#godzilla works in mysterious ways
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Oozepunk is the term I'm coining for the microgenre of urban heroic sci-fi horror-fantasy that first exploded in the mid-80s with movies, shows, and comics like Ghostbusters, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Toxic Avenger, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Hellboy, Street Sharks, and others. Lots of natural crossover with Biopunk and Cyberpunk, aesthetically and philosophically.
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Your childhood trauma didn't let you forget Roger Rabbit heavily featured colorful nightmare slime, did it?
A ragtag gang of weirdos (often horribly mutated--more on that soon) band together to save a city that doesn't understand them. Grimy sewers, abandoned buildings and graffiti'd brick walls are lit up by neon lights, streams of mysterious, glowing goo and/or the unearthly lights of futuristic particle weapons--ideally all of the above!
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Beyond the "cracked concrete and gutters full of liquid plutonium" aesthetic, Oozepunk prankishly asks "What if catastrophic aberrations of science, particularly DUMPING TOXIC FUCKING WASTE STRAIGHT INTO THE ENVIRONMENT created fucked-up monsters... but they're HEROIC fucked-up monsters!" These catastrophic aberrations of science grant the heroes incredible powers, but COST them their place in human society. (Ghostbusters and Roger Rabbit eschew character mutation in favor of discovering that the undead and olde tymey cartoons are real [and exploitable!], respectively. 'Busters and 'Toon sympathizers alike are treated like insane idiots and/or frauds in their respective universes.)
Oozepunk heroes are challenged not only by strange supernatural beings, but by human society itself. The Ghostbusters battle with local politicians as much as they do the undead. In the recent (and delightful) TMNT: Mutant Mayhem, Splinter warns the Turtles of humans and their obsession with "milking" mutants for their blood--on top of the villainous mutants they're trying to thwart!
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Crank up the creep factor in Oozepunk and you get awesome anti-establishment goo-horror like 1988's The Blob, The Stuff, Street Trash, and probably a bunch more. Toxic Avenger is a batshit crazy splatter-comedy (i.e. classic Troma)... and still garnered sequels, a kid's cartoon and toyline!
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And there's a Shredder's Revenge-style Crusaders beat-em-up coming out next year??
This looks dope as shit
Ghostbusters and TMNT are the only current, "evergreen" (or radioactive green!) Oozepunk franchises I can think of off the top of my head, but Oozepunk elements are buried in almost all of the stories and settings I love the most. Heroic kaiju like King Kong, Godzilla and Gamera paved the way for our freaky friends, but so did comics characters like Fantastic Four's Ben "The Thing" Grimm, The Hulk and Swamp Thing. Hell, I think I blame SESAME STREET of all things for starting me down the Oozepunk path.
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Surprise! I've loved screaming trash monsters with secret hearts of gold since I was a fucking baby, and they've ALWAYS been there for me!
But it's not just Oscar, Sesame Street as a whole is a proto-Oozepunk utopia, years before the big Ooze-splosion of the 80s. Muppets, monsters, talking animals and chill humans all live and work together to scrape by with a little dignity in a gritty-but-wholesome urban world!
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Sesame Street, a decades-long reminder that educational childrens' programming can and SHOULD be cool as hell looking and loaded with all kinds of friendly mutant freakuloids.
OOZEPUNK! Whaddya think?
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Kaiju Week in Review (February 11-17, 2024)
Warner Bros. unfurled the second trailer for Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, which seems to be going over much better than the first. There are multiple glimpses of the ice Titan Shimo throughout, and an even briefer look at Mothra reflected in Jia's eye. (My favorite shot, of course, is Kong decking Skar King as he's holding out Suko like a wriggling shield.) The rough shots from trailer #1 still look rough, but at least the new footage is more impressive.
The new issue of Empire (how fitting) has a short article on GxK—the big revelation there is that Godzilla Evolved is pink simply because that's director Adam Wingard's favorite color. Collaborations are also popping up. Circle K is offering a movie-branded sandwich, chocolate bar, and Froster drinks/cups. Godzilla and a seriously wizened Kong are also entering the mobile game Lords Mobile.
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I don't know much about Oscar politicking, but Takashi Yamazaki's strategy of bringing a model Godzilla with him everywhere he goes seems like a winner. Both appear in the "class photo" taken of all the nominees at the Oscar Nominees Luncheon. At the same event, Yamazaki and Godzilla met with Steven Spielberg, who told Yamazaki he had seen Godzilla Minus One three times. Posting their photo together on Twitter, Yamazaki said he had "met God."
Toho's English Godzilla YouTube channel also uploaded a six-minute video on Minus One's VFX, with a focus on the various ways the production was able to shave off costs. Officially translated behind-the-scenes featurettes for Toho Godzilla films are a rarity, a sign of how badly they want that little gold statue. It's worth watching just for Yamazaki scooting his chair around the office.
Shout! Factory's onslaught of old Toei tokusatsu films on its streaming service turned out to be a prelude to offering them all on disc. The Classic Tokusatsu Collection Blu-ray set includes Planet Prince (1959; called Prince of Space), Invasion of the Neptune Men (1961), Watari the Ninja Boy (1966), The Golden Bat (1966; called Golden Ninja), Magic Serpent (1966; called Dragon Showdown) , Ninja Scope (1969), and Terror Beneath the Sea (1966). None have ever been released on English-friendly Blu-ray before; some haven't even made it to DVD. The set is $70 and limited to 2,500 copies.
Major caveats seem to accompany every English-language release of vintage tokusatsu these days, and unfortunately this set's no exception. Despite the existence of English dubs for at least some of these films (two of them riffed on Mystery Science Theater 3000), only Terror Beneath the Sea is dubbed; the rest are Japanese-only. And the dubbed Prince of Space well-known to MiSTies was actually an amalgamation of Toei's two Planet Prince films, only the first of which is present here. (Even the first film seems like it's going to be in upscaled standard-def, going off the streaming version.) No special features in the production description either, although one person who got the set early reports that at least one trailer is included (for Invasion of the Neptune Men).
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IDW has announced still another Godzilla miniseries, Godzilla: Skate or Die. First-issue description:
It's Australian skater punks versus Varan and the King of the Monsters in this thrilling debut issue by writer/artist Louie Joyce (A Fistful of Pain)! Four years ago, four best friends and die-hard skaters found the perfect location for a DIY skatepark. After months of hard work, they created the world’s sickest spot that they could enjoy for the rest of their lives… That is, until the ferocious Varan appeared in the middle of central Australia and started making a beeline for their beloved park. Why is Varan on a rampage? Why did Godzilla just appear off the coast? What does their beloved skate spot have to do with this? And most importantly…what are these punks willing to do to save it?
Sounds like there's a lot of author appeal here, as Joyce is Australian and calls the tale "inspired by all the amazing DIY spots I've had the privilege of skating[.]" And a meaty role for Varan is a pleasant surprise.
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Perhaps inspired by the success of Troll on Netflix, we've got another Scandinavia giant monster movie on the way. Kraken will be directed by Pal Oie (Dark Woods) from a script by Vilde Eide. No cast yet, but here are the plot details divulged by The Hollywood Reporter:
[T]he thriller will follow Johanne, a marine biologist who encounters several strange occurrences while researching a fjord, including the brutal deaths of two local teenagers. “At the bottom of Norway’s deepest fjord rests a mythical monster as large as a mountain, with a myriad of arms ready to crush and devour anything they can grab,” the film’s synopsis reads.
Krakens are certainly having a moment in giant monster stories right now, between Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken and the three that somehow wound up connected to the Monsterverse. (To wit: Na Kika was originally called Kraken, the unnamed antagonist of Skull Island bore the same name internally, and the guardian of Atlantis in the Justice League crossover comic is a Kraken as well.) This seems like a more back-to-basics approach.
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Book Review 53 – The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi
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This is the last novel I read exclusively and entirely because it was nominated for a Hugo, and is also the first thing of Scalzi’s I’ve ever touched. Not that I haven’t been, like, peripherally aware of him for a while, but until now I’ve never really felt compelled by any of the pitches I’ve heard for his stuff. Having now read this – yeah, I stand by that. It’s not a bad book, but it’s just very much brainless dumb popcorn fun. Also he’s got a few writing quirks I kind of despise.
The story is about exactly what it says on the tin – a former grad student who dropped out to join a startup and then got fired and ended up doing food delivery during COVID runs into an old acquaintance and is offered a mysterious but high paying job ‘lifting things’. The job turns out to be with the eponymous Kaiju Preservation Society – an NGO with bases on an alternate earth, studying the nuclear-powered leviathans that are somehow its natural apex predators and protecting them from poachers. From there the plot plays out as you’d expect – crash course training and being introduced to the world, making friends, near-misses studying the Kaiju, an asshole billionaire whose revealed to be the villain, breaking the rules and disobeying orders with those friends to save a Kaiju from the billionaire before she goes nuclear and wipes out half of Newfoundland, and so on. Like I said, brainless popcorn. The pacing would actually work very well adapted to a movie, I think – certainly the whole thing would do better with some visuals.
