#goldfish forecast
brynnewithane · 2 months
[Dating Hoshina Headcanons]
Absolutely no one asked but this is how I imagine dating Hoshina would look like:
This post is based on my personal research and officially published information about Hoshina up to Chapter 110. Please read this with a giant grain of salt.
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If he has a half day off:
Casual coffee dates, talk about anything and everything.
Walk in the park while he’s still wearing his tracksuit so he can respond quickly to Kaiju’s attacks.
Takes you to all the bookstores or libraries, buy books for each other then go home and read each other’s book.
Late night Izakaya date when his shift is finished. Both grab a beer and you’ll listen to him telling you about how his day went, including all the drama at work of course lol.
Spend a lot of quality time together reading, discussing a book he has recommended (probably non-fiction or classics).
I also love the idea that he likes to take you to every Japanese Festival like the Kyoto Gion Matsuri (Kyoto is in the Kansai region; he’s from a traditional old-money clan in the Kansai region, so this festival is a must), but he’d probably be on duty those days for extra vigilance in case there’s an attack. Despite so, he’s gonna make it up to you later on bc this man does have a sense of loyalty and he cares a whole lot once you make it to his heart and earn his trust.
Another headcanon of mine is that he‘s lowkey romantic. Like c’mon, he reads poetry lmao. I’ve never seen someone who reads poetry that doesn’t have a romantic side. If he’s off duty, he’d plan a proper date, such as:
Watches the Blossom Forecast to plan for a Hanami picnic (花見, hanami, "flower viewing") when Spring comes. He’ll bring sweets like Dango, Daifuku, and his favorite Mont Blanc.
Takes you to those kimono retailers, makes you try on different types of kimono, and buy the one you like most.
He’d take you to the beach, or onsen on some mountains. He’d ask you to go on a hike with him in the early morning bc that’s his routine and he wants you to join him as well.
He’ll prepare a yukata for both to attend summer festivals, buy sparklers (線香花火, senkou hanabi), play goldfish scooping (金魚すくい, kingyo sukui), eat candied apples and watch fireworks together.
Chilling in his house, drinking ramune and eating watermelon. You watch your favorite show, he reads his newly bought novel. Either you both cook and prepare dinner, or head out to a rather fancy traditional restaurant.
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English is not my first language so my grammar isn’t grammaring sometimes. If there are any parts that feel weird or unnatural, please let me know🤧
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mewtwoandme · 1 year
O_O Human Lee looks like the sort of person who would scare off people harassing human Amber and bring her a lunch he attempted to make. Lee shows up and scares the perves with his presence: "What'cha doing? Harassing my lady or someth'in?" The humans bothering Amber feel intimidated: "n-nothing! Ju-just asking about the weather..." Lee: "The forecast looks like I'm about to kick your a$$. Beat it, losers." Humans: Flee in fright after make a lame retort. Human Amber with her arms folded across her chest: "What are YOU doing here, Lee?" Lee holds out a fabric wrapped bento box he made: "You forgot your lunch. Well... not that you could forget something you didn't know I made... Anyways, here, take it." The Bento: It's a poorly arranged bento box where the lid won't close properly due to items being too big to fit. Inside is 2 chicken drumsticks, a drink can of hot coffee, an apple (with a small bite taken out of it for some reason), a stick of celery with a cherry tomato, a handful of goldfish magikarp crackers, and 2 chocolate chip cookies. Lee: :3 "It's a chicken salad with cracker croutons and some dessert. I couldn't fit the fries in there. Got them in my jacket if you want some."
That's so him tho XD
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fateinthestars · 6 months
Star-Crossed Myth Fluffbruary Fanfic April Catch-up (8th Feb Prompt): Shimmering Rain
Title: Shimmering Rain
Fandom: Star-Crossed Myth
Genre: Fluff
Rating: T
Pairing: Huedhaut/MC (MC’s name left blank so you can fill it in with whatever you wish in your head)
Word Count: 823
Written for Prompt: February 8 : shower | blessed | layer for @fluffbruary
February 8th: Shimmering Rain (Huedhaut/MC)
As ___ headed out of the planetarium at the end of the working day, she frowned as it suddenly started absolutely tipping down with rain. It had not been forecast and as it had not only been sunny but very warm for the rest of the day, she had not bought a coat with her. Hiyori had already left, else she might have headed back in and asked whether she had an umbrella she could borrow. Resigning herself to the fact she was going to get soaked, ___ started off in the direction of her apartment, but she did not get far: a figure stepped out from the shadow of the planetarium building.
“I did not take you for a literal Goldfish.”
___ sighed heavily and turned to face Huedhaut, but any comeback she could have even attempted vanished as she realised he was holding her coat out for her. She blinked. “... Why…”
“Do you not think that can wait? Or were you intending on going swimming?”
“Hue, really,” ___ grumbled, but gratefully took her coat from him and put it on.  She took his hand when he offered it, looking at him with puzzlement. “How come you are here?”
Huedhaut looked at the floor with a sigh. “What a charming way to thank your boyfriend for bringing you your coat.”
“I’m sorry, I-” ___ cut off as Huedhaut looked back up, smiling widely. She sighed heavily and nudged his arm. “That wasn’t fair, Hue!”
“It is your own fault for having such an expressful face,” Huedhaut teased. However, he then regarded her with concern in his eyes. “Even though you now have your coat, we should probably still get out of the rain.”
“If you want me to get out of the rain, you’ll have to tell me how come you are not only here but knew I needed my coat.”
“Now who’s the one not playing fair,” Huedhaut muttered, though he was smirking. He then relaxed into a smile, the raindrops making his hair glint even more than usual. “I would not always call it this but sometimes my divine power is a blessing. I saw a future where you did not take your coat with you when it was needed because logic dictated you didn’t need it. Today seemed to fit that bill.”
“And what would you have done if you were wrong?”
“I would have left and you’d have been none the wiser.”
“Oh…” ___ muttered, clearly a little disappointed. She glanced down at her feet, but then sharply returned her gaze to her boyfriend’s face as he chuckled. “HUE!”
Huedhaut smirked. “I cannot believe even you thought that I was being truthful just then. Obviously if you already had your coat I would not have needed to summon it and I would have just greeted you normally. After all-” he cut off as there was a loud rumble of thunder and the rain started coming down harder. “Ah. This is why vague glimpses of the near future are not always that useful. There’s a better way to make sure you do not get soaked.” Raising his other hand he snapped his fingers.
 Arriving back at her apartment in a blink of an eye, ___ smiled softly at him. “You could have done that from the start.”
“Yes, but I know you prefer us to walk together,” he replied in a tone that made it clear he would have actually preferred that himself today at least.
___ took her coat off as well as her jacket as not only had that got quite wet before Huedhaut had called out to her but it was also rather hot in her apartment. There was no need for so many layers right now. She glanced out at the rain that if anything was even harder now, jumping slightly as there was another clap of thunder followed by a very bright flash of lightning. She suddenly found herself enveloped by strong reassuring arms. “... Hue…”
“I did not take you as one to be scared of something as trivial as a thunderstorm after all we have been through.”
“I’m not, it just took me by surprise,” ___ reassured. “You can let go.”
Huedhaut instead pulled her closer, before planting a kiss on her neck. “And what if I said I did not want to do that?”
“Then I would say could we at least face each other? I can hardly kiss you facing away from you.”
The other gripped her tighter at that, the slight reflection in the apartment window making it apparent to ___ that the other was blushing furiously. 
“The things you say sometimes…” He muttered quietly, before finally letting go.
As ___ turned round with the intention of doing what she had wanted, it was her turn to be thrown as the other beat her to it and pulled her sharply back to him, their lips meeting in an intense kiss.
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redolentgrove · 1 year
At this point, I should stop asking why she does it and just be grateful she doesn't do it worse.
Millie held her forest map out as she traversed the paths and clearings in White Forest, specifically Redolent Grove. "Okay, I'm here, and the lake is there," she uttered verbally, tracing over the corresponding sections of her map with her right index finger. "Which means, following the orientations and the sky, I'm going… north-by-northwest to find Bijoux. And that…" She faced slightly to her left, setting forth. "…is this way."
Suddenly, a blur of orange and blue zipped in from the right-hand side of Millie's currently, happening to head right toward the same north-by-northwest direction the Dachsbun had just used to orient herself.
"What the-" Millie was taken aback by this at first, but knowing she wasn't in danger and hadn't been knocked back from the mystery blur, took a moment. "Those shades of colour looked an awful lot like that mythical from Hoenn… Deoxys, yes! Wow, I wonder if it's heading over to talk to Bijoux. I'd better do my best to get over there and see."
The canine bolted forward, following the now-certain path to see if she could figure out exactly who, or what, had the mythical Pokemon in such a hurry… and curious to possibly meet them in person, if possible.
Bijoux sat by the eastern lakeshore, just sitting on the grass and reflecting as she stared at the crystal-blue water. It was a soothing late morning; the sun was fully up and the dewdrops had long since vanished, but it was still temperate and cool before any of the forecasted summer heat could rear its head and ruin the vibes of the settings. The Cinccino-taur scooted back slightly, stretched her lower body out casually and let out a bit of a yawn, but just when she was about to get cosy…
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"Wh-" The instant Deoxys appeared, Bijoux's whole body jumped to all four sets of her tiptoes and seized up involuntarily, the taur yelping with a high-pitched squeal. Fur on end, frazzled looks, glasses dissheveled… It might have been from the absolutely devilish speed at which he arrived, or the rapid-fire, all-caps level of yelling he did… maybe even the complete incoherence of his words? Whatever it was, it had her mind working overtime to try and comprehend anything of what was going on. She heard "Sunkist" and "goldfish" and something about a moustache? What moustache? Anyway… Harmonia? He went there too? No, just something about skateboarding. A roommate, he asked about a roommate, didn't he… She was about to try and stammer up a haphazard response when a familiar voice saved her.
