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theblogs2024 · 1 year ago
Golfers that are not smart about being aggressive end up with large numbers on their scorecard. Think about the percentages and the chance of you making the shot, and then decide if being aggressive will be more beneficial than being safe. Check out more details here: https://www.tiktok.com/@scratchgolfacademy/video/7261394086341414187
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myworld-pins · 4 years ago
Golf bottle stopper #collectible #ballmarker #golfcourse #golfing #golfer #golftips #golfswing #golfclub #golfers #golfcourses #golfbusiness #golfclubs #golf #golfdivottool #golfhatclips https://www.instagram.com/p/CDN94dwlKg3/?igshid=n0b4w8qoeqrq
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milena-bond · 6 years ago
The Best Golf Training Aid in Golf
I found the best golf training aid in golf.  It’s simple and easy to use going over the Golfers own clubs.  I can training indoors with it as part of their workout and or practice or play with it on the club.  It automatically and instantly trains.
Grip Position
Creates a Power Angle into the ball.
Gets the club on the proper swing plane.
Trains the proper release of the club through the ball.
Grip Secret make Golf much easier for the beginner and provides precision for the better Golfers.
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onebeardedgolfer · 4 years ago
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Sometimes a work trip just needs to become a family trip, so everyone can see something new, different, cool. A research trip to #ParkMammoth became a day of earthmoving equipment, dirt mountains, and picnic lunch. #golfKentucky #golfarchitecture #golfbusiness #cavecountry #WalkingGolfer #golf (at Cave City, Kentucky) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFVQmi4Fxft/?igshid=wxu54so584w3
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rickygadvisor · 5 years ago
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9ne of my favorite pastimes, I haven't played in at least 5 years. I used to play about 3 times a week at some point in my career. Some of the best deals I've ever worked on where closed and signed on the 19th hole! Go out and play some golf! @lagomarcc is where @bnielite_broward get together every Wednesday Morning at 7 AM. It's just a beautiful thing! . . Follow @rickygadvisor . . #golf #golfing #golfcourse #golfer #golflife #golfaddict #golfporn #golfbusiness #businessandgolf #businessgolfnetworking #golfforbusiness #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurlifestyle #entrepreneurminds #lifestyle #healthylifestyle #lifestylechange #lifestylechanges #helping #helpingothers #helpingpeople #helpinghands #broker #insurancebroker #stockbroker #brokeryoucantrust #insuranceagency #lifeinsuranceagent #insurancemiami https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Nc3T8gAEv/?igshid=178e0czdla8um
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playsmri · 5 years ago
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Golf ⛳ training!! SMRI students at Trivandrum Golf Club for learning golf and golf management #smri #golf #sports #sportsmanagement #sportsengineering #golfbusiness https://www.instagram.com/p/B43_J-VhDYd/?igshid=lt4vr22rhjwq
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bronnieg · 6 years ago
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Who says work and play can't happen at the same time? Thanks @steaminwillybeeman of @thehouseofpaintraining for the exercise and the #zando @zando.co.za sponsored shirt! #golf #golfday #golfbusiness #sunglasses #ralphlauren @ralphlauren #sundayafternoon #sundayvibes #sundayfunday #sunday #sports #golfswing #DigitalRevolution #DigitalTransformation #keeppushingfoward #smashgoals #beallyoucanbe #genuinepeople #businessmindset #womeninmanagement #womeninfinance #Disruptive #betterway #Businessredefined #leadershipcoach #decisionmaker #livelifeonyourterms #digitaltransitions #techsavvy #techlove
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realestateprosfl · 7 years ago
Singleton Driving Range Video 1
Listed for Sale $175,000 Business Opportunity. Singleton Golf Driving Range is for Sale. Get a piece of the growing golf world at a fraction of the price for entry. CAP rate could be 16%. No Debts or Liability and No outstanding Receivables. GPM running as high as 40% a month. Completely renovated, ALL new equipment, Pro Shop under lease, and on site instructors. Call Real Estate Pros​ at 407-281-7861 or contact the Listing Broker Jose A. Perez​ @407-970-7395. You can also email [email protected] for all the information you need. https://realestateprosfl.com/property/singleton-golf-driving-range-business-opportunity-for-sale/
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ikemadu-blog · 8 years ago
And this happened after Rory McIlroy signed the equipment agreement with TaylorMade brand. 
