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25 Days of Christmas Drabbles Day 6
Getting Pan dressed into her little caroling outfit. Gohan grunted each time she slapped him. Of course he should have seen this coming from a three year old, but he honestly did not get where she got this from. He had been a very passive boy, yet here Pan was being aggressive. Maybe she got it from Videl, yeah that was it, she got it from Videl.
"Pan, you love Christmas Caroling. But you have to be really well dressed in your winter clothes to get ready to go out there." Gohan sighed as Pan made an annoyed Raspberry at him for doing it. He didn't care though, this was important.
"I swear Videl, she is more your daughter than mine most days." Gohan sighed and shook his head as he looked to his wife as she snickered and watched at him.
"Well, I am the cooler parent." She teased Gohan as she finished her own getting ready herself. "Plus I don't worry about her safety at every moment and helicopter parent."
"Haha." Gohan sarcastically said as he finished lacing up his boots. He had very little amusement on his face, though he had to admit, maybe he was just a little too much like his own mother.
"Well, let's get moving. We don't have much daylight this time around." Gohan told them as the family exited the house, Pan still laughing at what her mother had said to Gohan.
Thankfully, the somewhat annoyed tone of Gohan quickly changed as they toured the neighborhood and did their caroling, the neighborhood felt so happy. They were enjoying the moment, as a family.
Yeah, life could suck, but at least it still had moments like this.
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RASTROS DE MENTIRAS - CAPITULO FINAL. ETERNIDAD (PARTE FINAL) (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1337140848-rastros-de-mentiras-capitulo-final-eternidad-parte?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Sesshokane&wp_originator=%2F7U%2FZiAtbFHrmKI8EEqZgLc0OIuVxHZghxt0P8d4tz%2FangicKzLfI0svWkgDXQ6q09hJIw0%2FDYrmyi%2FLvulW7ikYGBq9MU2W6bBe6vSm7al8y5akNW2255ttKj2nQ4mA Pese a ser una hija amada por mis padres y mis hermanos, sentía que mi vida era un completo desastre. No encontraba trabajo y ni hablar de mi vida sentimental. Mi mejor amiga Kikyou me lleva a los brazos de aquel ser de ojos verdes quien me hiciera enloquecer y ser imprudente por amor. Caí en el infierno que no creí que existiera y solo allí... en los ojos dorados de quien pagara una noche por estar conmigo encontré el verdadero amor... en brazos del inspector Shibata Sesshoumaru
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My GohanxVidel Headcanon
So immediately after Buu is destroyed and everyone is on the lookout, Gohan chooses Videl to come to first because he intends to confess his feelings for her. He freezes and can't after she hugs him and cries in his chest, because he is stunned and unsure how to proceed.
They don't meet again until the BBQ, where he's again stunned by her, and too nervous to dance with her until 18 literally pushes him next to her.
Their relationship is at a standstill after that because he's never been in a romantic situation before, nor has he had much of the appropriate behaviour modelled for him to learn from.
Regardless, he is continually drawn to her. Late at night, he travels to her house, and looks over her as she sleeps. Gohan goes through conversations in his mind over and over again, trying to figure out a way to tell her what she means to him, how beautiful she is, how much he wished he could have kissed her on the lookout.
Gohan eventually gets bolder, and actually enters her room, gently touching her face and even getting into bed with her to spoon her and be able to hold her. He starts being distant at school, because he realises how psycho he's being. Videl starts getting sad, because she obviously loves him, and is starting to think he doesn't feel the same, and that they may just drift apart after graduation.
One night when he's in her bed, he gets intoxicated by the warmth of her next to him, the comfort of her scent, the feeling of her skin against his, and Gohan falls asleep. Videl wakes up before him, the next morning. She very quickly realises Gohan is in her bed behind her. She's quietly giddy, because that means he loves her too. She doesn't feel like her privacy is invaded.
He groans and wakes, and Videl snaps her eyes shut and pretends to be asleep as Gohan silently panics and leaves.
