#god they're so weird about this band and so intense and i do love that for them
judasisgayriot · 4 months
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Pete (and Patrick) comparing getting the band back together post-hiatus/making a record to reunion sex/kissing/making a baby...
x / x / x / x / x (huge shout out to those who helped me find sources! <3)
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goodluckclove · 2 months
A Few Migration Patterns Character Intros!
I had a cocktail in the bath last night and felt a little Funky so I found a Picrew I like and made visuals of a few new characters you'll meet soon in book two of Songbird Elegies!
Ollie Goose Bergeron (she/her)
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Oops, turns out Scott has a childhood best friend he completely forgot about due to long-term cosmic possession! Happens to all of us.
Ollie is mostly Ollie unless you're Scott or Tenzin. She transitioned at the same time that Scott went through his masculine puberty. The two of them were the first members of Scott's band, him on piano and her on bass. She fucking loves the bass. Even while living with Spastic Hemiplegia she still works to be the funkiest motherfucker she can be.
As an adult she is now the Head Distiller for Bluerose, meaning she leads the production of birthright medicine. It also means she has the resources to create imbued herbal narcotics, so a select portion of town knows her as having the best weed in Oregon.
She has been in love with Scott since childhood and everyone knows. They lost their virginity to each other so she's the only one that knows for a fact how bad he is at sex and how much he hates it. She also is fully aware of his temper and general dramatics and is the best at handling it.
Jeff Leanne Delaney (he/him)
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This isn't fully accurate because Jeff is like super buff, but yeah Katy finds out at the very last second that in the years she's exiled herself from the family her youngest sibling transitioned. Jeff is now a fireman in Nebraska with his own house in Lincoln and an intense love for tabletop roleplaying games.
Jeff looks normal but he also believes in every god and religion simultaneously. His favorite movie is still The Last Unicorn. Katy was always a bit of a chaotic rebel and clearly Jeff was taking notes from way early on.
I can not overstate how big and buff Jeff is. He is a pastel soul in the body of a beefy Bostonian man. He's got a lot of friends and they all adore him.
Fern (they/them)
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Fern is mysterious. They're from the reserves of Stillrush and the other Midwest witch towns, meaning they are called on to guard clients and witches when needed. They have a bone frog tattoo on their forearm, a symbol Navy SEALS use to honor fallen comrades. They're also fully deaf and choose to communicate mentally through the ability of their birthright variant.
They got a weird vibe. They take their job very, very seriously and will gladly take a bullet for their team or the people they're assigned to protect. They are the reason why some birthrights know how to use actual guns now, which is...atypical. Most birthrights are taught to soothe conflict and only use their abilities when absolutely necessary. Fern uses their powers constantly and will absolutely shoot to kill.
They are also into DnD. They wanted to be an actor once before their accident in training that deafened them. Now they're retired and into their 40s and they don't really know what to do with themselves.
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blindrapture · 4 months
bonus ramble about WOMP WOMP
god act 1 is so slow. there's so many days, and the logs are so short.
I MEAN HELLO YES, june 5th is up. on the website too. this arc is gettin' wacky! :D there's a mention of bonnjo vjonsped, another fake band, though lindsay and I have never actually made a bonnjo vjonsped album. which is a critical failure on our part.
the name is entirely from a silly inside joke between lindsay and I. lindsay had said they'd read a review of a dragonforce album that said they sounded like "bon jovi on speed," only I wasn't entirely listening, so I assumed they'd said the name of some band I hadn't heard of. some swedish black metal band, lindsay loves the black metal bands I've never heard of. "bonnjo vjonsped" is the spelling we came up with. I must have been fifteen at the time we made that joke. so that speaks for the depth of the humor.
none of this matters, of course, as they're just a one-time joke mentioned in this log and nowhere else. :D
also, here's a fake album cover I whipped up years later.
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this is the kind of band I see them as being. but also they have a weird phase where they mess with electronic instruments, and that's where the WOMP WOMP album comes from.
I'm pretty sure WOMP WOMP was even in the original draft. it feels like the kind of joke I'd add in later editing, but, no, it was just there. the real purpose was to introduce the words "womp womp," introduce dubstep, because that will get prominence later!
SUPER BONUS: "djay, everyone knows that dubstep sounds like WUB WUB. where did WOMP WOMP come from? were you trying to be different?" No, actually, I have an explanation for that too! I was predisposed to like that onomatopoeia because I was a Dream Theater fan. and there is a song in their fifth album (Metropolis, pt. 2: Scenes From a Memory), the sixth scene, track 8, "Home," which goes unexpectedly hard, way harder than it really has a right to, it's kinda a perfect metal song in the middle of an album that's.. pretty mid to me. but, there's a Main Riff in it, and when the Main Riff is introduced, the bass gets noisy and makes a very noticeable "WOMP WOMP" sound.
here is it:
the WOMP WOMP comes at 1:44. it's. ridiculously hype. and then it goes into the first verse, which is just fucking krunk, oh my god it's sex on the ears? and that's not even getting into the fact that after the second chorus we have a longggg bridge slowly building up in intensity while we literally hear, in our right ear, a woman having sex. "Home" is sex in the ears. that's just what it is.
so I already liked that phrasing. and I.. did not actually know much dubstep at the time. (I still don't, come to think of it. my exposure to dubstep is and has always been very shallow. but I do know a bit more now.) I had an awareness of the cool dubstep wobbly sound. and I wanted to describe it as "WOMP WOMP."
eat me.
thank you for listening!