This is a very simple novel, clearly designed to be a comfort read rather than something you wrestle with. Everyone is exactly who they appear to be when they’re introduced, there’s no moral complexity or clever mysteries, the plot plays out beat for beat as you would expect it to. Cozy fantasy for people who like giant monsters and action scenes, I guess?
The tone is very jokey, in a very 2010s nerd culture kind of way? This is a book written about people who name the bases on the world full of 12-story kaiju after classic Godzilla movies, and for people who would do the same. Just about every sympathetic major character is a massive nerd of some variety, and this is very clearly a reason you’re supposed to relate to and like them. And the lampshading – the book knows its worldbuilding makes no sense, and it takes pains to point this out to you as you read it so you can laugh at it, again and again. Hell, it lampshades how much its lampshading, complete with a definition of the term that feels like it was read right off of TV Tropes. Others may find this endearing, for me it just grated intensely.
Lastly - so this isn’t a book about COVID, but it’s very clearly a pandemic novel. The non-Kaiju World parts will probably be a fascinating cultural artifact for undergrads a couple decades down the line. It’s got the housing crisis, the gig economy, ZIRP corporate phantasmagoria, COVID lockdowns, and all that’s before all the cultural references. Anyway, it wins a decent amount of goodwill from me by remembering the existence of all the people for whom ‘lockdown’ wasn’t really a thin because ‘essential worker’ was a shockingly broad category. Still, it’s all just backdrop that stuck out too me, not really the book’s actual subject.
Anyway yeah, I’m probably being a bit harsh – this was nominated for a Hugo? Really? - but the book’s fine. Inoffensive. Would make a great Disney movie.
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ckret2 · 8 months
Power to you with regards to wanting to finish with Gravity Falls first. I passed over so many pieces of media just so I'd be READY for when Hazbin dropped the season. When I hyperfixate, it's almost never a choice, I just get thrown around with no will of my own. And it happens fast. Sounds like you're kinda the same way, so ride that wave while you're on it, and hopefully we'll see you on the other side!
I'm exactly the same. I got into Hazbin because I was working to finish the draft of a 500k word Invader Zim fic during nanowrimo, went "oh I need a break, maybe I'll watch that one episode pilot my mutuals keep mentioning just to unwind," and next thing i know I'm writing a 30k romantic tragedy between a serial killer and a goofy snake, reading multiple scholarly books on the history of radio broadcasting, and filling my bookmarks with links to sites on medieval demonology and the history of New Orleans.
It's always like that! I got hooked on Godzilla from one movie I saw on a whim because a mutual was asking a bunch of pals to see it, and now I have strong opinions on the characterization of a three-headed space dragon. My current Gravity Falls hyperfixation came because whenever The Sims 4 updates and all the current mods break, I go back to a mod-free backup file where I'm building the Mystery Shack and rewatch a bunch of episodes to get references of the shack—and somehow, after 4-5 times of doing that and losing interest again within a week, in March my brain suddenly went "you know what, this time I think we're gonna make Gravity Falls our entire personality for, oh... at least the next year."
I'm taking no chances now! Outside Gravity Falls almost all of my current media consumption is nonfiction because I never hyperfixate on nonfiction. I'm putting off watching Hazbin and listening to The Magnus Protocol. When I am reading/watching fiction, it's as research on topics/genres relevant to the fic. What this means is I've read Flatland and watched almost all of the 80's Care Bears series. (Care Bears was very nearly a bad decision. I started developing emphatic headcanons about No Heart and Mr Beastly's backstories. We had a close call. It's okay, I'm past it, luckily tumblr has a nigh-on nonexistent Care Bears fandom.)
Adulthood is figuring out how your ADHD functions by trial and error and corralling it into doing what you want by setting up clever traps and blockades to steer it.
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hrodvitnon · 4 months
If I were to have any wants for the next movie, aside from the pitch Wingard already gave, I would want for us to get some deeper, more detailed insight into the current state of the world. How the presence of Titans has affected the everyday citizen, how the destruction of countless major cities has affected their lives and how they go about, how governments and Monarch are responding to their concerns, and so on. And on Godzilla's end, I would want for us to get a similar treatment for him too. See what he's up to whenever he's sleeping or fighting, which are the only two things we saw him do in the movies so far. However, and this is an important bit, I wouldn't want for the movie to bend over backwards to try and make him seem overly sympathetic. After all, him having more of an edge than someone like Mothra or Kong, as well as more mystery to his character, is a big part of the reason why people like him so much. Rather, I would only want for them to try and make us understand him just a little bit better, just a little. His methods may be brutal, and sometimes even cruel, but they work. And to him, that's what matters. So rather than tell the audience what to think, just teach them how to think and let them draw their own conclusions from there.
Assuming the audience has the required media literacy and critical thinking skills to understand "show, don't tell," but yeah. I do want Godzilla to have some degree of sympathy; not in a "Godzilla's not a big dumb bully, you guys are just mean uwu" sense, but in a way that gets anyone who might be saying he's a tyrannical bully to shut up and learn what nuance is, you know?
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bookishfeylin · 2 years
Racebending vs Whitewashing 101
In this essay we’re going to be answering two questions: Why is it ok, from a race perspective, to make white characters POC but not the other way around? And why don’t you make original characters that are POC instead?
There are quite a few reasons, and I’ll be discussing them all below the cut for anyone who's genuinely curious about this and wants to educate themselves :)
⭕️ Firstly: most white characters have no plot relevant reason to be white. White people are considered the default human being, so their race or culture *usually* does not affect or contribute to the plot or story or game in any way. Like, pick your average piece of media with white characters in it and see if they actually *have* to be white for the story to work/make sense. Unless being WHITE plays some important role in the story, then in most cases, characters do not need to be white. This is especially true for non human characters depicted as white (mermaids, faeries, aliens, etc.). Unless being a *white* non human is important to the story for a specific reason and then they can be almost ANY race. For example: In Gremlins do Billy and his family have to be white for the story to still work? Does making the Skywalker family POC impact the plot in any way, shape or form in Star Wars? Is being white relevant to Iron Man's, Batman's, or Superman's stories at all? Why do the main characters of Jaws have to be white? Do Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler, and Claire Dearing and Owen Grady, from Jurassic Park and Jurassic World, respectively, need to be white in order for the movies to make sense? Does being white play an important role in Indiana Jones' character, or would the movies still work if he was another race? Does it impact the story if I were to change the Russels (Maddie, Emma, and Mark) in Godzilla: King of the Monsters, from white to black?
⭕️ Conversely, people aren’t as used to seeing POC in media, so often their existence is “justified” with some form of racism. It would not make sense to make a character facing racism (say, antiblackness) white (for example, in Disney's The Princess and the Frog, Tiana lives in a segregated Black community that is decidedly poorer than the wealthy white community Lottie lives in, and is denied the ability to buy the mill to make into a restaurant because it would’ve been too hard for a woman of her “background” to run a business)
⭕️ Another way POC are “justified” in western media is making something specifically about their culture. Unlike most white people in media, we cannot simply *exist* and, say, survive an alien invasion, or steal the Declaration of Independence, or get sucked into portal to a magical land, or survive a natural disaster, or have a very very very bad day, or solve a mystery about a haunted house, or worry about prom. No, our culture almost always has to play some SIGNIFICANT role to “explain” to the audience why that character is not white. Not that that’s a bad thing. For example, Mulan is about a Chinese woman overcoming the deeply ingrained sexism in China and becoming a soldier. The movie is all about China and Chinese culture, so it makes no sense to make her white.
⭕️ Making a POC white plays into whitewashing and colorism (the basic idea that paler skin is better/more beautiful/less “savage”). For example, in slavery lighter skinned ppl were “better,” and were allowed to serve in the house because, being lighter, they were viewed as closer to white and as being “more human.” Changing or “improving” a POC by making them white is just feeding into that nasty idea that people with darker skin tones are “less than” or aren’t real humans. Conversely, there is no relevant history of white people being considered “less-than”, or, you know, NOT HUMAN for having lighter skin, in fact lighter skin tones have been promoted as desirable for centuries. White people by and large aren't harmed psychologically from seeing a character being redesigned with darker skin/being racebent, because society has never told them that their lighter skin makes them nonhuman or undesirable, unlike I, a Black woman, who’s been told all my life that darker skin is masculine and ugly on a girl and that I would be pretty if I only had lighter skin :)
⭕️ All those reasons are important, but there is one MAIN reason why racebending works but whitewashing does not: representation. Representation is very important and very powerful, impacting our own self esteem as well as impacting how we perceive groups of people who are different than us (x, x, x, x, x). Representation can help you develop empathy for a certain group, or it can perpetuate harmful stereotypes about them. White people are represented literally everywhere in Western media--books, movies, TV shows. Even most toys. It’s not taking representation away from them if we make a white character a POC--they have tons of other characters to make up for it! Even if we NEVER had a white main character in any movie or TV show ever again, white people still have the past century's worth of media with themselves as the main characters for them to watch. Conversely, we have comparatively few prominent characters that are POC in Western media, and even fewer that aren't just side characters or walking stereotypes. Making them white takes away the limited representation POC have in the west. Racebending (either in fan art or in reboots of a series/movie) is typically done by people who lack representation and want more.
