#going off on a stroll to find the snitch
Once Upon a Time 5
Warnings: non/dubcon and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: Andy Barber
Part of the Bookstore AU
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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The uneasy interaction follows you around the rest of the day and into your next. As you try to relax and forget about everything outside your apartment, your mind can't help but stray back to Andy. Not what he said, more the look on his face. You know the next time you see him will be less than pleasant.
Great. You always get anxious about work but now you have a whole new pest. You start to think you said something wrong. Gave him some idea that you were doing anything but your job. You're paid to be helpful but he's just another one of those ‘professionals’ who doesn't see your work as work.
You huff and puff as your time off comes to a pitiful close. Your stromach is squirming at the thought of walking through those doors the next morning. You brew some chamomile and retreat to bed in a futile effort to settle down.
Your sleep if fitful and unrewarding. The morning greets you, painful and gray. You get up, get washed, and get dressed.
Your eyelids droop on the train ride, prompting you to stop by the cafe for an early medium roast. As you approach the facade of the bookstore, you see a figure at the doors. Your heart flips before you recognise them. It's Mr. Pine.
He punches in the security code on the pad before slipping the key in the slot. He peers over and greets you with a smile. You could hug him. This place has been rather empty without him.
“Good morning,” he pulls open the door and steps back in his gallant way to wave you ahead of him.
“Morning,” you reply as you sweep into the store ahead of him.
The censor triggers the lights and illuminates the eerily vacant space. Pine closes the doors, locking them from the inside. He strolls forward casually, easily cafching up to you with long strides.
“Good to be back,” he preens, “and how have you been?”
“Okay,” you answer, “how about you?”
“Very fine. Some family matters,” he explains ligthly, “but much better than they were.” He walks with you up the center aisle, “why just okay?”
You shrug and hesitate. It sounds like he has a lot going on. Besides, you're only an associate, he must have much bigger issues as the owner.
“Oh, just tired. No big deal,” you assure him.
“Ah yes, I find this time of year rather draining,” he agrees as you near the back of the store, “should require support however, you know I will do my best to accommodate.”
“Thanks, Mr. Pine but I think I'll survive,” your force a smile, “better get clocked in.”
You stop and peek towards the employee lounge. You'll go that way and he'll head off to the back office. He doesn't. He lingers as if he can sense your doubt.
“Of course, but please, take some time to enjoy your coffee. It smells wonderful and I should hate for it to go cold,” he says. He's the nicest boss you've ever had, it's too bad he hasn't been around.
“Thanks, erm…” you purse your lips as you contemplate your sudden spark of boldness, “actually, I almost forgot. There's been someone asking for you. A man.”
“Oh,” he tilts his head curiously, “did you direct them to Colin?”
“I offered but they were insisting on you. I don't know if it was business or not so…”
“Did this man give a name?” He slants a brow.
You cradle your coffee with both hands and swallow. You feel like a snitch, like a child taddling. You nod, “yeah, Andy?”
He's quite as a line etches between his brows and he hums, “ah, he was here?”
“Several times,” you confirm.
“Hmm, curious,” he muses and the tension quickly slakes from his features, “well, if he should appear again, you will fetch me. I'll be certain he does not continue to ask after me.”
“Oh, yeah, thank you, sir,” you let out a breath of relief. It's a bit cowardly but you just can't deal with him again.
“Certainly, but…” he raises a long finger, “did he bother you very much?”
“Me?” You echo.
“Yes, he wasn't rude, was he?”
“Not really, just a bit… pushy.”
“He is that type,” he scoffs, “well, he shouldn't be hounding my place of work, it's wholly inappropriate and unfair to you and the other staff. It shall be dealt with.”
“Thanks again,” you say, “I'm just gonna… put my things away.”
“Yes, yes, don't let me keep you,” he feels along hia jacket and slides his phone from his pocket, “I have a call to make before opening.”
He sets off and you do the same. You feel a little less addled but not entirely relieved. Something about Mr. Pine's reaction makes you suspicious. He's usually unshakeable but you saw that fine crack in his veneer.
You're not entirely certain Andy is a fond acquaintance. It's hard for you to see the two men getting along, almost complete opposites in their demeanour. The more you think about it, the more Andy seemed ready for a confrontation each time he asked for the elusive owner.
Whatever happens, hopefully, you're not the one dealing with the fallout.
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mydarllinglover · 7 months
Stars Collided || Eight
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Lovisa had woken, what felt like only a few hours later, to Anakin thrashing around, in his sleep, his body was sweating, and tears fell from his eyes, as he called out to someone, his Mother.
"Mom! No, Mom, no!"
"Ani? Ani, wake up!" Lovisa gently shook him, as she lightly tapped his cheek. "Anakin, it's just a dream, wake up."
He sat up, abruptly, trying to catch his breath, as he looked around, in confusion.
"Anakin?" She asked, after leaning back, when he sprung up. "Are you okay? What happened?"
"My mom, she's in danger." He said, as he threw the duvet off of him.
"Ani, slow down, it was just a bad dream, talk to me." She tried stopping him, as he got out of the bed.
"No, I- I'm sorry princess, I have to go, she needs me, and I need to help her, I'm sorry."
"Where are you going?" She got out of the bed, after him, throwing her robe back on, as he rushed to get his own clothes back on.
"Back to Tatooine, I have to make sure she's safe."
"I'll go with you." Lovisa suggested.
"No, you can't, you need to stay here, where it's safe."
"No, I need to stay with you, you'll keep me safe, but I won't let you go alone."
"Vis, please."
"I'm coming with you, Ani." She said, leaving no room for argument.
He thought about it, before letting out a heavy sigh.
"Fine." He grumbled. "Meet me downstairs."
Anakin left, and Lovisa scrambled to get ready, slightly afraid that he might leave without her, but she knew she had to go with him, he was leaving his post to go find his mother, after a bad dream, nothing rational can come out from that.
She picked out a simple but pretty darkish blue dress, to wear, paired with an dark cloak with floral embroidery, and her most comfortable heels.
Lovisa then found a satchel, throwing in some more light dresses, as well as her hairbrush, a small pouch full of coins, and a book, she wasn't sure what else she would need, but if need be, hopefully there would be somewhere she could get it, if she somehow forgot. It was the middle of the night, and she had no idea how far, far away actually was, and she knew Tatooine was far, no one could really blame her packing skills at a moment like this, normally she had others do it for her.
As quietly as possible, when she was finally ready, she raced down to the entrance hall of the castle, where Anakin was whisper arguing with Ahsoka.
"What's going on?" She whispered to them.
"I knew you were going!" Ahsoka whisper shouted, pointing an accusing finger at her.
"Ahsoka's trying to come with us." Anakin folded his arms across his chest, looking visibly frustrated.
"How did you know we were going somewhere?" Lovisa asked.
"Uh, I could hear him scuttling about, and I could sense it, I knew something was suspicious." She answered.
"Well, you can't come." Lovisa told her, with some authority in her tone.
"Yeah, stay here." Anakin added.
"It's my job to be there for the princess's every need." Ahsoka's face was blank, not bothered by their words. "'Sides, good luck getting very far, I'll snitch as soon as you leave those doors, and I'm not ashamed to, either."
Anakin let out a sharp huff of anger, as he looked away.
"Fine, you can come, but... be cool about it, okay, we're going to Anakin's home, Tatooine." Lovisa told her.
"Cool, we should get a move on, then." She turned, her own satchel swaying with her movement, as she walked out the large doors.
The boy pressed his finger to his temple, calming his nerves, how'd he get stuck babysitting, once again?
Lovisa followed after her, and he strolled behind last, admitting defeat.
The three had snuck onto the lone boat, and Anakin was the one to steer it back to the other dock, where they were set loose in the streets of Naboo.
"Where are we going to find transport?" Ahsoka asked.
"I hadn't got this far." Anakin shrugged, trying to think, this would have been so much easier back in Coruscant, where transport was located everywhere, for any time of need.
"Don't worry, I know a guy." Lovisa shared, leading the two deeper into the village.
"You know a guy?" Anakin repeated, not sounding too thrilled.
"Yeah, not far from here, come on."
She had led them to a rough looking Cantina, where it looked like a brawl was the peak of their entertainment, what gave it away was the small pile of broken stools, among other things, in the alleyway, where a back door was.
Lovisa pounded on it, a couple of times, before a balding man with a long scar down his face, and a crooked nose, poked his head out.
"What?!" He demanded.
Lovisa pulled the hood of her cloak off, so that he could see that it was her.
"Visa!" He cheered, as he cupped her face, kissing her cheeks. "I was beginning to worry when I haven't seen you in so long. What can I do ya for, hun?"
"Hi, Gido." She smiled kindly. "Uh, we're actually in a sticky situation, and we need a horse, or two..."
"What's this for, huh? You ran away, again?" He asked, with a raise of his brow.
"Uh... not officially, but we are on a clock, these are my friends, and it would be really kind, if you could help us out."
"Hello" Ashoka waved.
"How'd you do?" Anakin greeted, meekly, looking behind the man, at the crowded Cantina.
"Gimmie one sec, alright, I'll get it sorted, for my favourite girl." Gido winked, before heading back inside.
"See, I know a guy." She shrugged her shoulder, looking back at the two.
"Yeah, how, though, is what I wanna know." Anakin told her, suspiciously.
"I come here, sometimes, and I tip well."
"This place?" Ahsoka grimaced.
"Yeah, Colo showed it to me, once, it's nice, you gotta experience it to get it."
"Oh, right, Colo." Anakin rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, is that a problem?" Lovisa asked him.
"Don't tell me your jealous." Ahsoka chuckled.
"I didn't say that." He dismissed.
The door reopened, and they were met with Gido's face, again.
"Here ya go, sweetheart, this guy will help ya out, go to him, tell 'im ol' Gido sent ya."
"Thank you so much, Gido, here, let the guys have a round, on me." She placed a small handful of coins in his palm, as she took the paper.
The door then closed, and they heard a very loud chorus of cheers from inside, as they turned around, to walk back out of the alley, Lovisa lifting her hood back over her head, as they did.
"Long live Visa?" Anakin quoted from inside. "Yeah, cause that's not gonna give away the fact that the princess is out from hiding."
"Will you calm down? No one is gonna think that. 'Side's, if you really thought that people important would know I'm back, from the local pub, they'd know I snuck out to go there, every night?"
"She has a point." Ahsoka shrugged.
"Thank you, Snips." Lovisa nodded, as she looked at the piece of parchment Gido gave her.
Lovisa led the other two around the village, hiding in the shadows, as they found their next destination.
Until they heard something coming from an alleyway.
"Do you hear that?" Ahsoka asked, as she looked around, trying to locate it.
"Yeah" Anakin breathed, as he did the same.
"What is it?" Lovisa asked, looking at the two.
"This way." Her friend said, walking down the alleyway, where she and Anakin could hear it from, but she felt this feeling in her chest, telling her to go to it, that it was important, there was life down there.
The princess quickly followed behind the two, as they sped to the place, as it started to trickle down with rain.
She gasped sharply, as what they could hear, was a soggy box, filled with three small puppies.
"Oh, wow!" She kneeled down, not caring for her dress, as she petted the three.
One with the golden coat, was quick to jump at her, licking her face excitedly, as she caught it, hugging the puppy to her chest.
Ahsoka had picked up the other one, he had an darker coat, with spots of red in his fur.
Then there was the last one, which Anakin felt obligated to pick up, not wanting him to be left all by himself. He had white and grey fur, but the most bright blue eyes, similar to the boy's.
"We have to keep them." Lovisa decided, knowing she couldn't give up her new puppy.
"Vis..." Anakin sighed, as he pet behind the ears of his own.
"Anakin, they're strays, they have no home, we need to."
"I don't think I can give this one up, if I tried." Ahsoka shared, as hers chewed on her hair.
"Fine... we can keep them, but can we please remember why we're here in the first place?"
"Right, come along, no more distractions." Lovisa stood up, her puppy in her hands, as he continued to lick her.
There wasn't much further to go, when Ahsoka dug through her satchel, finding some jam sandwich's she had packed, just in case.
"Skyguy, take him." She held her own puppy out, not giving the boy much choice but to take him, as she ripped up the sandwiches, handing a piece to Lovisa, before giving it to her own puppy, taking him back from Anakin and giving him the last piece.
"What did you just call me?" He furrowed his brows, as he lifted the sandwich to his mouth.
"Not for you, idiot, for your dog." She told him, when he went to bite it.
"I knew that." He mumbled, giving it to his dog.
"Looks like we're here." Lovisa shared, as they looked up at the barn, that was attached to a small house.
"Maybe I should go ask." Anakin assessed, his hand automatically going to fall on the hilt of his sword.
"No, Gido told me, so I will." Lovisa finalised, before handing Ahsoka her puppy, and walking forward.
She knocked on the door, and fiddled with her fingers, as she waited.
The door was pulled open suddenly, causing the girl to jump, as a burly man poked his head out.
"What?" He asked.
"Hello, I'm a friend of Gido's and he said that you would be able to help me, and my friends." She gestured to the two behind her, "With transport?"
He assessed her, and the two for a moment.
"Do I know you?" He asked.
Lovisa froze at the question, her cheeks heating up, before quickly shaking her head.
"No, uhm, no I don't think so, I'm just a friend of Gido's in urgent help. I'm willing to pay."
"Hmm" He grumbled, before opening the door wider and stepping out. "Follow."
The three walked behind, as the man headed towards the barn, and opening the doors.
"There's a reason Gido sent you here, if you're in urgent need of getting somewhere, my horses are the best around, fast and reliable."
He clicked his teeth, alerting the two horses in the stables, waking them from their slumber, as he prepared the carriage, it was a bit smaller than the royal ones, and it had no roof.
"Thank you so much, sir, we are extremely grateful." Lovisa smiled kindly.
"Aren't youse lot a lil young to be running around by yourself?" He asked, assessing all three of the teenagers.
"We're orphans, actually." Ahsoka answered. "And we're travelling for work."
"You're all orphans?" The man didn't seem so convinced.
"Yup! We're the only family each others got, our mama and pa.. it's too painful to talk about..." She sighed.
"You're all related?" He raised a brow, looking at Ahsoka, then the other two.
"Their parents were like my own, but these two are the best cousins around." She threw an arm around the pair, who had both gone stiff.
"alright, then..." He then walked off to grab the gear for the horses.
"What was that?" Lovisa hissed.
"Yeah, way to play it cool." Anakin quipped.
"I panicked, and then I couldn't shut up." Ahsoka shrugged, "But neither of you were much help."
"You didn't give us a chance." Anakin rolled his eyes.
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lola-hernandez-123 · 4 months
S-Snake x Luffy’s Little Sister Reader
If you ask if I was forced to write this,yes I was.I have a cousin who is OBSESSED with anime women.So one day she came up to me saying “I know who your crush is,so let’s make a deal;you write a story that I have in mind for an anime girl that I like and I won’t snitch”.This story was a TORTURE to write.Can’t believe that my cousin she’s 13 and even once liked Boa Hancock (she is 31).Every single time she tells me about a new anime girl I end up looking at her with this face “💀”.This story will keep going until she find a new lady to simp over.
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Chapter 1:Arriving To Egghead Island
Akemi D. Monkey, with a mess of black colored hair that mirrored her older brother's, bounced with barely contained excitement on the deck of the Thousand Sunny. Egghead Island, the futuristic marvel was unlike anything she'd ever seen. But in the towering metal structures and whirring robots, something else stole her attention – S-Snake.
The Seraphim was a stark contrast to the cold, metallic world around them. With white hair that flowed past her shoulders and gentle eyes,S-Snake radiated a quiet strength that fascinated Akemi. Unlike the other, emotionless Seraphim, S-Snake seemed…different.
Their first encounter was awkward.Akemi went on a stroll around egghead when she spotted S-Snake in one of the practice grounds.Her eyes shined as she watched the white haired women.Confidence built within so hesitantly with an approach mumbled a shy hello before introducing herself,while S-Snake gave a small, polite bow. Yet, despite the initial awkwardness, an invisible thread seemed to connect them.
As the Straw Hats were on Egghead, Akemi found herself drawn to S-Snake. They'd wander off together (somehow), S-Snake explaining the island's technology in a way that sparked Akemi's curiosity rather than confusing her. Akemi, in turn, shared stories of her adventures with Luffy, painting pictures with her words of the vast, diverse world beyond Egghead.
Afternoon came, they found themselves in a quiet garden tucked away within the metallic maze. Akemi, perched precariously on a giant metallic flower, dangled her legs. "S-Snake, do you ever feel… trapped here?" The question surprised her, but the vulnerability in S-Snake's eyes emboldened her.
S-Snake looked around at the towering structures. A flicker of something akin to longing crossed her face. "Sometimes," she admitted softly. "Vegapunk created me for a purpose, but I don't know what it means to be truly free."
Akemi hopped down and sat beside S-Snake. "Freedom's not just about the absence of walls," she said, her voice firm despite her young age. "It's about following your heart, choosing your own adventure." Her gaze locked with S-Snake's, a silent question hanging in the air.
Their hearts pounded in unison as their faces drew closer. The world around them faded, replaced by the warmth of S-Snake's gaze. It wasn't a romantic kiss, but a tender touch – Akemi's forehead pressed against S-Snake's cool cheek. It was a promise, a shared dream of a future where S-Snake could write her own story.
Their blossoming friendship didn't go unnoticed.Just arriving back to the Sunny Luffy, ever perceptive in his own way, grinned as he welcomed her.
However Akemi,with a mischievous glint in her eyes, slipped S-Snake a small Den Den Mushi – before she left from where she was.The object,a tiny sea snail that would allow them to communicate across the vas
As the Thousand Sunny stood in the clouds Akemi stood at the helm, a determined look on her face. She wouldn't just be Luffy's adventurous little sister anymore. She would carve her own path, a path to S-Snake, back to the girl who she wanted to show her that even in a world of steel and circuits, the spark of a different kind of freedom could ignite. Theirs was a love story still in its infancy, but one born from understanding, shared dreams, and the promise of a future adventure waiting.
———————————————————————— (Most of the story will take place a few days or a week before the canon events in the anime)
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justtluffythings · 1 year
“And Maribelle Jackson has caught the snitch! With that, Ravenclaw beats Hufflepuff 400 to 150, cementing themselves into the finals against Gryffindor!”
Veronica beamed as she landed on the pitch and joined her teammates in a group hug. “Well done, everyone! That was a great game.” Emily shouted over the screams and cheers coming from the crowd above them. “Singer, that was an excellent attack on the opposing seeker, that totally won us the game. I’ll see you all tonight at the party, okay? Amazing job everyone!”
Veronica couldn’t wipe the smile off her face as she made her way out of the changing rooms. Looking around, she couldn’t see Charlie anywhere and figured he was stuck amidst the throng of students that were trying to leave the stands all at once. It would probably be a while before he made it to her. Finding a decently empty area, she sat down to wait for him.
“Hey Veronica, great game today. Congrats on the win.”
Veronica’s face lit up as she spotted Artemis approaching her. “Oh wow, thanks Artemis! Hey, I haven’t seen you in a while, how’ve you been?”
“Not bad, you? Is Archie still giving you a hard time?”
“Nope, I dealt with that situation. I took care of it.”
Artemis nodded his approval with a smirk. “Well done, I’m impressed.” The two chatted for a while until Artemis noticed Charlie hovering nearby. Veronica had seemed to notice him as well. “Anyway, I’ll let you get back to your boyfriend, I’m sure he’s eager to congratulate you on your win.”
“Charlie’s not my boyfriend!” Veronica hoped the smile on her face and forced laugh were believable because inside, it broke her heart to say those words.
“Well, in that case, would you be interested in getting a butterbeer with me at the Three Broomsticks sometime?”
Veronica’s eyes widened and mouth opened slightly. “Artemis Lovegood! Are you asking me out on a date?”
Artemis chuckled softly. “I am, but if you have to ask for clarification, then I’m clearly not doing a very good job at it.”
“No, no, I just wasn’t expecting it, that’s all,” Veronica felt heat rise to her cheeks as she smiled. Perhaps this was what she needed to start getting over Charlie. “I’d love to.”
Artemis beamed. “Great! How does Saturday at 4 sound? We can meet in the Courtyard and walk down to Hogsmeade together.”
“Sounds good, I’ll see you then Artemis.”
“Call me Art, love.” After placing a gentle kiss on the back of her hand, Artemis strolled away with a triumphant look on his face. 
He didn’t seem to notice Charlie glaring daggers at his back as he walked away. “What was that all about?” He tried to keep the jealousy and anger out of his voice, and it seemed to work as Veronica turned to him.
“Artemis just asked me out,” she shrugged nonchalantly.
“And? What did you say?”
“I said yes. I mean, he’s a nice guy. And he’s cute. I don’t really have a reason to say no.” Tell me not to go, Charlie. Tell me not to go because I should be with you instead.
“Nice, I’m sure you’ll have a great time.”
Of course. Of course he wouldn’t say that. He doesn’t like me like that. Why would I let Tonks get my hopes up? “Thanks. I think so too. Now come on, I need a nap by the lake.”
As they walked together, Charlie felt a pain in his chest. Is this what heartbreak feels like? He knew it would only get worse from there. He would be forced to watch the love of his life in the arms of another. It would be torture.
* * *
“Veronica, don’t do this! You don’t even like him, you’re just using him to try and get over Charlie. That’s not a nice thing to do. You’re leading the poor guy on.”
“Stop it, Dora. I already told you I feel bad about using him, but I have to go. I’ve already said yes. Besides, he’s cute, and I really think this could be what I need to get my love for Charlie out of my system. And who knows, maybe Artemis will be the one.”
“And what about Charlie? This is probably killing him to see you going on a date with someone else!”
Veronica sighed heavily as she threw her hands into the air. “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you. Charlie. Only. Sees. Me. As. A. FRIEND! I have to stop pining over someone that doesn’t feel the same about me.”
“Veronica! It–”
“I’ll see you later Dora, alright? I’ll find you to let you know how it went.” And with one last glance in the mirror, Veronica brushed off a piece of non-existent dust from her dress before leaving her dorm and making her way to the Courtyard, where her date was ready and waiting. 
