#goddess help…the USA is voting again 🙀😱
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by unofficial
goddess help…the USA is voting again 🙀😱
somewhere in europe with Rafa not caring
for the first time in my life i am not voting in an american election … i have become disgusted with both parties in about equal measures
i simply don’t care about faux democracy anymore… the 2 party system is deeply flawed…this very system ensures the continuation of the national mission statement of unbridled gain regardless of who wins or looses political power
the house of representatives will go red….good…nancy needs to go…she is way past her expiration date….the senate will barely hang onto the blue majority or probably the red will overcome in the end…again…who cares… chuck needs to exit a job he never did
the new power of the future is the swing voters…straight party line voting is now prehistoric…in this very election swing voting is switching the balance of power whether i like that or not…party loyalty dinosaurs are scratching their collective heads.
the republicans will preen in public at their win…and they shouldn’t…the swing vote has no loyalty and will throw their ass out in the next election cycle if they don’t reach across the partisan deadlock to affect actual change…don’t preen dear republicans as you have proven nothing with your barely won power switch
democrats you are miserable with your majority in congress and a president in the white house…you cry and blame
the republicans destroyed abortion rights…ok…democrats and republicans alike saw reproductive rights as being a part of the political & legal landscape years before that infamous supreme court decision was handed down…democrats ???…at what point was the the task of codifying roe v wade supposed to happen before it was gutted and destroyed???…both parties destroyed roe v wade and no one is telling the full narrative as election fever grips the nation
the house recently voted in the affirmative to codify SSM…it is now languishing in the senate under the politically self serving loyal to only chuck…chuck needs to move his slow ass along on SSM codification… his days in power will be decided by swing voters soon enough
if you have no loyalty beyond your verbal quagmire ???…then expect no allegiance from me when i vote
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