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koreposion · 1 year
Blue and Geno are rather fond of the Bad Sanses despite the squabbles they find themselves getting into. They're found in the common room with Dust and Killer. Horror went off to go get snacks and Cross is...Cross.
Blue watched Geno's behavior carefully, trying to make sure if he passed out he could catch him. This wasn't thinking of him as fragile but this was a very normal reaction. The proximity of two Gods of emotion were hard on the soul.
Geno didn't seem fazed though, looking at the cool new device Killer was showing him. He was sat in Killer's lap even though he was taller than the skeleton. Killer had wrapped his arms around his waist as he explained this..."Switch."
"So basically you can play all sorts of games on it, and even hook it up to your TV." Killer said after he finished explaining what the buttons did. He watches Geno look between the different games on the handheld console.
"That's so amazing that humans made tech like this." With a bright eye he started to play a simple game about a plumper, "I should...save up for one."
As Geno said that Blue's eyes seemed to dilate, "I could just get one for us." He offered while scooching closer, realizing Killer's goal of all of this.
"I could get you one." Killer said confidently while giving Blue a toothy grin as he squeezed Geno gently.
Blue's eyes narrowed, and he leaned closer to Killer, "If you could I would be ever so grateful." He purred softly.
This surprised Killer but he wasn't one to back down and he brought his face closer to Blue's, "What would you do to repay me?" He asked with a playful tone.
"Guys if you don't stop flirting I'm going to actually pass out." Geno said with a skull as red as a cherry, glaring at the both of them, "I can't focus when your magic clashes against each other and like...mixes?"
"That's interesting." Horror's tone coldly cuts through the moment as he sets snacks down onto the coffee table. He has cans of soda as well, pulling them out of his jacket, "I didn't know you could feel magic... usually we are just...judges."
"Yeah, uh, it's something I got after being trapped for so long. That's probably why I pass out around Dream or Nightmare when they get really intense." Geno mumbled, feeling weird about talking about something that seems so normal to him, "Which is weird because when you guys get too rowdy I usually can stay awake."
Horror nods as Geno talks, listening to him as he opens a can of soda and passes it to Dust. Dust looks up from his book and puts it away to drink from the can. His hood down as he takes a sip and glances at Geno. He was listening in as well.
"It's a great gift, honestly both Dream and Nightmare would find that useful." Horror said as he opened a bag of chips, and then held on out for Geno to eat.
Geno shot a quick glance at Blue who shrugged, he then ate the chip. It was sweet for a salt and vinegar chips, it wasn't bad. He loved sweets but Blue had a habit of cutting him off, "Yeah, I don't mind scouting honestly. It's not high energy and I can snack while watching."
After Geno was done speaking he slightly turned his head. Dust was staring directly into his eyes, he didn't even hear him move. His body froze as Dust leaned closer and used his fingers to open Geno's mouth.
There was a palpable silence as Dust stuck his fingers into Geno's mouth. He felt along his braces and checked behind his teeth. He then pulled his hands away, "You need to put in your rubber bands." He said before pulling out a small packet of them.
Geno kept still as Dust put the bands onto his braces carefully. Once he was done, Dust went back to his spot and sipped his drink.
Everyone stayed their stunned for a moment. Then Geno's body went limp in Killer's arms as his body couldn't take the pressure.
"I don't...know what I expected..." Blue said as he sighed lovingly and took Geno from Killer's arms, "I'll lay him down in a bed somewhere."
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knife-moth-mc · 1 year
With the music asks, I'd like to ask prompts: 1, 3, 11, 19, 23, 26, and 30!
1:A song you like with a color in the title
3:A song that reminds you of summertime
11:A song that you never get tired of
19:A song that makes you think about life
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
26:A song that makes you want to fall in love
30:A song that reminds you of yourself
1: It's All Over Now, Baby Blue by Bob Dylan, but specifically this version. I haven't formally posted my Haven music playlists anywhere (I will do that.... soon......) but this is one of the first songs on the arc 1 playlist. You can think of it as Anathema and C!Moth's meetcute song : P
3: The Beast of Pirate's Bay by Voltaire. A girl I went to summer camp with... gosh, at least a decade ago now--taught it to all of us since we didn't have access to music that wasn't us singing. I also learned about Homestuck and bisexuality from her, so, you know, pretty much all the good parts of my life I found originally through meeting her that summer. Wiki, if you're still out there, thank you.