“You look beautiful, Veronica.”
Veronica avoided his gaze as heat rose to her cheeks again. “Thank you. You look good too.”
Together, the two made their way to the Three Broomsticks and sat in a booth at the back of the room to have some privacy. Throughout the date, the two got to know each other better. Veronica discovered that Art had a younger sister named Luna, and it was obvious how much he adored her; his eyes lit up as he spoke about her, and from the sound of it, the two were very close despite the age gap. It was adorable. Veronica told Art about her grandparents and how close she was to them before they died, but she kept most of the details to herself. That seemed to be commonplace for her: being unable to share the whole truth with anyone other than Charlie.
Before they knew it, they had spent a few hours together, and it was time to get back to Hogwarts. As they got back to the Courtyard, Artemis brought the back of her hand to his lips and gave it a soft kiss. “I had a great time tonight. I’d love to do it again sometime.”
“So would I.” And she meant it. Although she didn’t have any romantic feelings for him, she did enjoy his company, and it gave her an opportunity to be away from Charlie for a while. She hoped the more time spent away from him, the better her chances of getting over him.
After setting up another date, Veronica turned to walk back to her dormitory, but Art called after her. “Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
“I’d love to, Art.”
As she walked away, Veronica felt terrible for using him. But little did she know, Artemis was using her too, but it would be a while before either of them found out the truth.
* * *
The next morning, the news about Veronica and Artemis had spread around the school, but the news of another new couple had also gotten around, and this news broke Veronica’s heart. Charlie had begun dating a Gryffindor girl in their year that she hadn’t paid much attention to before. But now, Veronica knew she didn’t stand a chance. This girl was adorable and sweet, and she was perfect for Charlie. They were perfect together, and Veronica had to pretend to be happy for her best friend when all she wanted to do was cry.
“See, what did I tell you Dora? Charlie doesn’t like me like that.”
“Veronica! You’re so… Charlie’s only dating her because you’re dating Lovegood. He’s trying to get over you just like you’re trying to get over him. You two, you're… you’re both unbelievable!”
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nctsplug02 · 2 years
jen finding divorce papers on the kitchen counter and getting her hopes up and telling mr jeong about it he gets worried but turns out it was just one of mrs jeong clients papers
genre: fluff and angst.
warnings: accusations made, jen being a snitch and a nosey person like always, kissing, flirting.
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jen hums as she wanders into the kitchen, tying her hair up into a high ponytail and swinging it side to side. “dum-dum, dum-du—?” she backtracks and side eyes the stack of papers on the island.
“hm..” she smirks and looks around, mischievously. she walks around the island and immediately her eyebrows go up as she reads the black words printed on the white papers.
jen grabs the papers and turns on her heels. her chin high up as she stalks confidently to jaehyuns office.
knock knock!
“mr jeong?” she sticks her head into the office with a sad look. “yes, jen?” he looks up from his papers and lifts his pen off the white sheets. “i, um.. i found this in the kitchen.” she steps in and lifts a stack of papers.
“oh, it must be the colorings hannie did—?” he assumes but jen hands the papers to him. “maybe you should read it.” jaehyun places his pen down and pushes his glasses up.
“divorce?!” he lifts his glasses above his head and squints. “what the fuck?” he stands up, his office chair strolling back.
jen furrows her eyebrows and bites down on her bottom lip. “i’m so sorry, mr jeong.”
“i just.. need to be alone, right now.” jaehyun clears his throat and pushes past jen who follows him. “i need a drink.” jaehyun sniffles and tosses the papers onto the island. “i—i can prepare one for you?” jaehyun shakes his head and grabs himself a shot glass. “nah, i got it.” he grabs a liquor bottle from liquor cabinet.
jaehyun pours himself a shot and instantly downs it. he groans as it burns his throat. “jen, please leave me alone for a moment.” jen’s chin trembles as she turns away and walks to the guest room.
jaehyun lets out a shaky breath as he grabs the papers and rereads them. “fuck,” he mutters quietly. “fuck!” he slams the papers down and starts to well up. “fuck, fuck, fuck!” he grabs the liquor bottle and chugs it, coughing it up as it goes down the wrong pipe.
jaehyun cries, for seconds, minutes, almost hours. he brings the liquor bottle to his lips and just downs it. letting the liquid run down his jaw and down his neck.
“—no, no. i promise i have them. i think i just left them on my counter.” you tell your client who you were supposed to have a meeting with an hour ago.
“again, im sorry—?” you’re stunned to see your husband drinking heavily.
“uh, macy. im gonna have to call you back.” you hang up and you walk towards your husband. “babe?” he jerks at your touch and instantly breaks down when seeing you.
“baby? what’s wrong?” he hugs you by the waist and breaks down into your chest. “why? did i do something wrong?” he asks and grips your jacket. “was i not a good husband? i—i’m sorry, baby. p—please don’t leave me, please?!”
you’ve never seen your husband cry this much and this hard. he was hysterical at this point.
“babe, what do you mean? why—why are you crying like this, my love?” you cup his face and you wipe his tears that fell like a insane waterfall.
“have you been thinking about leave me for a while? i’m sorry for anything wrong doing, i did. if you want to leave, then you can leave. i won’t stop you. that’s your choice and i’m sorry for being a bad husband.”
“baby, what are you talking about?!” he reaches behind him and grabs the papers. with shaky hands, he hands it to you. “your d—divorcing me?” he asks, beginning to start crying again.
it was your clients divorce papers.
“no, baby. no, i’m not.” you place the paper down on the island and you cup his face again. “please don’t leave me—? i cant live without you. i just can’t.” you begin to well up as you hear his heartbreaking words.
“i’m not— i’ll never leave you, baby. i love you. i love you, baby. don’t cry.” you squeeze him into your chest and you press your lips against his head.
“listen, baby. l—listen to me.” you lift his face and he stares at you with red eyes. “listen, okay.” he nods with hiccups bothering him. “these papers,” you point to the papers. “aren’t mine. these papers are for a client of mine.”
after explaining it to several more times, he finally stopped crying.
“now, stop drinking and let’s order some food. yeah?” he nods slowly. “okay, what do you wanna eat?” you push his hair back and he hums. “can we order fried chicken tonight?” you nod and grin. you lean down and press your lips onto his.
jen walks downstairs and sighs. “great, you guys talked it out?” she asks and you turn your head. “talked it out?” you ask confused. “yeah, the divorce papers?” you look down at jaehyun. “yeah, we did. those papers were for my client.” jens face falls with disappointment.
“oh, okay. well, hannies awake.” the moment hannie woke up, jen took her and placed hannie onto her lap while ranting and telling hannie that her parents were getting divorced.
“hey, sweet girl.” you chuckle and you swipe her from jen. “want some chicken? daddy’s gonna order some chicken, right daddy?” you turn to jaehyun who sits up straight. “yeah, yeah. i just need to find my phone.” he pats his legs but nothing.
“office?” he nods and says a quick, “probably.” he runs off leaving you, jen and hannie.
“so jen,” you suck in your cheeks. “you showed mr jeong those papers?” jen crosses her legs and bites her lips. “yes, ma’am.”
you scoff. so formal because she’s been caught.
“i know what you’re trying to do and it’s not gonna work. you’re excuse. leave for the night.” jen doesn’t hesitate and turns on her heels. quickly gathering her things and fleeing.
“found it!“ jaehyun shouts as he holds up his phone. “great, let’s order some chicken.” you sigh.
“chicken.” hannie repeats and then giggles.
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asmo-ds · 3 years
Hey boo😘 kinda crack but could I request the bros reacting to finding out that MC's cat (who had somehow followed them into the Devildom) is just a lower demon who's just too lazy to take care of themselves and acts as a guardian demon of sorts?
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w/ MC whose cat is actually a lesser demon
warnings: none
Desc: When MC arrived holding a cat everybody was a bit concerned about how to care for the animal but when MC wasn’t around they made a discovery
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-Hated the cat from the moment his eyes landed on the bundle of fur cradled in the human’s trembling arms as they landed in the student council room
- He could smell demon on the cat but seeing how tiny and frail it seemed to be he couldn’t believe it
- When MC was out one day and the cat was chasing a demon rodent he panicked thinking the cat would get hurt and MC would be sad
- But then their jaw unhinges in a freakish way and he cringes as it dawns on him that it was a lesser demon
- Tells MC and is shocked at their lack of reaction
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- Hes a cat guy so he immediately ran over to the cat to pet it
- Gets along well with the cat and plays with it a lot 
- Until one day when MC is out and about and he was chilling with the cat and it suddenly was startled by something and it transformed to its demon form
- Stands there staring before hes able to process the situation
- Yells at the cat for not tell MC the truth for so long
- Tattles on the cat like the snitch he is
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- Didn’t like the cat in his room since the cat likes knocking over his things
- He forces MC to hold the cat if they want it in there
- One day when MC was out he saw the cat sniffing at his fish tank (not henry’s tank thank Diavolo) and he saw their jaw unhinge in a demonic way and its long tongue scoop the fish out from the water, swallowing it whole
- Screams and backs up against the wall furthest from the cat.
- The cat is just sitting there while he screams for MC to save him
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- He and the cat were besties INSTANTLY 
- The cat was the exchange student in his eyes, he treated it better than he treated MC
- When he saw it transform into its demon form he jumped in surprise but didn’t really care
- Told MC since it IS their cat, but hid it from everyone else just in case anybody tried to use that as an excuse to get rid of it
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- He hates the cat the moment they first see each other and the cat grows to hate him as well
- One day MC heads out to go shopping while Asmo got ready for the club for the night.
- Over strolled the cat, rolling and scratching at the outfit he’d laid out and he growled, turning into his demon form as the cat sat there on HIS clothes
- Was shocked when the cat growled back and transformed into its demon form as well
- Cried to MC about how mean their cat was and tries to get it kicked out of the house
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- He didn’t mind the cat at all
- He’d sometimes feel the cat licking crumbs from his cheek so he’d break a piece of his food off for the cat
- His nose is stronger than any other brother so he pretty much knew and wasn’t surprised when he watched the cat chase a rat in its demon form
- Didn’t mind the cat and just remained quiet about it, if MC loved this demon cat than he will too :)
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- Liked the cat a lot
- Enjoyed the way Lucifer hated it and also how it felt laying on him as he slept
- He woke up from a nap one day to hissing and meowing and saw the cat in a monstrous form protecting him from a rodent
- He was shocked but just shrugged it off and let the cat be
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randomshyperson · 4 years
Wanda Maximoff X Reader Hogwarts AU Oneshot
Hey everyone! As WandaVision has me completely in love with Wanda Maximoff, I've managed to write a little Harry Potter-inspired oneshot. 
Ready on AO3 too
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Gif is not mine.
It was an understatement to say that you were late. Running through the now-empty corridors of the castle, you hid behind a pillar when you thought you heard the voice of the Ravenclaw's snitch monitor nearby, but you let out a sigh of relief when you noticed that it was only ghosts chattering away during their wanderings.
You ran toward the transfiguration room, believing that if you were lucky, you would be able to sneak behind the cages to the last empty chair and pretend that you hadn't missed almost half of the first class. You believed that Tony Stark would have been the inconvenience knowing all that he usually is, and that Professor Minerva would not have noticed your absence.
When you finally reached the classroom, you wiped some sweat from your forehead as you leaned against the wall, trying to look out the window. You noticed that almost all the students were writing something in their notebooks, and you tried not to think too much about the importance of that content, ignoring the feeling that it was the kind of thing that would be on the final exams.
You raised your hand toward the doorknob slowly, thinking of the best way to open the door without making too much noise, but then someone turned the lock on the other side, and you almost fell back in surprise as you saw the door open.
- I'm glad you decided to join us, Miss Y/L/N. - said Professor Minerva sternly.
You felt your knees tremble with fear at the intensity of her gaze, and your cheeks heat up when you hear giggles coming from inside the room.
- I'm sorry, professor. I didn't hear the alarm clock. - You said, looking at the floor. Minerva let out an exclamation of disapproval and let you into the room.
- I will debilitate five points of your house, for this, miss. Don't let this happen again. - She said simply, and you entered.
When you sat in the back of the room, in one of the few empty chairs, you did your best to avoid all the curious and judgmental glances your classmates threw at you. Only when Professor Minerva walked back between the tables you looked around the room, your gaze locking on the one person who could completely take your attention away.
Wanda Maximoff was a student of the same year as yours, being part of the Slytherin house. You could say that you had a friendly relationship, because you knew the same people, and especially, you were very good friends with Pietro, her twin brother. You couldn't precisely define the nature of your relationship with Wanda however. In your first two years at Hogwarts you sat together on the train, and during the breaks, almost exclusively due to the company of Steve Rogers, who was a mutual friend and a year older, who used to act like the older brother of several people. When Steve graduated, Pietro became the only bond that justified your socializing with Wanda, but even though they were brothers they didn't hang out all the time, especially after Wanda started dating a Ravenclaw boy named Vis, who you didn't like, and Pietro started dating, well, several people.
The thing was that you never developed a friendship with Wanda, purely because she made you nervous enough that you couldn't engage in conversation with her without being around other people. You were a complete mess around her, notable only to your best friend, Natasha, who was happy to torment you for your longtime crush on the witch. During the third and fourth year, you considered confessing to Wanda how you felt, but like a bucket of cold water, Vis came along. He was a nice guy, and smart, and you were in the same chess club. But all the niceness completely disappeared when you watched Vis invite Wanda to the winter ball. The whole dynamic of your relationship with Wanda has changed since she started dating the young ravenclaw. You tried to suppress your feelings as much as possible, and you were constantly irritated and clumsy in the presence of Vis, who seemed to be always clinging to Wanda, so you started avoiding both of them. If Wanda interpreted that your sudden hostility was because you didn't like her, she didn't speak up, and just began to respect the distance you put between you two.
You were in this almost hostile territory for all of fifth grade and sixth grade, until you invited Jessica Jones to be your date to Professor Stark's Christmas party during seventh grade, which set off a series of interesting events in your life.
First the Starks threw the best Christmas parties, and although Tony Stark was annoying and overbearing, he was your long-time friend, and he was very happy to invite all his friends to his father's party, Professor Howard Stark, who taught Magic Mechanics. You weren't even in Professor Stark's class, but you were happy to hear that he organized a party for everyone who stayed at the castle during the vacation period, and many students skipped their way home just to attend, since Howard's parties were famous in school.
And then you invited your friend Jessica Jones, someone you had a lot of fun with, but wasn't really romantic at all. In fact, you dared her to take you to the party, because she wouldn't admit the open crush she had on her colleague Trish Walker, a very pretty blonde girl who seemed to be the only person who could get around Jessica's temper. You were happy to tease Jessica all night about her crush, until the brunette took too much fruity punch and finally built up the courage to talk to Trish, leaving you laughing at your desk as you watched her trip over her own feet as she led the blonde out of the room.
When you felt a hand on your shoulder, you imagined it was Natasha, finally finding you in the midst of so many people, but the vision that hit you took your breath away.
You knew that Wanda Maximoff was beautiful. It was a fact that you grumbled against your pillow in irritation when you saw her kissing Vis on the cheek during breaks between classes. And then you saw her, her hair arranged in a high bun, her face powdered with makeup that made her even more beautiful, and her long eyelashes flashing at you through emerald orbs. Damn those eyes. There was a lot to take in in the figure in front of you. Her stupidly beautiful face, her lips slightly stained with lipstick because she had a habit of biting them when nervous, or her partially exposed collarbone from the cut of her blouse. You thought you had forgotten how to breathe.
- Hey. - Wanda greeted you with a lopsided smile. You blinked a few times.
- H-hi Wanda! - you replied after being silent for a moment. You looked away quickly. - Nice party, right?
- I think. - She replied and you noticed the two empty glasses in her hand. You abruptly adjusted your posture, your cheeks flushing slightly, to step back and excuse Wanda so she could fill the glasses with fruit punch. Of course, she was only talking to you because you were in front of the drinks table, preventing her from getting something for herself and Vis.
- Here, sorry about that. - You apologized after moving completely away from the drinking table, Wanda blinked slightly in confusion, and seemed to remember that she was carrying the glasses only at that moment.
- Oh, yeah, right. - she grumbled as she approached the bucket of ponge. - Just gonna grab something for me and Vis.
- Yeah, I figure that. - You replied harshly, looking down at your own shoes.
Wanda raised her eyebrows at your aggressiveness, and she ventured to ask.
- Do you have any problem with Vis? - said the sorceress, now holding the two full glasses in both hands. You rolled your eyes impatiently, which seemed to irritate her.
What difference does that make? - You replied feeling jealousy fill your chest - We are not friends so what I think doesn't really matter.
You regretted the aggressiveness of your words the moment you said them, and you felt even worse when you looked into Wanda's tearful eyes. But you didn't have time to apologize, because the girl just turned her back on you, going back in the same direction she had come from.
Honestly, you wanted to dig a hole in the ground and disappear. Or maybe bang your head against the wall, believing that your only natural talent was to ruin exactly every conversation you had with Wanda. You thought it best to try to find your date, to say goodbye before heading back to the communal room, so you walked in the opposite direction of Wanda.
You searched for Jessica for several minutes. The girl seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth, and then as you strolled down the empty third floor corridors you found her in a compromising position to say the least.
Feeling your cheeks getting very hot, you watched with a mixture of embarrassment, surprise, and horror as your longtime friend knelt down, her head tucked between the spread legs of Trish Walker who was clutching her skirt with one hand as she threw her head against the wall, her eyes closed. For merlin sake. You stumbled backwards, your eyes wide. They were too distracted to notice you, and it took only a sobbing groan from Trish to break your shock. You turned around quickly, shaking your head to try to push the images from your mind.
As you walked down the halls of the third floor, intending to go back to the party and drink as much smuggled alcohol as you could find to erase the image of Trish and Jessica fucking, you bumped into someone.
Wanda's lipstick was much more smudged than before, and her shirt was slightly wrinkled. And then you knew immediately what she was doing in that hallway. Frowning at her, you noticed that she looked embarrassed at having bumped into someone, but you didn't let her speak, rushing to let out an impatient exclamation and leaning against the wall.
- Good Merlin, everyone decided to have sex today. - You sighed, closing your eyes, but opened them the same second the recent images hit you back, watching Wanda stare at you in confusion. She seemed to hesitate between walking away and talking to you, but you were glad when she turned her body in your direction.
- Who's having sex? - she asked with a mixture of curiosity and concern on her face. You let out a low laugh, and let your body slide against the wall until you sat down on the floor. Wanda copied your movement on the opposite wall, and you were facing each other, both sitting in the empty hallway.
- I just saw first hand two colleagues fucking in the hallway. - You grumbled, not saying you had seen your friends. You weren't the type to spread rumors. - I think I'm traumatized for life.
Wanda fought back a smile, clearly still upset with you for the discussion earlier. You swallowed hard, knowing that you had your chance to apologize now.
- That sucks. - Wanda said simply, and you stared at her.
It took a few seconds, but you finally spoke:
- I'm sorry about earlier. I was just being mean, for no reason apparently.
The girl seemed surprised, but then she gave you a short smile. You began to play with your shoelaces when you were silent for a moment.
- I wasn't having sex. - Wanda whispered so softly that you blinked a few times to make sure you heard something. You looked at her in confusion, but she looked away, her cheeks slightly pink. - Vis asked if he could take me to my room, I didn't feel like partying after our discussion. - She explained, still not looking at you. - He said he wanted to give me a proper goodnight kiss.
You felt your stomach drop. Swallowing all your jealousy, you let out a grumble, signaling that you understood what Wanda had said. You looked back down at your own sneakers, and couldn't notice the witch analyzing every micro-expression on your face, her heart beating uncompensated at the confession.
- I didn't want to kiss him like that. - She said at last, and feeling her gaze on you, you reciprocated.
Although you tried to hold it in, you couldn't help but let a shy smile slip between your lips. You looked away again, biting your lips to keep from smiling at the sorceress's newly confessed words.
You were silent for a moment again, and feeling that you finally had a chance to talk to Wanda, about anything, you decided to stick to the subject. Letting your spontaneity guide your speech, you found yourself asking:
- Did you ever want to kiss someone like that?
Wanda looked surprised, and slightly embarrassed judging by the slight blush on her cheeks. You hurried to explain the reason for the question, not wanting the girl to feel pressured to answer.
- I just mean like, how people are sure of that? - You said, and suddenly your anxieties and fears were all on edge and you found yourself sharing about it. - It’s just I've never done anything like that. I was never able to tell for sure if i wanted to kiss someone or if i was just doing because it was what everyone was expecting.
The sorceress seemed to absorb your words carefully. She rested her face on her knees as she looked at you intently.
- Not even with Jessica? Or Bucky? - Wanda asked and you just nodded.  
- I had a lot of fun with Bucky, I really did. He was sweet and funny, and really cute. - You began to explain, while imitating Wanda's position, leaning your head on the arm above your knee. - But then we got to the Yule Ball together and everyone around us were making out and he just said we should try that too. And I was angry because… - You shook your head slightly to stop yourself from confessing exactly why you were upset that night. - Well, things i guess. I just know that in one second we were dancing and then he asked me if we could kiss and I didn’t want to let him down so I said yes.
- Was that your first kiss? - Wanda asked curiously.
- Not really. - You grumbled. - My first kiss was kind of a shitty situation. I was 9, This girl from muggles school locked me in an empty room and said she was going to show me how her father charmed women. She forced a kiss while I was too shocked to react.
- I’m sorry. - Wanda said sincerely, and you just shrugged.
- It 's okay. I guess she liked me but she had too much trauma to show that in a healthy way. - You said looking at Wanda, who frowned, disagreeing.
- This does not justify her behavior. - She retorted and you just bit your lips.
- You’re probably right. - You grumbled, and looked away from her quickly, building up the courage to confess again. - After Bucky, I thought that maybe I only liked girls and that’s why the kiss felt weird. But then Helen Cho kissed me on New Year.
- Wait, what? - Wanda suddenly exclaimed, and you looked at her curiously. Ashamed of her own reaction, Wanda looked away. - Sorry, I didn't know about this. - You let out a short laugh.
