#god of war Ragnarök x reader
ravenloop · 2 years
Hi! First of all, wanted to say that I adoreee adore adore your Heimdall fanfics!
Second of all, I was wonder if you could do some HCs for Thor and Odin with a Reader who has amnesia? Specifically forgetting their past before meeting their partners, but if you want to, you can do after they meet their partners! I am fine with either option.
AN: Stooop you're too kind 😭 I'm so happy to see you and other people are enjoying the Heimdall fic! Anyways here's the headcannons, enjoy <3
Headcannons: Thor and Odin meeting S/O with Amnesia
When you lost all you knew about your past, you were frustrated to no end. Not knowing who you are... Who you were, it filled you with confusion, rage and sorrow.
And then you found Thor.
When he first saw you, he couldn't help the snicker he let out. You seemed so lost and... He realised didn't have it in him to kill you.
You could say he somewhat knew what it was like to feel lost, and he knew that was what the look in your eyes meant.
He didn't stay around for long when you first met, it didn't felt like he needed to.
Though, after he left, he realised that something about you made him want to see you again.
And then, just like that, you both found each other again. Whether it be by pure luck or destiny, it didn't matter, you two managed to cross paths again.
Then your relationship really starts developing as Thor asks you about who you are, there's some small talk, and then he asks about your past.
And then there's just silence.
"I don't know my past," You tell him, voice low. You think you see a frown on his face, which almost scares you because the thought that you may have angered him crosses your mind. Then you realise that he's actually feeling sympathetic. Which makes even less sense than angering him somehow.
To try and clear up the tense silence, you ask him about his life. He doesn't tell you much, he has no reason to trust you yet. Which, despite being a little disappointed, you respect. Even though he made you tell him about your life.
It then became somewhat of a regular thing where you two would meet up and chat. As time went on, he told you more and more about his life, fitting all the puzzle pieces together very slowly.
It's then he realises that he might have feelings for you. But he won't bring it up for the longest time, trying to shut out the fact that he may love you. What he doesn't know is that you feel the same way.
It would likely be up to you to tell him how you feel first. But after that? It's like every feeling Thor's kept hidden finally unleashes at once.
Your relationship with him is very comforting, tense at first, but comforting and beautiful. You both become more open - especially Thor.
After a while he asks you to live with him in Asgard. The main reason being he just thinks you'll be safer. He also worries that his family may think he's turning against him and planning something with how much he leaves.
For his sake, you agree. And after that you find yourself in Asgard 24/7. Very, extremely, unbelievably awkward and tense at first, but with Thor being there you find yourself getting used to it quite fast.
Everyone in Asgard knows not to agitate you or bring up the fact you had no memories of your past, especially Heimdall. They'd have to answer to Thor if they did.
You and his relationship develop even further. Thor doesn't even care that you didn't know about your past - he never did. He didn't care about what kind of person you could have been.
He's not the best with words, so when there's times where you're sad or frustrated about your loss of memories, all he does is hold you close and press kisses to your hands and face until you're calm again. You appreciate it deeply.
You find yourself not wanting to know your past as much as you did before, you had Thor to thank for that. Though, you would still have liked to learn more about your life before, but for now you were content with life as it was now.
You were a lost soul.
One that tried to put the pieces of your past together, if not to figure out who you were - then at least to give you a clue of it.
Odin apparently took interest in you.
Just like Thor, he couldn't bring himself to kill you. There was just something about you and he knew he needed to find out.
He sent his ravens to keep an eye on you for the longest time.
Then one day, he just appears at your front door, which is a rather big surprise considering who he was. And he makes that known by saying, "I'm sure you know who I am."
You would nod after a few moments of shock. Then, to not be suspicious, he'd ask, "Who are you?" To which you responded, "I wish I knew, Allfather."
Ever since he sent his ravens, and up till now, he's very suspicious of you - of what your intent is, if you even had one. It becomes clear you have no bad intent after he talks to you more.
And then he makes the big choice of inviting you to Asgard, telling you that he'd help you find out who you were meant to be.
This was all lies, of course. It was suppose to be either way.
You accepted his invitation, because whether or not you wanted to go, declining something from the Allfather didn't seem like a good idea.
Odin smiles and immediately you're off to Asgard. Just like that.
To say Odin never thought that in all his lifetimes he'd experience what it was like to have real, genuine feelings for someone would be understandable.
