#gonna get a cherry blossom tattoo on the back of my neck
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Saw some people do this.. I wanted to join in the fun. Hope you guys enjoy knowing more about my dumb ass. Maybe one day I’ll get top surgery.. buuut I don’t think I’ll ever get the cash together.
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seonghwashibber · 3 years
Proving to love
Pairing: Tattoo Artist! Single Dad! Yeosang x Teacher Reader 
Genre: Angst, Fluff 
Note: This story is written for enjoyment for the audience of this blog. I do not support abuse in any way or shape. Please do not think I believe this is okay. I was thinking, if this became good, If you guys would let me know if you wanted more. 
Tag List: @latte-fairytaekwoon​ @queenofgames​ @moonchildsmoon​ @subways-stuff @actuallythatwaspromise
Scenario: Single dad Yeosang, Yeosang tried his best to make a life for his daughter, ever since he left her mother. Y/n is Yuna’s teacher, after talking to Yeosang about her behavior. The two don’t meet eye to eye, yeosang tries to prove to Y/n he’s a great father, and possible lover too.
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The sun shined throughout the house, Yeosang was asleep he was exhausted from last night’s tattoo session. Kang Yeosang was a tattoo artist, he had tattoos himself, His right ankle had a moon tattooed in perfect smooth ink, His left arm was tattooed with a dragon, the cherry blossom on his right hand had set perfectly, while his daughter’s birthday was inked perfectly on his finger, on his left hand. The medium sized tattoo was placed on his neck. It was a heart but it held much meaning to him, every tattoo held much meaning to Yeosang. Sure he looked intimidating, he would always sit with no expression, maybe the ink on his body scared people? What if the eyebrow and tongue piercing is giving it away. Yeosang was reckless, he remembers the time he got so drunk he went and slept with a girl, she gave birth to his beautiful little Yuna. Who was now 8 years old without her mother. Yeosang was in a toxic relationship with her for awhile. She had become jealous of the bond the two carried since Yuna was born. It got bad to where she abused Yeosang, to where she hit Yuna whenever Yuna made one small mess. It got worse, to where Yeosang had hit her...only once. Because she was not letting go of Yuna who was scared and crying her heart out from the physical pain through her body. Yeosang soon moved out, taking his daughter with him and never ever going back to her again. 
Yuna walked downstairs, she frowned as she put the bag beside the chair. “You don’t seem so enthusiastic?” Yeosang asked. Yuna sighed, “I wanna keep my hair down appa,” her lip quivered. Yeosang knew why, her birthmark, just like her father she had her birthmark on display. It was much more red, bigger and set on her right cheek. “You look beautiful, Yuna you are my child, and what have I always taught you?” he asked. As he adjusted her cat shape earrings. “To stand up for myself and always defend myself,” She smiled as he nodded his head and went back to cooking. Yeosang smiled as he remembers all the moments he spent with Yuna before school came along, friends, etc. 
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Yeosang held Yuna’s hand as he walked her into school, standing at the front desk. “Good Morning, Mr. Kang,” the front desk lady said. She never liked Yeosang, the two argued a lot, maybe more than others could count. “Good Morning to you too, I’m just here to check Yuna in, I don’t see why you guys have a desk,” he rolled his eyes. She scoffed. “Because it helps us keep up with the kids and figure out who comes in or may be missing,”. Once he checked Yuna into school, she held his hand giving it a small squeeze. “Can you walk with me? I don’t wanna show up alone, and we have a new teacher, She could be mean to me,” Yuna said. Yeosang ruffled her hand with his free hand, walking her to her class. “It doesn’t matter who she is, tell me if she’s mean, I’ll handle it,” he said as he opened the door. The class looked at Yuna and her father. Some kids finding him scary and intimidating, others judging Yuna for claiming such a man as a father. “Welcome to class, I’m Y/n,” the teacher said. She gave Yuna a small smile as she got down to her height, sticking her hand out. “Yuna,” she said as she shook the older woman’s hand. 
Yuna walked to her seat, You looked up to see her father, standing up to your regular height, You took in his appearance. He was very handsome, his dyed blond hair had sat perfectly on top of his head, his tattoos, his eyebrow piercing. His gaze, all of it could make a woman fall in love in a second. “You must be the father, I’m Y/n, the new teacher,” you introduced yourself. “Kang Yeosang,” he said in a low tone. You caught sight of his tongue piercing. “Yuna gets out early today, we’re scheduling a field trip for the kids so they get to leave a bit early,”. He nodded his head, not giving an expression and walking out of the classroom. You felt a little off about Yuna being his daughter. I mean they were identical, but was she in good hands?. You didn’t wanna snoop but you couldn’t help but be a bit suspicious of the situation. “Okay class, Today we’re gonna team up and study for our written test, Hangul is important to learn,” you said as you eyed around at the kids. Yuna was a clone of Yeosang, no doubt, but something didn’t feel right. 
Yeosang walked into the tattoo shop, he had dropped Yuna off at her school, Now he can come to work and relax until he’s needed. “You look like you had a bad morning,” Yunho remarked as he looked up from the tattoo he was working on. “I’m having a good morning, just a little tired, taking care of Yuna isn’t easy you know,” Yeosang said. Yunho nodded as he turned back to work on the tattoo. Yeosang walked back to his station, he felt sadness overtake him, Yuna didn’t seem to be having a good day. Yeosang tried his best to help his little one with her temper. But sometimes it became too much for him to handle. While raising Yuna, Yeosang had noticed his daughter was angry. He soon found out that she was angry for not having a mother, but he knew it wouldn’t be easy to just go fish her one out. He knew it would take time for him to even find someone special for them both, Yeosang wasn’t an easy guy and he learned not to settle for just about anyone. He learned that he had to play it smart, mainly for Yuna’s sake. “You have a client today, Something about a ankle tattoo?” San said. “Send em in,” Yeosang said, he put the cigarette down as he got everything ready. 
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You sat at the desk, looking over some papers as the kids chattered and worked on their Hangul in groups. The door opened to reveal someone, someone you’ve never met at the school. “Is it okay if I see you for a moment Y/n? It won’t be long,” he said. You nodded your head as you stood up. “You kids continue to work together, I’m going out to speak with someone,”. The class hummed as you walked outside of the room, closing the door behind you. “I’m the art teacher here, Park Seonghwa, I wanted to come visit you to ask you if I can pull Yuna out of the classroom? I needed to speak with her for a moment about the art project she had missed,” he said. You nodded your head and told him to give you a minute, You opened the door and noticed the kids were arguing. Yuna, Mung, Hana, and Jun. Sighing you walked over. “You can’t be mean to Mung like that, Hana!” Yuna yelled. Hana snatched the pencil from Yuna as she jabbed Yuna with it in the cheek. “You need to watch out, You tomato face,”. Before you could speak up to catch the attention of the kids fully, Yuna had jumped across, She begin to hit Hana over. Tears filling within her eyes. “Children, Quit!” you yelled out as you pulled Hana away. Yuna had glared at you. “Yuna, Principles office, now,”. She stomped away as you looked at Seonghwa. “Could you please take Hana to the nurse,”. He nodded his head. 
Yeosang laughed with the client, almost done with her tattoo, the two begin to chat up a storm. “So your girlfriend does tattoo’s?” Yeosang asked as he leaned back in his chair. He grabbed the cigarette from the table side, lighting it and inhaling it. Seulgi hummed as she smiled. “She’s been doing them for awhile, but when she later was sent out to see her family, I started to miss her and wanted to get a tattoo on my ankle to surprise her,” Seulgi explained. Yeosang exhaled the smoke from his mouth before nodding his head. “That makes sense, plus on top of that you got a badass tattoo,”. Before the two could speak further, San rushed in, holding Yeosang’s phone. “Yuna got in a fight at school, they need you there,”. Seulgi frowned as she waved Yeosang off, He had told San to finish the tattoo and he walked along out of the door. He was a bit proud inside, Yuna was finally sticking up for herself, just maybe not the way he expected or wanted her to do it. Yeosang rushed to the school, he wanted to make sure she was okay in every way possible. When he arrived he walked in the office to find Yuna slouched in the chair, avoiding the burning gaze her father sent. She was aware that she would be in serious trouble for it. “Please have a seat, Mr. Kang,” The principle said. Yeosang sat in the chair beside Yuna. 
“I would like to just say that I’m not aware of the full story but I do wanna say that whatever is going on personally, is effecting Yuna during school hours,” he said. “I can promise you Mr. Kim, I’m in no way putting my daughter in harm, you must have the wrong idea about me,”. You opened the door and looked at the three in the room, gently putting the bag beside Yuna. “I brought her backpack,” you said. “Could you please tell Yeosang what happened?” he said. Yeosang soon turned his head towards you. “Uhh...Well, I was brought outside the classroom by Seonghwa, he wanted to speak with me, When I came back to get Yuna for him, I found the kids arguing, I couldn’t very much hear or understand the situation well, except for the fact that Ms. Yuna here is causing fights, but her behavior wasn’t the best this morning,” you explained in full details. Kim Seokjin nodded his head as he looked over at Yeosang. “Yuna is always sad throughout her day, she’s either hitting the kids, making smart remarks, or she often avoids everyone. Last week, Yuna came to school with a bruise on her cheek, it seems to still be there, I know you must be putting her through a lot, I would hate to get anything serious involved, so fess up or your daughter gets suspended from school,” he said. 
Yeosang stood up quickly, knocking the chair back, his glare on the older man and you were strong. But you looked over to see Yuna a bit shocked by her fathers sudden outburst. “You two are terrible, My daughter is perfectly fine, her home life is good and doesn’t concern you, If you think I’m just some deadbeat or uncaring father! you’re wrong! And it’s her birthmark!” he yelled as he grabbed her bag. “Suspend Yuna,” he said as he guided his 8 year old daughter out of school. You followed behind the angry man, when you made it outside, he was putting her in the car, putting her bag in. “Mr. Kang,” you said as you approached him as he was closing her car door. “What? Did you come out here to judge me?” he asked. You sighed. “Your behavior could be taking a toll on Yuna, I don’t think you’re giving a good example to her, for one, you are teaching her how to be careless in this life, which is no way to abuse her young mind,” you explained. He glared at you. “Look, Just shut the fuck up okay?!?!”. You soon felt anger take over you. “I’m telling you that the way she’s acting isn’t okay! And you know it!”. He soon pinned you against the car, the smirk plastered on his face. “You know what? I got some news for you, I’m a good father, a single good father at that, and I’m gonna prove it, one way or another,”. Yeosang snatched your phone, as he placed his number in it, he handed it back and left without giving a word. You were shocked but a little smirk showed on your face, you were up for a challenge. 
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Later that night, the rain fell heavily from the sky, Yuna sat at the dining table, a frown on her face as she looked down. “You haven’t touched hardly any of your food,” Yeosang said as he eyed the full bowl. She only hummed in response. “What’s gotten into you? I took you to anger management? I’ve done everything I could for an 8 year old, yet you still choose to act out, Why did you hit her Yuna?”. Yuna looked up at her father, the sight broke his heart, her small eyes, filled with tears as she wanted to give up already. “Hana made fun of me again, She was being mean to my friend, So I wanted to stop her, and she was making jokes about my face, So I hit her...I’m sorry,” she apologized. What she didn’t expect was the chuckle leaving her fathers lips. He was proud of her. “What’s funny?” Yuna asked confused. “What’s funny is that you assumed I was angry at you for sticking up for yourself. Look, I taught you to be happy with who you are, Just next time walk away from the situation,” he said. The knock at the door interrupted the father and daughter moment. Yeosang stood up, opening the door and soon seen you. You held the umbrella tightly as you smiled. “Mr. Kang, I’m sorry to be showing at this hour, but I brought some work for Yuna to do,” you said. He slowly took the papers from your head before opening the door wider. “Come in, It’s cold out there,” he said. You shook your head. “I’m fine, I’m gonna be going home,” you said. He shrugged and grabbed your wrist, gently guiding you inside. He closed the door. 
“It’s cold, you should lay low here for a bit until the rain decides to stop, would you like to have some Ramen?” he asked. You nodded your head and followed him to the dining room, you had to admit. His place was very nice, much nicer than you thought. It was clean too and it smelt pretty decent. “Yuna, Your new teacher’s here to give you some work and have Ramen with us,” Yeosang said. You sat at the table, bowing your head slightly to the little girl. “I’m sorry about earlier,” Yuna apologized. She had bowed her head as she finished the broth in her Ramen. “You hardly ate anything, you just sat and drank the broth, You need to fill up your stomach princess,” Yeosang said as he kissed Yuna’s forehead. She whined. “But I don’t feel like eating a lot appa,”. He chuckled. “Alright, Well go change into your pajamas, Brush your teeth, brush your hair really good, and lay down, you might not be going to school for awhile but you still have a bedtime little lady,” he said. She nodded her head before waving bye at the two adults, making her way upstairs. Yeosang sighed as he placed a full bowl of Ramen in front of you. “I’m sorry about Yuna’s behavior at school lately, but you have to understand, Yuna is just a small girl, she’s growing up without a mom, as her dad I try to learn things so I can teach her but please next time, Instead of making me wanna punch that stupid Seokjin in the face, Just agree with me,” he said. You chuckled as you ate the ramen. 
You two had talked for a bit of time, you got to learn a few things about Yuna and her father. Even though you recently met a lot of people today, you found a lot of interest in the family. “If you don’t mind me asking, where is Yuna’s mother?” you asked. Yeosang shrugged as he sipped his Soju. “I left her a long time ago when Yuna was a newborn still, she was toxic, we weren’t working out and a lot of bad things were happening,” he explained. You only frowned. “What do you do for a living?” you asked. “I’m a tattoo artist, I was an irresponsible idiot who thought the world revolved around me, soon I fell in love, had Yuna, moved away, raised her alone, and it built me into the man I am today,”. Soon the small girl had came downstairs, walking towards her dad with a frown. “Appa, I’m not feeling well,” Yuna whined. He put the Soju on the table as he picked up Yuna, putting her on the counter and checking her forehead. “Running a fever, Get the medicine out of the cupboard for me,”. You did as he said and walked over. “I’m not taking it!” she whined louder. Yeosang frowned. “Guess you won’t be a pretty and strong princess when you grow up,” he said. She finally took the red colored liquid, she whined as she begin to cling to you. “I’m tired,” she said. You sighed. “Yuna, You must get rest, when you rest and take your medicine, you’ll wake up and feel better, I promise,” you said. She soon drifted to sleep. Yeosang thanked you and took her from your arms. 
He put her to bed, she gently opened her eyes. “Appa, Where is Eomma?” she asked. He stopped his sudden movements and frowned. “She’s somewhere else, probably off living her life Yuna, but don’t worry cause you have me okay?” he said. “Can I sleep in the bed with you?” Yuna asked. He nodded his head. “Of course, just as soon as your teacher leaves, I’ll be back up here,”. He kissed her forehead as he walked downstairs. You smiled a little. “It was really nice being in your home Mr. Kang, Really but I have to go, just be sure Yuna does her work and you don’t let her slack off,” you said. He rolled his eyes. “Call me Yeosang. And stop doubting me, Yuna is in great hands, I can assure you of that, but I have a lot of things to do tomorrow, can you come by tomorrow to help Yuna with her work?” he asked. “I have to teach tomorrow, Will tomorrow night be fine?” you asked. He agreed and you thanked him, walking outside of his place. You felt good and you couldn’t wait to see where things were going. 
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The next day was like any other day, you taught your class, picked up some food, chatted with some people for a bit. And finally night fell, the night you would be helping Yuna with her work. You knocked on the door waiting for the answer, when the door opened, you found Yuna. “Where’s your father?” you asked. She smiled. “He’s getting dressed in the room! And you were right Y/n! My fever is gone, thank you so much!” she hugged you. You hugged a bit as you entered the home. Once the door closed, Yeosang came out, he wore a black shirt with a black leather jacket. His ripped jeans and shoes going along with the jewelry and ink that fit his body. And his mullet to top it off. “I’ll be heading out, Keep watch on her, she’s a bit sneaky but she gets it from me,” he winked. Yeosang kissed her forehead and ruffled your hair before he left the house. You sat down on the couch beside Yuna who had no interest in her work at all. “You have a lovely home Yuna, I forgot to tell you that,” you spoke as you tried to start conversation. “Thank you! My appa’s done a lot, I told him a small home would be fine, but Appa said I deserved the best in life, He even came home hurt...I think he said it was some money situation,” she frowned during her explanation. You sighed trying your best to take her mind off of it. 
You grabbed the stack of papers and put them on the coffee table in front of you. “Let’s start working shall we,” you said. You both begin to work, Yuna had struggled a bit along the way but you were wiling to help her through a lot. Time had passed and you worked with her, even taking small snack breaks, playing around with her. You found yourself doing a lot to entertain the child that was with you. Still wondering where her father had to be off to. 