I have no conclusion to this
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3. Young Love (The Cyborg and the Kid)
A/N: The author of the following of claims no ownership of DBZ, or any mentioned characters. I mulled over whether or not I should make this a part of this series. While some of the focus is on 18’s relationship with Gohan, there’s one or two more moving parts to this one-shot. But I figured why the hell not, so here we are. Enjoy.
Erasa’s holding up a two-piece navy-blue bikini to the blue-eyed, ebony haired martial artist before her. “How about this one?” Asked Erasa.
Erasa’s wearing her signature sleeveless, shoulderless green tube top tucked into blue skinny jeans. Erasa’s wearing a look that’s a mixture of hope and amusement as Videl eyes her with the utmost seriousness.
“It’s skimpy, Erasa.” Videl responded coldly.
“Come on V, you’ve said that about every piece I’ve showed you today.”
“Well it’s true!”
“Come on don’t you want to model just one? I mean wouldn’t it be nice to show Gohan,” she pauses, as if contemplating something, stroking her chin, “Oh, what was it he said? ‘How you would look in something more flattering?’” She finished giggling, going back to searching the racks for more swimwear for Videl to potentially model.
Son Gohan had said that, about her!
Happy go lucky, almost always wearing a smile.
Son freaking Gohan.
The same Son Gohan who when hit square in the head by a fastball form Sharpner, didn’t even blink. He didn’t even raise his voice at their bull-headed, blonde-haired friend.
Running her hand through her newly cropped hair she wonders how she even ended up here in the first place.
A few days ago, before class, Erasa had talked Videl into going to the mall to shop for more clothes for the upcoming World Martial Arts Tournament (despite knowing the daughter of Hercule always sticks with bicycle shorts and oversized t-shirts for most occasions).
Somehow, the conversation moved to swimwear, much Videl’s dismay.
Gohan wasn’t even paying attention to their conversation, his face in a book as per the usual.
Erasa had become frustrated with Videl and on whim roped Gohan into their talks.
She’d asked Gohan how he think Videl would look in a bikini.
Gohan had said without hesitation, “Nice, I think. It’d be pretty interesting seeing her in something more flattering.”
Instantly the color had left his face.
He’d immediately gone into panic mode, repeatedly asking the ebony haired girl for forgiveness, constantly saying he didn’t mean anything by it.
The boy from the sticks talked without thinking, that much was clear.
He didn’t have a harmful bone in his body.
At least as far as Videl knew.
But that didn’t matter to her.
As such was in her nature, she’d taken what could’ve been interrupted as an insult and as a personal challenge.
“Yeah! Well I’ll show you Gohan! Why don’t you come with us and you’ll see how flattering I can be!”
Gohan wasn’t the only person who spoke without thinking that day.
And Erasa…
Erasa simply had the most satisfying smirk on her face. Almost like she planned this along.
“Great! It’s date!” She said.
She just had to use that word didn’t she. Thought Videl.
She pats imaginary dust from her oversized t-shirt and bicycle shorts, and reluctantly follows her friend further in the store.
Erasa brings up another number for Videl. This time it’s a collection of strings that somehow is supposed to be a swimsuit.
Red-faced, Videl practically screams at Erasa, “Shouldn’t you being showing Gohan some of these!? He the one that wants to see me in it!”
Clearly having fun, the blonde giggles and then responds, “I get the feeling our Gohan would be happy to see you in anything besides those oversized t-shirts.”
“’Our?’” Questions Videl.
With a knowing smirk, Erasa says, “Whoops! Sorry V didn’t mean to step on your toes. That’s your man after all.” She finished with a wink.
Videl’s unable give Erasa a piece of her mind, as her green tube top clad friend had scampered off, most likely in search of more swimwear.
Against her better judgement, Videl continues to follow Erasa around. Intermittently, Erasa continues show Videl swimsuits. The ebony-haired martial artist continues shooting them down.