He finds himself not wanting to manipulate you, like he initially intended. He actually wanted to help you, because you wanted to know your past.
Over time you both develop a sense of need for each other. Odin finds himself enjoying your company and find yourself enjoying his charisma and just hearing him talk about his life findings.
There are times where you get extremely frustrated with yourself for still not knowing who you are. And Odin tries his best to assure you that your past will be uncovered in time.
He may have been known for having a silver-tongue, but he could comfort others when he genuinely cared about them.
He messed up with Freya and his other, many wives, but he doesn't want to ruin what he has with you.
At some point he'd try to force a witch or another god to compose a spell that would return your memories, but you stop him. You wanted your memories, yes, but not if it meant the suffering and discomfort of others.
Overtime both of you just unconsciously stop searching for your past. It didn't matter when your future was now with you.
AN: Hope you enjoyed! I also hoped it was the way you wanted it <3
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arvolna · 1 year
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He's watching...
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followyourfleart · 9 months
Kratos with a s/o who has a golden retriever personality, is very talkative and have too much energy, Atreus would love them just because they can match his energy haha, Mimir would find them good company on days when Kratos doesn't really feel like talking
Kratos would be shocked by how much energy you have. Even he as a God would be able to stay awake without sleep, yet you, a mortal, can be awake as long as 4 days and not feel tired. A bit of an exaggeration but you know what I mean! Mimir would find Kratos' s/o his polar opposite, which results in them having much better and longer convos. If Kratos' s/o really only does housework, Mimir would ASK to be left behind so that he could stay and talk with s/o. On the other hand, if Kratos' s/o liked to hunt and fight, Mimir would chat it up with MOSTLY Atreus and s/o. Speaking about Atreus, I feel like he would be such an animal nerd. Like if he was around during modern times, he would definitely be a zoologist or veterinarian! So he is definitely talking and rabbling to Kratos' s/o about it. All the different things animals did, the wolves, and mythology.
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queer-irritator · 2 years
Hello! If you'd like could you write kratos and a m!reader who is an ex-soldier or like used to be a general but had to quit due to an injury
Thank you:)
Hi! Thank you for being my first request 🥹
I really like this idea, you know they would be bonding over the traumas of war.
GoW: Ragnarok Spoilers below. Not proofread
Kratos x M! Reader
"I want to thank you for everything..."
Timeline is set a bit after GoW:R; Kratos is an empty-nester.
Content Warnings: Adult language, butchering, most likely inaccurate geography and history of Greenland, alcohol, smut, blowjob, facefucking, praising.
Word Count: 2,476
You lead thousands of men through successful battles.
You saw hundreds of men lay down their lives in the name of freedom.
You would do whatever it takes to ensure victory.
But that was in your past.
A few years ago you honorably discharged from your status of General. After being tortured by some fascist dickheads, you developed hearing problems from ice picks being jammed in your ear. It left you with constant ringing in your head, sometimes so loud you couldn't hear anything else.
You always assumed you would die on the battlefield along side your soldiers. Never thinking about leaving the army or your men behind. But when you could no longer hear footsteps approaching you, or the distant yells from soldiers, you knew your presence would only end up getting others killed. You made sure your men were left being led by the next most capable person.
Since then you've been traveling.
You saw North and South America, Africa, and now you were exploring Europe. Desperate to get a change from the heat, you decided to come in the dead of winter. Now that you were actually here, you regret it a little bit.
You were currently in the north-east, about a two days hike from the ocean. You settled in some woods, you desperately needed to catch some food. You had set up your tent and were adding fuel to a small fire you made. You unpacked a bow and arrow you had in a satchel and started to look for animal tracks.
Kratos was butchering a deer he caught earlier that day. His mind was going over how to prepare the meat for dinner.
The faint smell of smoke ripped his attention away from his current task. He looked to the horizon and saw a thin column of smoke splitting the blue sky that was starting to turn purple in two.
He grumbled to himself.
He was hungry, he just wanted to eat and rest. But he couldn't ignore the possibility of a threat. He stuck the knife in his hand into the wooden butcher table he was working on. He bent over to pick up his axe and headed in the direction of the smoke.
You were following some rabbit tracks, crouched low to the ground and moving slowly forward. You needed to rely on your eyes more than your ears nowadays, which wasn't as effective. The distant sound of rustling bushes ripped your attention away from the tracks as you aimed your arrow towards the sound.
There was a large a few feet away from you.