- Well, it was holiday break. I went to Steve’s in New Year. His family had a small reunion and Cho was invited.
- Oh, I remember this. - Wanda said. - My brother and I went back to Sokovia that year, so we couldn’t join the meeting.
- Well, you missed my big kiss, miss Maximoff. - You joked but Wanda didn't smile, an expression you couldn't quite decipher. You decided it was best to keep telling your story. - Anyway, Helen is a real flirt. She joked about not having anyone to kiss at midnight and it took her two drinks to ask me. I’m pretty sure it was only after Thor said no to her.
Wanda laughed softly, attentive to your monologue.
- I said yes because I wanted to be sure that I only liked girls. - You confessed, shaking your shoulders slightly. - I talked to Nat about this and she said the only way to be sure was if i felt that kissing girls was just naturally better than kissing  boys, and I just went for it.
- And? - Wanda asked curiously.
- The fucking same. - You confessed, letting out a sad sigh. - I just felt I was doing because everyone else was doing and I could really feel a connection to her. I simply didn’t like her, you know? Like, everyone describes these butterflies and nervousness, and I thought I was feeling it too. But then I realized that I was just anxious about it being a new experience, and being in public. I wasn't nervous about the person I was kissing, it was just too frustrating.
- Is different with Jessica isn’t it? - Wanda asked after a moment, you raised your eyebrow at the almost hurt expression she had on her face, but she looked away from you quickly.
- Yes, but not because of what you’re thinking. - You said. - I’m not in love with her, you know. Things are way less complicated than that.
A short smile escaped Wanda's lips at her confession, but she did not interrupt you.
- We have a lot of things in common. Especially personality traits. - You explained, smoothing yourself better against the wall. - We become friends quite easily. And for some reason I always thought she was hot.
Wanda's gaze fell from yours immediately, but you didn't notice the sad posture she assumed.
- What I mean is, I was attracted to her after we became friends. Then I realized that it was supposed to be like this. I like to have emotional bonds before intimacy affection. - You explained. - She was my first enjoyable kiss, I guess. We kissed a couple times on truth or dare games, but eventually we both realized that even though we had chemistry, we didn’t work as a couple. Manly because we aren’t in love with each other.
- I thought you two were dating. - Wanda suddenly confessed, the same indecipherable expression on her face as before. You looked at her with a mixture of curiosity and surprise.
- I never really dated anyone, Wanda. - You explained. - I guess that’s the real reason on why i was so chocked to find people having sex on a corridor.
Wanda let out a short laugh, and you tried not to blush so much at the sound.
- Anyone would be surprised. Virgin or not. - She said, looking at you tenderly.
You fell into a comfortable silence again. You began to play with the button on your costume, before you felt Wanda's foot tap against yours. She had stretched out her legs, and slowly, both her feet touched the soles of yours. You smiled at her.
- I would like it if we were friends. - she confessed in a whisper.
You shook your head, smiling at her with amusement and affection.
- Who said we weren't friends? - You retorted, and a smile filled the other girl's face.
Before either of you could say anything else, noises of footsteps and voices could be heard in the hallway around the corner from where you were sitting. You exchanged a complicit look with Wanda, and you crawled side by side to the edge of the wall, to hear what seemed to be an argument.
Bruce Banner and Tony Stark were arguing about something in that hallway. They seemed slightly intoxicated judging by the slurred words and unbalanced postures, but the distance and the loud party noise made it impossible for you and Wanda to hear exactly what they were arguing about. They stood like that for a few seconds, until suddenly, Tony pushed Bruce against the corridor wall, and the two of them locked into a passionate kiss.
Your jaw dropped in shock, and before you could even process what had just happened, you watched in horror as Bruce took charge of the kiss, pushing Tony against the wall only to kneel in front of the other boy, beginning to unbuckle Tony's belt. You let out an exclamation and before you could make any more noise, Wanda pulled you back into the hallway, one hand covering your mouth as she laughed at your expressions.
- Okay, I admit, that was traumatic. - She said between short bursts of laughter, removing the hand covering her mouth. You laughed breathlessly, extremely aware of the other girl's proximity.
- I'm starting to think someone put sex potion to the punch. - You tried to joke, but then Wanda realized how close you were and stopped smiling.
- That would be a problem. - she whispered. - I had two cups of that.
You swallowed hard, using all your willpower to keep your gaze on Wanda's eyes, even though your brain commanded you to look at her lips.
- Is that making you feel horny too? - You answer in the same tone and then you watch Wanda stare unashamedly at your mouth. You feel a strange tingling sensation at the tip of your stomach and try to ignore the uneven beating of your heart.
But the moment is completely broken when you hear a loud groaning noise, which did not come from any of you. You shake your head, and as you realize exactly where it is coming from you cover your face with both hands.
- Merlin, what the hell was that. - You grumble and rush to cover your ears as the noises continue. Wanda starts to laugh.
- I think that's our clue to leave. - She comments, and it takes a moment for you to realize that she has moved away, already standing up and away from you.
She reaches out to help you up, and you ignore the butterflies in your stomach when she keeps holding your hand as you run down the hall in the opposite direction from where you were standing.
Concentrating too much on the feel of Wanda's hand in yours, you don't realize where she is leading you until you are almost there. You give her a gentle tug on her hand to stop her, and Wanda looks at you curiously.
- Why are you taking me to the common room? - you question curiously, slightly disappointed that the evening was coming to an end.
- Because it's quite late. - she says as if it were obvious, and you raise an eyebrow. - I need to check on Pietro before going to bed, but that does not mean I can't take you to the dorm.
- What a gentlewoman, you turn out to be, Miss Maximoff. - you joked, and Wanda laughed lightly.
You started walking again next. When you finally reached the entrance to the common room, you turned to Wanda, and found her already looking at you.
- Here we are. - You said softly.
- Here we are. - she replied in the same tone.
A moment passed with just the two of you smiling at each other, until you laughed and looked away, nervousness taking over your body.
- I will see you at class tomorrow, Wanda. - You finally said, letting go of her hands. Wanda seemed to consider something and then she moved closer to you, making you hold your breath.
- Goodnight, Y/N. - She whispered before depositing a long kiss on your cheek. You inhaled her perfume, closing your eyes for a brief moment before she pulled away.
You must have been blushing a lot, and you thought it best to hide your embarrassment, looking away from Wanda quickly and mumbling a awkward "Goodnight. You didn't notice, but Wanda smiled fondly at the shy mess you had become. She waited until you entered the common room before turning around.
It has been three weeks since you spent Christmas Eve with Wanda. When you woke up after that night, you knew that there was something different between you two. Some kind of intimacy that wasn't there before. And you had no idea how to deal with it. Now, every time you saw each other, you exchanged accomplice glances, but neither of you took the first action to get closer. Always surrounded by friends, you didn't have much time alone. And with the start of the final exams, you were feeling overwhelmed
And then you agreed to have a drink with Nat at the Three Broomsticks, to take your mind off the tests for a while, only to witness Vis asking Wanda to be his girlfriend during a date at the same place you were. Of course you had to arrive right then and there. Feeling Wanda's and Nat's eyes focused on you, you just held back your tears and left the bar, being accompanied by your clearly concerned friend.
Heartbreak isn't exactly a plausible and acceptable justification for missing class, so you thought it best just to tell Minerva that you hadn't heard the alarm clock.
When you raised your eyes to Wanda that morning, you felt your stomach sink when she had that same complicit look in her eyes accompanied by a slight smile. But you didn't smile back, and not wanting to deal with her worried expression, you just focused on your transfiguration lesson.
It didn't take long for the class to end, since you had missed almost half of it. But you had to stay a little longer to hear Professor Minerva's sermon.
Since you only had the classes for the subjects you wanted to get your N.E.W.T., your schedule was comfortably empty during the seventh grade. The vast majority of the time had to be spent studying if you wanted to get decent grades on the tests, but you allowed yourself to rest this morning, feeling emotionally tired.
You noted that you had three free periods before the next class, and decided to spend one in the kitchens, confident that the elves would cheer you up a bit since the creatures were extremely adorable.
Leaving the room, you observed the empty corridor around you. Your time getting scolded by Professor Minerva clearly made it possible for all the other students to go to their respective classes. You noticed a small group of students playing explosive snap in the middle yard, but you didn't feel like joining in the fun.
Knowing that you still had plenty of free time, you decided to leave your heavy materials in the common room before going to the kitchen, so you changed your route for the moment.
It was only when you reached a particularly isolated area in a corridor that you almost tripped over your own feet. Wanda was standing in front of you, a serious expression on her face.
- I was waiting for you. - She said holding the bag tightly on her shoulders.
- Is there anything you want to talk about? - You asked impatiently. Wanda pressed her lips together
- Why are you being like this? - She questioned with frowning eyebrows, a hurt expression that made you feel a tightening in your stomach.. - Did I did something?
You were so tired of this game. Then you just exploded.
- You know what Wanda, why don’t you go back to your boyfriend and leave me alone! - You shouted impatiently, frightening Wanda who took a step backwards.. - I’m tired of this game we’re playing. I only get hurt from it.
Not waiting for Wanda to answer, you went around her and started walking. You heard her call you, and ask you to wait, but you didn't obey, holding back tears as you walked.
- Please, listen to me. - She pleaded one last time, and you stopped walking. Taking a deep breath, you turned around..
- What? - Your voice trembled a little, the emotion you were hiding escaping in your speech.
Wanda shifted the weight between her feet, lowering her head slightly with reddened cheeks. You imagined that she was embarrassed by the intensity of your gaze, that she was feeling guilty.
- I’m not dating Vis. - She stated lightly. You looked at her with confusion.
- I saw you two at…
- I know. - She cut you off by looking at you as she clasped her hands together, a shy smile escaping her lips. - I told him that i couldn’t date him. Not when I like someone else.
Great. There was someone else. You let out an exclamation of dissatisfaction.
- Look, it’s nice that you’re sharing your love life with me but i don’t see how this is relevant right now…
- I’m talking about you. - Wanda says looking at you.
- W-what? - You ask confused, feeling your cheeks heat up, your heart racing. Wanda looks as nervous as you do as she approaches.
- You’re the person I’m in love with. - Wanda confesses, her gaze intense on you. You find it hard to breathe now.
- Oh. - That seems to be the only thing you can say, no coherent thought forming at Wanda's proximity. She brought her hands up to your neck and pressed your foreheads together
- It 's okay if I kiss you? - She asked in a low tone, you felt your stomach turn with anxiety.
- I would like that. - You say finally, before you feel Wanda's lips against yours.
It's soft. Just the touch of your lips, and you don't move your hands, still not believing that this is really happening. You think you have something you need to say, so you sigh against Wanda's mouth, and she pulls away a bit, her hands trembling against your neck.
- I'm in love with you too, Wanda. - You whisper and kiss her again, feeling her smile against your mouth.
This time it's even better. Your mouths meet and you kiss her firmly, while bringing your hands to her waist. And then just the touch of your lips is not enough, and you run your tongue over Wanda's lower lip, asking for passage. You think she doesn't understand the request because of her lack of reaction, but the next second she bites your lip gently, drawing a gasp from you. When her tongue brushes against yours, you squeeze her waist, delighting in Wanda's taste. So fucking good, you think as your tongues wrestle together. When you slow the kiss, wanting to savor Wanda calmly, she moves her hands up into your hair, trailing her fingers down the back of your neck. Leaving the kiss as slow as possible, you smile against the kiss as you hear her sigh into your mouth. You always liked to tease after all.
You run one hand up her back, over her neck, pressing her against you as your tongue lingers on hers. You both gasp, and then the rhythm of the kiss changes. You let out a low moan as you feel Wanda pull your hair lightly as she increases the intensity of the kiss. Your hand that was on her waist comes down, and you grab her ass, squeezing and consequently earning a groan from Wanda. The feeling of having her against you is driving you wild, and your stomach is doing somersaults while your heart is racing.
As you pull your mouths apart to catch your breath, Wanda starts running kisses down your jaw to your neck, making your whole body shiver. You smile breathlessly, and feel your legs weaken. Realizing that you need a support to stand, you kiss her hard as you push her gently against the nearest wall.
The position certainly awakens something primal in both of you, the kiss intensifies as Wanda's leg curls against yours, and she pulls your body against hers so that you press her against the wall, something you do without opposition. Your hand squeezes her ass again, and she moans against your mouth.
- Fuck. - You sigh as you feel Wanda bite your lip again, your eyes opening slightly to face the fully dilated pupils staring at you maliciously.
You kiss again, Wanda letting her hands roam down your back, the sensation giving you goosebumps. You moan as you feel her fingers enter your burning skin through your shirt.
- For Merlin Sake! - a voice exclaims in surprise and you both stumble out of the kiss in shock.
It takes a moment for you to clear your own thoughts, everything in your body tingling with the feel of Wanda on your skin. You feel your cheeks heat up sharply as you face the one who interrupted you.
- You guys are so lucky it wasn't a teacher to find you like that. - Nat announced, pointing at the two of you, her tone was serious but her eyes showed amusement. She would surely tease you about this in the future.
- I… We - You tried to formulate a coherent sentence, but in the mix of shame and excitement you were in, you couldn't think of anything.
- It 's okay, love birds. - Nat joked, spreading her hands to push you and Wanda by the shoulders towards the courtyard. - You can continue your make out session somewhere else. I don’t recommend the school corridors, especially when you could get caught by Professor Fury.
- Right. - Wanda grumbles and you just nod in agreement
- The bell is about to ring, so I suggest you two find somewhere more quiet to be. - Nat says - I suggest the empty halls from the seventh floor. Or maybe, you know, a bed in any of the dorms.
You think you have blushed even more at the suggestion, but before you can say anything, Wanda stops walking, and you notice that she is as red as you are.
- Actually I have potions now. - She says, looking at Nat quickly, before her gaze focuses on you. She smiles slightly, and moves closer, making you hold your breath. - I see you at lunch, okay? - She speaks tenderly, placing a short kiss on your lips. You close your eyes at the sensation and think that she has gone too fast. Then Wanda nods to Nat and leaves, leaving you with a silly smile on your lips. The bell rings almost in the next instant and the noise wakes you up from your current state.
- Okay, since we both have free periods now, you're telling me everything. - Nat says, grabbing you by the arm as you walk back down the hall.
You laughed uncomfortably, feeling your face heat up. Taking a deep breath, you ignored Nat's excited expression, preparing to tell her how exactly you ended up in that situation.
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weasel-b33 · 3 years
500 Miles (j.p x fem!reader)
Description: A few years after the birth of your son Harry, you and your husband James recall the beginning of your relationship. (NO VOLDY I CAN NOT DO THAT TO MYSELF) 
Warnings: Fluff, Kissing, A little Swearing, idk Cute Daddy James, Prolly many spelling errors I wrote this late and I am very tired...
Also the dates may be a bit wrong so im sorry in advance!! 
italicized is flashback!! 
Lyrics used in the song are from “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers (I KNOW THE SONG CAME OUT IN ‘87 BUT SUSPEND YOUR DISBELIEF PLEASE)
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(not my gif)
The rambunctious laughter of the four year-old toddler and his father echoed throughout the large estate.
“Daddy!” exclaimed the messy haired Harry, “Can I please have a story.” Heavily emphasizing the puppy dog eyes he learned from his godfather, Sirius, a few years prior.
James Potter, the man unable to say no to anyone, tried to recall a story he had not told his son. Thinking back to the fairy tales of a prince slaying a fictional dragon, even though they are very much real, to save the princess that his mother used to tell him, James realized he was all out of good material. 
“I’m sorry bubs, I have nothing new too share,” the bespectacled man added lamely. The disappointment was instant on the child’s face, but luckily before the waterworks began, Y/N Potter strolled through the foyer into the den.
“Mommy!” Harry exclaimed, jumping up and bonding over to his mother, nearly knocking her over with his brute strength.
“Umph- Where’s the fire lovey?” you questioned with a slight chuckle. The dramatics of your son were never a surprise. Between his father and Sirius, you were surprised he had not acted much worse. Walking, more like sliding due to the child gripping your calves, over to your husband and lightly pecking his lips you ask, 
“What’s wrong now?”
Rubbing the back of his neck, he sheepishly stated, “I sorta don’t have a new story to tell him... he’s a bit peeved, if you couldn’t tell.”
A loud laugh tore through your throat as you pet your son’s hair affectionately.
“Come off Harry, Mommy has a perfect story to tell you,” you crooned softly.
“You do?”Harry questioned, rubbing the tears out of his stunning green eyes.
You picked him up and sat down near James, “Yes poppet, I have a very interesting story about how two very special people fell in love.” 
James quickly turned his head and quirked a questioning brow, “It all started when they were 15...” 
November 7, 1975
Quietly sitting on the vermilion couch of the Gryffindor Common Room, you began to fade out the noise of Lily ranting about the recent History of Magic exam, and Marlene’s long monologue over if she should or should not cut bangs. Instead, you were beginning to rip out each and every one of the hairs on your head because your Potions essay was nearly finished, yet you could not get those final words to conclude it all. 
Across the common room, a rowdy group of teenage boys, better known as the Marauders, were planning the newest prank on Snape. 
"We should give him that shampoo that will change his hair pink,” Sirius added.
Remus shook his head disapprovingly, “Pads, we did that last time come on..”
“WE HAVE NOTHING! WHAT IS WRONG WITH US, MOONY, HELP I’M DYING OF NO CREATIVITY!” Sirius exclaimed throwing himself across the scarred boy.
Although, many people turned their attention to the dark haired pureblood, James seemed he could not take his eyes off the girl nearly burning holes into her parchment, the girl he has fancied since he was 12. 
While playing with the snitch he stole, he said, “What if we tried that new rain spell we learned in charms today?” 
“Too difficult, we have not had enough practice.” Remus dismissed. “Well what if I found someone to practice on?” James added quickly turning to face his werewolf best friend. 
“Sure... Whatever, I could care less- Pads, get the bloody hell of me before I kick your arse,” 
“I’D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY REMUS JOHN,” Sirius yelled beginning his quick climb up the stairs to the boys dorm, with Remus and Peter quickly following.
“You comin’ Prongs?” Remus asked to the brunette still staring at the girl with shaky hands.
“No, I’ll come up in a few, still want to try to figure this prank out...” he said quietly. The lanky boy followed his best friends line of sight and quietly smirked to himself.
“Alright, don’t wear yourself out too much.” 
Even throughout the commotion, you still made no move to change your line of sight. That was until Marlene nudged you and whispered into your ear.
“Psst! Oi! Y/N! Why is Potter staring at you?” 
You quickly shook your head and waved off her question, opting to continue to find the right words.
Well until your blonde friend gripped your jaw, and turned your head to the direction of the boy. You instantly made eye-contact with the messy haired Gryffindor and quirked a brow. He smirked and turned his head away. You thought nothing of the interaction, until you felt a sudden drop above your head...
Instantly, it seemed as though there was a storm in the common room. Looking towards the ceiling you saw the dark rain cloud above your head. Quickly turning your head to the essay you were writing you noticed it completely wet and ruined. You jumped into action, trying to salvage what you could, but it was too late. Ignoring the screeches of your friends and fellow housemates, you began to look for the source of the cloud.
That was until you made eye contact with the laughing and smug James Potter.
“POTTER!” you yelled. Almost immediately the rain stopped, but the damage had been done. “JAMES POTTER! YOU BETTER HAVE A REASON YOU STARTED A STORM IN THE COMMON ROOM!” 
Hearing the commotion, the rest of the Marauders came down to the common room to witness what was happening. But all they saw was a yelling match between you and their brunette best friend.
“What? I did nothing, I don’t mean to dampen your mood, but I have no idea what you are on about.” James replies smugly.
“UGH- YOU ARE A BULLY AND A RIGHTEOUS, STUCK UP, EGOTISTICAL ARSEHOLE! I HOPE YOU ARE ENJOYING THIS BECAUSE-- OH MY! I-” You were quickly being dragged away by your red head companion. 
“Y/N, he is not worth it... let’s just leave.” 
“Y/N, it was just a prank, its no big deal relax.” James said.
“RELAX! ARE YOU KIDDING... I-” you paused taking shallow and rapid breaths, ‘you know I can not believe you think its funny. You truly have no regard for people and how they feel do you?” you asked slowly and meticulously. 
“Prongs, just apologize and lets go..” Remus said quickly.
“I- I didn’t realize it would be that big of a deal.” James tried to say to you, but it was no use because you had already dragged Lily and Marlene out the common room and to the library to re-start your assignment. 
“Oh, COME ON! I did not” James stated jokingly.
“Darling, you must certainly did, I barley passed that essay as well. I blame you for me getting an E in that class.” You replied giggling.
“Moooommmyyy! Story, get back to the story,” Your son said dramatically, grabbing your cheeks and turning to face him for extra effect.
Hearing a chuckling from James in the background, “Alright bubs, back to the the story”
January 23, 1976
After months of back and forth between you and James, he was fed up trying to get your attention. From roses to chocolate, to even a firework show in your honor, James believed he had done everything to apologize to you for his stupid prank and prove his affection.
Tired of his friends constant whining, Remus and Sirius decided to take matters into their own hands and talk to someone who knew you better than anyone else, Lily and Marlene.
“Oh Evans, Mckinnon, we are in grave need of your beautiful minds” Sirius flirted. Remus smacked him across the head adding, “Ignore the git, we need some help its about-”
“James?” Lily and Marlene said in unison.
“Yeah...how did you know” Remus questioned. “Are we gonna ignore the fact they spoke at the same time” Sirius said, once again receiving a blow from his friend.
Rolling her eyes, Lily remarked, “Well, Y/N has been complaining about him for months,” Marlene quickly interjected, “...and you never are without him so its an easy assumption. 
Now its was the boys turn to roll their eyes to the back of their heads. “Anyways, he will not shut up about getting her to forgive him... so we were wondering if you had anything that could work to get her to forgive him?” Remus pleaded with the best Sirius puppy dog eyes he could muster.
“Fine,” Lily and Marlene said jointly.
“THEY DID IT AGAI- OH NOT YOU TOO AS WELL!” Sirius exclaimed rubbing the now sore bump on his head. 
