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mingispelvis · 1 year ago
Chilli Pepper Vibe
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Genre: mingi x afab!reader, smut w a little fluff but a LOT of plot
Length: 5.5k
Summary: You go abroad with your friends and are blessed to run into Ateez at your hotel.
NSFW warnings under cut
Warnings: oral sex female receiving, oral sex male receiving, fingering, alcohol consumption, unprotected sex (WRAP IT UP), not pulling out, use of slut, use of baby girl, there's a LOT of plot sorry this is kinda fluffy also at the end
Idk how NDAs work and idk how to end it sorry!!!!!
Girls trips hit different when you’re all gainfully employed. Seulgi had just made partner at Bae & Kang law firm. Joy was recently promoted to Zone Manager of her company, with a hefty bonus to boot. And you? You finally finished residency and were officially able to practice medicine on your own. Despite the three of you being in your mid 20s, you had all continued to push each other and you all achieved great things.
Thusly, girls trip. 
Seulgi, being type A, organized the entire trip from start to finish. To her, vacation starts the moment you step out of your front door. She arranged an Uber Black to take the three of you to the airport, got you all first class tickets, and arranged a very expensive penthouse for the three of you to stay in. She wouldn’t even tell you where exactly you’d be going, just to “bring your sexiest party clothes, a few swimsuits, and your passports”. 
“Our final plane before we land at our destination will be at gate, ummm,” Seulgi paused to check her airline app to see where the three of you would be waiting for the next hour. “Ah, gate A57”. You and Joy eyed the terminal signs as you walked towards A57, passing “Los Angeles, California”, “Seattle, Washington” “Atlanta, Georgia” and then “Moscow, Russia”, “Beijing, China”, and “Seoul, South Korea.” A57 came into view and underneath, in bright orange pixels, read “Tokyo, Japan”. Your jaw dropped open and Joy began to squeal. “No way, no way, no way. Seulgi. You did NOT get us tickets to Waterbomb.” Joy jumped up and down, neck pillow flopping against her back. Seulgi shrugged her shoulders and attempted to fight a smile, but Joy squealed again and grabbed her into a huge bear hug, causing a grin to explode onto Seulgi’s face. “I LOVE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW!” Joy’s scream was muffled as her tight hug squashed her mouth into Seulgi’s shoulder.
“Umm..hold on…what’s Waterbomb?” You asked, giggling slightly at your friend’s antics. At this, Joy and Seulgi stopped hugging to stare at you like you’d grown an extra head out of your shoulders. “Ew I forgot she’s only a casual KPOP girl.” Joy rolled her eyes as she plopped down in one of the chairs at the gate and kicked her feet up onto her suitcase. Seulgi took the time to explain the massive festival, the amazing kpop acts, and the water guns to you and by the time your boarding zone was called, you were stoked about getting to go. 
The flight to Tokyo was long and uneventful, the ride to the hotel was short and sweet, and the check in process was smooth. The three of you were staying at a 5 star hotel famous for waiting on their guests hand and foot. The elevator up to the penthouse was smooth and when you stepped into the hall, you were shocked to find only two massive open areas on either side of the elevator. “The other side is the other penthouse. We have this entire half of the floor to ourselves. That’s how big this place is.” Seulgi explained. As if your jaws couldn’t drop enough, Seulgi scanned her thumb print and the door to your vacation palace unlocked with a quiet click. “They don’t have my thumb print, right? I didn’t authorize them to have that information!” Joy joked. You couldn’t even think of the logistics as you stepped into what could only be described as luxury beyond your wildest dreams. Marble floors, brilliant chandeliers, gold plated silverware (goldware?) 200 inch large screen TV with surround sound speakers, full bar, and floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city of Tokyo. The balcony was a walk around that you could access from the living area or any of the bedrooms and had a hot tub, a small infinity pool, and another outdoor bar. Each of the three bedrooms had a king sized bed that you actually had to walk up two steps to get into and a full bathroom attached. The bathrooms had clawfoot tubs made of more gold, massive showers, and a towel warmer. Despite having handed over your credit cards to Seulgi so she could split the price of everything equally between the three of you, you had no idea the measly 4 digit price you paid could amount to such elegance. 
The long travels and time change hit the three of you hard, so after gawking at the amenities the penthouse provided a little longer, the three of you washed up and hit the sack, hard. So hard, you didn’t wake up until almost 3pm the next day. Luckily, traveling queen Seulgi had accounted for this and had allotted two rest days into the rigorous itinerary, delivering every meal up to the room by room service to be had on the balcony or on the edge of the pool. 
“I wonder who’s on the opposite side of the hall from us in the other penthouse” Joy questioned between massive bites of her meal. She was standing in the pool with her upper half lounging on the poolside.
“Probably some big shot oil tycoon and his 3 wives,” you joked, nursing an afternoon mimosa. Joy giggled and downed another bite of her meal. For being so thin, she had one hell of an appetite.
“Actually,” Seulgi started with a smile. “I booked this hotel because it’s usually one of the ones idols stay at since it’s super close to the festival area and the hotel is known for its discretion. I bet it's a kpop group.” Joy dropped a grape into the pool, mouth agape, body frozen as she stared at Seulgi. You watched the grape bob away towards the other side of the pool. Joy still hadn’t moved or spoken when you turned back.
“Joy? Babe? You alright?” You gave her shoulder a light shake. 
Joy took a deep breath before shouting, “A KPOP GROUP!? YOU’RE TELLING ME STRAY KIDS COULD BE RIGHT NEXT DOOR? OR EXO? OR-” Joy jumped out of the pool at this point. “We gotta go over there and find out who it is!”
“No! What are we gonna do just knock on the door and see who answers? It could be a girl group too, you know.” Seulgi stated.
Joy jumped again, “TWICE!?” Joy feigned fainting, “catch me Nayeon!” You all three laughed and Joy jumped back into the pool. “We should get some drinks and just have a party tonight. A light party, so we can go explore tomorrow, but a party nonetheless.” Joy suggested. 
“Hell yeah we’ve relaxed enough. It’s time to get fucked up.” You agreed. 
“I know a place we can get some good stuff for cheap. We spent an arm and a leg on this trip. I'm not paying the big bucks for alcohol.” Seulgi stated, cleaning up the plates (as is her duty as the resident mom of the trip). “Let’s head there now so we can be back before dinner and get some food in our system before we get trashed.” 
You and Joy did as you were told and obediently threw on a swim suit cover-up to travel to the store. 2 bottles of champagne and a box of soju later, the three of you returned and got dressed for dinner. After your bellies were full, the three of you put on your “party pajamas" (short shorts, crop tops, and fuzzy socks) and got the snacks and drinks ready on the living room table. 
“Shit we need ice for the champagne don’t we. I’ll go grab some from the ice machine down the hall. We’re gonna need more than the refrigerator has at the moment.” You grabbed the empty champagne bucket and headed to the room where the ice machine was located. Well, where you thought it was located. The ice machine room was empty and you pouted while thinking about where you could get ice. You walked back to the room, but before you went back in and admitted defeat to your friends, you saw the doors to the staircase and thought you might as well try one floor down. Entering onto the floor below you headed back to the area where the ice machine could be, but stopped when you saw two figures standing in the open area after the penthouse suite door. Though the lighting was dim (a 5 star hotel can’t light their hallways?) you could see a third figure gesturing, and then backing up and pointing their phone towards the first two as if they were recording. You slowly walked closer when you heard “Ok, shi-jak* [A/N: begin].” T-Pain’s “Booty Wurk played and the two figures started dancing. The moves were executed flawlessly until one of the figures in a black cap made an imperceptible (to you) mistake. Groans from the other two were heard and the taller male in the front, in a gray cap, turned to playfully shake at the other. You took this as your chance to pass through. “You guys are really good at dancing,” you started as all three boys jumped, startled at your sudden appearance. You passed by them, but not before taking in just how beautiful they all three were. “Oh, thank you.” The one in the gray cap nodded to you. You headed to the ice machine, but subconsciously felt like someone was watching, so you took a quick peek over your shoulder to see all three men watching you. Dipping quickly into the ice room, you put your hand over your heart and felt it flutter. 
