#godzilla vs megaguirus
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spicypopsicleng · 6 months ago
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crusaderguy · 9 months ago
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Simply built different, and in my opinion, FinalGoji is peak Godzilla. I just love when Godzilla is an anti hero.
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vermilllionsands · 1 month ago
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mountmultimuses · 6 months ago
My Top 5 Favorite Godzilla Designs
(poll at end)
I used to say that Millennium Godzilla was my favorite design for the character, but that might not be the case anymore. I still love it, but after thinking about for a good long time, I have found that there are designs that I like better. And I finally narrowed down my top 5 favorites. So here it is. My Top 5 Favorite Godzilla Designs
#5. Millennium Goji.
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More specifically, his look in Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla and Godzilla Tokyo SOS, AKA "KiryuGoji." The jagged elements and wolf-like face are very sleek, the golden eyes really pop, the teeth are nice and visible, it has pretty much everything going for it. The one thing it's got going against it, and this is just a personal thing for me, is the size. Of all the designs in my top 5, this one is the smallest at a mere 50 meters. Some may argue that that's how big Godzilla should be, but personally, I like my Gojis in the neighborhood of 100 to 120 meters. But aside from that, Millennium Goji is fantastic
#4. Monsterverse Goji
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More specifically, his design in 2019 and 2021. It's big, it's menacing, and it looks like it could be an actual animal. Sure the head's a bit small and the teeth could look better, but it still works.
#3. Gemstone Goji
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This design is brilliant, in my opinion. It's like a perfect blend of Heisei Goji and Monsterverse Goji. Sometimes the skin looks less like scales and more like lumpy, gray warts. It's not bad, but it can be a little distracting. Most of the time, however, it's not a problem, and this Goji definitely fits with the narrative Gemstone is creating. If they make more media with this design, I am game.
#2. Heisei Goji
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You can't go wrong with what is, arguably, the most recognizable design Godzilla has ever had. Some even consider this the definitive design for Godzilla, and I can't say I disagree. Most days, you hear the word "Godzilla," and Hesei Goji comes to mind, especially his look in Godzilla vs Spacegodzilla, AKA "MogeGoji," with his enormous size, expressive eyes, two rows of teeth, and bulging muscles. My only two drawbacks is that sometimes the shoulders are a bit to slim, and sometimes the legs seem a little too massive. It's not a deal breaker, mind you, but it can be distracting from time to time. Still, the Heisei era does have, arguably, the most consistent and recognizable design, and it's definitely makes the top 2.
#1. Final Goji
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I have thought about it the entire time I was making this list, and I think I can safely say that Godzilla's design in Godzilla: Final Wars is my personal favorite. The red eyes, the teeth, the longer ears, the slim yet powerful build, it all works. Is he as powerful-looking as Heisei Goji? Not really. Is he as imposing as Monsterverse Goji? No. But something about this design strikes a near-perfect balance for me. Not only that, but Godzilla's personality in this film is great. Godzilla feels like a battle-hardened rōnin warrior with a chip on his shoulder. And now that I think about it, this Goji might be the most powerful. He goes through the whole movie beating the other kaiju left and right without even breaking a sweat. He's unstoppable. If they made a whole film series with Final Goji and all the other monsters in Final Wars, I would absolutely LOVE it. So yeah, after a lot of thinking, Final Wars Godzilla is my favorite Godzilla.
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kaijugifs · 11 months ago
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porkydsyre · 1 year ago
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Godzilla! As he appears in Godzilla 2000: Millennium and Godzilla vs. Megaguirus. I was fighting with Ibispaint the entire time I was drawing this but I'm still happy with how it turned out lmao.
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schlock-luster-video · 2 months ago
On January 5, 2001, Godzilla VS. Megaguirus debuted in South Korea.
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sina-man · 5 months ago
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luffysfakebeard · 7 months ago
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just a kaiju out enjoying the fun fair 🎡
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inukoinu-k9 · 9 months ago
me every summer
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funtimespringscare101 · 10 months ago
Something I cooked up especially for @magic-thing! My take on certain characters from BloodFox’s universe and your ShiMom! AU.
Disclaimer: For Guardian! Megaguirus, I was stuck between Queen Chrysalis and Princess Celestia for her voice claim, I was gonna put her in the Megaguirus section but I forgot to, but yeah, Celestia is also my canon alternate idea for Guardian! Megaguirus’ voice, with Daybreaker being Canon Megs’ voice.
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nerdreamer · 1 year ago
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crusaderguy · 5 months ago
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I made that third meme because I believe in Moo Deng superiority.
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vermilllionsands · 11 months ago
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mountmultimuses · 6 months ago
My Top 10 Favorite Godzilla Designs
I used to say that Millennium Godzilla was my favorite design for the character, but that might not be the case anymore. I still love it, but after thinking about for a good long time, I have found that there are designs that I like better. And I finally narrowed down my top 10 favorites. So here it is. My Top 10 Favorite Godzilla Designs
#10. Earth Goji
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By far the most unique design on this list. With his tree-bark-like skin and leaf-like dorsal plates, I wasn't sure to add this design on my list as I felt Goji looked best when he looked reptilian. However, the more I look at it, the more this design begins to grab me. Something else that works in this Goji's favor is that he is ABSOLUTELY GIGANTIC!!! Seriously! This big guy got up to 318 meters tall! THAT'S 1043 FEET! I never got the chance to see this series, but I can at least say that its design for Godzilla is one of the best.