Ike Madu 
Maigrit PLC
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blackhatgolfhubchannel · 2 years ago
An original signature golf tips popularized by American/Thai USPGA Tony Meechai the "Water Bucket Golf Swing"
Watch the full version here: https://youtu.be/xSUXIstE-K4
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myworld-pins · 3 years ago
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Custom-made logo portable soft pvc golf bag tag, golf hole training tools, coaster. #golfprofessional #golfprolife #pokerchip #golf #golfswing #golflife #golfers #collectible #ballmarker #bagtag #coaster #golfcourse #golfing #golfer #golftips #golfclub #golfers #golfcourses #golfbusiness # golfclubs #golf #golfdivottool #golfhatclips #sport #golflogo #golfswag #customgolf #madeinchina #golfsport #golffactory #golftools #hatclip #lovegolf https://www.instagram.com/p/CSbIEyxFFLQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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golfsport-news · 6 years ago
Golfclubs und das Internet
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Sein vielen Jahren bewege ich als Spieler die kleine weiße Kugel in den verschiedenen Golfclubs dieser Welt. Gerade bei Planungen der nächsten Golfreise schau ich immer wieder auf die Internetseiten der Clubs und bin immer wieder verwundert. Da wird alle Anstrengung in die Pflege der Spielwiese investiert aber die eigene Homepage wird vernachlässigt oder gar nicht erst gepflegt. Aber Besserung ist in Sicht!
Golfclub und das Web
Es gibt Auftritt, da passt so ziemlich alles. Die Inhalte sind auf dem Laufenden und zum Teil in mehreren Sprachen. Grafiken in toller Auflösung und Videos, die Emotionen bei den potentiellen Spielerinnen und Spieler wecken. Abgerundet wird das ganze mit der Möglichkeit seine Startzeit online zu buchen und dann bekommt man auf Wunsch auch noch ein paar Stunden vor dem Start eine SMS, dass man sich auch mich freut. Da freut man sich auf die bevorstehende 18 Loch runde noch etwas mehr. Und dann gibt es Golfclubs, die Ihre eigene Homepage gefühlt das letzte Mal bei der vorletzten Weihnachtsfeier angefasst haben. Und die Bilder erkennt man nur mit der Lupe, die mit dem Handy von damals aufgenommen wurden. Da kann ich nur den Kopf schütteln, denn wenn der Club 20 km weiter einen tollen Auftritt hat, dann ist doch klar, wo der Golfer seine nächste Runde bucht, oder?!