Woah. Were they checking me out? You thought to yourself as you pressed the bucket under the ice machine. The clanking and crunching of the machine and the ice hitting the metal bucket was a mere whisper compared to the thumping of your heart and whooshing of blood in your ears. 
Fuck it. It’s vacation. You convinced yourself as the ice toppled over the lip of the bucket and landed with a clack on the floor. When you came out, the boys were dancing again. You walked just close enough to let them know you were watching, and then leaned against the wall. The boys finished up their attempt of the dance and you stepped forward. 
“Wow! You guys are really so good!” you fluttered your lashes even though you weren’t sure if they could see in the dim light. “You should be professionals. I wish you could teach me to dance!” You stepped a little closer to the three boys. 
The boy holding his phone chuckled while the one in the gray cap thanked you again. You fluttered your lashes again and flashed a sweet smile. “I’m Y/N. And you are?” You turned to the shorter boy in black. “Oh, uh, I’m Wooyoung”. He smiled lightly. 
“I’m Yunho.” The boy in the gray cap waved and then shoved his hands back in the pockets of his white cargo pants.
You turned to the final boy and your eyes widened and pulse quickened. You hadn’t gotten a good look at him when you first passed by, but even in the dim light you could see he was a ten out of ten. You strained your eyes and pleaded with your pupils to let you see this man in all his glory. 
“I’m Mingi. Nice to meet you, Y/N. And, for the record, we are professionals.” He smiled. 
“Oh? Are you in a dance group?” You questioned, never breaking eye contact with Mingi.
“Something like that”, Wooyoung answered. “More like a KPOP group.” He barely finished his sentence before he was lightly slapped in the chest by Yunho.
“Oh that’s really cool. Which group? Maybe I’ve heard of you.” You played it cool even though your heart was threatening to beat itself out of your rib cage.
“Ateez.” Mingi said proudly. 
You did your best not to fangirl hard. You’d been listening to Bouncy continuously since Joy sent it in the group chat. Due to your rigorous doctor schedule, stanning wasn’t something you had time to do- thus, Joy’s “Ew, casual KPOP girl” comment in the airport.
“I think I’ve heard of you guys before.” you nodded and flashed another cute smile. “Well, I have to get this bucket of ice back to a few bottles of champagne,” you emphasized your sentence by holding up the bucket and patting it a few times. “But if you guys ever want a break from idol life, my friends and I are one floor up with drinks and snacks.” You passed through the three boys once again, turned around, and started walking backwards so you could express your final sentence to them, “and we’ll sign NDAs, no problem.” You whipped back around before the three boys had a chance to watch you sink deep into embarrassment, fear, and confusion.
Did I really just tell three international superstars I’d sign an NDA to party with them? I haven’t even started drinking and I’m already doing stupid shit. You chastised yourself as you quickly made your way back up the stairs and into your penthouse.
“Finally! We were gonna start without you!” Joy shouted, her back to you as she sat on the couch fiddling with something you couldn’t see.
“We did start without you.” Seulgi corrected, clicking something on her computer and watching the big screen TV at the same time. She seemed to be setting up her computer to cast to the TV to play music.
“You guys will never guess what happened to me and who I met.” You started, setting the bucket on the kitchen counter and tucking the two champagne bottles snuggly within the ice. When you turned back to your friends, they were both staring at you excitedly.
“WHO!?” they yelled in unison.
You went to go sit on the couch. You started off your story of the disappearing ice machine much to Joy and Seulgi’s dismay, and even kept an air of mystery by not revealing the names of the boys until the proper point in the story, after you’d gotten the ice.
“So I’m like, my name is Y/N what’s yours? And he goes ‘Wooyoung’ and the next dude goes ‘Yunho’ and the last dude goes ‘Mingi’.” you recount. At each name, Seulgi gasps and Joy squeals. You continued before they could interrupt you. 
“Then Mingi’s like ‘Yeah we are professionals’ and I’m like ‘yeah are you in a dance group?’ and Wooyoung goes ‘We’re in ATEEZ’ and I lowkey pretended like I’m not obsessed with Bouncy so I can stay chill.” You were speeding through the story to make it to the most important part before Joy exploded with questions. 
“So,” you continue “I say ‘yeah I’ve heard of you guys. Well if you wanna come up and party with us we’ll sign the NDA!” You bury your head in your hands and pull your knees to your chest while Joy and Seulgi, essentially, freak out. 
“Are you telling me Ateez could come up here and party with us!?” Joy stands up on the couch in excitement. Seulgi quickly brings her down a peg to reality and says “They probably won’t but at least Y/N got to flirt with hot famous guys.” Seulgi pauses for a moment before a squeal escapes her mouth and she taps her feet on the floor in glee. “WE COULD PARTY WITH ATEEZ THOUGH!” Seulgi grins. With that, Joy jumps lightly off the couch and pops open a soju bottle. She grabs three shot glasses and pours the bottle evenly across all three. “Well,” she starts “we should be ready when they get here!”
You three take the shots like champs, open the snacks, and turn up the music. After some light mixed drinks and a few good songs, the three of you had almost forgotten about your supposed super star visitors. A knock at the door stops the three of you in your tipsy rendition of Kai’s Rover. You look at each other in confusion, and then turn towards the door. You head over and peek through the peephole. A young Asian woman, probably the same age as you, with an ipad is standing outside the door. You open the door just wide enough to be polite.
“Hi.” You say tentatively, confusion clearly showing on your face.
‘Hi! I’m one of the managers working for KQ and I think I have something you’ll want to sign.” The lady turns her iPad around and you see NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT in big bold letters across the top of a document. You feel hands on your shoulder and the door swings wider. 
“YES. WE’LL SIGN. WHATEVER IT IS WE’LL SIGN!” Joy practically screams in the woman’s face.
The manager laughs and begins to quickly scroll through the massive document, highlighting the major points (basically, keep it quiet or we’ll sue you for your entire life and the life of your future children) and then hands you a stylus. 
“If you agree to the terms and conditions, sign, print, and date here. If you have any questions let me know and I’ll be happy to answer them before you sign. If you’re no longer interested-” before the manager can finish her sentence, Joy snatches the stylus out of your hand and signs off on the document. She hands the stylus to Seulgi and she does the same with speed. 
“So, they’re coming up here? They’re all actually coming?” You ask, raising an eyebrow and begging the answer to be yes.
The manager chuckles and says “this non-disclosure agreement covers any potential meetings with the idols mentioned within it on the dates mentioned within it.” She punctuates her sentence with a smile and moves the iPad towards you. Joy nudges you in a manner that lets you know that you will not be ruining this for her. You sign with shaky hands.
“Perfect!” The manager turns the iPad back around and taps on it a bit. “And if you could all input your emails here, you’ll receive a copy of this for your own records.” You put in your emails, and the manager hits send. “Thank you! Have a good night!” The manager bows, and heads down the hall. You slowly close the door and turn to look at your friends. You stand staring at each other, excitement buzzing between the three of you as not one of your brains can form words. Seulgi was the first to break the silence. 
