#god. when she smiles it's brighter than the sun
joyridingmp3 · 2 years
you ever look at your younger siblings and realise that you'd give anything and everything for them to be happy????
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sheeple · 7 months
Heirs of Hogwarts | part 2
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Genre(s): Nuisance to Lovers / Fake dating / Fluff / No Voldy au Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Mattheo Riddle x Hufflepuff!Reader Summary: After finding out your (now ex)boyfriend cheated on you with the girl he told you not to worry about, you decide to get into a fake relationship with the kid of another founder of Hogwarts. What could go wrong? Warning(s): Mattheo being Mattheo / Matt beats up a bitch A/n: I COULDN'T WAIT TO FINISH WRITING CHAPTER 3 SO HERE IT ISSSSS. ALSOO... Kinda overwhelmed with all the positive feedback I've got on the first part. I hope this one is what you imagined it to be c: (not me having imposter syndrome) [Masterlist] [HoH masterlist]
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Mattheo wasn't raised with an abundance of love. He was never abused, no, but there wasn't much familiar love between him and his parents and his older brother. Something about ancient wizarding standards or whatever.
That's why when he entered his first year at Hogwarts, something ugly festered within the boy when he saw you. You, another descendant of a founding member of Hogwarts, born into a family so full of love that it made you shine brighter than the sun herself. 
Mattheo was jealous of the way your brothers welcomed you into Hufflepuff house, a proud smile on their faces. The way they hugged you and Professor Sproud beamed with pride to have another descendant of Helga Hufflepuff under her care. All Mattheo got was a stiff nod from Thomas and a sneer to not bother him. 
It was not until the first class the Slytherins had with the Hufflepuffs that he decided that from that day onwards he despises you. The way the yellow of your cloak makes your skin radiate. The way you tie your hair with ribbons. The way that over the years, you've grown more beautiful than Aphrodite herself.
He also hates that now in sixth year, he has to be your partner for Herbology. You, who despite your heritage, hate Herbology. It makes Mattheo hate you even more because now you are not the perfect Hufflepuff princess everybody imagines you to be. Now you are human.
"If you keep staring at her like that, she might combust in flames", muses Thomas while he doesn't look up from his book. It gets the attention of other boys around them and they all look at the person Mattheo's staring at.
"Really?", scoffs Draco, his eyes flickering over your back, "Princess Perfect over there?"
Something boils from within Mattheo as his friends' eyes trail over your body. He clenches his jaw as he abuses the shepherd's pie on his plate. 
The staring doesn't go unnoticed as one of your friends points it out and you turn towards the Slytherin table. Your eyes meet those of Mattheo and you give him a small but awkward smile before turning back, your shoulders slumping under the eyes.
It's not often that Mattheo hates himself. But right now he could kick himself to put the attention on you. "Why would I care about some prissy Hufflepuff?", he grumbles.
Blaise gives him an unimpressed look. "Don't act like you haven't had the biggest crush on the girl since first year. It's getting pathetic, Mattheo. Just go ask her out."
The others around share looks and grins. It pisses Mattheo off. Especially now that his brother's attention is fully on him. Can't they mind their own damn business?
"You're forgetting one thing, idiots."
That is another thing he hates about you. The boy next to you whose sleazy arm is resting on your shoulders. Piece of shit quidditch player and an even worse human being with wandering eyes. Even now, with you sitting so prettily next to him, he dares to make goo-goo eyes with a Gryffindor girl.
Gods it makes Mattheo crazy how you can choose him over any other dickhead at this school. That sleazeball over him.
But when he found you that night alone and moping over your now ex-boyfriend, a small spark of hope lit up inside him. And he took that spark to satisfy his own desires.
And now here you are, sitting in front of each other at the Three Broom Sticks, butterbeer in hand. You nervously trace the rim of the glass while Mattheo observes you. He wants to say something, but you beat him to it.
"So... what are the boundaries of this agreement?"
Mattheo lets out a huff of air. "Whatever you're comfortable with, princess."
Great. That gives you absolutely nothing. "Are you okay with... handholding? Or something similar?"
"Sure. I don't mind. What are your thoughts on nicknames?"
"As long as it's not Pookie. What should I call you? Nicknames are mutual." You send him a teasing eyebrow raise.
Mattheo rolls his eyes playful. "I couldn't care less. Also, to make it believable we should be seen together in school, you know. Otherwise, people won't believe it's real."
To be honest you have no qualms with that. You kinda expected it.
As the negotiations come to a close, the two of you decide to walk around Hogsmeade and get to know each other a little better as you will be seeing a lot of him.
Mattheo practically tackles you as you want to pay, stating that if it was a real date, he wouldn't let his lady pay for anything.
The stroll through Hogsmeade is filled with small talk, asking each other questions about preferences and other small tidbits as you pass by shops. That's how you discover that he's pretty good at Transfiguration and that Madam Pomfrey always gives him candies when he lands in the infirmary again after a Quidditch game.
While Mattheo tells a story about him, Draco and Theodore wrestling for the last apple lollypop Madam Pomfrey had, you round a corner and spot Malcolm walking your way. His hand is in Gladys' but he doesn't pay any attention to her yapping.
"Shit", you curse, ducking behind the wall. Mattheo looks at you with an amused look on his face as you pull him away from the main street by his wrist. "It's him."
The dark-haired boy glances around the corner, his eyes focusing on the sad sack of screechsnaps. The audacity of the guy makes his blood boil. Mattheo turns back towards you. "Do you trust me?"
You hesitate for a moment, your eyes flickering over his face. "My mom always said you shouldn't trust pretty brown eyes", you muse, not knowing how to take his question.
"So you think my eyes are pretty?", he asks, leaning close to you. 
His sudden closeness makes you stutter and stumble over your words, the heat rising towards your cheeks. "I- no... what-?"
Mattheo lets out a lach. A genuine one at your confusion. He holds out his hand, palm up, and looks at you expectantly. You lay your hand in his own slowly. At that moment, the two of you realise how big his hand is compared to yours. How — when he laces your fingers together — his hand engulfs your own.
Mattheo pulls you closer, slinging his arm over your shoulder while still holding onto your hand. He pulls the two of you out of the alley and whispers to you that you should laugh like he said something funny.
You can do that. You faked all the time while being with Malcolm, how hard is a laugh? A laugh bubbles from you and you look up at Mattheo. 
While you walk, Mattheo angles the two of you so that when you pass your ex, their shoulders bump against each other. The four of you stop and you make eye contact with him.
"(Y/n)", he says surprised, his eyes going from you to Mattheo — who still has his arm wrapped around you.
"Malcolm", you reply icy, clutching on tightly to Mattheo's hand before glancing towards the girl next to him. "Gladys. How... nice to see you."
Gladys gives you a sickly sweet smile that doesn't reach her eyes. "We didn't expect to meet you here. Especially not with... someone." She looks at Mattheo, who pulls you closer towards him.
"Yeah, we quite hit it off during Herbology so we thought why not try it, you know, now she's finally single. Thanks for that, mate." Mattheo cocks his head to the side, silently daring Malcolm. 
But Malcolm's wide eyes are laser-focused on you. "Herbology?", he asks, his voice wavering.
"Oh yeah", you nod with a smile, "that Fluxweed report really brought us together, you know. You were right, Malcolm, I just needed to find something I would enjoy about the subject." You bite your tongue to not burst out laughing as you throw his earlier statement back into this face.
Malcolm's face sours and he tugs Gladys' hand before walking away without saying anything. When they're out of earshot, the two of you can't help but laugh. 
"Merlin", you chuckle, "he really is pathetic, isn't he?"
Mattheo pulls you towards the opposite direction, his arm still around your shoulders. And weirdly... you don't mind it. He's nice and warm- ew that makes you sound weird. But as the day progresses and the shadows elongate, a shiver rolls down your spine.
Mattheo stops in his steps as the two of you walk back towards the castle. He shrugs off his jacket and holds it open for you to put your hands through the sleeves.
You protest. "I can't take your jacket, don't be silly." Walking past him, he stops you with a hand around your wrist.
"You're not taking it, I'm offering. So don't protest and take the damn jacket." He raises his brows in a silent way to tell you to not challenge him because he will strangle his jacket onto you if he has to.
With your cheeks feeling hot, you reluctantly slide your arms through the sleeves. As you play with the hem of the dark green jacket — which by the way smells like pine and smoke — you turn towards him. "Aren't you cold?", you question as he's only in a black shirt now.
Mattheo shakes his head, running a hand through his curls. "I run hot. Kinda brought the jacket in the hopes to give it to you."
You give him a teasing smile at his confession. "Do you now?"
"I wasn't raised with a lot of good, but at least my aunt instilled some decency into me." He reaches out and grabs his pack of smokes out of a pocket. He lights one and offers it to you. You shake your head and he shrugs. 
The rest of the walk back towards the castle is spent in comfortable silence. You totally expect him to wave you goodbye when you enter through the thick wooden doors of the entrance hall, but he keeps on walking with you until you reach your common room.
He has his hands in his pockets as he watches you anxiously scratch at your fingers.
"I've had a lot of fun. Even if it was supposed to be fake. Thank you, Mattheo-"
You blink in confusion at his sudden word vomit. Mattheo himself seems embarrassed. "The whole nickname thing we talked about? You may call me Matt. If you like..."
A wide smile grows on your face. Standing up to your tippy toes, you lay a hand on his shoulder and press a feather-light kiss against his cheek. "Thank you, Matt. Have a nice evening."
Feeling like the butterflies in your stomach may burst out of their confinement, you quickly hurry through the barrel but remember that you're still wearing his jacket. When you turn around, you are met with an empty corridor.
Not knowing that the moment you turned around Mattheo Riddle — Heir of Slytherin and all around Hogwartsbad boy — practically sprinted towards the dungeons with his cheeks flaming hot.
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It has been a couple of days since your 'date'. Because you've practically announced to the entirety of Hogwarts that the two of you are dating, you spend a lot more time together. At first, it was spent studying together. But slowly you two started to talk to each other more and more. About life and family and expectations.
Turns out the two of you aren't that different.
Hannah and Susan give you smug smiles every time Mattheo walks over towards you or when the two of you are seen together. 
A paper crane lands on top of your open book and you look up from your notes. Mattheo — who's seated on the other side of the classroom — nods towards it and motions for you to unfold it.
You pout and shake your head, mouthing 'too adorable' towards him. He rolls his eyes playfully with a smile and flicks his wand, making the crane unfold on itself. Sending a disapproving look, you read the note.
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You look over towards him and he does his best puppy eyes. Curse Mattheo Riddle and his beautiful brown eyes. Pursing your lips, you pretend to think about it, being quite dramatic about it. You look up at the ceiling with your brows knitted together while tapping your chin with your finger. But eventually, you drop the act and give him an enthusiastic nod.
Hannah, who has been following the interaction like a tennis match, snorts and almost draws the attention of the teacher towards you both. You hit her shoulder and quickly turn back towards your notes, ignoring the teasing grin on Mattheo's face.
"Shut up", you whisper towards her.
She leans closer to you. "Since when are you and Riddle close enough to hang out?"
Narrowing your eyes at her. "We're supposedly dating, remember?"
You almost don't want to admit it, but the classes can't pass by any quicker. You hardly pay attention in divination and muggle studies, way too excited for your date- wait... is it a date? No. It's just a hangout. Nothing more. 
"Have fun with your date", teases Hannah once the final class of the morning is finished and you flip her off as you walk the opposite way.
As you round the corner, you bump against something and stumble slightly back. "Oh sorry", you mumble, finding your footing before looking up. "Oh...", escapes your mouth as you see it's Malcolm.
You move to pass by him but he grabs your shoulders. "I want to talk to you. I miss you..."
Pushing his hands away, you let out a scoff. He's sinking to a lower level than you thought possible. "Miss me? Miss me? What am I? Your mother?" You go to walk again but this time Malcolm's hold becomes stronger. He manoeuvres you towards an empty hallway. He presses you against the wall and you let out an 'oomph'.
"Is he forcing you to act like this? Did he put a curse on you? Are you imperio'd?" He reaches out to touch your cheeks, to check your eyes.
You harshly pull your face out of his hold. "Are you out of your mind?! Let me go!", you protest, trying to wiggle yourself out of his hold. "Mattheo did nothing to me."
He shakes his head, his fists tightening around your robes. "You're such a- a- slut! Opening your legs for any guy who gives you attention."
What the actual fuck! How dare he suggest such a thing?! You reel your head back and spit in his face. It hits him in his eyes and he flinches, stumbling a couple of steps back and wiping at his eyes.
"You bitch!", he wails. Raising his fist, he advances towards you and your hand reaches for your wand. But something comes flying from the side and knocks him off his feet.
Mattheo stands above him, pinning him to the floor and punching him in the face. You're glued to the spot and you can't help but watch how Mattheo beats the living daylights out of him.
Blood runs down his nose and his knuckles are cracked, but Mattheo enjoys beating your ex down to a whimpering mess. He can finally channel his pent-up frustration into something productive. And he won't deny that he didn't want to knock the teeth out of the prick's mouth.
Afraid that someone will spot the fight, you try to pry off Mattheo. You pull against his shoulder and make him lose the rhythm he was beating his fists down with. "Matt! Leave him! He's not worth getting in trouble for!"
Mattheo suddenly realises that you're here also and he gets off the snivelling boy on the ground, flexing and relaxing his hands. You grab one of them and pull him away from the crime scene. He needs to get fixed up, but where? One of the bathrooms is the possibility to be seen big. And you don't want unnecessary people asking questions. And you don't have any supplies in the bathroom.
You could manage to sneak him into your dorm. Most of your housemates are at lunch, so the common room should be empty.
Mattheo calls out your name, trying to make you stop but you shush him and keep on pulling him towards the barreled entrance. Once outside, you let go of his hand. "I'll check if the coast is clear and then I can fix you up."
Without waiting for an answer, you knock on the right barrel and the doors slide open. Glancing around the common room, you see nobody. Which is a surprising sight. Because the common room is so close to the kitchens, a lot of students opt to eat in their dorms. It's mostly the bullied students or the ones who don't want to deal with the Great Hall.
Waving him over, you pull Mattheo through the entrance and practically shove him up the stairs and into your dorm. He finally gets why you're bringing him to your dorm when you push him to sit on the closed lid of the toilet and fetch out a first-aid kit from under the sink.