#9. Shin Goji
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This design for Godzilla is ABSOLUTELY HIDEOUS in the BEST POSSIBLE WAY! It looks like the charred remains of a creature that got caught in an explosion that is somehow still alive. The crazy jagged teeth, the tiny, beady eyes, the purple atomic power, even the splitting jaw is great, in my opinion. The only things going against this design is tail seems a little too long sometimes and the arms are super scrawny. It's a bit distracting, I won't lie. Still, Shin Goji is TERRIFYING, and that alone got him on this list.
#8. Singular Point Goji
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I didn't like this design at first. I felt it was a little too odd looking. However, I eventually saw the pictures of the S.H. Monsterarts figure of Singular Point Goji, and found that it did have a certain charm. My only real gripes are the placement of the fangs and that the way the mouth looks from certain angles seems a bit inorganic, if that makes sense. I have not heard a lot of good things about the series, but at the very least the design for Goji is solid, and definitely good looking enough for this list.
#7. MireGoji
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Godzilla had a few different designs during the Millennium Era. This design is called MireGoji, and it comes from Godzilla 2000 and Godzilla vs Megaguirus (though it varied slightly in both films.) There's plenty to love about MireGoji. One is the colors. This is one of the few Godzillas that is green instead of gray. Not only that, but the pinkish purple dorsal plates are striking. It's very eye catching. Another great thing is all the jagged elements. The jagged teeth, jagged scales, and jagged plates gives this Godzilla an edgy look. The only real downside is the size. MireGoji is one the smallest Gojis on this list at only 50 meters tall. Sure, you can argue that 50 meters is the original Godzilla's authentic height, but personally, I like Godzilla in the height neighborhood of 100 to 120 meters. Still the MireGoji design has its charms, and a special place in my heart.
#6. KiryuGoji
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KiryuGoji, featured in Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla and Godzilla Tokyo SOS, is a lot like MireGoji, but with a few differences. The jagged elements are a bit more streamlined, he's back to being dark gray with silver plates, and he has a wolf-like face. In my opinion, it has pretty much everything going for it. Again, the one thing it's got going against it is the size at only 50 meters. But aside from that, KiryuGoji is fantastic.
#5. IDW Goji
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The only Godzilla design on this list that isn't from a movie or show. Illustrated by the remarkably talented Matt Frank, IDW Goji has everything KiryuGoji has going for it, only this time, he's a whomping 100 meters tall. Something about this streamline design and grayish green color really works. It certainly helps that this Godzilla is one of the more powerful versions of the character. IDW Goji is like the perfect blend of the two Millennium Gojis on this list, and definitely my favorite illustrated version of the character.
#4. Monsterverse Goji
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More specifically, his design in 2019 and 2021. It's big, it's menacing, and it looks like it could be an actual animal. I also love the skin and the addition of visible gills, making this Goji stand out that much more. There are only two major problems I have with this design For one thing, the head's a bit too small. I know Godzilla has never had a particularly large noggin, but it's hard not to point out. The other is that I wish he had more teeth, and that those teeth were bigger and more noticeable. Still, this design works, warts and all. Monsterverse Goji is a force to be reckoned with, and I look forward to seeing more of him in future movies.
#3. Gemstone Goji
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This design is brilliant, in my opinion. It's like a perfect blend of Heisei Goji and Monsterverse Goji. Sometimes the skin looks less like scales and more like lumpy, gray warts. It's not bad, but it is hard to ignore sometimes. Most of the time, however, it's not a problem, and this Goji definitely fits with the narrative Gemstone is creating. If they make more media with this design, I'm game.
#2. Heisei Goji
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You can't go wrong with what is, arguably, the most recognizable design Godzilla has ever had. Some even consider this the definitive design for Godzilla, and I can't say I disagree. Most days, you hear the word "Godzilla," and Hesei Goji comes to mind, especially his look in Godzilla vs Spacegodzilla, AKA "MogeGoji," with his enormous size, expressive eyes, two rows of teeth, and bulging muscles. My only two drawbacks is that sometimes the shoulders are a bit too slim, and sometimes the legs seem a little too massive. It's not a deal breaker, mind you, but it can be distracting from time to time. Still, the Heisei era does have, arguably, the most consistent and recognizable design, and it's definitely makes the top 2.
#1. Final Goji
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I have thought about this for a good, long time, and I think I can safely say that Godzilla's design in Godzilla: Final Wars is my personal favorite. The red eyes, the teeth, the longer ears, the slim yet powerful build, it all works. Sometimes the tail length seems a little inconsistent, no doubt due to the fact that they used three different suits for the movie, but other than that, it's perfect. Is he as powerful-looking as Heisei Goji? Not really. Is he as imposing as Monsterverse Goji? No. But something about this design strikes a near-perfect balance for me. Not only that, but Godzilla's personality in this film is great. Godzilla feels like a battle-hardened rōnin warrior with a chip on his shoulder. And now that I think about it, this Goji might be the most powerful aside from Earth Goji. He goes through the whole movie beating the other kaiju left and right without even breaking a sweat. He's unstoppable. If they made a whole film series with Final Goji and all the other monsters in Final Wars, I would absolutely LOVE it. So yeah, after a lot of thinking, Final Wars Godzilla is my favorite Godzilla.
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years ago
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Godzilla vs. Megaguirus' original motion picture soundtrack is available on vinyl for $45 via Mondo. The score is composed by Michiru Oshima (Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla, Fullmetal Alchemist).
The 2xLP album is pressed on 140-gram colored vinyl with a screen-printed D-side, limited to 2,000. It’s housed in a gatefold jacket with artwork by Attack Peter. It's expected to ship in October.
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