11: I could be wrong, because I haven't known it that long, but I think I'm going to go with Blacksoul by Onya. I could say more about it but honestly just listen to it. It's beautiful.
19: God Fearing, Sea Faring Man by The Accidentals. I listened to the album this is from a lot back when I first stumbled onto it, and while I think the band has now largely disavowed it it remains very deep in my heart. This specific song has stuck with me especially, I think because there's a kind of... the word that's coming to mind is grace, it feels like there's a kind of grace to this song. It feels like a moment of clarity. If I had to claim the meaning of life was buried in any one song, I would pick this one.
23: I'm going to cheat here and say an artist, because so far as I know they only ever released a handful of songs, most or all of which I try to link people to every so often because they're not otherwise available. I'm talking about superedge, who was a fanmusician back in 2015 or so. I hope they're still creating somewhere, but they've left behind some of my favorite songs in the world and I'm grateful that I happened to find them when I did.
26: Ben Caplan's cover of Lovers' Waltz by A. A. Bondy. The original is also solid but something about Ben Caplan's version really particularly speaks to me. I think according to the lyrics this song is actually about dying together? Which makes this a weird choice I guess but it feels in a way comforting, and I think fits the prompt better, because I have lots of people I love! I don't need a generic love song! But this song feels deeper and more permanent, in a way that's at least as appealing as it is scary.
30: You know, I have a whole collection of books that are me; you'd think I'd have a collection of songs that are me. But I don't. I think I have a tendency to shift songs from me to my (or others') characters, or to strongly associate songs with the circumstances under which I first listened to them. I've been combing through my library trying to think of anything and I could make some cases but most of them are weak. So I'm going somewhere very personal and emotional, and I trust you'll understand.
When I was 17, I was in a really bad place. It was, I think, the worst year of my life bar none. I'll spare you the details, but one day after a really intense couple of weeks, I played nice until I was given back my ipod. The moment it was in my hands, I grabbed my bike and fled to the library. I cried the whole way there, and I listened to this song, The Bust from The New Albion Radio Hour by Paul Shapera. This wasn't the song I came to identify with at the time--that would be The Wasteland, from the same album--but to this day, I can't listen to it without remembering that scared teenager.
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kornito · 3 years
SOURCE: https://korngiant.tripod.com/kornisgoodforu/id10.html
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
All I want in life is to be happy", it's that simple. People say that it's become their own anthem. It's like whenever I start to feel good, something comes and takes it away and I feel like I'm nothing again, like I'm dead.
Falling Away From Me
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
The song is about domestic abuse and that there ways to get help whether it's telling someone or calling a help line, there are ways to get out of those situations. Noone has to be treated like that.
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
"Trash" is about how I threw my world and everything out. I threw her away. I threw my old self away. It basically comes back down to the sex thing. The battles I did on the road, this whole album is what I went through because I was on the road and I went crazy.
Beg for Me
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
"Beg For Me" is more of an angry thing because the whole thing for "Beg For Me" is the crowd. The only time I was good on tour was when I walked up onstage and that's what the song is about. Feeling wanted is something one thing I've always needed. I was shuffled around so much when I was a kid...Being up onstage was the only point was the only time when my anxiety would go away for an hour.
Make Me Bad
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
I need to feel the sickness in you" ... It's spawned from f**kin', basically, from having sex. That's where that line comes from, but it means a whole bunch of things to me. "Make Me Bad" was about the battles I had being on the road, being married and being with other women. I'm not married anymore... beause of my lifestlyle, and I just couldnt do that to my wife anymore. So that ended. But does it make me bad that I have a dick and I have f**ken other feelings to be with other people? Why should I be with just one? It seems like human beings are genetically engineered to procreate. Thats what we do, f**k everything, and that's what our natural insides want to do. It is hard to find someone like that. But she was a good woman and I didnt want to keep on... I did the right thing, I was a man about it. It was better for me to tell her and let her go on with her life and find someone who could help her and be like that. So that song was spawned by that, does it make me bad to want to be with other women? In a sence it was my only drug, why... because I dont drink anymore, I cant drink. I've been sober for a year. I dont have any other vices. So at least doing that could be something.
Hey Daddy
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
"Hey Daddy" where I was schizophrenic and there were these voices telling me to do sh*t... To kill myself, basically. Daddy is one of my nicknames, so its like I'm talking to myself the whole time. It's hard to explain.
Song Meaning: Jonathan
"I feel like a fucking whore to record companies." "You know how it is...the way we are used and marketed." "How they make all the money off us and we don't make shit!" "The only way we make money is to go out on tour and sell merchandise" "Basiclly we write all the music and turn in and they make all the money." "So I feel like that and also I feel like a slut cuz I'd go out at night and fucking girls and so I said fuck it, I'm going to do it. The only way to escape is to have sex." "Its all kind of different issues."