"Do you bring a lot of boys towards your dorm?", asks Mattheo to break the silence as you search through the kit. He feels awkward sitting in your bathroom.
This isn't the first time that he is in another House's common room. He has sneaked into Gryfindor's loats and the parties at Ravenclaw are something you have to experience. But there was always something untouchable about the Hufflepuff area. It is a bragging right to have found out about the code to the entrance but an even bigger deal to be invited in.
And what he has seen so far makes him jealous. The Slytherin common room is always coated in a shade of greenish blue, thanks to the large windows looking into the lake. There is barely any warmth because of the ancient tiles of the dungeons. But here, everything is so warm, so welcome. Even with the only windows at the top, the common room is bright and comforting.
"Oh yeah, loads", you tease, "Especially non 'Puff ones." You give him a half-smile while pinching a cotton swap between your fingers. "Now… be still and this might sting." You dab against the cuts and wounds across his face, cleaning up the blood and disinfecting everything.
Mattheo isn't sure what to do with his hand. He's not sure if he can touch you, or pull you closer towards him while he wants to. He doesn't want to scare you away.
"Tell me a secret", you say softly, surprising yourself and him. When Mattheo gives you a raised eyebrow, you roll your eyes. "We're supposed to be dating, aren't we? Especially after you beat the shit out of my ex it's pretty solid for the students around us. And people who are dating know each other's secrets. So... tell me a secret."
There is an unreadable look on his face and you stop your ministrations, eyes locking with each other. "Did you know some of that piece of shit's secrets?", he muses with a small teasing smile on his face.
You huff. "Some..." Continuing, your movements are a little harsher than before. Because now that you think about it, you knew the bare minimum about Malcolm. It's also not like he let you get to know him. He didn't even come with you to Christmas at your home. And your family does a bomb-ass Christmas party each year. "I'll tell one if you tell one."
Mattheo seems to think for a moment, his focus on a spot over your shoulder as he filters through all his secrets and memories. "My family are Parselmouths."
Your mouth falls open and your hand stops in the air. "Like... like speaking to snakes? As in you hiss against snakes and they hiss back?" You eye him with amazement while his cheeks colour a bright red.
"I- it's not like that!" He tries to laugh away your question. "Parseltongue is more... yeah it's kinda like hissing", he admits, hanging his head a bit.
You wipe away the last of the blood and start to clean up. "Do snakes have accents? Or is it more of a universal language? And can everybody in your family do it?"
It's refreshing to Mattheo to find someone who isn't freaked out by his ability. He also finds your questions amusing. They are different. Fun. "I never noticed the accent thing. But I've only met one snake in real life, so I wouldn't know..."
"Can you say something?" You try your best to give him puppy eyes to convince him. But you've heard that you never were the best at it.
A laugh bubbles from within his chest. He looks at you through his lashes and clears his throat. His Adam's apple bops up and down as he swallows and his lips part. Out comes the strangest sound you ever heard. It's indeed a hissing sound, but at the same time his words — if you can call the noise he makes words — have a strange melody to them. It makes the hairs on your arms stand up straight.
"Wow", you whisper once he's done, "And what does it mean?"
"Well", laughs Mattheo, "That's a know for me and for you to figure out."
You chuckle, grabbing your wand to close the wounds, but he stops it. "Leave them be", he says, "It's proof of me beating his pathetic ass." He traces circles with his thumb atop your hand. "Now… what's your secret?"
You toss your head back with a silent laugh. "Fair. Fair. My family — for as long as we have known — are born Animagi. Every single child has been able to transform into a badger."
He raises his brows. "A badger? How fitting", he teases.
Rolling your eyes at his quip, you lean back against the sink with your hand still in his. You don't mind it, you even slightly enjoy it. The way the rough pad of his finger feels against your skin. "The whole Hufflepuff area kinda looks like a burrow. I get where Meemaw got the idea."
Mattheo lets out a sudden laugh. "Meemaw?" There is no ill content behind his laugh. It brings a smile of your own to your face.
"Helga Hufflepuff. She has a painting above the fireplace that's connected with one at home. Also above the fireplace", you laugh. But it slowly melts off your face as your words dawn upon you. 
Mattheo slowly starts to become concerned at the look on your face. Your heart races in your chest. How could you be so stupid? How could you have forgotten about Meemaw?
"The painting is connected with home! Oh fuck! She will snitch on me! And now Mom and Dad will think we're...-!"
"Think we're what? Sleeping together? Is that such a horrible idea?" Mattheo straightens his back and his eyes darken.
You shake your head, running a hand over your face. "That's not what I meant. I wouldn't mind it, but I don't want my parents to know that! Ew", you frown and a shudder runs through your body.
The boy before you stands up and closes the space between the two of you. "You wouldn't mind?", he muses with a teasing grin on his face. He turns your head with his knuckles so you're looking at him and traces your bottom lip slowly.
Your lips part as you look up at him through your lashes. Your breath quickens and you feel his chest pressed against you with each rise of your chest. His scent fills your senses and consumes you. It's overwhelming. It makes your stomach do flips.
You wonder if he feels the same.
Just as you slowly angle your face towards him and close your eyes, a knock on the door makes you jump. Mattheo stumbles back, almost crashing against the toilet and landing in the bathtub. 
"One- one moment!", you call out, quickly cleaning up the first-aid kit. Mattheo scrambles to straighten himself up before helping you. 
The two of you share a look before you open the door. Mattheo slips out and rushes out of your dorm and out of the common room.
"No way?!", gasps Susan, her mouth agape.
"Was that-?", asks Hannah with wide eyes.
Sending the two girls a look. "Not one word!"
The next morning at breakfast your panic turns out not misplaced as your family's house owl comes flying towards you with a sealed letter for you.
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Taglist (bold means I couldn't tag you): @mylosz0 @kermits-bitch @jolly4holly @daisiesformylove @frogtape @dancing-inasnowglobe @slytheos @undercover-smutlover @reverse-soe @nikkissecretlibrary @moon-struck-meraki @bengbengbengi @justhavingsomefun1 @itsamusical4lifee @genshingeeksworld @y0urm0m12
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rose-pearls · 7 months
hi idk if your still doing requests but can I request ( this is super angsty btw!) a Clarisse fanfic where the reader is the daughter of Poseidon and there like absolutely in love with eachother like soulmates but then the reader dies during the war and clarisse can’t handle it and dies too like Romeo and Juliet
Hi! Thank you so much for your request!! Hopefully you like it :)) My requests are also still open for every fandom I write for!
Main Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187, @nyx2021, @thestarspangledcaptain, @kmc1989
Percy Jackson Taglist: @niktwazny303
Clarisse La Rue Taglist: @peanutbelley, @abbersreads
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Clarisse loved you and you loved her, it had always been as simple as that. It was a known fact around camp, that the only person that could calm Clarisse down or make her smile brighter than the sun was you, the daughter of Poseidon.
Being demigods was a challenge in itself, but when the war started it became even trickier, filled with losses. By the second week of the war there were more flowers surrounding camp half-blood then students in it, to honor the lost ones. Because even if they were forgettable in the eyes of the Gods, they weren’t in the eyes of their fellow half-bloods. 
It had been tough for Clarisse and you, juggling the war, your friends, your siblings and yourselves but you had gotten through it. Clarisse had been your rock during everything, and you couldn’t imagine a world without her, it would be like everything was wrong. 
“We need to be careful,” Clarisse whispers in the early sunshine of the morning, running her fingers along your skin.
“We will, it will all be alright Clar,” you tell her, hoping to reassure the Ares girl, she had lost one of her half-siblings the day before and it had taken a toll on her. 
“Let’s hope our fathers will protect us,” she whispers, like a child scared of saying something, as if saying it out loud would jinx it. 
“They will, just like the Gods will try to help us if they can,” you whisper back, even if deep down you know that it isn’t true, that the Gods will turn a blind eye on everything that happened and on every child that lost their lives in their feud.
You don’t know how long the both of you stay there, lying in each other’s arms and whispering sweet nothings but you enjoy it, basking in the love that surrounds you.
“I’m sorry to interrupt but we need to go,” you suddenly hear Percy say, and you turn around to find your little brother looking at you with a sad smile. He looked so much older already then when you first met him two years ago, a part of you feels sad that he already had to go through so much at a young age. But he had his mother, Sally Jackson, who had seen you as her daughter from the moment she met you. 
“We’ll be there in five minutes,” Clarisse tells him, and he nods in agreement before softly closing the door and letting you change.
You do your usual routine, helping each other getting ready while exchanging kisses through it all and before you know it you need to leave to help the others.
The battlefield is a mess, people screaming left and right, monsters running after children who are far too young to be here. You don’t have time to take out your sword before Clarisse kisses you softly on the mouth.
“I’ll see you later?”, she whispers, and you nod in agreement, a loving smile on your lips.
“See you later,” you tell her before kissing her back and whispering a soft I love you. 
You see Percy in the distance but before you are able to go towards him a minotaur steps into your vision and you get ready to kill some more monsters, hoping desperately that these will be your last ones. It’s a long time before you get a minute to breathe, trying to ignore the ringing in your ears and looking around for someone you know. 
Percy looks tired, and there is a panicked look as he helps Annabeth to a safe place, the girl seemed to have gotten her leg cut. You start walking away, hoping that maybe Clarisse could be somewhere close but before you can turn around you see a Chimera starting to walk towards the pair, who still looked too busy with each other to notice anything else. 
You don’t think about it, you just start to run towards them, hoping desperately that you will get there in time and just as the Chimera gets ready to open her mouth to breath out fire you slice your sword into her leg, getting her attention towards you.
It wails in pain before turning her eyes towards you with a sick determination, you try to get your breathing right, but you hear Percy scream your name.
“Get Annabeth to safety, I’ll be alright!”, you tell him, and the boy looks unsure for a moment before giving into your pleading eyes and helping Annabeth to get to the other side of the road.
The Chimera doesn’t give you any time to think your decision through before it charges towards you. You manage to escape it a few times, burning a car or two and bruising your skin as you roll away from her attacks. But as you try to get another hit at her she hits you with her paw, making you land ten feet away, your back hitting an abandoned car. 
You try to breathe again, your back hurting from the hit but just as you try to reach for your sword a couple of feet away the Chimera is already in front of you. You try to move away, willing your body to move but you can’t move anymore and the only thing you can do is pray to your father. 
But even as fire hydrants explode around you, trying to scare off the creature, her paw lifts up and slashes right through your stomach making you scream in pain for the first time in your life. You wonder for a moment if this is it, before the Chimera disappears in front of your eyes, a heaving Percy looking at you with wide eyes. 
“Percy,” you whisper and your brother rushes to your side, blue eyes flickering between your wound and your face.
“We need to find you water, we need to heal you,” he whispers as he starts looking around the streets like a madman and as he tries to get up to go and find some sort of water you take his hand to stop him.
“It won’t help,” you tell him, but Percy shakes his head, always the hero, trying to work things out.
“We can find something, alright, we need to!”, he says, his voice wavering over the words and his blue eyes gets darker with the tears that are welling up.
“Percy, it’s okay,” you tell him, just like when he used to apologize for climbing into your bed after a nightmare. A tear rolls down his cheek and you take his hand in yours, only managing it after the second try.
“What about Clarisse? What about everything we had planned this summer?”, Percy says, and you feel pained at the sight of his tears, his pain. He had been through too much and you never wanted to be another pain that he had to bear, another loss.
“I’ll be there, somehow, with you. You won’t get rid of me that easily,” you tell him, and a sob leaves his lips, breaking your heart.
“How?”, he whispers as he holds onto your hand for dear life.
“Through the rain pouring down on New York, through the countless rivers and oceans surrounding you, through the blue food that you will see. I’m not leaving you Percy, I’ll always be there somewhere, cheering you on,” tears are streaming down your face, but you still try to reassure your brother.
“I love you,” he says and your heart breaks as you realize that this really is the last time you will hear that from him.
“I love you too little brother,” you tell him with a soft smile, squeezing his hand three time.
Before you can say anything else you hear your name being screamed, Clarisse. 
“What happened?”, she asks as she arrives, her hair all over the place after having fought some monsters.
“A Chimera,” Percy says, and she looks determined, but her hands are shaking, telling you that she is scared.
“Well, we can find some water, right? Fix you up,” she says, looking all over the place as if she is hoping that an ocean of water will appear, but you shake your head slowly.
“It’s too late,” you whisper and for a moment she says nothing, simply looking into your eyes.
“No, no, no, no, you promised me you would be alright, that you would be safe,” she says, her voice filled with desperation as she looks over you and you smile sadly.
“I’m sorry, I tried to beat it, but I couldn’t,” you whisper, and she shakes her head again, tears forming into her brown eyes.
“Don’t say that. It wasn’t your fault,” she says, and you smile softly before taking her hand into your other one.
“It’s going to be okay,” you tell her, but she shakes her head, a tear rolling down her cheek.
“It won’t, I can’t live without you,” she whispers, and you feel tears falling down your cheeks at her words.
“I love you so much,” you whisper, and she closes her eyes, looking pained at the words.
“I love you too princess, never forget that” she tells you and you smile at the words.
“Never, I’ll always remember,” you whisper, and she nods quickly.
“Good, now focus on Percy and I,” you nearly tell her that she has never called your brother Percy but you don’t, you can’t as you start seeing dark spots before your eyes.
“I think it’s time,” you tell them, and you just feel them squeeze your hand, Percy mumbling words you can’t hear but a kiss on your forehead makes you smile, you always used to do it to him.
“Clarisse?”, you whisper, and the girl kisses your forehead too, staining your forehead with her tears. 
“I’m right here princess,” you hear her say, her voice breaking over the words.
“I’m scared,” you whisper, and you hear a sob leaving Percy’s mouth, and a couple of tears fall down your forehead.
“It will all be alright, I’ll be right by your side,” she tells you and you let out a sigh at her words.
You want to say something else, but the darkness takes over, taking you with her as you hear comforting words being whispered, hands holding yours. 
Clarisse can’t stop crying as she feels her girlfriend’s pulse die down against her hand, the hand that was holding on to her so tightly is now laying limp into hers. Percy is sobbing into his hands, cursing his father through the sobs and Clarisse wants to do the same but the only thing she can do is sob louder.
She didn’t know how she was going to survive without you, she just couldn’t imagine a life without you. You had been her everything for the past five years and all of the sudden she was supposed to live without you, she couldn’t. Deep down she knew that she would never be able to live a life without you.