Why don’t you make original characters that are POC?
⭕️ Most of us would prefer original characters. I WANT original characters of color. But when we do make new characters that are POC, or new stories with POC leads (especially if they are dark skinned POC) they are usually ignored or overlooked by consumers in favor of white characters or white-led stories (Finn and Rose vs Kylo Ren and Hux from Star Wars; and Black Lightning being wayyyyyy less popular than white-led DC shows; Still Star Crossed being, like, forgotten?). This often happens on movies and on television shows, and usually the end result is that the new characters of color are written off or are minimized in the show/following movies because they are not profitable (once again, what happened to Finn and Rose in Star Wars) or the shows are canceled (Black Lightning, Still Star Crossed). Or the story is labeled “woke” and “political” and is boycotted by the same people who said we should make original characters in the first place.
I'm not saying you have to *like* racebending white characters. I am merely EXPLAINING why one way is racist and the other way around is not. But the sad thing is, all these reasons are common sense. Most people know we have a racist history, they know it’s wrong to make Tiana or Black Panther white even if they have problems articulating *exactly* why: because the point of these characters existing in the first place is to show that we’re human too. That we can be heroes and princesses and role models too, despite centuries of being told we were nothing. We still live in a world where being white is considered the default human, and nonwhite people have to be *justified* in their existence, because most of us weren't viewed as human for centuries. If it truly bothers you that much, then support original characters of color and diverse franchises instead of white characters and predominately white franchises. That way you will send a message—we all will—that we want more original characters of color. In the meantime? I, a Black woman living in a white-centric world, am going to enjoy all the characters of color I can get.
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likecrapthroughagoose · 6 months
Godzilla x Kong gets... probably a 7.5 or 8 out of 10 from me. I liked it a lot, but the last act felt like it was rushing (which should never be the case for a 2+ hour movie). The action was really good though and the visual effects, while dwarfed by Minus One, were excellent.
Spoiler-y opinions below:
Okay so- Kong's portions of the movie were actually really strong. Granted, I'm easily amused by anything that involves monkeys falling down a lot. But in all seriousness, you can tell they had the most story ideas for Kong. His fights are good, the monsters his arc introduces are cool, and the way they've aged his design is also pretty nifty. You will believe a gorilla can be daddy.
That said, the strength of Kong's part of the movie brings me to my main complaint. The other two focal points, Godzilla and the human cast really didn't feel like they had as much to do. Less so for the human cast, which I'll get to in a moment, but it kinda felt like Godzilla was sidelined.
Weirdly, that isn't to say he wasn't in the movie. Godzilla's scenes are almost as plentiful as Kong's, if not equally so. The movie, to its credit, does a pretty good job of giving everyone equal-ish screentime, so Godzilla does get plenty of scenes. The problem is that most of them are just him going from point A to point B to point C and so forth.
In fairness, Goji's scenes are at least entertaining. He gets some superb city destruction and the best fights in the movie (and it has plenty) are his. Though speaking of fights, I am disappointed that we didn't get to see any new-old monsters. Scylla is a cool enough design on its own that I don't mind it, but Tiamat is similar enough to Manda that I felt like SOME acknowledgement could be made. I mean shoot, just have them be called Titanus Ebirah and Titanus Manda on the computer radar thingie they keep cutting to. Problem solved.
At least we get Godzilla sleeping in the Colosseum like a cat. It's a cheap pop, but I'm still here for it.
The human story is decent, if nothing special. The only returning cast are Rebecca Hall, Kaylee Hottle, and Brian Tyree Henry. Dan Stevens joins them as... I guess Kong's veterinarian for lack of a better word, rounding out the quartet of focal characters. I don't know if I enjoyed his character or if he annoyed me. Hottle and Hall deliver more of the "constantly mildly uncomfortable deaf girl who just wishes everyone would leave her pet gorilla alone and her overprotective adopted mother" stuff. It was fine in the last movie, it's fine here. Henry's conspiracy theorist character is... less irksome than he could have been. While in the previous film he was a surprising amount of depth for the archetype he was portraying, here he's firmly in the comic relief role. It never quite veers into annoying, but there are parts where it does leave you going, "okay, but why does he need to be here?" He at least makes it out better than Stevens, who may be the world's first example of a token white guy.
All that said, the human plot was actually kinda working for me. The whole "lost civilization deep within the hollow earth that harnesses mysterious natural powers and also worships/summons Mothra" thing felt like a really fun tribute to the kind of story you'd see in the classic Showa Era films without being anachronistic.
As much as I complain, there was something I noticed beyond the movie itself that made me happy. The theater was packed, which is great to see, but more than that there was a ton of kids in there, right around the same age I was when I was first getting into Godzilla. The same age I was when I got picked on for liking it. I couldn't help but look around the theater after the movie and feel vindicated. I was right, this shit is cool as fuck. Suck my ass, Samuel from fifth grade.
Anyway yeah it's fun. Worth seeing.
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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A crossover between DC Comics and Legendary Comics, announced yesterday at SDCC.
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Interior pages from a seven-issue mini-series wherein the Monsterverse mysteriously intersects with the DC Universe.
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That’s Titano, not Kong, that Superman’s facing. (When did Titano become a robot or cyborg?  Did I miss that issue?)
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For good measure, not only is the Justice League involved with the two titular battling titans (I hate using that word to describe kaiju), but also the Legion of Doom.
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Le battle royale!
Hey, do you know what they call a “battle royale” in France?  A fight.
While this is a great idea, I think it would work better as a single, or at most double, premium-sized book.  Stretching the story out over seven issues just seems to be....well, stretching things a bit.
Face facts: Superman alone could stop both Godzilla and Kong AND be home in time for dinner, not to mention the entire Justice League working together.  So expect that: A) either the Legion of Doom come up with a scheme to use the monsters to destroy the heroes; or B) some unknown factor/person is at work to make defeating the kaiju more difficult than it should be.
Either way, as a DC superheroes and kaiju fan, I will be eagerly opening my wallet when these issues arrive at the comic shop.
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GODZILLA MOVIE MARATHON: Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla (1974)
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Ah, the twenty year anniversary of the big guy himself, celebrated with the introduction of one his most enduring adversaries in the doppelganger automaton: Mechagodzilla!
Mechagodzilla is a great character and deserving of his spot in the "Big Five." His popularity comes from his versatility and his status as a mechanical, artificial monster, but that's not really explored in his first outing. Instead he's kind of just a generic space monster, the whole robot double aspect really only mattering for an obvious twist that is revealed at the end of the first act. After that, he's just another kaiju controlled by cartoonishly evil aliens set to invade earth.
I will say though, despite the trope being hopelessly tired by this point, this is probably the best alien invasion plot since Astro Monster. Mostly held up by the Interpol officer, who adds some mystery to the first half and executes some fun spy action once the climax hits. Don't get me wrong, you're still just sitting here waiting for the monsters to show up like almost every other Godzilla movie, but it'll keep your attention until then, which is more than a good chunk of the later Showa era can claim.
Luckily the monsters do show up pretty quickly, in fact the first fight is at the twenty minute mark, where we get to watch poor Anguirus get wrecked. That's another appeal of the movie, it's not like vs Gigan or Astro Monster where the monsters feel unconnected to the human drama, here the entire plot is about getting the statue MacGuffin to Okinawa before the aliens can steal it and the prophecy ends. Keeping the kaiju in the forefront narratively and adding a ticking clock keeps the story jugging forward and prevents that sort of meandering boredom some of the worst kaiju films suffer from.
King Caesar in the man of the hour in this film, the monster they need to awaken in order to save the world from the wrath of Mechagodzilla. The movie is hyping him up and he gets a whole musical number to announce his arrival... only for Mechagodzilla to absolutely slaughter him. It's great, genuinely so fun to watch the guy we've been hearing about cower behind a rock until Godzilla shows up to do most of the work. It makes him endearing! Like a big puppy way over his head.