"Can I help you?" You questioned the him with sarcasm in your voice.
"You are trespassing in my home." The man had the deepest voice you've ever heard.
You glanced around, you hadn't noticed any signs of this being someone's house. You lowered your bow and stood up.
"I didn't realize. I'm just trying to get some food and sleep, I'll be gone before the sun is up." You explained to him.
Kratos grumbled slightly.
You knew this type of man. He wasn't the type to let things slide, or give a stranger a place to stay. At least without something in return.
"How about you let me stay, and I'll cook you some rabbit." You bargained.
"I have a deer." The man retorted.
Shit... you were going to have to go for the low blow.
"Well, I served as a General for 15 years, but I'm just trying to enjoy retirement now." You were hoping he wouldn't deny an army man a place to spend the night.
"As am I." He crossed his arms.
"No shit?" You questioned him. Maybe you could use this to secure your spot in the woods.
"I was a General for southern Grœnland." You opened up a little bit, hoping the man would return the favor. But you were just met with a blank stare.
"I lead the war against barbarian invaders... What about you?" You prodded at the man.
"Hm..." The man grunted, "I am from a land called Sparta."
"Cool..." You've never heard of such a place, but that was besides the point.
"I'm (y/n)." You took a few steps forward, holding out your arm as a sign of peace.
Kratos looked at your hand for a few moments, then gripped your forearm.
"Kratos." he announced his name as he looked you in the eyes and gave you a nod.
You nodded back to him as you returned your hand to your side.
"You said you have deer..?" You questioned Kratos.
Kratos had invited you to eat with him. On the walk to his house you explained that you sucked at hunting because of your ringing ears. He seemed to empathise with you slightly.
Kratos had tasked you with heating up a pan on the fire pit inside his house while he finished butchering the deer.
You couldn't help but notice the extra bed in his home, reasons as to why scattered through your mind.
You were pulled away from your thoughts when the door opened, the outline of Kratos was approaching you. He laid down a few fillets of meat in the pan and lit some candles in the house.
You watched his every movement, admiring the muscles and contours of his back. He grabbed a bottle and two cups. He set them down on a small table in the middle of the cabin and filled two cups with a dark, amber liquid.
You turned your attention to the pan and flipped over the meat, watching it carefully so it didn't burn. Kratos noticed this, he was always taught to be a good host growing up in Sparta.
"Come sit." He instructed you, walking over to the fire and taking over the cooking duties. You nodded at him, stood up and sat at the table. You inspected the liquid in your cup and gave it a sniff.
Alcohol. Very strong alcohol, is what was infiltrating your nostrils. You set the cup down just as Kratos was walking over to the table and served you dinner.
The two of you shared stories as your times as General. It was mostly you, at first, but then Kratos started to open up with time. When Kratos spoke, it was like he hypnotized you. All you could do was rotate staring at his eyes, mouth, and chest. He was incredibly handsome. Kratos also didn't let your darting eyes go unnoticed, but neglected to draw attention to it.
Dinner was over all too quickly for your liking. You took the last sip of your drink, feeling some slight effects of the alcohol. Just enough to give you some bravery.
"I want to thank you for everything." You started to speak as you stood up from your seat.
"There is no need..." Kratos assured you, but his eyes followed your every move.
You shook your head slightly, "Wouldn't feel right about taking up your resources without thanks." You made your way Kratos, blood already travelling south by thinking of what you were about to do.
You kneeled down beside Kratos and tugged his chair to the side so he was facing you. Kratos was silent, his amber eyes boring into yours. You reached your hands up to his belt and started to work on taking it off. It was quite a bit more complicated than it looked, but you got it off without too much trouble. You were met with another layer of fabric, gods, why did this man have 5 different layers covering his dick? Your brows furrowed slightly in annoyance at the fabric, but was soon down to just his pants. You looked up at him to gauge how he was feeling, because he wasn't hard... yet.
"This okay?" You asked him, your voice slightly lower than before.
Kratos hadn't been involved with anyone since Faye. He hasn't been involved with another man since his time running around Greece and Athens on a path of vengeance.
He let out a breath, "Yes."
He didn't think he had ever seen a man as breathtaking as you before. Your (h/c) hair made him want to run his hands through it, your (e/c) eyes made him want to get lost in them for days. And your smile, he'd only seen it a handful of times but it made his heart palpitate each time.
With his go-ahead, you pulled his pants down a few inches and wrapped your hand around his cock, taking it out.