"Bijoux, mon ami! You didn't tell me you kept such presitigious company!"
Bijoux turned her gaze over to the left, carefully keeping the loud, dominance-asserting Deoxys' shape in the corner of her right eye, just in case he had more to say. Or any more to do, for that matter. She relaxed… slightly, but a lot of that voluminous fluff was still quite on end. She adjusted her glasses back to the proper position, then let out a little squeak.
"M-millie, what are you doing here?" the Cinccino-taur hissed, ears perked. "How did you know where I lived, anyway? Why is your family out here all the way from Kalos?"
"I didn't know the exact spot in White Forest, just that you said White Forest…" the Dachsbun explained, idly brushing at her shoulders. "But... Mom and Dad came to the forest to pick up a large floral arrangement for my cousin Madeleine's wedding, and brought me as, and I quote, their 'humility belt.' Actually embarrassing." Millie even did the air quotes thing, with her tongue lolled out in a disbelieving huff.
"Oh no, that's almost as bad as the jokes Mom makes…"
"I'd bet. Oh, speaking of her! She's the florist! Isn't that crazy?" Millie's eyes lit up somewhat. "I know you said your Mom was a gardener but I'm impressed she has such a strong business with selling her flowers!"
"Yeah, she's pretty- Wait, you're the clients that rush-ordered forty-five dozen flowers in a one-day span and pushed like four orders back by a day or two?" Bijoux was taken aback by this discovery. "The nerve of your parents…"
"Blame my mom," Millie replied flatly. "If it's anything obnoxious from a Carême, she definitely did it. Dad's too far gone to stop her from being a full-on nightmare. Anyway… when I talked to your mom, she said it would be good to visit you while they closed the transaction, so she gave me a map and told me where you'd be. Then I sighted your speedy orange friend and he so happened to lead me right to you."
"Orange fr-" Bijoux's eyes narrowed slightly. "Millie, I don't know this guy! He came in here yelling about being a sunkist, twirling non-existent moustaches and that he used to skateboard up and down Harmonia back in the day! I think I heard something about a roommate in there…"
"Oooh, how eccentric. I'm sure glad Mom and Dad weren't here to see that. They'd probably wonder what's gotten into the gods if they're acting with such frivolity and carefree whismy. Me, I don't care. I seem to remember the legendaries weren't always so serious, myself."
Bijoux let out a chuckle and nodded lightly. "Well, I mean, this is more a case of 'mythical' versus 'legendary' Pokemon, if we're going to be entirely truthful, but yes, it's true that there tends to be wiggle room for a bit of… um, whimsy." She rubbed at her arms bashfully. "I'm not sure though… I don't remember any of the mythical Pokemon being quite so… loud and random."
Millie took a stride toward the Cinccino-taur, the fairy type gently craning her neck to the right, then to the left, in a casual stretch. "Deoxys with his several formes, doesn't surprise me that he's prone to burst forward and be a bit vocal with all that going on around him. Just take a deep breath, slow down, and… wait, did you say he asked about a roommate?"
The taur nodded softly. "I… think so?" She looked over at Deoxys and let out a nervous smile. "Uh, m-mister Deoxys, this is my roommate at college… I'm never going to remember all this, but I think she said her name was… Mille-Feuille Bonaparte Carême. Something like that."
The Dachsbun laughed heartily. "Bijoux, my dear… just Millie is more than sufficient. Unless you're talking to my parents; they'll throw you out of the house for getting it wrong. Sadly, Bijoux, I don't think she'd even let you in the house at all. But yes, that's absolutely correct; I'm shocked you remembered it so well after just a couple of times being told! Such sharp memory…"
Bijoux blushed at this. "Psh… I only remember it because you told me the name when we first met, and I remarked that I thought your parents were playing some sort of high-class game naming you so pointedly themed around the Napoleon dessert. You didn't answer me back then; is making up joke-ish names like that some sort of rich-Pokemon game that I just don't understand?"
Millie blinked briefly, then shook her head. "They kind of were," she admitted. "I have no idea if they think it's a game, mon ami. I think that's just how rich Pokemon's brains tend to work. And with a last name like Carême, I can't exactly do a whole lot around it that isn't going to sound like some sort of weird, even sicker joke. I thought about going by Millie Bonne, but that sounds a bit like Milk Bone, and even though I don't think that sounds all that bad, I'm sure someone out there is going to connect the dots and turn that into a joke because I'm a Dachsbun."
Bijoux stuck out her tongue playfully. "Well, you are a treat to be around… even if your Mom sounds more bitter than a kale and collard green smoothie."
Millie rolled her eyes. "Don't push your luck, souris pelucheuse," she growled, playfully giving Bijoux's shoulder a shove. "Anyway…" The Dachsbun looked up at the sky, noting the slight change in the colours and tints. "I think by now your mom and my parents should have arrived in Undella with the arrangement. Loki… only said she bought me until sundown, after all. I'm not going to look that gift Ponyta in the mouth."
"She told you to call her by her first name, huh? Typical Mom…" Bijoux let out a soft chuckle. "Why call her 'my mom' earlier, though?"
"I guess I just… internally wrestled with the idea before I actually did it around you. Maybe I just didn't want you to feel like it wasn't approriate to do it?"
"What, calling my mom Loki? You might as well; most of Undella High knew her as 'Aunt Loki' in the years before I graduated with all of the time she spent there supporting the students and teachers. Heck, one day she even managed to get enough food together to make a giant luncheon for everyone on the campus; over seven hundred between students and faculty combined!"
"It's… refreshing, to see someone so invested in community," Millie remarked, a warm smile on her face. "And a bit of an honour to be able to address her so informally. I don't get a lot of the whole 'casual' friendships when I'm in my family's hot-to-trot world of high finances and ideally preened bodies. She seems extremely genuine and sweet, if a little bit on the impish side, when she has to be."
"Yeah, she didn't exactly take the name of the trickster god without borrowing a few of the more… clever, sneaky tactics said tricksters would employ," Bijoux replied. "That's pretty much just how Mom is. Family and community mean everything to her, but she's not afraid to be nasty if she needs to pull punches."
"You're a lucky girl to grow up under her care." The Dachsbun blushed some. "But uh… I'd better stop gushing about Loki's kindnesses and get going so I don't miss the rehearsal dinner. Mom would die if everything wasn't perfect. And as tempting as causing my mom to melt down is, she's paying for my tuition, books and board and such. I'd better… wait until I get my degree before I do anything too risky. It was nice to see you, mon ami. Give Loki my best, and I'm sure I'll see you at school soon, oui? Au revoir~"
Bijoux bowed a bit toward the Dachsbun in acknowledgment. "Of course, Millie… I'm sure she'd be glad to hear you feel so favourably about her. Au revoir, mon ami," the Cinccino-taur replied, earning a bit of a playful smirk from her roommate and friend. But before the fairy type disappeared…
"Oh!" Millie turned back briefly, to address the taur. "Could you hold onto this for a bit?" The Dachsbun handed Bijoux the Gracdiea bloom Loki had given her. prompting a bit of confusion from the normal-type.
"A Gracidea… this is one of Mom's! She clearly wants you to have this if you have one; why are you giving it to me?"
"Because… I think if my parents knew I had it on me, they'd make me get rid of it. Well, Mom would, at least. Dad would just silently stand there and let her rip it from my paws and light it on fire or something." Millie seemed apologetic, something Bijoux definitely took to heart when the Dachsbun made her request. "Can you keep it for me until we get to Harmonia for the year?"
"Of course," Bijoux agreed immediately, gently tucking the bloom into her sweater. "I'll make sure it gets safely to school so your parents don't get suspicious." She let out a long sigh. "I'm sorry; I hope Mom wasn't too mean to them…"
"I'm sorry she wasn't meaner," Millie barked, a statement that caused both girls to let out sharp cackles, though they stopped guiltily before long. "But, quite really, I wouldn't have blamed your mom for smacking mine across the face. I wouldn't even be surprised if my mom tried to hop on Loki's back and ride her like some sort of Ride Pokemon, thinking she'd just trot her over to Undella Town!"
"Millie, if your mom tried to ride on my mom's back, she would have a severe concussion from being bucked and kicked off, and that's the best case scenario." The Cinccino-taur let out a long sigh. "And that's saying a lot the one taur that would offer a ride on her back to just about anyone."
"She'd kind of deserve it, if we're being honest… I don't think she had a single nice thing to say about your mom, Bijoux. She kept making fun of her appearance, her being a mythical hybrid, trying to doubt her abilities…"
"You're just lucky words don't bother Mom anymore," Bijoux answered casually. "Seriously, one time an Absol tried to roast her and she just laughed them off. She saves all her anger for direct disrespects like attacks, touching her without permission, stuff like that, you know? Though I've heard teasing her friends and family will rile her up a bit…"
"Ah, yes, a classic protective mother… anyway, I think your acquaintance has heard enough of us bantering. I should take my leave. Oh! And a tip, Bijoux; my family is staying at a beautiful little villa in Undella Town, just north of here. So I'll try and sneak down here when I can to get away from their… them-isms, if I can."
"Isn't that-" Bijoux was cut off before she could even complete her thoughts.
"Was their villa, mon ami," Millie countered. "That family actually decided to move to a villa in Alola last year. Malie City, to be more specific. Did you know they had a deep love of the Malie Garden? I'm surprised they would choose to go there when something as expansive and gorgeous as White Forest is just a short southward walk away! But, as they say, the heart wants what she wants. Their loss is our good fortune. Again, au revoir~"
And as Millie left, Bijoux waved good-bye, then turned back to face Deoxys, if he hadn't left by then. "Oh… and uh, Mister Deoxys… no, I don't think you're going to fit in my backpack. You're taller than I am. Sorry to disappoint you."