Golfclub, nutze das eignene Potenzial
Ich verlange ja nicht, das sich ein 10 köpfiges Team um die Homepage und die sozialen Medien kümmert. Aber warum nutzt Ihr nicht Euer Potenzial? Welches Potenzial meine ich? die 9 oder 18 Loch Anlage das Übungsgelände, sprich die Drivingrange das Team, was den Club mit Leben füllt das Drumherum, wie ein schöner Blick vom Restaurant auf die Grüns davor
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Wenn man einen Golfclub nicht kennt, dann sucht man auf Facebook oder andere soziale Medien nach "Bewertungen" der potentiellen Clubs. Und dann wirft man einen Blick auf die Homepage des Golfclubs. Und spätestens dann bildet man sich ein Urteil. Dabei ist es in diesem Moment egal in welchem Zustand der Platz ist, oder ob das Essen im Restaurant lecker ist. In diesem Moment entscheidet der erste Eindruck, den die Homepage vermittelt. Die folgenden Worte sind für die Betreiber gedacht Würdet Ihr in einen Laden hineingehen, bei dem die Schaufenster verstaubt und die Auslagen veraltet sind? Euer "Schaufenster für Golferinnen und Golfer ist Eure Homepage. Macht Euch das bewusst! Das Golfbusiness in Deutschland ist ein Verdrängungswettbewerb! Ja ich weiß das ist harter "Tobak", aber liege ich da so falsch? Oder bin ich ein exotischer Golfer und alle anderen sehen das anders? Dabei geht es nicht darum, das Fairway wachsen zu lassen und jetzt alle Power in die eigenen Homepage zu verwenden. Klar dann kommen die Spieler nur "zwei Mal" - das erste und letzte Mal! Und wer bringt denn das Geld und bewertet Euren Golfclub, das sind die, die für die Runde das Greenfee bezahlen. Natürlich sind die Mitglieder wichtig, denn mit diesen Einnahmen kann man planen, aber zusätzliche Investitionen sichern die Golferinnen und Golfer, die den vollen Preis für die Runde bezahlen und die nach der Runde frisch geduscht auf der Terrasse das Menü genießen. Unterstützung von Profis gibt es eine Menge, und natürlich kostet die erst mal Geld, aber langfristig ist ein Hochglanzschaufenster und aktuelle "Waren" die dort präsentiert werden, dafür verantwortlich, dass zahlende Golfer vorbei kommen.
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Jeder Unternehmer muss sich entscheiden Mache ich den Greenfee Preiskrieg mit, biete Gutscheine an und werfe Angebote um mich herum! Oder versuche ich den ersten Eindruck im Netz zu vermitteln, hier bei uns fühlen Sie sich wohl und erleben einen wunderschönen Tag. Wenn die Kasse morgen klingeln soll, dann gehen Sie den ersten Weg, aber wenn der Golfclub langfristig auf relativ gesunden Füssen stehen soll, dann biegen Sie BITTE ab und schlagen den anderen Weg ein. Nutzen Sie Fotos, Grafiken, aktuelle Informationen und Videos um Ihren Golfclub zu präsentieren. Wenn die oben genannten Potenziale und eine Golfanlage die in Schuss ist gut präsentiert werden, dann klingelt es in der Kasse. Aber das es besser geht, das würde ich auch gerne hier präsentieren und die Golfclubs, die Ihr Schaufenster richtig nutzen, können mir den Link zu Ihrer Homepage schicken. Ich werde dann hier alle präsentieren, die Ihre "Hausaufgaben" gemacht haben! Natürlich können auch Golferinnen und Golfer den Link verschicken, oder hier im Kommentar die Golfclubs veröffentlichen. Viele haben bereits versucht mit den Clubs ins Gespräch zu kommen, aber die Resonanz ist erschreckend. UrbanDivison hat das schon mal probiert und das war das Ergebnis (Grafik - Quelle: www.urbandivision.de). Und ich selbst habe das auch schon mal probiert in einer größeren Aktion vor einigen Jahren! Warum ist das so? Euer Lefty Stephan Read the full article
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onebeardedgolfer · 6 years ago
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Moss Hill GC (formerly Woodford Hills CC) is closing permanently this week. It's an old Buck Blankenship design that might've had the best green complexes of all of his designs. I will be sad to see it go. #golf #MossHill #golfcourseclosed #golfbusiness #closedforgood #kentuckygolf #kentuckygolfcourses (at Versailles, Kentucky) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuWvJjsFTqb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jmogbn8aiay5
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kingswaycountryclub · 6 years ago
Kingsway dreams take flight
March 2019
Kingsway dreams take flight
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Allegiant’s vision for resort comes into focus
By Scott Kauffman
In a quarterly financial report last October, Allegiant Travel Co. said it added eight Airbus A320 series aircraft to its fleet, and two additional Airbus jets were expected to be acquired by year-end 2018. To be sure, aircraft acquisitions are routine news announcements for publicly traded airline companies like Allegiant Air.
What wasn’t expected from Allegiant last fall was something that didn’t make the company’s third-quarter report. That was the news of Allegiant closing on a Southwest Florida golf course last August called Kingsway Country Club.
