#gonna be a loser and put these in the tags hahah
ahlis-xiv · 8 days
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Long before Ahlis existed in XIV and WoW (and even before her progenitor, Fern, came about), there was a duo of OCs that were, and still are, dear to my heart. That's what happens when you create and share stories with your best friend many years into the future; that love for them never really dies.
Una and Mandy came from pure teenage escapism and fantasy, indulging the best in what it means to be young, unafraid and hilarious in a way only young girls can appreciate. It also helped that a wonderful 90's anime, The Slayers, facilitated it lol.
(shout out to @birdpeddler for being that bff, the greatest friend and person to come into my life...and of course to @britishmuffin for creating this lovely artwork to bring these characters to life)
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tickletastic · 5 years
Poker Face
Rating: G/SFW
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1307
Fandom: 9-1-1
Ship: hints of Buck&Eddie, Athena&Bobby, and Maddie&Chimney
Summary: The station 118 crew, Athena and Maddie has a game night, except not everybody has a great poker face.
Notes: I hope you guys like this! I love this show but sadly there’ are no fics for it.
“I’m sick of poker, can’t we play something else?” Buck whined, putting his cards down on the table.
The 118 team had decided to have a game night, Maddie and Athena tagging along of course. They had played monopoly until Bobby had to stop Athena from flipping the board, and Hen had suggested poker. The only downside of that is that a certain pouty 26-year-old sucked at his poker face.
“Aww, c’mon Ev, don’t be a baby,” Maddie teased her younger brother. “Stop whining, you’ve gotta work on your poker face.”
“Nah, maybe Buck’s right, poker’s getting a little boring,” Hen began, smiling to herself when Buck’s pout went away, “I think I know a game that would be better in helping Buck improve his poker face.”
Buck groaned and his pout returned, Maddie gently poking him in the side, causing him to quickly push her hand away. That caught Chimney’s attention, but he quickly let it go.
“It’s called cheat,” Hen began to explain, removing the chips from the table and shuffling two decks of cards. “All you have to do is put one or more card face down on top of the first one in a circle, except it has to be the card directly above the last one put down. So if I put down a 2, Bobby would have to put down a 3, Athena, 4, and so on.”
“So why’s it called cheat?” Eddie questioned, placing his hand on Buck’s thigh.
“I was just getting to that part. So, you can’t pass, no matter what you have to put down the next card in the series, so even if you don’t have it, you have to cheat and put down a different card. If someone thinks you’re cheating, they can call cheat. If we check and you were cheating, you take the whole deck, if you weren’t, they take the whole deck.” Hen finished, having also dealt 7 small decks for each of the players.
“Sounds like fun, I’m in,” Athena smirked, knowing her poker face is the best of the bunch.
They started the game, starting with Maddie playing a 2 and going around the circle from Maddie, to Chimney, to Bobby, Athena, Hen, Diaz, and finally to Buck. When it finally came time for Buck to play an 8, he fumbled, looking through his cards until he finally played two.
“Two 8s.”
“Cheat,” Eddie said, turning his head to look at Buck.
“Seriously?” Buck groaned, rolling his eyes and grabbing the pile from the middle.
This is how the game continued to go, the circle would go around for a few rounds until Buck was low on cards, and someone would call cheat. After a couple games, Buck was getting obviously exasperated.
“I thought you would’ve grown out of being a sore loser,” Maddie joked, turning to her younger brother.
“You don’t grow out of wanting to be the best,” Buck commented, still shuffling through his cards to organize them. At this point Buck had almost an entire deck in his hands.
“Being a baby isn’t the only thing you haven’t grown out of,” Maddie spoke, reaching her hand up and poking Buck in his upper ribs.
“Hey!” Buck squeaked, dropping his cards on the floor.
“What was that?” Bobby inquired, looking towards Buck for an explanation to the sound. Buck quickly got up from his spot on the couch and climbed over the back, knowing what was yet to come if Maddie decided to spill his guts to the group.
“I believe that was a squeak,” Maddie began, an evil smile finding its way to her face, “You see, my little brother is super ticklish.”