(( @askdeoxys ))
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evenstargws-attic · 2 years
The Fishy Tales - Chapter 3
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In Chapter 2 Patience discovered Paka'a had left a little present and she is uncertain what to do. So she went back to the ocean to have a good night's sleep and decide how to handle the situation.
"So that night I went to the deep water and just slept there and and be one with the ocean once more."
The next morning, the sun had just peeked above the horizon and the surface waters slowly warmed a little, Emerald woke me up playfully splashing me. I played with her for a while until she pushed her nose to my belly and asked me what was wrong, and I told her I was expecting a young.
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If dolphins could have facial expressions hers would be very confused at that point, she did not understand why that would make me sad. She circled me and whacked the water with her tail, creating what I call "Happy Waves" and showed me her own tummy which was also a little swollen, it seems she was expecting too and very happy about it.
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But I wasn't unhappy because I was expecting, quite the opposite I told her, … I tried to explain it to her that it was the timing and the complicated situation, but animals think differently, they don't make an orca out of a goldfish. So in her own way (by squirting me with water) she told me to just put on my big girl fins and stop talking and thinking so much… then she brushed me off and swam away.
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Feeling refreshed and up for the challenge I went ashore the next morning and dressed warmly. The weather had turned a bit so it was quite windy and it looked like a storm may be coming in, dark clouds threatened on the horizon. I walked onto the market-square and noticed people boarding up their houses for the weather forecast told them this was probably a good idea... A lot of people ran to and fro their houses and the market was being packed up as well... I saw a lot of people, but he was nowhere to be seen while normally he would be hanging around the market stalls and chatting to people.
Procrastinating once again I didn't look for him to thoroughly, I walked slowly (or would you call it waddled by now?) to the beach where I stood for a while, trying to come up with words on how to explain this to him. It wasn't needed, the explanation, it seems. His arms went around my body and he nuzzled my ear, he whispered "You have something to tell me?"
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"We are pregnant" I blurted out, and I gasped at my own words.
"So you're gonna make me a papa then ?" he knelt before me and started humming very familiar nursery-song, one that my mother used to hum to me too, at my belly.
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That made me tear up real fast and when he looked up in confusion at my sniffles I tried to hide my tears but … He stood up and gently wiped my tears after which he softly kissed my lips while there was such gratefulness in his eyes. He didn't ask why there were tears, and I didn't tell… It seems communication was not our strongest trait, but he seemed to know me so well already, it was amazing.
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"I'm glad I've given you your first baby, that way you'll never forget me" he said "Does that make me sound selfish? Maybe,… but I'm just a fool in love…"
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He sat down in the sand, and looked out over the ocean. Sitting down in the sand with some decorum was decidedly less easy for me now that my tummy was so swollen, so I sat behind him and leaned on his shoulders. Together we sat there for what seemed like hours but was probably more like a few minutes. So I figured to just bite the bullet and ask him.
"What have you decided…?"
He started talking at exactly the same moment
"It's gonna be difficult to stay away from you both at certain times, but I hope you'll allow me to be there for you when you need a helping hand in the future"
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I couldn't believe my ears .... I had assumed this would be the moment we said goodbye, or maybe he'd swim off in anger after I told him I was expecting. But so it seems you can never really know up front what someone else will do in a certain situation.
"Does that mean you'll stick around even though... "
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"Yeh , I will, but don't be telling me all that happens to make your babies, it's difficult enough as it is."
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I was stunned, and relieved at once,... Once again this man proves you can never assume just what's gonna happen. I was still afraid one day he would wake up and tell me he didn't want to be with me anymore, our relationship was so new at this point and we knew hardly anything about each-other.
We sat there for a few hours more, just..., not talking but enjoying each-other presence nearby, both of us deep in thought, until suddenly thunder boomed and the lightning flashed up in the sky and we were soaked through in minutes.
And that's another chapter finished.
How will this tale continue? I can imagine this is gonna be very very difficult for Paka'a, having to see the love of his life being pregnant with babies by other men. And Patience, let's not forget about her… can you imagine the hell she is going through having to be with others while she knows her soulmate and love is relatively nearby? Hopefully their connection is strong enough it can withstand and survive all this turmoil.
Chapter 2 / Chapter 1
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Ornamental Fish Feed Market Forecast: Assessing Future Growth Opportunities and Challenges
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Ornamental fish feed is the feed used to provide nutrition to ornamental fishes such as betta, koi, goldfish and tropical fishes for maintaining health, reproduction, and improved coloration. It enhances metabolism, enhances immunity, promotes proper growth and development. The global ornamental fish feed market is driven by the rising popularity of ornamental fish keeping as a hobby. The global ornamental fish feed market is estimated to be valued at US$ 3.47 billion in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 8.5% over the forecast period between 2024-2031, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. Market Opportunity:
Improved fish production efficiency presents a key opportunity for the ornamental fish feed market growth. Ornamental fish feed formulated with balanced nutrients and live feeds helps in maintaining optimum health and improves growth rate and survivality of fishes. It also enhances reproductive efficiency leading to higher birth rates. Fish feed with specific nutrients as per different life stages such as fry feed, growing feed and broodstock feed supports consistent production. This significantly boosts the supply and lowers production costs, making ornamental fish farming a profitable business. The development of specialized nutrition-rich ornamental fish feeds catering to improved production efficiency can present lucrative prospects.
Porter's Analysis
Threat of new entrants: The threat is moderate as ornamental fish feed is a growing market requiring significant capital investments and R&D. However, newcomers can leverage advanced feed technologies.
Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers have moderate power due to presence of many feed brands but demand for specialized feeds increases their dependence on key brands.
Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers of raw materials like fish meal and plant proteins have low to moderate power due to availability of substitutes.
Threat of new substitutes: Threat is low as specialized diets suitable for different ornamental fish species are difficult to substitute.
Competitive rivalry: Intense as major players compete on innovation, quality, branding and distribution.
SWOT Analysis
Strength: Established brands have extensive R&D and product portfolios catering to diverse fish types. Strong distribution networks globally.
Weakness: Smaller players have limited resources for new product development. Imports depend on global commodity price fluctuations.
Opportunity: Growing aquarium hobby and pet fish keeping is spurring demand. Online sales platforms expand reach.
Threats: Strict regulations on additives and genetically modified ingredients. Economic slowdowns impact discretionary pet expenditures.
Key Takeaways
The global ornamental fish feed market is expected to witness high growth during the forecast period driven by the increasing number of aquarium owners and growing popularity of fishkeeping as a hobby worldwide. The global ornamental fish feed market is estimated to be valued at US$ 3.47 billion in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 8.5% over the forecast period between 2024-2031. The North America ornamental fish feed market holds the major share currently owing to high fishkeeping participation rates and consumption in countries like the US. The Asia Pacific region is expected to grow at the fastest pace led by emerging markets of India and China where ornamental fish keeping is gaining popularity aided by economic development and rising disposable incomes. Key players operating in the ornamental fish feed market are Alltech Inc., Ocean Star International, Inc., Cargill Incorporated., Hai Feng Feeds Co., Ltd., Taiyo Group, Sera GmbH, AlgaSpring B.V., PT Central Proteina Prima Tbk, and Tianjin Dongjiang food co., LTD. Players are focusing on differentiated formulations targeted at specific fish species and life stages to gain an edge.
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themoneyguru1 · 1 year
Decoding the Gig Economy's Financial Challenges and Fixes
Venturing into the gig economy offers a tantalizing world of flexibility and independence. But amid the freedom lies a maze of financial challenges. Fear not, for I am here to decode these hurdles and provide you with fixes hotter than your favorite street-side chaat. Let's dive in!
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Riding the Gig Wave: The Financial Adventure Begins
With a laptop and an internet connection, anyone can dive headfirst into the gig economy. Whether you're an aspiring writer, a coding ninja, a graphic design maestro, or a culinary artist whipping up fusion delicacies, platforms like Swiggy, Upwork, and UrbanClap have opened up a world of possibilities.
No more nine-to-five shackles, no more battling the traffic – it's work on your own terms. But, hold your horses, or should we say, hold your auto-rickshaws, because the gig economy’s road isn’t always smooth.
Also Read: The Digital Loan Guru’s Guide: Mastering the Art of Safe Borrowing
The Budget Roller Coaster: Feast or Famine
In the world of gigs, predicting your monthly income can feel like forecasting the weather in the monsoon season – highly unpredictable. One month, you might be rolling in the big bucks, feeling like the Maharaja of Moolah; the next month, you could be counting your pennies like a thrifty grandparent. This feast-or-famine income cycle can make budgeting feel like solving a complex math problem after an all-nighter.
Fix It Tip #1: The Grand Emergency Fund
Picture this – you’re sailing smoothly on your gig ship, and suddenly, a storm of unexpected expenses hits you like a gust of wind. What do you do? Panic? No way! This is where the grand emergency fund steps in, your trusty lifeboat. Set aside a portion of your earnings each month into a separate emergency fund. This fund will be your shield in times of financial storms. So, the next time your laptop crashes or your pet goldfish needs emergency medical attention, you won't be caught in the deep sea without a paddle.
Tax Troubles: The Haunting Specter
Ah, taxes – the two constants in life, the other being change. When you're a gigster, sorting out your taxes can feel like solving a cryptic puzzle in a dark room. Income tax, GST, filing returns – it's enough to make your head spin faster than a Bollywood dance move. And let's not even get started on the quarterly advance tax payments that can blindside you like a plot twist in a suspense thriller.
Fix It Tip #2: The Tax Jar Trick
Here's a little secret – open a dedicated savings account fondly named the "Tax Jar." Each time you receive a payment for your gig, toss a small percentage into this jar. When tax season comes knocking, you won't be scrounging for funds like a squirrel looking for its buried acorn. Your Tax Jar will have your back, and you'll waltz through tax season like a confident dancer grooving to your own financial rhythm.