Its On!
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
It's On is my sh*t peer pressure song. Me being so stressed out going out and partying. Everybody's just going 'Come on dude, it's on.' That's partying, it's alcohol, cocaine, women. All that wrapped into one. I wrote a song about it. And the chorus I talked about Why am I really doing this? It's all my fault that I'm doing this because all the alcohol, the booze an the chicks do is just make it worse. They just rearrange all the problems in a different order that I can deal with at that moment.
Freak on a Leash
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
One of the best titles I've heard ever for a song. That's my song against the music industry. Like me feeling like I'm f**kin' a pimp, a prostitute. Like I'm paraded around. I'm this freak paraded around but I got corporate America f**kin' making all the money while it's taking a part of me. It's like they stole something from me, they stole my innocence and I'm not calm anymore. I worry constantly.
Got the Life
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
That's a song baggin' on myself. How everything's always handed to me. How I look up to God and don't want this anymore. Like I want something more out of life than all this. And I've got everything I really need but I sometimes don't like. I don't know how to explain it. I have to let it sit through the songs more to actually get into what I write. I truly know, really, the meanings of the songs almost. That's what I'm getting out of it right now.
Dead Bodies Everywhere
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
That was the song about my parents trying to keep me out of the music business. My father was in it and he knew how it was and I totally understand now that I have a son. I want Nathan to be a musician but I him don't want him to go through the hell I went through. That's the same thing my Dad was doing. A lot of people can relate to it, because it's like the Dad's wanting their sons to be football players and their sons want to be doctors or something. That peer pressure its like trying to make them something they're really not. And the Dead Bodies thing is like so I did it and all I got out of it was dead bodies everywhere and got all traumatized. Thanks a lot Dad, Mom.
Children of the Korn
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
That's the song that Ice Cube is on Cube came up with the title. I fed off of what he wrote, he was talking about growing up and puberty. Dictating what he can do, like how you gonna tell me how to live and who to f**k? And all this stuff. And I took that and in my stuff I was talking about being a kid always known as the f**kin' town faggot. It's funny how things change. That some of these people picked on me and all of a sudden look who's laughing now. Also in another of the verse I talked about all these parents f**kin hating me for what I do, saying I'm corrupting their children, but in turn these parents need to step outside of themselves and really listen to what I'm talking about. Then I think they can understand that they were kids before. They're just really quick to judge me. All the Children of The Korn are all our Korn fans. All those kids going through that sh*t and feeling what I feel.
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
Big black cock! That's what I call a jack and coke. Those little glasses they serve in Europe and everything. That's what I named it, big black cock. And that's another song about me dealing with the pressures of this album and how I, you know, I'm trying to kill myself, but you know? Do I really want to kill myself? Things I'm just questioning myself. Most of this is self-structured.
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
It's a story about this little girl that came into the coroner's office when I was working there and she was f**ked by her dad. She was an 11 month old little baby girl. Her legs were broken back behind her and he just f**ked her like a toy doll and chucked her in the bathroom. It was the most heinous thing I've ever seen in my life and I still have nightmares about it.
All in the Family
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
Fred was there after Korn TV and we said, 'Let's do a song together, Hey, man, let's go back and forth and rip on each other like an old school battle.' I don't know who's idea it was, I can't remember if it was mine or Fieldy's or Fred's but we came up with the idea and we started writing and we worked on it together. I came up with some bags on myself for Fred to say. It was all in good natured fun.
Reclaim My Place
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
This one is about the whole band and about all my life being called a homosexual. And then I became this big rock star in a band and I'm still called a fag even by my own band. So it's like I was f**kin' pissed off at them. It's like erase them all because I'm gonna reclaim my place and say hey, they owe a lot to me for what I did, and I owe a lot to them back. But, it still kinda sucks. I've never ever gotten away from that fag f**kin' title. Just because I'm a sensitive kinda guy. Kinda feminine it really sucks.
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
Justin, that was the kid dying terminally with intestinal cancer. His last dying wish was to meet us and it really freaked me out. That threw a whole bunch of new kind of pressures on my head. That's really intense. Someone's gonna die and his last thing he wants to do is come hang out with us. So I truly just freaked out. It's like why would you want to meet me? What makes me so special? And in turn I talk about how I admire his strength and his life. I couldn't stare at him because he was so content he was gonna die. No one could look him in the eyes. And I totally admire his strength. I wish I had it.
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
Seed. That's all about the same thing again. I laying in bed in my hotel room, thinking about do I really need all this stuff? All this pressure on me? Because I'm a stressed out freak. It's about Nathan, it's about every time that I look into his eyes, I see myself how I used to be, innocent and stress free. I'm kind of jealous of it. It really sucks, I used to be that way. It's like I have to work so hard at this thing in my life. I have to become a stressed out freak. I put food on the table for my child. Every time I look in his eyes, I just see myself staring right back at my @ss laughing. I was like care free, innocent as a child. It's really weird and I'm really jealous of it.