As more tears roll down her cheeks, she remembers the small drink that had been given to them before the war, making sure that if someone was to be captured, they could drink it and die to avoid getting tortured.
She takes it, her hands shaking as she opens it and for a moment, she sees Percy looking at her, a moment of realization at the sight of the bottle.
“Clarisse,” he whispers, he looks unsure, sad even as he understands what she wants to do but she shakes her head. 
“I can’t live without her; it wouldn’t be living. You know what I mean,” she says, and he nods slowly, she knows he understands what she means, he would do the same thing if he lost Annabeth. 
“Take care of her?”, he whispers, a stray tear falling down his cheek and she nods.
“I will,” she whispers before bringing the bottle to her lips and drinks it in one go.
She looks at you as the liquid goes down her throat and for a moment, she thinks that it won’t work and that she will have to live without you, but her eyes start to flutter shut and. Before she knows it, she is falling against you, her head on your stomach as her last breath leaves her lips. 
Rain starts pouring down on him and he knows it’s his father, trying to console him and the sadness that comes with losing a child. He stays there until Annabeth forces him to leave, trying to hold back her own tears as she watches the couple lying against each other. The monsters are gone in an instance, as if seeing two girls giving up their lives for each other was enough for the Gods to decide the war could finally be over.
He never forgets his sister, seeing her in the waterlilies blooming along the water on her birthdays, in the playlist she always used to blast in the Poseidon Cabin, in his father’s eyes. But the moment he sees her, and Clarisse again is at the last scene of Romeo and Juliet at the theater, seeing Romeo sacrifice himself to be with Juliet. The two of you flashes before his eyes as Annabeth holds his hand with a tight grip even as everyone leaves the theater, and they stay watching the closed curtain. As if it was symbolizing the end of your life too.
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talaok · 1 year
Our own
Pairing: Joel Miller x reader
Summary: After spending the day with Tommy and Maria, you can’t help but notice how great Joel is with their baby, and a thought sparks your mind.
Listen I’m not gonna sit here and pretend I proofread this ok? I'm an honest woman. You may forgive me or not, either way, I'm going to sleep. Bye loves
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The sun was high in the sky, birds were chirping, a soft breeze was flowing through your hair... and Tommy was taking his goddamn time opening the goddamn door.
"I told you you should have gone to the bathroom when we left" Joel chuckled by your side
"Now's really not the time Jo-"
Your next words got stuck in your throat as the sound of the lock opening caught your attention.
"Hey guys, I'm sorry the bab-"
"don't worry" you immediately stopped him, feeling your bladder about to burst "Could I use your bathroom?"
He did a poor job of concealing his surprise.
"Uh-Yea sure, it's right up there on the-"
You flew past him, only half minding where his finger was pointing.
"left" he mumbled, an amused smile creeping on his lips as he let his gaze travel to his brother
Joel shrugged, a similar grin tugging at his own lips "I told her to go before we went out"
__ __ __
You walked out of the bathroom feeling like a brand new woman, ready to face whatever life threw at you, which in this case... was following the sound of laughter coming from the backyard.
What appeared on the other side of the window, was a perfect portrait of a happy family.
Tommy and Maria's smiles were brighter than any star in the sky as they watched Eithan, their baby boy, cradled in Joel's arms, looking almost comically small next to his biceps.
And Joel... Joel had a look on his face you had never quite seen. It wasn't just joy, or adoration... there was something in his eyes, in the way his mouth twitched as the baby's small hands reached for his nose, as he caressed his cheek and willed his hands to act as if he were touching porcelain.
You could not put a finger on what it was, but you couldn't either understand what was happening to you.
A warmth had taken over your chest, cheeks... your entire body. And something was fluttering in your belly, it wasn't butterflies no, it was more like- like bunnies, countless little bunnies hopping in your stomach and twisting and turning your insides.
It was perhaps the first time in your life your body had understood something before you could.
A wave brought you back to reality, to life, to the portrait before your eyes.
It was Maria, Maria was waving at you to come out with them, so, of course, you did, begging your legs not to give up on you as the same strange sensation threatened your every step.
"hey" You managed "Sorry for before"
"don't even bother, I'm used to it by now" Tommy huffed out a laugh, nudging Maria by his side
She rolled her eyes dramatically, her mouth betraying her as its edges turned up.
"Ignore him," she said, "please sit, I've been dying to talk to another human being without having to use a baby voice"
You snorted, taking your place next to Joel at the round wooden table.
"That bad huh?"
"God you have no idea..."
Maria went on to talk, about Eithan about... something, but your attention had moved elsewhere by the time she was done with the first sentence.
You watched Joel softly rocking the baby, the smile on his face, the glint in his eyes, and you couldn't help but think
God, how I wish it was our own
__ __ __
"Are you ok darlin'?"
Joel's voice startled you enough to make you gasp.
You had been in your own head for so long that you hadn't even realized you had walked all the way home.
"yeah, why?"
"you've just been real quiet, 's all"
he shrugged, closing the front door behind him.
"I'm fine- Everything's fine," you said a bit too quickly, walking to the kitchen while purposely avoiding his eyes
The footsteps behind you told you he hadn't taken the hint, and was following you.
"what's going on?"
You reached for a glass and filled it up to the brim only to realize you weren't even a little bit thirsty.
"nothing" you mumbled, setting the glass on the counter and finally meeting his scrutinizing gaze "It's nothing" you shook your head
"sweetheart..." he walked until he stood in front of you "Whatever it is you can tell me, y'know?"
Your mouth opened and closed but no sound had come out.
"I just-" you bit your bottom lip "it's nothing, really, it's stupid"
A soft smirk rose from his lips "Now that I don't believe, nothing stupid has ever come out of that petty mouth" One of his rough fingers went to trace your cupid bow "C'mon now, darlin' what is it?"
"I-" you tried, before retracing immidately "You have to promise not to laugh, or freak out... or do anything that isn't reacting calmly"
He couldn't help the frown creasing his forehead "I promise" he swore nonetheless.
"Ok" you took a small breath.
This wasn't gonna be easy, not with his past, not with everything he had to endure, not with him.
"I-I watched you today with Eithan, and-well-I-" You shut your eyes, unable to take more of his big brown eyes boring into yours
"What, sugar?"
"Well, it- it made me think"
Something flashed behind his eyes
"About what?"
You swallowed the sand in your mouth "About how great of a dad you'd be" you murmured "to our own child"
Now was his turn to be at a loss for words.
He looked at you, so many thoughts, memories, and fears swirling in his mind that he could have fainted, if it wasn't of course, for you, for the expression on your face, for the hope and anxiety painting your every perfect inch.
It was a mess, his brain was a mess, everything was a mess, and yet he'd never felt more sure.
he should have been scared, terrified even, but all he could feel was joy.
"I know it's crazy" you spoke "With what's going on and everything... and I know we already have Ellie in a way... and I know it must be difficult because of what happened to Sarah, and it's completely ok if you don't want to, I understand, really, so please don't feel pressured to-"
one word was all it took for him to stop your rambling.
You looked up at him, catching your reflection in the hazel pool of his eyes.
"There is nothing more I'd love in this world than to have a baby with you"
"a-are you sure, b-because as I sai-"
He chuckled, his forehead falling to yours and his hands holding your face.
"darlin'" he paused, a smile on his lips "believe me, I don't think I've ever been more sure of anything in my life"
A breath got caught in your throat as fireworks went off somewhere in your brain.
"Yeah?" was all you could master
"yeah" he laughed, his lips meeting yours in a mess of tears, teeths and laughters "We're gonna have a baby"
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kaciidubs · 10 months
Rock and Roll
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❣ Summary: Jeongin's new comeback look was truly irresistible. ❣  ❣ Word Count: 2.08k ❣ Warnings: This specific Jeongin, Dom! Reader, Switch! Jeongin, use of honorifics [Noona], smut, semi-public sex [bathroom], fingering, clothed sex, praise, begging, desperation, slight degradation ❣  ❣ Female! Reader [No use of Y/N] | You/Your pronouns ❣  ❣ Additional Tags: Jeongin is referred to as Innie, baby, baby boy, and IN-ah [once], Reader is referred to as Noona, lightly edited ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist
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He looked too good with that hairstyle.
He looked way too good with that hairstyle.
Maybe it wasn't just the style, maybe it was a combination of the split dyed golden blond, curled into a messy mop, paired with the fake lip piercing, colored contacts, and collar that shouldn't look as enticing as it does around his neck.
Yeah... That was it - that explained away the way you were practically vibrating in your seat across the room, watching as one of the stylists fixed a curl at the back of his head.
She patted his shoulder with a nod, her lips moving with words you couldn't catch before he nodded in response and slipped his way out of the styling chair.
Making his way over to you, he stood in front of you with a smile brighter than the sun, truly resembling the fluffy fox he was personified as.
"What do you think, Noona?"
Truly, this was the universe testing you, waiting to see if you would stick with your morals or succumb to the irresistible charm of your darling boyfriend.
Humming thoughtfully, you made a thorough up-down of his full attire, "How much time until you're needed for the pre-recording?"
Slipping his phone from his front pocket, he tapped the screen and watched the device come to life, "About... 45 minutes?"
You stood from the couch with a dignified nod, sliding your hand in his before leading him toward the door of the communal dressing room. "Great, I'll only need 30."
Morals be damned.
It took; two minutes to slink your way into the bathroom down the hall, tugging him in behind you and locking it the second it shut, another two minutes to silence his jumbled questioning with a kiss, hard and statement making, and one minute for him to succumb to your stellar persuasion.
"Have I ever told you how fucking hot you look?" You moaned against his lips with no intent to give him the time to answer, your own lips barely leaving his for even a second.
"I-" Jeongin gasped, returning your heated kiss, "You've-" a whimper cut him off, his hands holding onto your hips, "-mentioned it-" you nipped at his bottom lip and his knees buckled, "-once or twice."
Pulling away, you gazed at him with lust fogged eyes, "Well, baby boy, you look so god damn hot, I wanted to fall to my knees the moment the stylist finished curling your hair - but then..." Your eyes dropped to the collar resting against his neck, sliding your hand from his shoulder to dance your fingers along the silver letters, 'IN'. "When I saw her put you in this, it made me want to put you on your knees."
The whine he let out was sinful, almost pitiful in the way his hips rocked against yours - arousal evident in the presence of his dick filling out the front of his pants.
"C-Can you? Will you?"
His expectant pout made your heart swell, and your lips to curl into a pitying frown, "Oh, baby, you're on the clock, remember? We wouldn't want to give Jiyeon more work in fixing you back up again, now do we?"
"But- But-" he moved his head, making a point of the locked personal bathroom you all but dragged him into, "You brought me in here! I thought you'd at least-"
"Let you fuck me silly on that insatiable, deliciously long cock of yours?" You finished for him in more colorful words than he would've chosen, "I know, but you're already in your makeup, and you and I both know that less than 30 minutes isn't enough to get you off fully."
Deflating against the door, his hands squeezed your hips in disdain, "So, what? I can't just leave like this, Noona, I'm so hard it hurts."
Smirking, your fingers cupped his chin, "Well, you're lucky I have a plan, a deal if you will." Watching as he nodded for you to continue, your smirk grew into a grin, "I want you to finger me, Innie - make me come before you have to go and I'll do anything you want once your performances are over. Can you do that for me, baby boy?"
A light sparkled in his eyes, the urge to please you making him straighten up, "Anything?"
"Anything, baby, just as long as you make me come with those pretty fingers of yours."
Before you knew it, his lips were on yours and your position was switched; one hand protecting the back of your head as the rest of your body thudded against the door, while the other got to work on unbuttoning the button of your jeans.
Five minutes for him to get them unbuttoned and down your legs, your right shoe paying the price for your right leg to be freed and hooked around his hip - your panties simply pulled aside by his thumb and his fingers sliding along your folds. His left hand relinquished its cradle on your head to hold onto your waist, keeping you as stable as possible in the precarious position.
"Wet." He murmured against your mouth, middle and ring finger curling and collecting the arousal practically dripping from you, "So wet for me, Noona."
Your head fell back against the door, an airy moan floating past your lips as he focused his attention on the column of your neck. "A-All for you, Innie - only for you, baby."
You needed to play your cards right, push all the buttons that would get him ticking just the way you needed.
"Can't wait to have you in me, maybe I'll just drag you back in here after the show - won't even wait for you to change."
He moaned against your neck, his fingers pressing against your entrance before slowly sinking both digits in at once with learned ease. "Wanna fuck you, Noona, please - I'll be quick, w-won't mess up anything."
Bringing your right hand to the nape of his neck, you curled your fingers through the hair at the back of his head - a taste of what he could have later. "You know our deal, baby boy; make Noona come and I'll be on my knees faster than you know."
With a shivering breath, he steeled his resolve and curled his fingers inside of you, targeting that spongy spot at the front of your vagina and hitting it with ease.
Your left arm tightened around his shoulders, working double time to keep you balanced with the help of his left hand holding you against the bathroom door.
"T-That's it, baby, fuck-"
He didn't give you any time to revel in the sensation as he tilted his hand down, the drag of his fingers bringing a low moan out of you before he flicked his wrist up, thrusting his fingers back into you at a speed that made your toes curl.
That was your test run, the calm before the storm, and with a slight adjustment of his arm, the bathroom was soon filled with the sounds of your moans and the slick squelching of your cunt around his fingers.
"Innie- Innie- Oh, fuck me-"
There was no desire to keep quiet - it wasn't a secret that whenever you and Jeongin disappeared, someone was getting their rocks off, but what happened next came as a shock.
When your mouth opened to let another wanton moan float through, a large hand covered the bottom half of your face, his fingers just barely resting below the bottom of your nose.
"Be quiet." He practically growled against your ear, fingers flexing against your cheek, "J-Just shut up and take it."
You were shocked you didn't accidentally break a finger from the way you clenched at his tone, eyes fluttering as he ground the palm of his hand against your pussy, your clit getting the stimulation it deserved.
This was the Jeongin you were going for, your darling boy who switched hard with the right provoking; the one who had you seeing stars in ten minutes flat.
His hand was hot with your muffled moans trapped behind it and he couldn't care less; not when your walls fluttered around his fingers, and your arousal puddled in the palm of his hand and dripped off the back.
"W-Wanted you to make me fall apart," he scoffed, rutting his hips against your left thigh, "but now I'm making you fall apart first - just like you wanted, huh, Noona?"
