#godzilla vs. transformers would be so sick
soul-sparx · 11 months
there need to be more wacky crossovers that no one asked for but everyone ended up wanting like Marvel vs. Capcom. i wanna see, like, Godzilla vs. Transformers or Justice League vs. Sega
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davidmariottecomics · 2 years
Too Many Conventions!
Turns out, I'm a liar. If you read last week's blog, I ended it with a whole little plan for the next couple of weeks, completely having forgotten that I'm about to enter the most convention heavy stretch I have all year! This is my last "free" weekend until April pretty much! 
A week from today, 2/25, I'll be at the Arizona Comic Book Arts Festival! If you're anywhere near the Phoenix area and want to see me to buy comics or bring your own to get them signed, this is the place to do it! I'll be bringing a pretty chunk of my stock, including stuff from Sonic, Godzilla, and pretty much what's left of my Transformers/Hasbro stock! Maybe this one, maybe in a couple more events like this, I'm going to be running out of Transformers vs. Terminator and Wreckers, so get 'em now while you can! Becca will be there too and you can get us both to sign our little mini-comic, Jimmy Squarefoot! We'll also be bringing copies of a zine we made explaining the issues with AI! And Becca will have a bunch of other stuff at their own table! 
There are a bunch of other really great people attending including Elizabeth Brei, Danny Djeljosevic, Mitch Gerads, Steve Rude, John Layman, Henry Barajas, Jay Fotos, Jeff Mariotte, Marcy Rockwell, John Yurcaba, Andrew MacLean, Alexis Zirrit, Meredith McClaren, James Owen, Ryan Cody, Tone Rodriguez, Cecil Castellucci, and so many more! So come on out and see us! 
Then, Becca got into WaifuExpo the following weekend, 3/3-3/5! It's going to be a cool little adult (18+) focused con in the Dallas-Fort Worth area! Becca's going to be in the artist's alley and I'm going to be there as their booth babe. I will NOT be bringing any of my stuff, only Becca is tabling (*tho if you are planning to attend and get ahold of me ahead of time, I might be able to pack a few things to give in person). Becca's working very hard on preparation and will have some exclusive stuff for adults debuting there! 
Similarly, lots of cool guests including some very notable cosplayers and voice actors and other artists! It also seems like it's going to be a very activity heavy con if that's your jam! 
It's also our first time in the DFW area, so if you have recommendations, those would be appreciated! 
Then, if everything goes right with the first two cons and I'm still feeling groovy, I am tentatively planning on going up to TFCon LA on 3/10. Again, this is health and finances permitting after two other back-to-back shows, and I am not coming as anything other than an attendee, but if you catch me at Jack Lawrence's table and want me to sign your Wreckers or Alex Milne's table and want me to sign your TF/Terminator or whatever, I'm happy to do so! 
And finally, I expect to be attending WonderCon 2023, March 24-26! Again, same deal as TFCon--my availability will depend a little bit on not having gotten sick/burned out from the other shows with only one weekend of "downtime" and I'm going mostly as an attendee, rather than tabling individually or with IDW, but this is the one con where I'll be most open for meetings. 
After that, I have to assume that I'll hibernate until the summer! And somewhere around there I'll get back to what I mistakenly proposed last week and do another "Ask Me (Almost) Anything". In the meantime, new posts are going to be coming to the blog, but they'll be a little irregular because they'll be coming in-between shows! 
Thanks for rolling with that change and hope to see you soon! 
What I enjoyed this week: Blank Check (Podcast), Honkai Impact (Video game--I managed to get the new Kiana and Mei back-to-back, so I'm pretty happy!), House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski (Book), Poker Face (TV show), Romantic Killer (Anime), Warioware Inc (Video Game), The Fablemans (Movie--I cried 3 times!), Kaguya-Sama: Love is War-The First Kiss That Never Ends (Movie), Valentine's Day, Snack vs. Chef (TV show), Chainsaw Man (Manga), rearranging my desk (I had to dust the... 150 [estimate] little hunks of plastic on my desk and decided to rearrange them), Becca's first Twitch stream (more on that below)! 
New Releases this week (2/15/2023): Off week for my books
New releases next week (2/22/2023): Also an off week for my books!
Announcements: Wait, this is still a section? With all that other stuff I've already been promoting? Well... Yeah! 
Social Media - I am still primarily on Twitter because that's still where I know the most people and the format I like the best, unfortunately, but you can find me on all my socials here as I continue to try to move away from that site that is less and less functional each day! And, hey, sometimes it still works to reach people like this update on Sonic (it is good and fine and in many languages and countries). 
Aradia Beat - The past few weeks, I've been plugging this cool Magical Girl Anthology Magazine that Becca's part of! This morning, the campaign closed and they had just exceeded their second stretch goal! Thanks anyone here who contributed and if you missed out, well... you missed out! No, but give Aradia Collective a follow and they'll be able to tell ya if there'll be any other ways of getting it in the future! 