Eventually, Erasa makes a proposition. “Hey what do you think of this, think we could get Gohan to model something instead of you?”
She’s holding up a red speedo, maybe a size or two too small for a man about Gohan’s build.
Her eyes find themselves shifting over to where Gohan is. He’s browsing the sunglasses rack. He meets her eyes, and looks away quickly, blush apparent on his face. He’s wearing his familiar red-orange pants with a long-sleeved white shirt under a black vest.
She’s seen him in his training outfit. That purple number that revealed his chest and arms.
Then the thought of him in nothing but that red speedo becomes her all-consuming thought.
Without realizing it, a dopey smile spreads across her face as it becomes as red as her maiden name’s namesake.
“So, I guess you approve, huh?”
“WHAT? NO! I don’t what you’re talking about,” says Videl, crossing her arms, turning her back to Erasa.
The blonde breaks into another fit of laughs at her friend’s expense. A strong gust of wind suddenly goes throw the shop and their friend is gone.
She looks around, and says, “Where did Gohan go? He was just here!”
They each share a look and say simultaneously, “Food court.”
Saiyans are mostly driven by two things.
Battle and hunger.
Despite it going against his physiology being only half Saiyan, Gohan has a disposition towards fighting.
He only does so when absolutely necessary.
But at this current moment he finds himself being driven more by the latter part of his nature.
The food court is awash with displays of food and smells most delectable to the young half saiyan.
Pizzas, fried chicken, subs.
Gohan can’t really decide on anything.
But anything would do to get his mind off his situation.
Those swimsuits Erasa was suggesting Videl try on kept getting more and more revealing, much to his and Videl’s embarrassment.
The last straw was when she’d suggested he try on something, pulling an undersized red speedo seemingly out of nowhere.
With his abilities, he went on his way without either of them being the wiser.
That darn Erasa!
Smiling that darn smug smile like she knew something he and Videl didn’t.
She just had to go and ask him how he’d think Videl would look in swimwear.
And he just had to go and speak from his heart without thinking.
And Videl went and took it the wrong way.
Like when he’d made the comment about her hair.
He didn’t mind the long pigtails on his blued eyed classmate.
He didn’t think she looked bad with it cut short.
And she'd cut her hair at his suggestion.
That must mean he must have made some sort of impression if she changed her appearance at something he said.
But that could mean she could possibly return his feelings.
The thought both scares and excites him.
“There’s a saiyan on deck! Might as well shut down the court!” Yells a familiar voice.
He looks around trying to find who it was that yelled at him.
He eventually spots a family of three at one the tables in the food court, two of which are waiving at him.
He makes his way to the seated family of Krillin, 18, and Marron.
Marron’s dressed in black jeans, black and white sneakers and a red t-shirt with a chibi caricature of Videl on it in a fighting pose, as she waves excitedly at the half saiyan with the widest of smiles on her face.
18’s waving is much more subdued, as is her expression: a slight smile, damn near incomprehensible if one didn’t look carefully enough. She dressed in a black shirt with white sleeves accented with thin gray strips, with blue jeans, black flats and orange socks.
Krillin is muttering quietly to himself, elbows on the table, hands in his hair over a container of what smells like bourbon chicken. He’s completely oblivious to what’s going on around him. He’s dressed in a solid black t-shirt with kaki pants and black shoes.
“Hey guys! What’s up with Krillin?” Asks Gohan.
“Hey Gohan!” Says Marron, running up to the half saiyan.
“Hey kid,” answers 18. She looks to Krillin, her slight smile becoming just a bit more than for just a moment. “Don’t mind him. He’s been going on about bourbon chicken recipes for the last few weeks. About how he can never get the ingredients right to match the taste of what they serve at the malls.* Marron and I tell him his is just as good if not better. What they serve here is fine if just a bit too sweet for my tastes.” She leans over and kisses Krillin on the top of his head. “I don’t know what to do with him.”
