#gonna reblob to the ffxiv blog now
laurel-resting · 4 months
variant - a moment of a character discovering variations of things (cloth, flavors, fabrics, weapons) they've not seen before
{-continues creeping after gatheredfates to leave more asks-}
Kupa gazed down at the displayed baked treats in awe; awkwardly, Rhotrael lingered a few steps away, keen to move onto the other stalls but wanting to give her companion time to take in her new surroundings.
“Kupa, come on- we can come back later to get something. The stall I need isn’t too much further.”
She needn’t have spoken; Kupa was utterly enthralled with the pâtissière detailing the nuances between each cupcake flavour. 
Like a moth drawn to flame- like a moogle to sweets, Rhotrael thought.
It was Kupa’s first time at the Gridanian Stalls and it had been slow going. They had stopped at every stall in the Rosewood section for Kupa to peruse, and Rhotrael was fast getting impatient. They were so close- so close- to where she needed to go. 
Yet her companion, excitable and easily distracted, had insisted on interacting with everyone and everything; running her fingers over the bolts of cloth at the tailor, holding a bejewelled ring to the light to catch how it refracts, testing the balance of a knife at the battlesmith.
The pastries, though? 
This was the last straw. 
Rhotrael took off her glasses and pinched the bridge of her nose, scrunching her eyes closed. She took a deep breath, held it, and let it out slowly. 
Another deep inhale. Hold for two counts. Slow, steady exhale.
She needed the short moment to think over what to say. It couldn’t be too harsh, she shouldn’t let her frustrations get the better of her.
“Kupa,” Rhotrael began again, her voice taking on a tone of gentle admonishment, “I’m going to the alchemy stall and will come find you once I’m done-”
“-Rho, do you have a headache?” Kupa’s voice was soft, slightly confused. Opening her eyes, Rhotrael saw the viera looking up at her in what she guessed was concern. Rhotrael blinked, realizing the world was blurry due to her glasses being in her hand, not on her face, and hastily put them on again.
“You were doing that scrunchy face thing- you said you had a headache the last time you did that.” Kupa continued, her earnest brown eyes worried. She was holding two halves of a cupcake; one held close to her with clear nibble marks on it, the other carefully placed on a napkin that she was offering to Rhotrael with her off hand.
“No, no. I’m fine, just a little worn out. Anyways- what is this?”
“Oh- it’s rolanberry! Here, try it!” Rhotrael accepted the cupcake and inspected it closer. 
It was a thing of beauty; a warm, light pink sponge cake with some kind of red jam in the middle. A cleanly cut swirl of light buttercream sat atop it, dusted with sprinkles; the same buttercream and sprinkles that covered the corner of Kupa’s mouth.
“I see. Where did you get the gil to buy this?”
“I ran some errands for Mother Miounne yesterday afternoon.”
“Ah. That explains that, then.” Miounne was always eager to put keen adventurers to work. Maybe it would burn off some of Kupa’s energy? Accepting the cupcake, Rhotrael continued,
“Listen, I need to get to the alchemy stall- can we please prioritize that, and we can eat while we walk?” 
Kupa nodded excitedly and fell into step beside her as they moved on from the stall; the viera woman chattered enthusiastically about wanting to learn how to bake between bites of her cupcake.
All was new. All was exciting! Who knew the world held such wondrous things?
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Thank you for your patience with this, lovely ♥
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