Ignoring the dog’s dramatics, the group of four began conducting a plan for James that would knock Y/N’s socks off.
At this point, Harry had nestled between his parents and fell into a deep sleep.
The two of you put him to bed and settle down back into the living room.
Looking longingly at his wife, James says, “Well, might as well finish the story love... it is the best part.”
Giggling at the antics of your husband, you shrug and began to finish the story...
February 14, 1976 
The Great Hall looked as though Cupid had just went on a decorating rampage. The room lined with pink and red hearts and the sight of loving couples nearly made you want to gag. Then, you remembered the boy who has dying to get your attention for the past months and can not seem but to get excited.
What does he have planned for you? Is he gonna get me a gift? Do I look presentable? 
“WHAT!” you quickly think to yourself, “Why in Merlin’s name am I excited to to see Jame- Potter. Godric I can’t feel like this for him... He his as a fly that buzzes and will not leave me alone... but he is not the worst to look at”
You quickly snap out of your thoughts as Lily starts to put food onto your plate. You begin to eat, but can only think of one thing.
James Potter.
“Why?” You begin questioning again, “Godric, Y/N You like him... No I do not.. You realize you are having this whole conversation within your brain, right? It is obvious you like him...” you grumble to yourself as you realize your psyche has won once again.
Lily noticing your strange behavior begins to question if you discovered what they have planned. 
Almost as though the boys heard Lily’s thoughts the beginning of the plan is activated.
Instantly, the candles in all of the Great Hall extinguish and there is the beginning of a song plays.
Suddenly, a spotlight shines onto the teachers table where atop, James and the rest of the Marauders stand, Remus and Sirius with guitars and Peter on the drums. James holding a mic begins to sing...
When I wake up, Well I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who wakes up next to you.
Your head snaps to the noise and there you see in all of his glory, James Potter holding a microphone staring straight at you.
When I go out, yeah I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who goes along.
Quickly shoving the breakfast roll down your throat you nearly choke as you see the boy slowly make his way towards the front of the Gryffindor table.
When I get drunk, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you.
Your eyes widen comically when you see James Potter jump onto the Gryffindor table. 
And when I haver, hey I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you.
Slowly, the boy begins his walk across the table to where you sit. You try to make a run for it, but Lily and Marlene quickly grab your arms and anchor you down to the bench 
“What friends you are!” you hiss at the two.
Marlene just rolls her eyes and Lily pinches your hip.
And I would roll 500 miles And I would roll 500 more Just to be the man who rolls a thousand miles To fall down at your door
Once the boy is standing in front of you he reaches down for your hand. Stubbornly, you ignore his gesture, well until your two friends throw you up onto the table with the love struck brunette. 
When I come home well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you And when I grow old, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's growing old with you.
You grip onto the boys biceps for stability and are forced to look into his ravishing hazel eyes...
In that moment you forget all that he has done to you in the past and all you can think about is him and you. 
But I would roll 500 miles And I would roll 500 more Just to be the man who roles a thousand miles To fall down at your door.
Smiling, to yourself, you grab the face of the boy in front of you and mold your lips together. Ignoring the cheers of your classmates, the only sounds you hear are the background noise of the boy’s best friends signing backup. 
Da da da  Da da da                                                                                                            Da Da Dun Diddle                                                                                            Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da Da.....
Smiling to yourself and grabbing the hand of the man you love you start laughing.
“What’s so funny, love?” James asks.
“Nothing.... Just we began dating because you performed a whole song and dance in front of the entirety of Hogwarts.” you reply breathlessly.
“Well, hey, look at us now... happy, healthy, and a true family.” he replies smiling at your antics.
You lay down your head into the lap of your husband, and look up into his hazel eyes you got lost into all those years ago, “Such a sap, Potter, such a sap...”
Kissing your cheek softly, “Only for you, my darling girl... only for you...” 
“I love you Jamie”
“I love you more, my love.”            ______________________________________________________________
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juniorgman187 · 4 years
Sleight of Hand (Reid Fic)
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Summary: Practical Joker Reader makes the unsuspecting naive Dr. Reid the object of her most recent prank - stealing his ID badge.  Category: Pure Fluff, Drabble, One Shot Pairing: Platonic Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid Content Warning: Super brief mentioning of dark nature of job, prank Word Count: 2k
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
Despite what anyone else may believe, or what my resting face may convey, I’m not a mean person. I don’t take pleasure in people’s pain, and I certainly don’t intend to hurt anyone.  
With that being said - I do thoroughly enjoy messing with people from time to time. Which, in my opinion, is a completely different thing than being mean. 
At work, I’m known for pulling harmless pranks. Keyword: harmless. The dark nature that surrounds our job can consume us whole if we let it, and if anyone needs a good laugh here and there, it’s the BAU. Sometimes we all just need reminders that life shouldn’t be taken so seriously, and my silly antics are just the remedy. 
A window of opportunity for my most recent practical joke presented itself when I was packing up to leave for the day. 
Right across my desk was Reid’s and to my right was Derek’s, but at the moment, Reid was parked at the kitchenette, diligently stirring his coffee and copious amounts of sugar packets together while Derek’s head was buried six feet deep in paperwork. I could tell they would both be in for a long night and I didn’t envy them for that. 
“Alright, I’m out!” I announced to them both, but before I could actually get far, Derek stopped me. 
“Wait, (y/n)! Hold up,” He sat up from his chair to reach me with an outstretched arm. “Can you put this back on Reid’s desk?” 
I blinked hard when he tossed an object at me, so only after I caught it did I open my eyes and realize it was just a pen. 
“Wow. Lazy much?” I scoffed, gesturing to Reid’s desk that was less than seven feet away. Derek was probably exerting more effort into stretching out his arm like that to give me the pen as opposed to if he just got off his butt and walked to the desk himself.
“Pleaseee,” He partially begged, causing me to roll my eyes and replace the pen dutifully. As I slipped the pen into its rightful spot in his little cup of writing utensils, something caught my eye.
Just sitting there on Spencer’s desk was his badge. It was so carelessly placed in comparison to everything else on the table that had been situated in such a carefully, almost calculated, manner.
I knew Spencer had a habit of taking it off at the end of the day, but it baffled me just how flippantly he treated it. I figured he coveted his badge, but his haphazard placement of it suggested otherwise, while simultaneously showing his humanity to me. He wasn’t so cookie-cutter perfect after all, he could be messy, too.
It was that epiphany that almost made me not want to tamper with it, but it was my own humor that pushed me to do it anyway. 
Maybe it’s time Spencer learned a lesson, rather than being the one to teach it. 
If he was going to just let this thing lie around like it was nothing, then how would he react if it wasn’t there at all? 
I slyly looked up from the badge and to Spencer, whose back was still turned to me in the kitchen and then to Derek, who was too focused on his work to even notice that I was still here. Fully taking advantage of Spencer’s oblivion and the lack of a witness in Derek, I slipped the ID swiftly into my purse. Even if Derek wasn’t the type to be a snitch, it was better that absolutely no one knew.
Less than a millisecond after successfully concealing the badge within my bag, Spencer finally turned around and saw me lingering by his desk.
“What are you still doing here?” He asked with the slightest bit of suspicion in his voice. There was no way he could’ve known what’d I’d just done unless he had eyes at the back of his head, so I stayed calm and collected, relishing in my guaranteed safety.
“Derek wanted me to return your pen,” I explained casually from across the bullpen. I watched as Spencer strolled unhurriedly towards me, and it might’ve been my paranoia that led me to this belief, but I swore I saw his eyes dart to his desk momentarily. However, if he had noticed the absence of his badge, he didn’t say anything. 
“Oh, thanks! Have a good night.” He smiled and waved back to me, showing no indication of mistrust. 
“You, too!” I said with more zeal than the situation warranted. I was worried that might’ve given me away, but I had timed my escape so perfectly that I was already in the elevator by the time he returned to his desk, giving him no chance to inquire about my uncharacteristic behavior. 
That was a close one. 
When I came in the next morning, Spencer wasn’t there yet. Which was slightly strange given the fact that I was barely on time, so if he came in at any point after my own arrival, Spencer would be considered late for work. Occurrences like that only happen once in a blue moon, and usually, the reason for them are mysterious haircuts or something’s wrong. I hoped for his sake it was the former. 
Now you might consider me an impeccable troublemaker, but I’d first and foremost be rendered outstandingly forgetful. I say this only because I had completely forgotten that I stole Spencer’s badge the night before. But can you blame me? It was stashed away in my purse, hidden to my immediate sight, and the object was so small that it didn’t stick out to me or add an excess of weight in my bag that would serve as an unintentional reminder. It never once crossed my mind, not even when I looked to Derek to ask, “Where’s Reid?”
With a coffee mug in one hand, Derek put his arms out to either side of him and shrugged. Suddenly, the mug precariously shook from the draft created by someone blowing right by him. 
It was Reid.
“Whoa, slow your roll there, Pretty Boy. Almost knocked my coffee over.” Derek reprimanded playfully, clutching on tighter to his precious coffee that almost succumbed to Spencer’s speed when he breezed by.
But rather than apologizing or laughing, Spencer kept on his pursuit. Since the time he got here, his eyes were glued to his desk with determination. Even as he approached his desk, he hadn’t yet acknowledged me or Derek. Instead, he was mumbling to himself while haphazardly sorting through his desk. He was frantic and in disarray, a manner that worried both me and Derek.
“What’s wrong, Reid?” I leaned forward to observe his desk, which by now, was what I had to think was a direct reflection of his brain - completely chaotic. Papers were scattered, books were open to random pages, he even emptied out his well-maintained writing utensil cup. 
“I lost my badge.” He answered with his attention still trained on finding it. Luckily for me, that meant he couldn’t see the sudden smirk that grew on my face as a result of his response. There was no way to hide my entertainment without biting down on my lip to keep it from contorting into a smile or perching my head on my hand and using my knuckles to hide my devilish grin. 
“When’s the last time you had it?” Derek was surprisingly just as concerned as Reid and just as eager to help him find it, even setting down his coffee on his own desk to help Reid sort through his. 
“I always take it off at the end of the day, and I remember setting it on my desk, but I didn’t take it home with me. I don’t recall even leaving here with it, so I must’ve left it somewhere here.” 
At this point, my unbridled enjoyment of this was too much to physically contain, that I actually had to spin my chair a complete 180 degrees just to shield them from the sight of my imminent laughter. 
“(Y/n), do you remember seeing it -” Derek’s voice overpowered my muffled giggles, and when he looked up to ask me that, he would’ve seen my shuddering shoulders from where I was laughing hard, yet noiselessly. I spun my chair back around and looked at him with cool indifference. 
He quickly noted the shade of red I had turned and profiled the situation. But rather than outing me, he followed the instruction of my index finger to my lips and stayed quiet. 
I took his alliance as an opportunity to nonchalantly retrieve the badge from my purse. At a tantalizingly slow pace, I raised it in the air, until it was so high, Reid would be able to see it dangling from my thumb and forefinger. 
“Looking for this?” 
Spencer’s gaze immediately shot upward to look right at the badge, before flashing to me. 
What part of him reacted first, I wasn’t sure. Was it the sigh of relief or the flared nostrils and clenched jaw that came soon after? 
He wasn’t even going to say anything to me before grabbing it from me, that’s how pissed he was. But my quick reflexes lunged me backward at the same moment he reached out to get his badge from me, preventing him from successfully taking it back. I couldn’t believe he actually tried that and thought it would work. 
“Ah, ah, ah,” I wagged my finger left to right to communicate my disapproval. “Not so fast, Pretty Boy. I want something in return.”
He shot me the most deadpan glare. “What do you want?” 
I put my finger to my chin and looked up to coyly think about it, but more so to extend his torture for just a few seconds longer. I could feel him staring a hole into me as he grew more and more impatient. “Well, it’s gotta be something good. I mean, imagine what would’ve happened if this landed in the wrong hands.” 
“Evidently, it did.” He coldly replied. 
“Ouch,” I feigned offense and brought my hand to my chest to clutch my heart with a short gasp. “I’m so hurt,” I said with the biggest pout.
He was not nearly as entertained as I was, and his lack of amusement came in the form of a stoic, “I’ll teach you sleight of hand.” 
My body actually had to reboot at the sound of his proposal. “Wait, are you serious?” I clarified. 
“Yes. It physically pains me every time I watch you try to do it, so I figure it’s better for me if I teach you how to do it properly instead of having to sit through another one of your lousy, pathetic magic tricks.”
I would’ve been offended, but I’d been begging him to teach me sleight of hand for months, so the insults were quickly disregarded by me in case he changed his mind during the time I’d take up being hurt by his cruelty.  
“Deal,” I smirked while handing him his badge back. 
Needless to say, I did teach the good doctor a lesson, but it seems he still hasn’t learned … for why would you teach the biggest practical joker in the office sleight of hand? That only adds to my arsenal of tricks I have up my sleeve to use against my coworkers.
Maybe I should teach Spencer another lesson and see if he learns this time around.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
reid taglist: @s1utformgg @no-alarms-no-surprises-silence @jemimah-b99 @justanothetfangirl @kylab @rainsong01 @calm-and-doctor @inkstainedwritergirl @rexorangecouny @ashwarren32 @carooliina @fortheloveofcriminalminds @watermelongubler  @obsessedmaggiemay @k-k0129 @aperrywilliams @eevee0722​ @spencersmagic​ @spencerreid-mgg​ @half-blood-dork​ @goldeng1rl8​ @just-a-bunch-of-fandoms​ 
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writtenbykat · 3 years
First Flight (Jilytober day 11)
Prompt: First time flying @jilytoberfest
“Okay, put your hands here,” James instructed, satisfied when his pupil did so without fuss. “Then, you swing one leg over– but make sure it’s steady before you mount your broom!” he called with a chuckle, dismounting to help his newest pupil back onto their broom. 
“Now that we’re on the broom,” he said, “we’re going to start easy. Okay? Just go in a straight line to the bench over there.” He demonstrated, making sure his broom remained low, even though every instinct in him wanted to go shooting off into the sky in chase of his snitch. 
He watched with a teacher’s critical eye as the second flier made their way over to where he hovered. A natural. 
Slowly, he demonstrated the techniques of flying, how to get back on your broom, and how to grip the boom to have more control over your movements. With each skill, his pupil grew bolder and bolder, more confident in their inherent flying ability. “Now,” James instructed, “what you’re going to do is–” 
He was cut off by a giggle. He spun around to see his protege darting away on their broom, a delighted laugh in their wake. 
“Oh, you think broom safety is funny?” he called, following after. 
As they reached the top of the quidditch goal posts, he put on a burst of speed, catching up with his run away trainee. He put his hand on their broom handle, leaning over for a quick cuddle and peck on the head. 
“You’re a right natural,” he said, “Must take after me. Wave hello to mum!” Together, James and his son turned to wave down to where Lily sat in the back garden watching their little flying lesson. She waved back cheerfully and called, “Lunch is in five, boys!” before resuming her task of setting out their little picnic. 
James felt his heart swell with happiness. He’d landed the girl of his dreams, who turned out to be even more than he could have ever imagined, and together they had welcomed the newest edition to their little family. Harry James Potter, who was turning out to have quite the knack for quidditch, just like his father. 
“Let’s do one more lap before lunch,” he said to his son, “if we don’t come down, Mummy will come up here– and none of us want that.” 
Harry just smiled in response, his little toddler hands gripping the broom handle tighter. 
“Ready?” James called, “On your mark, get set, go!” And together he and his son sped for the other side of the field, both grinning wildly. 
“Hello? Potters?” Lily heard the familiar voice call. 
“Back here, Sirius!” she called back, setting out the plates for lunch. 
Sirius black strolled out from the house to the back garden, wearing his newest muggle find: aviator sunglasses, and a leather jacket– despite the summer heat. He was carrying the cake, which he almost dropped as he caught sight of father and son zipping through the air on matching brooms. 
“What the hell is my godson doing up there?” he exclaimed, thrusting the cake at Lily before storming onto the pitch. “Potter!” he yelled, “You get that boy back down here on solid ground, or I swear to Merlin–” 
“No swearing in front of Harry,” Lily hissed. 
“Honestly, Evans! You’re okay with that idiot just taking Harry out to fly?” 
“First of all, it’s Potter. And has been for some time now,” Lily corrected Sirius, who waved a hand in dismissal in her direction, “And that idiot is–” 
“He’s still an idiot,” Sirius interrupted, looking darkly at where James and Harry hovered mid-air. 
“Okay, so he’s an idiot,” she acquiesced, “But he’s an idiot we both love. And you shouldn’t have bought Harry the broom, if you didn’t want James to teach him to fly.”
“Yeah, but I’m the fun godfather. You’re supposed to be the voice of reason, Evans.” 
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lifeofkaze · 3 years
October Writing Challenge - Day 21
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“‘It’s flown into the woods’ he said,” Lizzie Jameson’s voice sounded through the thick undergrowth of the Forbidden Forest, “‘I’m a great Seeker, we’ll have it back in a minute’, he said.”
She snorted as she ducked under the branch that was swinging into her direction. “I should have gotten you a watch for Christmas.”
“Will you stop now?” Charlie Weasley sighed. “Try catching a Snitch without a broom in the undergrowth, and then we can talk.”
Lizzie raised her eyebrows and clambered over the fallen tree Charlie had just hopped over. “Why would I? Am I the Seeker, or are you?”
They had been wandering the Forbidden Forest in search of Charlie’s lost Snitch for a while now. Lizzie had given him the Snitch for Christmas, and they had been playing with it while working in the creatures’ reserve; it had been all fun and games until the snitch had made an unexpected turn and escaped into the darkness of the woods.
At first, Charlie had been pretty confident they would find it and get back to their work quickly, but as it turned out, Lizzie had chosen a particularly evasive Snitch for her best friend; they had been chasing after it for the better part of an hour now and slowly but surely, Lizzie’s good mood was dwindling.
“I can get you a new one,” she suggested for probably the third time. “Really, I don’t mind. I doubt we’ll get our hands on that one again.”
“No way,” Charlie said with determination, “at this point, it’s a question of honour. And besides,” he added with a grin and nudged Lizzie with his elbow, “isn’t taking a leisurely stroll with me the most delightful thing?”
Lizzie sidestepped him and stuck her tongue out. “About as delightful as an extra class of Potions.”
Charlie dipped his head back and laughed. “Admit it, sunflower, you’re going to miss this.”
Lizzie sighed and buried her hands in her pockets. “You know, I actually will,” she said quietly and glanced around the Forest.
They had come to a part of it that was familiar to her; she and Charlie had often wandered along this particular path running along a small brook during their seven years at Hogwarts, just chatting, laughing, and talking about everything on their minds.
“Can you believe that in a few weeks you’ll be off to Romania and I will be trying out for professional Quidditch teams?” Lizzie asked. The thought was still too strange for her to grasp properly.
“It’s surreal, isn’t it?” Charlie agreed. “Knowing that the first last times are around the corner. The last time on the Quidditch pitch, the last classes, the last time going to the reserve.”
A melancholy mood threatened to take hold of them, and Charlie quickly changed the subject to drive it away.
“Do you already know which clubs you want to try out for?” he asked. “The Magpies must be high on your list, Orion is there after all.”
“He is,” Lizzie said evasively, a strange tone in her voice. “But Montrose is a hard place, I’ve been told, and I haven’t decided yet. I have several offers, but many tryouts overlap, so I’ll have to select my favourites beforehand. Skye is going to Wigtown, obviously, that’s definitely a legit option.”
“You and Parkin, I’ll never get the hang of you.”
“Sometimes, I’m not sure I do either,” Lizzie laughed. “Anyway, I had hoped the Catapults would ask, but they’re only looking for Beaters this year, so Caerphilly is unfortunately out of the question,” Lizzie shrugged.
“Wherever you’re going to end up, I’m sure you’ll turn the League upside down, Snidget,” Charlie said. “And if not, you always know where to find me if you do decide to try out for the most superior position after all. I’m always happy to teach a new -”
His laugh was cut short when Charlie tripped over a root crossing their path; he stumbled and swayed for a moment, before crushing face first into the brook beside them.
Lizzie gasped but her shock quickly turned into laughter when Charlie emerged from the water again, his red hair hanging into his face and small water plants sticking to the crown of his head.
“Yes, I’m sure everyone is burning to learn that dive, Coach Weasley,” she giggled and shrieked when Charlie splashed cold water in her direction.
“What was that for?” she asked indignantly, but Charlie wasn’t listening to her.
His hand had shot up quick as lightning and closed around something hovering above his head. With a grin, he turned his closed fist and presented the gleaming Golden Snitch in his hand.
A smug grin stole onto his face when he saw Lizzie’s baffled expression.
“You were saying?”
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afictionalwhore · 3 years
Little Miss Perfect
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A/N: I have so many plans for this bad boy that’s been sitting in the back of my mind for a hot minute now after a conversation with @jadequeen88. Thank you bby for reading over this!
T/W: dubcon/noncon; religious references and religious guilt; cheating
4.5K words
There wasn't much at all in your little town in the middle of Nowheresville: population just over 300. The nearest Walmart was at least a twenty minute drive over to the next town, but you had a Dollar General Market to do your weekly grocery shopping. There was a school that ran from pre-k all the way up to high school, where you graduated from with a senior class consisting of a grand total of sixteen. The Dairy Queen down the road from your high school did best in the region, thanks to bored, local high schoolers on Friday nights. Your town also boasted the birthplace of the state's governor years ago, but no one remembered him, having three other governors since his last term. Despite the dullness of everyday life, you were happy. You had grown up best friends and high school sweethearts with the most respected boy in town: Natsuo Todoroki.
Of course, your quaint little town also had a church, as any well-to-do Southern town would. The church was like any other Southern Baptist affair, pristine, white, and much too large for such a small town. A long hallway behind the sanctuary led to a few classrooms, a choir practice room, and a stairwell to the basement. In the basement were the kitchens, a few more classrooms, and a large empty room where church events were held that doubled as the town’s community center. This was where bingo nights for the elderly members of the community were held, and the occasional baby shower or wedding reception could be held there. Pastored by Enji Todoroki, or Brother Enji as the town lovingly referred to him, the church congregation contained essentially the entire population of your small town. Even the local alcoholic your town was very hush about would make his way to Christmas and Easter services. 