“Thanks babe.” Says Krillin. “How are you Gohan? What are you doing all the way out in Satan City, on a Saturday?”
Gohan thinks of the two girls he left in that clothing store and red begins to creep up on his face. “Well, I’m helping a few friends from school with some shopping.”
“Really Gohan? Then what is it that’s got you red faced, hmm? These friends of yours don’t happen to be girls, do they?” Asked 18.
“How’d…?” Trailed off Gohan.
“Chi-Chi told me and Bulma.”
“And what are these,” she stops for a moment barely able to contain her amusement, “girl friends of yours shopping for exactly?”
Gohan’s blush deepens.
“Come on kid, tell us!” Says Krillin, the needling of his young friend seemingly knocking him out his funk.
Krillin leans toward Gohan, as to tell him some secret. “You weren’t shopping for ‘unmentionables’ with them, were you?”
Both Krillin and 18 crack big wide smiles.
Gohan, unable to take the pressure the couple staring him down, “Swimsuits, bikinis.” He mumbles.
“Two girls,” said Krillin.
“At the same time”, responded 18.
“Hey, it’s not like that. One’s a good friend, the other one well…” Gohan trailed off.
They both burst out laughing, much to the young half saiyan’s chagrin.
Marron’s looking to her mother and father, and Gohan in confusion, missing the joke.
Krillin picks up on it and plucks Marron from her chair. He cuddles the young blonde close to him and says, “Our little Gohan’s growing up!”
She giggles at her father’s exclamations and affections.
He places Marron back down, patting his stomach. “I think all this bourbon chicken’s starting to catch up to me, excuse me. Take care of my girls while I’m gone Gohan!”
18 waives him off as he walks away, “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself I’ll have you know.” She said with a smile.
Erasa had managed to talk Videl into buying one swimsuit.
A purple one-piece.
They mainly did it to buy time before they went to hunt down Gohan at the food court.
They’ve seen the boy eat before and it’s not a sight they care to subject themselves to too often if they can help it.
If Videl was being honest with herself, she’d admit she’s a little disappointed she didn’t get to model it for Gohan.
It was the lone piece she’d tried on today.
Seemingly picking up on her friend’s thoughts, Erasa says, “It suited you V. I thought it was flattering at least. Though I do think you’d really catch Gohan’s attention with a two-piece.”
“Thanks, Erasa, I really apricate it.”
The two continue to walk, making idle chatter until they reach food court.
They look around in search of their friend until Erasa exclaims, “I think I found him! And who’s that blonde with him?”
“What?” Videl practically screams in response.
“She’s beautiful too. She must be a model or something.” Says Erasa. “Oh, she’s got the cutest little girl with her too, must be her daughter. They look pretty chummy.”
So that’s it, huh?
He ditched them to pick up girls in the food court.
A sinking feeling begins to creep its way into her gut.
“I thought… I thought…” Videl mumbles to herself.
“Ah, V, maybe it’s not as bad as it seems. Maybe they’re just friends.”
18 places a hand on Gohan’s as she laughs.
‘Two-timer’ is the word that pops into her mind.
But that word would imply feelings she’s not ready acknowledge, or at least she wasn’t ready to acknowledge them before today.
She releases a breath, steeling herself for what she’s about to do, throws her bag toward Erasa and storms off.
“Videl! Videl wait!”
Behind the taller boy there’s a bit of a commotion.
18 hears a young lady calling another’s name, and she sees a teenaged girl, with short black hair and steeled blue eyes heading straight in their direction.
Her young friend’s crush.
Videl Satan.
“Look out Gohan, we’ve got a hot one coming in.” Said 18.
She points in the direction of the oncoming Satan.
“Hey Videl! This is…”
“Don’t you ‘hey Videl’ me!” She screams getting into Gohan’s face.
She's a personal space invader, this Videl is. Thinks 18.
She can relate to invading the space of her of crush.