For a nationally known, low-cost airline to purchase a golf course was both surprising and ironic, considering the golf industry is far from flying high these days. At least that’s how many might describe an industry where course owners and investors are increasingly looking to sell and/or close their properties, let alone purchase new assets.
In fact, after the total number of U.S. golf facilities declined 1.5 percent in 2017 to 14,794 – with the permanent closure of 205.5 18-hole equivalent courses and the opening of just 15.5 new ones – the National Golf Foundation is projecting similar course supply attrition for 2018 once the final numbers are in.
However, while Micah Richins, Allegiant executive vice president, acknowledges golf profitability is a concern to some, it hasn’t deterred the Las Vegas-based company one bit. So why on earth would an airline of all things want to stay grounded with a semi-private golf course in Suzy, Florida, a relatively quiet town near the Charlotte Harbor between Fort Myers and Sarasota?
Actually, if you spend time getting to know Allegiant’s evolution over the last two decades, the purchase of Kingsway Country Club makes a lot of sense and represents a natural extension to what the company already does. And is planning on doing on a much grander scale once the company opens its $420 million luxury Sunseeker Resort six miles away on a 22-acre tract along the Charlotte Harbor.
Oh, by the way, nearby Punta Gorda Airport, which saw 1.5 million passengers come and go through the first nine months of last year, triple the amount from 2013, is controlled by one lone carrier: Allegiant.
As Allegiant president and former MGM Grand Resorts president/CEO John Redmond put it during the company’s 2018 Investor Day webcast last September: “We’re not building a hotel, hotels accommodate people for eight hours. … They’re designed to be a bed to sleep in. That’s it. We don’t want that. We want their entire leisure spend.” Indeed, many people familiar with Allegiant might think it’s simply an airline. But Allegiant Travel, which generated $1.26 billion in revenue for the nine months ending Sept. 30, 2018, couldn’t be anything further from that public image.
Case in point is Allegiant started selling third-party hotel rooms in 2002 and got into the rental car business three years later, truly becoming a leisure travel company.
Then, perhaps unbeknownst to many golfers and frequent flyers, is Allegiant’s growing golf tentacles through its wholly owned subsidiary Teesnap. According to Richins, who was named chief operating officer of Sunseeker Resort last June, Teesnap has approximately 500 courses using its proprietary tee-sheet management and marketing technology solutions since Teesnap founder/CEO Bryan Lord joined forces with Allegiant about five years ago.
All of these leisure interests are becoming big business for Allegiant. Since 2005, the company notched $3.4 billion in ancillary product sales (i.e. selling seat assignments and bag fees) and $1.3 billion in third-party leisure product sales, including more than 6.5 million hotel room nights.
Last year, Allegiant grew its “rental car days sold” 27.5 percent to 1.4 million through the first nine months, according to its third-quarter report, and increased “hotel room nights sold” 3 percent to 313,360. Now, the company’s going direct to consumer in golf rounds. For Redmond and Richins, Kingsway Country Club and the new Sunseeker Resort are just the beginning of something even bigger for the growing leisure company.
Like his Allegiant boss, Richins knows the leisure and business traveler as well as anybody having previously spent 25 years as a senior executive for MGM Resorts International. In his last position for MGM Resorts, Richins was chief commercial officer for MGM and managed 40,000 Las Vegas rooms and drove $2 billion-plus in annual room revenue for massive casino resorts like MGM Grand, New York-New York and Luxor.
Of course, one of the unique Las Vegas leisure assets under the MGM umbrella during Richins’ regime was the exclusive Tom Fazio-designed Shadow Creek Golf Club originally built by Vegas casino mogul Steve Wynn. Richins sees Allegiant’s new Kingsway golf course playing an equally prominent role with Sunseeker Resort.
That prominence is indicative, Richins points out, by his top two new hires at Kingsway: general manager David Kent and superintendent Brad Caporini, both of whom worked for several upscale private golf and country clubs in the Fort Myers and Naples markets. Caporini came on board first in September and his presence is already being felt from an agronomic perspective.