His quick thrusts were subbed out for rapidly jack hammering his hand against your pussy, the sopping noise practically bouncing off the walls of the bathroom.
"I could've filled you easily - bent you over the sink to watch me fuck you dumb through the mirror," pulling his head up, his dark eyes held a glint, stunning and all encompassing, "but I guess you love my fingers too much to even care."
Your left hand tightened in his curls, an unabashed moan catching in the palm of his hand.
Just a little more - you just needed him to-
As if reading your mind, he sunk his fingers in to the knuckle and traced fast, tight circles around your puffy clit, "Come for me, Noona - make a mess of my fingers."
Your body trembled, limbs all but locking him in place against you as you came with a loud cry - even muffled, he could make out the whined scream of his name vibrating against his hand.
He worked you down with gentle thrusts, groaning at the sensation of your cum dripping down the back of his hand, "Oh god, you're so much warmer now... S-So slippery."
You came back to your senses enough to realize he was still grinding himself against your thigh, the once dominant air surrounding him now melting away into the needy baby bread you loved even more.
"I-I did good, right? Made you come like you said - now, can I?" His hand dropped from your mouth in favor of gripping your waist, quickly succumbing to the deliciously harsh rub of his denim pants against his boxer-brief hidden dick. "Can I come, Noona? Can i? Can I, please?"
Knowing you wouldn't forgive yourself for letting him ruin himself in his stage clothes, you dropped your right hand to his wrist; pulling away the fingers that were still nestled inside of you before untangling yourself from him and unceremoniously getting onto your knees.
A short cry fell from his lips when you pulled away from him, but when he saw you kneeling with your hands working fast against the button of his pants, he nearly came then and there.
You got his pants undone in record time, tugging them - and his underwear - down just enough to pull his cock out and wrap your lips around the shiny, precum covered tip.
"S-Shit, Noona- 'm gonna- I-I'm-"
A flick of your tongue against his slit, a gentle suck, and in no time a desperate whine fell from his lips as he came in your mouth, the slight tang coating your tongue with each wave that coursed through him.
Swallowing in kind, you stroked him a few more times to make sure that was all he had - albeit a bit greedily - before pulling off of him with a soft pop.
You tilted your head to look up at him, and you met his familiar, bright eyed smile - even after fingering you like a man possessed, then coming down your throat in mere seconds, he still looked like he didn't even break a sweat.
"Wow," he breathed, a breathless laugh escaping him, "that was ama-"
"IN-ah! We're leaving in 15!"
The sound of Minho's voice on the other side of the door nearly made you both jump out of your skin, urging you to scramble back into your jeans while Jeongin hastily tucked himself back into his boxer-briefs.
"Don't forget to get your makeup touched up again!" Came Hyunjin's teasing voice, laughing as if he could see the blush currently turning your boyfriend red.
"See?" You huffed, pushing yourself off of the ground and fixing your jeans as casually as you could, "Told you I only needed 30 minutes."
Rolling his eyes, Jeongin fixed his shirt with his head held high, "That just gives me 15 minutes to think about what I want you to do to me when we're done."
You laughed at his haughtiness before tugging him by the collar, pressing your lips to his in a soft, sweet peck.
"Go on and get touched up, rock star."
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✧. ┊Tagged lovelies: @goblinracha, @having-an-internal-crisis-rn, @midnightfrog625, @anyhow-everything, @bangchanbabygirlx, @sweetracha, @j-onedrabbles, @happilydeepestwonderland, @nightimescapes, @caitlyn98s, @ch4nn13luv, @ihrtlix, @sometimesleeknows, @jeonjungkookenthusiast1997, @instabull, @maximumkillshot, @bandolls, @y-ur--i, @acker-night, @dreamescapeswriting, @sunnyhonie, @specialstay, @broken-glowsticks, @s00buwu, @all4innie, @dancerachaslut, @junglyric, @tinyelfperson
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luna0713hunter · 5 months
Wonder If She Loves Me
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⊰⊹its 3 in the morning and Izana misses you.
˙❥˙ warnings : breakup,makeup, hurt/comfort, angst with happy ending
♫♪ music : Wonder if she loves me By JVKE
a/n : maybe this got too angst...oops? Hope you enjoy it tho, darling @milky-aeons
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It's 3 in the morning and Izana can't sleep.
He's been staring at his ceiling for the past 2 hours or so (honestly he has lost the track of time),and something interesting about the cracks on the walls has his eyes wondering over to them every five minutes. his throat is slightly aching, but he cant really bring himself to get up and have a glass of water;so he just lays there,with his violet eyes wide open and his hands clamps over his chest. Usually,on these kind of nights,he would busy himself scrolling through his phone.
Not tonight though.
It's been a whole week since Izana had checked his phone; he's sure it's death already,but that's for the best. He doesn't need to look at his phone because there are only pictures of you greeting him.
He doesn't need a reminder of you.
But as time goes by,and the clock keeps ticking,Izana lets out a loud groan and pulls his pillow from under his head,and pushes it against his face;he desperately tries to stop himself from reaching out for his phone. To unlock it and find your contact.
To push a single button and call you, but he cant.
Because Izana is too much of a burden,and he knows that you deserve way better. You,who has the heart of gold,smile brighter than the sun,and gods above,your eyes-
Izana misses you. But he can't do anything about it;after all,he was the one who pushed you away. He was the one who suggested you two take a break. And like a coward he is,he just holed up inside his house for a week,not bothering to go outside or talk to anyone. But as each minute goes by, Izana's eye twitches more-
He reaches over and takes his phone.
Its dead,as expected;and he has to wait until the screen is lightened up again when he plugs it in. There are lots of missed calls and texts from his friends,and its a wonder that none of them have brought the door down already. They probably know he's not in the mood and just let him be for awhile. As Izana's scrolling down his texts,his phone vibrates in his hands and upon seeing the ID,he answers it with a sigh.
"What is it,Kakucho-"
"You have some balls to talk like that,Izana. I was about to grab an axe from the storage and knock your door down." Kakucho sounds mad. Izana doesnt understands why, "you've been ignoring our calls and texts all week. You've had all of us worried sick!we didn't know if you were death or alive or-"
"Why have you been worried?"
There's silence on the other side,and the Kakucho sighs. Izana can particularly see him pinching the bridge of his nose and squeezing his eyes shut.
"Stop with that. You know we..." Another pause. "..care about you." Kakucho finishes awkwardly.
And Izana doesnt get that; because all his life,no one's ever cared about him. Not when his own mother abounded him. Not when his older brother died and left him all alone.
And there's you.
Izana didn't know he loved you well pasted your friendship. He always though its just a friendship thing;like how he doesn't mind having Kakucho around. But as time passed by,he understood he didn't just like having you around;he wanted you all to himself. He wanted to call you his;to hold your hand and hear your sweet laughter. To be the reason for your every smile,and protect you just like how he always wished to be protected.
But now you're gone,and its his fault.
"Is this about y/n?" His friend's voice brings him back to the reality.
Because Kakucho could always read him like an open book.
So he rolls over,and lays on his side;his eyes have long adjusted to the darkness,and the faint light coming from the clock on his bedside has him staring at the staring at the small picture frame that's sitted upon it;a picture of you when he had taken you on a ride for the first time. You're grinning so brightly in the picture; your hair is slightly tousled and your cheeks are flushed. The sky is sunny behind you,but your smile is brighter than any star. He stares at the picture until its craved on his mind,and when he closes his eyes,he can see your face behind his eyelids.
"Izana..." Kakucho's voice is softer this time, "call her. You know she loves you."
"I was the one who suggested this. I broke her heart."
"She understands."
"She deserves better." And at last,after a week long of staring aimlessly at the pictures on the wall,Izana finally grits out the thought that hunted his every waking moment and sleep.
Because it was true;you deserved someone better.
That's why Izana did this;why he broke your heart. Why he invited you over to your favorite cafe and when you were laughing about something silly that your friends did,he blurted out those words.
"Let's break up."
And he had given himself a moment to admire you one last time;to see how your face had crumbled,and your pretty smile had suddenly vanished completely. He waited and felt that sickening twisted in his heart;like a knife had dug itself deep in his chest. But he was sure a knife wound would've hurt less than the defeated look on your face.
He hadn't waited for you to ask why; because he couldn't tell you the reason. He couldn't bring himself to tell you how much you mean to him, but you deserve someone who's not so broken and obsessed with revenge.
So Izana had left;had rode home, feeling absolutely nothing. He had turned off his phone,and buried himself under his covers.
It's 3:15 am,and gods above,he misses you.
As if sensing his every thought, Kakucho breaks the heavy silence.
"Call her,Izana." And with that,he hangs up.
Izana listens to the silence before opening his eyes once again. He stares at the too bright screen of his phone,but he's just lost in the picture of the two of you as his wallpaper. The smiling face of his own face feels alien,but your blinding one is all too familiar.
The picture is months old,his favorite one yet,but it feels like he'd taken it yesterday.
The day he'd asked you to be his girlfriend,he had promised you he'll always protect you. You had laughed,called him your hero with a cheeky grin,and kissed him softly.
He had promised you to be a better man in his heart,but he was always good at breaking his promises.
But now,as he stares at your contact,and the clock shows 3:30 am,his finger hovers over the 'call' button;he knows you're sleeping. You dont have any reason to dwell over someone like him. Because he's a rotten soul,and he knows it fully well. But he can hear your voice telling him he's wrong;that you love him no matter what. He can see you frown,your beautiful eyes shining sadly as you cup his cheeks and kiss his forehead.
He can still feel the ghost of your lips on his skin.
Izana sighs and closes his eyes;he drops the phone on the mattress beside his head,the screen laying down. Like this,he can't see your smile on on his phone. Like this,blinded by the light of his phone,he can't momentarily see the picture frame on his bedside.
Like this,he can pretend you never existed;that he was all alone since day one.
But that's impossible. Stupid even; because the day you entered his life with your smile and understanding eyes,Izana hasn't been alone ever since. And now that you're gone, there's a hole in his heart;right in the middle of it where you belonged. No, that's not right.
There's a hole where his heart used to be,and the day he left you in that cafe,he clawed his heart out and left it with you there.
There's a hole in izana's chest that he knows will never be filled.
His room is quiet, eerily so. So when his phone starts vibrating right next to his face,his eyes snap open.
He's ready to tell Kakucho off;that he doesn't need to call you and ruin your life any further. He's ready to yell at his only friend,and then shut off his phone and never turn it back on again.
But when he turns his phone over and is ready to press the 'answer',he sees the ID.
Your name, along with the heart emojis you'd insisted he put beside it,makes him stare at the too bright screen until his eyes are burning.
Its almost 4 in the morning. There's no way you're calling him.
Maybe its just a dream;he hasn't slept well these past few days,always tossing and turning until the dawn. Maybe he'd fallen asleep the minute Kakucho had hang up. He's sure he's dreaming, because you're supposed to forget all about him;to move on with your life and forget someone as rotten as him.
Izana's sure he's dreaming.
He presses the 'answer' button.
There's a moment where neither of you say anything;he can hear the sound of your trembling breathing,and he closes his eyes. It must be a dream;his worst nightmares. That you always call,but doesn't say anything and he has to suffer through it knowing you will never talk to him ever again.
"... Izana?"
His eyes snap open.
"Iza...?are you there?"
And Izana doesn't know what to say; this isnt like any dream or nightmare he ever had. Usually, in his dreams,he watches you suffer because of his selfishness;cryin, bleeding.
But now,as he hears your soft and gentle voice (always so caring with him),he knows he's not dreaming.
That its 3:47 am,and you've actually called him.
"Yeah," he chokes out, "yeah, I'm here."
At that,you let a shaky exhale and grow quiet.
"I-... I'm sorry I called at this hour.you were probably sleeping."
"I wasn't."
"You.. weren't?"
Izana laughs breathlessly. Bitterly.
"No,i wasn't." His fingers play with a loose thread on his sheet, "why..."
"I never got the chance to ask why, Iza." Your voice sounds broken,hurt. Izana wants to rip his heart out;maybe bleeding hurt less than hearing your broken tone, "was it...was it something i did?i wasn't good enough?"
And gods above,he was never so tempted to kill himself in his whole damn life.
Because,how even for a second did you think that you were the problem?
That you were anything but perfect?
"No baby, no" and Izana hates how his voice shakes; his body trembling because he doesn't have the right to act this way when he was the one who broke your heart, "it was never you. How could you think that?"
"But you left," Izana squeezes his eyes when your first sob comes out, "and didn't even tell me why."
And this is his punishment,Izana thinks;to listen to your muffled sobs at 4 in the morning and not being able to reach out. To comfort you,to hold you close and tell you how sorry he is.
Because Izana is a rotten, rotten man. He doesn't deserve someone like you.
"Iza," you say between your sobs, "its been a week and you didn't call. Kakucho-kun said he couldn't get a hold of you. I was worried sick!" When your voice cracks, Izana clenches his fist so tight his knuckles turn white.
Even after a whole week of suddenly breaking up with you and not even bothering to tell you why,you still worry about someone like him.
"Babe, listen to me." His voice is calm,if not slightly shaky, "nothing was ever your fault,i just..."
"Then why?"
You sound so small. Izana can see you burying your face in your pillow;your tears already soaking through the sheets.
"Because," he chokes slightly;voice cracking, "babe...i..."
He takes a deep breath.
"You deserve so much,much better.i couldn't have done that to you."
You're quiet. You don't even breath.
Izana shuts his eyes and sighs.
"Y/n...baby doll,you were everything to me;my whole life,my only reason for living. But..." And Izana doesn't cry,he doesnt. But his eyes burn and his throat is closing up, "but i had to let you go."
"So you gave up on me. On us?"
"I never gave up on you. But i couldn't -"
"Iza," you softly cut him off, because that's all you've ever been with him;too gentle,too caring, "the things that's going on in your head,i cant stop them. But babe...i love you so much."
"I'm broken."
"No one's perfect,darling." You tell him. Ever so patient, "broken or not, you're still my Izana. And i..." He can feel you biting your lips, "still love you too much to let you go.."
And for the first time in the entire week,he thinks he can breath a little better.
"I love you too." He whispers,eyes glued to your pictures frame.
"Then..lets try again?" There's a hesitation in your voice,a slight quiver. "This time,no hiding secrets though,alright?"
And Izana smiles,for the first time in forever and nods.
"Deal." Then he glances at his digital clock, "can i...come over?"