Before she and Krillin were officially an item, 18 always found ways to break down the barriers of personal space that left her little monk red-faced, sputtering and finding one excuse or another to excuse himself in order to hide his embarrassment. She would sometimes chase him down to see what else adorable reactions she could coax out of him. 18 still on occasion invades Krillin's personal space, he still sputters and gets embarrassed about it, but he doesn't excuse himself anymore. She glances down to her wedding ring. He either really loves me, or he knows better. Or both. 18 giggles to herself.
Erasa reaches Videl, just before she goes into her tirade, “Videl, calm down! Let’s just think about this.” Said Erasa.
“You ditched us to pick up girls at the food court!” Screamed Videl.
“Wha…?” Responds 18.
“Kami! You’re Videl Satan!” Interjects Marron.
“OK. OK. Multi-pronged attack going on here.” Says 18.
She gets up from her seat and forces distance between Videl and Gohan, shoving them apart. A look of mild surprise is on Videl’s face, likely at the slender, curvy woman’s strength.
“OK.” Says 18. She takes Marron by the hand, leading her to the Satan girl. “Go ahead sweetie, you were saying?”
Marron shyly approaches the young Martial Artist, excitement at meeting a genuine celebrity obvious in her bright eyes, “Miss Videl, I’m a big fan of yours. I especially like that you fight crime with Goh-“, she stops immediately her eyes darting to Gohan, realizing her mistake, “Great Saiyaman.”
Videl’s anger melts away at the sight of the earnest and bright-eyed fan. She drops to a knee, “What’s your name?” She asks.
“I’m Marron.”
She motions the little girl closer to her, and whispers, “It ok, Marron. I already know the secret. Gohan is Saiyaman.”
As if its even physically possible, Marron’s expression brightens even more. “If its not too much trouble Miss Videl, can I get your autograph?”
“Sure thing.”
The little girl scrambles immediately for something to sigh with.
“Here you go,” says 18 handing Marron a marker. “Can you sign her shirt, Miss Videl?” Said 18 with a teasing smile.
A similar smile that Erasa wore earlier today.
“Uh, sure,” Marron hands the marker to Videl and the martial artist goes about signing Marron’s shirt.
Marron, as pleased as punch, holds the bottom hem of her shirt in her hand, stretching it out slightly, admiring her official Videl Satan merch freshly signed by the heroine herself!
Marron launches herself at the Satan girl, “Thank you so much Miss Videl,” said Marron. She scampers over to her mother.
“Alright, now that’s taken care of what was it you were saying?” Said 18, referring to Videl.
“You and Gohan, flirting.”
“Excuse me?” Said 18, flipping her hair out her face.
“And you’re married!?” Said Videl incredulously, pointing to 18’s wedding ring.
At the implication 18's first instinct is go on the attack, like she often does whenever Vegeta's more abrasive nature collides with her. On the other hand, living with and learning some of the practices of Krillin's former life as a monk is causing her to reconsider that option. At the thought of further agitating the young lady before her, 18 thinks of example she's setting forth for Marron, not to mention what Krillin would think of her for further escalating the situation.
At the consideration of her family she takes a serious expression, folds her arms and says, "Videl. I've seen much about your crime fighting on the news, not mention what I've heard from Gohan here," she said jamming her thumb in his direction. What she does next would make Krillin proud (if would hurry up from his visit to the bathroom) and stuns Gohan. She bows respectfully and says, "Thank you for taking care of Gohan while he's in school and the city. And no, Gohan wasn’t flirting with me. As you pointed out, I’m happily married and to the best man a lady can ask for. I’ve known Gohan since he was 10-“
“11,” interrupts Gohan.
“What?” Says 18, turning to the half saiyan.
“You’ve known me since I was 11.” Gohan said plainly.
“But, Fuckface’s data base-“
“Hyperbolic Time Chamber.”
18 sighs, then turns back to Videl, “As I was saying, I’ve known Gohan since he 11. While I'm sure there's some young lady out there who'd be happy to have him, he's more like the little brother I never had.”