Yeosang though, he was at the bar, not to drink his life away, but because he was invited to celebrate Hongjoong’s birthday with him. Seonghwa took a sip as the men all sat in a booth. “Can’t believe you’re so old now,” Jongho joked as Hongjoong sent a glare. “I’m just stressed out, the kids have my back in a lot of pain, thankfully Y/n was there to help,” Seonghwa said. Yeosang chuckled at the thought of you working with kids. Now this is something that Yeosang didn’t very much understand. You were like a drug, he could never stop thinking about you. No matter how hard he tried. You always managed to come up in his mind. “Let’s just celebrate the night away,” Mingi suggested. And that they did, the guys found themselves getting a little too drunk. They danced and sang a bit, Yeosang though, Yeosang stayed sober. He would’ve gotten drunk out of his mind but he wanted to be sober for Yuna’s sake, she deserved a healthy and well minded father. As hours upon hours passed, Yeosang sent his friends home, one by one before finally retreating home himself. “Damn, 1:20 AM?” he said as he checked the time. He made it home and opened the door gently. Only to find Yuna asleep on the couch, you cleaned the mess around the living area. “Welcome home, Yeosang, Yuna did most of her lessons, I thought it would be okay if she was practically knocked out,” you said. He nodded his head with a tired smile. “Thank you, Could you continue to help her? I’ll start paying you,” he said. You shook your head. “Keep the money, I do this because I love Yuna,”. Without another word, you grabbed your belongings and walked out of the door. 
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1 Week passed
You continued to help Yuna work on her papers, teaching her, every night you would go over and help her. Sometimes Yeosang there to help her too. You guys would have snack breaks, play together, and often go on outings to reward Yuna for her hard work. Yeosang sometimes coming home too tired, he looked drained. He had many appointments to handle at the tattoo shop. He was like a ghost. 
2 Weeks passed
You grew closer to Yeosang and Yuna, hanging out with them. You would often take Yuna to play at the park, you liked to call it a teaching lesson but Yeosang was aware you tagged along because you wanted. 
3 Weeks passed
Yuna was finally able to come back to school. But she never did. It left you confused. Yuna hadn’t been sick the last few weeks you’ve spent with her. You were mainly concerned about Yeosang. You heard from Seonghwa he was coming home drunk now, he wasn’t making much time for Yuna, enough time for Yuna to be exact. It got bad to where Yeosang hardly showed up to work. 
4 Weeks passed
You still hadn’t seen Yuna, so much that you wanted to run over to her place, ask her if her father was okay. But you didn’t want to disturb in case they are taking time alone. 
{Current Week}
You had enough, it was now a new week and no sign of the father or daughter you adored. You had rushed over to their place as soon as you got done with your teaching of the day. You knocked on the door, but no response, you knocked and knocked. Again and Again. The stress, worry, all of it was eating you up inside. What could be going on that Yeosang and Yuna ghosted you so much. 3 Hours passed, still no sign. You refused to leave though, you knocked again and finally the door open. Only to reveal a weak and pale Yeosang. “Oh my god! Yeosang,” you said. Without any thought, you hugged him tightly. The tears threatening to fall down your face. He frowned. “You shouldn’t be here, Yuna’s sick,” he coughed. You looked at him. “You’re both sick?” you asked. He nodded his head, as he was going to speak, he was interrupted, hearing a sudden. “APPA” throughout the house. Yeosang weakly and slowly made his way upstairs with you following in toll, he walked in the room and there on her bed was Yuna. “Appa, I threw up again,” she said. “Alright, just relax, I can give you a bath and you can-”. Without another word, Yeosang collapsed, sending him down. “Yeosang!”. 
Yeosang opened his eyes, his vision coming into focus, he had suddenly remember what happened, without another thought he raised up. Only to find Yuna asleep beside him. The bedroom door opened and you walked in, a wet cloth in your hand. “Someone’s awake, how are you feeling?” you asked placing it on his forehead. “A bit weak, sick, tired, I mean what else am I supposed to do? What can I say? I’m a weak kinda guy,” he joked earning a small laugh from your lips. “I wouldn’t say weak, just an over worker, And a good father,” you said. He suddenly stopped and looked at you, you stopped your movements as he gripped your wrist. “What did you say?” He said a bit shocked. “I said you were a good father?. I’m sorry that I judged you too quickly, I based you off of your tattoos and piercings, your clothes, your tone, your car, your motorcycle, I judged you so much that I realized recently, You truly are a great father, You deserve to be happy,” you said. Without another thought, Yeosang had pulled you into a tight kiss. Your body relaxing under his soft lips as you fell deeper into the kiss with him. He had pulled away, his heart racing but his mind was relaxing. It was you he was kissing, he had no complaints since it felt so....right.  
“I should go,” you said checking the time from the dark blush on your face. “I did enjoy the kiss a lot though,” you said. He smirked. “So I proved to you I was a good father, what about a lover?” he said. You chuckled. “You never proved that, guess we’ll have to see another time, just take care of Yuna and take care of yourself, I’ll see you guys some other time,” you said walking out of the house. He sighed and leaned back into his soft bed. A proud smile crept on Yuna’s hidden face. So her plan worked after all. 
Hello! I’m glad you guys read this, and comment if you want this to be a series or if you want anything else. I am here to fully listen to any suggestions or request you guys may have! 
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whereisten · 5 years
Creature Feature - Part 1
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 Preview / Taeil blurb
Summary: You work at your family’s 9-5 nighttime movie theater for the supernatural. Your fling with vampire!Taeyong is just that: a fling.
Pairing: Vampire!Taeyong x female reader
Word Count: 2.1k words
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Smut
[9:20 pm]
It was early into the night before your shift at Sinema, the most popular spot in the town of Mystic. The smell of freshly made popcorn dominated your senses. Your favorite BeeGees song played in the overhead of the theater. “Too Much Heaven”. Your parents loved playing music from the 60s and 70s in particular. You grew to love it.
The moviegoers were in a frenzy to get to an early showing of the new Nicholas Sparks movie. Ghosts manifested and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Their admission was free much to your parents’ chagrin but some of your closest friends were ghosts, like Taeil. It would hurt a lot when you had to say goodbye to him but at least he was having a good time tormenting his horrible ex. Fairies zoomed all over the cinema, leaving dust in their wake. When you were a little girl, you liked to collect fairy dust into little bottles and make a wish on them. It worked once when you’d wished school would be cancelled for no reason on a Friday when you were in the sixth grade. This week the fairy dust was pink, your favorite color. The fairies were excited for Valentine’s Day coming up. A werewolf and vampire couple, not as taboo as it once was, were making out at the arcade. The werewolf plopped his vampire girlfriend onto a motorcycle simulator seat and nearly spilled his ICEE all over the Mario Kart consoles. A merman father was pulling his infant son in a transportable pool for him to play in wherever they went. When merfolk were old enough, they could be on land without water contact for a week, at least.
Sinema was a family company. Your parents were the owners but were away on their twentieth or so (you lost count at this point) honeymoon. You’ve known about the supernatural since the moment you were born when an angel kissed your forehead and marked you as an ally to the creatures. None of your human contacts or your dad’s side of the family knew about the lives you led at the movie theater. They all just knew you worked night office jobs. For them, that in itself was inconceivable.
You typed away at some emails at your office desk located on the second floor of the theater. Your door was opened a crack but you hoped no one would disturb you for at least five minutes. It could get chaotic. There was always minor disputes to settle between the different species. Last week, a vampire nearly killed her human escort during an anniversary showing of Interview with a Vampire. It turned out that she had escaped from a rehabilitation clinic where she was supposed to control her bloodlust. It didn’t seem to pan out.
You felt a breeze behind your neck. It clearly didn’t come from the window since it was shut. So you sighed and shut your laptop down. “Hi, Taeyong,” you said with a sweet whisper.
You felt his elegant hands from behind you as he slowly and torturously rubbed your shoulders. His mere touch sent you into a near frenzy. “You’re a little tense. Rough week?” His voice was a dulcet tone when you shared moments like this.
You leaned your head back into him, inhaling his body soap and his naturally enticing scent. You sighed in contentment. “Rough year.”
Taeyong hugged you from behind and nuzzled your neck. You wanted to get up from your seat but Taeyong’s grip on your shoulders was rock solid.
“A back massage is in order,” he brought his lips to your ear. His warm breath tickled.
“You have to make it quick, then. I’m probably gonna get called in for-“
Your phone rang. It was your assistant manager, Haseul. She recently started at the theater and wanted to continuously touch base with you. You groaned.
You wanted to ignore it. At least for ten minutes. Technically, you still had some time before you had to be out there. You grabbed your phone and just stared at it. Taeyong growled quietly.
“Settle,” you commanded.
He huffed, still rubbing your shoulders. “Don’t answer it.”
“You think I want to?”
“No, but I know you’re going to.” He sulked. You imagined his lips were pouty.
An idea came to you. “If I ignore my phone, can you...?”
He knew where this was going. When your voice faded, he could feel your temperature rise.
Taeyong’s hands stalled then. You got yourself up and faced him. He was in black dress pants and a black button down with the first few buttons undone. You could see his Cancer sign tattoo through the opening. You ran your fingers down his shirt. “Thank you,” you said as your hooded eyes locked on his.
Taeyong did his best to restrain himself when it came to you: a nearly human girl who he should never have set his sights on.
But he knew he was doomed when you looked him right in the eyes the first time you met.
And there were moments that you two just gave into temptation. Gave into each other. Not considering the consequences in the long run.
You pulled him back by his shirt so you could kick the door shut and lock it. You pulled him down to you and kissed him. You could feel his fangs pierce against your tongue. His tongue met with yours. He picked you up to sit you down on your desk. He pinned you down so your back was against the mahogany and your desk planner. You pushed everything off your desk so nothing would get in the way.
Taeyong got on top of the desk and kissed your neck, his fangs lightly scraping your neck. Not enough to pierce through your soft skin but enough to send you reeling.
A vampire’s bite was unlike any other sensation. You’ve heard patrons describe it as euphoric, orgasmic, and transforming. Unless things got too far, the experience was something you should have before you died.
You’ve seen vampires suck the blood of their partners over the years. You always wondered what it would feel like. Would you lose control and continue to crave it? Or would you enjoy it, make peace with it, and carry on like nothing?
You’ve wanted Taeyong to bite you since the first moment you saw him. Last month, he came to Sinema for the first time. He brought a human girl as his date. He was well-dressed and almost like royalty. His back straight and his head poised in authority. He was stunning and upon seeing him buying tickets you’d hoped to see him again. Vampires were always beautiful but to you, Taeyong was the most beautiful of them all.
That night of his date, you relieved someone from cleaning the theater that just played the new 47 Meters Down movie. You were surprised to see that in the middle of the credits, Taeyong was going down on the girl.
The girl moaned loudly and repeatedly sang his name with praises. Her panties and skirt were on the floor. Her white blouse was unbuttoned and stained red. Her neck was angled in a position that made you realize that he was drinking her blood.
Part of you was mortified to get caught but the other part was so intrigued you didn’t care if you did.
You didn’t know it but Taeyong felt your presence the moment you walked in. You smelled like cherry blossoms. You smelled...oh-so sweet. The scent of your blood pumping through your veins caught his attention even more.
He froze then and the girl laid back on the seat in exhaustion. She looked so relaxed and joyful. She was basking in a glow you’d craved. That was when Taeyong turned to you.
The faint light from the movie screen graced his sharp cheekbones. He licked his bloody lips. He tilted his head in curiosity at you. A trace of innocence laid in his big brown eyes. Then, he smirked.
You never imagined you’d pine for someone supernatural. You’d tested the waters before. Against your parents’ wishes and in instances that they would never find out about if you had anything to say about it.
Taeyong came to the theater several times after that, hoping to catch a glimpse of you. Learn your name. Hear your voice. Get you alone. For someone who was almost human, you sure disappeared and reappeared quickly. You were pulled in different directions all the time as a manager. Your speed would make any vampire respect you.
Back in your office, you refused to wait any longer to feel him on your bare skin so you pulled off your sleeveless blouse. He swiftly undid your bra and tossed it to the floor.
His eyes softened. “A dream,” Taeyong marveled as he drank you in. He always did. He knew how to make you feel like the most enchanting creature in the world. He made you believe it. Your skin glowed and it sent him over the moon that he had that effect on you.
He had you there for a moment. His brief but sweet words tugged at your heartstrings.
But that feeling dissipated quickly as his demeanor shifted. Your breasts were perked up from the immediate exposure and he squeezed your nipples hard. You yelped. Taeyong ran his fingers down to your hips and moved inward to your crotch. He unbuttoned your slacks and yanked them down. He brought his teeth to your panties and pulled them down. Your breathing stalled, then. He slid his tongue into your folds, not wasting any time. Moaning, you pulled at his electric blue hair. He brought his eyes up to you, then. There was warmth and sin and promises untold.
You squealed as his tongue worked faster. You threw your arms over your head. “Tae...yong...I swear-“
He stopped instantly. “Do you want me to stop?” He licked your slick off his lips with so much gusto. His eyes were doe-like, then. He loved to tease you for you frustrated him every day to no end.
You wished he wasn’t a vampire then so he could feel the sting of your slap. But it was pointless.
The only way you could hurt him is if you broke his heart.
And it didn’t seem like you two would ever get to that point. You had a deal: you had these little moments together but in the end, you both went your separate ways.
“What’s wrong?” He interrupted your thoughts. He could feel your heartbeat slow down.
It boggled your mind when he could feel what you felt. Maybe it was a vampiric thing.
You sighed as you got yourself up off the desk. “Why did you stop?” You cupped his face into your hands.
“Something’s bothering you.” He knew it as he put his hands against yours. He could see your mind had been elsewhere when he was doing some of his finest work on you.
You sighed, not wanting to get into it today. “I’m just wondering...when you’re going to bite me. Take my blood. Relish in it. So I could finally feel what you’ve made others feel.” Your voice started getting lower as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. It wasn’t a lie, technically.
Taeyong felt flustered. If he could blush, he would but being undead made that imposible. He wanted to drink from you from the moment he felt your presence in that movie theater. You were so pure and intoxicating. He questioned how he had so much self-control until now.
Since you two began this arrangement, he’d come close to carrying out the deed. But one look into your bright eyes that glimmered with hope and fantasy and good...he just couldn’t.
He treasured you so much. It terrified him. A girl hadn’t made him feel like this in over twenty years. A girl whose face he couldn’t remember for the afterlife of him. He knew he’d forgotten about her because the pain had been too much for him. Now he counted his lucky stars that he couldn’t remember her.
Taeyong became a vampire in 1986. He’d experienced change upon change in that one particular year. He left his home. His family. His friends. He found a way to wipe himself from their memories so they wouldn’t hurt anymore. It was easier this way. It hurt enough for him to know that he would outlive every person he ever loved. He became a member of a powerful clan of vampires. He had a new family now. But he still carried the loneliness that he wished could fade away.
And now that you were in the picture...you two were entering dangerous waters.
Taeyong would have to leave you before things got any deeper. But he wondered how much deeper he could go. He wasn’t planning to let you go anytime soon. That he knew for sure.
“We talked about this,” he said as he laid you down again and kissed your neck. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
Taeyong, a vampire who took you to the moon every chance he got when he fucked you, didn’t want to suck your blood? “Really? And you haven’t changed your mind?”
“Nope,” he said, “You’ve never had your first bite and...everyone reacts differently to it. I don’t want you to risk it.”
You ran your hands against his cock that protruded against the fabric of his pants. “What if I‘m willing?”
Groaning at your touch, he managed a chuckle. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”
He moved down to your clit but before he could enter again, you got up.
“I have to get to work,” you said. You moved past Taeyong. You bent down, baring your ass and knowing it would send him over the edge, just to get your panties and your slacks.
Taeyong was stunned that you rebuffed him. “y/n, are you mad?”
“Mad? Me? No way.” You rolled your eyes as you snatched your bra that was stuck under Taeyong’s knees.
“You don’t get it, y/n. I like you. And I don’t want to treat you like my escorts.”
You didn’t want to hear about his escorts. Now that you’ve been seeing Taeyong more...you hated to admit it but you found yourself getting jealous. You and Taeyong weren’t exclusive. You were free to see whoever whenever. But you didn’t want to.
And that was your problem and you knew it.
You snapped. “That’s rich. I’m an escort minus the bonus you give at the end of your dates with other girls.” You put your top back on. You ran your hands through your hair to make sure a hair wasn’t out of place.
“You don’t get it, y/n.” He was getting frustrated with you because he knew you weren’t going to let this go.
“What is it, Taeyong? Are you afraid that I’m going to fall head over heels in love with you if you make me feel that good?” You demanded.
“You don’t have to worry about that. I know what this is between us. I’m not delusional. Please, Taeyong, I want you to do it. I can handle it. I’ve wanted this for a long time. And I want it to be with you.” You pleaded as you pressed yourself against him, knowing your touch did things to him. You were so tempting that he was about to cave.