"Its 4:15 am,babe." You sound surprised;like he hasn't done this before. Izana rolls his eyes, "dont you wanna sleep?"
"I cant sleep without you in my arms. Please?"
And when you giggle, although voice slightly hoarse from all the crying,his grin widens more.
"I take that as a yes." But even before saying that, he's already grabbing his jacket and keys,and rushing out the door toward his motorcycle.
"Be careful!!"
And your laughter,makes him let out a laughter on his own;how could he ever,even for a second,think he could let you go?
Oh,he has a lot to makeup for.
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corynation · 11 months
Rumor has it
mark sloan x reader
tags: angst, thats about it tbh, im sorry in advanced
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She, she ain't real / She ain't gon' be able to love you like I will
You’ve observed her closely, bouncy walk, the smile thats brighter than the sun when it rises. You’ve memorized the notes of her perfume, studied the way her hair is always perfectly done, never out of place. Noticed how perfect she is, in every way possible. Of course he’d fall for her. Hell you’d began to think you were falling for her too. She was young and beautiful, smart and outgoing, innocent and naive. Everything you weren’t.
Nothing had been the same between you and Mark since Lexie Grey had come to Seattle Grace. At first you loved Lexie, admired her. You had been on the same service as her on multiple occasions, and each time she outshined everyone around her. She was diligent and ambitious, the perfect example of what a surgeon should be.
She is a stranger / You and I have history / Or don't you remember
You and Mark had been dating for a few years now, ever since he first came to Seattle Grace. Your relationship had been near to perfect. There wasn’t a time where the romance between you two felt off, from Sunday night dinner dates where you’d cook together, to finishing late night lab work at the hospital together. He was everything you dreamed of in a man, and you only hoped he felt the same about you.
Lately there had been less late night lab work together. Instead you’d get a call from Mark, him apologizing for the workload and telling you not to wait up for him at home. Sunday night dinners still happened. In fact it was one of the few things you held onto to believe in the fact that Mark was still in love with you. That you were the one he wanted for the rest of his life. You were the girl he’d be doing Sunday night dinners with until his last Sunday on earth.
There was this look to Mark, one that you could never mistake for anything but complete adorn. It wasn’t the Mark Sloan look he was known for, the one where his smile would crook and his eyes would gleam with mischief. This one made a softer man of him. His eyes would soften, his mouth would part just a smidge as his lips curled into the perfect gentle smile. That was the look he gave to you every time he saw you walk into a room. You’d recognize it from anywhere. It became your favorite part about Mark because it was owned by you. You were the only one who got that look from Mark.
That is until the day Lexie was paged into you and Marks surgery. The second the doors burst open and a smiley Lexie appeared you saw the tense of Mark dissolve, his eyes soften and glow, and you just knew that under his mask your favorite gentle smile had appeared.
That day you had to step out of your surgery to puke.
She is half your age / But I'm guessing that's the reason that you stayed
“I don’t know Callie it’s just the way he looks at her. Every time I see him look at her I physically feel ill.”
“You don’t think he’s cheating on you with her do you?”
“No, not at all. I know he wouldn’t do that. But I know he doesn’t know how to stop his feelings either, and I just-“ You groaned as your palms met your forehead. “I can feel him slipping away from me you know? Like he’s there with me physically, but emotionally he’s with her. And I get it, she’s shiny and new and I’m just,��
“Y/n no,” Callie began, her fingers wrapping around your wrist in an attempt to grab your attention.
“I’m just dull to him.” You turned to look at your best friend, her face riddled of pity. It was near the same look she gave families when there was nothing more she could do for a patient. As much as you wished there was a way to somehow extract all feelings Mark had towards Lexie and inject them into someone like Alex, there would never be enough shooting stars or candles to grant that. “I can feel the love fall from him Callie. Like there is this string connecting us and someone is slowly sawing at it with a god damn scalpel.”
“Ironic you say scalpel because-“ Callie started before you shot her a look that shut her right up. “yep too soon sorry.”
“What do I do here Callie? How do I keep going to bed at night with him knowing he’s in love with someone else?” The familiar burn of tears began as you wiped your face not prepared to embrace a whole breakdown this early in the morning. As upset about the situation as you were, you were not going to start crying over it in the middle of the hospital that you work at, let alone the hospital both Mark and Lexie work at.
“You need to talk to him y/n. It’ll ease your mind I promise.”
“Oh says the one who stayed with her husband when she knew he cheated.”
Callie snorted at your remark, starting a break out of laughter between the two of you. It felt nice to laugh during all of this. Made you feel lighter.
I heard you've been missing me / You've been telling people things you shouldn't be
Your eyes met Dereks. He was practically running to the nurses station where you had been sat with Callie. The two of you shared a glance, hinting to Callie it was best if she went on with her day. She smiled knowingly, patting your shoulder as a farewell and went off past Derek. By his furrow of a brow as Callie passed him you knew she’d given him a warning look, you giggled to yourself. If there was one thing about Callie you appreciated the most, it was her protective nature towards those she loved.
“I need to talk to you.” Derek grabbed your arm, leading you to an on call room. Your quick moment of glee dissolving in an instant.
“What is this about Derek?”
And suddenly you felt heavy again.
The sound of the door to the on call room closing ran through your ear. Drowning out any other noise. Your throat felt tight and your stomach empty. You definitely had to puke, or faint? Maybe both. Something. You had to do something to get out of this conversation.
“What’s going on between you two?” Derek questioned, his hands placed on his hips.
You were silent at first, your body still in fight or flight mode, though unfortunately for you that happened to also be shut down mode. Not much fighting or flighting.
“I’m sorry?” Was the only thing you’d managed to choke out without spilling your guts to the best friend of the man you’d been worrying about.
Derek sighed rubbing his forehead. “Mark thinks you’re cheating on him.”
“He thinks I am cheating on him.” You scoffed, in total disbelief at the stupidity of that man.
“I told him he was stupid for thinking that.”
“Damn right he is. What else did he say?” At first you were just angry, as you should be, but now you had just been curious. How could you possibly be the one cheating when you were the one trying to keep the relationship stable?
“I really don’t think this is a conversation for us, you should speak with Mark.”
“Derek tell me. Now.”
He bit his lip, trying to decide which choice would be the best. “Fine,” he began, his hand pointing towards you, “but you better talk with Mark after. You two can’t keep ignoring each-other and your issues.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever I will.”
“He said you’ve been distant with him. Short with words, not wanting to be around him. Apparently you’ve left his service before because you had long surgeries with him?”
“Oh I’ve been distant. Thats rich.” Despite your efforts to hold it in, you started giggling over the words that came from Derek. Laughing to the point of tears you made your way over to the door, stopping before opening it. “Thank you for telling me Derek. You might want to keep your phone on silent later, Mark is probably going to bug the hell out of you.” And with that you left to go find the reoccurring talk of the hour.
Like when we creep out and she ain't around / Haven't you heard the rumors / Bless your soul, you got your head in the clouds / You made a fool out of me / And, boy, you're bringing me down
“Mark!” You yelled, finally catching the man you had searched practically the whole hospital for. He stopped almost instantly, turning around and flashing you that look he used to.
“You’ve been ignoring me.” He smiled even saying that, his eyes were still soft and he grasped your shoulders with such care and love.
It almost made you mad how he greeted you. The whole action gave the same feeling it used to before you had ever even began to question his integrity.
“I know I’m sorry.” You smiled back at him, no matter what was going on in your mind you couldn’t help but embrace what love he had for you, what love you had for him. It was warm, familiar. Almost made you question yourself on if you had been going crazy this whole time. “Do you mind if we speak for a minute?”
“Yeah, I’ve got all the time for you.” There it was again. Mark being Mark. So charming and sweet, the man you fell in love with.
You led him to a nearby on call room, Mark instantly sitting against the desk as you shut the door.
“So, what is all this about?” The cheeky grin that spread across his face was almost enough to pull you into him. You knew what he thought, and to be quite honest the feelings you had bubbling in you weren’t beside that thought. But still there was a part of you that still knew you couldn’t give in. If anything happened between you and Mark in this moment you would never talk it out with him. Somehow this whole span of events with him today was almost enough to convince you he was only in love with you. And maybe he was, maybe you truly were just crazy and jealous of this poor girl. Though, the longing looks they’d exchange one another, and the hands that would stay by each other for unnecessarily long amounts of time told a different story.
“I just need to talk to you.” He pulled you into his arms the moment he was able to reach you, a small gasp escaping your lips at the suddenness.
“I think talking can wait a minute.” His words were whispered as he leaned into you, lips meeting yours. It was warm and comforting, your muscles relaxing at almost an instant. You were back into the harmony you knew so well, the one you’d been craving to feel for weeks now. Even if you had tried to pull away there was no chance you wouldn’t initiate a second kiss. The feeling that rushed through you was too addicting to want to back away. That was Marks Sloans specialty.
You both stayed like that for what felt like a life’s eternity in the best way imaginable. Really you wanted to stay like that forever. Safe and loved in his arms, the only one he was focused on.
Mark began to slowly back away, a soft smile stretching across his face. “That, was definitely worth waiting for.”
Simply nodding and smiling as a reply to him, you closed your eyes again, fully taking in the euphoria before the gates around your world would fall.
“Mark,” You began, taking a small step back from his embrace. If you wanted to get any of the conversation you had been planning in your head for days -figuring out every word you’d say, even practicing in the mirror a few times- out to him you were gonna have to ruin the moment. Rip off the bandaid.
“Y/n whats on your mind?” He was so sweet. So patient.
“You’re in love with her.” And there it was. Ripping off the bandaid. And god did the bandaid sting like nothing before. Watching his face fall felt like the world was slowly swallowing you, pulling you into the core. All oxygen leaving your body as you were pulled further, and further.
“Her?” His brows furrowed, eyes scanning your face for something, maybe a sign of who it was, maybe a sign that this was all a joke. To be honest you really couldn’t read his expression. It had been so blank yet so sorrowful, remorse and confusion settling together into one.
“Lexie.” And that was all you had to say before all confusion left him. It was as if you had flipped a light switch within him, Mark finally catching onto what was happening. “I’ve noticed Mark, I’ve noticed everything. You staying at the hospital late nights when she was on call, the lingering hands of you both. I’ve seen the way you look at her. It’s the same you used to look at me. You’ve favored her in surgeries, hell, you’ve favored her in meetings.”
“No Mark, listen to me. Maybe you haven’t realized this all yet, maybe you were oblivious to what was going on, but I wasn’t. God I wish I was Mark. I’ve spent so much of my life this past few weeks just thinking about you two, thinking about us. I haven’t stopped thinking about it all since I’ve first noticed you took an interest in her.” Hot tears started to trickle out your eyes, all emotions finally pouring. “I’ve torn myself to shreds over this. Thinking about what I could do to get you to notice me more, or even just less of her. Thinking of what I could do to get you to love me and only me again. Ive thought so low of myself these past weeks I could barely function as a surgeon. I’ve made myself a mess trying to fix yours.”
Mark studied you intently, trying his best to comprehend everything that was going on. He stood up coming back near you. His hands found your cheeks as he held you gentle as ever, cradling you like the most precious piece of gold known to man. “I’m in love with you y/n.”
“I know you are, I know Mark.” You sniffled, one of your hands matching his movement cradling his cheek. You tried to give him the best smile you could forcing every muscle in your face to follow suit, even if it was the last thing you wanted to show. “But you’re in love with her more.”
His face was one you’ve never seen before. Whether it was realization or just heartbreak, it tore you to shreds seeing him like that. But it tore you more to shreds being with him after everything, and you were down to your last bit of stability.
With a kiss to his cheek and a squeeze to the hand that was still on your cheek, you smiled at him once more, slowly backing away from him. “I love you Mark. I always will. But I can’t stand to see you love her too, and I don’t know if I’d ever forgive myself for staying with you any longer knowing you’re in love with someone else. You go get her, I’ll be okay. And you’ll be okay when she says yes to your first date. We’ll both be okay.” There was tears rolling down both of your cheeks. The room so thick of emotions it started to overwhelm you. Suffocate you further into heartache. You placed one last kiss to Marks lips, you both falling into it deeper than ever.
You slowly backed out of the kiss, wanting to let that be your last memory of you two. It was the rainbow after the storm, the calm after the chaos. With that as your farewell to the man you loved more than life itself, you walked out the room, closing the door behind you, feeling as if you had left your whole being in that room. Like a piece of your soul would forever be gone. Stuck inside that room with the piece of him that had broke.
Those two pieces though, would stay together. Pieced in harmony, placed in only the memories of you two. Something more than you could ever ask for.
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Hiiiii :DDD im so sorry this is my comeback lol. Anyway i know this isnt the best, i have not written for a year, and this is also my first reader insert pov ive made so be nice pls🙏🏻
hope you enjoyed (or like arent super sad) <33
also my grammar SUCKS and grammer is so hard so do not even think about how many commas i used wrong okay? okay
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listofwhyyouloveher · 4 months
You are pumping out these request like a machine goddamn😦
Can I get the boys,separate, with a reader that they've known for a long time getting a glow up? Like they never found her attractive or saw her in a romantic light. But one day she BAM glows up, angsty pleeeaaaseee🙏🏽
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Summary: In which you glow up after being rejected by your crush
Warnings: angst, no happy ending sorry.
Author's Note: these are all relatively small and under the same premise sorry!
You had liked your greaser friend for a while, like for a REALLY long time. So when you’d finally worked up enough courage to ask him on a date you felt heartbroken when he turned you down. Later you heard it was because you weren’t ‘pretty enough’. Well fuck that! You decided it was your perfect time to start a massive glow up!
As soon as you stepped into the classroom after everyone had returned from spring break, Pony’s jaw dropped. And so did a lot of other’s. You looked like a new person, so much so that he almost didn’t recognize you if not for your jewlery. God, you were gorgeous. He smiled at you, but you seemed to look right past him. He tried talking to you in the halls but nothing worked. You seemed so busy with your new life that you had barely any time for him.
“Hey Y/n, wait up!”
“Oh hey.” You said, not even looking him in the eyes.
“What’s up, you don’t even try to talk to me anymore,” he laughs awkwardly and you shoot him a confused look.
“Why would I?”
“Well, I mean..I thought you liked me?” He asked, and you scoffed.
“Yeah well not anymore,” you said before walking away.
You were hanging out at the lot by yourself when you turned around to find Johnny staring at you. His mouth was open in shock.