Lonely Retirement Island: No Employer Benefits
Remember those days of salaried jobs when your employer had your back with cushy benefits like health insurance, retirement funds, and bonuses that sparkled like Diwali fireworks? In the gig economy, you’re the master of your ship, which means waving goodbye to those comforting perks. Retirement planning becomes a solitary voyage, and health emergencies can feel scarier than a ghost story around a campfire.
Fix It Tip #3: The Solo 401(k) Adventure
Introducing your new sidekick – the Solo 401(k)! Just because you're your own boss doesn't mean you can't plan for a comfortable retirement. The Solo 401(k) lets you stash away a chunk of your gig earnings for the future while enjoying potential tax benefits. It's like planting a money tree that will shower you with golden leaves in your golden years. So, while you're rocking your gigs today, your future self will be dancing a jig of gratitude.
Also Read: Why Opt for Professional Loans Instead of Regular Personal Loans
In the dynamic gig economy, financial challenges are a reality, but armed with savvy fixes like these, you can conquer them all. So, seize the opportunities, embrace the journey, and gig your way to a brighter and more secure future.
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goldphishinc · 1 year
Post 4
Well Know with standing reputation
Wide product Variety
 International appeal
Customer satisfaction
No market control
Widely considered unhealthy
No Andy Warhol LOGO
Feeds big dairy
The health food market
Different style flavor blast
Brand deals with Disney, marvel ect.
Market recession
Crashes in the Cheese markets  
My Two recommendations.
I would focus on my main threat of Cheez-it. If they release new products we release new products if they go healthy we go healthy always stay one step ahead and never get caught out. IF they toast we toast.
Secondly I would focus on my weaknesses as a company. Mainly the lack of a Andy Warhol design for the LOGO, That or, utilize less big dairy industrial complex to provide the Real cheese. larger cooperation like that get by on many things because they silently run this Country what needs to be done is an overhaul to smaller farms that are local and American this way you can play into your code of ethics and play it up against Cheez-it.
Singh, Akash K. “Goldfish Food Market Size, Growth Factor, Key Players, Regional Demand, Trends and Forecast to 2030.” LinkedIn, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/goldfish-food-market-size-growth-factor-key-players-regional-singh.
“Goldfish Crackers.” Pepperidge Farm, https://www.pepperidgefarm.com/product-categories/goldfish-crackers/.
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show300 · 5 years
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jewlwpet · 6 years
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5 notes · View notes
vamp8291 · 7 years
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wapiko is rlly rlly cute qwq
40 notes · View notes
missmollybloom · 4 years
Forget Me Not - Final Chapter!
Thank you for all the kind words as I shared my anxieties about writing and posting this final chapter. It’s up on Ao3 as well. 
Thanks again for all who have encouraged me along the way with this fic. I hope the ending does it justice.
Mycroft was stood in the corner of Barts basement lab when she arrived, three-piece suit as impeccable as always. His umbrella stored securely at his side despite the fact there was no rain forecast that Molly knew of.
“You promised me answers,” Molly started. She didn’t want to waste the greeting.
Mycroft needed no social graces. “What do you know about my brother, Doctor Hooper?” He asked.
Molly exasperated, repeated, “Answers, Mycroft. No more questions.”
Her head was already full of questions, and had been every day since her accident in the lab.
Mycroft paced the length of the long lab-bench, his hand running along the aluminium countertop.
“The question is the answer, Doctor Hooper,” Mycroft replied, as obtuse as ever.
She didn’t want to play along with the elder Holmes’ game, but he had her cornered. She had been given no other choice.
“What do I know about Sherlock?” Molly closed her eyes, trying to recall all she’d discovered about Mycroft’s strangely familiar brother in the last week or so.
“I’m-“ she stumbled, “ I’m not sure,” she admitted.
And it was true. What she knew and what she had been told were not necessarily one and the same. But how could she explain to this man that she was starting to think there were two Sherlock Holmeses – one, the man she had just met, and another, a man with a rich history she was only just beginning to learn.
Mycroft’s eyes bore into her.
Molly continued. “I mean, I know the parts he’s told me, and what John has shared, but I can’t help thinking that I’ve only got-“
“Part of the picture?” Mycroft offered, his eyes reading hers although not with the same intensity of his brother. Mycroft never gave anything away.
“What does this all have to do with Sherlock, anyway?”
A fleeting gesture ghosted over Mycroft’s features then. On anyone else, Molly would have assumed it was sadness – but Mycroft Holmes didn’t do emotions.
“Unfortunately, I can’t provide anything more than you already know.”
Molly wanted to scream, she wanted to grab him and shake him. “But you know everything! You’re the fucking government, Mycroft!”
Mycroft nodded solemnly. “Indeed, I do know it, but what I know, I can’t share with you.”
“This isn’t the time for being delicate, Mycroft!” She was almost yelling now.
Mycroft remained his still stoic self. Yet there was something in the tightness of his mouth that hinted at a wellspring of emotion. Was the ice-man melting, Molly wondered.
“Doctor Hooper, believe me when I tell you that your mind is fragile, more fragile than you know.”
His tone was so dark, the implication so grave, she believed him.
“Since my accident in the lab,” Molly added by way of confirmation.
Mycroft nodded, but he didn’t entirely agree.
“Since the night of that incident. But you already know it wasn’t a lab accident, don’t you, Doctor?” He was using her title to draw out her analytical rather than emotional side.
It worked.
Molly had an image of the glass vial that she saw in her dream.
“I took something. Something you had given to me to use in an emergency.”
The dream, Molly was beginning to realise, was reality. “What was it?” she asked him.
“I can’t tell you what it was, but I can tell you what it does. But surely you know that, too?”
Molly closed her eyes, concentrating.
The gaps, the confusion, the fact that nothing in her world made sense.
The images, impressions and dreams of a man she had just met.
It could only mean one thing.
“It erases memories.”
“Indeed.” Mycroft nodded. One word that brought her present struggles into sharp focus.
“So what did I erase?” said to herself, rather than to her companion.
“I can’t tell you that, Molly.”
He’d never called her by her first name before, and as he said it, she saw Mycroft the man, rather than the unfeeling thinking machine.
“But, you do know?” Molly checked.
“Indeed I know. But as I said, your mind is fragile.”
“If no one can tell me what memories I’ve erased, then what hope do I have?”
“Somewhere inside of you is a keystone memory. If you find it, you will find everything.”
Molly searched her mind. How could she find a memory that had been erased?
“Nothing makes sense, I’m so sick of-“
Molly started crying, her head leaning into Mycroft’s shoulder, tears staining the sleeve of his suit.
He placed an arm awkwardly around her with the unfamiliarity of a man who had never been in such close proximity to a woman.
Which was precisely when Sherlock arrived.
Sherlock had told himself that he needed to check on some lab cultures, but truth be told, he was worried about Molly. The fact that her sleep had been so affected by the Elosia treatment gave him equal parts hope and concern. Hope, that somewhere in her dreams her memories were returning, but concern, because he didn’t know what might happen when she did remember.
But what he found in Barts lab was a sight he never expected in all possible versions of reality: Mycroft with his arms around Molly.
Sherlock had never seen his brother express sentiment, let alone affection, before.
The rational man would tell him it was nothing – Mycroft was no threat. But Sherlock’s newly unlocked emotional side had all the maturity of an eight-year-old. The sight of Mycroft and Molly turned the rational man into a possessive monster.
“It’s not enough to fuck up my life and mess with my-“ he caught himself, “with Molly’s mind, now you have to swoop in and be her big saviour, too?”
“Sherlock!” Molly exclaimed, pulling away from Mycroft and walking towards him, reaching out a hand in placation.
“I think you’ll find Molly came to me for some answers,” Mycroft supplied.
“I think you’d best be calling her Doctor Hooper, brother” Sherlock growled through gritted teeth. His transformation into a feral monster almost fully complete. “And what answers do you think you could possibly give her without endangering her?”
A barb from Sherlock.
“And what have you done, Brother? Other than cause her to doubt the nature of her reality?”
A riposte from Mycroft.
“And whose fault is it that her reality got so messed up?”
Sherlock’s return volley.
“And who coopted a civilian into an Mi5 operation in the first place?”
Mycroft’s back-hand.
“And who blabbed my whole life story to Moriarty, giving me no other choice?”
Sherlock’s turn, taking a step back into adolescence.
Molly had had enough with their childish games.
“Stop it, both of you, stop it!” She yelled, placing herself firmly between the brothers. One hand on each of the men’s chests – holding them apart.
“See,” Sherlock mocked his brother, “She’s had enough of you, Mycroft.”
He placed a hand on hers, “Time to go, Molly.”
He started leading her away by the hand. Molly didn’t move.
“I’m not going anywhere with you.”
Sherlock was hurt. He had been hurting for almost a week now. Ever since he realised his Molly was gone. But there was no excuse for what he said next.
“Oh, I see.” He said, “Serves me right for trying to take on a Goldfish.”
He spat the term at his brother.
What he didn’t realise was how much it hurt Molly, not until-
One slap. Two slaps. A third.
His cheeks stung the familiar sting of Molly’s full ire.
“I’ve done that before,” Molly said, her eyes meeting his, moments before she fell to the floor, unconscious.
The lab disappeared. All that Molly could see was a white, formless void and a circle of women.
“Where am I?” She asked the circle of faces that looked like her, but weren’t.
“Wrong question,” said the stoic face of a woman who wore all the hurts of her past around her like an invisible armour, and matched said hurts with a black dress of mourning.
“What?” Molly asked again.
“I think she means, there’s a better question to be asking,” came the innocent, smiling face of a woman who had a naive crush on the mysterious and sexy detective who had just started frequenting Barts.
“What’s the question then?” Molly turned to face yet another version of herself.