More Magical Girls - Our pals Elizabeth Brei & Danny Djeljosevic and a bunch of their friends are getting close to their goal on their Kickstarter for Sweet Little Resistance, which you should check out! And you can tell them you're psyched for it at AZCAF! 
Becca is a busy beean - Somewhere in all this con prep and the many shows we're attending, Becca's also managing regular Patreon updates (and this month, any new sign-ups will have their first pledge go to The Brown Building here in San Diego). They're also open for commissions. And they're now streaming Wednesdays & Saturdays (including tonight, but not when we'll be at shows) on Twitch! I'll usually be there too, moderating the chat and making jokes, playing the soundboard or whatever. You can check out their first stream playing Heartbreak High on their page now! I think the plan is Wednesdays will be games and Saturdays will be art, so come check it out and hang! 
Legislative Tracking - Legislators are doubling down on attempting to pass anti-trans bills. Fortunately, some of them are not managing to move forward. Unfortunately, the bad guys keep trying. Here is a legislative tracker for you to keep an eye on and hopefully if anything is happening locally to you (and on the federal level), you're able to reach out to your reps and can tell them to knock that shit off. 
Pic of the Week: A very dumb little promo I made for all of our upcoming stuff (or... well, a lot of it) to the theme of Ant-Man & the Wasp: Quantumania, in theaters now! (NOTE: Made when Aradia Beat was still funding, it's over now, sorry!)
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geek-gem · 5 years
Why I'm not taking the criticisms of Godzilla KOTM 2019 seriously?
It's because for some reasons I learned that some folks may not know what they want. Yet it's also because they complained about this with the last two movies.
Just a heads up I just got done with the tags after writing all of this. I'm sorry if I sound ignorant or just mean. Just a warning if I sound like that.
I'm sorry if I sound ignorant in this post but I just wanna make this now. So you've seen the Rotten Tomatoes score or heard of it. I'm on the website it's 40% with the critics and 86% with audiences. I just took out the screen but yeah it's that. Again like I say a lot make your own opinion when you see a movie. Because Rotten Tomatoes is an aggregate but also there's other reasons why I'm not taking this seriously. It's not just RT ether.
The reason I am not taking it seriously again was the complaint of the humans thing. Just like everyone like I'm with everyone going what the fuck at the critics complaining about too much monster fights and not focusing on the humans much. Because we were are so ready for the Kaiju/Titan fights.
But also these were the same critics and other people who fucking complained about Godzilla 2014 and Kong Skull Island. Especially on the stuff about the human characters.
I'll be honest it's been years since I've seen Godzilla 2014 I like the film. But seeing the final fight last night on YouTube and thinking about the film. It's not my favorite Godzilla film. I appreciate the film getting the Godzilla franchise in the lime light for American audiences again after the 1998 film.
While I don't hate Ford Brody(played by Aaron Taylor Johnson) yet when I look back at him. I understand and I remember reading this on a wiki about the thing soldiers gonna keep their emotions in check. Even if he was played by Aaron Paul(Breaking Bad reference because lots of people like Up From The Depths said they were expecting Heisenberg vs Godzilla I don't blame them), I feel Ford could of been written better. Especially the whole dynamic with his family.
Again it's been years since I've seen Godzilla 2014, maybe the next time I watch it. I might enjoy it more. Maybe I might like some things I didn't see the first time.
With Kong Skull Island I feel was an improvement. With more interesting characters and the films tone as well.
But I'll be honest I fucking despise hearing comparisons to Bayformers. Because I'm gonna sound ridiculous you don't know the shit me and other Transformers fans have went through with those films. I never saw the 5th in theaters anyway.
I never finished Jeremy Jahns review, I never finished Chris Stuckmann's review I think. It's been two years since those were released. Especially during a video with Chris Stuckmann and Flickpick I think about fans, Chris didn't seem to not like Kong Skull Island a lot. Yet I should understand people want more from a movie.
Now we have Godzilla King Of The Monsters 2019, it's fucking awesome, and we have people bitching about the human characters and they're wasn't more focused on them.
You see what I'm seeing. Listen I'll admit when I look back at the film. There are a lot of human characters, some get shorter roles I'll admit. But I liked the cast.
In fact like I said I feel KOTM 2019 is my favorite of the Monsterverse. While the story is more simple, there is some development but it's not a whole lot. But I really enjoyed Kyle Chandler's performance as Mark Russell and even his development as well. I loved Vera Farmiga as Emma Russell, I loved seeing Ken Watanabe returned as Ishiro Serizawa, and I liked some of the other characters too. Especially Millie Bobby Brown as Madison Russell and I have never seen Stranger Things despite I've heard the praise. She surprised me or something.
Honestly I think everyone did a good job with what they had. I do feel some had their roles shorter than others. Such as O'Shea Jackson Jr's role.
But I feel when I think about it the film had a balance. With Titans and humans, I admit I was looking forward to Ghidorah and the other Titans too. But I didn't mind the human cast and I don't mind seeing a lot of them come back. I felt invested which may sound ridiculous. Such as characters like Chen, Rick, Sam, and whoever else.