But something inside him told him no. You were not an escort. You were not just his fuck buddy. You were...Well, he didn’t know what to call it. He was scared to think even deeper about it.
“No, y/n!” He yelled harshly. He had to shut you down quick because you got too close to convincing him.
He stunned you, then. Well, you had it coming because you wouldn’t drop it. You couldn’t talk to him anymore. He wouldn’t budge and you didn’t understand why. He shouldn’t underestimate you. Did he think you would submit to him and follow him to the ends of the earth if he tasted you? His other escorts left him well enough alone unless he summoned them again. So what was the problem? What was he afraid of? You ran out the door, leaving Taeyong crestfallen.
The truth was, he didn’t know what he would do if he got a taste of you.
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maryniss · 3 years
Dove L’amore
Tumblr media
Fandom: Sk8 The Infinity
Summary: Kojiro dances with Kaoru in the restaurant.
Rating: General and Up Audiences
Relationships: Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom
Characters:  Nanjo Kojiro | Joe  ;   Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom
Tags: fluff, dancing, not angsty 
Notes: hey short not angsty matchablossom fic here u go muah byeee
Music: Cher-Dove L'amore
Kojiro was feeling surprisingly good today. Why, he didn’t know, but did it actually matter?
He walked into his kitchen, the yellow light of the morning shining shyly through the restaurant’s windows. Outside, it was still too early for cars to be on the road, for people to walk to their workplace.
Ah, did Kojiro loved this kind of mornings, where everything was so peaceful, so tranquil. With the biggest and dumbest smile plastered all over his face, he put on his apron and turned the stove on.
But, the feeling that something was missing was lingering near, not letting him enjoy that beautiful morning completely. What was it that was not there...?
Kojiro suddenly knew. And it was kind of weird, but it didn’t matter as long as he would feel happy. He took his phone and opened YouTube.
“Ah, how was it called...,”muttered he under his breath. “Ah, yeah! That was it!” Kojiro connected his phone to his portable box and pressed play.
Cher’s voice reverberated in the silent room. Kojiro turned the volume to max and let the melody play on repeat.
He went back to the kitchen counter and started preparing the food for that day. Some carrots form under the table, some meat from the fridge and in between a twirl in rhythm with the music. Kojiro took a ladle and tried the soup and then turned off the stove.
“Still no customers, huh?”
Cher’s voice was still filing the room. Kojiro smiled, remembering a very specific night in Paris.
And, suddenly he was singing and dancing. He almost knocked his soup over and he was not far from breaking a chair, but it was fun.
Well, that until the other Cher he knew appeared.
“What are you doing?”
Kojiro hit himself on the corner of the table and screamed. 
“I was sure the door was closed...”
Kaoru scoffed and sat himself at a table.
“I used the key you gave me. Also, bring me some food.”
Kojiro frowned.
“Oi, you cant just walk into somebody’s restaurant and demand food...!”
Kojiro laughed and sat back on his chair, his hair almost brushing the floor. 
“And turn the music down. You sing and dance horrible.” Oh, ho-ho, at that, Kojiro, who was about to pour Kaoru a hot bowl of soup, really got annoyed. Seriously, he was in such a good mood before! 
The green-haired man put the food down on the counter and sat next to Kaoru. Seeing that his friend was about to say something, probably scold him or something, Kojiro reached over the table and pressed his hand over his mouth.
“I think you dance much more worse than me...Kaoru... Remember that night in Paris?” Kaoru’s eyes got bigger and he somehow got the courage to lick the hand covering his face. Kojiro backed away; though it was not the lick that made he do so; he just wanted to saw the pretty, pink blush stretched over his friend’s face.
“You know, I was drunk...!”. Ah. Kojiro really was tired of that excuse. He suddenly sat up and the chair he has sat onto fell on the floor. He grabbed Kaoru’s wrist and the pink-haired man made a cute sound at the sudden action; something like a squirrel would.
“If you don’ remember, should we do it again?”. Kaoru’s face only got a darker shade of pink, almost red. He tried to hide behind his hair, but that left his neck unprotected. Kojiro saw the matching sun tattoo they got that night in Paris. He still wondered how he managed to convince Kaoru to have one. He smiled.
Right then, Cher’s melody started playing again. The sound of guitar filled the room and Kojiro took Kaoru’s hand in his.
“Look, this is how you should put your arms,” said he, guiding Cherry. “I assume that you did not dance with other people besides me, since you seem to hate it so much...Also, who would dance with you with that face? Scary.” Kojiro laughed at the sour look Kaoru gave him; it had no effect with his face being so red.
“I’m joking, I’m joking. Though I may be the only one who finds this face cute.” Kaoru was about to slap him. Probably. But the lyrics started right then and Kojiro was saved.
“Come, on, pay attention. If it won’t be good the first time, we are gonna do it again.”
                                           Dov'e L'Amore                                            Dov'e L'Amore                                   I cannot tell you of my life                                           Here is my story
Kaoru didn’t ask what Kojiro meant by good. His palms were sweaty and he almost tumbled down.
“Of course we’re gonna do it again, since you have no customers. Only I come around here for you horrible food.”
“Mhm, yes, only you, indeed...” Kojiro spun Kaoru around, who gasped. The pink-haired man didn’t know what to say; it was just like that night. And yes, he did remember. But how could he admit to Kojiro? How could he when he knew what they said to each other that night? How could he say that he remembered those words?
He was not ready....His heart could not take it...
“Are your memories coming back to you?”. Kaoru shrugged. 
                      There is no other, there is no other                          No other love can take your place                           Or match the beauty of your face                             I'll keep on singing till the day                                     I carry you away
Their moves were swift and perfectly in sync. It was a simple moment, so simple and so beautiful that Kaoru’s head was spinning. He did not want to get lost, but he did. He got lost in the song and in Kojiro’s eyes and in Kojiro’s arms he did another spin. 
They clashed back together and Kaoru tried to catch his breath.
“Do you remember now?”
“The song is not finished.”
They both looked into each other eyes. Kojiro smiled and he took Kaoru in his arms.
“Hey, what the...Put me down!”
Kojiro did not listen. Now, when did he listen to Kaoru? He spun around the restaurant and he laughed. His laugh was genuine and Kaoru could only stay still and look. 
                            Non c'e nessuno                             Non c'e nessuno                             Non c'e nessuno                             Bello come te e ti amo
Kaoru had to hide his face in Kojiro’s chest. He couldn’t control his smile, not anymore. He hated how Kojiro did this to him; bring down everything he worked so hard for. His calm face, his rational mind. Throw them out of the window!
He hated and loved Kojiro and he did not want that moment to end.
But, as Kaoru never have what he desired, a knock interrupted them. He would love to beat that guy outside.
He looked up when Kojiro continued dancing. 
“Uhm, there is someone...”
“Let them stay there. I only got food for you anyways. Since you love my bad cooking.” And, just like that the song finished. For a brief second, they looked at each other. And Kaoru smiled and the song started again.
That day, no customers were allowed to enter and neither Joe or Cherry were at S. And the song played all the day...
                     I'll keep on singing till the day                              I carry you away                 With my love song, with my love song                 With my love song, with my love song
The night was warm and kind of quiet. A drunk Kaoru and a drunk Kojiro stumbled across the streets of Paris, trying to find the way to their hotel.
“I told you ~hic~! it was a bad idea ~hic~!... to drink so much ~hiC~!, you brainless gorilla!”
“Well, when did I ever ~BuRp~ listen to you! ~hic~
Kaoru made a sheesh sign towards his friend.
“Do you hear?”
“What should I ~hic!~ hear?”
Cher’s Dove l’amore was raging from afar.
“Come on, dance with me, Kojiro.”
And they danced. And they kissed. And they confessed. And they danced.
And maybe they were just a bit too drunk. Or maybe they liked the song a bit too much.
But, the Paris’s streets thought otherwise. I guess they were just a little bit too much in love with each other.
non angsty matchblossom?? me?? surprise shawty hope u liked it muah byee!!
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kimmycup · 4 years
Writer's Month 2020 Day 12: meet cute
Find my previous chapters under tag #writersmonth2020.
The first time Tony and Loki meet is in a quiz at a flower expo. Tony is only there for inspiration, the cute guy absolutely destroys him in a quiz and Tony... Completely forgets to ask for his number.
But he mentions his tattoo parlor.
And when he goes to work every morning, he keeps hoping the cute guy likes tattoos, or maybe likes Tony, and remembered the name.
He keeps hoping the door bell will announce a tall, pale figure with ebony hair, those red rose lips... God, Tony is completely gone and life ain't a fairy tale.
(Tony doesn't know yet just how much of a fantasy story their life is gonna be one day.)
So Tony keeps hoping, and days pass, and eventually weeks pass but the doorbell never announces Loki and Tony doesn't as much stop hoping as accept what he always knew deep down.
That Loki was just a passing meet cute.
That's probably why when the door bell rings this time Tony doesn't look up from his notebook, sketching some additions to his reactor. Rhodey is still working on it when fancy strikes. It's not really a closed project, always ready for upgrades.
So he only looks up when the footsteps approach the counter, slender fingers curling on the top next to where Tony's pen falls when he looks up.
He smiles and it's just as beautiful as Tony remembers.
"I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who didn't forget... I wanted to get a tattoo. I thought of you."
Tony's eyes are sparkling with excitement.
"Really? So what would you like to get?"
And well. Loki's confident smirk disappears, giving away to a more genuine and real smile.
"Well. Technically I didn't want to get a tattoo. I wanted to piss my dad off and thought a tattoo would be great. So I was hoping you'd help me figure out what to start with?"
Tony smiles and they sit down on the sofa together and talk for hours and it's long past closing hours, night fallen outside by the time Loki leaves, sakura blossoms adoring his chest and climbing up his neck.
And he promises to come back, the words sweet like cherries and Tony just knows.
This is just the beginning.
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Cherry Blossom Nights
future!fic Adam is chief of staff to a senator and Ronan lives at the barns farming and learning to cook. They make dinner together sweetly and then scare the absolute shit out of a senator together. Weird powerful Adam and intimidating Ronan power couple take on the normies.
“Your floor count is 47. The motion’s gonna fail, you’re gonna have to abandon it.” Adam repeated calmly over the phone. His boss, rising senator and current Senate Minority Whip Douglas Fairveiw (D), huffed on the other end. 
“I know. But I’m telling you, it’s not worth it.” 
“And when will it be worth it, Parrish?” The more refined Virginian accent asked. 
Adam looked down at his desk. A spread of tarot cards looked back at him. He checked that his office door was tightly locked and checked them again. “We have to talk to Williamson, from Utah. She’s on the fence. If we can give her something she might come over to our side.” His thumb rubbed the Four of Swords, Williamson’s card in his mind. Fairview sighed, “Fine. Alright. Cancel the vote and send everyone home. I’m not going to risk my ass over this.” 
Adam nodded and hung up the phone. A quick email later and a nearly audible sigh of relief passed through the Senate Office Building. It was late on a Friday night and everyone was anxious to get home, the only thing standing in their way had been Adam’s boss and the impending, and now doomed, vote. Adam sighed too, leaning back in his chair and loosening his tie. He was glad his weekend plans had been here in Washington instead of forcing him to drive back to Henrietta. It was only a few hours back to his hometown, but on weekends hours were precious. They were so often cut short that any week he could force his partner up to him instead of driving home was easier. Ronan didn’t mind Adam coming home late from an endless meeting on an amendment to an amendment to a motion to strike out a line from an appropriations bill. Fairview had promised his staff the whole weekend off, and the holiday as well, but Adam knew better than to believe it. He checked his watch anyways, Ronan should be here soon. He gathered up the cards spread on his desk, hid them deep in his desk drawer, and walked out into the lobby. 
“I’m heading home, June. That’s a full lid. Bossman says we have the weekend off but keep your phone on you just in case.” Adam addressed the woman working the front desk of the office. 
“Ron.. I mean your boy… Mr. Lynch is outside the building.” June faltered. People in Washington usually reacted like this to Ronan. It was a town of sharp suits and cultivated personalities and Ronan’s utter insistence on being himself at all times threw a wrench into the system. Adam smirked. “You can just say Ronan, June.” 
Ronan was a dark shadow just out of eyesight of the door to the Senate Office Building.
“You’re allowed inside you know. You’re one of our constituents.” Adam called to the dusk. 
“It’s much more fun to scare the suits from out here,” came the grinning response behind him. Adam softened as Ronan wrapped his arms around him from behind and kissed his neck gently. “The vote’s off. I’m all yours this weekend,” He whispered. 
“Mark the time. I’ll believe it when I see it, Parrish.” Ronan sneered. 
“Sometimes I get the whole weekend…” 
“Sure. Tell me the last time you didn’t get a text from the suit all weekend.”
“He sent you an email. Doesn’t count. You spent four hours researching soybean prices.” 
“You said text.” Adam protested. He disentangled his body from Ronan’s and opted to just take his hand, leading him away from the SOB and up towards his apartment. He was lucky, he found a place only nine blocks from the office on I street. His salary wasn’t impressive but it was more than Adam had ever seen in his life. They cut through the Capitol grounds and towards the highway. 
“You know what I meant you little shit,” Ronan threw back. “And you haven’t said anything about my skirt, I wore it just for you.” 
Ronan was dressed as he always did, combat boots, black tank top, incomprehensible yet threatening tattoo peaking out, but he had switched out his usual ripped jeans for a mid length black skirt. Almost a kilt really, that somehow looked even better than the standard model. 
“I like it. I didn’t want to call attention to it if you were just experimenting,” Adam said. The couple cut an unusual shape through the city. Adam blended in so perfectly, a lifetime of practice finally paying off, in a dark navy suit and red tie; Ronan a foreboding slash of darkest reality next to him. No small space had been written about them in the capitol gossip columns, the highest member of staff on the rising Democratic star senator’s team traipsing around town with a hooligan. Adam’s own reputation provided enough inches on its own. The ‘Wizard of C Street’, claimed one fanciful headline. It was believed far and wide in the city that Adam knew things he could not know before he could know them. What was stranger still was that it was true. His and Ronan’s connection with the legendary Gansey clan didn’t help either.
But this spring night was blissfully calm. The reporters were at home, the only people who acknowledged Adam and Ronan were the guards at the checkpoints to the Capitol itself. Adam greeted each by name and wished them a good weekend. Ronan ignored them. 
“How’re the Barns?”
“Sprouting. Everything’s up and ready to grow. I accidentally created a new breed of apple the other night, here, try it.” Ronan fished an apple from his pocket and tossed it to Adam. Adam caught it and bit into it, a trickle of juice dripping down his chin. It didn’t have a taste as much as it had a feeling. The apple felt like home, tasted like summer, and smelled like a cool breeze off the mountains. It was a dream. Literally.
“Can you plant these? This is incredible.” 
“No idea Parrish. I’ve never planted a dream before. It’s got seeds though, and I got it from a tree in the dream so it should. I dumped a few on the south pasture before I left. We’ll see what it looks like when I get back.”
After the short walk they arrived at Adam’s building, a stocky four apartment affair set back from the street with a yard. Upstairs the place was small, but Adam had used his salary to furnish it the way he wanted. Granite countertops, large tv, and plants everywhere. Ronan may be a farmer, but Adam worked with plants the way Ronan worked with dreams. Adam could barely close the door before Ronan shoved him against it with a kiss. 
They kissed hungrily at first, then slowed as they sated the most desperate of their need. It devolved into a loose hug and lazy kisses off center. 
“I don’t know how much longer I’m gonna be able to do this.” Adam whispered, the barest hint of his accent slipping back in now that they were safely in his apartment. 
“Do what?”
“Not having you here every night.”
“We survived while you were at Harvard.” 
“Just barely, c’mon. Move in with me.” 
Ronan pulled back and turned his head away. Memories of nightwash and choking came back to him. It hadn’t happened in a couple of years now but he had been steadfastly living at the Barns near his leyline and dreaming every night. “I don’t know, Parrish. You know I want to but…”
Adam hung his head and nodded. “Yeah. I know.” 
Ronan kissed him again, an apology as much as a promise, and took his hand. “Now come on, let me cook you something, I’m fucking starving.” Time at the Barns without Parrish had left Ronan with a lot of time on his hands. He had filled it with chores, dreaming, and the latest project: learning to cook. Adam hoisted himself onto the kitchen island and watched Ronan throw a towel over his shoulder and start rooting through the cabinets. 
“You have no fucking food in here Parrish. When was the last time you went to the store?”
“I don’t remember. I’m a little busy keeping the country running.” “You call that running? This country’s running about as gracefully as a baby horse with two broken legs.”
“It would’ve been three if I wasn’t around, you should be grateful.” 