“Who are you?” the in-control, efficient doctor clad in white lab coat supplied.
“Fine,” Molly said, playing along. “Who am I?”
“Are you a pathologist so good at your job that you’ve had offers from all the best hospitals in the country, but you turn them down because…” The doctor trailed off.
“Because of me,” the idealistic, young Molly supplied. “Because of how much I love him. Do you love him like I love him?” She asked.
“Or are you me?” came the black-clad mourner. “Because he’s hurt me – hurt us,” she gestured to the other women. “He’s used us, disparaged us, discarded us. And we let him.”
The mourner gestured to the other two women.
“Because I love the work,” Doctor-Molly explained.
“Because I love him,” Moonstruck-Molly added.
“And I’m the one who gets to slap him when we’re fed up with his shit. So, which one are you?” Asked the mourner.
“You’ve forgotten one,” Molly said to the three women.
They looked at each other in confusion.
“Me. What about me?” Molly explained.
“You don’t exist,” said the doctor, pity in her tone.
“But I do!” Molly persisted. “I just met a man. I think I like him. I know he likes me. He’s flawed and fascinating and the whole situation is completely fucked. But don’t I get a say about what I get to do next?”
That silenced them – for a time.
He wouldn’t leave her side, not while they attached her to the monitors, not while they ran all the tests they could in emergency.
Brainwaves normal. Bloodwork normal. Heartrate and blood pressure, all normal.
But Molly wouldn’t wake up.
The sting stayed in Sherlock’s cheeks, a feeling too familiar, a reminder of his failures – past and present.
Misreading her invitation to coffee.
Manipulating her for morgue access.
Complementing her if it would help him solve cases.
Sabotaging every chance of success for every date she went on through a series of stinging observations.
Humiliating her on Christmas, his misplaced hatred at a man she had dressed up for, wholly overlooking the possibility it could have been him.
Placing her life in peril when he convinced her to help him fake his death.
Then the drugs, the disappointment writ large on her face as she declared how dare he throw away the beautiful gifts he had been born with.
She slapped him then. She slapped him now. She had remembered. She said she’d done it before.
What did it mean?
John joined him after a time, although Sherlock couldn’t tell how long it had been, lost as he was in contemplation of their past and how it had led to this present moment at Molly’s bedside.
Later, Sherlock would realise that Mycroft was the one who had sent for John, wanting his brother to have the emotional support that he himself couldn’t possibly provide.
“How’s she doing?” John asked.
“No idea.” He didn’t dare glance up at his friend, afraid to miss any sign that Molly was on her way back to him.
“What happened?” John asked as he sat down on the vinyl visitor’s chair next to Sherlock.
“She remembered something,” Sherlock said, idly rubbing his cheek. Hours may have passed, but it still felt raw, fresh.
“That’s brilliant!” John’s beaming smile froze when he saw it wasn’t matched by his friend’s expression. “Isn’t it?” John asked.
“She remembered slapping me.”
“Oh.” John’s face fell.
They’d both been there that morning in the lab. They’d both witnessed the intensity of Molly’s fury when Sherlock failed his first drug test in more than 5 years.
“What does it mean?” John asked.
“The treatment, it can be reversed if the patient finds their core memory, the one key event that unlocks all others.” Sherlock explained.
“How do you know?”
“Redbeard,” Sherlock supplied.
It was one word, but John knew precisely what it meant.
“Jesus! They did it to you, too?”
Sherlock nodded. John lapsed into silence while the new facts sunk in, yet another puzzle piece to explain the brokenness of his friend.
The monitors’ rhythmic beeps punctuated the passing of time between the men as they kept their vigil for Molly.
After a time, Sherlock spoke again.
“Can I ask you a question, John?”
“Anything.” John, always faithful to a fault, Sherlock reflected with thankfulness.
“When you remember Mary, what image comes to mind first?” Sherlock asked.
John closed his eyes, willing his wife back through image and recollection. “She’s singing to Rosie, holding our daughter in her arms. She didn’t know I was there, stood in the doorway, but I was, I’m so glad I was. She was so happy.”
If he believed in the supernatural, if wishes could be granted by some unseeing power, Sherlock would have given everything he had in that moment to bring Mary back.
The love between his friend and his departed wife brought the flaws in his fledgling relationship with Molly into stark contrast.
“Molly’s first memory is of slapping me. Her first impression is of a relapsed junkie. What could I possibly offer her if all she remembers is the pain I’ve caused her?”
John put a hand on his friend’s shoulder, steeling him.
“You can offer her the one thing that Mary and I don’t have.”
Sherlock met John’s eyes in silent question.
“Time. You can give her all the time you have.”
John left soon after.
It gave Sherlock more time to think.
John and Mary only had a past.
He and Molly could have a future, if she was willing.
Sherlock didn’t know how much later it was when he started talking.
“I don’t know if you can hear me Molly, but I’d like to tell you a story. It’s not your usual story. I’m going to start at the ending. Because in the end there’s only me, sitting here, hoping you’ll wake up.
But here’s the problem with endings, Molly. If you knew the ending before the story began, would you listen to it again?
I don’t want our story to end, Molly. Not yet.
When you took that pill, I think you thought we were finished. I think you thought the story was done. What you didn’t realise, what you couldn’t have known, was that for me, it was just beginning.
I wish you were awake right now, so I could tell you I meant what I said in that phone call.
I love you, Molly Hooper.”
He left then, walking the streets for hours and hours until arriving at the empty shell of his Baker Street flat.
Sherlock walked upstairs and sat among the ruins.
Soon sleep took him and he let it.
Molly was arguing with herself again when she heard him, his voice echoing through the void, filling every fiber of her being.
“Molly remembers slapping me,” he said.
“Do you?” the other three Mollys turned towards her in shock.
“I can see me slapping him,” she began, “but I don’t know why.”
His voice returned. “What could I possibly offer her if all she remembers is the pain I’ve caused?”
“He’s got a point there,” the mourner said.
“Shut up,” Molly, and her other two doppelgangers snapped.
“He’s still talking!” Exclaimed the love-sick Molly.
Doctor-Molly nodded. “It’s something about stories.”
“But here’s the problem with endings, Molly. If you knew the ending before the story began, would you listen to it again?” He asked.
“Yes!” Molly cried out into the silence.
“I want to know why I deleted you! Please, tell me,” she screamed so loud her throat ached with the effort of it.
His voice continued. “When you took that pill, I think you thought we were finished. I think you thought the story was done.”
Molly could feel the pain, the hurt, the red-hot rage from his latest manipulation as the phone line went dead.
Sherlock kept speaking. “What you didn’t realise, what you couldn’t have known, was that for me, it was just beginning. I meant what I said in that phone call.”
The phone call. The last memory. Fitting that in their new story it would be her first memory, too.
At that thought all versions of Molly disappeared, leaving her alone. But of course, they’d never really disappear. All of them were her.
And she could remember the call, could remember how emotionally raw she was already that day, the tenth anniversary of her father’s death. She had only just stopped crying, stifling a sniffle as she made her tea and ignored his name on the screen when it rang the first time.
But he persisted, his name appearing again.
And so the game started.
And if he wanted a game, she’d give him one. “Say it like you mean it,” she goaded.
And he did.
And now, as it all came back, she heard those words again, although not on the phone line.
“I love you, Molly Hooper.” Sherlock said and in the depths of her dream-like state, she knew it was true.
It was early afternoon when Sherlock woke to John, shaking him to consciousness.
“Not a good place to sleep, Mate.”
“Eurus blew up my bed,” he said in his not yet fully awoken state, neck and back aching from his night spent on the floor.
“Still, a kip among the ashes won’t help things. I’ll get you a coffee.” John headed downstairs to the miraculously-unscathed kitchen in Mrs Hudson’s flat.
Sherlock stood, surveying the wreckage. It would take months to rebuild, and years to replicate his collection, if that is, the collected treasures and discoveries of his former life could ever be replicated.
He reached into the ashes and found a small red box, a Christmas gift from another time, one he’d spectacularly mis-read by assuming wouldn’t be for him.
Inside was a bee preserved in amber. The red box had kept it safe in the blast.
She was the only one he’d ever told about his love for bees.
His fingers traced the smooth, cold surface of the stone.
“I can’t believe you kept it,” came a voice from behind him.
“Molly,” was all he could manage. Molly, awake. Molly, out of hospital. Molly, with a memory.
“Fancy some chips?” She asked, gesturing to the chips in her hand.
The food soon dropped to the ground forgotten as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into an embrace.
“How?” he asked, eyes raking over her to see if it was real.
“I heard you,” she explained.
“Say it again,” she asked.
“I love you,” he complied.
“You mean it,” she said. And there was no doubt from either of them that it was true.
In a flat in Kensington, the man lives the same day every day. Although he created the technology, he has no idea that it now enslaves him.
But today is going to be different. Today, one man is going to set him free.
The detective had snuck in, changed the Wagner LP for something else, something that once heard will bring back the man’s homeland forever.
The clue was there all along, in the small white flours that decorated the man’s window frames.
His keystone memory.
And the moment the voice of the captain broke into song, the man broke back into the world.
Across the street, the detective watched, knowing that soon a tranche of long-awaited documents would be set free online. State secrets revealed, ensuring never again would an innocent fall afoul of Elosia.
But a greater freedom was won for the man who unlocked something more precious for the detective. Although London was Sherlock’s homeland, Molly was his home.
And without Blevins she would have been lost to him forever.
Weeks had passed since Molly had returned to him. They had begun rebuilding from the rubble, clearing out the detritus of the past, and making all things new, together.
She kissed him by way of greeting when he came home, a domesticity he knew he’d never tire of.
“Is it done?” she asked, knowing what mission he’d been tasked with.
“It’s done,” he nodded.
Her hand gently traced the contours of his cheek.