“But what about 17?” Said Gohan.
She scoffs, “I stand corrected once again. Gohan’s like the little brother I occasionally want to throttle, unlike my twin, whom I constantly want to throttle. But his constant interruptions are surely testing that theory.”
“Sorry,” said Gohan meekly.
“So, I thought,” Videl stammers, “oh Kami! I’m so sorry ma’am. I just. I don’t know.”
18 approaches the girl and puts a hand on her shoulder, giving her sympathetic smile. “Gohan,” she says turning to the young man, “do me a favor and take Marron to the merry-go-round please? I’d like to have a discussion with Videl and her friend here.”
“Uh, sure 18, lets go Marron,” said Gohan as he picked up the three-year-old.
18 waits until Gohan’s out of ear sight before she speaks.
“So, you’re head over heels for our boy, huh? That look in your eyes when you were storming over here. If looks could kill, I’d be dead a few times over.”
Videl looks away from the older blonde, “I like him, okay! I wouldn’t venture as far to say, ‘head over heels,’ but…” she trails off as a blush creeps it’s way up her face.
“Our girl’s it bad, whether she wants to admit it or not.” Says Erasa, as she takes her friend into an embrace.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name?” Said 18.
“Erasa,” said the blonde extending her hand. “So, your name’s 18, huh? Interesting.”
“My father was, well that’s not important right now. What was your game here today?”
Erasa cracks that smile one more time, “I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about.”
“Come on Erasa, I was talking to Gohan before all this jumped off. Videl maybe a Satan but you’re the devil,” said 18 cracking a smile of her own.
“Okay fine. I thought I could get Videl to model skimpy swimsuits for Gohan. Luckily, I managed to get both them to come to this trip. This smile and bright eyes are hard to say no too. I figured I can embarrass those two into admitting their feelings for each other. Or at the very least find great entertainment at their reactions which could have been delicious."
“I think I found a new friend.” Said 18.
Krillin comes back to the table, eating an egg roll and sipping a soda, “Hey, where’d Gohan and Marron go?”
“Merry-go-around,” answered 18.
He takes a look at the two girls and 18, “I feel like I missed something here.”
“You were right babe,” said 18 as she ran a hand through her husband’s hair, “our little Gohan’s growing up.”
*Real life strikes, someone help me!!
Read this and more @https://www.fanfiction.net/~olboypacman
#DBZ#Android Eighteen#K18#krillinxeighteen#krillin#son gohan#videl#videl satan#gohanxvidel#govi#erasa rubber#erasa#marron#FF.net#fanfic#fanfiction
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I am literally begging, BEGGING modern media to portray healthy relationships. enough cheating. enough infidelity. enough disrespect. show me people who love each other, proper communication, and a strong mental as well as physical connection. I want plots about people who are madly in love with each other and STAY madly in love with each other. please. I am losing my mind.
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Happy New Year!!!!!The next yeah is dog year, but in fact dog year start from lunar Chinese New Year , well anyway xd.
Thank you to you guys!
Just say this time I try to draw different period of Gohan family :)
I am really happy happy happy to meet those who love Gohan and Videl in this year.
Thank you for all the things.
And I am still in the family day stuffs xdddd…but today I am lucky stay home and have time to finish this drawing.
I really think Gohan is a winner at the game of life…He is a scholar(what he is dream for)He has a beautiful and cute and gorgeous wife(and rich lol)and a lovely daughter…………. really a winner….😂😂😂
Just say, I know I am an annoying person. I always ranting on, pardon me :3.
#gohan#gohan family#son family#son pan#videl#videl satan#ghvi#hanvi#gohan x videl#gohanxvidel#son gohan#my art
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that smile! <3 It’s just so cute to see how happy Gohan is in that suit! And with his Wife’s apporval! Imagine the pride you get when you recieve that kind of support. We may not like Sayaiman but it makes Gohan so happy.