Ronan banged around the kitchen. Adam just watched him quietly, Ronan was a tight little hurricane, knives flying and pots crashing and curses muttered under breath but the whole while a tiny, tiny smile played at the corner of his lips. It was the Ronan he had fallen in love with, but conscious, the destructive power that had driven him through his grief over his father had become an aspect of his personality, no longer the motivating force of it. Eventually, even though he had nothing in his kitchen, Ronan still coaxed a meal out of Adam’s apartment. 
“It’d be better with the real stuff. But ta-da.” Ronan flicked a bowl to Adam. Inside was an instagram worthy nest of spaghetti carbonara. He looked at it for maybe a second before he began wolfing it down. Adam ate like he might never eat again, like he had burned all the calories he had last time and was a few minutes from starvation. “God this is good Ronan.”
Ronan ate in great chomping bites. “It’s fine. You need to buy something worth eating, this cheese is shit.”
Adam smiled, “Since when are you a cheese snob?”
“Since you only have this shitty powdered parmesan in your fridge. It’s not that expensive, Parrish. You can afford the decent stuff..” 
Adam was about to defend himself when his phone rang. They looked at each other and Adam sighed. Ronan rolled his eyes, “I win again. Told you we wouldn’t get the weekend.” 
“It’s going to be nothing. Something quick probably.” Adam looked embarrassed and sad. “Parrish. Yes… No, yeah. I’m fine I was just eating… Ronan made us something. Yeah it was really good… He WHAT? Are you serious? That fucking… Yeah I’ll go right over.” He hung up and threw his phone at the couch, “That bastard.” 
“A new broken leg?”
“Hackfield’s screwing us. He’s pushing the vote through committee so we lose it. I’m so sorry, i have to go.” He started collecting his things again. Ronan followed him and steadied his shoulders and retied his tie, “It’s okay. You gotta go. I’ll be here when you get back.” He kissed Adam gently and brushed a stray hair out of his eye. 
“Actually… Do you want to come scare a senator with me?”
The look on Ronan’s face was pure happiness.
Twenty minutes later, Ronan was dressed in the suit he kept at Adam’s apartment and was standing by the door of Senator Hackfield of Delaware (D)’s office. Adam was back in his navy suit in the chair across from the senator.
“I understand your boss’ position, Mr. Parrish, but I’m not changing my mind. My state needs this package and I’m not going to deny them the opportunity this is going to provide.” Hackfield leaned back in his chair and spread his arms wide like ‘what can I do?’ It was obvious he thought Adam was no threat. Ronan smiled to himself, this was going to be fun to watch. 
Adam didn’t reply to the senator. He just looked at him.
“Mr. Parrish, tell your boss he can send whoever he wants but you and your little boyfriend aren’t going to scare me.” Ronan bristled in the background and crossed his arm. Hackfield chuckled, “Keep an eye out, Mr. Parrish, that one looks like he needs a leash.”
Adam cocked his head slightly to the left and held a pause. Then very quietly he asked, “Did you just refer to my partner like a dog?” Hackfield chuckled nervously. 
“No, of course not, it’s just not very professional to bring your, uh, partner, excuse me, into a meetin-”
“It’s not very professional to turn your back on your party for personal gain.” Adam countered, again with incredible quiet. Ronan knew what was happening. He’d seen Adam when he was like this, unsettling, distant, calm in a way that no other human ever truly was. People were not comfortable with this Adam. Ronan loved it. Stuttering, Hackfield tried to defend hismelf, “I’m not turing my back on the party. I’m helping my constituents. That is a very… professional.. Mr. Parrish I don’t have to answer to you, you know. You’re not my boss. And I don’t appreciate a staffer from a different office coming into mine on a Friday night like this and pushing me around.”
Adam didn’t answer, he just kept staring. Ronan took a step towards him. Hackfield glanced back and forth between the two boys nervously. 
“Look I… Maybe we can work out a deal. I’ll just put in an amendment to the-”
 Adam cut him off with a quiet, “No. You’ll kill this in committee until we have the votes.”
“My constituents need this bill.”
“And they can have it when we have the votes. But this isn’t about them. This is about you. This is about you looking courageous without having to risk anything because you know this will fail. I don’t like grandstanding, Senator.” 
Ronan took another step forward.  Hackfield looked pale. “Grandstanding.. I’m not… How dare you…” The senator was stuttering. Adam knew he had won. He stood up and just said, “This is going to wait. Thank you for your time Senator Hackfield. Have a good weekend.” 
And then he walked out the door. Ronan watched the senator for another second, squirming like a prey animal. “Call me a dog again and I’ll show you what my teeth can do.” he growled and then smiled a shit-eating grin and sauntered out of the office. 
“That was awesome, Parrish. He was fucking wetting himself.” Ronan was grinning ear to ear but Adam still had an aura of cold around him. “I don’t like them talking about you like that.” 
“Oh fuck him, who cares. I don’t mind being your little attack dog.” Wrapping an arm around his waist, Ronan made a little woof noise into Adam’s hearing ear. Finally, Adam let out a breath and laughed. “C’mon let’s go home. Maybe we can still salvage the weekend. It’s fucking hot when you scare people like that but if you ever look at me with those dead eyes in bed I’m going to dump you.” 
Adam turned and looked right at Ronan, shifting effortlessly into his uncanny aloofness. Ronan pushed him away down the hall, “Fuck off Parrish. I’m not kidding.” But Adam laughed and reached back his hand for Ronan’s. They walked out of the building holding hands into the warm spring night. 
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neoyeppuda · 6 years
tattoo artist!wonwoo
a/n: i really love the idea of tattooed wonwoo + i put a heap of links in of the tattoos i wanted him to have - talani
warnings: swearing, mentions of smoking, mentions of needles
tattoo artist!seungcheol
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has been working at cheol’s parlour for about a year
kinda only started working there because of mingyu’s annoying begging 
oof anyways
has a lot of minimalistic tattoos (lmao even has a fucking infinity tattoo on his pinky)
most of them are really random spur of the moment ones tbh
“ooh fuck that tat would look great next to this one and it’d fit in so well”
the only one he seriously thought about was the tattoo on his back
bc it’s lowkey serious and makes him seem like a single forever guy lmao
it’s the nights watch oath from GoT and it goes all the way down his spine
and now I’m going to continue to name the rest of his tattoos
has this amazing cherry blossom tree tattoo on his arm and it takes up most of his arm but wow it looks great!!!!
also has this really cool snake tattoo on his other arm that’s done with black and white ink and oof
olive branches on his collarbones that look A+
“cogito ergo sum” (i think, therefore i am) on the back of his neck and “devil doesn’t sleep” on the side of his calf
ferns on his hips and “꿈을 꾸고 믿을 수 있다면 이룰 수도 있다” (whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve) on his ribs
and has this on his ankle?? idk (but as a tattoo,,,,, yeah)
and a heap of small other things like words and nice flowery stuff and literally just anything else that appeals to him
enough about his tattoos
one day he’s just chillin’
readin’ his book and sittin’ on his tattooing chair
and then boom
you turn up for your tattooing session
and he barely even looks up from his book when you come in
tbh he only looked up because he heard seungkwan say his name from the front desk
and turns out
he was gonna be your tattoo artist for today
and any other days if you liked him enough and came back but yeah he was your artist today
was lowkey sad that you turned up because he was getting to a really good part in the book and now he’d have to stop for a while
and when you saw him you were lowkey intimidated, even just while looking at his back
but oof thank the gods that he wore a muscle tank bc 1) arMS BOI and 2) you get to look at all his sexy tattoos
from what you could see, he looked pretty heavily tattooed 
also kinda smelt like cigarette smoke?? but whether that was him or someone else in the parlour is unknown for now
anyways he’s like, “is there anything you have in mind or do i gotta get all my designs out and let you choose one?”
yeah he’s a lil cold but he’s cute so????
“uh, i have something in mind.. i wanna get “cogito ergo sum” on my wrist or something similar”
and his face?? just lights up?? and it’s the cutest thing??
“i have the sAME TATTOO!!!” and he turns around and points at his neck and he’s so excited bc you wanna get the same tattoo as him
bc he’s excited u get excited and you guys are just screamin’ in excitement and everyone is like “wtf are they doing”
asdfghjkl anyways
he gets the stencils and gets the gun ready and notices you shifting around a little so he’s like !!!!!!!!!!!! “are u okay sweetie??” bc he didn’t want you to be nervous n scared here
“yeah, i’m just a lil scared of needles”
and he kinda just giggles a little bc he thought you were scared of him but you were just scared of the needles
“i uh, i have a numbing cream, if that would help at all?”
and you just nod a lot bc needles are fucking scary
so he puts that on u and waits for it to work and then puts the stencil on you and !!!! tattoos you !!!!
the needles are traumatic
so you take your mind off of it by making wonwoo tell you about all his tattoos
“uhh i have this really big one on my back thats the nights watch oath from game of thrones and it seemed like a great idea at the time but a lot of people seem to think that i refuse to be in a relationship because of it so it’s not that great anymore”
“well, do you wanna date?”
he stops tattooing and actually thinks about his answer
“yeah, i guess so”
“okay great, wanna go out for lunch when you’re on break?”
and!! wonwoo!! just!! has!! the!! most!! surprised!! and!! happy!! look!! on!! his!! face!! it’s adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ofc he says yes bc who tf wouldn’t say yes to you
and for the remaining tattooing time, you both have the cutest smiles
wow you guys aren’t even a couple yet and you already have matching tattoos
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tattooedsiren · 6 years
I was tagged by the lovely @sal-si-puedes  :)
what’s your favorite song(s) to sing/hum? whatever is currently playing (coz I almost always have music playing).
what’s your favorite flower/tree/plant? cherry blossoms.
favorite colors? purple. slate blue. sea green.
what do you always doodle? straight lines that turn into triangle shapes, rows of circles with one less in each subsequent row so it ends up looking like a triangle (or tenpin bowling pins lol), asterisks, etc.
how do you take your coffee/tea? I don’t drink either tbh. I’ll very occasionally have a hot chocolate (with sugar). mostly I’m a water girl. I love a frappe though too.
favorite candle scent? I have scentsy melts, and my fave is peppermint dreams.
what perfume do you wear? Flowerbomb by Viktor & Rolf. I discovered it on my 2017 trip to NYC and it’s been my signature scent ever since. Back then you could only buy it from like two stores in America. These days you can buy it here, though I still tend to buy it whenever I’m overseas lol.
what’s your go-to dance move when you’re alone? I don’t think there’s a name for the terrible dance moves I have lol.
favorite quote? “All the knowledge I possess everyone else can acquire, but my heart is exclusively my own.” It sums me up pretty well. I’ve been thinking about getting it as a tattoo for years but still haven’t (mainly because choosing a font is hard)
do you ever want to be married? if so, what colors would you pick for your wedding theme? in theory, absolutely. but in reality no one is ever gonna marry me so can’t say I ever mentally planned any wedding details.
cursive or print? print. my handwriting is bad enough in print. you do not want to see it in cursive.
favorite weather? cool, clear skies, absolutely no wind.
favorite self-care routine(s)? baking something yummy and spending the day on the couch under a blanket watching tv/movies whilst eating said baked goodness.
fuzzy socks or house slippers? bitch I’m wearing fuzzy socks right now! lol
what color are your eyes? green.
what’s your favorite eye color on others? don’t really have a preference tbh.
favorite breed of dog? beagle or labrador - both breeds my family members have had.
favorite season? why? autumn and winter. I can’t stand hot weather.
cheek, neck, or nose kisses? yes.
what does your happy place look like? I’ll let you know when I find it.
I tag: @crazyassmurdererwall . @cinematicnomad . @midnightstreet . @emisfritish . @veritasst
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logan-are-you-okay · 6 years
Just Nice Friends at School
Robbie and JJ have been friends since they where little kids in kindergarten. JJ was deaf and mute, however Robbie knew sign language so he could communicate with JJ every single day. Also Robbie had a speech impediment, so that was the other way he communicated with other people. They now go to High School with Robbie’s older brother Anti. He was a total rebel at school, always getting in trouble and not caring about anything else. Well... expect Robbie and JJ. He would kill for them, and he has! He was a natural killer, his parents always feared him, but Robbie loved it. Anti would protect Robbie any time, he even protects JJ because he’s like a brother to him. He’s known him since he was hanging out with Robbie. And today... today was no exception.
Robbie and JJ where sitting underneath the cherry blossom tree outback behind the school just talking before school started. It was almost a tradition, they would always wait there under the tree until the other one got there. Even if one of them was sick, they’d still wait. At this point they where laughing over a small joke that JJ made when three male students came up to them. They both looked at each other.
‘Fuck’ JJ signed before Robbie gave an agreeing nod. They where bullied all the time, and these guys where the main source of it. Anti tried to convince Robbie to let him kill them, but Robbie said no because words speak louder then actions. Expect Murder, murder was always heard over words. JJ grabs ahold of Robbie’s hand helping them stand up. Prepared for whatever was going to happen.
“The Mute and the Disabled. Match made in heaven.” One of them says and the others snicker. Robbie slightly growls at the comment, and JJ just roles his eyes. He may be deaf, but he can easily read lips. He’s awesome at those ‘Whisper Challenges’ That people do.
“I-I’m n....n-not, n-not.... i-I’m not, d-disabled.” Robbie struggles to say, he actually said. JJ puts a hand on Robbie’s shoulder before looking back at the pricks who where bothing them. It was mainly a way to comfort him, but also to calm him down. JJ could see the pained look on Robbie’s face, he didn’t want it to get any worse.
“Sure, That sentence didn’t prove anything.” A different guy says who had dark black hair. It almost looked like it had blue tints in his hair. His skin was very Dark, more of a tan then anything else. He then took a step towards JJ, but Robbie pulled JJ to the side. He wasn’t in front of him so Robbie knew that he didn’t hear nor see it. He points towards it and JJ finally realizes.
‘I bet he actually has white hair, and just dyes it that color to over composite somewhere else.’ Robbie laughs while JJ chuckles. Not even a second later the first guy grabs JJ by the collar of his shirt away from Robbie and holds him the air. He quickly looks back at Robbie who was rubbing his hand through his fading purple hair, JJ really didn’t care if he was helped. He didn’t want anyone to get hurt, especially not Robbie.
“What did you say, Mute?” The teenager says with a furious expression. JJ just smirks while sliding his finger across his mouth. He. Can’t. Speak. Idiot. Also he didn’t SAY anything, he just signed it so haha. Almost immediately the kid raises his hand quickly, and JJ covers his head with his arms to prevent an attack. The others laugh, but Robbie’s growl deepens. There is no point in them hurting JJ for not being able to answer.
“Maybe we should help him speak, teach him to scream, aye?” One person suggest, while the others smirk in response. Robbie’s eyes widen as he sees the scared closed eyes of his best friend. He has no clue what they’re talking about... but Robbie won’t let them try. Quickly he runs over, shoves the first man away which makes him drop JJ to the ground. Robbie then wraps his arms around JJ’s shoulders almost as if he was trying to protect him. This was stupid! They’re picking on them for no dang reason! They where minding their own business, they’re the ones who came out of nowhere!
“Did you just fucking shove me? When I’m done with you, you really will be disabled.” He says with an aggravated look that sends chills down JJ and Robbie’s spines.
“I....I-if y...you if y-you t...touch me i-I’ll... i-I’ll get my.... i-I’ll get m-my b...b-brother!” Robbie yells out at them, which makes them all laugh but it makes JJ tense up. He’s never been scared of Anti, Robbie’s older brother, but he was scary when he got mad.
‘Your brother’s going to be very mad, Robbie. He scares me sometimes.’ JJ Quickly signs while the other’s keep howling in laughter. Robbie just smiles and signs back.
‘Don’t worry, you won’t be able to hear it anyways. Just close your eyes and you’ll be fine.’ Robbie laughs at his joke while JJ shows a face that looked like he was laughing, but wasn’t. It’s kinda sad really... JJ was born deaf, and he didn’t have a vocal cords or a voice box. So he couldn’t laugh, but he still did without the sound. If he was just deaf he would make a sounds, but he just... can’t. JJ doesn’t really care that much, he’s happy the way he is. Robbie helps him stand up as they look at the The kids in front of them.
“Oh no! Who’s your brother? He gonna makes us sad that we hurt you? Make ya feel guilty!?” The person that hadn’t spoke said that, he had blonde hair with a classic preppy boy look.
“Not really. I was thinking of a more violent option.” The attackers shriek as they quickly turn around. Robbie smiles widely as he sees the familiar dark green hair in front of the bullies. His pale grey skin that had piercings in his nose and gages in his ears. A tattoo going up the side of his neck. The dark black leather jacket that was hugging the outside of the black tank top with a abstracted purples, blacks, greens making a picture of an eye ball that looks infected. Chains where hanging on the outside of his pockets. Then his expression was difficult to describe. It was anger, agitation, a smirk of enjoyment.... and blood lust. A look Robbie has seen a lot.