Being Natsuo's sweetheart, volunteering at the church was naturally what kept your what would otherwise be boring life busy. There was always something to be done, be it a simple cleaning of the sanctuary or helping cook for the elderly's monthly bingo nights. Not only were you Natsuo's sweetheart, but you were the town's darling, working dutifully every Sunday by Natsuo's side with the church's children. You were a natural, studying early childhood education at a small, private Christian-based university just a few hours away where Natsuo had earned his pastoral ministries degree, aiming to take over the congregation when his father retired. The old ladies of the community constantly hounded you about when you and Natsuo would get married and give the church a baby to dote on. 
"After I graduate," you would say with a smile, dusting your flour-covered hands off on the aging pink apron that had to be from the 1950s before setting a timer for the hawaiian roll sliders in the ancient oven in the church’s basement kitchen. “I want to work a little, give back to the community before becoming a full time mom.” 
This was the only thing you dared fight Brother Enji on. Natsuo, two years your senior, had already been graduated for a year, and Enji had been adamant that you go ahead and marry after he had graduated, as eager as the old women that whispered to each other during bingo nights for you two to continue the Todoroki line. 
But you would not falter, stating that while you had every intention to marry Natsuo and sign your life off as a Todoroki, the least Enji could allow you was your education. You had dreamed since childhood of teaching at the school where you and Natsuo attended elementary together. You loved children, giving your all to the church children you worked with multiple times a week, but you were not at all ready for your own. You were just barely twenty-one years old; Natsuo a young and hopeful twenty-three. The thought of having children now scared you and Natsuo both. It scared you more than saying “no” to Enji.
You may not have had the loftiest goals of your small graduating class, but you were sharp and knew that education was not something Enji would take lightly. Surely, Enji wanted an educated woman as his first, and perhaps only, daughter-in-law, seeing as Shouto was likely to move across the country for college and never come back, and Fuyumi had no intentions of marrying. Touya, Enji’s oldest son with piercings and tattoos as numerous as stars in the coal dusted skies and his hair dyed black to match, was another situation entirely. 
Everyone, Touya Todoroki included, believed that he would have left by now. Touya had tried to leave, fleeing to a state university the moment he had graduated from your pitiful high school. Unsurprisingly to you and the rest of the congregation, Touya, with his undeclared major and runaway attitude, had been swept up in the party lifestyle of state school fraternities and quickly failed his way out of college. Brother Enji had been swift to bring him back home, ashamed and embarrassed at the congregation’s whisperings about what Touya had done to the Todoroki name. So here he was, Touya Todoroki, local rebel and stain on an otherwise perfect Christian family, begrudgingly coming to Easter service, listening to his father preach and watch his perfect brother, Natsuo, clean up the mess he had made of the family reputation.
You were there, naturally, front and center and practically glued to Natsuo’s side, in your pretty pink Easter dress. The pastel flowers decorating your dress seemed to float down the modestly lengthed skirt. Touya felt his blood boil, watching perfect little you with his perfect little brother listen intently to whatever biblical nonsense his father spouted off. He stretched, his suit feeling hot and tight, as though he were trying to discreetly scratch an awkward itch. You shifted in your seat, leaning slightly more into Natsuo, blissfully unaware of Touya’s hot gaze from the back row. 
Touya knew the routine, after a brief sermon to the entire congregation, his father would send you and Natsuo off to take the children to children’s church and youth group. You and Natsuo rose from your seats in the pews after Enji's final blessing on the children, your pretty skirt twirling with you as you spun to face the children. Your smile was as bright as a porch light on a Southern summer night, and the children flocked to you like little moths. They clung to your skirt and pulled you towards the door while the older kids trailed behind with Natsuo. Natsuo stood straight, as though he were a shepherd and you were his most beloved lamb. 
Touya made eye contact with his brother as you made your way down the aisle to the back of the sanctuary where he sat with Shoto. Natsuo looked at the older Todoroki with pure disgust and hatred, as though willing the gray ice of his eyes to freeze Touya to death on the spot. Touya broke the stare with his brother only to find that his bright aquamarine eyes met your own round ones just in front of him. Your brief surprise at his presence quickly melted into pity, a sad smile gracing your face, before you were swept out the door by the children.
The anger rose in Touya as you and Natsuo disappeared with the children out the back of the sanctuary. His blood boiled so hotly he felt he may burst into flames in the middle of Easter service. Before he could stop himself, Touya found himself rising from his seat. He needed a smoke, a drink, the floor to open up and swallow him down to hell like his father prayed it would. He just wanted out of the damned sanctuary. Shoto, who was feigning sleep beside Touya, cracked his eyes open to give Touya a quick glance, quirking an eyebrow in a silent question, “where are you going?”
“Bathroom,” Touya hissed. Touya knew Shoto could see straight through the outright lie, both of the youngest Todoroki's eyebrows now raised in further silent interrogation: "really?" Touya dipped his head below the back of the pew in front of them and mimed a cigarette. Shouto shrugged and closed his eyes again. Lucky for Touya, Shoto cared just as much about their father’s godly ramblings as Touya did, perhaps even less. Who would he snitch to that Touya had slipped out of Easter service for a smoke? If Shoto weren’t at least decently scared of their father, he may have even joined Touya.
Touya left the sanctuary and strolled down the hall towards the back entrance of the church, in no immediate rush to get back to his father’s sermon. He had almost made it to the back exit doors when he noticed a flash of pink fabric rustle down the stairwell to this left, accompanied by the graceful pitter-patter of your low heels against the hard stairs that led to the church basement. 
Touya didn’t mean to follow you. He really did mean to go out for a smoke. But he couldn’t help but overhear what was unmistakably your sweet, soft voice comforting who Touya guessed was one of your and Natsuo’s youths, egging him forward to eavesdrop and hoping to catch something he could one day use against you.
You and the girl from youth, a high schooler Touya would have to guess, finally arrived at an abandoned classroom in the basement.
See. There's nothing to worry about,” Touya heard you say. “If you want, I can get rid of it for you. Just go back to Natsuo and the others before they get suspicious.”
“Thank you so so much,” the girl sniffled. "But what about you?"
“Easy,” you laughed. Touya could hear your perfect smile in the gentle laugh. “Just tell them I had to stop by the restroom if they ask about me.”
"I wish I were as perfect as you," the girl said. Touya thought he would vomit.
"Nobody's perfect," you laughed. Touya thought he'd get a headache with how hard he rolled his eyes. How much more cliche can you get?
The loud scraping of the chair against the tile floor signaling that you were leaving broke Touya from his thoughts. Lucky for him, the basement hallway was dark with plenty of shadows for him to jump into as the youth girl made her way back to the stairs to join the rest of the youth. 
You had decided to stay behind for a few moments, examining something in your hands that the high schooler had given to you. When he was sure that the girl had gone back upstairs, Touya left his shadowy hiding place and slipped into the room, slamming the door behind him and clicking the lock.
You jumped up out of your seat at the sound of the door, turning quickly with a rustle of fabric and throwing your arms behind you to hide whatever it was that you were holding.
“Whatcha got there, doll?” He cocked his head to the side, as though his question were from an innocent puppy. The fire in his eyes and the smirking tugging at his face proved he was anything but.
“Oh! Nothing,” you stammered, stepping back into the table behind you as Touya stalked forward towards you.
“You sure about that?" he smirked.
It was as though the chairs parted themselves to make way for Touya.
"Drugs maybe? Ya know, if it’s weed you’re after, you can just come talk to me. I’ve got good connections still and can hook you up better than these high school wannabes. Maybe I could get ya something a little stronger even?”
You blushed at Touya’s insinuation. Your blush grew deeper, a perfect Georgia peach flush, when you realized the closeness between you two. It was the first time you got a good look at Touya. He was handsome, as all the Todoroki boys were, but there was a sharp edge to him. While Natsuo was handsome in the way that a freshly fallen snow is beautiful, Touya’s beauty resembled that of broken glass: dangerously sharp, potentially harmful, yet mesmerizingly beautiful.  
"No, it's nothing like that," you said, lifting yourself up to sit on the table in a pitiful attempt to escape him. His fierce blue eyes staring you down made you uncomfortable at the least. 
Touya didn't notice that he had reached you during his small speech until he was towering over your smaller frame, and you were scrambling to get away. You had to bend your neck back to look up at him. Touya felt a surge of power over you. This was the first time that Touya felt you were actually beneath him. Touya had gotten a taste of dominance over you, and it was something he wanted to savor and make last as long as he could.
Touya wasn’t obsessed with you in the sense that men like him typically obsess over pretty girls like you. Sure, Touya was a man with various unsatisfied needs, and he had thoughts of dreams of kissing you, of fucking you senseless. But his feelings for you went beyond just wanting to fuck you. Touya absolutely hated you and everything you represented. You were the exact opposite of him. You were actually wanted into the family by his father. You were loved by everyone you met. You were perfect, something that Touya could never begin to hope of being.
What Touya felt for you was something he’d never felt for anyone. Touya hated his family just as much if not more than they hated him. He hated your whole godforsaken town as much as they hated him. But you were different. The rage Touya felt towards you paled what he felt for his family or your hometown. He was used to being looked at like he was worthless, less than, a stain on the otherwise spotless community, and he was content with this. But you, with you perfect ways and perfect heart, never looked at him with that disgust, instead your eyes were filled with pity everytime they fell on him. Touya wanted you hurt just as much as he was hurting. He wanted to ruin you and your perfect world, and watch the pity in your eyes turn into a hate that rivaled his own. 
Touya grabbed at your wrist behind you, causing what was in your hands to clatter onto the table and bounce on the floor below you. Keeping you firm in his grasp, Touya looked down to see a pregnancy test on the floor: positive.
“Is that yours?” Touya inquired, his mouth pulled into a sneer that caused your stomach to twist with disgust.
“No,” you flatly replied.
“Okay,” Touya mused, mocking. “So if it’s not yours, then it’s the girl that just left’s?” 
“Why does it matter to you, Touya? Who are you to judge her?”
“I don’t care what the young slut does in her free time. Or should I say, who she does,” Touya laughed more at the discontentment in your face than at his crude joke. “But I know a lot of people who would care. Number one being my dad.”
“Don’t, Touya. Please don’t say anything.”
“Would you let that poor girl shoulder the blame herself?” Touya’s brilliant blue eyes were burning into yours, causing you to freeze like a deer in headlights. “Or would you help take up her cross? Isn’t that what a good little Christian girl is supposed to do? I guess you’re not really a good Christian girl though, what with all the lying and secrets. Does my brother even know about this?”
“No,” you dropped your head to break Touya’s stare. “Nobody but me and you know.”
“What are you going to do to keep it that way?”
“Touya, what do you want from me?” Your voice trembled at the thought of how Touya could wreck your reputation with just the slightest slip of his tongue. “There’s nothing I have that you could want.”
“You have so much I want and you don’t even fucking know it,” Touya growled. 
A feeling of dread rooted in you at the drop of Touya’s voice. You looked back up at Touya with wide doe eyes, blushing under his intense blue gaze. As Touya gripped your smaller wrist in his large hands he realized the one thing he wanted to see in your eyes more than hate—fear. Touya could feel himself growing hard at your fearful expression. 
Touya pushed you down onto the table so your legs dangled awkwardly off the edge and grabbed the fabric of your skirt and lifted up, exposing your white lace panties.
“What are you doing? Touya!” you exclaimed. 
“Oh lace? What a sweet surprise; though I think black would suit you more,” Touya said, ignoring you. 
“What’re you doing? Touya! Stop!”.
“You don’t want me saying anything do you? You said there’s nothing you had that I wanted. Well that’s a lie.” Touya smirked at you while pulling down your panties. “I want to wreck this sweet, perfect pussy. Now just stay still. You’ll feel so good.”
Touya hadn’t meant to take it this far. He had only meant to scare you a bit. But seeing your fearful eyes wet with tears threatening to spill over and ruin your perfect makeup was too much for him to continue holding back. He realized in that moment that his hate for you was just a sad attempt at burying the admiration he held for you at standing up to his father about marrying Natsuo so soon. He wanted to be the one to take you. You were going to be his, not Natsuo’s, but this would be the only chance he would get at having you. Touya wasn’t going to pass up that opportunity.
Touya’s long tongue flicked out against your newly exposed cunt, licking up and down from your tight hole to your sensitive clit, getting you sufficiently wet from your own growing and betraying arousal and his spit. The ball of his piercing rolled against your clit. You jumped with a small yelp and pushed your hips against him to get away, which he mistook as a sign of pleasure.
"Don't hold back, doll. I know you feel good." Touya said. You could feel his smile against your heated flesh.
You didn’t feel good, not at first. His tongue felt slimy and foreign. You weren’t used to being spread open, and your legs felt like they were going to cramp at the angle Touya had you pinned. You felt dirty, especially as you began to relax and enjoy the sensation of Touya’s tongue against you.
As the wet noises from Touya drinking in all you had to offer increased in volume, you found your hips bucking up not in an attempt to push him away but to draw him in more. Touya slipped a finger into you, and you gasped, having never been filled before. You felt like a harlot, but the pleasure Touya was giving you overtook the guilt.
“Touya, please,” you begged, praying for Touya to finish soon, that he would take your pleas as a begging for him to stop. You mostly prayed for forgiveness.
“You close, baby?” Touya asked. You nodded, despite having no idea what you were close to.
Touya inserted another finger, curling them against your wet, gummy walls as his mouth enclosed around your throbbing bud. The sound of your panting and the wet slopping noises coming from between your legs felt too loud. It was all you could hear along with the pounding of your heart.
You felt a twisting in your gut as Touya’s finger quickened their pace. It was like a knot forming deep within you that was threatening to break, stretched too taunt at your tensing muscles. Touya lavished you in sweet praises as he continued eating your dripping pussy, humming against your clit how good you taste.
That was all it took for the knot to break. Touya finally released his grip on your thighs to allow your legs to close tight around his head. Your inner muscles sporadically twitched around Touya’s fingers, attempting to milk him. Your vision grew hazy, and you couldn’t hear anything outside the distant voice of Touya egging you on as you rode out your very first orgasm on his face.
When you had finally come down from your high, you noticed Touya supporting your legs as they trembled around his head.
“Did you feel good?” Touya asked, sickening smirk still plastered on his face.
You only had the energy to nod.
“I guess you aren’t so perfect after all. I mean look at ya, doll, cumming all over your boyfriend’s brother’s face.” Touya chuckled as you turned away, face burning in shame.
How could you face Natsuo? As you turned away from Touya a poster of the Ten Commandments mocked you. You had no hope after breaking the seventh, “Thou shall not commit adultery”. You began to cry at the thought of betraying Natsuo. Even if it wasn’t originally by choice, you were still, in your mind, an adulteress. Never being one to keep your own secrets, you feared that you were also breaking the ninth commandment, “thou shall not bear false witness”, through lie by omission. 
“So is she keeping it or what?”  Touya’s unexpected question brought you out of your self loathing.
“What?” you replied, not understanding what Touya was referring to, brain still foggy from your first orgasm.
“That girl. She keeping the baby? Or is she ya know?” “I don’t know,” you slowly said.
“Would you keep it?” Touya pressed.
“Yes, of course,” you replied in your perfect godly manner, despite just having your boyfriend’s brother’s face buried in your cunt while Easter service continued in the sanctuary above.
“Even if it were mine?” Touya asked, taking you off guard.
“I don’t know what you—“
Before you had time to question him further, Touya had pressed the tip of his cock into you.
“No no. Touya please don’t. Please.” You cried, trying to piece together when he found the time to undo his pants.
You had already given away so much of your body away to Touya and felt yourself growing sick at the thought of Touya taking away what you and Natsuo fought to save for marriage.
“Now I know it’s big, much bigger than my fingers, but you’ll get used to it.” Touya grunted as he pushed himself to the hilt, hips flush against yours. You gasped at how full you felt, and your muscles squeezed around his cock at the larger intrusion, sending shivers down his spine. 
“Hey, hey. Just relax,” Touya said. “Didn’t I just make you feel good?”
You cried, fat tears rolling down your cheeks, as Touya fucked into you, his thick cock hitting every nerve. You clutched at Touya’s arms, nails digging into his tattooed skin as you tried to find purchase. The stretch to accommodate Touya burned and the slap of his skin against yours stung. With each heavy thrust, the head of Touya’s cock knocked on your cervix, as though he were the beloved asking to cum in. 
Eventually the pain subsided into pleasure and your sobs quieted into sniffles before turning into soft moans. Your tears had dried, leaving your makeup remarkably intact.
Touya pressed a hand against your mouth in an attempt to muffle the noises spilling out of you.
"I bet you thought your first time would be perfect, didn't you?" Touya punctuated the thought with a particularly hard thrust that had your body jerking like a ragdoll. “Bet you thought your first time would be with Natsuo. Slow, soft, perfect love making, right?” Another rough thrust that would have thrown you off the small table had it not been for Touya’s other hand holding a fast grip on your hips to keep you pinned 
You answered with a sniffle and moan, and turned your head away from him to hide your tears.
“Well, princess, we don’t have the time for that shit,” Touya laughed, noticing the fat tears threatening to roll down your flushed cheeks and effectively ruin your makeup.
"I may not be perfect, doll, but I'm still pretty good, right?"
You turned your head back to Touya, blushing furiously at the hungry look in his turbulent eyes and hating yourself for how your body had reacted to his touch. The knot in your stomach was forming again, making you desperate for release. Touya laughed as you involuntarily pulsed around him, your body’s traitorous attempt at pulling him in deeper. 
"Just hang on, doll. It'll be over soon." Touya leaned down to trail hungry kisses along your neck and jaw, nipping here and there at the modest amount of exposed flesh on the top half of your body.
You whimpered at how cool Touya’s wet kisses felt against your heated skin. With no real strength in your body, you weakly wrapped your arms around the back of Touya’s neck, desperate for something to hold on to as you and Touya quickly approached your ends.
As his thrusts lost their rhythm and became more desperate, Touya’s hand left your mouth to join its twin at your hips. Touya lifted your hips slightly, giving himself deeper access into you. The new angle had your head spinning and you cried as you felt the knot once again threatening to break.
“Just like that, doll,” Touya chanted as he rolled his hips into yours, pelvic bone hitting against your clit with each roll of his hips. Your warm, wet walls squeezing around him in waves like an earthquake had him toppling over the edge, spilling hot white into you, causing you, in turn, to follow him off that ledge.
Touya laid his heavy body over you, propping himself on his forearms so as not to crush you. You took a moment to regain your breath before reality came crashing down on you.
Touya assaulted you, and you enjoyed it. Touya took away your first time, and you let him. You didn’t fight him back hard enough. You didn’t want to fight him back. You fucked your boyfriend’s brother and loved it.
You started crying, kicking and beating at Touya to push him off of you. 
“Get away from me!” you cried. You sat up painfully straight and clutched at the fabric of your dress at your chest.
Touya chuckled seeing you act like a feral kitten. He tucked himself back in and fixed his pants, acting like nothing had happened. 
“You better hurry up before Natsuo asks where you were. You’re smart I’m sure you’ll come up with some lie, you perfect little sinner.” Touya winked and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head before exiting the room to join Shoto back in the sanctuary where their father was sure to be finishing up his sermon, leaving you to sit in confusion at what had just transpired between the two of you. 
You wept.
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yellowsuitcase · 4 years
Snowed in // Draco Malfoy
A/N: Hello! I wrote this for @whack-ed and @jamilelucato ‘s A Very Harry Potter Christmas challenge! My prompt was Day 9 - Snowed in during a storm. I’m fond of this imagine and I hope you are too! Happy Holidays!!!
Summary: Best friends to lovers. Y/N and Draco are on the Slytherin quidditch team, but what happens when they arrive at the changing rooms early, only to have a full blown snowstorm start right outside the tent?
Warning(s): Swearing, kissing
Word Count: 4.2k
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“You ready to play, Malfoy?” Y/N asked Draco. They were strolling to the changing rooms to get dressed for their quidditch match set to take place in half an hour. They had decided to leave the common room a bit earlier than the rest of their team. Draco was the Slytherin seeker, and Y/N was one of three chasers, arguably the best. The pair had met in their second year at Hogwarts when both got picked to be on Slytherin’s team. Throughout the many many practices and high-intensity games, the team grew close to one another. Draco and Y/N, in particular, had become the best of friends. However, unbeknownst to Y/N, Draco wanted for them to be more than best friends. He’d had a crush on Y/N for as long as he could remember but never dared to tell her. The way he saw it, it was better to maintain what they had rather than risk it all by confessing. 
Draco pressed the tip of his broom to the floor as he walked, using it as somewhat of a cane. When he heard Y/N’s question, he turned his head towards her. She had an excited smile on her face; it was one he was familiar with. She was always in a happy mood whenever quidditch was involved. “Are you, Y/L/N?” he asked, redirecting her question back at her. 
Y/N scoffed. “I’m always ready, you know that.” Draco chuckled lightly. “I do, but Gryffindor isn’t an easy team to beat,” Draco replied. He knew the frustration of losing to Gryffindor well.
Y/N nodded and shrugged her shoulders. “That may be true, but maybe if you yank your head out of your ass and catch the snitch within the first ten minutes, we can finish them off early.” Draco faked a hurt reaction to his friend’s words by putting his hand over his chest and pasting a pained expression on his face. She stifled a laugh while Draco rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you get four goals within the first ten minutes of the game, huh?”
“Malfoy, you know that’s impossible-“ Y/N was cut off by a strong gust of cold wind slapping her in the face as she opened the door leading outside. Regardless, she pushed through; Draco was right behind her.
“I didn’t think it’d be this cold today,” she murmured. Draco nodded as he took his gloves out from his pocket and slid them onto his pale, ring clad hands. “We’ll get warm once the game gets going, don’t worry,” he replied, opting to find a silver lining. The two of them walked down the hill as fast as they could, the chilly air nipping at their exposed skin. 