“Well…this is happening.” She said as if she was trying to convince herself to keep calm. Joy walked off like a zombie in a trance to sit back on the couch and stare out into the distance. “This is happening.” She repeated in the same tone as Seulgi.
“This is happening!” Joy rocketed up from the couch. “I gotta go put on some makeup!” Joy rushed into her bedroom, and you heard a distinct zip of a makeup bag followed by the continuous clacking of makeup containers hitting each other while being dumped out. You and Seulgi finally had the wherewithal to leave the foyer and head back to the couch. You took a generous swig of strawberry soju when you heard another knock at the door. This time, all three of you ran to the door to answer it. You were closer, and, therefore, faster, and opened the door with a grin.
“(Y/N)!” Mingi raised his hands above his head as if he was greeting an old friend. “I brought drinks and friends.” You moved to the side to welcome Mingi in, Yunho, Wooyoung, and San following behind him. 
“These are my friends Seulgi and Joy.” You introduced your friends but before you could give them the eyes that meant “please be cool”, they began to fangirl.
“Oh my gosh Wooyoung you’re my bias! It’s so cool to meet you guys!” Joy giggled and jumped Wooyoung with a hug. “Oh I’m so sorry!” Joy jumped back as quickly as she had hugged Wooyoung. “I should have asked first- can I hug you?” 
Wooyoung laughed and nodded, coming in for another hug. Yunho, Mingi, and San greeted you all and you all headed to the couch. 
Joy, the official party girl of the three of you, immediately began to pour shots while Seulgi turned the music back up. The party had commenced full swing, with all of you jumping, dancing, and shouting lyrics as loud as you could. After an hour and a few drinks, you were just buzzed enough to let your inhibitions out the window, so when Bouncy came on, you lost it.
“EVERYONE SHUT UP I LOVE THIS SONG” you yelled, arms out as wide as possible to clear the makeshift dance floor (aka the area where the coffee table used to be). The song got as far as Yunho’s “one, two..” before it stopped. You whipped your head around to Seulgi with a look on your face that clearly said what the fuck!? But before you could verbally protest, Seulgi pointed to the TV. She’d pulled up the music video.
“Since you’ve never seen it.” She stuck her tongue out, but you didn’t see her. Your eyes were glued to the screen. By the time the video ended, you had made a dangerous decision. Watching Mingi clear out a bar with a fake gun, belly roll, and dance had you trembling. You knew you had to have him. You devised a devious plan in the blink of an eye. “Play it again!” you whined. “I wanna dance AND,” you stood up to emphasize the second request “I want you all to sing your parts!” 
The boys laughed and agreed as Seulgi re-started the music video. You began dancing as Mingi rapped “What you wanna do?”. Your plan was in motion and so were your hips. You spun around and swung your hand in the air like you were swinging a lasso. You slowly approached Mingi, who had sat down on the couch. When the chorus hit, you straddled him. Your heart was beating faster than it ever had before, but your mind was determined. You kept lightly moving your hips and swinging your imaginary lasso. Mingi looked at you with eyes wide and mouth slightly open, corners of his mouth turned up in disbelief. You pushed a little further- putting your hands on his shoulders and singing along:
“Slow it down, make it bouncy 
지금부터 fly
좀 다른 spicy 청양고추 vibe”
You looked Mingi in the eyes when you felt his hands on your hips. “Don’t forget to rap your part.” You leaned close with a small smile and mouthed “fix on” in time with the song. Mingi began rapping, and you began the next part of your plan. You wrapped your arms around his neck and began to kiss at his neck. You heard his breath catch slightly, but he didn’t miss a beat of his rap. You moved up to his ear, bit lightly, and moaned “mmmm”. You applied a little more pressure in your grind and you moved to snake your fingers up the hair on the nape of his neck. You kept kissing his neck and, when his rap had completed, Mingi slowly slid his hands down to cup your ass. You could hear San and Wooyoung confidently slurring their way through Seonghwa’s lines. You’re surprised you’re not embarrassed about slutting yourself out in front of your friends, but the growing bulge pressing into your crotch is making it a little easier. Pulling back and placing your forehead on Mingi’s, you stare in each other’s eyes and reach a silent understanding. You slide off of Mingi and grab his hand, leading him to your bedroom. 
You shut the door, but can’t turn around because Mingi has pressed his body against you. He wraps his arms around you and kisses your neck. He spins you around and crashes his mouth into you, tongues wrestling and arms wandering. You push him towards the massive bed and pull away from the intoxicating kiss just long enough to warn him to watch his step. You pull off your shorts and shirt and Mingi does the same. Mingi sits up against the headboard and drags you back into his lap. You both moan and grind into each other- Mingi clearly not able to choose between massaging your breasts or squeezing your ass, so he settles for one for each hand. You’ve had enough of the humping and pull away. You trail kisses down Mingi’s body, clearly heading to give him the best head of his life, but he leans forward and grabs you before you can make it to your prize. Mingi flips you over and tears your panties off like he’s unwrapping a christmas present. 
“Shit.” Mingi mumbles as he pushes your legs out and back for a clear view of his meal. He looks up at you as he lightly runs his middle finger through your slick covered folds. Your breathing is heavy and your heart is pounding. 
“You want it, baby girl?” Mingi raises an eyebrow at you. You nod fervently, but that’s clearly not enough. “Lemme hear you baby. What do you want?” Mingi teases in the sweetest, sultriest voice you’ve ever heard. 
“I want you to eat me like it’s your last meal, Mingi.” You respond, grabbing a fistful of his hair. At this Mingi’s eyes flutter shut and he gasps. 
“Don’t let go,” Mingi growls, then he dives in. He wraps his lips around your clit and sucks, and makes quick work of his tongue. He slowly pushes his middle finger inside you and hooks it right into your g-spot. 
The speed at which the pleasure overcomes you has you grabbing Mingi’s hair with your other hand and releasing a deep moan. Mingi slurps and moans as he fingers you deep. You pull him off of you and he looks up at you with confusion. You begin to crawl down towards his crotch, bulge straining painfully through his boxer briefs. Mingi gets it immediately and flips over onto his back to continue his work on your clit while you unearth his throbbing cock. Watching the thick, long member spring out of its cage has you clenching around Mingi’s finger. He moans and adds a second as you squeeze the base of his cock. He’s already leaking, so you squeeze a little more out to lubricate his dick. You lick a stripe from the base to the tip, and then take Mingi in his entirety. Mingi’s head falls back and he moans deeply. 
“(Y/N), fuck, just like that.” Mingi pants and speeds up his fingers within you. You feel your orgasm approaching but you’re determined to make Mingi remember you. You move off of Mingi, which removes his fingers from you, and turn to face him. He looks down at you and you stare in his eyes as you deepthroat him. You hollow your cheeks and work your tongue up and down, cupping his balls with one hand and running the other up and down his thighs. Mingi lightly places his hands on your head and you can feel him throbbing in your mouth. You can tell he’s getting close and remove him from your mouth with a pop. The heat of the moment over takes you and you go to straddle him, line him up, and sink down on his cock. Mingi’s eyes fluttered shut and he shuddered out a moan. You began a slow pace, up and down, while simultaneously circling your hips. You threw your head back and dug your nails into Mingi’s toned abs. He gripped your hip with one hand and began mercilessly rubbing your clit with the other. Your legs went weak as your orgasm built up again, and you sat down on Mingi, fully taking his entire length. Mingi pulled you forward so you were laying on his chest. He hooked both of his arms around your waist, lifted his hips, and began fucking you senseless. 