Mechagodzilla is the real show stopper here, the movie does a great job establishing his power by having him beat Anguirus and match Godzilla. This might be the first beam clash in the franchise, with Mecha-G's eye laser and Goji's fire breath meeting in the middle to cause a massive explosion, knocking them both out. That's where this movie shines, the fights are so fucking fun. No stock footage or clunky old suits here, it's all so fresh and dynamic. Mechagodzilla stands out in the Showa roster because his specialty is the full frontal assault of explosive fury. He has missiles and lasers coming out of every orifice and joint. His fighting is so colorful and exciting, especially contrasted with Godzilla's more physical fighting style. Plus what a finisher! Godzilla rips his head clean off, no ambiguous falling into the ocean here, we got to watch a fatality.
Overall a really good movie that encapsulates everything that we love about the Showa era, with one of the best villain kaiju battle in the franchise. It's not quite the top of the list though, not hitting the highs of King Kong vs Godzilla or Godzilla vs Hedorah in my eyes, more matching the vibes of the last movie, so it'll get a similar 7/10 score from me.
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thehubby · 8 months
If you still have the opportunity, go see Godzilla Minus One in the theaters. Right now, most theaters are playing it are showing the Minus Color version of the movie, which is an added bonus. Reasons you should see this:
• It's a good movie. This isn't just a good Godzilla movie, it's a good movie overall. You could swap Godzilla out with an invading army, a natural disaster, or some other sort of applicable crisis and it would still be good watching. There's a real plot here with real people who have real problems outside of just a big monster. They are often flawed, especially our protagonist (who demonstrates PTSD in an uncomfortably believable way), but they're trying and they are generally likable. I wanted almost every human in King of the Monsters to die; they were that stupid and arrogant and unrelatable that it made humanity seem like it deserved extinction. Here, you want the characters to overcome their own problems -- and not all of them do. It's not a perfect plot, and I think the movie fumbles the ball at literally the very end, but it's a good story, and for a giant monster movie? This is a great story.
• Godzilla is terrifying. This may be the scariest Godzilla we've ever seen. Even if he's not as bizarre as Shin Godzilla or possibly not as strong as the Godzilla of the Monsterverse, his presence and strength compared to the world he exists in is overwhelming. Remember the opening of Evangelion with the third angel, Sachiel, an unstoppable, incomprehensible force attacking Tokyo-3, a city built to fight its kind with Evangelions in reserve and a confident military? Remember how that went? (It went very badly.) Now imagine that a creature like it instead attacks a Japan still reeling from its defeat during World War II, with a neutered military and a public with no shelters to flee to, no safety protocols. This Godzilla is massive, strong, resilient, and its breath weapon literally causes miniature atomic explosions to occur. In many Godzilla movies of the past 30-40 years, people are scared of Godzilla, sure, but here they are panicked, with good reason.
• The filmmakers understand less is more. Remember when Jedi were cool because they were rare and mysterious, and lightsabers only came out when stuff was really about to go down? Or how in the first movie Jaws only showed up occasionally and that's when it hit the fan? That's how it is here. Unlike in recent times, Godzilla is only a small portion of the film, an occasional force of nature that shows up, wrecks house and is then driven off or leaves. You don't get a chance to become tired of him or inured to his presence as a result. This sets up a palpable tension as you have no idea when Godzilla will next appear, and I admit I was somewhat false-started a few times from a thudding sound in the theater next to me that I thought could have been it approaching.
• It's practical and understandable. Modern Godzilla movies often use pseudo-futuristic technology like genetic cross-manipulation of alien species, cybernetic mind-transplanation, vocal analysis replication, oxygen destroyer bombs and other such nonsense to fight the giant monsters. The people of post-WWII Japan use real equipment and techniques to battle -- conventional weapons like guns and bombs, known gases like freon and carbon dioxide, underwater speakers. They use human ingenuity to form tactics that match the known science of the time and seem like rational leaps to make. They don't know if it's going to work! They are just desperate. The ships and planes featured are authentic and real. The suspension of disbelief is very easy to achieve here, which only accentuates how scary it would be to fight Godzilla when you don't have, like, military grade nuclear powered lasers or something.
• The Minus Color version looks astounding. Don't get me wrong, the color version looks great too (although like most modern kaiju movies, the color especially during energy and breath attacks is oversaturated), but they really put in an extra effort to give it the feel of the early black and white Godzilla movies. The resolution is toned down ever so slightly instead of the crispness of 4k; the light and dark contrast is balanced properly. You get more clarity into what you're watching and the subdued tones really match the despair and fear that people are going through. It really feels like, if we filmed the very first Godzilla movie in 1954 with modern cinematic techniques and CGI but black and white film, this is what we would have ended up with.
Ultimately, this is easily my favorite Godzilla reboot, and probably my favorite Godzilla movie. The original Godzilla of 1954 has a special place in my heart, and just as people should still appreciate Pac-Man even though Ms. Pac-Man made it obsolete, we should still appreciate that first movie. I just think this is, frankly, better in just about every way (although they deviate from the original creature design in a couple ways I'm not thrilled on). If you must have monster-on-monster action, then either Destroy All Monsters from 1968 or King of the Monsters from 2019 are what you're looking for, but you'll have to sit through ridiculous plots (and sometimes infuriating people) in both cases to get your fix. I'll hope for a sequel from these folks.
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Fan Fic Master List:
Repost Old Kpop Fanfics:
Discussion about Some Old K-pop Fanfics - (06/08/2024)
These are some of many archived fanfics featuring 1st and 2nd Gen K-pop acts that I've come across recently. It's all in good fun, and maybe a bit cringeworthy!
The words in red are my thoughts on the fanfic, and I'll be ranking them out of 10 just for fun.
SM Town Out To Lunch (15/15) - (hgiel) Anrui, Kyorei, and Jacqui:
Separate from the saga, but a prelude none the less. DBSG has just made their debut, but their pretty boy singer is eating everyone in SM Town! Not even Junta's love can stop cannibalism.
I would recommend that 18+ read this fanfic. Some parts i enjoyed then others.(4/10)
Part 1 - (06/08/2024)
Part 2 - (06/08/2024)
Part 3 - (13/08/2024)
Part 4 - (13/08/2024)
Part 5 - (20/08/2024)
Part 6 - (21/08/2024)
Part 7 - (21/08/2024)
Part 8 - (21/08/2024)
Part 9 - (22/08/2024)
Part 10 - (22/08/2024)
Part 11 - (22/08/2024)
Part 12 - (22/08/2024)
Part 13 - (22/08/2024)
Part 14 - (22/08/2024)
Part 15 Final - (22/08/2024)
Vol 1 - Battle of the Boy Bands (23/23)
K-Pop and DBSG just put out albums and have are on a reality show, hosted by Se7en, to promote it. It isn't fun though, because Junta is their baby sitters, and the romantic drama is as thick and annoying as 90210.
This work is suitable for teen and up audiences.
Chapter 1 - (31/08/2024)
Chapter 2 - (31/08/2024)
Chapter 3 - (31/08/2024)
Chapter 4 - (31/08/2024)
Chapter 5 - (31/08/2024)
Chapter 6 - (07/09/2024)
Chapter 7 - (10/09/2024)
Chapter 8 - (15/09/2024)
Chapter 9 - Coming Soon!
Vol 2 - Sarang Hae Nippon
The TV show is over, now its time to vacation in Japan! Who knew it was impossible to avoid join street gangs in the Godzilla's home country? TaeBin seems to steer clear of them, but he's busy, seeing as he's in a "family way".
Coming Soon!
Vol 3 - Battle of the Boy Bands Season 2
Its time for the second season, luckily, Se7en isn't the host, TaeBin is. The drama isn't any less this time, the only thing that's changed is the increased trips to the hospital.
Coming Soon!
Full Moon Entertainment (26/26) - hgiel
Moon Hee Jun has just left SM Town and is going to create his OWN boy band, one better then H.O.T ever was. Unfortunately, all he has is the already formed band K-Pop and the North Korean they hit with their car.
Inspired by Vol - Battle of the Boy Bands Season 2 that also by hgiel.
Coming Soon!
Ouija Bored (1) - hgiel
The guys celebrate Halloween by playing with occult tools.
This work is suitable for teen and up audiences. I don't know about his one, it was fun to read but wish it was a bit longer.(6/10)
Chapter 1 - Coming Soon!
Oh, You're In The Army Now (3/3) - hgiel
EVERY gasso seems to be in the army now, and the rest have gone to the dogs, or streets. North Korea takes this opening to attack, and Moon Hee Jun, UBin, Chang Ryul, Yoo Min, and Desuk have to save The Republic of Korea by themselves.
Coming Soon!
12 Steps of Christmas (12/12) - hgiel
The 12 hours of an H.O.T Christmas.