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
That's a love song. It's about women in general, women who hurt me. It's Tre's lyrics. He's going on about chicks and my chorus is like I'm so scared to love anyone and really let them in after I got hurt really really bad by a girl. I've let Renee in a little bit, to be honest, but I'll never be that in love ever again. That's what I'm saying, if you've loved twice, you're gonna get f**ked, 'cause you usually do.
My Gift to You
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
Renee always wanted me to write her a love song and that's why I called it My Gift To You. It's my gift to her, you know how I get sick. I always had a fantasy of f**king her and choking her to death. I fantasize about what it would look like me in her body and watching me do it. So it's like a really sick f**ked up song. I did it totally like, I love her so much, I want to take her out of this world. It's really strange. She used to leave notes on my pillow like 25 ways she'd like to kill me. She's got this weird death fetish. We're kinda f**kin' freaky. She got it. She's all 'Thank you that's kinda f**ked up. I was expecting a f**kin' I love you, baby kinda song.' I'm all, 'No, you know me.' I mean I can't do that.
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
Chi is about a lot of alcohol and drug abuse. People turn to that when they have problems so that they won't have to feel their pain. The song was named after Chi Cheng from the Deftones. We named it after him because he used to call it reggae, and he loves reggae music.
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
It's the sterotypical thing about your best friend meeting a chick, and then you're nothing
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
That's about being paranoid. Drug-induced paranoia.
Good God
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
It's about a guy I knew in school who I thought was a my friend, but who f**ked me. He came into my life with nothing, hung out at my house, lived off me, and made me do sh*t I didn't really wanna do." "I was into new romantic music and he was a mod, and he'd tell me if I didn't dress like a mod he wouldn't be my friend anymore."
"Whenever I had plans to go on a date with a chick he'd sabotage it, because he didn't have a date or nothing. He was a gutless f**king nothing. I haven't talked to him for years.
Mr. Rogers
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
Back in the day when I was a speed freak, um... even further back when I was a little kid watchin' Mr. Rogers, that sh*t was scary. He was a freaky old man... Land of Makebelieve and Mr. f**kinMcFeely and sh*t... made me sick. So back when I was doing speed, like for 5 or 6 days I'd be trippin out and my brain would start to get freaky and get schizophrenic and stuff, and I'd tape it and watch it everyday over and over... I don't know, I was sick in the head. As a kid he told me to be polite and all it did was get me picked on. I f**king hate that man. Thanks for making me polite and trusting everyone, and easy to take advantage of. So I spent 3 months on that one song, just tweakin' on it, and it was totally just my Mr. Rogers obsession, about how evil I thought he was. Pretty much drug induced.
K @ # Ø % (Kunt)
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
People think it's sexist but it isn't. It's more subconcious b*tching at all the women who've been with me in my life. It's not about women in feneral, just those women who hurt me." "Initially, we wrote it to send to American radio for a joke, because they always chop up all the other songs. So we were going to send a 'real' single seven days later."
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
It stands for all day I dream about sex. It's about how much of a pervert my ass is, and how I daydream about what a stud I am. But when it comes down to it, I'm a f**king pussy and I'm in there jacking off.
a** Itch
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
That was the last song I wrote, and I was so burned at writing out lyrics because everytime I write I get depressed because I start thinking about things, you know? So the whole song is about that. In the chorus it says, 'Before day, my sun will be dying'. It's because I put myself on the line all the time and for what? Because people aren't going to be listening to it anyway.
Kill You
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
It's about a relative I first met when I was 12. I f**king hate that b*tch. She's the most evil, f**ked up person I've met in my whole life. She hated my guts. She did everything she could to make my life hell. Like, when I was sick she'd feed me tea with Tabasco, which is really hot pepper oil. She'd make me drink it and say, 'You have to burn that cold out, boy'. f**ked up sh*t like that. So every night when I'd go to sleep, I'd dream of killing that b*tch. In some sick way I had a sexual fantasy about her, and I don't know what that stems from or why, but I always dreamt about f**king her and killing her
Ball Tongue
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
The meaning of ball tongue is simple. Some thought it had to do with oral sex, but in fact its about a guy we had to work with on a t-shirt (Jeff Creath). He either had a pierced tongue or a wart or something on his tongue and he was a dick to us.
Different live: Jonathan goes into a Rap (by Coolio) Called "Loddi Doddi" in the middle of the song.
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
Korn was playing a show in San Diego for a clothing card. This skinhead guy came up and started flippin' me off. When we started, I bent down and the guy took a swing at me. Our tour manager, Jeff, got into it and knocked the guy out. I wrote this song about him: 'Scared to be honest with yourself/you're a cowardly man.
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
Everyone thinks I'm bashing gay people in this song, and I'm not. It's really about me going through high school being called 'pussy,' 'queer' and all that stuff, about getting picked on by all these jocks.