“Woah, Anti! Hey! W-Whatcha doing here?” The supposed ‘leader’ of the click asks. Robbie looks down at JJ, thankfully he couldn’t see their mouths so he has no clue what was going on.
“I was checking on my little brother, however I saw three cunts blocking the way.” Anti then takes a step towards the three of them, which makes them all step back.
“L-Look man! It’s just a joke! I know you don’t care about anything, and you get in a lot of fights, b-but we didn’t mean anything by it!” The preppy little kid then starts to cower away as he said that.
‘What’s going on?’ JJ Quickly signs, man it must be really frustrating not to be able to hear what was happening.
‘Anti is talking to those jerks, if anything gets bad I’ll tell you.’ Robbie slowly let’s go of JJ’s shoulders. Holding JJ’s hand, Robbie helps him up as he looks back at his brother.
“I wouldn’t really call it joking around. Last week you broke his five ribs, then you beat his friend with a bat till he screamed. Which he couldn’t do, you only stopped because the police came-“ He takes another step towards them, and the others all in one movement step back.
“How is that a joke?” He asks with a very serious expression. However Robbie has seen that look before on Anti. He’s not going to listen to a dang thing they say.
“Listen if we really meant it then-“ yadda yadda yadda. Robbie’s eyes widen as Anti snaps his fingers and makes a knife come out of thin air! How the fudge did he do that!?
“Ya know, my parents have always been afraid of me. So has every teacher or adult.” The three guys then gasps as they see the knife and almost start begging for their lives! Anti just giggles away at their pathetic attempt. They weren’t even kneeling! Robbie quickly covers JJ’s eyes with one of his hands as he closes his own as screams fill the air. The sounds of squishing flesh against blood was faint, but everyone was in terror of what was happening. JJ flinches as he feels something wet hit his cheek. However he doesn’t move, completely afraid of what’s happening. Once the screaming stops, Robbie slowly opens his eyes, then they completely widen. THE FUDGE!? The three kids, on the ground, DEAD! Stab wound after stab wound, blood surrounding their bodies. Robbie’s eyes then fall on his brother who was giggling like crazy.
“A-A... Anti?” He asks timidly. He’s known that his brother kills people, but he’s never seen it first hand. Anti then turns around while inspecting his knife.
“Hey Robester. How’s your day been so far?” He then snaps his fingers and the knife disappears back into the air, and he looks at JJ who Robbie still had a hand over his eyes. Anti then smirks. Why was he smirking? He just killed three people and he’s smiling?
“You do realize you’re holding his hand with your free one right?” Robbie’s eyes widen as he quickly takes both his hand away to reveal a blood red blushing JJ underneath. His eyes where wide and the sight alone made Robbie blush. Anti laughs, but that’s when JJ noticed the bodies. Thank goodness he was mute or he would be screaming so loud that the whole school would’ve heard him. His expression was complete terror, and it even looked like he was screaming.
“Anyways Robster, I’ll clean this shit up. Have a nice rest of your day.” He says while turning around and humming ‘silent night’. JJ doesn’t wait another second before running as hard as he can towards the school while Robbie chased after him. He just saw the bodies of a murder! HIS BEST FRIEND’S BROTHER WAS A MURDERER! Oh shit he has to tell someone! Seconds later Robbie tackled him to the ground while he struggles to get free.
“Y...y-you n...n-need t-to... y-you n..need, y-you n...n-need to s-stop!” Robbie yells at JJ. He had to make sure that JJ didn’t get away so it worth not signing.
‘He killed them! They may have been assholes and hurt us but they didn’t deserve to DIE!’ JJ throws his hands around spastically.
“H-he w...w-was, p-protecting, h-h...he was h-h..h-helping us!”
‘We have to tell someone! There’s no way he’s going to be able to burry those bodies and hide the blood!’
“Y-y...yes h-he, h-h...he y-y...y-yes he c...c-can!” Robbie was waiting for JJ to respond, but all he got in return was him blushing. He arches his eyes brows, why was he blushing? Quickly he understands and stands up rubbing the back of his neck. JJ gets up after holding his arm, slightly looking away but also at Robbie so he can tell if he says something.
“J-j...just d..d-don’t... don’-t just.... n-n..no telli-ing a-any o...one, o-okay?”
‘Yup, won’t tell a soul.’ After that they quickly run inside with each other to class sitting down next to one another. Hopefully class will take their mind off of everything.
( @immortalpoptart did the prompt I asked ya!)
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Hello my sweet goddess hope your having a good day. So I noticed you posted a few things and have even said you have some kinks (Don't worry I'm not going to be creepy; just a curious ask) and since you do poly turtles I was just wondering do your AU turtles have any kinks of their own and if so what are they? Also as a bonus if you can since your female OC character is with all four of the turtles does she share any of their kinks or indulge her lovers from time to time? If not too much trouble
OMG Dude thank you for not being creepy about this! Sorry Nonny yes I’m having a good day just a little worn out is all
To your question yes my AU Turtles all have kinks - as in they are all quite kinky when it comes to the bed room and their shared mate and I just almost finished a fanfic I was asked to do a while back by an acquaintance about their kinks so it’s more detailed but I’ll shorten it then later you can read it and enjoy it in full
(Just so you know you are asking for it)
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Leo is the Kink King but also the King of aftercare
He’s into nicknames but need to hear her call him by his name (He wants her to call him Sensei while she his his Geisha or Cherry Blossom) Soft Lovemaking = Leonardo/Leo while Hardcore Dom = Sensei
Japanese - Always had this headcanon in my mind that out of all of the guys Leo would be the most into Japanese
All BDSM. Enough said!
Has a rope and silk fetish
He has a thing about tying his girl up and having her blindfolded
Noise play
Dominate almost never Submissive
Control - he has to be in control at all times but will give it up if he’s had a hard day, this ties in with  Worship
Orgasm denial
Hand play - he wants to watch so he’s going to tie her down and work over her body with nothing but his hands
Role play - She makes him feel like her hero showing him her appreciation 
Sex is only done in his or her room (Mostly his) But a special exception is the Cabin.
Loves mating in nature
Lingerie - His blue and whites, Bows and corsets because it makes him push his patients 
Costumes - Sexy cop
Worshiping is a must do.  He has a soft spot for this when she gives him her full attention after a long day, doing whatever she can to make her leader feel good.
His mates hair. He has a big obsession with her long black hair
He’s the ass man and adores the booty
Ass play is normal with him
The big one: Spanking - embarrasses him to no end but he has to do it
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He is the rough lover and My OC’s first mate.
Compared to the other’s he’s not all that kinky
First and foremost Power. Raph is in charge in the bed, he is her king, her alpha, her leader. This is demanded or she gets punished
He loves playing chase (Predator/Pray) - a game they played together where she is in a tight outfit that showed off her body gets him riled up to the point that he was on the verge of taking her - then she runs – tell him she’s be right back his mate slips out of the lair and once she was on the surface he gets a  call and the hunt is on
He almost always tops.
Leather fetish
Dominate no matter what
He’s an ass and thigh man
Loves talking dirty
Name calling to his shame and always feels bad after... then there is nicknames
He never minds her screaming his name, he actually loved it but he prefers to be called Master. The second that door closed, he expects her on her knees and for his goddess to indulge him, it has a way of making him weak to see his headstrong and stubborn mate submitting to his will
As for pleasing him… it all depended on his mood.
He loved her lingerie; the slinky, smooth sets in black or red but black leather is his weakness, leather in any form of an outfit got him and there was no chance of them walking for the next few days because he was going to go to town on her until he couldn’t move another inch
Costumes - a naughty maid or sexy nurse with thigh highs and heels drive him crazy…
Most of all ‘Pet play’… he has a thing for animal ears and tails, he is completely embarrassed by it but seeing his girl in a set for a cat or a fox and he was hooked keeping a collar and leash in deep scarlet on her having his pet please her master
While he likes to watch her with his brother’s only Leonardo is allowed to touch her if he is with her
Mirrors. He likes to watch her while he is taking her
Like Leo he needs compliments and to be worshiped to boost his self-confidence
He loves stand up sex and water sex
Ass-play sometimes
Sex is only in his bedroom or the gym, but he likes sneaking off into an empty apartment
Raphael cums the most and tends to leave his scent all over her to piss of the others - likes her wearing his color so he’s very mark my territory even though he willingly shares her
Rarely will Raphael tie her up only on a small occasion, it’s small and simple: Her wrists and his bandanna.
Big on aftercare and being sure she’s comfortable after dealing with him
Angry sex
One kink he is NOT proud of is choking his mate - it turns him on and he’s super careful but he still hates that he has to do it every now and then
He has a thing for seeing his woman cock drunk and strives to achieve that
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Donatello is a passionate lover. Sex makes him feel confident, so he gets into it when he has her. The louder she moaned, the more his angel screamed his name, the better he felt.
He may not be the kink king but he is defiantly the prince of Kinkiness 
Preferred to have sex in his lab where he could easily lock her in (his brother’s out) but has a deep love for public sex. Rooftops while on patrol, dead end alleyways, or the park at night are his big thing
Like Raph he loves to play games - stalking her until he catches her alone before pouncing
Submissive almost never Dominate (Unless it’s mating season or he’s pent up) so wants his girl to be Domme riding him hard but knows she’s in love with him being Dom over her so he does try
He has to please her no matter what - he doesn’t cum til she does wanting to hear her beg for him to give it to her
Toys! Some he invents other’s he orders off line (Has a thing for the Bad Dragon stuff)
Orgasm denial and  multiple orgasms
Teasing and begging
Oral Pleasuring - this is where that shy nerd excels 
Strip tease
Watching her masturbate or letting her sit back as he got himself off by looking at her  
Fetishes are kept secret
Role play - a naughty student complete with the short skirt, thigh high socks, and slutty heels that needed to be taught a lesson or needs a better grade, doctor giving the teen a much needed “oral exam.” but his favorite game is Scientist and Subject; strapping his mate to a metal table and standing over her, totally in control.
Spontaneous turn on for him includes legs
He is big on masturbation
He liked double teaming her with his brothers
He really gets off on watching her with the others
Sexting - a daily thing
His name is the only one she is allowed to say while in bed with him. Unlike his brothers he doesn’t want to be called anything but his name.
He dives into aftercare
He wants to hear her - if she’s quiet he’s going to do whatever it takes to make her scream and moan
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Mikey – bless his sweet little heart is the wild lover up for anything, anytime, anywhere and was wholeheartedly devoted to his baby girl’s pleasure, and to be totally honest, he is always horny.
Is the most demanding for attention and has no problem snatching her from his brother’s in order to get it
He’s the one who accepts all his kinkiness fuckery and is proud of it
Loves underwear and anything that shows off his girls ass
Lingerie in orange and bright (Obnoxious) neon colors
Surprise sex
Big on Pics! He loved pictures – like obsessively and completely adored them. Both sending and receiving.
Neck fetish 
Michelangelo is the master of oral rivaling Donnie
Has an enormous turn on for loud sex - big turn on for him so she’s going to scream his name whether she likes it or not…
He’s the boob man
Rough sex is  rare with Mikey.
He refuses to call her names like Raph or go hardcore dom like Leo.
Daddy kink - This is his fave of all because having his baby girl calling him daddy guarantees a full night of fun and a few days of no walking 
Sex tapes.
No big surprise Mikey loved dressing up... 
Costumes are mostly for him 
Role playing can get crazy in a great and very unique way.
And to go with the kid in Mikey - he loved toys. Donnie introduced him to the Bad Dragon sex toys
Mikey was willing to get in on pretty much anywhere. His place, her place, the couch, the truck, his own brother’s rooms if they were quiet enough… Anyplace is good enough for him to get down with his mate.
He wants somebody to watch even showing off what he could do to her to get under their skin
He’s good on aftercare but only after he cuddles and over loves his girl
Has some of the dirtiest fantasies and is the most willing to try them out
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(Took from the internet until I can get a picture of her but this is the closest - so this is not mine)
Now obviously if she’s with 4 kinky men this girl is gonna have more then a few kinks - in fact put them together and she might just have the most because she’s into everything they are and more. She trust them more then she trusts herself so when something happens they already know she is theirs and that she knows they wouldn't hurt her on purpose 
There are probably too many to actually list so I’ll just give you a few, she looks like a sweet innocent angel but her halo is held up by horns
She likes it rough and enjoys everything that comes with it: Hair pulling, Biting, Spanking, Choking, Pinned down while they go as hard, deep, or fast as they want
Submissive with her rarely being Dominate (Mostly with Don)
DP / Multiple partners at the same time - Group sex happens more then you think and no matter what she makes all of them feel like alphas
Weaknesses are tattoos, biting/sucking on the neck, muscles - them flexing for her
Loves the name calling
Begs to be tied up or blindfolded when the guys aren’t sure of themselves - this takes a lot of trust with her so they tend to hold back until she ask for more
She has small Masochist tendencies liking a little pain with the loads of pleasure her lovers show her
Loves giving oral 
Plays along with the boys fantasies no matter how crazy it sounds she’s all for making them happy no matter what
Just a few off the top of my head without doubling the boys - if it’s on their list she likes
I know it’s long but trust me I cut this way the hell down hope this answered your questions
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Prompt: one where everyone thinks punk!Dan is top cause Phil is all soft and stuff and then people r like "Dan's a top" or whatever and Dan goes along with it and then Phil ends up showing Dan who is the real top (this can be as kinky as u desire) (but daddy kink please) :)
thank you, for this, I love this
Dan had always been the more protective boyfriend. He was grumpy, and glared at anyone who looked his and Phil’s way. He was a punk for heaven’s sake! In every meaning of the word. He beat others up if they deserved it, his fringe was died red, his lip was pierced, his ears covered in metal, eyes lined with liner, tattoos covered his arms, and he had some badass clothes to go along with his badass lifestyle.
And Phil? Well, Phil was the total opposite. He dressed in light blue jeans, sometimes midnight blue if he was feeling it, and a pastel green shirt to match. He wore flower crowns and white shoes and giggled while cherry blossoms floated down peacefully around him. But, Phil definitely showed his protectiveness in a different way.
Phil was currently held under Dan’s arm around his shoulder, the couple eating at a picnic table outside of the school for lunch. Dan’s friends surrounded them, all yelling and throwing food. When a crisp landed atop Phil’s head, Dan growled, his friend staring in shock with his mouth agape.
A chorus of ‘oh’s echoed around the table, and Dan looked at his boyfriend, carefully taking the crisp from his hair, fixing his flower crown, and then promptly looking at his friend who was profusely apologizing.
“Keep your nasty, chemically produced, wheat, away from my boyfriend.” Dan warned.
“Don’t get your boyfriend’s panties in a twist, Dan, or is it too late for that?” His friend, Jess, joked, the table erupting in laughs as Phil’s cheeks flushed at the assumption.
“Do they not know you have your own panties?” Phil whispered quietly into Dan’s ear, a small smirk playing at his lips. Dan choked on his drink, eyes looking wildly around the table to see if anyone had heard.
“Phil!” He scolded.
“Oh, it looks like Phil’s ass is in for it tonight!” Another friend, Al, said. “Don’t worry, Phil, I’m sure Dan will take good care of you.”
“I’m sure he will.” Phil said quietly enough that only Dan heard him, the younger’s heart beating a little faster.
“Maybe we should get ready for class.” Dan said, taking Phil’s hand, who giggled as all his friends implied that Phil was getting fucked.
“Well, that was something.” Phil said as he and Dan made it to his room. Dan plopped down on Phil’s pale blue sheets, toeing off his black boots.
“If you’re referring to lunch, then agreed.” Dan sighed. “I didn’t tell them anything, just so you know. I don’t care what they think.”
“As long as it’s not you getting fucked, right?” Phil smirked, crawling onto the bed and straddling Dan’s waist.
“I mean,” Dan shrugged, “It keeps up my rep.”
“Oh, and what about mine, Mr. ‘Top’”? Phil teased, fingers already digging into the top of Dan’s pants, resting there tauntingly.
“But you’re so cute, I don’t think anyone could think about you explicitly without feeling like they’re sinning and need to cleansed.” Dan said, his own thumbs coming to his pants to push them down his hips, underwear sliding down too. Phil pulled them the rest of the way off, taking Dan’s socks with them.
“Oh yeah? What about you, silly boy?” Phil presses, taking his shirt off, flower crown already on his dresses.
“God, you make me sin, Phil, of course I need to be cleansed.” Dan said, crawling on top of Phil, bottom half bare.
“Now, now, baby boy, use your words.” Phil reprimanded, hands on Dan’s naked hips, fingers crawling up his shirt. Dan chuckled, a small blush coming to his cheeks. God, if his friends could see him now. He bit his lip ring, the words on his tongue making him hesitate.
“Sorry, Daddy, been desperate to be on you.” He said, his own fingers on Phil’s chest as he leaned down to kiss him.
Phil nipped at Dan’s lip, the piercing cool against his warm mouth. When he pulled away, Dan chased him, a laugh leaving Phil’s mouth.