When they finally got into the changing rooms, they breathed a sigh of relief as they were now shielded from the cold. Draco looked around. “Nobody’s here... that’s a bit odd,” he observed. Y/N pursed her lips in thought as she scanned the changing room. “Well, we did come down a bit early. I’m sure someone will be here soon.”
Draco, who was still curious, walked over to the entrance to the tent. The strong wind hit his face again; this time, however, snow came with it. “Y/L/N! It’s snowing!” Draco exclaimed excitedly, wanting to share this with his friend. Y/N immediately dropped the black boot in her hands and rushed over to Draco. The pair smiled at the sight of the little flakes falling to the grass, rapidly coating it. But then the wind began to pick up, carrying the snowflakes with it. “Shit, it's snowing,” Draco said, realization was settling in. There was no possible way to play a match in such extreme weather. This must be the reason nobody was with them in the changing room. Draco sighed and looked at Y/N. She looked utterly crushed; she’d been looking forward to today’s match for weeks. "Let’s head back to the castle, no point being here anymore,” Draco reluctantly suggested. He knew, however, Y/N wouldn’t be easy to convince.
Y/N frowned, her eyes growing sad. “Maybe it’ll pass. It looked like it was slowing down just a second ago, didn’t you see?” she asked. Draco shook his head and put a hand on Y/N’s shoulder. “It’s not going to stop, Y/L/N. Come on, let’s get out now before it gets too harsh,” he pleaded gently. But to no avail. Y/N crossed her arms over her chest and marched over to her locker. She picked up her previously discarded boot and slipped it on her foot determinedly. 
“Y/L/N… they’re not going to let us play in this weather,” Draco told her. But she paid him no mind and only continued to put on her uniform. He glanced outside and saw that the snow had gotten significantly higher despite only a few minutes passing since it had started. Draco began to grow anxious, and briskly walked over to the girl, now clad in green robes. “Y/L/N, please. The snow is rising, and if we don’t leave soon, we might not be able to get back.”
He watched as Y/N sighed and looked up at him. “Why are you so hung up on some snow? It cannot possibly be that bad,” she snarled as she got to her feet and stomped over to the entrance. But when she saw the amount of snow on the grass, her anger dissipated and turned into shock. Draco threw up his hands. “I told you, we have to go now, gather your stuff,” he instructed. Y/N reluctantly stepped away from the tent’s opening, quickly unhooked her bag from her locker, and swung it over her shoulder. Draco promptly threw on his quidditch robes, as they were warmer than his regular clothes, and went to stand by the entry and wait for her. He noticed her red nose and cheeks as she walked towards him. 
They looked outside at the abundance of white. Draco glanced at Y/N. She looked apprehensive. Truth be told, he was too. So without allowing himself to sit on the idea, he reached out and took her hand in his. He saw her look at him in his peripheral vision, but he didn’t meet her eyes. “Ready?” he asked. Y/N squeezed his hand in reply, making butterflies erupt in Draco’s stomach. He took a deep breath and walked through the exit and into the storm. Immediately he and Y/N were met with the painfully bitter wind. They could hardly open their eyes, much less walk against the wind. 
Draco gripped Y/N’s hand tighter as he pushed himself to step forwards. Left foot right foot left foot right foot. But it was no use. The wind was too strong, and the snow was too high. His entire pant leg was soaked up to his shins. He looked behind him to see Y/N was struggling as well. Her hair was blowing violently, and she had her free hand up in an attempt to shield her face. Draco looked forward again and continued to trudge ahead. They were almost to the stairs now. 
Suddenly, Draco felt Y/N release his hand. He whipped his head around to see her teetering on her feet,  about to topple over into the snow. Before he could catch her, the wind pushed her backward, and her body collapsed onto the snow, sinking into it. Draco rushed over to his best friend and hurriedly stuck his hands into the snow so he could get a grip on her torso. Once he got a good hold, he locked his knees and lifted her out of the snow. She was shivering like a leaf, and her robes were now soaked. Draco could clearly see the redness of her cheeks and the purple of her lips. He was afraid of what might happen to her if they kept pressing on, so in a split-second decision, he positioned his hands underneath her armpits and raised her up and into his arms. Luckily, she got the message and swiftly wrapped her trembling legs around Draco’s waist and her arms around his neck. Once Draco was sure she was secure, he began heading back to the tent. With the wind now at his back, he got himself and Y/N inside in no time at all.
It wasn’t much warmer within the tent, but at the least, it blocked out the wind and snow, and that’s all Draco needed. He raced to the nearest bench and gingerly sat Y/N down onto it. Once she was settled, he took his bag off his back and ripped it open with shakey hands. The black handle caught his eye instantly. He reached for his wand and pulled it out pronto. Without a moment's hesitation, he muttered, “Incendio.” A small flame burst from the tip of his wand. “Hold your hands out,” he told Y/N. She listened to him and raised her hands to the warm fire. Draco patiently held his wand steady as she tried to get warm. However, after a few minutes, Y/N was still shivering aggressively. “I’m n-not gonna g-get w-warm until I g-get dry,” she stuttered through chattering teeth. Draco nodded and put out the flame on his wand, and hastily cast the hot air charm. A gust of wind blew through Y/N’s clothes and dried her right up. When she regained her composure, she said, “Thanks. S-shall I do you as well?” 
“That’d be nice, yes. Are you feeling any warmer?” 
“Not quite yet. But maybe if we keep casting this spell, we can fight off the cold,” Y/N mused. Draco chuckled. “That is certainly an idea, but we can’t stay here forever. We need to get back.” The same warm air he cast on her flew through him as Y/N returned the spell. It melted the snow on his shoulders. He thanked her with a nod and took a seat next to her on the old wooden bench. “Got any ideas, Y/L/N?” he asked while relighting the flame with his wand. She sighed. Her body was still shuddering. “All I know is I am not going back out there. S-suppose we should just wait for s-someone to find us?” she asked. Draco shrugged. “I thought of that as well, but I doubt anyone is venturing out into that anytime soon,” he said, gesturing to the storm raging on beyond the tent walls. “We’d have to wait until the blizzard is over before anyone attempts to locate us. And who knows how long that could be?”
Draco watched as a deep frown appeared on Y/N’s face. He knew she was afraid. Frankly, he was too. He felt like an idiot. How was it that after five years at Hogwarts, all he could do for them was light a small flame? He had pondered creating a makeshift fire pit on the ground, but the earth was likely too cold, and what if it spread? Then what would they do? Draco felt lost. He glanced around the tent, trying to look for an answer. And then he saw it—his broom. Of course!
“Y/L/N, our brooms!” he yelled abruptly, startling the girl beside him. “What do you mean?” she asked. “Our brooms! We can ride them back to the castle. Merlin, why didn’t I think of it before?” he wondered aloud as he jumped to his feet and grasped his broom between his fingers. Long ago, his father had bought the entire team Nimbus 2001s, and even though it had been roughly four years since then, the brooms still held up strong. Draco swelled with pride; he was confident they’d be able to fly them to safety. But then he looked at Y/N and his smile faded. She was still on the bench, her fingers clutching it tightly. Draco propped up his broom and walked over to the girl, kneeling on the ground before her. He took her hands in his, making her look at him. “You’re having doubts?” Draco questioned. Y/N nodded; her face looked grim. “I just… I-I don’t know, Malfoy. It doesn’t seem s-safe. I mean, what if one of us f-falls? What if I turn around and y-you’re gone? What if the wind is too strong and w-we can’t make it or what if we can’t see, o-or—”
“Shh,” Draco shushed her gently. “We can do it. I’ve seen you on your broom; you’re quicker than a bird. We have our goggles; we’ll be able to see. And if you fall, I’ll come back for you,” he assured her. Y/N grimaced. She was still afraid. Draco squeezed her hands and stood up, taking her with him. They each already had their gloves on. All they needed were the goggles. Draco pulled his out and put them on his forehead. Y/N reluctantly did the same while the blonde boy took their brooms into his hands. He offered Y/N hers, and they slowly walked to the entryway of the changing room. 
“Are you ready?” Draco asked. Y/N shook her head. “No. No, I-I can’t do this. It’s too risky, Draco,” she stammered. Draco’s heart skipped a beat. She never called him by his first name. It was always his surname, Malfoy. His face must’ve shown his surprise because she immediately tried to backtrack. “I mean, really, Malfoy, don’t you think we’re getting a bit ahead of ourselves?” she asked nervously. Draco noticed she was still shivering quite intensely. He wanted nothing more but to hold her in his arms and warm her up, but he needed to know if she wanted that too. He decided to test the waters and call her by her first name as well. “I know it’s intimidating, Y/N,” Draco watched as Y/N’s face faltered upon her name reaching her ears. “But this is the best option we’ve got, and I truly believe we can do this. Have you seen a better seeker than me?” he asked in a joking tone, trying to cheer her up. This was successful; Y/N began to chuckle under her breath. “Oh, I think I have,” she said mischievously. Draco cocked an eyebrow. “Oh yeah?” he prodded. “And who might that be?”
Y/N smirked. “I think you’ve heard of him. His name is Harry Potter,” she stated playfully. Draco narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, trying to make himself appear intimidating. “You take that back, you git.” Y/N squealed and ran away from him just as he took a step towards her. “Make me!” she shouted. “You little…” Draco muttered under his breath before starting to run towards her. Y/N giggled and darted across the tent, diving behind a random Ravenclaw locker. But Draco was hot on her heels, and within seconds, he had cornered her. 
“I’ve got you now, Y/L/N,” Draco declared in a sing-song voice. He lifted his arms to grab her, but then she yelled, “Nope!” as she snuck underneath Draco’s outstretched hands. The boy snickered and watched as she ran to the opposite side of the tent. “Come here, you little minx,” he called after her. Her sweet laughter filled his ears, and he felt his heart pound. She looked so beautiful with that smile on her face. Draco felt as if he was on the moon, knowing that he had put that smile on her face.
After a few minutes more of running around, Draco was able to trick her. Y/N was hiding in a corner, trying to locate her friend. He was right on the other side of the lockers, waiting for her to make a break. And when she did, he was ready. He pounced on her as she turned the corner in front of him. He took her into his arms and held her still. “Damnit!” she yelled. Draco laughed at her reaction and gripped her tighter, her back pressed to his chest. When he determined they had both caught their breaths, he gently loosened his grip and turned her around. When their eyes met, Draco said nothing. He only studied the girl in front of him. Her cheeks were rosy, but not from the cold. Although it was dark in the tent, her eyes seemed to sparkle. Even with her hair all messy and her skin bone dry from the wind, she had never looked more beautiful than she did right then. 
“Are you warm now?” Draco asked softly. Y/N gave him a small smile. “Not quite,” she murmured. Draco breathed in deeply; his heart was pounding in his chest. It was now or never. “Could I hold you?” he whispered. Y/N simply nodded. Draco felt butterflies ambush his stomach, but with surprisingly steady hands, he drew her in close and put his arms around her lower back, pressing his chest against hers. She settled right in, put her head on his shoulder, and exhaled slowly. Her breath formed smoke in the air. Draco couldn’t believe he had her in his arms like this. Sure they had hugged before, but this was… different. It felt intimate. He could feel her heartbeat. He could smell her hair. 
Draco savored that moment. He was fully present in it, and he felt safe in it. That was until she lifted her head and stared into his eyes. Her gaze flickered to his lips, and to Draco's surprise, she said, “Kiss me.” His heart skipped a beat. Without wasting another second, he took her face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers. It felt as if fireworks were going off. Draco had yearned for this moment for so long, and it was finally happening. The girl he loved, the girl he adored, was kissing him. 
Then out of nowhere, Draco pulled away, leaving Y/N confused. However, that confusion was soon replaced with joy when Draco spoke. “I love you, Y/N,” he said. “I love how you make every bad day that much brighter. I love how your pranks keep me on my toes. I love your laugh, your smile, your everything, and I… I can hardly bear it. You’re literally the biggest source of my happiness, and I am so lucky to have you in my life. And if we freeze to death out here,” Draco paused as Y/N chuckled lightly, “then at least I can die knowing I finally confessed my feelings for you."
Y/N shook her head in amazement. “Draco Malfoy, you are the most dramatic person I know. I love you too, you wanker," she said before kissing his cheek. "Now enough with the sappy shit, let’s get out of here,” she said calmly as she walked away, leaving Draco alone and, quite frankly, flabbergasted. Y/N seemed to sense this. She turned back to him. “Surely you didn’t think I wasn’t crushing on you, did you?” Draco opened his mouth but found he had nothing to say. “Merlin, Malfoy. Are you that thick? I’ve liked you since our first year!” she shouted. Draco gasped. “You’re lying,” he declared, not wanting to believe it. Y/N rolled her eyes and put a hand to her forehead. “We can discuss this later, come on, I’m getting sick of this place.”
Draco conceded and met her at the exit. They held onto each of their wands and were about to face the music until Draco had an idea. He grabbed Y/N’s hand and stopped her from stepping away. “What?” she asked, her face was scrunched up in confusion. “Let’s ride the same broom. That way, we’ll be heavier, and it’ll be harder for the wind to push us back. And that way, we won’t lose one another,” he said, excited that he had thought of that at the last minute. Y/N rolled her eyes and put her broom back where it had been propped up prior. “What? It’s a good idea!” Draco insisted. “It is, but I wish you would’ve thought of it earlier. Maybe then we could already be sitting by the fire munching on chocolate frogs. I only need one more to complete my collection, you know.”
Draco put an exaggerated frown on his face, earning himself a quick kiss from Y/N. “It’s a lovely idea. Let’s try it out,” she said as she caved. Draco smiled and hopped onto his broom, gesturing to Y/N to do the same. She threw her leg over the broomstick, slid her goggles on, and put her hands on Draco’s waist. “Hold me tighter. You won’t hurt me,” Draco instructed her. He felt her arms snake around his stomach and squeeze. And with that, Draco pressed forward and out into the storm.
When they left the confines of the quidditch tent, they were immediately met with the painfully cold wind. The storm had not ceased its intensity in the slightest. It was more or less a winter wonderland, a bright one at that. Even though she had goggles, Y/N still felt the need to shield her eyes by burying her face into Draco’s back, leaving the Slytherin boy to navigate all by himself. However, it seemed as though his hypothesis was correct. The combined weight of each of them allowed the pair to, miraculously, cut right through the storm. They were streaking through the white sky, weaving around the trees and soaring past the Owlery. Then Draco had an idea. He gripped his broom firmly and called out to Y/N, “Hold on!” With a deep breath, he leaned forward and spun them right into a barrel roll, eliciting a scream from Y/N. Draco laughed at her reaction while zooming over the Quad. Finally, though, he landed them in front of the doors to the entrance hall.
Once on the snowflake covered ground, they slid off the broom and ran up to the polished wooden doors. Draco tried the handle and found that it was locked. He angrily whipped out his wand and bellowed, “Alohomora!” The doors slowly creaked open, and Draco quickly ushered Y/N inside before following after her and slamming the door shut behind them. When the storm was blocked out, the lovers looked at one another and let out an enormous sigh of relief. Y/N slid her goggles off her face and dropped her bag onto the floor. Draco did the same, then propped his broom against the stone castle wall. He turned back to Y/N, and upon seeing the circles indented into her skin from her goggles, he began to giggle. “What’re you laughing at?” she asked. This only made Draco chuckle more, and without saying anything, he brought his hands to his eyes, mocking the rings on her face. Y/N sighed while Draco wheezed and held his stomach. “Really, Draco? You are an absolute child.” This caught Draco's attention.
“Hey! Says the one who started a game of tag while a blizzard was raging on outside and actively burying us in snow,” Draco retorted. Y/N rolled her eyes. “Oh, shove off, Malfoy. It was fun, am I not allowed to have fun?” Draco put his index finger and thumb to his chin, faking contemplation. “Stopp,” Y/N whined while stomping her foot, making Draco’s heart expand with fondness. He smiled and walked over to her, drawing her into his arms. “Come here, darling. I’m sorry for teasing you.” He went to put his head on her shoulder, but suddenly, Y/N wiggled out of his arms. He looked at her quizzically. “Darling?” she asked incredulously, her eyebrow cocked. Draco felt blush fill his cheeks. “Well, I just thought…”
“You thought what? That you could call me darling simply because we kissed?” Draco grimaced and averted his eyes. He felt like an absolute fool. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have just assumed—” 
Y/N interrupted Draco’s stammering, “At least ask me out first…”
Draco closed his eyes, feeling his initial panic dissipate. He thought he was in trouble, but it seems as though Y/N was only playing with him. He felt her begin to laugh in his arms. His eyes flickered open to see her smiling at him brightly. “Alright, then, would you—”
Draco was once again cut off, but this time it was by Adrian Pucey, a fellow Slytherin. He was a chaser on their quidditch team. “There you guys are! We thought you were lost in the storm. Where have you been?” he asked. A look of confusion overtook his face when he noticed the position they were in. “Why are you guys hugging?” Draco and Y/N’s faces burned, and they immediately let each other go. 
“We were in the locker room. Took Draco’s broom out into the blizzard and luckily were able to get back. Has dinner been served yet?” Y/N asked, successfully dodging Adrian’s question. “Oh yeah, it’s meatloaf tonight. If you hurry, you can still get some,” Adrian informed them. “Great, thanks, mate,” Draco replied while giving him a wave. Adrian seemed to get the message and retreated back down the corridor from whence he came, leaving Y/N and Draco alone once again.
“As I was saying—”
“Meet me outside the common room at eight tomorrow night,” Y/N said while giving Draco a couple pats on his chest. “See you then?”
Draco looked at the girl in front of him, a bewildered expression on his face. He nodded rapidly. “Y-yeah, I’ll um see you then,” he replied. Y/N smirked and pressed a kiss to his cheek before sauntering down the hallway, leaving Draco shocked but also somewhat fuzzy inside. “Bloody hell." he brought his hand to the back of his neck. "That girl will be the death of me,” he murmured as he watched her walk away, knowing he was going to spend the remainder of his time before their date thinking only of her. 
Taglist: @beiahadid @pastelpuffbar  @cutie1365 @dracoxmgg @lumlfy @sambucky8 @emilianamason @raplinethereal @dixiethemorab24  @xoxohollands  @prongsandprancer @ch0kemedracomalfoy​ @avaluriaa @victoriaporges
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crimsonheart01 · 4 years
Sugarplums (Oliver Wood x Female!Reader)
A/N: This is dedicated to @thegirlwhowritesfics​ and @juniperjane​. No particular reason. None at all. It’s not like they were the ones to anonymously request this! This is just a random dedication of my love to them! 
Prompt: “Are you humming the Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy?” Word Count: 1.9K words Playlist: Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy - Tchaikovsky [Spotify] [YouTube] Warnings: None
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“Statistically speaking, that’s impossible!” Her statement rang across several tables in the Great Hall.
She hadn’t yelled, but her voice carried. All the chatter and buzz came to an immediate halt, nothing but the sound of a bench scraping across the floor. She didn’t even bother looking up from the paper in her hand. She ducked her head down, rolling her lips together to hide the smirk growing. She chuckled to herself as she heard the collection of whispers make their way up the aisles between the tables.
He’d been arguing his point for weeks now, and while she appreciated his enthusiasm, it needed to end somewhere. Everyone knew it was impossible, himself included. Today seemed like a fine day to really rile him up. The final day of classes before Christmas hols, it was the perfect storm. It also helped that he was halfway there on his own anyway. His voice had been climbing up over the chatter from the Gryffindor table. She knew they were on his side. True to their namesake, the pride of lions always stuck together.
Regardless, she thoroughly enjoyed a good debate, especially with one such Gryffindor. Logic superseded a lot of their banter, but on this particular topic, he was a dog with a bone. Refusing to let go or give up. The sounds of his footfalls drifted up into the swirl of his robes while he walked. She knew he had a flair for the dramatic when he was on a tangent, and he was in peak form this morning.
Two of her classmates skirted in opposite directions on the bench across from her. Keen to avoid his approach. No one had ever challenged him in general. Not Oliver Wood, the headstrong Gryffindor. Not Oliver Wood, Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Not when it came to the one game he was being scouted for. The one game where his talent exceeded everyone’s expectations. Smarts aside, quidditch was his and most definitely, not hers.
“Strong words coming from someone who doesn’t even follow quidditch.” He accused, his voice low and on the verge of shaking.
She lifted her eyes to regard him, her face a mask of indifference, “You think that just because I don’t obsess over it, it means I don’t keep track of the most popular wizarding sport?”
He scoffed at her, reaching down and pressing his palm flat over the paper she held. Their eyes connected as he hovered over the Ravenclaw table, pushing the paper down so that she would give him his undivided attention. She made a show of blinking innocently up at him. He narrowed his eyes briefly, starting to understand the game she was initiating.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” He determined, licking his bottom lip in irritation.
A collective gasp could be heard amongst the other students, even a few smug sniffs from the Gryffindor table. Head Girl and the Captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team in a tiff. In front of all to see. Every eye in the castle trained on the two of them. Even the teachers were straining to listen in. She chuckled to herself. She wondered how many of them were hedging their bets. It was common knowledge to the older students that the professors got a good laugh out of the typical house rivalries. They joined in on their own terms, always in good fun—a way to keep up morale and to encourage healthy competition.  
She tugged her hand out from under his grip and finally lifted her head to acknowledge him fully. The torch he held for Portree was misguided in his patriotism, believing beyond any doubt that they were taking the world cup this year. It was the only time he became irrational about how the game really worked. She enjoyed his dedication to his country’s national team and his childhood favourite team, but again, this argument was weeks old now, and they weren’t advancing anywhere near the top of the league. Not this year.
“Puddlemere has a higher scoring average. Their Chasers score an average of 215 each game, without calculating in the caught snitch points. Even if Portree won their next game by 150 points, they’re still fourth in the league overall.” She dismissively explained, “You saying that they’re on track to come first is like saying the Canons will win their next game. It’s statistically impossible.”
Everyone knew the Canons were just a filler team. They hadn’t won a game in the last century and weren’t likely to win one in the next. She gave him a smug grin as she laid it all out for him. He narrowed his eyes at her, curling his hand into a fist, his knuckles turning white. He knew she was right but didn’t want to admit defeat. Oh no, not him. Not the quidditch all-knowing, Oliver Wood. He could never.