This work is suitable for all audiences. These will be scheduled to be posted on the 25th of December.
Chapter 1 - (25/12/2024)
Chapter 2 - (25/12/2024)
Chapter 3 - (25/12/2024)
Chapter 4 - (25/12/2024)
Chapter 5 - (25/12/2024)
Chapter 6 - (25/12/2024)
Chapter 7 - (25/12/2024)
Chapter 8 - (25/12/2024)
Chapter 9 - (25/12/2024)
Chapter 10 - (25/12/2024)
Chapter 11 - (25/12/2024)
Chapter 12 - (25/12/2024)
Last Goodbye (1) - hgiel
Woo Hyun is about to enter the army, so he and Young One meet one last time before he goes.
Coming Soon!
Armageddon The Hell Out Of Here (1) - hgiel
H.O.T face the end of the world...
This work is suitable for teens and up audiences. Again, I'm not shore about this one, but it was okay it reminds me of 'War on the world's'.(4/10)
Chapter 1 - (05/09/2024)
A secret that is kept to us (5/?) - 90s_love:
Angel White and Crystal Light are two mysterious vigilantes who is after to destroy the illegal terrorist organization, Dark Archive. With their friend spirits, they protect the world. Meanwhile, their alter-egos are famous Kpop idols who have a rivalry within their groups. Can they keep their secret identities a secret from them?
This work is suitable for all audiences. I'm not really shore about his one, probably because its not finished, but it was okay.(5/10)
Chapter 1 - (22/08/2024)
Chapter 2 - (23/08/2024)
Chapter 3 - (23/08/2024)
Chapter 4 - (23/08/2024)
Chapter 5 - (23/08/2024)
Switch Rivals (21/21) - 90s_love:
Modern version of the 90's kpop idol scene. H.O.T and Sechskies are forever rivals. But what will happen when one member from each team switch bodies?
This work is suitable for all audiences. By chapter 5, i was hooked, i really enjoyed this one. I might even read it again because of how good it was.(9/10)
Chapter 1 - (26/08/2024)
Chapter 2 - (26/08/2024)
Chapter 3 - (26/08/2024)
Chapter 4 - (26/08/2024)
Chapter 5 - (26/08/2024)
Chapter 6 - (28/08/2024)
Chapter 7 - (28/08/2024)
Chapter 8 - (28/08/2024)
Chapter 9 - (28/08/2024)
Chapter 10 - (28/08/2024)
Chapter 11 - (29/08/2024)
Chapter 12 - (29/08/2024)
Chapter 13 - (29/08/2024)
Chapter 14 - (29/08/2024)
Chapter 15 - (29/08/2024)
Chapter 16 - (29/08/2024)
Chapter 17 - (29/08/2024)
Chapter 18 - (29/08/2024)
Chapter 19 - (29/08/2024)
Chapter 20 - (29/08/2024)
Chapter 21 Finale - (29/08/2024)
Project Kwangya - Alternatives Talles (10/?) - Cally_Kop:
Several tales using SM Idols as characters. Since the company decided to bring all the Idols together in the shared universe idea, where all the MV's, lyrics and all the promotional material of the company's Idols would tell a story, like Marvel and its shared universe.
Here, small stories will be posted using this same idea, that each Idol has a role and story to tell, being able to interfere in the stories of other characters. From Kangta to Aespa, to EXO, SHINee, Red Velvet, Girls Generation, NCT, all SM idols appeared.
Coming Soon!
Warrior's Descendants (6/6) - AuspiciousAutumn:
H.O.T are so close to becoming an active group again, but not everyone is keen with them doing it on their own terms.
I would recommend that 18+ read this fanfic.
Chapter 1 - (22/09/2024)
Chapter 2 - (22/09/2024)
Chapter 3 - (22/09/2024)
Chapter 4 - (22/09/2024)
Chapter 5 - (22/09/2024)
Chapter 6 Final - (22/09/2024)
12 days of Super Junior, a Christmas fic (12/12) - plincess_cho:
As Super Junior contemplate what they want for Christmas, they realize that above all, they want to be together.
This work is suitable for all audiences.
Coming Soon!
Red Velvet and the haunted dorms [Ft. Super Junior] (1) -plincess_cho:
Red Velvet move into Super Junior's old dorms. But are their dorms really haunted like everyone says?
This work is suitable for all audiences.
Chapter 1 - (15/09/2024)
2014 → 2000 (2/?) - Inodot:
Mir was and still is a big g.o.d fan. One day, after saving a child from getting hit by a car, he somehow ended up in 2000 when g.o.d were still active. He tries not to mess with time but couldn't help but to think that he can prevent their hiatus from happening.
This work is suitable for all audiences.
Chapter 1 - (21/09/2024)
Chapter 2 - (21/09/2024)
Translated Fanfics:
As these Fanfics are translated from there original language to English there might be some translation mistakes.
Masters of the Game (8/8) - maresca:
Human life is a Game. It includes both random dice rolls and multi-move strategic combinations. When human life reaches a stalemate, the Game Masters enter the Game. The Game Masters declare the beginning of the Game.
This work is suitable for teens and up audiences.
Coming Soon!
Zhou Gong also cannot interpret dreams (1) - memeflosalvo:
Chinese - Mandarin to English.
I would recommend that 18+ read this fanfic.
Coming Soon!
3 notes · View notes
Pitch for a Supermassive Games storyline:
1) The Title
2) The Prologue
1945, Los Alamos, New Mexico. The Trinity test is a success, resulting in the creation of the first atom bomb. However, a few months later, Dr. Carl McGregor (the red herring protagonist) is called to Los Alamos to investigate a mysterious set of events plaguing the area. Reports of people going missing and residents going crazy have the Pentagon spooked.
One night, Dr. McGregor and his staff are attacked by mysterious shadowy figures. Despite Dr. McGregor’s attempts to flee, he is eventually cut down by what appears to be a “glowing” creature.
(Basically, the villain of this game is some kind of creature that was mutated by the nuclear testing. So, a riff/homage to Godzilla. However, instead of creating kaijus, the monster is much smaller and comparable to the wendigos in “Until Dawn” and the werewolves of “The Quarry”)
3) The Main Story
In the present day, we follow the Proudstar family who live on the G. A. Romero Reservation, which is a few miles away from Los Alamos. The area has become the center of ghost stories due to people still going missing. Of the ghost stories, the most infamous one is that people are being kidnapped by “the skinwalkers”, who in Navajo culture are witches that have the ability to turn into, possess, or disguise themselves as an animal.
(Obviously, the skinwalkers are the radioactive creatures from the prologue. The introduction of the skinwalker legend is meant to be a misdirection)
The Proudstars, who run the local market, have to frequently deal with tourists who want to see “the skinwalkers”. The Proudstars usually dismiss these tourists, especially since a great deal of them tend to be obnoxious (and borderline racist/ignorant). The family, although they’re aware of the legends, aren’t too concerned since they haven’t encountered the supposed skinwalkers.
Around this time, two groups of outsiders arrive at the reservation. The first is a group of ghost hunters who are trying to capture footage of the skinwalkers. The second is a group of ruthless gangmembers that take the Proudstar family hostage.
The first 4 chapters focus on the Proudstars dealing with the gangmembers. Simultaneously, the ghost hunters encounter a “skin-walker”, which turns out to be one of the radioactive creatures from the prologue. The ghost hunters flee the radioactive monsters and make their way to the Proudstar market, putting them in the middle of the hostage situation. They also unintentionally bring the monsters to the market, thus leading into the 2nd half.
The remaining 6 chapters focuses on the Proudstars, the gangmembers, and the ghost hunters trying to work together as a team to survive the radioactive monsters (the fake skinwalkers). Similar to “House of Ashes”, either the groups can put their differences aside or tear each apart. Depending on your choices, either everyone makes it out alive…or everyone ends up meeting the same fate as the scientist from the start.
4) The Playable Protagonists
* Gustavo Proudstar (ABRASIVE, COMMANDING, RATIONAL): The patriarch of the Proudstar family. He is an army veteran and the most skeptical of his family. He is portrayed by Zahn McClarnon.
* Miriam Begay-Proudstar (CONFIDENT, RESOURCEFUL, PERSUASIVE): The matriarch of the Proudstar family. She runs the family’s market and is the most superstitious of her family. She is portrayed by Irene Bedard.
* Jason Proudstar (INSECURE, UNMOTIVATED, INTELLIGENT): Gustavo’s younger brother who he doesn’t have much respect for. He’s smart, but is lazy and fine with mooching off his brother and sister-in-law. He is portrayed by Michael Greyeyes.
* Dante Begay (CONSERVATIVE, METHODICAL, PROTECTIVE): Miriam’s younger brother who works as a tribal police officer. He generally gets along with the Proudstars, but frequently disagrees with his niece Eliza over her political beliefs. He is portrayed by Martin Sensmeier.
