aismailova · 5 years
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sofipochtiloren · 5 years
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Алло,#выходнища ?Я выезжаю☀️🌼🍋🐥💛🤩🍯🥂🚌 #цыпа #явъезжаювстройку #женщинаянетанцую #золото #солнышко #серьезныйженщин #кудривьются #желтый #ladygagatelephone #yellowsubmarine #goldiscold #chik #summer #sunny #grlpwr #star #perfect #likeaboss #omygosh #look (at Saint Petersburg, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzSudj7ow00/?igshid=1tku4nni0umt3
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florenceuptonshadow · 9 years
Gold is cold, Diamonds are dead // Floss & Johanna
Florence hated the Capitol. Of course she hated the Capitol, it was a corrupt, inhumane pit of extravagance. But she hated it for other reasons...the people seemed so stupid, so content to live at the centre of their brutal world. 
She was running recon on one particular Capitol official, as ordered Florence had engaged him, drawn him in and involved him in lust driven sexual affair...on his part anyway. Floss felt no lust for him at all, Floss felt lust for almost nobody in the world. It just wasnt part of her psyche, and there were days when exorcizing her sexual skill became so draining she couldn't stand it.
So she had branched away from her mission briefly, she needed to breathe...and she was curious. Of course the ‘Jewels’ were both famous and infamous amongst the highest up in the city. Former victors, forced into prostitution by Snow. Floss decided she wanted to meet one of them and when the name Johanna Mason came up on the list she made her choice, and paid a small fortune for the privilege. Not the best use of mission expenses, but she could afford it.
Now she was being escorted through the halls of an extravagant hotel. Florence was wearing a formal dark brown suit, well tailored with a skirt which came to just above her knee. The woman who was leading her stopped at a red door, she bowed and opened it. Floss stepped inside...
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dannydax · 9 years
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These were fun. #ButchQueen #GoldisCold #masc4masc #instadaily #nails #beard
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aismailova · 5 years
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aismailova · 5 years
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aismailova · 5 years
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aismailova · 5 years
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