“Scoring average aside,” He countered, “Their newest recruits for the season have played well beyond any expectations, and they still have chance on their side. If Puddlemere loses the next two games, regardless of points, they drop out of the winning and it makes room for the other teams to move up.”
He stood up, straightening his back and crossed his arms over his chest. Proud of his statement, of his deductions. She let out a condescending laugh at his stance, looking back down at her empty plate for a second. When she glanced back up, she could see his resolve starting to crumble. He was doing the math in his head. He’d figured out that he was off base. That even though he had faith, the numbers weren’t on his side.
“You want to place your faith on the best team in the British league losing their next two games? Even after they’ve won every single one up until this point. You want to ride on the fact that they might choke? A maybe?” She cocked her head to the side, knowing that she had him right where she wanted him, “Care to place a wager on that?”
Her eyebrows lifted into her hairline as she stared at him, strongarming him to make the losing bet or admit defeat.  The hall fell into a tense silence, waiting for the outcome. She was sure others had caught up with the data, the proof that Pride of Portree wasn’t winning any cups this year.
He faltered, and everyone saw it. Everyone saw the fall in his confidence. The whispers grew again, as those who knew about quidditch were informing those who weren’t avid fans. Oliver took a deep breath in and stared over at her, shocked that he’d been beaten at the game. Mostly because he’d been beaten by the least likely person he expected it from.
In hindsight, he should’ve known she’d be the only one to best him. She always did. She was the only person who could. It was why he loved her. She could go up against the best in any debate and come out victorious. Without a chance to rectify his downfall, the bells rang, signalling breakfast over and time to get on to their classes.
Excitement rose into the air as benches scratched along the stone floors and books were scraped up off the tables. She grinned up at Oliver, and he shook his head, a small smile creeping in. He turned around and headed back to his table to gather his effects before exiting the hall. He could feel the stares of the younger students were giving him. All the while, they were murmuring behind their hands to one another. The “it” couple of the year had a public row. Little did they all know, it was a ploy. One that she put into place to get him to see reality. There was never a hint of animosity between them, and even if there had been, it dissipated when she thoroughly bested him in his top subject.
Students continued to file out of the great hall, the volume of their conversations rising as they retold the events of breakfast. Several versions began circulating, all from a different house’s perspective. She enjoyed hearing the snippets as she travelled along the sides of the table. Every version with its own telling features. Quite a few long sighs from the younger kids about how romantic it all was. A few chest thumps from the older ones who defended Wood’s devotion. Almost everyone with a quiet whispered holiday wish that they would find someone to share in their passions as equally as they did with each other.
She found him standing a ways outside the opened doors and grinned over at him. In her glory, she kept up a quiet tune while she strolled in his direction. Something about the electricity in the air had her feeling light. Upon reaching him, she lifted up onto her tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek.
“Are you humming the Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy?” He asked, mystified at how her genuine good mood had him feeling uplifted even after that spectacular defeat, “It’s incredibly ominous considering our current situation.”
She laughed and shrugged her shoulders. He sighed but smiled over at her. She leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder while his arm slipped around her middle and clung to her. He tilted his head so that his laid on top of hers while they stood admiring the snowy grounds.
“I’m never going to live this down,” He murmured to her.
She nodded, “Oh, I know.”
He couldn’t help but laugh. If there was anyone in this castle that could school him in the sport of his passion, it was her, hands down—the only person to be able to keep up with him on statistics and gameplay. Even the most die-hard fans couldn’t retain the same amount of knowledge she did. There were times when even she gave him a run for his money. He had to give kudos to her house. She was most definitely sorted correctly. After a long moment, they both turned together and began walking down the corridor towards their next class.
“I guess I’ll have to get you a new present now,” He sighed, purposely sounding forlorn.
She furrowed her brows as she glanced up at him, “Why’s that?”
He frowned, “I can’t very well gift you with a Portree jersey that has my name emblazoned across the back when you don’t even support the team, now can I.”
She stopped abruptly and grabbed his hand, tugging him around to face her. He trained his face into a cool mask of disinterest, hoping that she could piece it together herself.
“Ollie, what are you saying?” She bit her lip, the shock of his statement settling in.
He smirked at her, and she squealed, jumping up to gather him in her arms.
“They signed you!” She whispered excitedly into his chest, “You got first draft! You’re going to be the Keeper for Portree? To think, the term is barely over, and they’ve already committed!”
He laughed along with her, keeping his arms tight around her back. He held her close to him, enjoying how thrilled she was for his news. It was an anxiety he’d had since the end of last year, but thankfully all the extra training he put in over the summer and with the first few games of the year under his belt, the recruiters were impressed and offered him an early contract.
When she let go of him, she held his biceps tightly and grinned, “I’ll proudly wear the losing team’s jersey if it has your name on it.”
His mouth dropped open in disbelief, but he couldn’t help the laugh that escaped.
He took her hand in his, threading their fingers together and held his head high, “With me as their keeper, we won’t be the losing team anymore.”
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boywizardscanbecute · 4 years
Love Takes its Time
Hey guys!! Here’s that Theseus x reader fic that time jumps! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH I HOPE YOU GUYS DO TOO!!!! It’s seriously some tooth-rotting fluff. Let me know if you like it or have any requests!! 
The world around you seemed to fade away as you climbed higher and higher into the branches, Newt trailing just below you. “Y/n slow down!” Newt huffed after you. A giggle escaped your lips as you worked quicker to reach the bowtruckles before your best friend. You hear a familiar sigh as Newt blows his hair out of his face and continues calling you, louder and louder. “Seriously y/n you’ll get hurt!” But your 7 year old self couldn’t be bothered to listen. 
Across the yard, the eldest scamander looks up from his brand new hogwarts textbooks and wand. It would be his first year attending. He rolls his eyes and mumbles, “I better go see what those two are getting into now.” Rising from his spot, Theseus strolls over to the tall tree behind the hippogriff paddock in his parents backyard. His eyes wander up to his younger brother, desperately trying to catch up, and you, another 10 feet above him. Ever the responsible one, Theseus shouts, “y/n m/n l/n you get down from there this instant!” You look down at Theseus and laugh profusely. “Lighten up Thes, you’re not my mother!” Theseus calls more desperately, “you’ll get hurt!” Turning back to the tree, you ascend further. “Will she never listen?” You catch Theseus saying as you reach for another branch to hold onto. As you pull yourself up, the branch snaps and you’re falling, falling through the air. A high pitched shriek escapes your lips and Theseus’s eyes grow wide with terror at the thought of you getting hurt. Rather dumbly, Theseus races towards your falling form, arms outstretched. Your back slams against his form as his arms close around your waist and the two of you hit the ground with a loud thud. The thud echoing in your ears, you sit in Theseus’s arms, stunned into silence for a brief moment. As sound returns to your ears, you can hear Newt frantically scrambling down from the tree mixed with Theseus’s quick and shallow breathing from catching you. Turning around, you look at Theseus and are met with a frightening glare. “Why must you always go and put yourself in these kinds of dangerous situations?” He growls. “I can’t always be there to watch you,” he continues, pulling a branch from your hair. He sounded angry, sure, but you could see behind those blue eyes that he was used to looking after you. If Theseus was there, you knew that you were safe. Newt announces himself by dropping from the lowest branch and pulls you upwards into a bone crushing hug. “Y/n, I told you to wait until I caught up with you. I could have caught you,” he rushes the words out. Smirking at Theseus, you reply, “Oh Newt. That’s why we have Theseus around. So he can always watch over us.” Theseus rises to his feet and bites back, “I won’t always be there to keep you two out of trouble. I’ll be at Hogwarts soon enough.” This leads to a simultaneous groan from you and Newt. The pair of you were dying to attend Hogwarts, but still had to wait four more years. “Oh we’ll be there soon enough, just you wait!” you snap back at Theseus. He chuckles and turns back towards the house. “Oh your brother can be so infuriating sometimes!” you groan at Newt. Newt chuckles, “You mustn’t always let him get to you like that. Learn to ignore him, like I do.” You roll your eyes, “Theseus is a pretty hard person to ignore.” Newt laughs and you follow him back towards the house. 
Your heart raced as your name was called in the front of the great hall. Newt had just been sorted into Hufflepuff, and Theseus had been a proud Hufflepuff these past four years. Frightened, you wandered up to the sorting hat. It seems you had nothing to worry about, for the hat immediately calls out, “Hufflepuff!” Delighted, you wander over to where Newt sits beside his older brother. “Ready to keep us out of more trouble?” you grin at Theseus, who chuckles and rolls his eyes, patting you on the head while he does so. You push his hand away and fix your hair. Newt’s eyes are trained upon a girl at the Slytherin table, but you don’t notice, entranced by the food that now appears on your plate in front of you. 
Theseus, now a fifth year prefect, begins to lead you and the other new Hufflepuffs down to the common room. You and Newt linger at the back of the line and Newt whispers, “I heard that there are nifflers down by the green houses. Shall we go and have a look?” You beam in reply and the two of you slip out of line, towards the Oak front doors. 
Wandering down by the greenhouses, you catch a glimpse of a Niffler digging underneath one of the buildings. “Newt, I saw one!” you shriek with delight. Another Niffler goes streaking past you, into the Forbidden Forest. Without hesitation, you begin to follow it. “Y/n, not in there! We aren’t allowed!” Newt hisses at you. That was always like Newt, to suggest an idea bound to get you into trouble, and then back out. You roll your eyes at him, and race after the Niffler into the woods. Newt follows, rather reluctantly. Unbeknownst to the two of you, a rather angry Theseus comes striding across the lawn, following his brother to no doubt wherever you had run off to. 
Barrelling around a tall Oak tree, you lose sight of the Niffler and instead nearly come running into a gigantic Centaur. Falling to the ground, the Centaur rears back and his hoof catches you in the face, creating a deep gash at the edge of your forehead. A voice comes rising out of the trees, shouting, “Forgive them. They know not to go here, they are merely stubborn first years!” Theseus Scamander, always coming to your rescue. “You ought to keep better control over them then,” the Centaur bellows, backing into the trees. He turns and gallops away. Theseus comes striding up to you, fully set on lecturing you, when he notices the blood dripping down your forehead. Squatting down to your level, he says shockingly softly, “Now y/n, why must you always go and get yourself hurt whenever I’m not there to stop you.” You lightly laugh and reply, “I knew you would come Thes.” Unbeknownst to you, his heart gives a small tug at the nickname you have for him. Pulling you up, Theseus brushes your hair away from the cut and mutters, “Tergeo,” healing it instantly. “Thanks,” you mumble. Theseus, now aware his hand is still in your hair, drops it instantly and coughs, “We aren’t telling a soul about this. I don’t want Hufflepuff losing house points before we even have any.” You and Newt nod and follow him back to the castle. “You really like to test my brother’s patience, don’t you?” Newt whispers into the night. “It’s only my favorite pastime,” you giggle back. 
Entering into your third year, you decided to try out for Quidditch. Quick as anything on your broom, you made the position of chaser, despite the pushback from Team Captain and Seeker Theseus Scamander. “Well, congratulations y/n, I never realized how talented a chaser you were,” Theseus tells you as the two of you walk back to the common room. “Should’ve realized,” you smirked at him, “Besides, I’m the best at everything,” you continue sarcastically. Theseus indulges your little joke and continues, “You sure are, I’m not sure how I didn’t see it before.” Arriving at the common room, Theseus tells you before going to bed, “You better be ready for our first match next week against Slytherin.” “I’m always ready Thes,” you grin back. 
That match was a brutal one. You knew that Slytherin liked to play dirty, but you had never witnessed it firsthand before. Being the fastest chaser on Hufflepuff you were naturally the largest target, and you were worried about getting hurt, but you shouldn’t have been. In a characteristically un-Theseus manner, Theseus would regularly abandon his post as seeker and instead protect you from bludgers thrown your way by placing himself in front of them instead. Glancing over the stands, you search for Newt and find him standing in the Slytherin section near that peculiar girl, Leta Lestrange. “We’ll be having a chat about that later Newton,” you grumble under your breath. Then Theseus caught his first glimpse of the snitch. Diving for it, you watched as both Slytherin beaters followed him with the bludgers. Theseus unknowingly raced towards the snitch and was knocked back to back with both bludgers. His hand reached out for the snitch while he fell 10 feet off his broom, hitting the ground with an almighty thud. The quaffle in your hand, you dropped it and raced over to where Theseus lay. The Slytherin beaters floated a couple feet away on their broom laughing, and you charged at them, pummeling them both off their brooms and onto the ground. Once that was accomplished, you sped back to Theseus, kneeling beside him. “Thes are you okay?” you demanded an answer. He blinks his eyes slowly open and replies, “I know that you didn’t just drop the quaffle to come over here. Did you?” You smile sheepishly and say, “You were hurt.” Theseus continues, “And you committed multiple fouls by beating up those beaters.” “They had it coming,” you glower, thinking about those brutes. Theseus sits up and grimaces, clutching his ribs. You suspect they are broken. “I’m sorry that I cost us the match,” you apologize profusely. Theseus grins at you and opens his palm, replying, “You’re lucky I’m a good seeker.” The golden snitch stared back at you from his large hand. As Hufflepuff is declared the winner, you rope Theseus into a tight hug. When you realize everyone is watching these events unfold on the field, you pull away and blush profusely. Theseus ruffles your hair playfully. Standing up, the crowd cheers and you and Theseus raise your hands in victory. You expect to see Newt smiling down at you, but he instead stares at his Slytherin companion, leaving an uneasy feeling in your stomach. 
Your fifth year at Hogwarts was like nothing you had ever known. Newt spent all his time with Leta and it ate and ate at you. Theseus was gone, graduated, a ministry man now. You were so proud of him, starting in the auror department at such a young age. You wished he was still around to talk to. It seemed like Newt wanted nothing to do with you anymore. Not since you warned him about the peculiar and horrific things that you had heard about Leta Lestrange. She was using Newt and you knew it. Speaking of Newt, he just entered the common room, and there were tears streaming down his cheeks. “Newt what’s wrong?” you ran up to him, reaching to wipe away the tears. He shrugs, “I have to leave Hogwarts.” “What? Why?” you exclaim. “It’s… Something’s happened. And I didn’t want Leta to get into trouble. She has a bad enough reputation as it is. So I… I said it was me.” “What was you?” you shoot back. “It doesn’t matter now,” he replies. Anger courses through you and you scream at Newt, “Well I hope she was worth it Newt! Theseus graduated and now you’re being kicked out! Was it your intention to leave me all alone?” Before he can answer you race up to your bedroom, fresh angry tears coursing their track down your cheeks. Newt doesn’t even attempt to follow. 
The following months were the loneliest yet. Newt was gone, and not only was he gone, he stopped writing. So hung up on Leta Lestrange. You decided that over the Holiday you would go and speak to Theseus. As a last ditch attempt to help Newt. After all your family’s home was just over the hill from the Scamanders. Bundling up and pulling on your boots, you trudged through the snow to the Scamander’s front door on the morning of Christmas Eve. It’s Newt that answers the door. Before he begins you cut him off, “I’m not here to see you. I’m here to see Theseus.” Theseus appears in the doorway at the sound of his name. “Thes. Can I talk to you please?” Theseus shrugs his approval and follows you back into the snow, pulling his coat on as he goes. Your feet carry you over to the tree where you fell all those years ago. “Y/n what’s the matter?” Theseus asks solemnly. You look up at him and nearly beg, “Please, Thes, is there anyway that we can help Newt? Get him back into Hogwarts, get him a job, something!” Theseus sighs, “I’ve already spoken to Professor Dumbledore. He said Headmaster Dippet will not budge on this.” You cry out in exasperation, “Why would he do this? Why would he ruin his future?” Theseus answers quietly, “Because he loves her. He loves Leta. You and I both know this.” You go to ask why once again when Theseus answers, “People don’t pick those that they love.” You nod solemnly. Theseus continues, “I may have found him a position. As an entry level office worker. An errand boy really, but it is in the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.” “Really?” you ask hopefully. Theseus smiles, “Really. It will be my Christmas present to him.” His hands hastily clasp your waist tightly as you haphazardly leap into Theseus’s 
arms out of pure joy,  thanking him profusely. When the moment passes, he sets you down gently, leaving an absence of warmth where his hands just held you. You notice his ears and the tip of his nose tinged pink. Moving on he asks, “Is it terribly lonely at Hogwarts? Without Newt or I there?” You answer honestly, “It’s awful. I’m just focusing on my studies and getting out with the best grades possible.” “That a girl,” Theseus whispers,taking your hands, “I want you to write okay? Whenever you’re feeling alone. Write to me, please.” You smile at him and nod, the two of you walking back to the house, his large hand wrapped around your small one, because you had forgotten your gloves, he says. 
War was coming. This you knew for certain. Each day as a healer you saw more and more injured aurors than your heart could take. After Hogwarts, Theseus offered you a position as an auror, no one knew defensive spells better than you. But you would rather spend your time healing. Lately, you have been rethinking this. And yet Theseus’s letters had stopped. There was no way to reach him. Wiping your hands on your uniform, you depart from St. Mungo’s for the flat you now shared with Newt. 
Newt, once your best friend again, was working feverishly on his book. You admired his work ethic, and getting to help him take care of the creatures wasn’t too bad either. Walking in the door you announce, “Newt I’m home!” Your friend sits rather glumly at the kitchen table. “What’s the matter?” you ask, sitting down next to him. “My request to lift the travel ban has been denied once again.” “We were expecting this though?” you question the severity of his emotions. He whispers in reply, “Theseus was there. He denied it.” Shooting to your feet you shout, “He did not!” Newt solemnly nods. “Oh well that is it,” you decided. And striding towards the fire place, you department for the ministry, hoping to find Theseus there. 
Ignoring the secretary who informs you that it is after hours, you march down the hallway, searching for Theseus Scamander’s office. The light was still on under the door. You weren’t surprised. Theseus was always a hard worker. Not bothering to knock, you swing the door open and it ricochets off of the wall. Theseus looks up from his desk and you’re shocked by what you see. He might as well have aged 30 years with the stress displayed on his features. You hadn’t heard from him in 2 years. His eyes grow wide as he drinks in the sight of you. “Y/n, what an unexpected surprise. I heard you were head healer now. Congratulations,” he offers you. You snap, “I don’t want your congratulations. I want to know why you won’t lift Newt’s travel ban.” Theseus sighed tiredly, “It’s been two years since we last spoke and no pleasantries? You always were straight to the point.” Sitting on the edge of his desk Theseus motions you over to him. “At least let me get a good look at you,” he plasters on his charm. In reply, you step closer and say softly, “You look tired Thes. Why are you still here?” “Lots to do,” he shrugs, “Been losing aurors left and right.” You nod. Theseus offers you a chair and you sit, looking up at him. You tell him, “You know that Newt will find a way to travel. Whether or not the ban is lifted.” Theseus rubs his hands on his face and groans, “I know that.” Peeking between his fingers, he watches you looking at him and wonders why he never noticed the way your hair perfectly framed your face before. Or maybe he had and just pushed the thought down. Your freckles dazzled back at him and he studied your face closely, drinking in your features. “Thes?” you prompt him out of his daze. He shakes his head and sighs, “It’s out of my control. I’ve got my boss, Travers, breathing down my neck about this y/n. Not to mention he keeps asking why you won’t come and work for us.” You immediately begin, “Theseus you know that I need to be a healer.” He cuts you off, “Yes I know, I know.” The words are out of your mouth before you know it and you’re asking, “Why did you stop writing?” Theseus stares down at you, wide-eyed. “I thought that would have been obvious,” he ponders. “Do enlighten me then,” you continue sarcastically. He looks at you and states, “They think we’re being tracked. By Grindelwald’s followers. I couldn’t risk them finding out where you were. I had to keep you safe.” Your next retort dies in your throat at that. “Oh.. well… thanks,” you mumble. Theseus bravely reaches for your hand and admits, “It was torture, not getting to write. Not getting to hear from you, to make sure you were okay.” His fingers lace themselves between yours. You smile thinking back to the last time Theseus held your hand. When he told you about Newt’s job and he held you in the snow as you were overcome with excitement. “It was for me too,” you confess. Time slows as Theseus pulls you into his arms and tightly hugs you. It was a feeling you wouldn’t soon forget and you knew in your heart that you had been harboring feelings for this man for a long time. You rest your head on his chest and breathe deeply. Before you know it, tears trickle onto his suit and he pulls your chin up, concern etched on his features. “Whatever is the matter?” he asks, concerned. “I’ve been so worried about you,” you sigh breathlessly. Theseus moves in to wipe your tears away, his nose just brushing yours, and promises, “I’m okay. I can handle myself, I swear.” “You better,” you laugh nervously, chills running down your spine as Theseus’s breath washes over your skin. He reaches to wipe away the rest of your tears and asks, “Can I take you back to your place?” You chuckle, “Yeah, I’m actually living with Newt now, if you didn’t know.” He replies, “Quite unconventional, don’t you think?” You laugh, “Oh Thes, you know that we’re just friends. Newt and I will always be just friends.” Theseus nods, and if you weren’t mistakened, a look of relief spreads across his features. This time he lets go of your hand. 
Theseus enters the flat that you and Newt share, but he can’t stay. Theseus insists on leaving before Newt knows that he is there. And in an uncharacteristic fashion, you go to bed early, without tea. Your mind dreams of Theseus and you long to be in his arms again, never having felt safer. 
The war was here, and it was worse than anything you could have imagined. “Ms. l/n there’s been an incident. At least 20 aurors were gravely injured at one of Grindelwald’s rallies on the outskirts of London. We need you there right away to set up a healing site.” With this news, your first thoughts were of Theseus. Not bothering to reply, you disapparrate, fearing the worst.  
Reappearing, your heart stops at the destruction all around you. You take a second to let your chest go numb, refusing to feel pain because there was too much work to be done. Too many lives to be saved. One by one, you bring the injured to St. Mungo’s and leave them in the hands of various healers. Those that are dying, or too ill to move, you try to make as comfortable as possible. You meet person after person hurting to different degrees. And as you meet auror after injured auror, your heart pines for Theseus. To know that he is safe. That he is alive. Your coworker arrives and takes over burying the dead and tending to the dying. She tells you, “I can handle everything here, but they are swamped back at the hospital. They’ll need your help.” you nod and depart. 