* Eliza Proudstar (DRIVEN, COMPLEX, IRREVERENT): The eldest daughter of Gustavo and Miriam. She is a progressive political activist who moved out to the city, but visits the family from time to time. She is portrayed by Q'orianka Kilcher.
* Wenona Proudstar (INNOCENT, AMBITIOUS, ADVENTUROUS): The youngest daughter of Gustavo and Miriam. She is a college student but secretly dreams of being a famous actress. She is portrayed by Amber Midthunder.
* Freddy Kim (FOOLHARDY, RELAXED, LOYAL): The only playable character from the ghost hunter group. He is his group’s camera man and the one who doesn’t take the ghost stories seriously. He is portrayed by Steven Yeun.
* Melissa Frost (RUTHLESS, DETERMINED, COURAGEOUS): The only playable character from the gangmembers. Although she is a ruthless thug, it’s slowly revealed that she has a heart of gold. She is the gangmember who suggests a truce with the Proudstars. She is portrayed by Victoria Pedretti.
5) Significant Non-Playable Characters (note: I’m not covering every single character in this hypothetical game)
* Samuel Fulci: The leader of the ghost hunters. He is obsessed with viewership and clout, to the point he ignores warnings about potential danger. He is portrayed by Bruce Campbell.
* Lars Waingrove: The leader of the gangmembers. He is a ruthless sociopath and the most dangerous person in the survivor group. Because of this, Lars can be considered the secondary antagonist of the game (sorta like Josh Washington or Travis Hackett, but less sympathetic). He is portrayed by Leigh Whannell.
* The CIA Agent / The Man in Black: An unnamed agent who is interrogating the player about the events of the story. Basically, this game’s version of the Psychiatrist/the Curator/Eliza Vorez. He is portrayed by Michael Biehn.
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awkwardgtace · 6 months
For the ask game, 🔪, ❄️ and 🦴 :3
ask game
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
ohh ok this is hard. A dream theme would probably be a good mystery I can't start piecing together or a horror novel that scares me. For mystery I oddly enough think Brandon Sanderson would be good. I've been unable to predict things moving forward in the Stormlight Archives. But honestly I think it would be written best by someone who hasn't even tried before. There's a way of placing clues in a mystery I feel a lot of people follow. Most of the time those clues placed by someone new wouldn't have the same easy to tell hints and tips.
For horror I kind of am expecting Lydia Prime to do it. She's a newer author on the horror scene (actually have a book she just managed to publish I plan to pick up). I also some comedians would be good at it. Comedy is kind of the other side, takes a lot to do it. I don't know who would be best for this outside of like a pro author. I'm pretty hard to scare, make a habit of marathoning horror games and horror movies just because. That does mean I get psyched to read any horror sent my way that might be good!
For a dream plot it's kinda hard to say. I know how my brain works, but honestly even if i'm not super into it I just like seeing people posting/sharing the stuff they put their time into. It's so scary to take that first step so it's really amazing when someone does and they keep going.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
Ok so this one is kind of a lot. For some of my stories it's probably some myth, post, or my own daydream mixed from anime/games/books throughout the years.
Specific media would be MTG Streets of New Capenna set (Mafia AU), Fenyx Rising (Delphia rising), FF14 (some fanfics and an au i am working on), Oddly enough a story I have on and off struggled with was inspired by a yugioh series, Godzilla vs Kong (the fight for Rhys and Felix in mafia au). My gods might have been inspired by the old hercules disney movie.
Oh Delphia is a bit inspired by an Kagome in Inuyasha (got me looking into reincarnation). oh and a book series I read forever and ever ago. The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller. (I went to my bookshelf to find this title.)
I also do love mythology and folklore so I'm sure that's a big inspiration even if it's not obvious. (obsessed with fairies since I was like born. My sister can't even remember a time i wasn't).
Basically it's everything? I have a few characters I've realized over time fit a meme a little or i put together match someone i loved from a game.
Oh last one I can think of. Alice in Wonderland. I loved that from the disney movie, to the books, to the manga based in it, to the new tim burton movies. Pretty much the only time I haven't liked it was in RWBY 😅
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project? I feel weird leaving this one out in the open, but like also it's not exactly nsfw. just a little insight into my weird thought process at times
ok so originally it was gonna be the general size of a dick/vagina of the average person to then do the ratio for how big it should be for a giant/how small for a tiny. In searching for this math (cause ofc i only shared it on discord) I realized i had an entire discussion that involved at least a little research where i determined it's incredibly viable that if giants and tinies are under the same homo species it would possible to successfully get pregnant in a multisize couple with the question being the survival rate of the child/birth parent dependent on a number of factors....
I used the dick knowledge in one (1) specific story i wrote on ao3. The pregnancy knowledge was lost until now.
Most likely to get me arrested was how much a person could move after a stab wound
for those curious this was the percentages i came up with are under the cut
balls: 2.7% of total height per ball dick: 6.9% of total height pussy opening: 4.8% of total height pussy depth: 6.3% of total height
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somehowmags · 2 years
what do you think cjacks pkmn team would be
ok first and foremost: porygon. any evolution of porygon works but i'd say porygon during lmanberg era, porygon2 during exile, and then at his death/revival it evolves into porygonz (porygonz is also the pokemon i assign him for mystery dungeon/pokepark aus askljdfhalksdf)
secondly: rotom! my first pokemon game was pokemon platinum, and you could find a rotom in that game in the old chateau by checking the tv at night, which i think fits jackmanifoldTV very well! and its also an electric/ghost type which also fits him perfectly askdjfhlaksjddfh
third: hisuian zorua! this one represents godzilla! "mags" i hear you say, "why didn't you just choose alolan vulpix, which is a white fox and also not extinct" well firstly, my opinions are absolute as i am the smartest person in the world and also the dictator of this blog. secondly bc i wanted to keep with the electric/ghost theme i had going on and hisuian zorua is a normal/ghost type. on a symbolic level i think that it's fitting for jack to have a pokemon that was seemingly rejected by the rest of the world and fled to another region in self exile! also bitter malice as a move. i rest my case.
fourth: chandelure! i think him having a ghost/fire type would be cool! also its description of spirits being burned up in its flame losing their way and wandering the world forever....that's so cjackcore
i also think he'd have a torchic that doesn't fight. fly high timothy manifold i miss u every day king
thank u for listening to my ted talk AKLJDHFLKASDFH
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fantomcomics · 11 months
What's Out This Week? 11/15
Upcoming events:
11/19 - Anti-Imperialist Collage Workshop!
11/20 - Scott Pilgrim Book Club & Netflix Watch Party!
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Alien #1 - Declan Shalvey, Andrea Broccardo & Javier Fernandez
EVERYONE WILL HEAR YOU SCREAM! •  In deep space spins a world infected by the universe's greatest killers. Most people - sane people - would construct a barrier thicker than the hulls of ten Nostromos and leave it to rot. •  But where most people see a death trap, Weyland-Yutani sees the biggest payout in the history of civilization. And if it costs a few human lives to secure? Those come cheap here. •  Corporate corruption, personal betrayals and extraordinary violence - Declan Shalvey and Andrea Broccardo's next and greatest Alien story starts here!
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Catians #1 - Cortney Cameron & Luyi Bennett
Stray cat Felix leads a happy life skimming milk from his human friend Rose's convenient store, until the local protection racket turns violent. To save Rose's life, Felix breaks his vows and shares an ancient secret. Unfortunately, Rose uses her newfound knowledge to mix revenge and forbidden magic, unleashing a monstrous abomination that forces the mysterious Council of Cats to launch a global quest for the Relics of the divine Great Cat.
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Deadpool: Seven Slaughters #1 - Rob Liefeld & Greg Capullo
Seven kills in seven days! Welcome to a week in the life of Wade Wilson, the best mercenary Marvel's ever had (just ask him)! From facing off with rival killers to top secret assassinations, DEADPOOL has a lot of work to do in this blood-soaked oversized issue full of fan-favorite creators past and future!
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Dungeons & Dragons: Fortune Finder #1 - Jim Zub, Joe Jaro & Max Dunbar
In the city of Sigil, an amnesiac hero only known as "Finder" tries to uncover who they are and why they're being chased by planar beings intent on capturing them-or worse. But as their tumultuous journey unfolds, they discover that their fate is tied to grand forces that dictate reality itself throughout the planes! A shocking surprise lurks around every corner in FortuneFinder, a miniseries inspired by the new Dungeons & Dragons sourcebook Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse.