You came within seconds, gripping Mingi’s cock tight- he could feel your walls fluttering and your orgasm dripping down onto his thighs. 
“Fuck Mingi, yes! Make me cum!” You moaned into his ear. Between your pussy death gripping his cock and you dirty talking in his ear, Mingi couldn’t handle it. His hips stuttered, his breath became ragged, and his moans became louder and louder. He pounded into you harder and harder until he finally stilled deep within you. You felt him throbbing and spilling his release as you were coming down from your own high. 
Mingi rode out his orgasm still holding your body tightly to his. You pushed your torso up so you could see Mingi’s face clearly- hair sticking to his forehead by beads of sweat, eyelids low in bliss. Mingi took a deep breath and finally came to. His eyes got wide and he swore in korean. 
“Oh God. I just…fuck…I didn’t pull out…I’m…are you…” Mingi’s mind was clearly racing and you put your pointer finger to his lips to shush him.
“Shh. It’s okay. I’m on birth control, I’m clean, and I’d never do that to you. I promise.” you comforted him.
Mingi’s eyebrows creased together and raised in a face that relayed “you promise?” then he nodded and released the breath he’d been holding. He then rolled over, still holding you tight to his body, so you could be flat on your back when he pulled out. “Stay there!” he requested as he ran off to the bathroom to get you a warm towel. He came back smiling, ready to provide you with excellent aftercare. He found your clothes that had been scattered over the floor, and handed them to you as he put on his own clothes. A pang of sadness hit your heart as you realized your night with Mingi was over, and you went into the bathroom to collect yourself (and to pee. You always pee after sex!). You looked in the mirror and saw how rosy your cheeks were, hair all over your head, and all you could do was smile. You were thankful that you had this experience. After quickly brushing your teeth and washing your face, you opened the bathroom door and peeked back in the bedroom. Mingi was nowhere to be found. You realized simultaneously that it was silent in the penthouse. You assumed the girls went to bed and Mingi left with the rest of his members. You crawled into bed, fluffed your pillows, and turned off the lights.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You woke up hot. Really hot. And paralyzed. Not sleep paralyzed, paralyzed like you were in a straitjacket. You slowly realized someone was in the bed with you. You could hear a soft snore from behind you. You twisted around to try and see if Joy had had another nightmare and wanted to cuddle with you for “safety”. The figure behind you aroused and you strained your eyes in the darkness to see who the hell caused you to be drenched in sweat.
“Hey, did my snoring wake you?” A soft, deep voice asked. Your eyes adjusted to the darkness and you saw Mingi’s sleepy face, eyes still shut tight. You were glad his eyes were closed because you were grinning like an idiot. “No, I just had a funny dream.” You lied as you cuddled up, face first into his chest. Mingi held you tight, kissed your forehead, and immediately fell back asleep.
The smell of bacon wafted into your dreams and knocked on your brain until you regained consciousness. The sun was beaming into your room and you gave yourself a nice, full body stretch. While stretching, you realized how roomy your bed was. You turned over and noticed your empty bed. You sighed in content, happy for the night you had. A piece of cloth under the unused pillow caught your eye. You lifted the pillow and noticed Mingi’s shirt, and a note.
“Had a great time last night. See you at Waterbomb. Have you and your friends meet us backstage ;) -SMG”
You grabbed his shirt, stuffed it into your face, and took a big sniff. You didn’t care that it was creepy and delusional. You’re happy he left you a memento of the night you shared. The door to your room creaked slowly open, and you popped your head up as soon as you noticed it.
“SEULGI SHE’S UP OH MY GOD.” Joy screamed and sprinted full speed towards your bed. She flopped down next to you as Seulgi ran in behind her.
“TELL. US. EVERYTHING.” Joy enunciated her words by shaking your shoulders. 
You relayed the night to your best friends. You concluded by showing them the note. Joy and Seulgi shrieked and their voices overlapped in excitement- fantasizing about how the day was going to go. You tuned them out and looked wistfully out the window as the sun continued to shine into your bedroom. You began to grin as you thought about all you were going to do with Mingi again. 
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charlotte-of-wales · 4 months ago
we talk so much about william hating the pomp and pageantry but here’s catalina saying screw your tiaras, screw your gowns, screw your goldware 😭
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sloppypears-ash-sg · 10 months ago
Previous Hosts (SWBG)
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Inspo: character.ai
The hosts of a game show called Goldware Trivia Game that was made prior to Shovelware's Brain Game. Hell, it was the inspiration of SWBG.
Birthday Cake was the main host, while Television was in the place of the Announcer. For visual questions, either TV or a young Boardy helped with the visuals.
The show was canceled after 5 seasons in 2015/2016.
Later on, the Dancing Banana killed Birthday Cake on the latter's birthday.
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cleverhottubmiracle · 22 days ago
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🇨🇳 China’s president meets with founders of Alibaba, Tencent, Meituan. President Xi Jinping invited leaders of 31 of the country’s largest tech companies to a high-profile summit last week, signalling warmer relations with the sector. China’s economic slowdown appears to have softened of the government’s stance on big tech following a regulatory crackdown on the sector starting in 2020. Jack Ma, the founder and former chairman of e-commerce giant Tmall’s parent company Alibaba Group, retreated from public life that year following the suspension of the IPO of his fintech firm Ant Group by the Chinese authorities. Also attending the carefully choreographed event, which saw Xi bring Ma back in from the cold, were WeChat owner Tencent’s boss Pony Ma and Meituan’s Wang Xing among others. Among those notably absent were Baidu’s Robin Li and JD.com’s Richard Liu, prompting the two companies’ shares to fall last week. [BBC, Financial Times]🇸🇦 Saudi Fashion Commission initiates recycling of pilgrims’ clothing. The Saudi ministry of culture’s dedicated fashion industry body has launched the Sustainable Ihram Initiative which aims to recycle the special garments worn by people on either of the Islamic pilgrimages. The project is a collaboration between the Saudi Investment Recycling Company, Tadweem, Turkish fabric giant Sanko and textile-to-textile recycling technology company Re&Up. More than 18.5 million international pilgrims came to Saudi Arabia to perform the hajj and umrah in 2024, according to local media, to travel to Makkah, which Muslims consider to be the most holy city in the religion. [Kohan Textile Journal, BoF]🇨🇳 Chinese jeweller Laopu Gold sees shares surge to record high. The Beijing-based, Hong Kong-listed traditionally crafted gold jewellery brand saw shares rise as much as 10 percent on Friday, making it one of the best performers on the Hong Kong bourse, following a positive net profit alert posted by the company of 1.4-1.5 billion yuan (a median value of around $206.77 million) for 2024, marking a year-over-year rise of 236-260 percent. The company, which was founded by Xu Gaoming in 2009 as a goldware shop before being established as a brand in 2016 has expanded its mono-brand footprint to 38 stores nationwide. Its value on the stock market has increase over tenfold in less than a year since its IPO. [Reuters]🇻🇳 US firms forecast Vietnam factory layoffs if Trump imposes tariffs. According to a survey of more than 100 American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam manufacturer members, which include multinational giants such as Nike and Intel, nearly two-thirds foresee layoffs if US President Donald Trump introduces reciprocal tariffs on the Southeast Asian nation. Manufacturers in Vietnam had largely remained upbeat after Trump’s announcements of tariffs on China, Mexico and Canada but now the mood has changed with analysts suggesting Vietnam could become a target of