“You did a great thing today, Sherlock,” she said.
“No,” he said. “Only a good one.”
She smiled, taking his hand and leading him into their bedroom.
“Let’s make some new memories,” she said.
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whiterbone-a · 4 years
      whistling  a  tune  to  himself  and  foot  tapping  against  the  wooden  floor,     crayons  are  scattered  among  the  desk.      some  are  red,    blue,     silver,     even  pink.      i’m  hard  at  work!      he  would  claim,     raising  a  hand,     signaling  them  to  leave.       an  explanation  is  that  even  the  higher  -  ups  would  get  something  as  elementary  as  this,      since  they  refuse  to  listen  to  the  sorcerer’s  of  now.      it’s  honestly  aggravating  and  if  treating  them  like  children  rather  than  self  respecting  proclaimed  elders,      than  so  be  it.      he  perks  up  when  he  feels  an  all  too  familiar  presence;      he  smiles,     pointing  behind  him  while  hunched  over.       “      excellent  timing,    hibiki!      would  you  mind  getting  the  rest  of  the  crayons  on  that  table?     i  don’t  want  to  ruin  my  creative  process!      i’m  onto  something  big.     ”        he  looks  all  too  proud  of  himself,     however  pausing  at  the  command,       brows  raising  behind  the  blindfold.
“     oh?~     are  we  playing  this  game  now?     ”      fingers  still  as  he  tilts  his  head  over  his  shoulder.      “     you  know  being  still  isn’t  how  i  operate  but  you  seem  insistent.     i  won’t  move  a  single  muscle.     ”      he’s  taunting  now,     dropping  the  crayon on  the  table  and  leaning  to  let  his  arm  rest  on  the  back  of  the  chair,      legs  spread  as  he  waits.      “     you  know,      the  weather  said  it  was  going  to  rain  but  here  it  is ——    sunny.      you  think  they  would  have  more  accurate  forecasts.     ”     and  he  feels  them,     arms  hanging  over  his  shoulders.      warmth   .   .   .   they’re  warm.     behind  the  blindfold  it  shows  a  devoid  of  emotion,     but  eyes  are  narrowed  and  soft.      head  lowers  a  bit,     sensing  the  soul  run  from  its  core  to  the  tips  of  their  fingers.      it’s  yearning  and  a  sense  of  longing.       “     what,     did  your  goldfish  die  or  something?     whatever  happened  to  it,     it  wasn’t  boone.     ”
and  stays  he  does.
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doesn’t  move  as  he  takes  a  deep  breath,     as  his  head  tilts  to  the  side  to  allow  them  more  room.      it’s  a  quiet  scoff  hinted  as  a  breathy  chuckle,      “      jeez,    you’re  being  this  secret  for  what?      you  wish  you  were  007.     he’s  the  greatest  secret  agent  of  all  time.     ” 
don’t  speak.
well,    a  little  late  for  that  but  at  least  it’s  the  thought  that  counts.      there  he  stares  at  his  poorly  crafted  art  on  the  table,     one  being  volcano  head ——   jogo  and  the  other  being  field  o’  flower ——   hanami.      well,     poor  to  the  untrained eye  but  him,     it  deserved  to  be  in  a museum  at  least.     slowly,     he  relaxes  in  their  grasp,     head  leaning  against  their  own.     solemn  and  silence,     it  wasn’t  all  that  bad;     especially  ones  that  you  care  for  most.
i  wonder    .   .   .     what  are  you  thinking  about?
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" don't move . " from the void, they emerge. the usage of their warping is unneeded, unnecessary - but the element of surprise always exists in it. it allows them a moment of anonymity, secrecy ; quiet, as they require it, arms wrapping around satoru, wide palms setting themselves across dark fabric. " stay . " they don't understand the desire. the need. for closeness, for attachment. for the warmth as they bury their face into his shoulder. caging him in. " ... don't speak . "       ——   @muekura​
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Spilled Drinks and Feelings
Y/N’s friends reveal Harry’s true feelings about Y/N, which throws Y/N off her game during her shift, especially when Harry walks into the restaurant. Hope you all enjoy.  Feedback and Requests are welcomed.  Lots of Love! *          *          *          *          *         *         *          * 
           “I don’t want to go to work,” Y/N whined, scrolling through blue and gray messages. 
           The gray skies cast a gloomy shadow throughout her small apartment.  The forecast predicted rain in the next hour, which meant she would walk home in the rain after work.  She cursed Harry’s comfortable lap and her new quilted blanket for lulling her into a state of comfort.  Harry watched Y/N’s eyebrows furrow with concentration from the thoughts racing through her exhausted mind.  Harry smiled, raking his fingers through her messy hair, “This is your fault.”
           Y/N shot up, dropping her jaw in shock, “How is this my fault?” 
           “You work hard, and everyone adores you,” Harry shrugged his shoulders, returning his attention toward the flashing television.
           Y/N huffed, “Everyone does not love me.”
           Harry chuckled, “Yes, I visited last week and met twenty regulars who eat in that crummy restaurant for you.” 
           Y/N rolled her eyes, biting down on the smile attempting to spread across her smug face.  Last year, Harry received a call from a sobbing Y/N, who panicked when the university coffee shop closed down, and she lost her job as the main barista.  Harry reassured Y/N that everything would work out and that if she needed money, then he could help her.  Three weeks later, she landed the waitress job at the local diner. A thunderclap startled Y/N away from her thoughts.  Harry chuckled, wrapping an arm around Y/N’s shivering shoulders.  Y/N grumbled, crossing her arms across her chest.  She despised thunderstorms.
           “I’ll drive you to work,” Harry mumbled.
           Y/N gasped, cupping Harry’s flushed cheeks, “You’d do that for me? I love you!”
           Harry rolled his eyes, dodging Y/N’s slobbery kisses, “Shut up. I’m a good friend sometimes.  Are you going to get dressed, or are you going to work dressed in your pajamas?”
           Y/N swatted at Harry’s thick thighs as she darted toward her bedroom. The starchy pink uniform scratched Y/N’s skin.  Her white sock’s lacey ruffles tickled Y/N’s ankles but matched with the pastel uniform. Her white sneakers squeaked with each step.  Harry glanced up from his glowing screen and admired his friend’s beauty.
           “You look great.  Would you like apple juice in a sippy cup?” Harry joked, pointing at Y/N’s socks.
           Y/N glared, chunking her silver lipstick tube at Harry’s stupid head, “Shut up.  Like you know anything about fashion.”
           “Why am I hosting the Met Gala if I don’t know fashion?”
           Y/N rolled her eyes, wishing she could wipe that smug grin from Harry’s face.  A satisfied hum vibrated Harry’s rosy lips.  He grabbed the gray hoodie from Y/N’s lumpy couch, opening the sleeves for Y/N to step into.
           “Thank you.  I don’t understand how you can be such a butt one minute and a total sweetheart the next,” Y/N grumbled, tugging the hoodie tighter around her body.
           Harry shrugged, pecking Y/N’s cheeks, “I’m like a sour patch kid. Do you have everything?”
           Y/N patted every pocket, nodding once she felt the necessities. Harry twisted the broken lamp’s knob three times, allowing darkness to consume Y/N’s apartment.  Y/N waved goodbye to the three goldfish who inhabited a large neon-themed fish tank near the front door.
           “Here, let me pull the car up, so you don’t get wet,” Harry shouted over the pelting rain.
           Y/N nodded, attempting to look through the wall of rain covering the parking lot.  Harry’s arms tried to shield his curly locks from the rain, but the rain-soaked Harry’s entire body.  Once Harry’s sleek car drove up, Y/N darted toward the unlocked doors.  The car heater greeted Y/N instantly, warming the cold raindrops on her cheeks.  Rain raced down empty streets, collecting trash and dirt.  The diner’s blinking ‘open’ sign twisted Y/N’s stomach.  She enjoyed working, but she hoped to spend her weekend with Harry.  Instead, she looked at a nine-hour shift.  
           “I can pick you up?” Harry smiled, noticing Y/N’s solemn scowl. Y/N smiled, “That would be great.  I love you.”
           “I love you more.  Be careful,” Harry shouted as Y/N stomped through puddles toward the diner door.
           Once Y/N disappeared through the glass door, Harry drove off down the flooded streets.  He searched for local shops that might entertain him while his best friend worked. He needed something to distract his aching heart. *          *          *          *          *          *            Buttery biscuits tumbled into the tan wicker basket.  Steaming mashed potatoes and glistening chicken covered the white plate’s design.  Customers discussed the day’s events around the mahogany circular tables.  Soft music masked the thunder’s low grumbles.  Y/N’s beaming grin warmed customer’s cold and damp hearts.  Her hands gripped the black tray, focusing on the family’s table.  She never spilled food, and she hoped today wouldn’t be the day her feet betrayed her and knocked the family’s food across the gray carpet.
           “Hello, I have the steak with mashed potatoes.  Please be careful.  The plate is hot.  I have chicken and grilled vegetables.  And I have chicken nuggets for the king of the table,” Y/N grinned, noticing the five-year-old’s sheepish smile.
           “What do we say?” The mom asked, ripping her son’s chicken nuggets into smaller chunks.
           The son grinned widely around his French fry, “Thank you.”
           “You’re welcome.  Is there anything else I can bring out?” Y/N asked, pressing the tray against her thighs.
           “No, thank you,” The father smiled, slicing into his juicy steak.
           Y/N nodded, skirting around the party table filled with ten hungry customers.  She collected the crumpled dollar bills from her past tables and checked on feasting families.
           “You are the sunshine everyone needs today,” Jack, the bartender, stated through his smirk.
           Y/N shrugged, stealing the sweating water and tea pitchers from Jack’s tan hands, “We all need someone who lights up our life.  If I can make one person smile, then I feel better about my role in this world.”