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Speed Force #1 (of 6) - Jarrett Williams & Daniele Di Nicuolo
Wallace West and Avery Ho: the young speedsters have been Teen Titans, Justice Leaguers, and above all, members of the Flash Family. As they become aware of mysterious changes happening to the Speed Force, they race to Keystone City, where they encounter old friends, new threats, and a chance to forge their own paths.
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Geiger: Ground Zero #1 (of 2) - Geoff Johns & Gary Frank
The saga of THE UNNAMED continues! GEOFF JOHNS and GARY FRANK return to the apocalyptic world of GEIGER for a special explosive two-issue origin epic.
What happened to Tariq Geiger in the days after the nuclear bombs first dropped? How did mankind survive the UNKNOWN WAR? Who is the mysterious Russian scientist Dr. Molotov and why is he hunting Geiger? And how does this tie all the way back to the American Revolution? Get ready to put on your hazmat suit and find out!
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GI Joe: A Real American Hero One-Shot - Bob Mcleod & Herb Trimpe
Celebrate the return of G.I. JOE: A REAL AMERICAN HERO with the definitive edition of its historic first issue! This issue restores Larry Hama's original, unedited dialogue, which has never before seen print!
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Godzilla Rivals VS Mechagodzilla #1 - Mark Martinez
San Palomar, California. It's a sleepy city with not much going on. That is, until Tracer Tech built their new corporate headquarters there, displacing lifelong citizens and forcing out local businesses. But what is the source of Tracer's amazing, almost alien technology, and why has it put San Palomar in Godzilla's sights? And what can a couple of local kids like Alex and Jaz do to protect their city when the King of the Monsters and its robot doppelgänger clash?
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Lotus Land #1 (of 6) - Darcy Van Poelgeest, Caio Filipe & Alex Eckman-Lawn
In a Vancouver of the future painted with ultramodern decay, a groundbreaking advancement in technology promises an end to entropy itself.
But when an attack on this mysterious "Keeper Program" threatens the lives of everyone tied to it, retired Police Detective Bennie Strikman is called to investigate one last case.
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The Ministry Of Compliance #1 - John Ridley & Stefano Raffaele
Thirty-seven years ago, Earth was secretly invaded by an alien force known as the Devolution, and they have been shaping the direction humanity has been going in ever since to prepare us to be assimilated into their empire.
The Devolution has thirteen ministries, each responsible for manipulating a different aspect of human life. The Ministry of Compliance, the most feared of all the ministries, led by the fierce Avigail Senna, makes sure all the ministries stay in line and remain focused on the Devolution's mission. As it appears the Ministry's mission is on the verge of being completed and Earth will be assimilated, things begin to go terribly wrong, and a conspiracy among the ministries breaks out that Avigail must deal with head-on.
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Outsiders #1 (of 12) - Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly & Robert Carey
Never the End. A universe of secrets is about to come to light. Batman protects Gotham City from evil. Batman Inc. protects the rest of the known world. But what of the unknown world? What of the ancient evils in hidden tombs and forgotten tragedies from a magic-and-mad-science fueled super-heroic century? Using his fortune, Luke Fox launches a new organization dedicated to shining light into the world's darkest corners. His first recruit: Kate Kane, the Batwoman--who will re-embrace her military background to protect Luke's dream and encounter every bit of strangeness the DCU has to offer. And just wait until you meet the Third Man...or learn what universe-shattering secret they've discovered buried under Antarctica. Outsiders is the return of comic book archaeology, digging into all the forgotten corners of DC's history to preserve, record, and better understand the true nature of the DC Multiverse...and the forgotten stories that make up its fabric.
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Red Light #1 (of 4) - Sarah Cho, Priscilla Petraites & Jeff Dekal
Lacy is an A.I. sex worker in a futuristic Red Light District. And Lacy knows exactly what her clients want - better than they know it themselves. Housed in a high-tech brothel under the watchful eye of the mysterious Mister, Lacy has little in her manufactured life besides work. All that changes when she befriends Natalie, an orphaned child who comes into her care. Now Lacy and Natalie are on a mission to escape the Red Light District, only to find themselves flung headlong into the mystery behind Lacy's creation.
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Superior Spider-Man #1 - Dan Slott & Mark Bagley
A Superior Reckoning! SPIDER-MAN faces a NEW VILLAIN from his SUPERIOR past. As she fries New York with all the power of a living star, DOC OCK makes a life-changing discovery! MARK BAGLEY and DAN SLOTT continue their Spider-Man run with this 10th-ANNIVERSARY celebration of everything that made Spider-Man Superior.
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Street Fighter 6 Evolution Special #1 - Capcom, Matt Moylan, Hanzo Steinbach, Tovio Rogers, Jeffrey Chamba Cruz & Genzoman
The new era of fighting games continues with three short-stories starring six World Warriors! Featuring Rashid, Cammy, Dee Jay, Luke, Jamie, and the debut of an all-new Street Fighter 6 character.... the deadly A.K.I.!
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365 Days To The Wedding GN Vol 1 - Tamiki Wakaki
A sweet "fake engagement" romance about quiet coworkers by the creator of The World God Only Knows! The J.T.C. travel agency is looking for someone to manage its brand-new branch in Irkutsk. But for employees Oohara Takuya and Honjouji Rika, they'd rather just stay home in Tokyo! Thankfully, they've discovered a way out-their manager has narrowed down the recruits to bachelors, so what if they just... got married? The problem is they barely know each other at all! Can they convince their office they're engaged just long enough for the transfer to finish up?
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Cat On The Hero's Lap GN Vol 1 - Kosuke Iijima & Shiori
In this hilarious fantasy adventure, will the hero triumph against the evil demon king, or face defeat... because he can't fight with a cat on his lap?! Our brave hero, Red, has embarked alongside his companions on a journey to defeat the great demon king. Or at least, that was the plan. But then a cat sat on Red's lap and fell asleep. There's no way he can fight monsters like this! As it turns out, Red's greatest enemy is right on top of him!
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Curses GN - George Wylesol
"Sometimes I think I see things. Out of the corner of my eye, behind a door, I catch a glimpse of something. It's like a curtain caught in the wind, and then it's gone." From hospitals to hell to the wilderness, George Wylesol's short stories take place in liminal spaces where nothing is as it seems; the surreal becomes real; and something is lying in wait around every corner. As our main characters navigate through corridors, passageways, and highways, they sink deeper and deeper into everyday strangeness that slips into peculiarity, creating an internal journey from normalcy to the supernatural.
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Dai Dark Box Set Vol 1 - Q. Hayashida
Introducing the first box set for this hilarious, gruesome, unforgettable tale where dark magic and space action collide! Zaha Sanko's body has great and terrible powers-they say that possessing his bones will grant you any wish, even the desire to become ruler of the universe. But Sanko is still a teenage dude with his own life, and he isn't about to let every monstrous lowlife in the galaxy rip him limb from limb. He and his skeletal buddy Avakian will use their dark powers to fend off any murder attempts while they search space for whomever put this curse on Sanko's bones... because killing them might end the madness. (And then Sanko can celebrate with his favorite spaghetti.) This beautiful box contains Vol. 1-4 of the manga and one double-sided poster.
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The Dangerous Convenience Store GN Vol 1 - 945/gusao
This hit Boys' Love webtoon/manhwa (comic) is coming to print in English for the first time! Yeo Eui-joon needs cash, so he works part-time at a convenience store-where the clientele includes hoodlums and mobsters. He's tired of being yelled at while ringing up booze and trying to talk his way out of extortion, but he's not tired of seeing a certain good-looking gangster walk in the door. Gunwoo is huge, gruff, and intimidating at first... but he seems to care about Eui-joon's well-being, and is quick to knock aside anyone giving Eui-joon a hard time. After Eui-joon gets a peek at the enormous condom size Gunwoo buys, a little spark of attraction might just grow into a big, fiery love story!
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Disturbed: Dark Messiah TP - Tim Seeley, Angel Hernandez, Esau Escorza & Ryan Christensen
In the not so distant future, firefighter Griffin DeSanto has found himself a man out of time, stumbling into a harsh world of poverty, automation, and subjugation. Technology rules and a tech empire built on suffering keeps the population in check through surveillance and mechanized policing. Though lost, Griffin is never alone, he was brought here for a reason, and The Vengeful One is his guide.
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Gunhild GN Vol 1 - Fred Tornager
Her travels lead mainly to many foes, but a few enemies become friends, persuaded by Gunhild's unwavering determination and burning passion for her own cause. Being a tiny Jotun against a big, powerful world, Gunhild must fight smart and learn a trick or two from Loki to earn the title of godhood. Certainly, Gunhild will stop at nothing to forge her own fantastic path and make her dream come true.