new duties due to its trade surplus with the US. [Reuters]🇨🇱 Fashion e-commerce major Dafiti ceases operations in Chile. The Global Fashion Group-owned e-tailer is withdrawing from Chile, leaving Dafiti to focus on the Brazil and Colombia markets following an earlier exit from Argentina. GFG, a Luxembourg-registered firm headquartered between Singapore and London, has recorded declining net merchandise value in recent quarters. GFG owns Latin America-focused Dafiti, Southeast Asia-focused Zalora and Australia and New Zealand region-focused platform The Iconic. [Modaes]🇮🇳 Deep and Mohit Bajaj buy back Sirona from India’s Good Glamm Group. The founders of the Indian feminine hygiene brand spent an estimated 150 crore rupees ($17.2 million) on buying back the brand they founded in 2014 and sold to the content-to-commerce group in 2022 for 450 crore rupees ($53.5 million). The sale follows financial challenges, executive departures, salary delays and layoffs at the group founded and led by Darpan Sanghvi which started as DTC makeup brand MyGlamm before acquiring a stable of beauty, personal care and media brands. [Economic Times]🇨🇳 Court lifts controls on Armani over Chinese factories’ labour practices. An Italian court has ended early special administration imposed on a unit of the Armani fashion group over labour practices of its Chinese-owned subcontractors because the company had taken all the necessary corrective action. Giorgio Armani Operations, the industrial arm of the Armani group, was placed under court administration for a year in April after an investigation found it had subcontracted work in Italy to Chinese-owned companies that exploited workers. [BoF]🇮🇳 India’s jewellery and gem body GJEPC taps Kirit Bhansali as chairman. The country’s Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council has promoted Bhansali from vice chairman to the top spot, replacing Vipul Shah. Bhansali is a partner at Mumbai-based diamond firm Smital Gems and chairman of the India Jewellery Park Mumbai. “We will strive to achieve the ambitious export target of $100 billion by 2047, aligning with our honourable prime minister’s vision of a ‘Viksit Bharat’ (Narendra Modi’s plan for an “advanced India”). [Times of India]🌏 Birkenstock sales jump on high-end clog boom, Asia expansion. The German shoe company’s sales rose 19 percent to €362 million ($378 million) in the three months through December from a year earlier, with momentum especially strong in Asia and for closed-toed footwear. That exceeded analysts’ average estimate of €356 million. [BoF]🇪🇬 Investors pump $3 million into two new Egyptian textile factories. Walid Gamal El-Din, chairman of the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCEZ), has entered into agreements for two new textile manufacturing projects in the ready-made factories area of the country’s Sokhna Industrial Zone, developed by the Main Development Company. The projects create capacity for velvet and knitted fabrics. [Fibre2Fashion]🇰🇷 L’Oréal’s VC arm invests in Korean perfume brand Borntostandout. The French beauty group’s venture capital arm BOLD (Business Opportunities for L’Oréal Development) has participated in a Series A fundraising round led by American venture firm Touch Capital in the Seoul-based luxury fragrance brand which was founded in 2022 by Jun Lim. [Cosmetics Design Europe]🇰🇷 Roger Vivier taps South Korean singer Yeji as brand ambassador. The French luxury shoemaker has partnered with Hwang Ye-ji, the lead singer of K-pop girl group Itzy. Known mononymously as Yeji and commanding over 5 million Instagram followers, the musician is about to embark on a solo career. [BoF Inbox] Source link
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norajworld · 22 days ago
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🇨🇳 China’s president meets with founders of Alibaba, Tencent, Meituan. President Xi Jinping invited leaders of 31 of the country’s largest tech companies to a high-profile summit last week, signalling warmer relations with the sector. China’s economic slowdown appears to have softened of the government’s stance on big tech following a regulatory crackdown on the sector starting in 2020. Jack Ma, the founder and former chairman of e-commerce giant Tmall’s parent company Alibaba Group, retreated from public life that year following the suspension of the IPO of his fintech firm Ant Group by the Chinese authorities. Also attending the carefully choreographed event, which saw Xi bring Ma back in from the cold, were WeChat owner Tencent’s boss Pony Ma and Meituan’s Wang Xing among others. Among those notably absent were Baidu’s Robin Li and JD.com’s Richard Liu, prompting the two companies’ shares to fall last week. [BBC, Financial Times]🇸🇦 Saudi Fashion Commission initiates recycling of pilgrims’ clothing. The Saudi ministry of culture’s dedicated fashion industry body has launched the Sustainable Ihram Initiative which aims to recycle the special garments worn by people on either of the Islamic pilgrimages. The project is a collaboration between the Saudi Investment Recycling Company, Tadweem, Turkish fabric giant Sanko and textile-to-textile recycling technology company Re&Up. More than 18.5 million international pilgrims came to Saudi Arabia to perform the hajj and umrah in 2024, according to local media, to travel to Makkah, which Muslims consider to be the most holy city in the religion. [Kohan Textile Journal, BoF]🇨🇳 Chinese jeweller Laopu Gold sees shares surge to record high. The Beijing-based, Hong Kong-listed traditionally crafted gold jewellery brand saw shares rise as much as 10 percent on Friday, making it one of the best performers on the Hong Kong bourse, following a positive net profit alert posted by the company of 1.4-1.5 billion yuan (a median value of around $206.77 million) for 2024, marking a year-over-year rise of 236-260 percent. The company, which was founded by Xu Gaoming in 2009 as a goldware shop before being established as a brand in 2016 has expanded its mono-brand footprint to 38 stores nationwide. Its value on the stock market has increase over tenfold in less than a year since its IPO. [Reuters]🇻🇳 US firms forecast Vietnam factory layoffs if Trump imposes tariffs. According to a survey of more than 100 American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam manufacturer members, which include multinational giants such as Nike and Intel, nearly two-thirds foresee layoffs if US President Donald Trump introduces reciprocal tariffs on the Southeast Asian nation. Manufacturers in Vietnam had largely remained upbeat after Trump’s announcements of tariffs on China, Mexico and Canada but now the mood has changed with analysts suggesting Vietnam could become a target of new duties due to its trade surplus with the US. [Reuters]🇨🇱 Fashion e-commerce major Dafiti ceases operations in Chile. The Global Fashion Group-owned e-tailer is withdrawing from Chile, leaving Dafiti to focus on the Brazil and Colombia markets following an earlier exit from Argentina. GFG, a Luxembourg-registered firm headquartered between Singapore and London, has recorded declining net merchandise value in recent quarters. GFG owns Latin America-focused Dafiti, Southeast Asia-focused Zalora and Australia and New Zealand region-focused platform The Iconic. [Modaes]🇮🇳 Deep and Mohit Bajaj buy back Sirona from India’s Good Glamm Group. The founders of the Indian feminine hygiene brand spent an estimated 150 crore rupees ($17.2 million) on buying back the brand they founded in 2014 and sold to the content-to-commerce group in 2022 for 450 crore rupees ($53.5 million). The sale follows financial challenges, executive departures, salary delays and layoffs at the group founded and led by Darpan Sanghvi which started as DTC makeup brand MyGlamm before acquiring a stable of beauty, personal care and media brands. [Economic Times]🇨🇳 Court lifts controls on Armani over Chinese factories’ labour practices. An Italian court has ended early special administration imposed on a unit of the Armani fashion group over labour practices of its Chinese-owned subcontractors because the company had taken all the necessary corrective action. Giorgio Armani Operations, the industrial arm of the Armani group, was placed under court administration for a year in April after an investigation found it had subcontracted work in Italy to Chinese-owned companies that exploited workers. [BoF]🇮🇳 India’s jewellery and gem body GJEPC taps Kirit Bhansali as chairman. The country’s Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council