“Y/n?” He asked, truly blown away with how good you looked.
“Hey,” you said, trying to be respectful.
“Oh my god, haven’t seen you since..” his voice trails off and you cringe. The last time you talked to him you confessed and he politely declined, only to go off and laugh at you with Dallas later on.
“Yeah, that was my mistake,” you shrug, completely over him if it wasn’t for the embarrassment of it all.
“Mistake?” He asked, you catch the hurt washing over his face.
“Mhm, one big mistake that I’ll never make again.” You smile at him, milking your revenge for everything it was worth.
“Oh,” he said softly before you shrugged and walked away.
Sodapop was kind of like a big deal because of how good-looking he was. So when you walked into class looking like the next Miss Oklahoma rumours started to spread about how the hottest girl and guy would get together. Soda approached you during lunch, a huge smile plastered on his face.
“Hey, Y/n”. You narrowed your eye before speaking.
“Uh, hi.”
“I was wondering, if maybe you wanted to go to the drive-in with me tomorrow?” He asked. You nearly choked on your own spit.
“Hell no!” You laughed and Soda looked shocked.
“I said no, now can you move? You’re in my way” You said before shoulder checking him while walking off.
Steve had seen you walking down the road looking prettier than the morning sun and was absolutely stunned by how much brighter and happier you looked. Your hair was perfect and so was your skin. He wanted to talk to you but he was too scared, so when he went home he immediately dialed up your number on the nearest pay-phone.
“Hello?” Your voice rang out from the phone and Steve smiled.
“Hey Y/n, uh, it’s me Steve, I saw you walking down the road but was too nervous to talk to you…anyways, would you like to maybe go out sometime?” He rambled into the phone, expecting you to jump on his offer like you would’ve when you confessed. Instead you just sighed,
“Pussy” and the phone clicked signalling that you hung up, leaving him standing there in shock.
You had always admired Two-Bit’s humor, but now it was too much. He was going around town telling people how he always knew you’d end up pretty and that you were going to practically run back into his arms when he asks you out. You cringed just thinking about ‘running into his arms’. So when you saw Two-Bit walking with his gang you took your chance.
“Two-Bit!” You called from across the street, running over to him. You watched as his guys hyped him up and he nudged them with an ‘I told you so’ look.
“Hey Y/n, how’s it been?”
“Good! Been hearing a lot about you recently.” You feigned a smile.
“Really? Like what?” he smirked.
“Like the fact you're telling people that I'd got ‘running into your arms if you gave me the chance’! Which is why I'm actually talking to you right now, I’d like to clear the air and say I'm totally over you. I know my league and you are definitely below it! Bye!” You giggled before running off, leaving him standing in shock with his gang.
You had known Darry in high-school. He was popular and you were not, so it made sense that he rejected you. However when you saw him approaching you at the drive in, the pain and embarrassment came crashing back down on you.
“Y/n,” he said to you, as if testing the waters. You nodded in his direction before turning your attention back towards the screen.
“How have you been, you, uh, you look good.” He said awkwardly and you glance at him.
“I'm fine.” You tensed up when he sat next to you.
“Hey, uh, do you….are you free next week?” He asked hopefully and you scoffed.
“Hell no”
“Really Y/n? Is this all because I rejected you?” You glared at him, livid over the fact that he would bring that up. “Look, I was under a lot of pressure.. I'm sorry”
“Doesn't make it hurt any less.” You mumbled before getting out of your seat and leaving the drive in.
Dally only likes pretty chick's, and you learned that after he whistled at you as you passed. You of course returned the favor by shouting a harsh ‘fuck off!’ which left him open-mouthed in shock.
“Y/n?” he asked, a grin starting to form on his face.
“What,” you glared at him, eyes narrowing in anger.
“Damn, you look good!” He said, taking a step closer to you and examining you.You got pissed and pushed him back away from you.
“What? I'm just tryna compliment you!” He said, stumbling back.
“Fuck off, Dallas. I mean it.” You snapped at him before stalking away.
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keeponquinning · 1 year
Imagine being Joseph's girlfriend and feeling awkward and insecure about all the attention he's getting. now imagine the sweet nothings he'd whisper in her ear, the endearing 'I love you's while buried between her legs and little marks left on her skin so she always knows...
Guys, never stop sending me stuff like this.
Good lord. Here we go. 18+ adult rpf stuff ahead, scram kiddos
It'd be difficult not to feel insecure, the attention he gets is so constant, and part of you can't blame them. You've always known how amazing and talented he was. And he cares so much of his fans, part of it being of pure amazement and never expecting this attention. You're proud of him, so proud of him... and yet...
He just seems to shine so much brighter than he used to, brighter than you. He's being cast in these major productions, getting more in the spotlight and rising higher and higher and part of you can't help but think you're holding him back. That one day he'll leave you behind, in the dust of what you two used to be. There's models, actresses that would fit better with Joseph and you can't help but feel you don't measure up. Soon, he'll see you as an anchor that's keeping him in one place and not sail towards the sun.
But Joseph doesn't see that. When he looks at you, he sees the one person keeping him afloat in the storm of this madness he found himself in. Oh, it's fun, it's exciting, and he's getting opportunities he was sure he'd never had a chance to get before Eddie Munson, but it's so mad sometimes. He'd lose himself if it weren't for you. The calm in the storm. He cherishes every moment with you, something as simple as holding his hand is like a lifeline to him. Your smile brightens his day, your laugh makes his heart feel full. You're everything to him. He wouldn't know what to do with himself without you.
The night before he has to leave you for a shoot, he tells you as such, his cock filling you deep. Every thrust of his hips is hard, quick, his hand curled around your throat as his body presses against you, in his bed. One of your legs curled high on his waist, making you look at him in his eyes. He felt a man possessed, wanting every second of this burned into his memory. The sound of your panting moans and desperate cries, making his cock twitch, pulse as the walls of your cunt clench around him so tight it drives him absolutely mad with desire.
Towering over you, his whole body covers you, his hands moving the grasp your hair and pull your head back. His lips dancing along the curve of your neck, his own little grunts and groans beating down on you with heated breath. His body moves on his own, chasing the pleasure you give him, his hips pounding into you harder and harder — yet with every quickened breath, every desperate "Oh, god, oh yes, god, right there, please, please..." he forces himself not to follow through, to ease off, though it makes his body shudder, driving him absolutely fucking mad. His teeth biting into your neck, hard and unforgiving. He knows his cock is leaking, so desperate to cum, but the sounds of your desperate cries is too cute for him.
"...do you know how much I love you?" he asked, stilling inside you, cock pulsing, desperate. But he keeps still, tongue licking where he just bit you, imagining the bruise it'll bring. "Do you?"
You're dazed, but even in such a state, the doubts, the insecurity comes out. "...you say that..."
"Because I mean it. I love you. I love you so... So fucking much..." Starting to move his hips again, slow and deep as he lets out a groan. "I'm going to be — so mad — without you. Absolutely useless, just fucking... I'm gonna miss you..." his voice deep, whispering into your ear with each thrust quickening each time. "Going to miss — going to miss every part of you. Like a fucking — a fucking phantom limb I'll feel — but know isn't there... Fuck," he let out, feeling your pussy clench his cock at that. "Oh, you wanna get praised, do you? Mmm. Easily done, love, my fucking love of my life..."
And he tells you, over and over into your ear. Words of praise mingled with breathy moans and pants from his lips. Accompanied with love bites along your neck, jaw, shoulder as his hips thrust in and out of you with wild abandon. He isn't holding back anymore. His words becoming feverish, mixes of I love you, my fuckin' darling and cunt was made for me, y o u were made for me. Heated utterances of how beautiful you are. Your laugh, your smile, the sound of your voice a bright light in any dull instance his new found fame gave him. Because you weren't part of the fame monster, you were real, technicolor in a grey scale industry and he needed you like he needed air. To feel like himself, the old Joseph Quinn and he needed that, he needed you, so desperately did you have any idea of how much he needs you?
You both cum the hardest and most intense you've both ever felt. You drench his cock in your release and Joseph? He cums inside you, deep and plentiful, thick ropes of his cum painting your walls, coating, drenching them with his cum. He moves, still, body jerking into your body, milking the orgasm out of you both. You could feel him, how much he filled you with his cum, filling you to the brim and more than you two had before. His body feels limp as the last spills inside you.
You both feel light, heavenly, and you feel the rumble of his chuckle as he kisses the flesh of your neck, up to your cheek. "I won't be here," he says, a cheeky grin on his face as he traced his lips along your jaw, toward your lips, "But fuck, you'll be dripping of me for weeks... I hope that'll do until I come back to you." He furrowed his brow, "I hope you know... There's only you. There will always be you."
The sincerity of his words, the way his brown eyes are soft, how sweet his lips feels against yours, the feel of his cock pulsing so deep inside you... Yes... You know. Wrapping your arms around him and you taste his love off his tongue and to your own, the insecurities, the jealousy, the fears melt away and you smile so helplessly, in love with this man.
And he was so helplessly in love with you.
And nothing else mattered.
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rookthorne · 11 months
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
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Bucky had a few surprises for your special day — the main goal, of course, was to spoil you beyond measure, and make sure you felt the love he had for you. 
And by God, did you fall harder for the man you married.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ☼ Farmer!Husband!Bucky Barnes x Wife!F!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ☼ 1.9k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ☼ Tooth rotting fluff, Bucky is the best husband
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 ☼ Today is a very special day — it is my partner in porn's birthday! @smutconnoisseur, happy bloody birthday, you bitch! I love you so much!
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒔 ☼ Freight Train (Bounce Remix) by JF Jake ☼ Run Boy Run by Woodkid
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𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 '𝐧 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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“Sweet angel,” a deep voice cooed over your shoulder, and you felt the weight of an arm over your waist. “Angel, baby, time to wake up, darlin’.”
You sighed and blinked open your sleep ladened eyes. The golden glow of the sun casted the bedroom into light; yellows and oranges danced off of the walls and onto the covers that kept your body snug and warm. 
“I know you can hear me, Peach.” The statement was purely a tease, and you giggled as the arm that wrapped around your waist pulled you back into a broad, warm chest. “Why don’t you open those pretty eyes ‘n look at me, sweetheart? I want to wish my wife a happy birthday.”
“Buck,” you drawled, yawning widely. “Good morning, handsome.” 
The sight that greeted you when you looked over your shoulder stole your breath – Bucky was laying on his side, his head propped up on his hand while his other arm held you tight to his body. He looked positively radiant in the morning sun, happiness brighter than a glowing fire. The blue eyes you had fallen in love with sparkled with that same glee, and you couldn’t help but smile. 
“Hey there, baby,” Bucky whispered. He pecked you on the forehead, then the tip of your nose, and finally, on the lips, where he lingered. “Happy birthday, my love.”
You smiled against his lips and kissed him once more, before you pulled back. “Thank you, darling husband.” The covers shuffled and pulled as you rolled onto your back, and Bucky looked down into your face, the quirk of his lips your only indication he was up to something. “What’re you up to?”
“Well,” Bucky started, his smile widening into a toothy grin. “I thought I would start you off with some breakfast in bed–your favourite, of course, and then I thought… Why not take out the horses? Go for a picnic, up on those hills.”
“That sounds perfect.” 
Breakfast was indeed all of your favourites, placed on a tray and cooked to perfection – much to Bucky’s pride and satisfaction. After he waited on you, hand and foot, you rose from the bed with a loud groan and a stretch to get dressed. “What should I wear?” you called down the hallway to the kitchen, where Bucky was cleaning up. 
“Somethin’ comfortable, Peach,” he called back. “I don’t want you gettin’ achy and sore up there. I want us to have a nice time.”
“Right,” you said to yourself, looking at your closet with consideration. The choice for comfort was relatively easy, and you walked down the hallway to find Bucky leaning against the sink and looking out of the window to the pastures. “Are they ready to go?”
Bucky looked at you, and then back out to the pastures. “Yeah. Tacked ‘em all up already. Bebe was fussy, as usual–only wants her mama.”
You tried to not appear too smug at his words. “What can I say, she’s a mama’s girl.”
“Too fuckin’ right,” Bucky laughed, and he pushed off the counter with a grunt. “I already packed their saddle bags too–with the food.”
“You definitely were excited for this,” you teased, walking to the front door to put on your boots.
Bucky shrugged and grabbed down his hat from the hook by the coats. “What can I say,” he mocked. “I’m excited.”
Gravel crunched under the soles and heels of your boots as you walked outside, and the two of you made your way to the barn, where Colton, and your mare, Butterscotch, stood tacked and waiting to go.
The golden, cream colour of Butterscotch’s coat shone in the rays of the sun, and the white of her mane and tail swished and blew in the breeze. Her eyes were soft and kind as you approached, and you clicked your tongue softly; a low nicker and a snort of greeting made you grin at the mare. “And how are you doing, pretty girl? Did he tack you up good?”
“I did my best,” Bucky said sharply, a pout on his lips. “For all she’s sweet for you, she’s the devil for me.”
You shook your head, and you looked into her dark, considering eyes. “You’re just fire, darling. My pretty Bebe.”
Bucky swung his leg up into the stirrup of Colton’s saddle and mounted up, the stallion not even batting an eye as he did so. You rounded Butterscotch and kissed Colton on the cheek. “Good boy.”
“Where’s my kiss?” Bucky asked, brow raised. 
“Well, come down here then,” you answered, moving to stand at Bucky’s knee. The leather and buckled chinked and creaked as Bucky leaned forward in the saddle, and you met him halfway. You pulled away after a few seconds, smiling. “Now, why don’t we have a race?”
“Why not,” Bucky said, raising his brows. “What do we get if we win?”
You turned towards Butterscotch, then fitted your boot into the stirrup to mount. “I’ll let you use your imagination on that one, babe,” you grunted, settling into the seat of the saddle. “But it’s my birthday–I’m royalty today.” 
“Alright, sounds good,” he conceded, gathering the reins. Colton moved into a smooth trot, and Butterscotch followed. “You ready?”
“What do you say, Bebe–ready to give him a run for his money?” The leather of her reins slapped against her neck with the force of her head toss. You chuckled as she put her head down and out, her gait smoothly changing into a slow canter. “I take that as a yes.”
“On three,” Bucky challenged, urging Colton forward to keep pace with you. “One,” he said, grabbing your hand and squeezing it. “Two,” he continued, and he let go of your hand to grip his reins. There was a cheeky smile on his lips. “Three!”