Each bed you go to the aurors thank you profusely for saving them. Mind numb, you acknowledge them and tell them to try and get some rest. You soon lose count after checking on 50 patients. Fatigue, dread, and depression have their clutches on you and you’re not sure how much longer you can carry on pretending you are okay with the destruction and death happening around you. And yet going home and not helping as much as physically possible, you knew that wasn’t an option for you. 
5 hours later Newt appears at the front desk with dinner for you. “I brought you something to eat. I can’t imagine you feel very much like eating right now, but please do eat for me. You need to stay strong.” You gulp and nod. Newt opens his arms and you step forward, folding into his chest, silently shedding tears. “Have you heard from Theseus,” you croak into his coat, your hope rising with every word. Newt softly responds, holding you tighter, “No, I haven’t. I’m so sorry y/n.” You don’t reply, your hope dropping on the floor and shattering to bits. A voice from down the hall calls, “Y/n, we need you!” You reluctantly let go of Newt. He leaves you with a, “I’ll let you know the moment I hear something.” You quickly rush down the hall, preparing to attend to more patients. 
It is now 3 am and you weren’t sure how much longer you could stand on your own two feet. Your vision blurred, you thought you could see a new patient being wheeled down the ward. Looking up, you thought you saw the telltale auburn curls of Theseus Scamander. Shaking your head, you blinked your eyes hard and looked back in the direction of the bed. It was Theseus. Then he disappeared around the corner. Every patient you were tending to, everything you had to do, it all faded from your mind as you uttered one name. His name, “Theseus.” Adrenaline took over your body and you ran after him. People called after you, wondering what you were doing. Theseus was being wheeled into Intensive Care. He was pushed into a room and the door was shut, your breath leaving with it. The doctor comes down the hall and you demand to know, “What is wrong with Theseus?” The doctor replies, “So you know Mr. Scamander?” “Yes, what’s happening!” your voice rises. The doctor can clearly see how much you care, and says gently, “He’ll be alright y/n. He just had extended exposure to the cruciatus curse. He broke nearly every bone in his body.” Your heart stopped. Grabbing the doctor’s hand you beg to know, “Are you sure he will be alright.” The doctor answers, “I’m sure. There may be some lasting damage, but he will not die.” Then he says the words you’ve been waiting to hear. “You can stay with him if you wish to.” That’s all you need to hear and you push yourself through the door, over to where Theseus lay. 
Theseus’s POV 
Every bone in his body ached. In the blackness of his mind, the biggest thing he felt was painstaking regret. He hadn’t got to see Y/n, not since the ministry. He would surely die wherever he was, without getting to tell her how he really felt. Because of course he loved her. Of that, he was certain. There was no doubt in his mind that he had loved you since the day you fell out of that tree into his arms. It’s like he could almost see you there before him. Could hear your angelic voice, calling, calling out to him, telling him that you are there. As his time in the darkness grew, so did his pain. His whole body ached like nothing he had ever felt before. There was a light just beyond his eyelids, and Theseus Scamander strained to open his eyes. 
Theseus’s first thought after opening his eyes was that he had died and went to heaven. You knelt at the foot of his bed, clutching his hand so tightly that it hurt, but he didn’t mind. But as Theseus took in the sight of you, he knew this must be real. For you appeared to have been to hell and back. There was blood covering your crisp, white uniform.  Your hair hung in ragged chunks around your face, part of it haphazardly pulled back. Your eyes appear sunken in from being awake for only God knows how long and your cheeks were marked permanently wet from the unending trail of tears. In a soft voice he could hear you whispering over him, like a prayer, “I will always watch over you.” And suddenly he felt a great peace wash over him as he fell back asleep. 
Regular POV 
It had been days since Theseus was first brought in and you were quickly losing hope. Called away to yet another raid, you promised a sleeping Theseus that you would check on him when you returned. 
5 hours later you walk through the halls leading to Theseus’s room, exhaustion threatening to pull you down with every step. Upon entering, your mind went blank and your heart swelled with the most joy you had ever felt. Theseus was sitting up in his bed, watching you. “You’re awake,” you breathe in awe. Theseus painfully laughs, “Keen observation y/n.” Your feet carry you over to him and you sit on the side of his bed, pulling him tightly into your arms, sobbing into his shoulder. “I thought you were dead,” you cry. He manages to wrap an arm around you and stroke your hair affectionately, a striking difference from the way he used to ruffle it when you were a child. Word vomit overtakes you and you breathe quietly for only him to hear, “Theseus I love you.” He’s stunned into silence and lifts your chin up, staring into your eyes. “What was that?” he asks longingly, sure that he heard you wrong. You stare back at him, and lay your cards out on the table. Brushing his cheek gently, you repeat, “ Theseus. I love you.” He brushes his hand against your cheek and leans in until his lips are just above your own. And then he says, “I love you too y/n,” and kisses you softly, something he had been waiting to do for years and years. 
“My darling husband, you just got back, are you sure you have to leave?” you whine at Theseus. He smiles at you, picking you up into his arms, whispering, “I’ll make it up to you I swear.” “You better,” you chide him. And then you ask the most important question. “How long will you be gone?” He gulps and mumbles, “A couple of months. The ministry wants to find Credence.” “A couple of months!” you shout. Theseus winces at your volume. “I’ll try to be back as soon as I can,” he tries to console you. It was no use. You stand with your arms crossed, anger rolling off of you in waves. Theseus sneaks up behind you and begins kissing your neck. “Theseus…. Stop,” you gasp half-heartedly, heat flooding your body. He chuckles and whispers in your ear, “Do you really want me to stop?” Your voice comes out as a whimper as he nibbles on your earlobe, “I don’t know.” Theseus laughs at this and scoops you up into his arms, carrying you to the bedroom. 
Four months. It had been four months since Theseus left for Paris, and every day without him was harder than the last. Newt left shortly after Thes did, no doubt to chase after Tina. But Tina was a remarkable improvement compared to Leta. And all of the sudden it was like Hogwarts all over again, you alone without Newt or Theseus. Although, you weren’t entirely alone. Theseus was in for quite a large surprise when he came home, for your last reunion resulted in you becoming pregnant. The other healers insisted that you take time off, not wanting to put your child in danger. But you refused. The war raged on. People needed your help and expertise now more than ever. Sighing into your cup of tea, you long for the presence of your husband. It’s then that a loud, sharp knock echoes against the door. Walking over to it, you’re shocked to see professor Dumbledore standing before you, soaking wet from the rain. “Professor, what can I do for you?” you ask as you usher him inside. He eyes your stomach and sighs, “Theseus won’t like this.” “Like what?” you ask back. Dumbledore groans, “Grindelwald is rallying in Paris with his followers. They’re going to need a healer. There is sure to be death at the Lestrange Tomb tonight.” You softly ask the million dollar question, “And Newt and Theseus? Are they there.” Dumbledore nods. As you move past him to depart Dumbledore grabs your arm and practically begs, “Y/n, be careful.” You nod determinedly and depart for Paris. 
When you arrive,it’s clear that the rally is already over. The graveyard is razed to the ground and a small group of people sit on the steps near the Lestrange tomb. Running as fast as you can, their faces come into view and you recognize Newt, a short and round man, and a young woman you can only assume to be Tina Goldstein. “Newt thank god!” you shout, bringing their attention up to you. Pulling him into a tight hug, you sob, “Thank god you’re alright.” Newt returns your hug and croaks horsley, “You shouldn’t be here.” He places you at arm's length and it is then that he takes in your pregnant belly. “My god, you really shouldn’t be here. Go home, please,” he hisses. Ignoring his request, you ask sniffle, “Where is he Newt? Where is the father of my child?” Newt, overridden with guilt, chokes, “I don’t know. I lost him after we deflected the fiend fyre from Grindelwald. He should be here.” A great sense of foreboding floods your system. Losing all sense of caution and clutching your belly, you begin trekking around the tomb, shouting desperately, “Theseus! Theseus Scamander! Please answer me!” Turning the corner, you see his large form, sprawled in the grass, concussed you concluded, by the great gash on his forehead. “Theseus!” you shriek, racing over to him. Pulling out your wand you mutter, “Renervate.” Theseus’s eyes slowly open. “Y/n? Is this heaven?” he mumbles softly. Despite everything, you laugh. “No Theseus. Come on, we’ve got to get you home,” you declare. Pulling him to his feet, Theseus then fully takes in the state of you. “Are you….” his voice trails off, almost scared of the answer. You nod and respond softly, “I am.” Theseus’s face cracks into the widest smile you’ve ever known and he lifts you in his arms, his hands taking their rightful place around your waist, sobbing joyfully. “My y/n, with child!” he pronounces gleefully. You giggle as he puts you down and ask, “Theseus would you please take your pregnant wife home?” He offers you his arm, plants a kiss on the top of your head and says, “It would be my pleasure.”  
Theseus didn’t work out in the field much these days, only when it was vitally important. So when he was called to a rally last night, you knew he would be exhausted. This was the second time Theseus was on a mission when you found out you were yet again pregnant. Tip toeing out of your bedroom, you plant a tender kiss to his forehead and shut the door quietly behind you. Walking into the second bedroom, you approach your first-born. “Caden my love, it is time to wake up,” you kiss your son sweetly on the cheek. He grumbles that he is still sleepy. Dragging him out of bed, you reposition the three year old on your hip and go to wake your 6 month old son Liam. “Good morning my treasure,” you coo to where he lies in the crib. Liam blinks his eyes open, his blue eyes nearly matching Theseus’s, and stretches his tiny hands, rubbing at his freckles. Your heart swells at the thought of another mini-Theseus wandering around your home. With both children in your arms you bring them into the kitchen to begin breakfast. As soon as you put Caden down he declares, “I want to go wake daddy!” You immediately tell him strictly, “Caden we can’t do that just yet. Daddy had a very long night at work and he needs his rest.” Caden pouts and in an attempt to distract him you ask, “How about some blueberry pancakes for breakfast my love?” He beams and immediately runs to the table, Auburn curls flopping as he goes. You sigh in exhaustion and your mind turns round and round as you think about bringing a third child into the mix. And despite the nervousness tingling through you, you also feel an immense amount of joy of the family you and Theseus had created.  
Humming softly, you’re unaware of a quiet Theseus who stands in the doorway, watching you with gentle awe and admiration. Clothed in his pajamas and messy hair pulled up out of your face, Liam was strapped against your chest making tiny soft noises as you bustled around making breakfast. Caden has fallen asleep at the table. Coming up behind you, Theseus snakes an arm around your waist and hums, “Good morning darling,” in your ear. Turning around you smile, “Good morning love. I was going to let you sleep some more. You seemed very tired.” Theseus chuckles, “How could I be sleeping knowing that my goddess of a wife and our two beautiful babes are in the next room?” Before you have time to comment, Caden leaps from his spot at the table and shouts, “Daddy, you’re awake!” Theseus has the wind knocked out of him as Caden hangs on his back, and you can see just how much being an auror aged him. “My boy, did you take good care of your mommy when I was away yesterday?” Theseus asks his eldest son very seriously. Caden puffs out his chest in his father’s arms and nearly shouts, “Of course I did!” You laugh and give your son a kiss on the nose. Liam begins to cry and you know that he must be hungry. “Sit down my love, you look exhausted,” you rub Theseus’s back. He sits at the table and you put his plate in front of him, sitting down across from him. Breastfeeding your son, Theseus smiles at you and gushes, “You are truly the most wonderful mother to our children.” You blush in thanks. 
Hours later, after a very chaotic lunch, you managed to get Liam and Caden down for naps. Coming back into the living room, you grin at Theseus passed out on the couch. Brushing his hair from his forehead, you give him a tender kiss and whisper, “My love, why don’t we nap as well?” Theseus nods and groggily murmurs in agreement. 
He lays down on your bed, and opens his arms up for you. Crawling into his lap, you sigh in contentment. Theseus whispers into your hair, “There is nothing more attractive than watching you raise our children.” You giggle and turn to face him, asking, “Really?” Theseus places kisses on both of your cheeks and says, “Really.” Always honest, Theseus admits, “I only wish we had a little girl just like you. Someone I can spoil endlessly, like I do you.” Heat rises to your face and you decide that now is as good of a time as any. “Well, I don’t know if it will be a girl, but there’s a 50% chance,” you look at him anxiously. Theseus chuckles, “Are you serious?” “It’s not my fault that you can’t keep your hands off of me!” your voice rises defensively. Theseus grabs both of your hands and cuts you off, “No, no, my darling y/n, I just can’t believe my luck is all. Another baby already, it’s… it’s such amazing news.” A tear comes to his eyes. “Are you really happy?” you whisper. He kisses you in reply. A long, soft, intimate kiss. When he pulls back he smiles, “Of course I am. You have given me the most amazing family. I love you, I love our life together, I love our family.” Theseus’s hands travel to your stomach and he sighs in contentment. “I love you Theseus,” you gush. He kisses your hair and murmurs, “Sleep now love.” You obey and fall into a peaceful sleep, curled up in your husband’s arms.
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harrysweasleys · 4 years
sweet as apple pie //d.m
Summary: hi! i was wondering if you could do a draco x reader where draco is only soft and sweet to a ravenclaw girl but gets embarrassed when other slytherins notice? you can end it however you’d like!
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: i wrote this in like an hour because i was so inspired and in one of those ‘loving draco malfoy’ moods, as always! hope you enjoy! :)
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The Black Lake, though the thought of going in was slightly terrifying, brought you great peace and comfort on sunny afternoons where you’d find yourself homework-free. Some of your best afternoons were spent here, really.
The soothing ripples lapped against the rocks and shore as you sat in the shade of an old beech tree, the birds chirping melodically and the occasional bee buzzing by to land on a flower. The grass swayed in the fresh spring air and the smell of nature took over your senses.
You’d sit here for hours, reading silently or sketching the view under the comfortable shade, the distant laughter of students being the only distraction you could be faced with.
However, that was proven to be false as Draco strolled across the grass and sat across from you, his face lighting up immediately as you smiled over at him.
“Thought you’d wait for me outside the common room,” he grinned, teasing you as you placed your bookmark in the page you had just been invested in, putting the book aside and turning your attention to him.
“Sorry,” you forced a fake pout, “The sunshine was calling to me and I didn’t want to wait in the mouldy dungeons.”
He placed a hand over his heart, pretending to be offended, “Mouldy? I’ll have you know that’s currently where I reside, thank you very much.”
You tossed your head back against the tree, laughing at his dramatic twist of your words.
“I don’t blame you, though,” he looked up to the cloudless sky with squinted eyes, “It’s a rather marvellous day.”
You nodded, your laughter subsiding, “It is, I agree. The only problem is that you’re too far away.”
“This, I also agree with,” he raised his eyebrows and stood up, walking closer to you and sitting under the same tree, his arm pressed up against yours. He was close enough for you to smell him, to take in the delicate features that graced his face. You could even see the adoration in his eyes — the fondness — causing you to bite your lip in order to suppress your growing grin.
“Better?” he asked with a smirk, catching you in the act of staring at him as if in a romantic daydream. Not that you hadn’t stared at him in that exact same manner on countless previous occasions, of course. But he’d tease you about it anyways.
“Much,” you replied softly, the pink hue forming on your cheeks. You wanted to tell yourself it was due to the heat, but you knew damn well it was Draco’s doing.
He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you in to his side. His grip tightened slightly as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, butterflies fluttering wildly in your belly at his touch.
Nearly a year of dating and this man still had you as giddy as you were on your first date.
You knew he was well aware of the effect he had on you — he relished in it, actually. He’d send you winks during class to see the blush form on your cheeks, he’d also purposefully leave his sweater behind so he could compliment you non-stop as you wore it the next day. Every little thing he did would cause your butterflies to erupt and your cheeks end up sore after smiling like an idiot.
“Your hair smells like apple pie,” he muttered after a comfortable period of silence, his head resting against yours, “I like it.”
“My shampoo is actually citrus,” you chuckled, “but thank you.”
“Oi, Malfoy!” a loud, abhorrent voice called out and ruined your intimate moment. You looked over with a grouchy expression to see Crabbe and Parkinson crossing the lawn, their eyes squinted under the peak sunlight as they headed straight towards the two of you. You internally scowled as they got closer, already wishing they would just leave.
Draco’s arm retracted from around you and he waved weakly at them, his face dropping and all traces of the soft, loving person he was just moments ago was covered up. Your heart sank slightly as you shifted away, causing the distance to grow between the two of you.
“What is it?” Draco snapped, the tips of his ears slightly pink as he stared up at Crabbe’s obliviously blank expression.
Crabbe’s eyes widened at the tone, “Just wondering where you went. Thought we’d see what Potter was up to.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, wanting to speak up but knowing it was best if you didn’t. Draco’s friends, as witless and brainless as they were, could be quite arrogant if contradicted and the last thing you wanted was to put Draco in a weird position.
“I’m alright,” Draco replied dryly before looking over at you, “I’ve already got plans.”
You relaxed at his words, glad he wasn’t leaving you to hang out with his idiot peers. Not that he ever really had before, but Draco always seemed to hold himself to a different standard around them.
Crabbe and Parkinson looked at you, both furrowing their eyebrows before turning back to Draco.
“Malfoy growing a little soft, is he?” Pansy asked, placing her hands on her hips and grinning down at the boy next to you. You smirked at her teasing tone, knowing how easily flustered Draco could get.
“What — soft? No —,” Draco rambling was cut off by Pansy’s rambunctious laughter.
“Let’s go, Crabbe. The lovebirds clearly don’t want our presence.”
Crabbe rolled his eyes in disappointment and followed after her as she dragged him away, leaving you and Draco in silence.
“So, embrassed by me, much?” you asked, crossing your arms and cocking an eyebrow.
Draco sighed, dropping his head, “No, of course not, love,” he reached for your hands, “I just — I don’t know — feel like I have a reputation to uphold. Especially around them.”
You nodded, not upset or offended, but simply just wanting to know what was going on in his complex mind. There had been a few instances, usually around his Slytherin peers, where Draco would pull away from you or act a little colder when people pointed out the way he behaved around you.
Softer, nicer, calmer.
You loved it. Loved that he cared about you enough to show his softer side. You knew you were the only one he showed it to. But you only wished he was confident enough to not shy away every time someone caught him like that. That he’d be more open to having others see him be more human.
“Draco, you realize no one actually cares if you’re nicer to me?” you smiled at him, “I’m your girlfriend. If anything, it’s better. It’s making you nicer to other people too.”
He shook his head, “Is it? Ask anyone in this school — I don’t think any of them would describe me using the word nice.”
“That’s only because of your stupid reputation,” you mocked his voice, causing his lips to turn upwards into an amused smile.
He picked up on your teasing tone and flashed you a smile, shaking his head, “You’re something, you know?”
You nodded, “Oh, I know. But next time, please don’t shy away. I’m proud of having you as my boyfriend and I want to show that off.”
He failed at trying to hide his flushed cheeks as he pulled you close, “Okay, I promise. I’ll show the whole school you’re mine.”
The atmosphere in the Great Hall was tense leading up to tonight’s Quidditch match between Slytherin and Hufflepuff. With good reasoning, though, as whoever won this match would play Gryffindor for the Quidditch Cup in a few months.
You looked over to the Slytherin table, noticing how Draco would hesitantly pick at his food and put it back down. Clearly, his appetite was leaving him as the nerves settled in.
Usually calm and collected, Draco would rather die before telling anyone he was nervous. Lucky for you, though, you could read him like an open book.
Dinner ended and he stood up, walking straight towards you as you finished your food and bid good evening to your fellow Ravenclaws as you jogged over meet Draco.
“Are you going to be at the game?” he asked quickly. He had asked the question so quickly that it took you a proper moment before you could process the words that had come out of his mouth.
“Course,” you replied with tilt of your head, “Always am, aren’t I?”
“Wear this,” he peeled off his emerald green ‘Slytherin Quidditch’ sweater, leaving him only in his button up shirt, and handed it over to you, “For my luck, of course. And because you’re my girl.”
You beamed as your cheeks grew hot, “Alright.”
Pulling the sweater on over your head and smelling his cologne, your heart did a jolt. He grinned at you, leaning down and pressing his lips against yours, right in the middle of the crowded Great Hall.
He had only ever kissed you in private before.
Shocked by his open reaction, it took you a second to register the kiss and reciprocate. You wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned into him, deepening the kiss and pouring every ounce of love that you could possibly muster into it.
You heard wolf whistles, whether from his friends or yours, you couldn’t tell. You didn’t care, either.
“Well,” you mumbled as you pulled away, lips feeling swollen and your heart rate definitely increasing, “Wonder how good the kiss will be if you win tonight.”
“Guess you’ll have to find out, love,” he winked your way.
Forget an increased heartrate — your heart was now going into complete frenzy. You nearly forgot to breathe for a second.
Draco Malfoy and his damn charm.
And, luckily for you, Slytherin had pulled off a glorious victory. Draco had caught the Snitch and Slytherin had won loud and proud. You had cheered him on from the sidelines, donning his sweater and grinning like a fool every time he’d pass by you and shoot you a thumbs up.
You could tell his confidence was very much present as he zoomed around on his broom, not bickering with the other team and focusing his attention on actually playing the game. So, when Slytherin won, even though you weren’t in said house, the victory felt very well deserved.
You were one of the first to rush down onto the field afterwards, Draco too busy priding himself over his catch to even notice you charging in his direction. You hopped onto his back, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing a large kiss to the side of his cheek.
“You did it!”
He put you down and spun around, wrapping his arms around you and lifting you off the ground, not even caring that practically the entire school could see the two of you. His smile was wide and his eyes wild. You didn’t even care that he was sweaty and sticky — you were too proud to care.
“Time for my victory kiss, love,” he grinned as you lowered your head and met his lips with yours, the world vanishing around the two of you.
Who’d have thunk that a Slytherin would be so soft for a Ravenclaw?
(message me to be added!)
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