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The History Club HC Vol 1 - Bret Baier & Marvin Sianipar
From Bret Baier comes the first book in a thrilling new time-bending graphic novel series about kids who use their love of history to thwart an evil time traveler's scheme to change the past! Becca, Zack, Cam, and Thomas are best friends who may seem like an unlikely group on the surface but who have something very important in common: a love of history! Together, they make up their school's history club that has an all-important secret mission: stop the villainous History Twister's plot to destroy the past, forever altering the future. Knowledge of history is their superpower as they chase the Twister through time. After all, who knows what would have happened if Alexander Hamilton had lived and Aaron Burr had died in their infamous duel? It's up to the History Club to save the world from utter destruction!
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Jim Henson's Labyrinth: Beyond The Goblin City TP - Delilah S Dawson, Gustavo Duarte, Jeff Stokely, Ross Curry, Jonathan Case, Adam Smith, Lara Elena Donnelly, Sas Milledge, Daniel Bayliss, Pius Bak, French Carlomagno, Jeff Stokely, Kyla Vanderklugt, Samantha Dodge, Gustavo Duarte & Mike Allred
Featuring the secret history of Sir Didymus and the untold story of one of Jareth's Masquerade guests, in addition to stories featuring fan-favorite characters like Ludo, Hoggle, Sir Didymus, and the Goblin King himself.
This epic collection showcases imaginative tales from critically acclaimed writers and artists, including Jonathan Case (The New Deal), Delilah S. Dawson (Star Wars: Phasma), Gustavo Duarte (Bizarro), Roger Langridge (Snarked), Katie Cook (Star Wars: ABC-3PO), Jeff Stokely (The Ludocrats), S.M. Vidaurri (Labyrinth: Under the Spell), Sina Grace (Superman: Kal-El Returns), Michael Dialynas (Wynd), Sarah Webb (The Storyteller: Sirens), Boya Sun (5 Worlds), Lara Elena Donnelly (The Amberlough Dossier), French Carlomagno (The Dead Lucky), Pius Bak (Eat The Rich), Samantha Dodge (Catwoman: Soulstealer), and many more!
Collects Jim Henson's Labyrinth: Shortcuts and Jim Henson's Labyrinth: Under the Spell.
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No Touching At All GN - Kou Yoneda
On the first day of his new job, the shy and introverted Shima suddenly finds himself trapped in an elevator with an extremely hungover man, who turns out to be none other than his new boss, Togawa. Though Shima is initially put-off by Togawa's rude and shameless behavior, he can't help but be drawn in by the man's compassionate side, and he soon finds his thoughts are completely consumed by the charismatic man. Unfortunately, painful experiences from his past continue to haunt Shima, and ultimately prevent him from taking the first step. Even when Togawa makes his feelings for the young man blatantly clear, despite also having agonizing memories and an unpleasant past of his own, Shima still hesitates to open himself up to the man. How will things turn out when a love is so obvious that it can felt, but the individuals in question can't express it directly?
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Osamu Dazai's No Longer Human GN - Osamu Dazai & Chika Ito
This manga version of novelist Osamu Dazai's masterpiece No Longer Human, the #2 bestselling novel of all time in Japan. Yozo Oba, a young man growing up in Japan in the immediate aftermath of World War II, is tormented by a failure to find any value in himself or in human relationships, despite being surrounded by women who love him. He creates the persona of a buffoon who mocks himself while entertaining others. But inside he is tortured, and as he moves from childhood to adulthood he becomes addicted to sex and alcohol. Largely autobiographical, No Longer Human explores Dazai's own sense of failure and alienation which drove him to self-destruct with alcohol and numerous suicide attempts.
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Power Rangers Universe TP - Nicole Andelfinger, Simone Ragazzoni & Derrick Chew
On a journey across time and dimensional space, writer Nicole Andelfinger (Dragon Prince: Bloodmoon Huntress), artist Simone Ragazzoni (Odessa), and colorist Mattia Iacono answer the questions fans have been asking since the beginning!
A mysterious pod crashes to earth, while the Legendary Ranger Teens take on thrilling new forms, powerful against their foes and dangerous to themselves, and even contend with a corrupted former ally. Can they save their friend and protect the Morphin Grid from destruction?
Discover the truth behind the Phantom Ranger, the Morphin Masters, Power Rangers, and the Morphin Grid itself in the series that will unlock the secrets of the Power Rangers Universe!
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Saigami GN - Seny
The girl known as Ayumi is a troubled European teenager who feels lost, like a stranger in her world. Her father left when she was little, while her mother's work means she is never around. A love of manga and books keeps her happy, while honest-to-goodness friends seem to be something only other people have. But this is not the case in the fantasy land known as Aesztrea. In this strange new world, there are dragons, creatures, and warriors who can wield power beyond our wildest imagination. When Ayumi arrives in Aesztrea, she learns that she may also be a Saigami. This warrior class of supernatural and superhuman abilities is one of the most honored and respected people in this new world. For the first time in her life, her potential is limitless, and she has seemingly found a place and a people where she can belong. But not all is right in Aesztrea, Ayumi will have to face her own demons to get to the bottom of this and determine who she wants to be.
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Sakura Saku GN Vol 1 - Io Sakisaka
Saku Fujigaya would like to thank the boy who helped her, but all she has is a note signed "Ryosuke Sakura." She discovers that a boy at her high school, Haruki Sakura, has an older brother named Ryosuke. She asks Haruki to deliver her thank-you letter to Ryosuke, but why does he refuse?
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Sheep Princess In Wolf's Clothing GN - Mito
In this beautifully illustrated yuri/Girls' Love fairy tale, a wolf-woman butler must tutor a sheep princess who's not as soft as she looks! Aki Rikujo, a Wolfa, works as a butler at the royal castle in the land of Sheepa. Her quiet and peaceful days get shaken up when she saves the life of Princess Momo Shiudafaris. The shy sheep princess immediately latches onto Aki who, before she knows it, becomes the princess's private tutor. Momo wants more than just math lessons from Aki, and even sneaks into the wolf-woman's bedroom to seduce her! Aki soon realizes that, under the timid woolly exterior, Momo is a wild animal!
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The Star Seekers GN - HYBE & Tomorrow X Together
When assailants interrupt Star One's comeback stage, the boys spring into action...all except Eugene! Though he helps as best he can, his lack of magic limits what he can do. That is, until the strange stray cat he picked up appears in a flash of light and offers him power...
Whatcha snaggin' this week, Fantom Fam?
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hrodvitnon · 5 months
Was wondering if you had any thoughts as to the looks/personalities of the unseen Titans? (Baphomet, Typhon, Leviathan, Yamato no Orochi, Bunyip, Sekhmet , Abbadon, Quetzalcoatl, Margygr, Mokele-Mnembe)
Also curious if you have any thoughts on how Canazotz, Amhuluk, Shinomura, and Na Kika work in the Abraxasverse?
Oh dear, those mystery monsters can be a bit challenging to have thoughts on because the available information we have is limited, but I do remember drawing a take on Mokele-Mbembe and Kraken way back in 2020 when the art requests were open. (Keep an eye on that, the requests might open soon if work hours remain chill~)
As for how they might work in the AbraxasVerse, let's see...
Godzilla: Dominion may have labeled Na Kika a Destroyer, but in AbraxasVerse is among the more intelligent Titans owing to their cephalopod nature as well as having multiple brains; they're content to be left alone and not cause unnecessary trouble, but will make their displeasure known in a passive-aggressive manner (think an octopus in captivity finding a bad fish in its food and escaping the tank just to yeet the fish in question at a handler and go back inside).
Amhuluk is more or less the same in AbraxasVerse as he was depicted in Dominion; he's a hostile little shit. Sometimes he'll cause trouble and encroach an opposing Titan's territory, but thanks to a suggestion from Rick Stanton regarding a weakness to "certain alpha frequencies" it's relatively easy to scare him off just by blasting music from external speakers (or if Monster X is around and is dealing with a particularly annoying ear worm).
Camazotz is also unchanged from Kingdom Kong to AbraxasVerse; he sticks to his territory in dark caverns within the Hollow Earth, and after his disastrous battle against Kong and Monster X he frequently enters states of torpor to conserve energy. Unexpectedly, he and his giant bat swarm have a surprise benefit for everyone: his swarm can quickly awaken him with echolocation if something enters his territory, and sometimes that something might be a remnant of the Many that stumbles into the swarm looking to accumulate biomass. Depending on how many Many constructs appear, Camazozt's swarm will suffer casualties but can also quickly overwhelm the Many constructs in turn, rendering them unable to recover and cause trouble. All that needs to be done next is send out a sonic call to something like Monster X to incinerate the remains. Interactions between Camazotz and Monster X in this context are cordial, if riddled with barbs.
Seeing as Shinomura was vaporized in Godzilla: Awakening, I see no reason to alter history to suit a Somehow, Shinomura Has Returned moment for AbraxasVerse.
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