“No way,” Chimney gawked, looking in Buck’s direction.
“Not true! Maddie just touched a scar. Only babies are- Hen, Chim, sit back down. Maddie is lying to you.” Buck’s mind was going miles a minute, he knew he could take on one of them if it came to it, but taking on both Hen and Chim? That wasn’t going to work out for him. His fight or flight kicked in and he turned around to run, until his ankle was grabbed and he slid to the floor with a light thud.
“Hey guys, you don’t have to do this. Maddie was just messing around, only kids are ticklish.” Buck spoke in an attempt to sound cool-headed, a smile on his face attempting to mask his nervousness.
“Then this part shouldn’t bother you,” Chim teased, pinning Buck’s arms above his head as Hen sat on his legs. Suddenly 20 fingers were touching his body and Buck was trying his very hardest to grit his teeth and ignore the sensations.
“Aww, c’mon Buck, you’re gonna have to break eventually,” Hen teased, her fingers tickling his tummy. Chim’s fingers were at work on Buck’s ribs. Despite his efforts and his gritted teeth, a huge smile was taking over Buck’s face.
“Aww, that’s cute, you’re like a little kid Buck,” Eddie teased, watching Hen and Chimney do their work on Buck.
Buck wanted so bad to tell his boyfriend to shut his mouth, but he knew that the dam would break if he opened his.
“Chim, there’s a spot on Buck’s top rib, closer to his back, get there,” Maddie encouraged.
Buck frantically shook his head, attempting to free his hands, and looking like an absolute deer caught in the headlights.
The reaction was immediate when Chimney touched the spot, and Buck instantly attempted to buck his attackers off of him, the smile on his face taking over.
“Nohohoho, cuhuhut it out!” Buck squealed, shaking his head left and right.
“Did he just squeal?” Bobby asked, looking towards Maddie.
“He most certainly did, and it’s not hard to get him to do it again.”
“Aww, who knew Mr. Alpha Male Buck giggles like a child? Not so tough anymore?” Hen teased, her fingers teasing Buck’s hips, causing his struggles to increase.
“Dohohont! Hehehen stahahap!” Buck screamed, desperately trying to get his hands free.
“Looks like it gets him pretty bad there Hen, I think you should stay there for a little, he deserves to suffer a little,” Chim spoke mischievously. “C’mon Maddie, give us the scoop, where’s he worst?”
“I’d say his thighs, his armpits and feet are pretty bad too,” Maddie disclosed, smiling at the scene.
“C’mon kid, we’ll let you decide which two to get, if you say none we’ll just have to choose for ourselves,” Chimney reasoned.
“Plehehease nohohone! Hahahave mercy,” Buck giggled, desperately wanting to curl up.
“Looks like we’re choosing Chim, I say thighs and feet,” Hen chuckled.
“Good idea.”
Suddenly Buck was sent into a ticklish hell as his feet and thighs were tickled, his arms were now free but all he did was attempt to curl his whole body, getting blocked by Hen and Chim’s bodies.
“WAHAIT! NOT FAIR! SHIHIHIHIT,” Buck belly laughed, his entire body shaking, he resorted to his last option, considering who he would get sympathy from on the couch. “EHEHEDDIE HEHEHELP! PLEHEHEASE!”
Eddie chuckled and walked over to his helpless boyfriend, standing over Chimney and Hen.
“Alright guys, I think Buck’s had enough now, his face is getting redder than our trucks,” Eddie shooed them away, lifting Buck up and walking him over to the couch.
“Ihihihi hahahate you guys,” Buck giggled into Eddie’s shoulder. Eddie tickled him up and down his sides for a few seconds eliciting a new round of laughter, “Ohoh mihihihi gohohosh.” Buck completely collapsed into Eddie’s chest, his body bouncing with soft giggles.
“So suffice to say, Buck, you definitely gotta work on your poker face.” Athena joked.
Buck shot up a weak thumbs up, everyone else in the room laughing.
Maybe it made Buck feel like less of an ‘alpha male’, but maybe he didn’t mind having no poker face.
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