Shoots and Ladders
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
It was written because all these little kids sing these nursery rhymes and they don't know what they originally meant. Everyone is so happy when singing but 'London Bridge' is about the Black Plague. All of them have these evil stories behind them." "The lyrics are all from nursery rhymes, and a lot of nursery rhymes go back to the Middle Ages. They're actually pretty twisted if you know the stories behind them, like about Black Death and stuff.
Helmet in the Bush
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
It's about a speed problem that I had. You know, you do a lot of speed and -- if you're a male -- your penis retracts severly. The guy heard at the beginning of the song is La Caco, a friend of the band. His real name is Michael and likes taco bell. He's a really Nice Guy and he has been friends with the band for years
Song Meaning, Jonathan:
People think daddy' was writen because my dad f**ked me up the ass,thats not what the song's about. It wasn't about my dad or my mum. When I was a kid I was being abused by someone else and I went to my parents and told them about it. and they thought I was lying and joking around, they never did sh*t about it. They didn't belive it was happening to their son. I don't like to talk about that song, this is the most I've ever talked about it...
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pacifymebby · 4 years
2 4 5 8
2 Why do you write fanfiction?
Honestly I don't even fucking know? Escapism probably? And also in a weird way as a coping mechanism. A lot of my fics have plots that run parallel to things I've been through (Saffrons abusive relationship, Amelias intense anxiety stuff, her eating disorder and Maria's eating disorder too) I think I kinda use them to give the characters a happier ending than the ones I've had in real life? (this sounds so sad pls don't pity me I'm fine)
But also I do it because I just love writing I like imaging stories in my head and writing them and i love daydreaming about pretty boys in bands.
4 Are there any writers that inspire you?
Oh my god this is gonna be hard to remember or tag people in because I know so many by different names on here and wattpad so...
@vangoddamn on here I absolutely love their one shots, especially the bondy ones. I actually think they inspired me to write more for Bondy tbh and now he's my fave to write so...
@catb-fics who is divine ribs or something on wattpad right? I am absolutely hooked on ice cold, every single chapter seems to have me heart in throat desperate to find out what happens next. Also u write Van so attractive how do u do that?
@carmccannt tyrants is ace I'm so intrigued by it and I just love how unique it is? Its one of those that I find myself thinking about randomly in the day like oh I wonder what's gonna happen next.
And someone who on wattpad is called sidetracknoverlap they wrote the most stunning one shots I've ever read and inspired me to start writing my own. They've not updated in a very long time but I adore every single one shot they put up.
Also on wattpad I think it's lipstorelaxme but I don't know if they have tumblr? I love their imagines and I'm With The Band, they're both so good.
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
Atm the easiest characters to write are Sam and Della in Pacifier. Actually atm they're the only characters who come naturally to me at all. Johnny and Camille too but obviously not right now lol...
Eeeek thank u for asking me these 💖💖💖
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onebangtanstan · 4 years
Power Style - Chapter Six : The organization
�� Are you okay, Ms Douglas? »
« Um, yes I guess. » I lie. « I'll just have to make adjustments for the campaign. »
I have no idea how I'm going to figure this out. I have to cram 2 months worth of work in 2 weeks. This is going to be intense.
We talk for a bit before I leave his office. As I walk back to my desk, I have an idea. I head for my phone and look for Tae.
"Hi Tae! I just found out about the launch being brought up. I need to be in contact with everyone to organize the shootings. Can you help me out?"
I start brainstorming ideas after letting my team know what's going on. We share all our ideas on an online drive. I add what I gathered last night from Tae.
A few minutes later, my phone dings. It's from a groupchat created by Taehyung. All members are in it, plus me. I start typing a text to say hello to everyone, but something appears on the screen. It's from RM "Is this necessary?". I figure this is Namjoon, and oh my God he infuriates me! I decide to not react and send my text anyway.
"Hi all! I'll be using this groupchat to let you know what's going on with the campaign, and give you details for shootings and all that. Have a good day!"
Someone answers immediately "I can't wait!! This is gonna be epic". It's from J-Hope. I'm still not familiar with all their stages names but from the energy of the text, I'm guessing it's Hoseok. Another text comes in from Jimin. "Whatever".
This is going to be hard. I'm used to dealing with clients, but usually there's only one person at a time. Right now I have 7 people with their own personalities to handle. I can't let my emotions get the best of me.
I get back to work, and head for a meeting with the whole team. We spend 2 hours figuring out what the campaign will be like and the schedule.
I grab my phone as soon as we're out and type a text to the band.
"Ok guys, things will happen very fast. Starting on Thursday, we will have individual shoots for each one of you. I'll send you the schedule. Next Friday is the group shoot. Sorry about the rush."
I put my notes from the meeting back in my office and head for lunch. I'll be eating it in my office though. Thursday is 2 days away, and I have so much to do.
I check my phone.
