#god opthal is just not for me
shoutinthevoiddd · 3 years
the first time I watched an ECCE surgery and wanted to crawl out of my skin, I thought okay...first time for everything..it'll get better,,,,,,,,,well guess what? it doesn't
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keratoconusgroup · 5 years
"Rubbing your eyes" needs definition.
(Disclosure, I'm not an Ophthalmologist; but I'm paraphrasing the 2 that I see) For anyone who gets itchy eyes and needs relief, I think it's important to explain what 'Don't rub your eyes' means. It doesn't mean you can't touch your eye, it doesn't even mean you can't 'rub them', you just need to know what is and isn't OK. Any localized pressure is bad. The reason people put 'rubbing eyes' and cornea problems together is that most people are guilty of Knuckling their eyes. Back on one finger, screwed into an open-fist, and DIG IN! That's a lot of pressure on a small area. What I was taught, was that if you use the base of your palm to 'shift the eyelid' you're much more evenly pushing on the entire eye. It's also less deep. And usually, its your eyelid, not your eye that's itchy, so it covers all the bases. Imagine a balloon, and how much more pressure you can apply without damage using your whole palm, versus using a fingertip. I often have to rub my eyelid sideways to clear buildup on my minisclerals. I just think that people get anxiety over the thought pattern of "Of god I touched my eye!" We're human, we can't always stop basic motor functional urges, but we can train our body to do it a different way; just one less thing for people to freak out over. If there is an Optom\Opthal here who wishes to correct me, I'm interested, but this advice came from my Ophthalmologist; who is a corneal graft specialist... so hopefully he's right. submitted by /u/Master_Scythe [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/Keratoconus/comments/cztvsa/rubbing_your_eyes_needs_definition/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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herriblog · 6 years
Yep. I do not have rights to speak about him. His favourite brother. When his brother drinks, he can talk shit. Shit like...I respect them alot. I respect him alot, he is like my father. Who the fuck ditches the father like that. When H wanted to study Law, he wanted to continue full time. But becus of H.S not taking up his proper responsibility as a son of the family. He had to cater to his family, causing him not to be able to complete his Law Degree. Each day he regrets. I can’t help it. Maybe I am also the cause of it. Indirectly causing him to come to Singapore. Slowly he just decided there is no point in pursing his law studies. 
If only H.S knew his responsibility as a son...things would have been different. He only cared about his wife, and his life. Nothing more. No offense but if I were to speak to him. This is the only things that I would say...all he cared about was the Pudii. That’s all. Getting married after one year of knowing her, not letting OUR family know. Not participating in the parents’or brothers’ care. Literally washing hands from every single shit and complaining about electric bill being high... 
WAIT....I HAVE EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN RIGHT! I supported the family the most. Be it health wise, finance wise, or just family support. If only some of them had to balls to grow up and be a MAN.  And now despite the fact that H.S. and his wife are in difficult spot, I tried to be there...But well for H.S is, speak/message me when I m drunk, I will fucking hell layan you. Otherwise, when I am fine... I won’t give TWO shits to your message. YOU PRACTICALLY DON’T FUCKING EXIST. 
For his wife, at least she did share some stuff with me, I appreciate it. But like I told her, maybe I am not close to you so you may find it difficult to share stuff with me. She is one heck of a stupid woman, who gave up her life for him. Shifting to KL, listening to him, serving him like “maid”, washing his clothes, pedicures etc... But he didn’t care about her. And well now he cheated for the third time, its the last straw. Oh heck... I only heard from one end. The other end is a dead end. 
So since, my husband says I shouldn’t be calculative with “Sewa”, I will still be. I will whine and bitch about it on this blog. Cus it’s my god damn BLOG and I have every damn right. He also goes to say so many things about H.S, but you know what, talk to that Motha Fuka... The fella’s Ego is as high as Mt Everest. A single sorry, will not come out of his damn mouth...If it does, it is without regret/remorse. 
Seriously H.S., don’t say you respect us... COS YOU DON’t. If thought of my husband as your father, you would be by his side when Jag had passed on. You’d be there when he needed money for his degree. You are his own blood la. FUCKING GOING ON YOUR NABEI BIKE RIDE. That cannot be forgiven. That’s why I said if he sheds a single tear, I will fuk him right there. Do not ever say “You can never repay me back, PANTAT!” You can...by being there for your damn family..and not choosing who you want to help. It’s not always about the KAAAA-CHIIINNGGGG. You had said that you wanted to plan family trips but was unsuccessful cus of Her....Bullshit. You guys could go wherever you wanted... Went almost everywhere...where the fuck did me and my husband go...KL-SG-KL. that’s all. That’s our damn vacation. Yearly Vacation Trip forked out by us and Anil. That’s it. You did shit! If I were to do Hesaab with you...you will have lost. STOP USING AIRCON DURING THE DAY ETC... PANTAT KO la... Ko pergi jual rumah SP sua...and live like a Vagrant...Travelling around the world...screwing every damn girl you can.
Every damn person thinks I am RICH just becos I live across the border on the greener side of the pastures when the money is 1$ to almost 3RM. IT’s BULL-SHIT. OH ya, I am rich in care and concern, and love. You do not expect me to be all Mr Nice Guy when you share ur shit ass story to me... 
I am trying to make Anil be more responsible. Sometimes you don’t need to yell at him. You just need to talk to him nicely and with love. He will understand. You do not need to be harsh on him. Once you are harsh on him, He will show his attitude. So Today I am glad that he brought mom for her Opthal appt and brought her for massage. He shared with me that he also takes out money for mom/Jag when they needed. Not say he didn’t. He helped to clear Jag’s debts here and there...Well... Whereever you are buddy, hope you are doing good and well.
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