#goid luck magic
1-800-444-tune ยท 5 years
Abundant sources of income coming ! Spell
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pa5love7 ยท 3 years
Sleeping beauty , the real story.
Young Misha had no idea Hoo he Was. As far as he was concerned, his adopted family had rescued him from a life of grim servitude. Something for which he counted as a stroke of luck. The house he lived in was very comfortable and in the midst of a beautiful park. He attended a goid school and was happy, generally. He was loved by his new family , learnt to be a gentleman and enjoyed his new life. However, deep in his soul, he knew he wasnt normal. He would talk to the wind and the trees and animals were drawn to him and his imagination was brighter than anybody elses in the village. It was only the deep trauma of separation from his birth mother that troubled this otherwise happy boy. His days were filled with peels of laughter and a little magic.
What he didn't know is that his beloved mother was a Princess from an ancient line, the fairest of her line and that his father was a mighty Empoer.
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