“You’ve been a little naughty, Dan.” Phil said, grabbing handfuls of Dan’s plump bottom. Dan groaned, pushing back into Phil’s hands.
“Just been needy, Daddy, sorry.” Dan explained.
“Then you won’t mind that pretty mouth be put to better use, huh?” Phil asked, his fingers pulling Dan’s chin up so he looked at him, Phil’s finger tugging on Dan’s lip.
“Uh-uh, Daddy, I don’t mind. Love your cock.” Dan responded, slowly crawling down Phil’s body, placing small kisses on his torso.
Phil admired the tattoos on Dan’s skin, the pale contrast to the dark symbols and figures a beautiful sight. He looked at Dan’s ass in the air as the latter worked on getting his pants down, and his cock twitched.
“So pretty for Daddy, aren’t you, baby boy?” Phil cooed, his hand running through Dan’s hair.
Dan hummed distractedly as he took Phil’s cock in hand, lips opening up to suck on the tip, trying to get his Daddy to full hardness.
“So good, Dan, so good.” Phil praised and Dan moaned, taking Phil further. He pulled off and ran his tongue all around Phil’s length to get him wet, and then took Phil in his mouth almost completely. “Give me your fingers.” Phil ordered, and Dan did as he was told, his hand coming up to Phil as the older sucked them in his mouth, his spit coating three of Dan’s digits, before taking them out “Finger yourself, baby boy.”
Dan panted around Phil’s cock at the order, his hand going to his entrance and easing a finger into his hole as Phil watched, his fingers laced in Dan’s hair, eyes firmly on his lips taking Phil’s cock and Dan’s ass taking his fingers.
“So full, aren’t you, Dan? What would your friends say? Seeing you choke on my cock? Seeing you take your own fingers so…desperately. You look so good, Dan, feel so good.” Phil tipped his head back as Dan sucked him deeper, and moaned when he looked back at Dan slipping his fingers in and out of himself.
Dan moaned when he added his third finger into himself, the feeling of fullness coming over him and he all but drooled on Phil’s cock, making wet noises as he slurped and sucked around him. He caught Phil’s eyes and didn’t look away as he opened his throat and sunk down on Phil’s length, making him moan and clutch his head as he dragged himself in and out of Dan’s mouth slowly, sensuously.
“Gonna cum, baby boy, you can come, too.” Dan quickened his pace with his fingers and mouth, shoving his digits in himself so that he hit his prostate. He licked around Phil’s cockhead, collecting the ever-growing precum and Phil’s hips stuttered before Dan sped up, going down to the hilt of Phil’s cock and then back up to lick the slit.
Phil felt his abdomen tighten as heat gathered in his groin, and with a moan of Dan’s name he was coming down his throat. Dan sucked him through it, licking the slit one last time to get all his cum before he pulled off, panting.
Dan stood on his knees, fingers still thrusting into himself, and his hand, no longer holding him up, went around to tug and pull at his needy cock.
Phil watched with a smile and still-lusty eyes as Dan whimpered. He sat up on his own knees, going to Dan. He replaced Dan’s hand with his own and smeared precum along his cock. He kissed up Dan’s neck and the latter moaned, his fingers speeding up inside him.
“I’m gonna cum, Daddy, oh, feels so good!” He whined, and Phil kissed him right on the lips as he moaned and whined, his orgasm splitting through him, Dan’s cum spilling over Phil’s hand. “Fuck, Daddy.” He moaned as Phil kept tugging in his spent cock. “I’m-I’m, it hurts, Daddy.”
Phil laughed, finally removing his hand from Dan. “You were so good for me, Dan, made me feel so good.” He praised.
Dan smiled happily, hands reaching up to tug Phil’s hair to bring him into a lazy, sleepy kiss.
“God, if my friends knew what a babe you are, I think they’d cum in their pants.”
“Shut up!” Phil blushed, giggling into the kiss.
“Although, I think I came in my pants when–”
“Okay, okay, sorry.”
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huphilpuffs · 7 years
the taste of your cherry chapstick
Summary: Punk!Phil has a crush, so when Pastel!Dan is manning a kissing booth for a school event, he finds himself showing up with a pound in his pocket.
Word count: 5364
Warnings: food
A/N:  Special thanks goes to Harley (@danslester) for giving me the idea for this fic and encouraging me as I was writing it, and to Gisele (@fringegaps) for reading it over and promising it was okay to post. (Also let me know if you’d be interested in seeing more of this version of Dan and Phil because they were fun to write and I have a few ideas.)
(Ao3 link)
“A fucking kissing booth?”
Phil barely had time to mutter a responding huh? before PJ was reaching over and tearing a poster from the school’s brick wall. He read it quickly, the page clutched in one hand and his cigarette perched in the other before crumpling it in his hand, tossing it aside with a huff.
“Kissing booths not your thing, Peej?” Phil huffed, laughter ringing in his tone when PJ flipped him off, already taking another drag of his cigarette.
There was a moment’s silence, the crumpled poster sitting between them and smoke billowing in the air. Phil’s fingers were fumbling with the zipper of his leather jacket, eyes locked on the page with no curiosity as to its contents whatsoever. Absolutely none.
But PJ must have caught him staring, because his laughter was ringing in the air, his toes jamming against Phil’s kneecap. “Kissing booth’s your thing, Lester?”
His leg jerked, and he reached over to shove at PJ’s shoulder. “Shut up,” he hissed, though there was a smile on his face.
“I mean, this one might be,” PJ continued anyway, reaching forward with his free hand to swipe the ball of paper from the ground and toss it at Phil. “Apparently your flower boy is manning it.”
There was a split second where the words had Phil pausing, his palm still flat against PJ’s shoulder and his gaze shifting to the poster sitting by his thigh. But he forced himself to look away, lips twisting into a frown as he shoved at PJ’s shoulder again, reached over to pluck the cigarette from his friend’s hand.
“You promised to stop mentioning that,” he spat, sucking in a drag of smoke and blowing it out as though to punctuate his statement.
“I did no such thing,” said Peej, plucking his cigarette back, taking one final drag before putting it out against the stairwell’s tiled floor. “You have the biggest crush on Howell. I would have never promised to not tease you about that every chance I got.”
“I don’t have a–”
But PJ was already laughing, the denial surely having grown familiar since Phil had first uttered it too long ago. He pushed himself from the ground, playfully kicking at Phil’s leg one more time before stumbling towards the door. “Chris has a spare so I gotta go,” he said. “Maybe you should go to that kissing booth and see if you can get an out for bio.”
“Fuck off, Peej,” said Phil, swiping the poster from the floor and pitching it at PJ only for it to bounce off his back and tumble back to rest on the ground between them.
The only response was the sound of the door slamming shut, and Phil stared at it for a moment before letting his gaze fall.
To the poster sitting by his feet.
He waited a second, cheeks burning and mind racing to tell him how pathetic it was, and then he reached over to swipe the poster from the ground and see what it said.
He stepped into the stadium with his back to the wall and a frown drawing at the corners of his lips. His hands were shoved into his pockets and his leather jacket was stretched over his shoulders, gleaming under the glow of the white Christmas lights the school had put up.
The too-green grass housed the festival they’d organized, booths of activities that went far beyond the kissing booth PJ had joked about in the stairwell. There were games to rival the carnival that came into town every summer, and a bake sale that seemed to belong at a primary school, and many the cheerleaders were going around waving pom poms and chanting something that made Phil’s ears ache.
His ticket was still clenched in his fist, and he considered tearing it up, turning away with an eye roll at himself for even showing up.
But then he found the kissing booth in the crowd of activities, and he was pushing himself off the concrete wall at his spine to step deeper into the festival.
Dan was standing there, leaning over the table with a smile on his face. He was wearing his cheerleading uniform, the school logo printed it blue and white and stretched across his chest. Phil hated that he knew the matching pants hugged Dan’s ass perfectly. His hair was in curls, a crown of blue flowers perched atop his head.
Phil wanted to knot his fingers in the strands, knock the blossoms from Dan’s head as he shoved the boy against the wall, lips pressed to his.
Okay, so maybe PJ was right and Phil had a small crush on flower boy. On Dan.
He almost went straight to the kissing booth, ready to draw on his guise of confident indifference and walk over. Could picture himself leaning against the table opposite Dan, stretching his neck to show the tattoos of roses that poked from beneath the neckline, the vine of thorns climbing to curl around his ear, as he dropped the pound between Dan’s hands. But his thumb dragged over the festival ticket in his pocket and doubt settled in his gut, drawing him towards the bake sale instead.
The cupcake he bought was covered in pale pink icing that reminded him of the jumper Dan had worn to school that day, the red velvet cake matching the blush that would often bloom across his cheeks. He ate it quickly, before anyone could notice him standing at a school event with a pink cupcake in his hands.
And then he walked over to the kissing booth, fidgeting with the pound in his pocket until he drew close enough to force the crooked smile onto his face, the squareness of his shoulders.
“Hey, Howell.”
Dan was smiling when he turned to him, a soft upturn of his lips that made him look softer, warmer than the flower crowns and pastel clothing ever could. “Since when do you come to these things, Lester?” he called back.
Since you started working at a kissing booth, seemed to be the wrong thing to say, so he responded with a shrug instead. “I like to support my school,” he offered, but Dan just scoffed.
There was a pause then, when Phil finally reached the booth, when he was standing so close he could see the pale dotting of freckles over Dan’s nose and the petals of each flower in his crown. A moment where Dan just stared at him and smiled and Phil wanted to lean over and kiss him without handing over the pound.
But then he was holding the coin up between them, rolling it between his fingers and Dan was staring at it, a smile on his face.
“Kissing booths, huh, Phil?” he said. “Want me to get Chloe?”
He motioned towards the opposite end of the booth, to the head cheerleader but Phil didn’t even bother to turn, to look. “I don’t know. You’re more my type,” he answered, quirking a smile when he saw Dan’s widening at the words.
“Well then, pay up,” he said.
Phil dropped the coin into his palm at that, noting the blue nail polish on Dan’s fingertips and that it matched his cheerleading uniform. And with Dan staring back at him, he raised his hand, tapped his fingers to the smirk he was forcing to remain in place despite the bubble of nerves in his stomach.
He was going to kiss Dan.
Sure, he was paying for it, and Dan had probably kissed a bunch of people that night. But still. He was going to know what it felt like to have Dan’s lips pressed to his, know if they were as soft as they looked, if the lip gloss he usually had on tasted of anything. He was going to have Dan so close he could figure out if he smelled like the flowers he had perched atop his head.
It happened then. Dan’s laughter was high and ringing in the air, and then he was leaning over, pressing his lips to Phil’s.
It was quick, just a peck but it was enough to feel the warmth of Dan’s touch, the way his lips were actually chapped, to smell the roses that seemed to swirl around him. Enough to have Phil’s heart skipping a beat, lurching itself against his ribcage, and blood burning in his cheeks.
“I hope my services were satisfactory,” said Dan, and Phil blinked to see his smile having widened even more, his teeth pearly white and dimple popping in his cheek.
He almost kissed him again.
Instead, he shrugged. “Your lips are a little chapped,” he offered, and he turned away before his blush became too obvious, or before he did lean over and kiss Dan for longer than a split second.
Okay, so maybe his crush on flower boy was a tad bigger than small.
“I can’t believe I let you drag me to this thing,” huffed PJ, blowing out a final drag of smoke before crushing the butt of cigarette just outside the stadium door. “And just so you can get another kiss with flower boy.”
Phil shoved his hands deeper into the pockets of his jacket at the words, huffing in annoyance even though it was true. “I couldn’t just show up alone again. He’d have noticed if I kept showing up by myself and kissing him.”
PJ let out a laugh at that, leaning over to elbow him in the shoulder. “Yeah, you’re right,” he said, voice laced with teasing and making Phil roll his eyes before the thought was complete. “It’s not like flower boy will think it’s strange when two of the least likely people to enjoy this festival bullshit show up. Or he will and it will totally distract him from the fact that you want to kiss him again.”
“Shut up,” was the best response Phil could muster.
“Whatever,” said PJ. “You gonna go get your kiss or what?”
Phil turned to him, eyes wide. “I can’t just go over there,” he hissed. “I have to make it look like I came here for something besides a kiss.”
PJ’s response was an eye roll, a dramatic sigh. “You’re such a girl, Lester.”
“Says you, who forced me to spend a whole free period in the bathroom so you could do your hair for a date,” he countered, bumping PJ’s arm with his own when he caught the responding grumble from his friend.
They stood around for a while, leaning against the stadium walls and watching the crowd below. Phil was certain less people had showed up today, that it would be harder to blend in with the leather jacket drawn over his shoulders and tattoos staining his skin, with the smell of smoke lingering since his last cigarette.
And yet he dragged PJ forward anyway, found himself returning to the bake sale, where cupcakes were tempting but he bought a brownie instead because it seemed safer with PJ laughing at his every move. The chocolate was sweet on his tongue as he watched PJ play a game of ring toss, disinterested but smiling politely when the teacher manning the booth handed him a box of pencils decorated with the school logo.
“Are you going to make me play more games or are you going to go kiss flower boy so we can leave?”
Phil swallowed, turning towards the kissing booth at last. Dan was wearing his uniform again today, the sleeves drawn up over his forearms and showing off the bracelets looped at his wrists. They matched the crown of pale blue flowers sitting atop his head, and the bloom of pink over his cheeks.
PJ shoved him forward, palm flat against the center of his spine, letting out an annoyed huff that had Phil turning back to glare, even as he stumbled forward, towards the kissing booth.
Dan noticed him before he reached the booth, jumping from his chair, dimple deepening as his smile widened. He twirled the curl that fell over his forehead, fidgeted with his bracelets, plucked at the pompoms sitting on the table before him as he waited.
And then he called out. “Back for more, Phil?” His smile was cocky, chocolate eyes shimmering.
Phil’s hand tightened around one of the coins in his pocket, jaw clenching because it sounded so stupid. That he, who went around school rolling his eyes at authority and skipping classes, who showed up on a motorcycle and wore a leather jacket, would come to a fundraising festival two days in a row just to kiss his crush.
Yet here he was, standing in front of Dan, smirking and handing over a coin. “What can I say? You offer good services, Howell.”
Dan smiled, dropping the coin into the jar for the booth. Phil expected another quick peck, a split second he could spend the night thinking about because Dan made him that stupid. Instead, Dan was leaning down, swiping something from his backpack and holding it up between them.
It was a tube of cherry chapstick.
“I want you to know we take customer suggestions very seriously here,” he said, and made Phil watch as he smeared it across his lips, tasted it with the tip of his tongue.
A breath was caught in Phil’s chest, a heartbeat skipped as he watched Dan grin.
“You good?” he asked, and he got a nod in response because Phil was sure any words he could try to speak would escape as a stutter.
And then Dan was leaning forward, and Phil was sure this was the most ready he could be, was sure he’d get a quick peck and then Dan would rock back on his heels with a giggle and a teasing remark. But then there was a hand on his shoulder, swiping over the collar of his leather jacket, and fingers tripping over his neck to curl at his nape.
The kiss was softer this time, slower. Dan’s lips were warm and his hand was soft, and Phil could smell the flowers that followed Dan the way smoke followed him. Dan’s thumb swiped across one of the ridges of his vertebrae as he pulled away, touch fading but Phil was sure the warmth lingered, burning in his cheeks, in his chest.
“Has the service improved?” he asked, rocking back, reaching up with his now-free hand to adjust the flowers on his head.
Phil forced himself to look thoughtful just for a moment, to not blurt out a yes, or, worse, a it was always great. He shoved his hands into his pockets, made a show of licking his lips as Dan had earlier, just to watch brown eyes trace the swipe of his tongue, and let out a hum.
“I suppose so,” he said, offering a smile when Dan rolled his eyes.
“Well, I’ll be here all week,” he said. “In case you want to come back so I can prove to you that we offer the best service.”
He responded with a shrug, turning on his heel so the last thing he saw was the dimple he wanted so badly to kiss. It only took him a moment to find PJ, watching from behind one the information booth, arms crossed over his chest and annoyance evident in his frown.
“Satisfied with your kiss?” he asked.
Phil found himself licking his lips again, tasting the final remnants of cherry there. “I’m coming back tomorrow,” was the only answer he gave.
PJ responded with a groan.
He didn’t drag any of his friends with him on the third day. In fact, he spent a long time standing outside the entrance trying to convince himself that going in again would be too sappy and desperate. But the coin was heavy in his pocket and the memory of Dan’s lips against his was burned in his mind and he found himself stepping into the stadium, teeth digging into his lip and heart stuttering in his chest.
Without PJ looking over his shoulder, he bought another cupcake that day, sneaking a glance at Dan and the flower crown he was wearing to choose the color of icing he wanted. He ended up leaning against the stadium wall, dragging his finger through a swirl of pale yellow icing, rolling his eyes at himself even as the corners of his mouth turned upwards.