Or that’s the face of man who knows he’s about to get laid.
#gohan#dragonball super#super#dragon#ball#dragonball#dbs#videl#gohan and videl#gohanxvidel#gohan x videl
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Headcanon: Gohan and Videl aren't kinky, they just THINK they're kinky. They don't seem to understand getting "weird and freaky" means something else because they're giant nerds together that thinks posing like a Power Ranger and speaking like William Shatner is "weird and freaky"
#they also think the dialogue between Padme and Anakin in the Star Wars Prequels is romantic#they unironically quote them finding it beautiful instead of embarrassing#Pan is so ashamed#GohanxVidel
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This so funny!
I have also thought that how superman Gohan will look like.
OKAY SO. I was watching Batman vs Superman and I realized that Superman and his girlfriend/fiancé remind me SO MUCH OF GOHAN AND VIDEL. So I introduce to you....SUPERMAN GOHAN INSTEAD OF SAIYAMAN GOHAN AND JOURNALIST VIDEL INSTEAD OF REGULAR VIDEL AU
I wasn’t gonna pass on the opportunity to draw yet another AU for my OTP, heck nah! Haven’t seen any of the Superman movies (or Batman movies), so this is based on the three episode I saw of the 1996 series, and my general (and scarce) knowledge of the characters.
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RASTROS DE MENTIRAS - CAPITULO FINAL. ETERNIDAD (PRIMERA PARTE) (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1328367904-rastros-de-mentiras-capitulo-final-eternidad?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Sesshokane&wp_originator=vzVaj1saqYEY5oc1j08lR7PfKGd4B0WzrQA4muR%2BXGUKVYH8bd9ZIrdP5syioiOqrhPk5xDQgVmUbPCGOW3oX77Lcif40oEvfJKhLNt5MVtM4a89I2T%2FGOq8Yqu7MYkA Pese a ser una hija amada por mis padres y mis hermanos, sentía que mi vida era un completo desastre. No encontraba trabajo y ni hablar de mi vida sentimental. Mi mejor amiga Kikyou me lleva a los brazos de aquel ser de ojos verdes quien me hiciera enloquecer y ser imprudente por amor. Caí en el infierno que no creí que existiera y solo allí... en los ojos dorados de quien pagara una noche por estar conmigo encontré el verdadero amor... en brazos del inspector Shibata Sesshoumaru ❤️ Babys🥰su humilde cuenta cuentos les trae la primera parte del final de esta historia😱vengan para que les narre esta primera parte😍
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Does anyone else have GohanxVidel fanfiction they used to really love buy can't find anymore? There used to be this really good one on fanfiction.net called 'The Misadventures of Gohan and Videl' and it was an epic that ended in a cliffhanger that I can't find anywhere now...
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✌ & 💚?
Ship that you find cute but don’t ship: ✌
[There are two from DBZ like this, actually: GohanxVidel and Krillinx18. They're cute and have their nice moments and are somehow better introduced and developed than the two most popular DB ships (I don't think I really need to name them), but I'm still just not at the "YAS I SHIP IT" stage, and Ive been a fan of the series since I was 6. I don't know if it's just me being partially like I just wanna see yall whoop dat ass and a general disinterest in romance with the type of show it is or if it's just the sort of lackluster effort put into relationships in DB in general (imo of course), but I more just live with these ships but have no other opinion than "aw theyre coot tho." But they are cute and I think their relationships are nice and work.]
Ship that you secretly like: 💚
[Not gonna lie: GokuxBulma, obvs when they're older. I've been watching DB and their friendship is so good and wholesome and it cracks me up how many jokes there are about them being together or something that are in there. Liiike I won't go into detail or analysis of why I think this would have been better than what we got, but I dunno. I think it would have been a sweet, better developed ship overall if they had gone that route...tho tbf so would keeping her with Yamcha but that's another can of worms I won't get into wheeeeeze.]