has promoted Bhansali from vice chairman to the top spot, replacing Vipul Shah. Bhansali is a partner at Mumbai-based diamond firm Smital Gems and chairman of the India Jewellery Park Mumbai. “We will strive to achieve the ambitious export target of $100 billion by 2047, aligning with our honourable prime minister’s vision of a ‘Viksit Bharat’ (Narendra Modi’s plan for an “advanced India”). [Times of India]🌏 Birkenstock sales jump on high-end clog boom, Asia expansion. The German shoe company’s sales rose 19 percent to €362 million ($378 million) in the three months through December from a year earlier, with momentum especially strong in Asia and for closed-toed footwear. That exceeded analysts’ average estimate of €356 million. [BoF]🇪🇬 Investors pump $3 million into two new Egyptian textile factories. Walid Gamal El-Din, chairman of the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCEZ), has entered into agreements for two new textile manufacturing projects in the ready-made factories area of the country’s Sokhna Industrial Zone, developed by the Main Development Company. The projects create capacity for velvet and knitted fabrics. [Fibre2Fashion]🇰🇷 L’Oréal’s VC arm invests in Korean perfume brand Borntostandout. The French beauty group’s venture capital arm BOLD (Business Opportunities for L’Oréal Development) has participated in a Series A fundraising round led by American venture firm Touch Capital in the Seoul-based luxury fragrance brand which was founded in 2022 by Jun Lim. [Cosmetics Design Europe]🇰🇷 Roger Vivier taps South Korean singer Yeji as brand ambassador. The French luxury shoemaker has partnered with Hwang Ye-ji, the lead singer of K-pop girl group Itzy. Known mononymously as Yeji and commanding over 5 million Instagram followers, the musician is about to embark on a solo career. [BoF Inbox] Source link
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ellajme0 · 22 days ago
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🇨🇳 China’s president meets with founders of Alibaba, Tencent, Meituan. President Xi Jinping invited leaders of 31 of the country’s largest tech companies to a high-profile summit last week, signalling warmer relations with the sector. China’s economic slowdown appears to have softened of the government’s stance on big tech following a regulatory crackdown on the sector starting in 2020. Jack Ma, the founder and former chairman of e-commerce giant Tmall’s parent company Alibaba Group, retreated from public life that year following the suspension of the IPO of his fintech firm Ant Group by the Chinese authorities. Also attending the carefully choreographed event, which saw Xi bring Ma back in from the cold, were WeChat owner Tencent’s boss Pony Ma and Meituan’s Wang Xing among others. Among those notably absent were Baidu’s Robin Li and JD.com’s Richard Liu, prompting the two companies’ shares to fall last week. [BBC, Financial Times]🇸🇦 Saudi Fashion Commission initiates recycling of pilgrims’ clothing. The Saudi ministry of culture’s dedicated fashion industry body has launched the Sustainable Ihram Initiative which aims to recycle the special garments worn by people on either of the Islamic pilgrimages. The project is a collaboration between the Saudi Investment Recycling Company, Tadweem, Turkish fabric giant Sanko and textile-to-textile recycling technology company Re&Up. More than 18.5 million international pilgrims came to Saudi Arabia to perform the hajj and umrah in 2024, according to local media, to travel to Makkah, which Muslims consider to be the most holy city in the religion. [Kohan Textile Journal, BoF]🇨🇳 Chinese jeweller Laopu Gold sees shares surge to record high. The Beijing-based, Hong Kong-listed traditionally crafted gold jewellery brand saw shares rise as much as 10 percent on Friday, making it one of the best performers on the Hong Kong bourse, following a positive net profit alert posted by the company of 1.4-1.5 billion yuan (a median value of around $206.77 million) for 2024, marking a year-over-year rise of 236-260 percent. The company, which was founded by Xu Gaoming in 2009 as a goldware shop before being established as a brand in 2016 has expanded its mono-brand footprint to 38 stores nationwide. Its value on the stock market has increase over tenfold in less than a year since its IPO. [Reuters]🇻🇳 US firms forecast Vietnam factory layoffs if Trump imposes tariffs. According to a survey of more than 100 American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam manufacturer members, which include multinational giants such as Nike and Intel, nearly two-thirds foresee layoffs if US President Donald Trump introduces reciprocal tariffs on the Southeast Asian nation. Manufacturers in Vietnam had largely remained upbeat after Trump’s announcements of tariffs on China, Mexico and Canada but now the mood has changed with analysts suggesting Vietnam could become a target of new duties due to its trade surplus with the US. [Reuters]🇨🇱 Fashion e-commerce major Dafiti ceases operations in Chile. The Global Fashion Group-owned e-tailer is withdrawing from Chile, leaving Dafiti to focus on the Brazil and Colombia markets following an earlier exit from Argentina. GFG, a Luxembourg-registered firm headquartered between Singapore and London, has recorded declining net merchandise value in recent quarters. GFG owns Latin America-focused Dafiti, Southeast Asia-focused Zalora and Australia and New Zealand region-focused platform The Iconic. [Modaes]🇮🇳 Deep and Mohit Bajaj buy back Sirona from India’s Good Glamm Group. The founders of the Indian feminine hygiene brand spent an estimated 150 crore rupees ($17.2 million) on buying back the brand they founded in 2014 and sold to the content-to-commerce group in 2022 for 450 crore rupees ($53.5 million). The sale follows financial challenges, executive departures, salary delays and layoffs at the group founded and led by Darpan Sanghvi which started as DTC makeup brand MyGlamm before acquiring a stable of beauty, personal care and media brands. [Economic Times]🇨🇳 Court lifts controls on Armani over Chinese factories’ labour practices. An Italian court has ended early special administration imposed on a unit of the Armani fashion group over labour practices of its Chinese-owned subcontractors because the company had taken all the necessary corrective action. Giorgio Armani Operations, the industrial arm of the Armani group, was placed under court administration for a year in April after an investigation found it had subcontracted work in Italy to Chinese-owned companies that exploited workers. [BoF]🇮🇳 India’s jewellery and gem body GJEPC taps Kirit Bhansali as chairman. The country’s Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council has promoted Bhansali from vice chairman to the top spot, replacing Vipul Shah. Bhansali is a partner at Mumbai-based diamond firm Smital Gems and chairman of the India Jewellery Park Mumbai. “We will strive to achieve the ambitious export target of $100 billion by 2047, aligning with our honourable prime minister’s vision of a ‘Viksit Bharat’ (Narendra Modi’s plan for an “advanced India”). [Times of India]🌏 Birkenstock sales jump on high-end clog boom, Asia expansion. The German shoe company’s sales rose 19 percent to €362 million ($378 million) in the three months through December from a year earlier, with momentum especially strong in Asia and for closed-toed footwear. That exceeded analysts’ average estimate of €356 million. [BoF]🇪🇬 Investors pump $3 million into two new Egyptian textile factories. Walid Gamal El-Din, chairman of the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCEZ), has entered into agreements for two new textile manufacturing projects in the ready-made factories area of the country’s Sokhna Industrial Zone, developed by the Main Development Company. The projects create capacity for velvet and knitted fabrics. [Fibre2Fashion]🇰🇷 L’Oréal’s VC arm invests in Korean perfume brand Borntostandout. The French beauty group’s venture capital arm BOLD (Business Opportunities for L’Oréal Development) has participated in a Series A fundraising round led by American venture firm Touch Capital in the Seoul-based luxury fragrance brand which was founded in 2022 by Jun Lim. [Cosmetics Design Europe]🇰🇷 Roger Vivier taps South Korean singer Yeji as brand ambassador. The French luxury shoemaker has partnered with Hwang Ye-ji, the lead singer of K-pop girl group Itzy. Known mononymously as Yeji and commanding over 5 million Instagram followers, the musician is about to embark on a solo career. [BoF Inbox] Source link
