#gonna be vague on southern phrases because I don’t consider myself my state southern though some might
morganbritton132 · 2 years
oh boi I love your fun silly Eddie Munson Tik Toks but I have to say I am obsessed with your headcanon of Steve getting disowned and going to live with Eddie and Wayne. Do you have any thoughts on how Steve and Wayne would get along? I feel like they would have gotten grumpy over the same things (i.e Eddie's bullshit lol) and really would have bonded over it.
Anyways, getting to read the tik tok saga has been one of the highlights of my year, thanks so much for all of your posts! Hope you have a wonderful 2023!
Boy do I have thoughts but they are disjointed.
Eddie showed up at the trailer one day with a Hawkins High varsity basketball duffel bag thrown over his shoulder and the Harrington boy in tow and said, “Steve’s staying with us now.”
Wayne – no questions asked, no questions needed – said, “Yep.” And that was that.
Steve had been over a lot prior to being kicked out but moving in brought about a tense amount of awkwardness until Eddie declared at dinner one night that Steve was his boyfriend. Wayne, who has had eyes this entire time and kind of figured that, just nods along and says, “Ain’t nothing wrong with that.” The awkwardness faded after that.
Steve and Wayne are opposite ends of the same person. They have a lot in common. They just have to get through the generation gap and class differences, and the easiest way to do that is through their love of Eddie. They both love Eddie so much and see the best in him, and they both are fiercely protective of him. They are a united front when Eddie is doing something stupid. He kind of hates it, kinda loves it.
Early on, Steve tries to pay rent, but Wayne just tells him to save the money and work on getting himself a new car since his parents kept the beemer. Eddie gives Wayne a look like he just said the worst possible thing, but Steve is just like, “Nah, it’s alright. I want to contribute.”
Wayne gives back most of the rent money when Steve starts college.
Steve is an early riser so he’s often awake when Wayne gets off work with breakfast already made. Eddie’s a chronic insomniac so sometimes he’s awake. When he’s not, Wayne and Steve typically eat in silence or sometimes Wayne will ask about a game that was on the night before.
Wayne gets the rundown of Steve’s head trauma through experience and then copes. He witnesses Steve have a seizure, realizes that’s why he’s been in no hurry to replace his car, and starts driving the kid to work in the morning. He witnesses a migraine, buys blackout curtains. Learns that Steve will someone leave the house in a foggy state, buys bells for the door to alert someone. Eddie was already talking about getting a service animal at this time and Wayne was mentally trying to work their finances in order to afford it when Steve says no.
Corroded Coffins’ popularity starts to take off while Eddie and Steve are still living with Wayne. Eddie is away more often touring or recording music, so it’s just Wayne and Steve in the trailer. They know how to live with each other by this point, but the time together brings them closer. Wayne is a major player in getting Steve to go to college.
I love that headcanon that Wayne and Eddie are from the south. Sometimes they’ll use some explicitly southern phrases and Steve picks up some of those expressions while Eddie is away on tour. Eddie thinks it’s hilarious.
Not related to Wayne but when Steve’s mom tries to pay Eddie off, she shows up at his little table in the woods like she’s going to make a drug deal. He uses half the money to take Steve on a trip and gives the rest to Wayne because Eddie, at this point in his life, does not have a bank account.
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