He could see Dan from where he’d situated himself, sitting on one of the stadium benches with his feet propped up on the seat in front of him, eyes locked on the kissing booth below. There was a twist in his gut when a girl walked up to the booth, got a peck on the lips for her coin. A flash of green before his eyes and a possessive clench of his heart betraying his brain’s reminders that Dan wasn’t his.
And yet he pushed himself from his seat, swallowing the last bite of his cupcake as his fingers found the pound in his coat pocket.
Dan was smirking when he reached the booth. “Finally decided to come down?”
Phil swallowed back a sputter, eyes narrowing when Dan just let out a high-pitched laugh that sounded too much like a giggle and made love swell in his chest and the words he forced out sound choked. “How did you know I was here?”
“You wear all black, and you’re at a school event. You stand out like a sore thumb, Phil,” he explained, voice deadpan though his smirk remained, teasing and happy and Phil wanted to kiss it away. “Good choice with the cupcake, by the way. I like the yellow.” He reached up, swept a thumb over the petals on his flower crown, let his hand linger to he could twirl a curl with his fingers. “But you have some crumbs.”
Phil expected Dan to motion on his own cheek, allow him to swipe the apparent crumbs from his own face with a blush climbing the pale skin of his cheeks. But Dan leaned forward, lifted a hand to brush his fingertips to the very corner of Phil’s mouth, a soft touch to the warmth of his lips.
He was close. So close. And it shouldn’t be jarring, but Phil felt his heart flip in his chest, felt the heat of Dan’s breath when he spoke.
“Did you bring a pound or?”
It was embarrassing how he rushed to shove his hand into his pocket, fumbling with the coin and dropping it onto the table between them. The clatter rang in his ears.
And went silent the moment Dan leaned forward to press their mouths together.
His palm drifted along Phil’s cheek until it was cradling his jaw, holding him close as though he would consider pulling away. It was hard, though Dan’s lips were still soft and the smell of tulips swam in the air around them. It was hard and it lingered until Phil was reaching up, too, feeling the softness of Dan’s skin under his palm, the hot slick of Dan’s tongue across his lips.
He tasted of cherries and smelled like flowers and Phil could get lost in the touch of Dan’s lips, the enchantment of his proximity.
They parted after a second, Phil stuttering on an inhale as his eyes fluttered open to catch the blush spreading across Dan’s cheeks, the small smile gracing his lips, the shimmer of affection in his eyes.
His heart flipped.
It had happened before, this feeling in his chest. The first time he’d found himself stuck in a pep rally and watching the school’s only male cheerleader. The first time he’d passed Dan in the hall and smelled the flowers in the air. The first time that smile of pearly white teeth and the most adorable dimple was flashed in his direction.
But this time was different. It was warm and Dan was still so close and Phil knew exactly what it felt like to kiss the rosebud lips that had haunted him. And he wanted nothing more than to not have a table separating them, than to pull Dan into his arms and kiss the curls atop his head, feel the petals of Dan’s flower crown tickle his cheek.
He pulled away slowly, took a stumbling step back as he watched Dan, still blushing, fumble with the coin Phil had left, and drop it into the booth’s jar.
“You better be careful, Phil,” he said, “or I might start to believe you actually do want to support the school.”
Phil responded with a shrug, a smile more genuine than the smirk he usually sported. “Or maybe I’m finally realizing you do offer the best services.”
Dan’s blush deepened, and he dipped his head to hide it, and Phil felt his heart do that flippy thing again as he turned around and walked away.
It was with a regretful sinking in his gut and a swallow of his latest cupcake that Phil realized, the next day, that the festival was more than halfway done. That he had two days left where he could slip a coin to Dan and get a kiss in return, under the guise of supporting his school that would be betrayed only by the burning of his cheeks when they parted.
There was another coin in his pocket today, a new crowd on the stadium grounds below. He watched them mill around, children playing games and parents purchasing things from the various booths, before turning his gaze to Dan.
To find Dan staring back at him.
He was sitting behind the kissing booth with his feet propped up on the table in front of him, tennis-shoe clad toes pointed. There was a smile on his face, the corner of his lip caught between his teeth. Sunshine fell over the stadium and even though he was so far away, Phil could have sworn it shimmered in chocolate eyes.
His hand stayed in his pocket, twirling in the coin in his fingers, until he saw Dan offer a wave, slight and shy and so unlike Dan but matching the softness of his smile.
And he found himself returning the wave, the slight movement of his hand almost foreign, odd given the black leather pulled over his shoulder and the tattoos littering his skin, the cigarettes in his pocket and the smoke on his breath. But so was showing up to a school festival every day just to get a kiss from a boy who wore flower crowns and a cheerleading uniform, so Phil let himself wave, let his heart flip in his chest when he saw Dan’s smile widen.
It took him a moment, until Dan’s gaze flitted to the ground with a shy flutter of his lashes over his cheeks, before Phil stood, making his way towards the ground below. Cold metal had warmed in his hand, and he flipped the coin in his pocket as he approached the booth.
Dan was standing when he got there, plucking at the strands of his pom pom with one hand, resting his cheek in the other. “Back for our fantastic service?” he said, though the words were soft and there was something thoughtful behind his eyes that was unfamiliar, strange for Dan.
He could have sworn Dan was staring at his lips when he smiled in response. “I’m a loyal customer,” he offered.
Dan’s smile widened, eyes lifting to meet Phil’s, the sun definitely shimmering in them now. “The most loyal,” he said, though his voice was laced with contemplation, and his gaze fell to land on Phil’s lips again. “Do you, uh, have a pound again today?”
There was a smile on his face and a waver to his voice and Phil’s chest tightened with it, with the realization, as he stared at Dan from across the table, that he seemed to want this. Not in the teasing way Dan usually indicated that he did, but in the way Phil did, with a blush on his cheeks and a smile on his face and eyes drifting to smiles and lips he wanted to kiss.
He dropped the pound on the table between them, and Dan looked up at him again, dimple popping in his cheek.
Then a hand was cradling Phil’s jaw and a palm was warm on his chest, fingers sliding beneath the leather of his jacket to curl at the t-shirt he was wearing beneath it. And Dan was pulling him closer, pressing their mouths together so feather-light Phil could barely feel the softness of his lips.
So he reached up, curled his hand at Dan’s nape so he could feel curls brushing his fingertips, so he could draw Dan closer, kiss him harder. So he could taste the chapstick on his lips and the sweetness on his tongue and twirl a curl around his finger because Dan’s hair was as soft as the rest of him.
He pulled away after a moment, sucking a breath as they parted. But his hand lingered at Dan’s nape, and Dan’s stayed twisted in the fabric of his shirt. Dan’s eyes fluttered open slowly, and Phil’s breath caught because they were still shining, but no longer with sunlight.
A smile spread across Dan’s face again, soft and sweet, and before Phil could remind himself that they were at a kissing booth, he was leaning in again.
But Dan used the hand still at Phil’s chest to push him away, laughter falling from his lips though soft joy stayed in his eyes. His giggles were high and happy, his amusement contagious despite the rejection, and Phil watched as he motioned to the table between them.
To where the coin he’d paid with still sat.
“You only paid for one kiss, Philly,” said Dan, laughter growing louder when Phil shot him a glare at the nickname. “But tomorrow’s our last day, so maybe you could come back and I’ll give you a discount?”
Phil responded with an eye roll, though warmth welled in his chest at the lilt of hope in Dan’s voice. And he offered a smile before turning away, hoping Dan knew that there was no way Phil was missing what might be his last chance at kissing him.
It was dumb, that there was a moment, coin in hand and breath caught in his chest, that Phil considered not going. Considered that maybe it would be better to have one less kiss with Dan than to go to the kissing booth knowing that would be the last.
It might have been dumber that he shoved the coin back into his pocket and stepped into the stadium, a smile on his face and acceptance that he would have one last kiss with Dan welling in his chest.
He avoided it, though. Found himself turning away from the kissing booth and following his usual path to the bake sale first. One final cupcake to go with one final kiss, so that his lips hopefully wouldn’t taste of the cigarette he’d smoked that morning and Dan would be left with a smile that makes his dimple pop and eyes bright as the sun.
Cupcake in hand, finger having already drawn a line through the pale yellow frosting so he could taste the vanilla on his tongue, he made his way to the bench where he usually sat. Where he had a view of Dan at the kissing booth and the shadow protected him from the sun and he could smile and think of how beautiful Dan looked in his uniform and flower crown from afar.
But when he sat down, Dan wasn’t sitting at the kissing booth. Chloe was there alone, waving her pompoms at people as they walked by and getting kisses from a few random people, and Phil felt a sinking in his chest at the sight.
Dan wouldn’t have made a point of asking him to come if he wasn’t going to be there, right? But maybe he was sick and had to cancel at the last minute? Or–
Phil jumped, coin slipping from his hand and cupcake getting mashed into his face. He could feel the icing sticking to his chin, to his nose, could hear the giggles coming from behind him.
“You shouldn’t just sneak up on people like that,” he hissed, but Dan kept laughing, walking towards him until they were sharing the bench, only a few inches between them.
“Totally worth it,” he said, and in a moment his hand was curled at Phil’s jaw, thumb swiping through the icing on his chin. “You look cute with icing on your face.”
Phil felt his heart flip in his chest at the words, though he forced a huff. “I’m not really going for cute.”
“Well, too late,” said Dan, and he brought his hand to his mouth, licked the icing off his thumb. “You’re cute without the icing too.”
He heaved a sigh again, but his heart was still stuttering and he could feel the burn of a blush on his cheeks, and hoped the icing was hiding it. “I’m not cute,” he managed, though a smile curled at the corner of his lips. “You’re way cuter.”
Dan’s smile widened, his cheeks turning a soft shade of pink that matched him perfectly. “Thank you,” he said. “But my being cute doesn’t make you any less cute.” And Phil rolled his eyes in response but Dan was holding out the hand he hadn’t gotten full of icing in an instant. “Anyway, I wanted to give you this.”
Phil held out his hand that wasn’t covered in cupcake crumbs, and felt cool metal land in his hand, heard the clink of the coins against each other. He knew before he checked, before he saw the four pounds sitting in his palm.
He felt Dan’s shrug rather than saw it, they were sitting so close together. “I, uh, figured you shouldn’t have had to pay when I wanted to kiss you so much anyway,” Dan explained, his head dipped when Phil turned, eyes wide, to face him.
“You wanted to kiss me?” he asked, forgetting about the air of indifference he was meant to have, the eye rolls and sighs he expected of himself. About everything but the racing of his heart and the warmth in his chest and the fact that Dan just said he wanted to kiss him.
When Dan looked up at him, their faces were only inches apart, and his smile was small and nervous, his fingers fidgeting with his crown of flowers. “I told you,” he said. “You’re cute.”
And Phil kissed him, dropping his cupcake so the he could curl a hand at Dan’s cheek and feel his smile under his palm, so that the other could wrap around his waist and hold him close. He could feel Dan’s smile against his lips, his fingers slipping under his leather jacket again and wrapping around the fabric at the base of his spine. It was soft and warm and Dan still tasted of cherries when his tongue slicked against Phil’s and a quiet moan rumbled from his chest.
Dan was giggling when they parted, leaning down to rest his forehead against Phil’s and the smile on his face, the light in his eyes, was the most beautiful thing Phil had ever seen.
“You got icing all over me,” he whined, though he was leaning forward, smudging a kiss to Phil’s cheek, poking his tongue out to lick some of the icing from the spot. “But it’s okay. You’re cute.”
Phil had his crush in his arms, giggling into his shoulder, and peppering kisses to his cheek and a warmth in his chest far better than that any smoke could provide and a smile on his face. But he still forced a sigh, even as he pressed a kiss to Dan’s curly hair.
“I’m not cute,” he argued.
Dan giggled again. “You came to a kissing booth every day for a week just to kiss me,” he said. “You are definitely cute.”
And he couldn’t formulate an argument against that, so he just kissed Dan again.
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The Man With The Dragon Tattoo
Fifteen years ago, through the flames of a car wreck, Jesse McCree met the most beautiful man in the world. A man who would quite happily put an arrow between his eyes if he tried anything. Well, Reyes always said he had no sense of self-preservation.
Chapter One
Main Pairing: Hanzo Shimada x Jesse McCree
Rating for this Chapter: Teen [Warning for bad language]
AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9321221/chapters/21123752 
Much like everything in their lives, their first meeting occurred with an explosion.
An archer on one side, leading his men into battle with solid determination. His father crouched several feet in front of him behind their vehicle, firing into the lines of Overwatch agents. Their bodyguards by his side. From his own position crouched beneath the window of the restaurant the archer was quick to grab a piece of debris and smash the window. Clearing enough glass for an arrow to pass through. Bow held tightly in one hand he knocked an arrow and stood, rapidly firing three into the bodies of Overwatch agents before several bullets found their way into the wall beside his head.
It was on the blood-soaked streets of Hong Kong that Hanzo Shimada killed his first man.
On the other side of the city a gunslinger, surrounded by those he had come to call family and fighting in the name of justice.
The screams of innocent civilians echoed throughout the streets of Victoria City as they desperately tried to escape the fighting. Morrison's voice echoing over the comms as he tried to co-ordinated both the fight and the evacuation. Jesse McCree flung himself into the fight. Deadeye downing six men before he was grabbed by the back of the neck and pulled behind cover. Gabriel Reyes said nothing but the look in his eye assured Jesse that he was going to get a lecture for putting himself in the line of fire. Unfortunately, Agent Kouthouri was not so lucky. A bullet found its way between his eyes and the man fell, dead before he hit the ground not three feet from Jesse’s feet.
That day was the first-time Jesse McCree had lost a friend and truly felt sorrow.
It was one of the black armoured vehicles belonging to the Shimada's that caused the explosion. An armour-piercing round had hit the engine and set it alight, not moments later the car went up in flames taking several men from both sides with it. Their eyes met through the flames of the burning husk. For a few brief seconds, they remained looking at one another before one of the Shimada-gumi grabbed the heir by his arm and pulled him from view. The remaining members following only a few minutes later with the Leader close on their heels.
Overwatch may have won the battle but those eyes would haunt Jesse McCree’s memory for months to come.
Their second meeting was far more peaceful than the first. This time in Hanamura, the home of the Shimada-gumi, three years after the fight which turned the streets of Victoria City red. Were it not for Hachira Shimada, head of the Shimada clan, reaching out to Overwatch; Jesse McCree would never find himself standing in a city run by the Yakuza. Especially not standing in the shadow of Shimada Castle. He did take comfort in the knowledge that both Morrison and Reyes looked just as unhappy about the whole thing. As did the twelve other Overwatch, and two Blackwatch agents. As they were escorted inside the grounds Jesse spotted a young man, probably only a few years younger than himself, sporting bright green hair. The man was watching them with a predatory grin, his eyes obscured by a pair of dark sunglasses.
“Pay attention cabron” Reyes grunted and hit the back of his head. Coughing Jesse turned his attention to the ground, for once in his life deciding it was best not to answer back. The castle itself did nothing to make him feel more comfortable. Especially not when he glanced up and met a pair of hauntingly familiar brown eyes. Now Jesse was certain the man he had seen all those months ago, was indeed Hanzo Shimada, heir to the Shimida-gumi.
“Welcome to Hanamura Strike-Commander Morrison, Commander Reyes” Hachira said motioning to the two zabutons in front of him. “Please, sit.” Both Morrison and Reyes glanced at one another briefly, a silent conversation between the pair before they sat with elegance most would not expect.
Dealing with the Shimada clan was not something either of the Commanders had been thrilled about, but it was a necessity. Over the past year there had been numerous rumours coming out of Hanamura and the surrounding areas in regards to the presence of a god program. Several agents, mainly Blackwatch, had been dispatched to investigate the possible existence of the program but each agent had disappeared within two weeks. After several long discussions, the men had decided it was time to personally investigate the rumours, leaving Ana to take command in their absence. Unfortunately, the need for official boots on the ground meant making a deal with the Yakuza. A deal which left a horrible taste in the mouths of all Overwatch and Blackwatch agents. Hanzo Shimada’s staring did nothing to make Jesse feel any more comfortable. The sooner he could get out of the damn castle and get to hunting down rogue Omnics the better.
“The presence of a god program is a great concern to my people.” Hachira spoke in response to something Morrison had said “But you must understand I cannot allow your people to roam around unsupervised.” Oh, that did not bode well. Hachira raised a hand on Hanzo moved to stand directly beside him. “This is my son, Hanzo. He and those under his direct command shall monitor yourselves and our agents, should it be required they will fight by your side.”
Those dark brown eyes suggested Hanzo was not surprised by his father’s words, the body language suggesting otherwise. Hanzo was both surprised and unhappy with the order. Well at least there was some common ground between them, even if the other man was the son of a Yakuza lord. The doors to the hall flew open revealing the man from outside. That predatory grin was still plastered on his face as he removed his glasses and hung them from his shirt.