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chilimili212 · 22 days ago
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🇨🇳 China’s president meets with founders of Alibaba, Tencent, Meituan. President Xi Jinping invited leaders of 31 of the country’s largest tech companies to a high-profile summit last week, signalling warmer relations with the sector. China’s economic slowdown appears to have softened of the government’s stance on big tech following a regulatory crackdown on the sector starting in 2020. Jack Ma, the founder and former chairman of e-commerce giant Tmall’s parent company Alibaba Group, retreated from public life that year following the suspension of the IPO of his fintech firm Ant Group by the Chinese authorities. Also attending the carefully choreographed event, which saw Xi bring Ma back in from the cold, were WeChat owner Tencent’s boss Pony Ma and Meituan’s Wang Xing among others. Among those notably absent were Baidu’s Robin Li and JD.com’s Richard Liu, prompting the two companies’ shares to fall last week. [BBC, Financial Times]🇸🇦 Saudi Fashion Commission initiates recycling of pilgrims’ clothing. The Saudi ministry of culture’s dedicated fashion industry body has launched the Sustainable Ihram Initiative which aims to recycle the special garments worn by people on either of the Islamic pilgrimages. The project is a collaboration between the Saudi Investment Recycling Company, Tadweem, Turkish fabric giant Sanko and textile-to-textile recycling technology company Re&Up. More than 18.5 million international pilgrims came to Saudi Arabia to perform the hajj and umrah in 2024, according to local media, to travel to Makkah, which Muslims consider to be the most holy city in the religion. [Kohan Textile Journal, BoF]🇨🇳 Chinese jeweller Laopu Gold sees shares surge to record high. The Beijing-based, Hong Kong-listed traditionally crafted gold jewellery brand saw shares rise as much as 10 percent on Friday, making it one of the best performers on the Hong Kong bourse, following a positive net profit alert posted by the company of 1.4-1.5 billion yuan (a median value of around $206.77 million) for 2024, marking a year-over-year rise of 236-260 percent. The company, which was founded by Xu Gaoming in 2009 as a goldware shop before being established as a brand in 2016 has expanded its mono-brand footprint to 38 stores nationwide. Its value on the stock market has increase over tenfold in less than a year since its IPO. [Reuters]🇻🇳 US firms forecast Vietnam factory layoffs if Trump imposes tariffs. According to a survey of more than 100 American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam manufacturer members, which include multinational giants such as Nike and Intel, nearly two-thirds foresee layoffs if US President Donald Trump introduces reciprocal tariffs on the Southeast Asian nation. Manufacturers in Vietnam had largely remained upbeat after Trump’s announcements of tariffs on China, Mexico and Canada but now the mood has changed with analysts suggesting Vietnam could become a target of new duties due to its trade surplus with the US. [Reuters]🇨🇱 Fashion e-commerce major Dafiti ceases operations in Chile. The Global Fashion Group-owned e-tailer is withdrawing from Chile, leaving Dafiti to focus on the Brazil and Colombia markets following an earlier exit from Argentina. GFG, a Luxembourg-registered firm headquartered between Singapore and London, has recorded declining net merchandise value in recent quarters. GFG owns Latin America-focused Dafiti, Southeast Asia-focused Zalora and Australia and New Zealand region-focused platform The Iconic. [Modaes]🇮🇳 Deep and Mohit Bajaj buy back Sirona from India’s Good Glamm Group. The founders of the Indian feminine hygiene brand spent an estimated 150 crore rupees ($17.2 million) on buying back the brand they founded in 2014 and sold to the content-to-commerce group in 2022 for 450 crore rupees ($53.5 million). The sale follows financial challenges, executive departures, salary delays and layoffs at the group founded and led by Darpan Sanghvi which started as DTC makeup brand MyGlamm before acquiring a stable of beauty, personal care and media brands. [Economic Times]🇨🇳 Court lifts controls on Armani over Chinese factories’ labour practices. An Italian court has ended early special administration imposed on a unit of the Armani fashion group over labour practices of its Chinese-owned subcontractors because the company had taken all the necessary corrective action. Giorgio Armani Operations, the industrial arm of the Armani group, was placed under court administration for a year in April after an investigation found it had subcontracted work in Italy to Chinese-owned companies that exploited workers. [BoF]🇮🇳 India’s jewellery and gem body GJEPC taps Kirit Bhansali as chairman. The country’s Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council has promoted Bhansali from vice chairman to the top spot, replacing Vipul Shah. Bhansali is a partner at Mumbai-based diamond firm Smital Gems and chairman of the India Jewellery Park Mumbai. “We will strive to achieve the ambitious export target of $100 billion by 2047, aligning with our honourable prime minister’s vision of a ‘Viksit Bharat’ (Narendra Modi’s plan for an “advanced India”). [Times of India]🌏 Birkenstock sales jump on high-end clog boom, Asia expansion. The German shoe company’s sales rose 19 percent to €362 million ($378 million) in the three months through December from a year earlier, with momentum especially strong in Asia and for closed-toed footwear. That exceeded analysts’ average estimate of €356 million. [BoF]🇪🇬 Investors pump $3 million into two new Egyptian textile factories. Walid Gamal El-Din, chairman of the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCEZ), has entered into agreements for two new textile manufacturing projects in the ready-made factories area of the country’s Sokhna Industrial Zone, developed by the Main Development Company. The projects create capacity for velvet and knitted fabrics. [Fibre2Fashion]🇰🇷 L’Oréal’s VC arm invests in Korean perfume brand Borntostandout. The French beauty group’s venture capital arm BOLD (Business Opportunities for L’Oréal Development) has participated in a Series A fundraising round led by American venture firm Touch Capital in the Seoul-based luxury fragrance brand which was founded in 2022 by Jun Lim. [Cosmetics Design Europe]🇰🇷 Roger Vivier taps South Korean singer Yeji as brand ambassador. The French luxury shoemaker has partnered with Hwang Ye-ji, the lead singer of K-pop girl group Itzy. Known mononymously as Yeji and commanding over 5 million Instagram followers, the musician is about to embark on a solo career. [BoF Inbox] Source link
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oliviajoyice21 · 22 days ago
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🇨🇳 China’s president meets with founders of Alibaba, Tencent, Meituan. President Xi Jinping invited leaders of 31 of the country’s largest tech companies to a high-profile summit last week, signalling warmer relations with the sector. China’s economic slowdown appears to have softened of the government’s stance on big tech following a regulatory crackdown on the sector starting in 2020. Jack Ma, the founder and former chairman of e-commerce giant Tmall’s parent company Alibaba Group, retreated from public life that year following the suspension of the IPO of his fintech firm Ant Group by the Chinese authorities. Also attending the carefully choreographed event, which saw Xi bring Ma back in from the cold, were WeChat owner Tencent’s boss Pony Ma and Meituan’s Wang Xing among others. Among those notably absent were Baidu’s Robin Li and JD.com’s Richard Liu, prompting the two companies’ shares to fall last week. [BBC, Financial Times]🇸🇦 Saudi Fashion Commission initiates recycling of pilgrims’ clothing. The Saudi ministry of culture’s dedicated fashion industry body has launched the Sustainable Ihram Initiative which aims to recycle the special garments worn by people on either of the Islamic pilgrimages. The project is a collaboration between the Saudi Investment Recycling Company, Tadweem, Turkish fabric giant Sanko and textile-to-textile recycling technology company Re&Up. More than 18.5 million international pilgrims came to Saudi Arabia to perform the hajj and umrah in 2024, according to local media, to travel to Makkah, which Muslims consider to be the most holy city in the