           Jack playfully rolled his eyes, “You need to stop hanging out with Harry. You sound like his self-help books.”
           Y/N chuckled, leaving Jack to fulfill his drink orders.  If anyone told Y/N that her best friend would be Harry Styles, she would have laughed in their face.  Three years ago, Y/N’s friends invited her to Jeff Azoff’s birthday party.  Y/N recalled the nerves circling Y/N’s stomach that she washed away with expensive vodka shots.  The sparkly karaoke microphone called drunk Y/N’s name where she belted out Stevie Nick’s “Leather and Lace”.  The tall, broad-shouldered popstar tripped across the room with his champagne in hand. He quirked his eyebrow toward the brave college student who sounded like mating cats.  After she finished her debut solo, Harry congratulated the drunk girl. They talked all night near Jeff’s steaming pool until Y/N’s friends dragged her home.  The next morning, Y/N’s sober mind screamed at Harry’s phone number scribbled across her arm.  Now, the two were inseparable.
           “Y/N, do you mind carrying this food to my table?  I missed my husband’s call, and it might be about our daughter,” Ari’s shrill voice shook with concern.
           Y/N nodded, patting Ari’s hands to calm her down from wringing a hole in her apron, “I’ll help you out.  I hope everything is okay.”
           Ari sighed, rushing toward her cell phone.  Y/N bumped the metal kitchen door open, entering the chattering room.  Her eyes scanned the tables awaiting their food.  She grinned, strutting toward the elderly couple’s table.
          “Hello, I have one chicken salad sandwich and one tomato soup,” Y/N listed off, placing the food before the couple.
          “Thank you, could we have more rolls?” The silver-haired woman asked, gripping Y/N’s hands.
           Y/N nodded, “Of course, I’ll even sneak in an extra one.”
           Steven tossed three buttery biscuits inside the empty wicker basket.  Y/N pressed her hands together, thanking Steven for the extra biscuits.  Once the basket landed on the table, the older woman’s excited giggles reminded Y/N of why she took this job.  
           “You are a sweetheart,” The woman cheered, passing a biscuit to her husband.
           “Thank you.  I hope you enjoy your meal.”
           Y/N hated admitting it, but Harry was right.  She almost threw up at the idea of working a long shift, but now, Y/N felt at ease with her customers.  The customers adored Y/N due to her positive attitude and work ethic. *          *          *          *          *          *            “What are you doing here?” Y/N gasped, jogging up to her friends.
           Elizabeth whipped her head around, glaring at the electric clouds, “The storm won’t stop.”
           Ginger nodded, wrapping her arm around Elizabeth’s shoulders, “Could we grab a table?”
           Y/N frowned, noticing the blue flags, which indicated that her section was full, “My section is busy.  Is it okay if Ari is your waitress?”
           “Yeah, as long as it isn’t that mean waiter,” Stanley complained, crossing his arms across his chest.
           Y/N rolled her eyes, leading the group toward their table, “Shut up, we fired that guy.  Ari will be here soon to take your order.”
           Y/N waved at Jack who informed Ari about her new table.  Y/N smiled, leaving Stanley and Ginger to argue over the weather.  The soft music distracted Y/N’s mind from focusing on her empty stomach.  After the second meatloaf, Y/N hoped Steven saved a slice for her to sneak home after work.  She worried Harry might force her to eat kale salads again for dinner. Y/N’s exhausted wrists trembled as she carried the water around the restaurant, filling empty glasses with ice-cold water.  She chuckled once she realized Elizabeth’s loud voice echoed throughout the small restaurant.
           “Would you like more water?” Y/N asked the young customer.
           The blonde man nodded, swallowing his mouthful of vegetables, “Thank you.”
           Y/N nodded, pouring the water cautiously into the empty glass. She hated whenever chunky ice cubes slipped into the glass and splashed the table.
           “Did Harry tell you about tonight?  He planned on asking Y/N out on a date,” Elizabeth’s information startled Y/N’s exhausted mind.
           The world slowed as the pitcher slipped from Y/N’s damp fingers. Her eyes widened while her other hand attempted to catch the pitcher before it crashed onto the ground.  The customer gasped, ignoring Y/N’s curses as the entire restaurant watched the pitcher crack into smaller pieces.  Ice water splashed the customer and Y/N before sinking into the gray carpet.  Jack and Ari hurried with broom and napkins in hand to help Y/N.
           “I’m sorry.  I’m sorry,” Y/N repeated, choking back the sobs threatening to spill from her eyes.
           The customer shook his head, “It’s okay.  We are fine, and that’s all that matters.”
           Jack thanked the customer for understanding while he collected the pitcher fragments on a dustpan.  Ari offered Y/N and the customer napkins, dabbing the darker gray blob under the table. Y/N wanted her mind to return to normal, but Elizabeth’s words haunted Y/N’s mind.  Harry wanted to date her?
           “Y/N, are you okay?” Stanley asked, searching through Y/N’s shocked eyes for an answer.
           Y/N nodded, patting her damp knees, “I’m okay.  The pitcher slipped from my grasp.”
           Elizabeth, Ginger, and Stanley nodded unconvincingly because Y/N never had butter fingers.  The group watched their friend hide inside the kitchen where her mind panicked. What if Harry asked her out tonight? Did she like him?  She liked him, but could she risk their friendship?  
           “Y/N, did you place the table’s order?” Jack asked.
           Y/N shook her head, “Shit, I’m sorry.  I am off right now.”
           Jack frowned, patting Y/N’s back, “Hey, it’s okay.  We all drop things.”
           Y/N faked a smile, “Thank you.”
           Y/N raced past tables, filling empty glasses and scribbling down food orders.
           She shoved Elizabeth’s words near the back corner of her mind. She couldn’t let false information alter her work performance.  She wouldn’t believe the words until Harry spoke the words himself.  After fifteen minutes, Y/N felt back to normal.  In two hours she could ask Harry about Elizabeth’s words and clarify the situation.  Y/N slipped the green notepad paper inside the chef clip, humming along with the soft music.
           “Hey love, I sat Harry in your section,” Ari shouted over the clanking pans. *          *          *          *          *          *
           If anyone snapped a photo of Y/N’s face the minute she heard about Harry’s arrival, they’d notice the shock and nerves festering within Y/N’s weak heart.  Her eyes widened like saucers, her fluttering heart and churning stomach sent chills down her spine, and her trembling fingers released the green notepad from her grip.  Her mind repeated the phrase ‘best friends’, but her heart replayed Elizabeth’s taunting words.  She inhaled, straightening her back as she exited the kitchen.  Her heart fluttered wildly against her ribcage the instant her eyes landed on Harry’s short chocolate curls.  Harry’s back faced Y/N, but even his broad shoulders intimidated Y/N.  She mustered up her courage because this man happened to be her best friend.  
           “Hey love, how are you?” Harry asked, dropping his buttery biscuit to hug Y/N’s waist.
           Y/N smiled, melting instantly into Harry’s grip, “Hey, I thought you were picking me up.  I’m not off for another two hours.”
           Harry shrugged, “I could use a nice dinner, and I heard the waitress here is spectacular.”
           Y/N giggled, shoving Harry’s shoulder, “Shut up.  What do you want to drink?”
            Harry’s forehead creased in thought while his hand cupped his pouting chin, “Can Jack mix me that drink he made for your birthday party?”
           Y/N smiled, recalling Jack’s fruity cocktail that tasted wonderful, but burned when revisiting Y/N’s mouth later that night, “Sure.”
           Harry watched Y/N strut confidently across the restaurant toward Jack’s knowing grin.  Harry sighed dreamily, placing his head against his fist.  He adored his best friend, and he loved watching her deal with customers.  Whenever Harry thought about treating people with kindness, Y/N’s positive attitude appeared under that definition.  The way she skirted around the tables reminded Harry of a graceful dancer. Harry rolled his eyes, how could he drool over his best friend?  Last week, he told Elizabeth that he planned on asking Y/N out, but his fear stopped him. What if Y/N didn’t feel the same way? How could he risk his friendship?
           “What would you like to eat?” Y/N asked, setting the decorative glass onto Harry’s table.
           Harry sipped the smooth alcohol, “Thank you.  What do you feel like eating tonight?”
           Y/N hummed, tapping her black pen against her chin, “I wanted the meatloaf, but Steven might sell out soon.”
           “I’ll order the chicken so you can order the meatloaf later,” Harry mumbled, handing Y/N the glossy menu.
           Y/N chuckled, “Thank you.  You are sweet tonight.”
           “I took two shots before I came in,” Harry joked, winking at Y/N.
           Y/N rolled her eyes, stealing the menus from Harry’s grip, “You suck.  I’ll be back later with your food.”
           Jack yawned, rubbing his fists against his eyes.  His vision blurred as he walked toward Harry’s table. He finished his shift twenty minutes ago, but he anxiously waited until Harry confessed his love for Y/N.  Jack noticed Harry’s love-sick eyes for Y/N during her birthday when Harry toddled after her with a concerned scowl.  Jack also caught Y/N’s heart-eyes for Harry when she spoke about their daily adventures.  Jack gripped the light wooden chair, sighing once his butt met the cushion.
           “Hello, how are you?” Harry asked through his giggles.
           Jack waved him off, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I’m exhausted.  I didn’t expect to see you tonight.”
           “Yeah, I figured I surprise Y/N at work.  Ginger messaged me about some work catastrophe,” Harry mumbled, stirring the strawberry cocktail.
           Jack shook his head, “Dude, I wish I could find a love like yours.”
           Harry scoffed, “I’m not in love and don’t say that too loud, or Y/N might hear.”
           Jack chuckled, leaning his elbows onto the table, “You love her, and you know it.  When are you going to tell her?”
           Harry shrugged, poking at the hole in his napkin, “I thought about telling her tomorrow.”
