gentlelewis · 6 years
Okay. Listen, please guys. I know I haven’t been on very much. Suddenly became a ghost but please. My friend needs your help. They’ve been having trouble and they really need help. They're struggling with a heavy amount of loans and hasn’t been able to find a job that’ll cause problems with their depression. They’ve tried to find jobs but no one would hire them. Keith is really sweet and caring, I wish I could help more but I myself can’t offer the money they need. They’re in a very bad environment for their mental health and being able to pay off their loans while saving money from work would really benefit them. Maybe even find a new home to stay so they don’t stay in an unhealthy environment anymore. Please help them! Or just reblog to spread the word! I’ll do anything to help raise money for them. Please reblog or donate! Every dollar counts!
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