In January, the club hosted the annual Kingsway Senior Amateur Invitational and players raved about the beautiful striped fairways, smooth fast greens and overall conditions, according to Kent, who previously spent 12 years as the PGA Professional and general manager at the Club at Renaissance. Since the Ron Garl-designed Kingsway opened in 1976, golfers always enjoyed playing the course, Kent notes, because the layout features an “old Florida feel” with very few homes laid out on the course.
“(Kingsway) has always been a great golf experience,” adds Kent, who started his new position in November. “The course is in the best shape in years, if not overall. Everybody’s really excited about the future with Allegiant and its resources.”
According to Richins, progress on the 500-room hotel tower is going well and the Port Charlotte community should start to “hear a lot of noise in the March timeframe” when Allegiant’s general contractor begins driving the pilings that will support the resort’s main 500-room tower and two adjacent towers that will offer a combination of 1-, 2- and 3-bedroom suites that guests can enjoy as their home away from home.
“The way we look at is when people make a selection to come on vacation, they’re selecting not only this spectacular resort but they’re also selecting a destination,” Richins says. “And things that people do in this destination to make sure their vacation is amazing and memorable and want to come back. With Kingsway, we see this tremendous synergy between the two and the course is just an extension of the world-class amenities at the resort.
“It’s another outlet for the customers that are going to be coming into Port Charlotte. Golf isn’t going to be the only thing customers are going to want to do, but it’s certainly the primary driver to be able to control that environment and create an experience that’s akin to what you would receive at the resort. … Golf’s always been important in my opinion to the leisure companies that participate in it. Golf gives us a tool to appeal to and provide resources for a very, very lucrative segment of the travel business.”
And the key to leveraging that golf appeal to the fullest, according to Richins, is owning and controlling the course rather than partnering with one. For instance, if Richins’ resort team wants to close the whole course for a particular day because “we’re going to give it to a group” visiting the resort, they can.
At the end of the day, Richins says it’s all about controlling the leisure spend as much as possible based on Allegiant’s time-tested, direct-to-consumer business model. In the investor day last September, Allegiant forecasts “golf and marina” revenues to grow from $4.5 million in year one to $5.5 million within a five-year period.
Overall resort revenue is projected to be just over $88 million when it opens in 2020 and $113.2 million by 2025.  “Think of the number of people that we’re flying into Punta Gorda and we’re the only ones flying into that airport,” Richins says. “That gives us an opportunity to leverage our database so when you think about being a customer of Allegiant. … Getting our emails etc. We have the ability to touch you and say, ‘now that you’ve selected your flight, do you have your room (at Sunseeker Resort).’
“Oh, now that we see you have your room and your flight do you realize there’s this great opportunity for you to golf. Or by the way, any other type of amenities that we then either develop ourselves or partner with. So, it’s not like you’re this stand-alone organization sitting there in Port Charlotte. You’re part of this broader group of people that have the ability to touch very many customers.”
This strategy to keep growing in the leisure space has Kent and the rest of his Kingsway golf course staff optimistic about the future.
“The change is palpable and it’s wonderful to know that you have this great vision from the company,” Kent says. “And of course, everyone is so excited about the imminent opening of the Sunseeker Resort. It’s just really exciting to see that you have light at the end of the tunnel.”
Or, in this case, it’s a bright light at the end of the runway.
Scott Kauffman is a golf business writer and the managing director of Aloha Media Group.
SOURCE:  GolfBusiness
The post Kingsway dreams take flight appeared first on Kingsway Country Club.
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the-brandboy · 5 years ago
385+Best Golf Rental Business Names
385+Best #Golf #GolfRental #GolfBusiness #GolfNames
Are you planning to start something of your own? Are you interested in golf? Well, how about starting your own gold rental service? You can earn amount of revenue when in the US as it is one of the most respected sports within the States. But, as you plan for starting this service, you need to think about choosing a good name for the same. Thus, keep this particular factor in mind.
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jeremyhotlook · 9 years ago
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