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“Brett Keane Dead” Transcript (of Latest Brett Keane Video)
Hello ladies and gentlemen my name is Brett Keane from god-TV-radio-dot-com.
mheeef (breathing)
ummm... I'm going to be... getting off the internet, and I am in'erested in doing X-box one ecksss. Yesss...
mheeef (breathing)
That's coming out in November sev-seventh two-thousand seventeen. Yes, yes; four ninety-nine. (Italicized text indicates some retarded impersonation).
Heaahk (breathing)
If anyone would like to help me get the ecks-box, you can do some donations, do some support-short gasp- and send money veai (VIA) my paypal and that'l help me get my machine in November. Short gasp I'm gonna be giving my old computer over to my wife, so I won't be making videos anymore, I won't be working orn my website any further- that'l be that.
mhfff (breathing)
I had planed aurn (on) leaving youtube just a little while back, gasp, I didn't have nothing to do. Short breath , I was bored- whenever I'm not going out places with my family or watching movies or reading a book...
mhfff (breathing)
...umm, besides video games... I had nothing that I could do that was fun or exciting-quick breath, my brother- he's constantly doing his thing, so I wasn't able to do music with 'im.
mheefff (breathing)
So I got bored and from time to time every once in a blue moon I'd upload a video and put it up, short breath, and that was that.
mfheeef (breathing)
Once I get my ecks box one, I have some games in mind that I am looking forward to playin' short breath, and, uh, that will be that.
mhff (breathing)
Some people might wanna know why is it that I wanna leave youtube. Well, it is pretty obvious but, for those who might be new, who see this last video short breath, this will be the last video uploaded.
mheefff (quiet breathing)
Youtube is, quick exhale, for me is not a social place anymore. I originally came so I could make friends, talk to people, bla bla blah. Quick breath- but I've had to turn my comment section off becuz popular youtubers have decided to...
mheefff (breathing)
...uuh, make me their pincushion, their punching bag. Umm, as well as other people- 'course I'm no special snowflake.
mheefff (breathing)
...but becuz of dis, people who supported me, people who are my friends, decided that they don't wanna leave comments anymore- because if they did, then they got insulted or attacked.
mheefff (breathing)
So I just ended up turning off comments for the longest time, and since then I had not been able to have good conversations with people or talk, chat, which is what I like to do.
mheefff (breathing)
People trolled me non-stop in my live rooms...exhale...uhhh, either by yelling or screaming at me or putting up live porn.
mheefff (breathing)
And that was that...
mheefff (breathing)
...I guess we can talk a little bit about some of the issues orn why it is that Brett Keane has had such a hard time orn, ahhh, youtube.
mheefff (breathing)
To throw it out there...
mheefff (breathing)
...when I originally started orn youtube one of the things that I did that annoyed the piss out of people is asking for donations...
mheefff (breathing)
...asking for people to subscribe to my channel... I had people who would make over twenty videos within a month...
mheefff (breathing)
...about me sayin dat people like me shouldn't be asking for support. People like me shouldn't be for money, people like me
shouldn't be lip smack alongside breath, aoooh... asking for people to like up a video or subscribe and bla bla blah.
mheefff (breathing)
Now it's ten years later and everybody orn the fuckin' planet is doing the exactly the same thing that I did that everybody got to hate me for.
exhale mheefff (breathing)
Some people actually listened and took my advice and now they're making a living orn the internet and making a living off their videos...
mheefff (breathing)
...some of them, exhale, people who've made themselves to be my enemy...
mheefff (breathing)
...I had no choice in the matter...
mheefff (breathing)
...but that's pretty much the big reason, that's the big reason why a lot of people started orn me...
... mheefff (breathing)
...also they enjoy making fun of my voice and my accent and such. At one point in time they used to think I had a radio voice- but not anymore!
mhhff (breathing), placing something on table
Now we just make fun of every fuckin' word I say and big deal out of it and fab-rikate and eksajerate everything I say.
matress sounds,mheefff (breathing)
So that's it. That'sss going to be the end of it...
MHEFFF (loud breathing)
umm..., I guess I'll talk about some things that...
mheefff (breathing)
uhhh..., annoy me. That I've been wanting to get off my chest. Really nothing to do with youtube or internet social media anymore...
mheefff (breathing)
...I've gotten tired of Sony... quick exhale...ummm, as you guys know I was runnin' an old PS4 back in here that I'mma be givin' to mah boi...
mheefff (breathing)
...ummm, I originally got Sony exhale...because they announced that Fallout and games like Skyrim were going to have mods...
mheefff (breathing)
...but then Sony, basically took a shit orn that.
mheefff (breathing)
And now only Pee-C and ecks box gets the decent mods. So that angered me. Sony has refused to refund money for games that they sold me that are fuckin' broke...
... mheefff (breathing)
...and uh, quick exhale, also Sony seems to be very greedy.
mheefff (breathing)
They have PS4 and almost ummidietly after started selling slim and den a PS4 pro...
mheefff (breathing)
...and uh ecks box is gonna end up blowin' dem up out of da fuckin' water. Ecks box seems like it's progressing more towards...
mheefff (breathing)
...things that we want.
mheefff (breathing)
I'm not gonna be playing elder scrolls online anymore.
mhff (breathing)
I feel like the company, Bethesda, had plenty of time to...
mheefff (breathing)
...add more in'eresting features for the game. I thought that they were going to attempt to do like Skyrim and Fallout...
mheefff (breathing)
... where it feels like an actual world but they haven't...
mheefff (breathing)
...it's almost been five years now and they still haven't even gotten around to adding children into the game.
mheefff (breathing)
If you play Fallout...
mheefff (breathing)
...you'll realize right away that you've got children that are settlers, you got children that run around in diamond city...
mheefff (breathing)
...and Skyrim, you got kids who are asking you for help running around in the cities. Whiterun and all that shit.
mheefff (breathing)
Elder scrolls does not have this. Exhale ummm....
