interview room and they have no problems this time in locking up the chains around your ankles to the floor. You usually put up a fight which triggers them to “Accidentally” slam you around,punch and kick you until they get tired.
You keep on glaring at the floor, tired as hell, having a hard time concentrating.
“So, are you going to tell us where the Joker is? I see you have a bruised eye and busted lip already. You know we can do better than that!” you hear the man’s deep voice addressing you.
“I’m not telling you shit, I don’t care what you do to me,” you manage to say, yawning.
“It will be easier for you if you just give in or there will be more consequences, you know that, right?”
You huff, almost dozing off: “ More consequences than this? Even my boyfriend didn’t do this to me and he’s pretty bad…”
“So you admit The Joker is your boyfriend?”
“U-humm,” you whisper, trying to stay awake.
“Is he a jerk?”
“Ha!” you immediately have an outburst of energy but you still keep your eyes closed…“He can be…”
“Is he good in bed? Did he satisfy your needs when you were with him?”
Even if you’re half asleep, you realize these are very unprofessional questions.
“What ?! It’s none of your business.”
“Do you miss seeing him naked?”
“W-whaaatt?” you finally lift your eyes, slowly blinking.
“Jeez, what did they give you?” the man looks in the papers, trying to find the answer.“Auch, they gave that to me too when I was locked away, totally hated it.”
His voice changed and you feel your heart beating faster. Your cloudy vision rests on the man in front of you: black eyes, long black hair, perfect porcelain capped teeth and such a familiar smirk.
“Jesus Christ!” you almost shout, realizing it’s J in front of you in perfect disguise.
“No, not really, I go by Doctor…ummm” he looks down at the name tag, “Jack Green… I guess?! Please address me as such, I didn’t spend all those years going to college for nothing.” You can’t make a single sound.
He snickers, amused:
“Wow, Princess, I’m seriously considering getting a new girlfriend: you look like shit!”
“Jerk…” you whisper, your eyes getting teary.
“Did they hide you well or what? Took me forever to find you, this is no Arkham. We’re coming tonight to get you out so be ready. It’s gonna be a tough one,” he gets up and wants to step away but he hears you sobbing and changes his mind.
J comes in front of you, pushes your chair back and sits in your lap.  He wipes your tears, his smirk disappearing as he traces your bruises and your cut lip.
“What the fuck were you thinking, hmmm? Look what they did to you. Crazy woman, if you ever do that to me again I’m going to kill you myself, got it?”
You start crying harder.
“Dammit, stop crying, I’m not gonna kill you, I’m just joking,” he tries to calm you down, kissing your cheek.
“Where are you silver teeth?” you bawl, upset they’re gone.
“I needed a perfect disguise for this place and I had to change them. The things I do for you,” he rolls his eyes, exasperated. “That’s why you’re crying harder? Because of my teeth?!”
You nod a “Yes” through tears.
“You look scary like this, you’re freaking me out,” you cry some more, burring your face in his chest, sniffling.
“I look scary like this?! With normal teeth?!”
“Yeahhh, please get the silver teeth baaaaccckkkk,” you cry your eyes out and wipe your nose on his coat since you’re tied up in your straitjacket and can’t do too much.
“Classy, baby Doll, you’re such a classy woman,” J smiles, teasing you.
“Shut up,” you press your head against his, snorting. “And get off me, my legs are getting numb,” you pout, pretending to be upset but you can’t remember being so happy before.
“Fine, I have to go anyway! “ he gets his folder and heads towards the metal door. You hear a mumble. “What did you say, J?” you inquire, not sure if he really said something.
“I said I missed you,” he replies, grouchy you made him repeat. ”Never mind, I take it back, I didn’t. Get ready for tonight!”
“You’re such a jerk!” you shout, but you know he’s just playing around. “It’s doctor Jack Green, I told you!” he winks at you before he exits the room. “Have some respect!”
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