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THANK YOU to all who response on my fanart. ^_^
And thank you 100+ followers!
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8, 9 and 15
8: Do you have a favorite episode from the anime/chapter from the manga?
I still stand by that the final fight with Frieza is my fave!
15: Do you have any favorite ships (canon or otherwise)?
CabbaxVados (you have @funsexydragonball to blame for that one XD)
The list goes on.
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List of Doujinshi Artists on pivix I follow
Iwakimera/ Amatsu - Current works GokuXGoku, Past works GokuXVegeta
Dragon Gallery/ Super Vegeta Den- Vegbul Dragonball AU
Chromium/ Sorano-Hatemade- Vegbul
Aru- GohanXVidel, VegetaXBulma, GokuXChichi, Android 18XKrillin
Chihiro/ Hakidame- Tien, Tao Pai PaiXTien, TienXLunch
Frozen- CellXFreeza
Kakashi-cat/ Moi- JanembaXCell, GokuXGoku
Raku- WhisXBeerus
Qiba- VegetaXBulma
Nattsu- VegetaXBulma GohanXPiccolo
Moromi Milk/ Mongolia Elephant- GohanXPiccolo
Haruhiko- GokuXVegeta, BardockXKing Vegeta
Kuri/ Ai To Yokubou No Hibi- VegetaXBulma
Yu No Pon- GokuXVegeta
Pesogin- VegetaXBulma
Flower Common/ Fu~ore/ Darar-- WhisXVegeta, GokuXVegeta
I-con/Nuoon- GokuXVegeta
Berry Bagel/ Miwa- VegetaXBulma, GokuXVegeta, GokuXBulma
Level+D/ Bui- GokuXVegeta
Maru/ Coco-Veg- VegetaXBulma
Rikono- VegetaXBulma
Natsuna/Morgenrot- GokuXVegeta
P-S- GotenXTrunks
Kurosak- GokuXVegeta
BG Libido- TrunksXGoten
318 Farm- VegetaXBulma
Ryujinkai/ lubiki/ Hito- VegetaXBulma
Re-co- GokuXVegeta
Rein/ Universe Seven- GokuXVegeta
Oniyuri- VegetaXBulma, BardockXGine
Amepati/ Pachi- GokuXChichi, VegetaXBulma
Esu- VegetaXBulma
M- VegetaXBulma
Jam- VegetaXBulma
Ultra Blue/Vin- VegetaXBulma
Monkey Pump/ Heimon- GokuXVegeta
Choco-la- GokuXVegeta
Kaede- GokuXVegeta
Drops- VegetaXBulma, GokuXChichi, Android 18XKrillin
Macadam- GokuXVegeta
Supobi- GokuXVegeta
Herumon Runta- GokuXVegeta
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RASTROS DE MENTIRAS - CAPITULO 16. VALOR (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1321204423-rastros-de-mentiras-capitulo-16-valor?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Sesshokane&wp_originator=KAQ9MXIWrCix0V44%2FS%2FMwzmhcez62B6tPuK43hv50SemOjhn%2FIju5uRNWlZJ8u1XOwBFzpHKm5ZwzTMku2CR4PTIdQ1td1eBjEOVPdf8E56dGgKO%2BkbcKzr%2FhmMOOLeH Pese a ser una hija amada por mis padres y mis hermanos, sentía que mi vida era un completo desastre. No encontraba trabajo y ni hablar de mi vida sentimental. Mi mejor amiga Kikyou me lleva a los brazos de aquel ser de ojos verdes quien me hiciera enloquecer y ser imprudente por amor. Caí en el infierno que no creí que existiera y solo allí... en los ojos dorados de quien pagara una noche por estar conmigo encontré el verdadero amor... en brazos del inspector Shibata Sesshoumaru. Viernes de lectura relajante💖su humilde cuenta cuentos llega con este penúltimo capitulo que los dejara sin aliento😍Nos vemos en wattpad🌸
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