Butterscotch launched into a gallop, her hind legs pushing her forward with the force of a bullet. You whooped and loosened the reins, letting her do her thing as she galloped full pelt down the driveway, Colton close behind. 
“That ain’t fair, Peach!” Bucky called behind you, and you just squeezed your knees. 
Butterscotch responded in less than a second – her stride became longer, her legs faster, and she powered down the road, putting more and more distance between you and your husband. 
You looked over your shoulder as she galloped, and you watched Bucky soundlessly curse and push Colton onto new heights – but no horse could beat a barrel racer in a burst of speed. “Go, girl! Go!”
Dust clouds kicked up in your wake and Butterscotch did not slow her pace as you approached a turn. You held the reins steady and guided her through the turn, not compromising her speed but well aware of how much she loved to run. “That’s it, that’s it, Bebe,” you soothed, squeezing your knees when she came onto the straight. 
In the distance, you could see the hills and dam that Bucky had mentioned. 
“Let’s beat him.” The wind whipped against your face while Butterscotch’s sides heaved with breath, her legs a blur with her speed. “Come on, get up!”
Behind you, you could hear the heavy, fast hoofbeats of Colton gaining on you; Bucky’s whoops and exclamations loud over them. The pressure of being beaten seemed to spur Butterscotch on, and her feet pounded the dirt with a fever pitch, faster than the beat of your heart – you had never seen her run with such speed, even in her competing days. 
The hills and dam neared and neared, and Butterscotch started to tire. Latherin built on her neck, and you soothed her, “Easy, you’re doing good, pretty girl.” She huffed and blew harshly, but she didn’t slow her speed. 
Gravel and dust turned into grass and dirt as you pulled her off the road, and she powered up the hillside with laboured breaths. 
Finally, after what felt like forever, you reached the top of the hill, gasping for air with the adrenaline of the race, while Butterscotch panted and shook her head to rid it of flies. “Holy shit, Bebe,” you rushed, patting her damp neck. “Where the hell did that come from?”
“Well, whatever it was, you won,” Bucky called, appearing right next to you. “That was one hell of a race, Peach. Fuck.”
You laughed and dismounted, leading Butterscotch to the shade of a tree. “Rest up, pretty girl,” you cooed, scratching her ear. She bumped your shoulder with her muzzle and cocked a foot, content to rest and catch her breath after a hard run. 
“Let’s get this set up, I’m starved,” Bucky said suddenly, and you watched him pull a couple of blankets from the back of Colton’s saddle. “The food’s in Bebe’s saddle, darlin’.”
With a grunt of effort, you lugged the containers from her saddle bag and walked to where Bucky set the blankets down. The view that greeted you made you gasp – the sightline of the edge of your property, where cows and sheep grazed, were tinged by the ambers and yellows of the morning sun. 
The weighted containers in your hands suddenly disappeared, and you started in place to see Bucky holding them, a soft, adoring smile on his lips. “I’ve seen a lot in this life, Peach,” he started, and he bent down to place the food on the blanket. “I’ve seen the best, the worst, you name it.” 
You watched him approach, a brow raised in silent question. 
He took your hands in his, and ran his thumbs over your knuckles, before the left stopped on your wedding and engagement rings. “I’ve been through hell and back. I’ve walked down the darkest roads; never knowin’ if I’d make it back home. But, Peach–” He paused, licking his lips, before he stared at you so intensely that you felt the hair on the nape of your neck stand on end. “I have never, ever doubted the love I have for you–for us. You are the one thing that kept this tired, old bastard goin’.”
“Bucky, I–”
“I’m not finished.” He stepped closer, and he rested his forehead on yours. “Marryin’ you… It was the best decision I could have ever made. Hell, shoppin’ that day on Colton? That’s a pretty close second.” 
Electricity charged the air, and your breath hitched as you stared into Bucky’s eyes – the blues turning grey with untold, overwhelming emotion. 
“Every day I wake up, I can never find words for you–for how much I love you,” he continued, now standing impossibly close. The sounds of the world around you had dulled, leaving you just in his grasp – one of love. “You keep me goin’, Peach, and it’s only fair that I work as hard as this tired body allows to give you the life you deserve. And to be the man you married, and the one you deserve.”
Tears welled along your lash line, and you inhaled sharply. You went to pull away, to gather yourself, but Bucky held you fast. “No, no, don’t go.” 
“Baby, I–” You tried again, hiccupping. “I– God, I love you.”
Bucky smiled, and in that moment, you decided that it was your favourite thing in the world. “Happy birthday, Peach,” he said quietly, and he kissed you, pouring everything that was left unsaid into it.
You kissed back with just as much passion and adoration, telling him without words that you were his, and he was yours; as long as your heartbeat in tandem with his. 
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑  ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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nothots-headempty · 2 months
Anthony Bridgerton × Kate Sharma
Summary: it is the last day of their honeymoon but Anthony refuses to believe so.
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: fluffy with mentions of sexual something something
Authors note: I dont know. Kanthony are always on my mind
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"My lord, it is time for your morning tea."
He is nudged awake to sun rays streaming in through the window and the even brighter silhouette of his wife.
"Kathani, can you stop calling me that and come back to bed or so help me God-", he turned around in the flimsy covering of linen on his body, burying his face into the pillow so he could let sleep take him.
If he woke up, the day would invariably progress on and that would mean returning to his life as Viscount. He wasnt ready for that. Not yet.
He felt the sheets curve in as she snuggled in next to him, pushing, pushing, pushing at his arm until she was comfortably settled under it. She kissed his cheek, his forehead, his nose, until she had his face turning up in an eager wish to capture her lips once more.
"Anthony.", she whispered, making his eyes flutter open. There was a light touch of melancholy to the brown depth of her eyes and it made him uneasy. Pushing himself up on his elbows, he plucked a stray strand of her hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear.
Brushing his nose against hers, he ran his tongue along her lower lip, relaxing further as he felt the smile return to her face. They fell into the kiss with a quiet familiarity that they had gained over the past few weeks, his hands finding home on her waist, her feet hooking themselves over his as they pulled each other closer than was humanly possible.
"What is it, my love?", he whispered, interspersing each word with a peck on her face, her neck, her collarbone. She looked worried. And he wanted to set her back at ease.
"Anthony, today is the last-"
"Shhh.", he countered, quite sternly for his usual self. He knew what she was saying. He did not want to hear it.
"Nothing is true when I just refuse to believe it.", he murmured, continuing to kiss the skin under her ear. He heard her moan, smelling his victory as her nails dug into his arm as she shifted under him, letting him settle between her legs.
"You're right. Let's forget about it. Just for now."
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upsidedownwithsteve · 9 months
Hi!! I missed you and your writing a bunch and never got the chance to congratulate you on the wee babe! So happy for you and your partner ❤️
If you are willing to do any Eddie blurbs, maybe you could do a kind of slow burn, sexy lil one for the Eddie girlies (me) 😂 I know the blurbs are quite short so obviously a slow burn isn’t meant for that but maybe just something that is full of some delicious/thick sexual tension!
I know I’ll love anything and everything you’ll write so I can’t wait to see what you come up with 😘😘😘😘
thank you my lovely! I wasn’t sure if I hit the brief here, so I hope you like it! 🧡
It was ridiculous, you knew that.
An entirely, enormously ridiculous way for someone your age to act. But Eddie Munson was far prettier up close and he was softer than you’d imagined, a little clumsy and funny even when he didn’t mean to be.
And he was friends with your friend. You’d watched in awe one day when he pulled Robin into a one armed hug outside of the town library, his arm slung familiarly around her shoulders and when she introduced you with your name and a nudge to your ribs, Eddie Munson turned his wide smile onto you and you suddenly realised there could be things that were brighter than the sun.
It was an awful, pretty thing, to have a crush.
A cloying, silly thing that made your body flush with heat and your stomach feel too tight. It made your to tongue too big for your mouth, it made you tear your wardrobe apart looking for the perfect outfit, just on the off chance of getting to see him. And when someone mentioned his name, your breath would catch in your chest and your heart threatened to explode, to shatter your ribcage and announce itself to everyone around you by throwing itself dramatically onto the floor below.
You think Eddie knew. He had to. Either because you were awful at hiding it or your friends couldn’t keep their mouths shut. He didn’t tease, not really. Eddie had found out rather quickly that you weren’t as used to being teased in the way he did with Nancy, or Steve. So he was so much more gentle with you, but god, you noticed the way he grinned a little too much when he leaned down to talk by your ear, watching for the parting of your lips at his proximity, the way your hands would curl into your pockets.
So he took to trying out something new each day, a slow but sure thing. He promised you shotgun when the rest of the kids moaned and had to clamber into the back of the van, throwing you a wink and a little bow as he held the door open for you.
One day he brought pizza for games night, five boxes of it stacked in his arms on top of a monopoly case. And when no one else was looking, he produced some twizzlers from his pocket, easing them into your hands and whispering that they were “just for you and him, alright?”
Another wink, another grin, another thing to set your body alight.
Then during movies, he made sure to steal the seat next to you, sinking down into Nancy’s couch cushions, pretending not to notice how his body melted into yours. He was a solid wall of heat, much softer without leather and denim but when his bare arm touched yours, your body turned electric, your brain buzz and fizz.
And when it got dark enough and everyone was too busy arguing over the best Star Wars, Eddie’s hand moved from his own lap to lay next to yours on the sofa. His pinky finger touched your own, something you would’ve thought was an accidental touch if it hadn’t happened twice.
When you found the courage to peer at his face in the shadows, his straight nose and flushed cheeks highlighted red from Darth Vaders lightsaber, you saw the twitch of his mouth, the beginnings of the smile he could never seem to contain.
He kept his hand there all night and magically, amazingly, touching the courage to do the same - even if your ribcage was taking a beating from the way your heart pounded against your bones.
You were sure you were permanently scalded from being around Eddie Munson.
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prinzrupprecht · 11 days
Hey! Can I ask for Apollo of the RoR? Reader caught his attention during her fight but she doesnt give he any attention cause hes a womanizer except he is real kinda fall for her ❤️
Apollo x Einherjar!reader
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Love the request idea! I barely get Apollo requests so my bad if I mess up a bit.
Synopsis: You had been called to ragnarok by Brunhilde to fight for the humanity or else your race would be extinct. It was an honour to be chosen to fight since you were well known from your time.
TW: none—?
WC: 1151
Your round happened to be the 10th round. With barely a victory on your part, you couldn’t help but remember the words of the Chinese god you had defeated. Your fighting style was magnificent before his soul perished. Your Valkyrie had to help you to the infirmary afterwards due to how badly cut you were.
“You— You need to be careful!” Svipul squeaked out as you tried to walk on your own holding your side.
“I’m fine, go worry about yourself.” You croaked but the Valkyrie felt a bit defeated by your stubbornness until a man walked up to you. He was taller than the two of you. He had a smile plastering his face and you recognized him instantly.
“Oh? You look like you need help—"
“No thanks,” you snorted as you tugged on the wall barely holding onto your conscious.
You remember his fight all too well replaying in the back of your mind. You were bored when you watched him fight against Leonidas. You remembered him and it was crazy how he was standing in front of you nervously. Your ears could still hear those fangirls crazily fawning over him during his match at every turn he made, and every moment to exaggerate his poses as if this was some theatre play. You couldn’t exactly remember if you were mad or pissed but you declared to go next after he killed Leonidas. The whole crowd was cheering for him and the humans were in desperate distress over another loss.
Apollo’s mouth gaped and Svipul grabbed your arm to push past him to get you to the infirmary asap. You weren’t in any condition to be stalling in the halls while your wounds have yet to be treated.
Apollo gave a smug look watching your retreated form disappear down the hallway. He was intrigued by your performance. The only reason he watched your fight was because of your beauty, not because of your looks but the beauty of your artistic fighting skills that caught his attention.
It made him lose his composure and ignore the women who easily fall for him. You on the other hand don’t even bother to look at him nor care about his existence. Was this a game for him? He was growing impatient by the minute.
Or could this be him denying he was falling for a human?
~~ while you’re being treated
The doctors were incredible and had already sealed your wounds. You could walk around more freely and there was very minimal pain. So it was true as Sasaki said the doctors here were amazing.
As you expected Svipul had knocked. You quietly mumbled and said it was open. “You look better and bea—"
“I’m sorry! He followed me and insisted on seeing you,” Svipul pushed past Apollo. You could feel your eye twitch. Why? You must look hideous laying in a white gown on a bed that resembles one from a hospital.
You refused to make eye contact with him. “You’re wasting your time.” You flat-out spoke. Svipul kept quiet as she sat next to you. Apollo scoffed at your words but gave you a smug look and stayed in the room.
“I think not, maybe it happens to be that I’m more curious about you. Every single thought running through my mind is about you.” Apollo’s left hand touched his forehead as he spoke so charismatic about you. He even continued his speech.
“They all call me the bright sun god but you even shone brighter when you danced in the arena.” He was smirking but he still managed to make it about him. Were you even surprised? Did he just say you danced? You fought courageously and wanted to win for the sake of your race. He was fighting against your race to be extinct. So which is it?!
Before he came here, he was determined what he was feeling wasn’t a normal desire and that he had fallen in love with your ideals, fighting spirit and beauty. He had accepted the terms with it and didn't care whether you were a human, goddess, deity or demon. Everything about you was beautiful to him which had him drawn to you like a magnet. The most beautiful god of the Greek pantheon likes you? So many questions ran through your head.
“Sh—should I go get my sister—?” Svipul was nervous but you interrupted.
You looked at Apollo but it was more of a stubborn glare because he has a fanbase harem that you absolutely detest. So why is he here? He was stubborn like you and doesn’t like being told no.
Deep down you had liked how you caught someone’s attention. Throughout your human life, you could barely even get your parents attention. “I— I don’t believe you. You should leave and find someone else to entertain you,” you were turning read and Svipul wasn’t speaking nor helping you.
Apollo hummed and stepped closer to your bed. His right index finger lifted your chin to meet your eyes. You couldn’t even fight even if you wanted to. Why was he so beautiful and you’re trying so hard to reject him? “You got it all wrong, you’re all that I could think about. Even if I had all the women surround me, you’re the only one that sticks out the most and can satisfy me.” The way he said those words made you turn your head. Satisfy?! Did he really just say those words out loud? Your face must’ve turned a deep shade of red.
“What are you even saying?” You couldn’t even meet his gaze anymore.