“Allow me to introduce my second son, Genji. He shall escort you from the grounds Commanders” Genji stopped beside Morrison and bowed, the grin not once leaving his face. Both Morrison and Reyes stood in unison, bowing to Hachira and turning to face Genji who motioned for them to follow. Jesse spared one last glance at Hanzo before Reyes unceremoniously grabbed him by his arm and forcefully pushed him forward.
For some reason, Jesse found himself slightly upset by their departure. He would have liked to have the chance to speak with Hanzo. The man’s eyes were goddamn beautiful.
It was the third time they saw one another that Jesse McCree finally got the chance to speak with Hanzo Shimada.
Unable to sleep Jesse had wandered outside to have a smoke, having stolen the cigar from Reyes a few hours earlier (The man wouldn't miss just one). He had spent a good forty minutes searching for a quiet and isolated place, eventually deciding on standing beneath a Cherry Blossom in the hotel's garden. Leaning against the tree Jesse exhaled a smoke ring, smirking to himself when the ring appeared to encircle the moon. If they weren't here investigating the Shimadas and possible God program, Jesse would have enjoyed himself and the peace Hanamura had to offer. So lost in his thoughts he didn't notice Hanzo Shimada coming to stand beside him, until the man cleared his throat.
“Jesus fuck-!” Jesse cursed jumping away from the man “Give a man some warning next time please.” A slight curve of Hanzo’s lips was the only response he gained. The Japanese man folded his arms over his chest and looked up at the tree they stood beneath. Jesse followed his gaze and had to admit it looked rather beautiful, the blossoms bathed in the warm glow of the oil lamps. Suddenly uncomfortable Jesse lifted his boot and put the cigar out on the bottom before tucking the remainder in his belt, the last thing he wanted to do was upset a man who could certainly kill him in seconds.
“Do you know why we cherish cherry blossoms?” Hanzo asked softly. Now that was a beautiful voice. Unable to find his voice Jesse simply shook his head. “The blossom represents the fragility and beauty of life. It is a reminder that life is beautiful but tragically short. Life is most precious Agent McCree” He reached up and plucked a single blossom from the branch “I do not enjoy killing, but I shall do my duty to my family and my clan as the heir.” The blossom which he had been gently stroking was suddenly crushed as Hanzo closed his fist, violently turning to glare at him. “I am aware of your private investigations into my family. I would urge you to cease them immediately." He stepped closer until they were chest to chest "Should you continue, I will slit your throat as well as those of your two Commanders."
Frowning Jesse took a deep breath and returned Hanzo’s glare “I ain’t afraid of you Shimada.” He growled “If you’re hiding something I will find it. And if you are, you best start praying to whatever god you worship.” Hanzo remained silent, eyes narrowed as though he was searching for something on Jesse’s face. After a significant amount of time Hanzo finally backed down. Opening his fist and allowing the crushed blossom to float to the ground. Jesse couldn’t stand the silence any longer. “Look” He began “Your clan killed a lot of people back in Hong Kong, ain’t nothing right about that. The Japanese government ain’t always gonna be able to protect ya’ll.”
Hanzo chuckled, brushing a loose strand of hair behind his ear. “You care for your own, I can respect that.” His voice held a tone that made Jesse uncomfortable, he sounded entirely too happy for a man who’d just been threatened. “Should you continue with your investigations I will step in, and I shall deal with you accordingly.” As he was speaking Hanzo drew a small blade from his sleeve, and placed it against Jesse’s left cheek. “You are not the only man capable of killing another” The blade was slowly drawn down, breaking the skin and leaving a small trail of blood. Jesse grimaced but made no attempt to move, knowing if he did so the fight could quickly become bloody. “Do consider your options Agent McCree. I would hate to start an international incident.”
Jesse clenched his jaw and fists as Hanzo turned on his heel and began walking away. “And Hong Kong wasn’t?!” He demanded. Hanzo faltered briefly but carried on walking. “You ain’t fooling no one Shimada!” The man was already out of sight by this time. Breathing heavily Jesse brought a hand up and touched the cut on his cheek, frowning at the blood on his fingers. It wasn’t exactly surprising that Shimada knew his name. He would be a piss-poor Yakuza if he didn’t know the names of the law enforcement agents in his territory. However, that didn’t do anything to soothe Jesse’s frayed nerves. The bastard knew what they were up to and would almost certainly tell his father, this could cause some major problems. One, how the hell had they been caught? Blackwatch always covered their tracks and had a perfect track record, which meant either they had underestimated the Shimadas or they had a mole. Two, they couldn’t not investigate the Shimadas. The rumours suggested they were involved in people smuggling and selling young men and women to be sex-slaves, something neither Overwatch nor Blackwatch could allow. Jesse growled and ran a hand through his hair.
Well, fuck. Reyes was going to be so pissed.
Cabron: Dumbass
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Every Song's About You
Goddamnit! *The curse broke the calm, cool, quiet of the house, followed immediately by the shattering of glass breaking and the sharp edged shards tinkling down onto tile.  It was not nearly as cathartic as it was intended, but there was still something beautiful in that fall out. For some reason, breaking glass had always been one of my favorite sounds, a fact that seemed to worry my briefly utilized therapist right after my parents had died.  My hands were still shaking when Pan’s head popped up off the couch, his recently darkened hair sticking up in all directions thanks, in no small part, to the nap I had so rudely interrupted. “S’wrong, Beary?”  His words were slurred, his voice still thick with sleep, and I couldn’t hide my smile as he swiped his hands over his eyes, looking for all the world exactly like he had two decades earlier only with far more tattoos. Ignoring the mess that lay scattered in the corner of Trick’s kitchen, I grabbed two bottles of the Filbert’s Root Beer that Trick paid through the goddamn nose to have delivered and headed to the couch without a word, plopping down beside Pan with a huff.  He didn’t say a word, just raised an eyebrow in a silent question as I popped the tops off the glass bottles and handed one over, clinking the neck of my own bottle against it before taking a long swallow. Pan, still blinking away sleep, did the same.  The soda tasted like home and childhood and nostalgia to the nth degree and it helped calm some of the anger that was still coursing through me.  Not much, however, but some, and once I settled back against Trick’s overly comfortable couch, dropping my feet into Pan’s lap. The action was rewarded with a low, slightly sleepy chuckle as he set his drink aside and his fingers started working at pulling off my ridiculous fucking boots. Dropping them to the floor with a clatter, He gave me a quick glance before working strong fingers over my sore arches in practiced, even strokes.  The man was fucking phenomenal with his hands. “So, you wanna tell me what that glass did to deserve a forced meeting with the wall? I’m gonna say it somehow relates to your decidedly un-Beary-like ensemble. And I’m assuming that was not one of Pattycake’s scotch glasses, otherwise I’m gonna clear out.” Wrinkling my nose, I stick my tongue out and brushed my bangs out from in front of my glasses before giving him a gentle nudge in the ribs with my stockinged foot .*  I’m not a complete idiot, Pan, I don’t touch Trick’s scotch glasses if I can possibly help it, not even when there is scotch in them. And the glass was just collateral damage, I suppose. It was a really shitty fucking day. Really ficking shitty.  I had a meetings at Flaunt and Los Angeles Magazine  today to drop off some freelance work I picked up for them, hence, well this. *Articulation still wasn’t exactly my strong suit and I chose, instead, to use my bottle to encompass my outfit.  Pan was dead on, though; the pale, filmy blouse tucked into a high-waisted plaid skirt in soothing, soft shades of tan and beige shot through with a deep grey and tightly fastened with a brown belt at my waist that matched the goddamn devil boots was not me at all; I was more a jeans, stolen shirt and chucks kind of girl, but sometimes professionalism won out.  Hell, I’d even scraped my hair up into something resembling neat and put on actual jewelry and my best lingerie because when the fuck else was I gonna wear stockings? I didn’t own very much of the former, and kept even less with me when I traveled, but the silver, pearl and enamel cherry blossom set with tiny diamonds had been a gift for my twenty fifth birthday from Trick and Pan and, despite my punching each of them in the arm for spending far more than they should have, I treasured it dearly and pulled it out on the rare occasions that I needed to feel like a legitimate adult. I’d even worn an actual coat in deference to the grey clouds that had hung overhead when I’d left this morning, but by the time I’d returned home, it, along with my purse and small portfolio bag, had all been tossed haphazardly onto the coat rack in the foyer. “So, the meetings didn’t go well, I take it?” Pan was almost careful with his words, the edge of caution that tinged his words as he spoke more than slightly evident. Shaking my head, I pointed my toes and winced as the bones cracked in protest, unused to actually wearing heels.* No, the meetings were great, actually, and I have a few more assignments booked with both because if I’m gonna be in this hell city, I might as well make money. * “So the problem was what, exactly?” Pan’s held my ankle in his hand and pushed up on the bottom of my foot carefully, stretching my calf. It was heavenly.* The problem was with who fucking followed me the entire goddamn day. Fucking hack. *There was pure venom in my voice and Pete’s face went dark at just the mention.  I didn’t even need to mention a name. “Didn’t fucking Chad get the hint when he got hit?”  The memories were still fresh, despite happening over three months ago, and I could still hear the shouts and the crack of Pan’s knuckles against my former classmate’s face ringing in my ears.*  Apparently he isn’t only a hack, he is a daft one. But yeah, he literally followed me from office to office.  He was at fucking Starbucks for the love of fuck. I’m sure it’s just case Trick has a single coming out and he is out of town, but jesus fucking christ,  this shit is extensive. I’m not interesting enough to warrant that kind of bullshit. At all. But still, he insists on being a fucking twatsicle. *Pan cracked a laugh, albeit a small one, at the term that he had coined and rested his hand gently on my calf. “He is a fucking asshole, and I’m sorry you have to deal with him, Beary, I really am. He’s not allowed at Neverland, ever, not even outside so, there is that.”  The words were comforting, almost as much as the familiar touch, and I had to smile as as I stretched to muss Pan’s already chaotic hair. I was rewarded with a small smile and he turned into my touch almost like a cat, pressing his cheek against my fingers.* Thank you, Peter Panda. That… I appreciate it more than you know. *There was not a single word that was anything less than true and the seldom used nickname got one of his blinding smiles; it was fucking light and went miles towards easing the anger that was still my prevalent emotion. It didn’t erase it completely, but it was a start.* Have you heard from Trick?  I know he was supposed to be home today, but last I heard he was stuck at JFK because of weather. *Patrick had been gone to do some promo shows and press for the charity compilation his latest single was a part of in New York for the last week and and half and the absence was nearly palpable at this point; if that was just a bit more prevalent than it may have been otherwise, well so be it.  And if part of the reason for that happened to be because we’d been sleeping together on and off for the better part of two and a half months, well, I wouldn’t admit it. Much. The thought had me shifting in my comfy seat, and Pan arched a brow, his hands running along my calf. “His flight was delayed a bit, but he should be in tonight, sometime around midnight. His service has been spotty as fuck.” Nodding simply, I cast a glance out the windows in a sad attempt to distract myself from, well, myself.  The sun was dipping low on the horizon, painting the sky with bright oranges, pinks and reds, shot through with streaks of pink and just the slightest hint of smoky, dusky purples. It was fucking gorgeous, and didn’t help at all. “Beary, whatcha thinkin’?”  There was a familiar, teasing lilt in Pan’s voice and when I caught his gaze, it was very, very clear what was behind that. I paused for a moment, catching my lower lip between my teeth and smiling just a bit, my eyes dating back to Pan.* I’m thinking it was a long as fuck day and I could really do with some distraction. If you’re up for it, of course. *The latter words were tacked on as an afterthought, or maybe a little bit of a tease, just kind of,  and I purposely returned my attention to the darkening sky outside the windows. Pan didn’t say anything at first, my feet were easily, almost tenderly, removed from his lap and the couch shifted as Pan moved quickly, leaning over me with his hands braced against the arm of the couch on either side of his shoulders.  He was close, close enough that I could feel his breath brushing across my ear and the warmth of his skin, even through layers of silk and cotton. “You sure, Sweetheart?”  It was more than a bit of a tease, but one that we had both perfected over the last several months; it was how things worked out in this arrangement that we had somehow developed, although the nickname was new, but not unwelcome.* You know I am, Pan.  I don’t say anything I don’t me- *My borderline bitchy diatribe was cut off quickly, the words lost against Pan’s lips.* *I’m not sure exactly what woke me up, although I hadn’t exactly been in the deepest of sleep, but it had been lovely, dreams full of whiskey colored eyes and clever, calloused fingers that I couldn’t exactly figure out. Squinting in a vain attempt to see past the hair that had fallen in riotous tangles in my face, I felt around on Pan’s nightstand until I found my glasses, folded and carefully set aside some- shit- five hours ago, according to the blue glow of the alarm clock. If it was past one, I obviously had slept far heavier than I thought. Stretching my arms over my head, I rolled over, my hands falling not onto the warm body that I had grown used to, but cold sheets. Well shit. Shaking away the last vestiges of sleep, I quickly ran over the last things I could remember in my mind after collapsing in a pile of damp limbs and heavy, hot breaths, Pan’s lips moving against the back of my neck in words that he wouldn’t repeat before he vanished for the briefest of seconds.  After the bed dipped again and his legs were tangled with mine, I tugged his arm over my waist and we both fell asleep.  Nothing any different from the other times we had fooled around. Until now, of course; this was the first time I had ever woken up alone.  Pushing myself upright, I could barely hear the voices from down the hall, and golden light spilled in through the cracked door.  Trick was home. Forcing myself out of the warmth of the bed on slightly shaky legs, I side stepped the tangle of silk, wool, lace and cotton that had been haphazardly thrown off in our haste to get to the bed, snagging a t-shirt from the laundry basket that sat on a chair by the door and pulling it on.  While there was something cheesily romantic about waking up wearing nothing but moonlight and diamonds, however small, it probably wasn’t the best attire choice for actually speaking to people, despite being seen in various states of undress by them both for the better part of three decades. I blinked against the bright lights of the hallway and smoothed my shirt over my thighs, brushing lightly over light bruises in the shape of fingerprints that were scattered over my pale skin. That was something that I got from Pan alone; Trick, while his mouth was absolutely filthy and divine, tended to be far gentler physically. Two sides of the same coin. I followed the hushed voices down the stairs,my footfalls muffled against the plush carpet. The entire floor was dark save for the nightlights in the kitchen and golden light pouring out of the half opened door. “Goddamnit, Pete! You’re gonna end up getting hurt of you don’t stop this.” Trick’s voice was exasperated and slightly worn, no doubt from both travel and more use than usual, and his posture, from what I could see from my position against the doorframe, was guarded. “I know that, Rick. Believe me, I know. But I can’t just… it’s good. And it works for now.” Pan on the other hand, sounded wrecked as he perched on the side of Trick’s desk facing the dark window, a pair of Batman pajamas that I was pretty sure didn’t belong to him slung low on his hips. “Yeah, for now. Until you fall the fuck apart. Jesus Christ, Peter. You know better.” Patrick wasn’t yelling but there was a hint of anger in his voice, and I could see his fists clenched at his sides for just a moment before his hands went to his head, fussing with his hat and running his fingers through his hair. They were both faced away from me, just enough that they obviously had no clue I was there and I worried my lip between my teeth, my own fingers twisting in the hem of my purloined shirt.  This wasn’t shaping up to be good. Pan however, as always, surprised me and threw his head back to laugh. It wasn’t a happy sound though.  There was something melancholy and dark about it; something that definitely did not belong. “Fucking christ, Patrick. You’re a goddamn hypocrite.”  Trick, for his part, had the good grace to look thoroughly surprised, his eyes widening behind his glasses. “Excuse me? What the actual fuck does that mean?”  There was an edge of danger in Trick’s voice, one that never seemed to bode well for whoever it was directed at, and I winced in spite of myself as I continued eavesdropping. Or whatever the fuck I was doing. Being a creeper, I suppose. “I mean, exactly that, Angelface. You’re a hypocrite. Tell me about your new song, huh?  What’s that about exactly, or should I say who?” Pan’s words were cold, although there was no threat behind them, and he tilted his head expectantly towards Trick, whose face had gone bright red. “Fuck you, Pete. That’s not the same at all and you know it.” “Fuck you, Patrick, it’s exactly the same.”  The retort was fired off almost instantly and the words hung in the air for a moment as Trick pulled off his glasses and wiped the lenses on the hem of his red cardigan, his head tilted downward and his voice almost frighteningly calm. “No, Pete, it isn’t even in the same realm because I haven’t been in love with Teddy for the last twelve fucking years.”* What? * The word was just above a whisper but could have just as easily been a scream with the way it shattered the deafening silence just seconds before they both turned towards me, shock written plainly on both of their faces.* #EverySongsAboutYou #TheKidsArentAlright
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