Yeah we are gonna get some new characters in Godzilla Vs Kong but some of the KOTM 2019's cast will be there too and I'm freakin happy. Because it's years of build up to this match between Godzilla and Kong and I'm glad we have some familiar faces in the movie.
I'm gonna sound hypocritical but I didn't mind Ford. I feel his story is done. Besides people would probably bitch about him coming back. But also unless Johnson is still doing this he does this one movie once a year because he wants to be with his family.
But again I liked the humans in KOTM 2019. I'm excited for Godzilla Vs Kong. Whether it be the last film in the Monsterverse God I hope not, or it's a awesome film setting the next stage.
I'll admit I hope Adam Wingard(the director of Godzilla Vs Kong) makes a better and even more awesome movie. One that satisfies fans like me and other fans and others who weren't satisfied with the last film. Especially what I read of what he said about the film and him wanting people to take it seriously. It's on Wikipedia I checked back on it.
Ether way I really did like KOTM 2019. While I understand the criticisms and I should understand why people are critical. Off topic thing I'm just fucking sick of the MCU getting all this fucking praise.
While I appreciate things the MCU has done. I'm fucking tired of it having such an effect on the industry where I wonder if it's the reason why certain films aren't exploding at the box office. I just want that universe to take a year break but they aren't gonna.
Sorry I ranted right there. I wanted to get that off my chest.
Anyway again excited for Godzilla Vs Kong, hopefully we get more of the Monsterverse.
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dragontidess · 6 years
I had another super-long dream last night which was also really creepy.
((Content warning for deep sea shit, illness, and idk almost death?))
So I started off as some guy in a submarine exploring the depths of the ocean, but my depth was constantly stuck on the lowest setting so I couldn’t surface. I also had a little sidekick assistant who I guess if I had to describe, looked like Wybie from Coaraline but if he were real. And basically I had to explore the deepest sea just Begging that somebody else would be down here.
And then I found some underwater lab building thing. When I walked in it looked all abandoned. Me and my assistant had to pull some levers and figure out which pathway to go through and there was a scientist dude there working on some experiments. Who I guess couldn’t fix our submarine so we just asked him for directions instead so we could bottomdwell our way up to land.
And then as we kept going we found this Other building thing that was like a secret society full of mostly middle-aged women and their sons. While there, I stopped by the bathrooms, which I guess revealed I was a trans dude idk. And then like the worst kind of horror game, one of the kids there was sick and we heard them wailing from upstairs. So we were outta there fast.
Eventually we made it to some desolate coastal town, where people’s buildings were made of clay and there were some muddy skyscrapers like an ancient city. Then I really VIVIDLY remember a market there selling both bananas and “raw bananas” so please just take a moment to picture a raw meat texture slapped onto a bunch of bananas and then you’ll know what horror I’ve lived. Anyway my assistant seemed nervous about where we were staying and I said “don’t worry, we have money. We get the air conditioned houses” and walked into a hotel room. Even though we were still really far from home, we had to stay the night and pick up our travels the next day. But my little assistant for whatever reason seemed to like it there and asked me to stay...? Like whatever I let him.
Then the next stop I made it to another shore, and it was fckifng WILD there. Crystalline turquoise coast with waist-high shallows reaching out a mile. Apparently it was a coast commonly used to film movies, so they had like Giant animatronic props moving around, Godzilla fighting some beast, a bunch of baby gorillas n shit. So I glided along these TV sets with a tour from some biz guy and eventually saw this spiral-looking building. It was a gotdamn zoo-pool. Like imagine having an aquatic zoo you can SWIM in and that was the HELLA thing it was.
So I go in to get changed because shit I wanna experience this, but like in every damn dream I hve about swimming I don’t have any underwear and I hate it. But I get a bathing suit and go in and it’s So Cool and futuristic , but the farther I go I also find out it’s kind of corrupt. So I help a few animals find new spaces they like better (by talking to them directly I guess??) and go to a certain mini city by some of these aquatic creatures.
I lost the plot at this point but it was like some bizarre testing facility these squidmen ran, so I transformed to look like one and tried to help them out. Like first I had to go into this wacky machine to dry off and basically vacuumed all the water off. And then I went down some escalators to get changed in a bathroom (they had male vs female so I went into the handicapped section because Fuck dysphoria) and entered the testing. It was really FUCKIG weird. Some shark dudes and underwater cities, i was led around by this pretty cnidarian lady, but once left on my own, things started to go awry. Basically I had to pick certain baby catfish specimen and had to have 4 of them go into a little monitoring box which allowed fish In, but only one way with some electric walls to keep them from swimming out. But after adding the fourth something weird was happening and the catfish hijacked the machine to make it shoot electric pulses Directly into me, and when I came to, these creepy wolfmen were trying to throw me out and kill me, so when some of them went to squeeze and kill me, I “popped” and transformed into one of them so I wouldn’t die and then explored while they were staging a revolution. Then, with some effort, I managed to make this crazy presentation of my king to get them to calm the fuck down and I think that’s when the dream ended.
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