#going through my asks today has been very illluminating
melonsmessymusings · 3 years
love your blog btw, you seem like the type of guy to hang out with at 3am staring over a city or something cool like that. good vibes. how do you feel about like discourse? like when people argue over which ship is better or why some characters suck do you like getting involved and sharing your thoughts or are you happy to watch from the wings and see where shit lands? there's loads in the btvs tag atm and wondered if you'd ever get involved because i like your contributions :)
Aww, isn’t that cool. I mean I am up most days at 3am so you’re not entirely wrong :) Love that I give off ‘good vibes’ ugh that’s made my day. We can absolutely hang out if you want.
Overall, I’m very happy to engage in discussions about stuff. Both publicly and via DMs, really not bothered which. Love when people slide into my DMs like “what’s your take on [thing]?” And we end up talking for days straight. As long as the debates are friendly and there’s no flinging shit at each other, it’s really interesting. I find it genuinely pleasant to learn why someone might disagree with something I think, and genuinely respect that. I also really don’t mind being called out either, how else am I supposed to learn? There is a line though. There’s lots of instances where people go too far and forget that they’re talking to real people not bots or whatever. When it starts getting personal and insulting, that’s too much. By all means, let’s talk and compare notes but if making it personal is where this is going, no I’m gone. People acting like they’re literally about to start a war with people online over a difference in opinion is a bit… it’s a bit tacky and distasteful. Mot everyone is going to agree with you, we’re all different and that’s a good thing. Imagine how boring it’d be if we all believed the same stuff?
A lot of the discourse in the tag is stuff like the Bangel/Spike debate which doesn’t interest me so I don’t engage with it. And from what I’ve seen, it’s pretty hairy and quite aggressive from both sides which I’m not a fan of. Keep things civil, you can disagree with people but you don’t need to be a dick about it. There’s no need. I prefer to just stay in my lane and talk about what I want to, obviously if that sparks debate awesome, lets chat. I can offer you tea and biscuits while we discuss. Ultimately with discourse it’s about popular morality. Are certain things right or not because a large enough group of people says so? The problem with this is that it’s an ever evolving concept and it can be very detrimental. Let people enjoy their stuff, if you don’t like it don’t look and quietly move on.
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