#going w/ the whispers I've heard abt the origin
i'm considering a future baldur's gate mc
not super relevant bc the next run will. probably be. amity. again. with wyll. maybe not but it's likely.
anyway eventually i might do a dark urge mc, and i'm thinking about incorporating my bhaalspawn into their backstory
bhaalspawn #1, taev, is following up on a lead about another splinter of bhaal cultists and comes across itsy bitsy mc. decides that it's time to follow in gorion's footsteps and Raise The Murderbaby. ...but taev is human, and also bound to their paladin oath, which keeps them pretty mobile. and imoen, frankly.... doesn't want to. a mother? her?? no thank you. she's meant to be the fun aunt, and nothing more hands on than that.
bhaalspawn #2, kher, settles down a few years after the events of bg2, after she is finally convinced that her sisters are healed + powerful enough to rip apart anyone who might want to harm them. she's always ready to intervene, and will do so with unholy, murderous fury at a moment's notice, but. after a decade she can chill a bit. a Bit. and she's an elf. she'll live for-fucking-ever. plus, she got most of the murder rage when they got their souls ripped out, so she's the best candidate for teaching the murder baby how to contain the murder rage as they grow older. the only complicating factor is the company she keeps -- kher definitely, definitely resurrected xzar after bg2 and now they're, like, weird necromancy experiment partners.
kher is not. necessarily. great at raising babies. but she did alright as an influence on taev and imoen. so it'll be fine... right?
thus begins fitz, doomed from the start -- long before the urges got more prominent and their memories were eaten up
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cheemken · 11 months
To add more lore to the Rebellion AU (ig we’re calling it that?) and to just talk about the Battle Bond Ability, what if Iris died in that AU because she and Haxorus couldn’t unlock the ability
Like we couldn’t decide on what caused the AU to split, so why not have it as that? Imagine just, Iris survived and got away from Team Plasmas capture because that was the moment Haxorus and Iris became one and used the Bond Phenomenon for the very first time. Overpowering all the Team Plasma Members and escaping with their lives
But in the Rebellion AU, Iris and Haxorus just, never clicked like they were supposed to. So they got defeated and captured, and no matter how much Iris cried for Haxorus to get up or for any of her Pokémon to continue fighting, she was eventually restrained and taken to the Castle. And we know what happens from here
Ough just imagine in the future, when all the commotion dies down and they’re trying to figure out how to send Iris back to her own Universe, she tries to start a conversation with Bianca; asking her if she still studies the Bond Phenomenon or if she’s to busy to do that now. But you know, Bianca is just real fucking confused about what Iris is talking about. Because she’s never heard or seen anything like that
Your honour that got me feeling like
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Wait cause cjdnndndb imagine yeah like you said they're now trying to figure out how to get this Iris back to her own universe, and even Iris is like, updating the other Champions too, so all of them can go home together. But like chdmdb your honour pls Iris and Bianca w each other talking and it got to the point Iris asks her abt her studies and Bianca, for once getting some sort of closure at the normalcy of their conversation, shared her studies with her, "I've been researching more about the origins of pokemon, just like Professor Juniper," she said, tho there's doubt in her eyes, "I hope she's proud at the progress I'm making.."
Ough your honour pls smth soft, Iris taking Bianca's hand and going "I'm sure she's proud of you!" Then ofc, smth in her clicked, thinking abt what Bianca said, then she asks, "but.. you study origins now? I thought you'd be studying about the Bond Phenomena here too."
But then Bianca gives a look, both confused and intrigued, "the.. Bond Phenomena? What's that?"
"huh.. you don't know..?"
"no.. I've never heard anything about that, does a thing like that even exist?"
And Iris ends up explaining to her what it is, how the deep bond she has with Haxorus made him surpass evolution, something akin to Mega Evolution, Bianca had noted, but Iris said it's also a bit different than that. Then she demonstrated y'know, calling out Haxorus, the two reaching out to activate the Bond Phenomena, and Haxorus' appearance changed, how he now has similar features to Iris. And ough. OUGH CBDMBDMD your honour fucking imagine chdnxn
Imagine Bianca staring at them in awe, then there's this sudden flash, sudden shift of scenery, in a better timeline, in a better universe, she's there watching Iris train with Hilbert, Hilbert's Emboar also looked different, also having similar features like its trainer; they were laughing, having fun as they trained, and then her visions blurred, she blinked, and when she looked up again, Iris is there looking at her worried, wiping away her tears, and god Bianca just broke man; Iris was so soft, and so gentle, and so caring and this is what could've been if her— their Iris was still around but she's not anymore.
So Bianca's there trying to wipe her own tears, trying to stop herself from crying, trying to tell Iris that she's okay, she's fine, she... She wrapped her arms around Iris, sobbing on her chest, pulling her impossibly closer, afraid she's going to disappear again. And oughfhf your honour pls, Iris trying to comfort Bianca, but hcndbd Bianca just whispering through her sobs, "please don't go.. don't leave me again.." and it broke Iris too your honour pls nsbdnd
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