           Jack shook his head, “You can’t wait longer.  This customer mentioned asking her out this week, and he’s the kind of guy you wouldn’t say no to.”
           Harry’s eyes widened, “Do you think Y/N would say yes?”
           Jack nodded, standing from his chair, “I’ll see you later.”
            Harry frowned, deciding whether he should ask Y/N out or not.  He couldn’t let Y/N walk away from his life. Harry ignored his fearful mind and listened to his bleeding heart. *          *          *          *          *          *
           “I’m in love with you.” 
           Y/N gasped, releasing the new cocktail from her firm grip.  The drink slowly landed on Harry’s black jeans while Y/N’s fluttering heart blurred her vision.  Harry’s eyes widened as his hands attempted to catch the freezing liquid. A squeal escaped his rosy lips the minute the liquid melted onto his skin.
           “Shit, I’m sorry.  Why did you say that when I had a drink in my hand?” Y/N asked, patting Harry’s damp lap.
           Harry chuckled, shaking his head, “I’m an idiot.”
           Y/N giggled, nodding, “You are an idiot.”
           Harry’s eyes caught Y/N’s nervous but beautiful eyes.  His hands covered Y/N’s busy hands, forcing her to focus on his starry eyes.  She smiled, admiring the freckles dotted across Harry’s flushed cheeks.
           “I love you,” Harry repeated, leaning closer to Y/N’s lips.
           Y/N smiled, “I love you too.  I can’t kiss you here.  The customers might get jealous.”
           Harry nodded, biting back the dopey grin threatening to spread across his face.  He watched his beautiful best friend cross the restaurant and order a new cocktail. Harry paid attention to the grilled chicken dish rather than focusing on his best friend.  
           “Hey, is everything okay?” Y/N asked, sliding her hand across Harry’s back.
           Harry nodded, “Everything tastes wonderful.  Can you thank Steven for me?”
           Y/N nodded, “Of course.  Are you full?  I bought you an apology dessert for spilling your cocktail on you.”
           Harry gasped, rubbing his bulging stomach, “I’m full, but I always have room for dessert.  What is it?”
           “Well, I saved you a slice of Amber’s coconut cream pie,” Harry’s eyes widened with excitement.
           “Thank you.  You’re the best girlfriend ever,” Harry gushed.
           Y/N tutted, “Hey, I haven’t agreed to be your girlfriend.”
           Harry pouted, wishing he could tickle Y/N until she admitted she loved Harry, but her customers wouldn’t appreciate Harry flirting with their waitress. After Harry finished his dinner, he slipped the silver spoon inside the coconut cream pie slice.  Harry moaned once the pie’s nutty and sweet flavor greeted his mouth.  
           “Are you leaving?” Y/N asked, collecting Harry’s cash from the table.
           Harry nodded, “I’ll check out the bookstore next door.  When you get off, you can meet me there.”
           “Okay, I’ll see you later,” Y/N mumbled, wishing she could kiss Harry’s rosy lips.
           Harry nodded, sliding past Y/N’s solemn figure and out the restaurant door.  Y/N balanced Harry’s empty dishes on her arms, heading toward the kitchen.  Her section closed thirty-minutes ago, so she decided to help the dishwashers with her section’s dishes.  The soft music distracted her mind from the clock ticking down until she could confess her love for Harry.  The starry sky replaced the dark gray storm clouds, and a fresh breeze blew the freezing rain away from the city.  People exited their houses and apartments to celebrate the fresh air with drinks or dinner.  Y/N thanked whoever replaced her after the shift since they would work until closing.
          “Okay, I’m leaving,” Y/N announced, drying her pruned fingers on her apron.
           Steven shook his head, standing from the crooked stool, “You forgot your dinner.  I saved you the final piece.”
           Y/N gasped, hugging Steven’s rigid body, “Thank you.  You’re a lifesaver.  I’ll see you all tomorrow.”
           Y/N exited the restaurant with the widest grin.  Her meatloaf warmed her hands, and the idea of Harry warmed her heart. *          *          *          *          *          *
           The warm yellow bookstore lights greeted Y/N’s throbbing head. Fresh and worn pages met Y/N’s nose. Her eyes scanned the rows of colorful book spines for her boyfriend’s crystal green eyes.  An unplanned smile spread across her face when she spotted her boyfriend’s hunched figure reading a new self-help book.  His eyebrows furrowed with each new page.  Y/N giggled, admiring the way his rosy lips pouted against his fingers.
           “Hey, can you help me?  I’m searching for my boyfriend?  I need to kick his butt because he made me spill drinks on two of my customers, and I never spill food,” Y/N mumbled, glancing around the room as if searching for Harry.
           Harry rolled his eyes, shutting the book, “Your boyfriend sounds terrible.  You should leave him and date me.  I won’t distract you at work.”
           Y/N hummed, placing her empty hand on Harry’s sturdy chest, “I don’t know.  Are you a good kisser?”
           “Would you like to find out?” Harry asked, cupping Y/N’s face.
           Y/N nodded, leaning forward to press her chapped lips against Harry’s rosy lips.  A soft sigh escaped Harry’s lips when Y/N’s lips brushed against his.  Y/N’s hands balled Harry’s t-shirt inside her fists as Harry deepened the kiss.  Y/N tasted the fruity cocktail that still lingered inside Harry’s mouth.  Harry pulled away, pressing his forehead to Y/N’s.
           “I love you,” Y/N admitted.
           Harry smiled, “I love you too.”
           “Should we head home?  I have a fresh meatloaf slice calling my name,” Y/N mumbled, breaking away from Harry’s grasp.
           Harry huffed, “Will I get used to my girlfriend replacing me with food?”
           “Nope,” Y/N smiled, popping the “p” in nope.
           Harry chuckled, wrapping his arm across Y/N’s shoulders.  He led her toward his sleek car parked down the crowded street.  The fresh breezed brushed past their bodies, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
           “Wait, how did I make you spill drinks on two customers?” Harry asked once the couple found shelter inside Harry’s car.
           “Elizabeth informed the entire restaurant about your plans, and that’s when I dropped the first pitcher on the customer,” Y/N confessed, nibbling at her fingers.
           Harry frowned, tugging Y/N’s fingers away from her teeth, “Love, you are an excellent waitress.  A small mistake won’t cost you your job.”
           “I know, thank you,” Y/N mumbled, smiling at Harry’s dimpled grin.
           “No problem, now, let’s race home before the meatloaf gets cold.”
           Y/N smiled, intertwining her finger’s with Harry’s free hand.  The moonlight illuminated their love-sick grins as they sped down familiar streets.  Y/N might lie and blame her happiness on the free meatloaf, but everyone knew that Y/N adored Harry as much as he loved her.
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Emerging Trends in the Ornamental Fish Feed Market: A Future Outlook
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The Ornamental Fish Feed Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 3.47 Bn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 8.5% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. The Ornamental Fish Feed Market provides nutrition and enhance the visual appearance of ornamental fish. Proper nutrition enhances the immunity, coloration and vitality of ornamental fish. Increase in popularity of ornamental fish keeping as a hobby has been driving the demand for ornamental fish feed products. Market Overview: Ornamental fish feed includes dried bloodworms, brine shrimp, tubifex worms, plankton, freeze dried krill, flakes and pellets. These feeds contain proteins, vitamins and minerals important for growth and health of ornamental fish. The rising adoption of aquarium keeping as a recreational activity has been boosting the sales of ornamental fish feeds. Market key trends: One of the key trend in the ornamental fish feed market is the rising demand for premium and specialized feeds. Fishkeepers are increasingly willing to spend more on premium feeds containing natural ingredients and targeting specific fish species or life stages. For example, flake feeds fortified with carotenoids are used for enhancing coloration of fish. Manufacturers are innovating specialized feed products for different types of fish like goldfish, betta, koi, tropical fish etc. to provide balanced nutrition as per their needs. This trend of utilizing premium and tailored feeds is expected to drive the ornamental fish feed market growth over the forecast period. Porter’s Analysis
Threat of new entrants: The ornamental fish feed market has high barriers for new entrants due to high capital investment required to set up manufacturing facilities. However, the market offers opportunities for new companies to offer innovative and customized feeds.
Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers in the ornamental fish feed market have moderate bargaining power due to wide availability of feeds from different brands. Switching costs are low for buyers to change suppliers.
Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers of raw materials like wheat bran, soybean, corn, fish meal and vitamins have moderate to low bargaining power due to availability of substitutes.
Threat of new substitutes: New aquaculture feed substitutes pose low threat as ornamental fish have specially formulated dietary needs. Competitive rivalry: High as major players competing on pricing and new product innovations.
SWOT Analysis
Strength: Wide product portfolio and global presence of key players. Innovation in formulation benefits fish health.
Weakness: Seasonality in demand impacts production planning. High R&D costs to develop customized feeds.
Opportunity: Growing aquarium market in developing nations offer new customers. Premium feeds segment presents opportunity.
Threats: Strict regulations on fishmeal sourcing impact costs. Competition from local aquaculture and pet feed players.
Key Takeaways
The global ornamental fish feed market is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting CAGR of 8.5% over the forecast period, due to increasing popularity of aquarium and adopting ornamental fishes as pet. The Asia Pacific dominated the market with highest market share in 2023 attributed to large Chinese market. Region wise, Asia Pacific is expected to remain the fastest growing market over the forecast period. Key players operating in the ornamental fish feed market are Alltech Inc., Ocean Star International, Inc., Cargill Incorporated., Hai Feng Feeds Co., Ltd., Taiyo Group, Sera GmbH, AlgaSpring B.V., PT Central Proteina Prima Tbk, and Tianjin Dongjiang food co., LTD. Alltech and Cargill have broader product portfolio catering to shrimps, salmon farming in addition to ornamental fish feeds. Taiyo and Ocean Star specialize in ornamental fish feed categories.
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