"Hey, about what you said last night, could we meet tomorrow maybe? Yoongi"
I'm glad I came through to him. We decide to go for dinner in the city center.
The next hours are only dedicated to finding the perfect settings for shootings. Every individual shoot needs to be different, but the feel of the campaign has to be the same.
I don't think I've had a harder job to do.
The next day is the same. Meeting on top of meeting with every designer, stylist, photographer and everyone needed for the shoot. My team and I are exhausted, but we finally have everything planned out.
I get home at 5 pm and get ready for my dinner with Yoongi. I go for something casual, but chic. My black and red dress if perfect for tonight. I pair it with my long black coat and knee-high boots.
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Gina’s outfit for the evening
He's already there when I get to the restaurant. I sit down in front of him in silence. We both feel awkward being around each other, but also at ease.
He looks very cute like this. He's wearing all black clothes, a cap covering his hair. His golden jewelry contrasts with his look, and make his eyes pop.
"So, how's work?" He starts, trying to break the ice. I can tell he doesn't feel like he belongs here.
"Well, you guys have got me running all over the place, but it's interesting."
"Yeah sorry about that, there was a mix in our tour dates" He looks as annoyed as I am by the change.
"That's okay! Let's just say it's showbiz. Plus, it gives me an opportunity to challenge myself." He's looking down, but I see him smile. "Please, tell me about your ideas!"
He looks up and starts exposing his thoughts. The more he talks, the more his face opens up. He's more relaxed on his chair too. He loves his job, I can tell. This is where he's comfortable. Talking about work. It's probably the same when he talks about music, or performs.
I take notes while he talks me through his vision. It's amazing. It corresponds with the vibe we've already set, so we can definitely integrate his ideas into his solo shoot.
We start eating, and make awkward smalltalk, each of us understanding that the other one isn't comfortable talking about their lives. But as we talk we feel ourselves getting looser around each other. We seem to be similar on certain aspects.
Both our phones bing at the same time. I'm guessing it's the groupchat. He looks at his phone and I think I see a sparkle in his eyes. He smiles as he reads the text.
"Hobi is excited for tomorrow" He lets me know. Hoseok is the first one to shoot and I think it's going to be fun. I think about his reaction when he saw it was a text from Hoseok. Weird..
"Are you close with the guys?" I ask him, hoping my question won't close him off again.
"Very" He answers after a few seconds. He hesitates to keep going, but he does so anyway "They're my family. I love them with all my heart, but like with all families, we have our ups and downs. By the way, I would like to apologize to you on behalf of Namjoon and Jimin. Jimin is not great these days, with the tour coming and the-" He stops himself. I question him with my eyes.
"It's not my story to tell" He continues "And Namjoon is just an asshole towards strangers. But he's particularly an asshole towards you, I don't understand why..."
"That's okay" I reassure him "We don't have to like each other, just act professionally. If I'm being honest, I don't like his vibe so I won't be talking to him unless it's for the campaign."
"Haha I like you, Gina" I can't help but smile as he says that. "I'm not the type to open up easily, but I feel drawn to you, in a soothing way."
"Weirdly I feel the same."
We look at each other for a second but quickly turn away from each other.
We just sit there in silence, while the restaurant empties itself. We leave too, and start walking through the streets of Seoul. His turtleneck and hat (and the fact that he's walking with me) cover the fact that he's an Idol. The city center is lovely tonight. There are still a lot of people in the streets, everything is lit up. The weather is nice too. Don't get me wrong it's fucking freezing, but it's not that bad for the end of February.
We don't say much while we walk. We just enjoy each others company. I haven't felt this comfortable around someone since Sarah. It's nice. It's weird to think a few hours ago we could barely have a conversation without feeling awkward, but right now we're walking around together.
"I had a great night" His voice is soft, and seems peaceful. Not like the rest of the time. I could sense the anxiety in him as soon as I saw him. I know too well what it looks like.
"Me too" I say back.
He hails a cab for me and gives money to the driver.
"Let's do this again" He opens the door for me and waves awkwardly goodbye. Aaaand he's back. I'm glad I got to see a glimpse of the real Yoongi tonight, even if it was for a few words.
I almost fall asleep in the cab. The intense days of brainstorming are catching up with me. I go straight to bed when I get home, knowing tomorrow is going to be a long day.
I can't wait though. Shootings are my favourite part of the job.