religion. [Kohan Textile Journal, BoF]🇨🇳 Chinese jeweller Laopu Gold sees shares surge to record high. The Beijing-based, Hong Kong-listed traditionally crafted gold jewellery brand saw shares rise as much as 10 percent on Friday, making it one of the best performers on the Hong Kong bourse, following a positive net profit alert posted by the company of 1.4-1.5 billion yuan (a median value of around $206.77 million) for 2024, marking a year-over-year rise of 236-260 percent. The company, which was founded by Xu Gaoming in 2009 as a goldware shop before being established as a brand in 2016 has expanded its mono-brand footprint to 38 stores nationwide. Its value on the stock market has increase over tenfold in less than a year since its IPO. [Reuters]🇻🇳 US firms forecast Vietnam factory layoffs if Trump imposes tariffs. According to a survey of more than 100 American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam manufacturer members, which include multinational giants such as Nike and Intel, nearly two-thirds foresee layoffs if US President Donald Trump introduces reciprocal tariffs on the Southeast Asian nation. Manufacturers in Vietnam had largely remained upbeat after Trump’s announcements of tariffs on China, Mexico and Canada but now the mood has changed with analysts suggesting Vietnam could become a target of new duties due to its trade surplus with the US. [Reuters]🇨🇱 Fashion e-commerce major Dafiti ceases operations in Chile. The Global Fashion Group-owned e-tailer is withdrawing from Chile, leaving Dafiti to focus on the Brazil and Colombia markets following an earlier exit from Argentina. GFG, a Luxembourg-registered firm headquartered between Singapore and London, has recorded declining net merchandise value in recent quarters. GFG owns Latin America-focused Dafiti, Southeast Asia-focused Zalora and Australia and New Zealand region-focused platform The Iconic. [Modaes]🇮🇳 Deep and Mohit Bajaj buy back Sirona from India’s Good Glamm Group. The founders of the Indian feminine hygiene brand spent an estimated 150 crore rupees ($17.2 million) on buying back the brand they founded in 2014 and sold to the content-to-commerce group in 2022 for 450 crore rupees ($53.5 million). The sale follows financial challenges, executive departures, salary delays and layoffs at the group founded and led by Darpan Sanghvi which started as DTC makeup brand MyGlamm before acquiring a stable of beauty, personal care and media brands. [Economic Times]🇨🇳 Court lifts controls on Armani over Chinese factories’ labour practices. An Italian court has ended early special administration imposed on a unit of the Armani fashion group over labour practices of its Chinese-owned subcontractors because the company had taken all the necessary corrective action. Giorgio Armani Operations, the industrial arm of the Armani group, was placed under court administration for a year in April after an investigation found it had subcontracted work in Italy to Chinese-owned companies that exploited workers. [BoF]🇮🇳 India’s jewellery and gem body GJEPC taps Kirit Bhansali as chairman. The country’s Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council has promoted Bhansali from vice chairman to the top spot, replacing Vipul Shah. Bhansali is a partner at Mumbai-based diamond firm Smital Gems and chairman of the India Jewellery Park Mumbai. “We will strive to achieve the ambitious export target of $100 billion by 2047, aligning with our honourable prime minister’s vision of a ‘Viksit Bharat’ (Narendra Modi’s plan for an “advanced India”). [Times of India]🌏 Birkenstock sales jump on high-end clog boom, Asia expansion. The German shoe company’s sales rose 19 percent to €362 million ($378 million) in the three months through December from a year earlier, with momentum especially strong in Asia and for closed-toed footwear. That exceeded analysts’ average estimate of €356 million. [BoF]🇪🇬 Investors pump $3 million into two new Egyptian textile factories. Walid Gamal El-Din, chairman of the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCEZ), has entered into agreements for two new textile manufacturing projects in the ready-made factories area of the country’s Sokhna Industrial Zone, developed by the Main Development Company. The projects create capacity for velvet and knitted fabrics. [Fibre2Fashion]🇰🇷 L’Oréal’s VC arm invests in Korean perfume brand Borntostandout. The French beauty group’s venture capital arm BOLD (Business Opportunities for L’Oréal Development) has participated in a Series A fundraising round led by American venture firm Touch Capital in the Seoul-based luxury fragrance brand which was founded in 2022 by Jun Lim. [Cosmetics Design Europe]🇰🇷 Roger Vivier taps South Korean singer Yeji as brand ambassador. The French luxury shoemaker has partnered with Hwang Ye-ji, the lead singer of K-pop girl group Itzy. Known mononymously as Yeji and commanding over 5 million Instagram followers, the musician is about to embark on a solo career. [BoF Inbox] Source link
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fortrove · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Antique Solid 18k Yellow Gold Sugar Bowl Dish Spoon Abraham Portal Set c. 1779.
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just-absolutely-super · 1 year ago
MMBN/Fullmetal Alchemist crack:
(I'm following the light novel more than the anime if something seems funky. There's really not too many differences though. It just moves a little slower.)
(Upon seeing some designs for goldware)
Lan: Awesome!
Hub: Wow, they're so detailed. I didn't know that a luxury like goldworking could be such a piece of art.
Lan: Hey, Hub, I could-
Hub: No way! I like having my armour plain and simple!
Lan: You kept most of the spikes.
Hub: It looked unbalanced when they were taken away. That's why.
(I never read the light novel and I didn't retain a lot of the finer details from 03 thank Jesus so I won't be able to tell what's funky lmao)
Lan: You just don't have any stylish taste
Mega: And you do, Mr. Orange Coat?
Lan: What's wrong with my coat? It's cool as hell!
Mega: It's kinda gaudy...
Lan: Wow, rude!
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mheavenbound · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: SAM EDELMAN Multicolored Floral Jacquard Bit Buckle LORAINE Loafers NEW.
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squigglysquidd · 1 year ago
Off to the store to get spray paint for the dollhouse. Because, yes, I want my dolls to have gold silverware. Is it goldware, now? 🤔
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xxlordalexanderxx · 1 month ago
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"This nose is more dangerous than my teeth and claws; I pride myself on it. And it hasn't yet failed me." His smile grew warmer and more inviting now that the mild case of feral brain seemed to subside. Despite his civil and welcoming exterior, the beast within was always present, occasionally slipping out. Yet, he was getting better at taming it.
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Her extended hand caused the bejeweled end of his tail to wag a little. Gently, he slipped the pads of a few thick fingers beneath her dainty palm. Something triggered in his mind at the gesture, a reminder that somewhere inside, there was still a man from a time of chivalry. He placed a small but precise kiss on her hand, his glowing eyes looking up at her.
"I would love to; that pie smells delicious, and I hoped you'd be offering." Her little joke elicited a laugh from him, and he released her hand to fetch some plates and goldware.
"Oooohh, I actually did add a bit of both to the pie! Good job for noticing that! Heh, it should be done soon I was happy to discover there was a stone oven here, it gives a bit more rustic flavor to the treat, I think." Without hesitation, she offered him her delicate hand as an invitation.
"Care to join me? I have been craving good pie and it is always wonderful to have company"
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"Mmmm, well I have been called nice and sweet before but I have heard that too much sweet is bad for your health, best be careful my friend !" she'd tease a bit while slightly skipping her steps.
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chasingrainbowsforever · 3 years ago
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~ Brown and Gold ~
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champagnexowishes · 4 years ago
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