“Hmm? I thought it was obvious. I want you to be mine. I can give you everything you desire and in return your loyalty and trust.” Apollo was persistent and you felt like your position was tarnished. Were you being insulted or did he actually genuinely like you?
“Apollo sir, you— you can’t say such things to a human!” Svipul gasped. You were still readily to refuse him but even so, you were certain he was going to be back every day to annoy you. Does he win every woman with this exact line?
“My bad, my bad! Maybe this pretty sunflower will come up with an answer. I’ll leave for now and will return later,” Apollo made a triumph leave. He expects you to answer whether you want to court him?!
How can he be so bold?
“You’re not thinking of courting him are you?” Svipul gave you a questionable look.
“Me? Ha! He can wish,” you were conflicted with what you just said. You were trying hard to resist him but it was becoming harder to.
“Whatever you desire, I’ll support you.” Your Valkyrie was kind and supportive. Thank god she wasn’t like Hlokk or Alvitr who would’ve tried to run Apollo off.
Maybe just maybe you’ll give Apollo a chance.
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Note: y’all should give me Qin, Buddha, Hades, or Loki requests! Anyways, sorry again if I messed up Apollo.
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box Series— National Boyfriends Day Edition
23-24 Season Masterlist
referenced: not so happy birthday and knight in shining armor
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liked by trevorzegras, jackhughes, and 10,611 others
yourusername “‘it’s always been him,’ she smiled. ‘our souls just dance the same.’” (atticus)
trevor zegras— my first love, my only love, my other half, my perfect match, and my soon to be husband, i don’t think the world knows how to fathom the love i have for you. because there isn’t a perfect word to truly capture how you make me feel.
there isn’t a word to perfectly describe how i feel when i see your brighter-than-the-sun smile, or how i feel when i hear the melody of my soul that is your laugh. there isn’t a word that expresses how complete i am with you, or how you’re the only home i’ll ever need.
if love is the only word that comes close to all of that, then i will never stop saying it. but there’s other ways to describe “love,” and i’ll say those, too. you’re captivating. i’m enamored with you. i’m infatuated with you. i’m addicted to you. you make me burn with desire. you’re my sun, my moon, and all my stars. every fiber of my being aches for you. we fit each other perfectly. i’ll always choose you.
so happy national boyfriends day to my ex boyfriend and future ex fiancé!
i love you, always, my sweet boy❤️ YOU are my roman empire
tagged trevorzegras
view all 377 comments
trevorzegras you really know how to swoop a man off his feet❤️ i love you, forever, my sweet girl (when will the ex boyfriend jokes stop?) (you’re my roman empire)
yourusername it’s a powerful give i choose to exert every day! (never)
trevorzegras can i say it?! can i say it?! can i say it?!
yourusername yeah, go ahead
trevorzegras SAP
yourusername speak for yourself!!
_quinnhughes you’re still going to call him your ex boyfriend when you’re married, aren’t you?
yourusername oh most definitely
trevorzegras @/yourusername can i sometimes be called your husband?
yourusername @/trevorzegras i’ll think about it
_quinnhughes @/yourusername you chose her
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes and i’ll do it again
user48 i’m in tears oh my god🥹😭
user22 i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again! THIS will be my royal wedding
jackhughes stop being disgustingly cute
yourusername i will throw things at you
jackhughes you’re across the country
yourusername true, but not forever. prepare for war december 5th
jackhughes @_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras send help
trevorzegras @/jackhughes you’re on your own, kid. you always have been
_quinnhughes @/jackhughes i’ll let her go a few rounds
jackhughes @/trevorzegras @_quinnhughes if she dies, the blood is on your hands
yourusername @/jackhughes dramatic much?
jackhughes @/yourusername i learned it from you
jamie.drysdale i wish you two weren’t my roman empir but i constantly fear i’ll have to bail one of you out of jail
trevorzegras you didn’t even bail us out!
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras i was prepared to
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras he tried but i told him you two were my mess to take care of
yourusername @_quinnhughes idk how to respond to that
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes what she said
_alexturcotte i’m having war flashbacks
jackhughes me too
lhughes_06 me too
colecaufield me too
_quinnhughes me too
yourusername me too
trevorzegras me too
jamie.drysdale MY BAD! DAMN!
user7 you two are the travis and taylor of the nhl and i stand by that
yourusername i’m so honored😭
slknight35 @/trevorzegras remember when you called yourself sissy’s knight in shining armor because she tripped and you caught her and then asked what your prize was for winning the shot competition and then we all made you two kiss?
trevorzegras that was the best party you ever threw
trevorzegras wait, do you also have a sissy pass?!
slknight35 @/yourusername was this supposed to be a secret? i’ve called you sissy for years?
colecaufield @/slkight35 YEARS?! DO YOU HAVE A TWO PER YEAR PASS?!
slknight35 @/yourusername i think i broke them
yourusername @/slknight35 don’t worry, spency, i got this
yourusername @/trevorzegras so help me god, we AREN’T IN HIGH SCHOOL ANYMORE! WE DO THE DIRTY! WHY WOULD YOU CALL ME SISSY?!
trevorzegras @/yourusername WHY WOULD YOU PHRASE IT LIKE THAT?!
yourusername @/trevorzegras so sorry, my love, would you like me to go into specifics?
slkight35 @/yourusername let’s not
_quinnhughes @/yourusername MINORS COULD BE PRESENT
yourusername @/slknight35 @_quinnhughes I WASN’T GONNA DO IT
_quinnhughes @/yourusername you’re unpredictable. we have to take precautions.
colecaufield @/yourusername and where is my explanation, best friend number two?
yourusername @/colecaufield i like him better than you
colecaufield @/yourusername we aren’t friends for the next 28 minutes
yourusername @/colecaufield cry baby
slkight35 @/yourusername that’s some tough love
jackhughes @/slknight35 that’s not even close to her tough love
trevorzegras @/slkight35 i’m actually proud of her
yourusername @/trevorzegras it’s your national boyfriends day gift <3
user19 sissy: *writes the sweetest caption in the history of ever* also sissy: *still unhinged*
user5 “future ex fiancé” y/n give me one chance! i’ll gladly be called your ex fiancé!
jackhughes did you use up your niceness cap in the caption?
yourusername maybe, who knows?
colecaufield @/yourusername me! i know!
yourusername @/colecaufield mwah!
colecaufield @/yourusername mmf
jackhughes @/yourusername you’d think that california sunshine would’ve made you extra happy
yourusername @/jackhughes i AM happy! i just must protect spency! i love him! and i love you, soulmate!
jackhughes @/yourusername suspicious… i love you, too, soulmate…
_alexturcotte you two are disgusting(ly cute)
yourusername nice save, bestie
_alexturcotte i gotta stay on your good side!
yourusername i don’t have a bad side! @.trevorzegras do i have a bad side????
trevorzegras @/yourusername no, sweet girl, you’re all good side
trevorzegras @_alexturcotte quirky! we call her quirky!
_alexturcotte @/trevorzegras whatever you say
jamie.drysdale @_alexturcotte you’ve been friends with her for how long?
_alexturcotte @/jamie.drysdale to be fair, we used to call her our precious psycho
jackhughes @/jamie.drysdale she was so precious
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras she’s so sweet at home and i’m frequently shocked the more i learn about you guys in high school
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale love changed her
yourusername @/trevorzegras you make me a better person, what can i say?
_alexturcotte there’s that disgusting cuteness again
yourusername god i’m so in love with you
trevorzegras uno reverse
colecaufield i’m cole caufield, and i approve this message
yourusername @/colecaufield damn right <3
jackhughes sissy just shows love more violently than us
yourusername @/jackhughes bite me
jackhughes @/yourusername wouldn’t be the first time
_quinnhughes @/jackhughes @/yourusername you two are a lot
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes i’d normally say don’t talk about my parents like that, but i was there the last time jack bit her
slknight35 @/lhughes_06 nice to hear they haven’t changed
lhughes_06 @/slkight35 they got worse
jamie.drysdale ignoring the biting, i’d like to also say that my ex wife is the loveliest, weirdest person i’ve ever met
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale aww, you sap!
trevorzegras @/yourusername I LOVE YOU THE MOST! THIS IS MY DAY! MY POST!
yourusername @/trevorzegras OKAY I’M SORRY! I LOVE YOU THE MOSTEST! YOUR DAY! I’M ALL YOURS!
trevorzegras @/yourusername forever?
yourusername @/trevorzegras always❤️
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f0rlorn · 2 months
we are young → john allerdyce
john allerdyce (x-men) x female!reader
notes → john knows he can count on you, and he wants you to know that you can count on him too. ahh yes, the infamous pyro. they kept my boy in the void for far too long. time to bring back this wattpad banger written by me in 2021.
give me a second i... i need to get my story straight. my friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the empire state
john had left to go grab his zippo from the car, just in case he needed it. bobby and marie had gone off somewhere doing god knows what. that left you alone, your drink the only thing keeping you company.
my lover, she's waiting for me. just across the bar. my seat's been taken by some sunglasses, asking 'bout a scar
john walked back into the building to find some guy chatting you up. he felt a pang of guilt as he heard the topic at hand. the man was asking about the burn that covered your wrist. you rubbed at it self consciously.
i know i gave it to you months ago, i know you're trying to forget. but between the drinks and subtle things, the holes in my apologies... you know i'm tryin' hard to take it back. so if by the time the bar closes, and you feel like falling down, i'll carry you home
john was never the best boyfriend. he knew that. everyone knew that. but he did try. he loved you more than anything. so no matter how many fucked up things he had done, he would be there for you, and you would be there for him.
"excuse me." john had walked up to the two of you. the man looked up at him, raising his eyebrows at the sight of the boy.
"you need something?" the man asked, glaring at john.
"you're in my seat." john responded flatly.
"and what are you gonna do about it?" he laughed, a smirk gracing his face.
"you don't want to find out." john was just about ready to snap, already fed up with the man. you put your hand on his back to calm him down.
"you should leave. before i make you." the man scoffed and backed away, probably off to find some other girl to flirt with.
"are you okay?" you asked john, a sincere look on your face. you laced your fingers with his, the gesture made him melt. you had always been so good to him. your soft and caring personality paired with his tough demeanor was beyond believable, many people back at the academy were amazed when you announced your relationship with john. they didn't understand how you could put up with the hothead all the time.
"i'm sorry..." he muttered. you frowned.
"john, how many times do i have to tell you that i forgive you? it was in the past, you can forget about it." you reassured him, cupping his cheek. he want quiet after that, not wanting to argue with you. you placed a kiss to his lips.
"i don't deserve you..." john smiled.
"yes, you do. you deserve the world and more, lover boy."
tonight, we are young. so let's set the world on fire, we can burn brighter than the sun. now i know that i'm not all that you got. i guess that i... i just thought maybe we could find a way to fall apart. but our friends are back! so let's raise a tab! 'cause i found someone to carry me home
sooner or later, bobby and marie came back. the four of you left the bar area and found a booth to sit in. bobby and rogue had ordered practically half of the menu. you spent the rest of the time drinking and laughing, having a great time. it was nice to get a break from all the intense training you were doing. after your meal you parted ways, rogue had just moved into her new apartment and bobby would be spending the night there. john and you decided to just drive for a while, wanting to make the most of your alone time together.
the next thirty minutes were pure bliss, the two of you were singing along to the radio and making jokes. you were too drunk to think straight. it was fun until you sobered up, then the sleepiness hit you like a wave. you rested your head on john's shoulder. he glanced down at you as you dozed off. the moon illuminated your features, making your face glow. you looked ethereal. it was then that he knew everything would be alright, as long as you were by his side.
so if by the time the bar closes, and you feel like falling down, i'll carry you home tonight.
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kitzatara · 1 month
Exactly 60 years ago today, Zatanna came onto the comic book pages of Hawkman #4, and has continued to thrill and delight!
So to celebrate here on tumblr, this will be a post about fun facts and information about the one and only, Princess of Prestidigitation, Sorceress Supreme, and Mistress of Magic!
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Zatanna is a human and Homo Magi hybrid born to Giovanni “John” Zatara and Sindella. Through Zatara she is of Italian descent, and related to Leonardo Da Vinci, Nostradamus, Cagliostro, and Nicholas Flammel. On her mother’s side she is of Atlantean descent and distantly related to Arion the sorcerer king and demi-god of Atlantis.
Zatanna primarily casts spells by speaking backwards, originally due to her connection to Da Vinci who wrote his journals in reverse. Later it was revealed to be a way to keep the Otherkind from the dark multiverse from finding and feeding on her. And while it is her go to spellcasting method she can cast spells without speaking, through rhymes, runes, song, and even psychically!
Since she can pretty much make anything happen by speaking it backwards she has a laundry list of magical capabilities and is considered one of the most powerful Justice Leaguers, and magic users in the DC universe. Having used her powers to stop many threats over the years and save countless lives.
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Despite having near limitless powers Zatanna often suffers from being sidelined in stories, or nerfed to make her more palatable to the narrative. Usually due to a combination of sexism, being not as popular as other characters, or so that the other characters can have the spotlight. But when Zatanna gets to shine, it’s brighter than the sun.
Like many of her peers Zatanna has a no kill rule, and has actually never killed anyone in the main continuity/universe. She has also never died in main canon, a somewhat rare quality among comic characters.
Despite having a no kill rule Zatanna does have a bit of temper, as well as an over reliance on her magic powers. She is a self proclaimed “spellaholic” often using magic for mundane tasks and to get even with people who vex her. And when her father, loved ones, and children are threatened she has been known to lash out. But she always sets things right, and does the right thing in the end.
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Despite her temper Zatanna is a very kind and loving character, she considers many of the League members to be like family, and is much beloved among the superheroes and magic users of the world. Her fierce determination to do good and put a smile on people’s faces even when she’s feeling low is a stand out character trait. She has even gone out of her way to protect her enemies, the people who caused her mother’s death, and civilians of people who have harmed her. Because at the end of the day she is a hero, and damn good one.
Zatanna is a complex and fascinating character with so much wonderful history to explore. And it’s so fortunate that she has her first ever Black Label solo called Zatanna: Bring Down The House. What better way to celebrate her 60 years than by checking it out? Issue #3 releases next week! And tomorrow (August 21st) Superman #17 releases featuring a rare team up between the Magic Maid and the Man of Steel. And below are some of my personal comic reading recs!
May you come to love her as I do
Yojne! 🎩🪄
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