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ashen-laguz · 2 years
for narrative songs: i listen to a loooot of 80s music, and if you know where to look you can find a lot of music from the 80s with weirdly specific stories. i really like raspberry beret by prince, a majority of abba music if you aren't already listening to them, fast car by tracy chapman which, again, you most likely have heard it but it's still fun, and there's a few more but they're about sex. the people in the 80s really liked singing about sex
back pocket, wait for the moment, conscious club, and 1 for 1 dimaggio by vulfpeck all vaguely have a narrative? but they're all good songs either way. conscious club definitely has the most (and pretty strange) world building
i will never pass up the opportunity to spread my sam sparro spropaganda and his album quantum physical 3 is mostly narrative based (mostly about popular conspiracies in america). his eponymous album has several, like cottonmouth (which makes it a good album to listen to while working because you always have to take a break and drink water during cottonmouth it's the law), hot mess, cut me loose, sally, clingwrap, and still hungry. it's jam packed with narrative songs. yellow orange rays is essentially a bunch of one line stories about random people and it's fun; quarter life crisis barely crosses the line as a narrative song BUT again it's fun and i like all sam sparro songs.
if you want albums, through the deep dark valley and dear wormwood by the oh hellos are both about an overall narrative of abuse (nothing in depth though. you know how folk songs tend to just very cheerfully and sweetly express the most intense emotions? they're a folk band. in general folk music has a lot of weird stories you can listen to. ever heard me and julio down by the schoolyard? it's incomprehensible but also about homosexuals getting sent to jail?) also let live and let ghosts by jukebox the ghost is an overall story about the apocalypse (with a couple of love songs in between). i know jukebox does more story centered songs but i mostly listen to llalg because i am emo.
i listen to a wide variety of music and some genres have more of this style of lyrics than others, you kinda just gotta find them. im not sure how much the songs i recommended here completely fit what you're looking for. the sammie sparro songs are gonna fit the most i think. anyway. wouldn't be surprised if you already listen to the oh hellos and jukebox considering they're both more popular but if you don't then those albums are probably the best intros to each respective band. this is a lot of music so i wouldn't be offended if you don't listen to it all, but for the ones that i do, i hope you enjoy
my god, you weren't kidding, this really is a lot
I've def heard a bit of this (particularly the Oh Hellos - what I've heard from them is so pretty <3 ) but def not Most of it tbch, def will try to listen to as much as I can
Sam Sparro looks like a load of fun tho so I'll def make make him a priority
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bthump · 6 years
(1/2)Was thinking in a canon au if Griff and Guts actually did confess to each other or accidentally find out about each other's feelings(which is more likely) they would end up becoming sooo awkward around each other, they wouldn't really know what to do or act around each other for A while. And everyone in the band of hawks are gonna wonder why they're acting weird around each other or not hanging out with each other as often as usual. Casca would be the only one to know what's going on.
(2/2) I actually see Casca being the one giving them the helpful push they need since those two idiots won’t do it themselves. Like she would be hurt and upset at first but being that she loves Griffith and always puts his happiness and desires before her own and plus she cares about his mental health, she would do what she’s to do to help him get what he wants. In this case getting Guts to break the ice with Griffith. 
Ooh I could really easily see this tbh.
I mean like, think of say an AU where Guts never heard the Promrose Hall speech, but still ended up falling off a cliff with Casca and asking her what her deal is. Casca tells him the same story, complete with talking about how jealous she is of him and it’s almost as if… as if…
except without the memory of the speech getting in the way Guts actually gets it.
And then awkwardness ensues for a while and Griffith is maybe hurt by Guts’ sudden shift in attitude (maybe Guts is avoiding him bc he’s trying to sort his own feelings out) and now that Casca and Guts have bonded a little she gets pissed off at him for accidentally acting like a dick and they talk and Guts has a revelation during their conversation. Or something. Yk, a mild version of what she tells him in canon, without the stabbing.
Or maybe for a somewhat angstier, more drawn out version, Guts and Griffith end up making out at some point for whatever reason (impulsive thank god you’re alive kiss, drunk, intimate late night talk and it just happens, whatever) but afterwards Griffith freaks out because he has a life plan and his life plan doesn’t include falling in love with Guts but if he acknowledges his attraction to him he can’t deny the rest of his feelings anymore and the sudden realization of how intense his feelings are throws him for a loop and he tells Guts it was a mistake, he has a princess to seduce and a kingdom to attain, yadda yadda yadda.
And then Griffith overcompensates. Takes a stupid irrational risk(s) to win the war/achieve the dream. Maybe it works out, maybe it’s a setback, maybe plot things ensue. Things are weird and awkward between him and Guts and everyone can see it, some of them connect the dots between that and how Griffith’s been acting lately, and finally Casca’s like, okay what the fuck, if someone doesn’t fix this we’re all screwed, and rolls up her sleeves.
lol idk why I’m throwing plot outlines out in response to this ask lol, but idk it’s a good concept that feels like something that would happen in canon, feels good feels organic.
I mean in canon Casca’s role veers from griffguts commentator/attempted facilitator to emotional/physical bridge between them, and l b r here the former role is by far kinder and less horrible to her. Let her do her perceptive thing and help them get together, and then she can maintain good platonic friendships with them, grow on her own, then get a girlfriend.
also ngl I love the trope where everyone in the immediate circle can see something’s going on between the awkward not-couple. which is another thing berserk has in canon to an extent and another reason I love it and this scenario works so well lol.
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