...(fan in background) mheefff (breathing)
...the game doesn't have too many random events...
mheefff (breathing)
...and the...game seems like it has ten enemies in the entire vast world that you're runnin' around in.
mheefff (breathing)
ummm...exhale I don't know, it's just- it seems dead. Uhhh, the environments are nice but the...
mheefff (breathing)
...characters...ehh...just...it-it lost it's steam, no fun to it anymore.
mheefff (breathing)
SniffSo yeah, exhale yep, I got some ideas and I've got my eye out orn some games- so if anybody wants to support me...
mheefff (breathing)
...I would like to get a-the ecks box for mah birtday comming up as well as christmas... and that will be all that I want.
mheefff (breathing)
I don't really want anything else...
...Sniff, my brother he may still every once in a while upload some music videos to his channel. Make sure you check him out, subscribe to 'im.
mheefff (breathing)
Whenever, some people are gonna be like Brett- but aren't you a christian? Aren't you supposed to be sowing seeds and talking about god and all that? I think that I've got enough material about god orn my twitter, my facebook. I...uhhh...my youtube channel...
mheefff (breathing)
...ummm...as well as website for all you guys to look at. I'm gonna leave all my god videos up...
mheefff (breathing)
...I've said everything I'm gonna possibly say about god and religion and all this. Inaudible, right now this is more of...
mheefff (breathing)
...umm... if you ever wanna change or get saved or find god and everything this is something you're gonna have to do orn your own. You can't be talked into god.
lip smack, mheefff (breathing)
You have to be in'erested in truth...
mheefff (breathing)
...and I feel like I've said and done everything I possibly can quick breath- and to be honest with you, that's one of the reasons why I'm leaving youtube because...I'm tired of talking to other christians and trying to be friendly with them...
mheefff (breathing)
...make friends with people of other religion...
mheefff (breathing)
...and then find out that because their views are so diffrent from my own about god that they refuse to hang out or talk or socialize. They don't want to be around anybody...
mheefff (breathing)
...who is religious or spiritual but has a different walk than them- and of course there's atheists. I can't get along with any of these fuckin' people... becausee they don't want to be around people who don't think like them or agree with them on things. If you don't then you're stupid in their eyes...
tumbling around in bed
...and when it comes to other people's religion...
sniff...mheefff (breathing)
...but the, the two out there that I find myself getting along with the most are, belive it or not, satanists and pagans- but I don't plan orn becoming a satanist or pagan...
mheefff (breathing)
...I'm just sayin' when it comes to respectful quick exhale demeanor or behavior these folks...tend to give me the respect that is deserved.
...sniff...mheefff (breathing)
...And that's that. Umm,breathing some people be like "what if drunken peasants wants you to get orn the show"?...
mheefff (breathing)
...Well even if they offered me ten billion dollars I'm not gonna have a computer anymore- I'm going to give my microphone, my computer microphone, over to my brother...
mheefff (breathing)
...and my Pee-C is going to go over to my wife. She's gonna, have...
mheefff (breathing) ...fun and do whatever the hell she wants to do with it.
mheefff (breathing)
She'll most likely have no intrest in uploading videos or doing anything like that. See, you will not be hearing from the Keane family- Justin is the only one...
mheefff (breathing)
...and that's if he even feels like botherin' with it.
mheefff (breathing)
He's got a... baby daughter now...
mheefff (breathing)
mheefff (breathing)
...he's got his hands full and between takin' care of his child and hanging out with his woman and working...
mheefff (breathing)
...he's uh... you know, he's a vey busy man exhale; and that's that.
... mheefff (breathing)
All right, well anybody that wants to help support... or uh, help get the machine...
mheefff (breathing)
...some of you've been very fucking nasty to me. Other's you've emailed me and you've apologized for your behavior and all that...
mheefff (breathing)
...well that's nice and wonderful, but many of you out there have fucked up my interests in youtube.
mhff (breathing)
But it's not just the people, it's not just the constant trolling or the annoyances- it's also youtube has demonitized every one of my fuckin' videos and they say that they will not review any of my videos unless I hit a thousand views.
mheefff (breathing)
A lot of people have left youtube, both nonbeliver and religious because of that.
mheefff (breathing)
They've made it almost impossible to advertize yourself of promote your work in any kind of way. It's, uh, only the people out there that are fuckin' rich who got the money to sit around and pay for advertisment and all that shit or the ones that are stickin' around...
mheh (breathing)
...who actually think they can still make a job or buisness of it. As for me, there is no social outcome.
mheefff (breathing)
There's, there's nothing. I'm outta here, I've got plenty of cool shit to do in my real life...
mheefff (breathing)
...I hope that you all find god... and I hope that you all have a happy life, gaud bless.
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#atheism#religion#science#god#christianity#christ#islam#paganism#witchcraft#brett keane#brettkeane#at
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