Fuck, he was big. You started to stroke him and scooted closer to his crotch. You could feel him start to get hard in your hand, so you mentally prepared yourself and took him in your mouth. You heard Kratos' voice hitch in the slightest when your warm mouth was around him. About half of him fit in your mouth comfortably, but you weren't opposed to slight discomfort.
With one hand you pulled his pants down further so you could have more access. You began to massage his balls softly, earning the quietest moan from the Spartan. His cock was rock hard by now, so you took more of him in your mouth and didn't stop until your lips were met with the tickle of hair. You began to bob your head up and down.
Kratos ran his fingers through your hair with a pleased grunt, gripping onto some of your locks at the back of your head. You moaned around his length from the feeling of your hair being tugged slightly. Kratos stood from his seat and began to rock his hips into your mouth. Your hands went up to grip his thighs and opened your mouth slightly larger. Kratos took this opportunity to slightly tighten his grip on you and began to thrust himself in and out of your mouth. You took him surprisingly well, relaxing your jaw to let him fuck your throat. You looked up at Kratos and he was watching the obscene sight before him. He locked eyes with him and picked up his speed, feeling his orgasm beginning to build up. You took back control by placing your hands on his hips, stilling him. Creating some suction around his cock, you began to bob your head quickly along his length.
When you heard a moan escape Kratos' lips you pulled away from him, out of breath. Kratos only needed a few more seconds and he would have been cumming. He looked down at you with furrowed brows. You stood up and took off your shirt.
"Get on the bed." You instructed him. Your cock was aching from the lack of attention. You watched as Kratos discarded his pants that were around his ankles and walk to his bed, getting a beautiful view of his ass.
"Hands and knees." You clarified for him. A low grumble met your ears as you stripped off the rest of your clothes. You walked towards the bed and took in the beautiful sight of Kratos' ass in the air, waiting for you. You climbed on the bed with him and positioned yourself behind him. You took your cock in your hand and spread the precum that was leaking from it on Kratos' tight hole. You wet your fingers generously with saliva and pushed a finger inside him. Kratos shifted beneath you with the new feeling.
"You're okay, baby." You assured him, using your other hand to rub a small circle on his lower back. Kratos was glad you couldn't see him because he was sure his cheeks had gone pink.
You worked your finger in and out of him slowly to get him ready, adding a second finger when he was ready. You curled your fingers up slightly in attempt to find his prostate. You soon felt something rigged and a groan escaped Kratos' lips as he pressed his ass against your fingers.
"Mmh," You hummed in amusement, "Good boy." You withdrew your fingers from him and used some more spit to coat your dick. You pressed the tip of your aching cock against Kratos' entrance, grinding yourself against his skin.
This made Kratos groan in annoyance, "(y/n)." He said with a warning tone.
"Alright, alright..." You decided to end his anticipation and slowly entered him, moaning.
"Fuck." You muttered, gripping onto his hips as you filled him with your length.
"So fucking tight." You gripped his hips harder to keep from slamming into him. You slowly pulled out half way before pushing back into him, hearing a muffled moan from Kratos. Hearing him like this made your cock twitch inside of him.
"So fucking beautiful." You praised him as you set a slow rocking rhythm. You were slowly picking up your speed, pulling Krato's hips flush against you each time you fucked him.
Mumblings of praises and 'fuck''s escaped your mouth, an occasional moan Kratos couldn't suppress came out as well. By now you were snapping your hips against Kratos as fast as you could, making small adjustments to your angle until-
The loudest moan so far came out of Kratos, if you could get any harder, you would've at that moment. You held his hips in place as you repeatedly brushed against his prostate.
"C'mon baby." You coaxed him along as you reached a hand around him and jerked him off in time with your thrusts.
"Cum for me, Kratos." Your other hand was digging into the side of his ass, there would surely be bruises left behind.
You felt Kratos' muscles tense slightly beneath you as he groaned, his orgasm reaching it's peak and cum spilling out of his cock.
The feeling of Krato's walls clenching around you set you over the edge.
"Fuck..." You hissed as your thrusts became sloppy and you were spilling your seed inside of Kratos, still pumping his cock.
You moaned through your orgasms and braced yourself up with your hands on Kratos' shoulders. You stilled yourself inside him, leaning over him and panting. After taking a few seconds to catch your breath, you straightened out your back and slowly pulled out, watching your cum spill out of Kratos.
You reached for a random rag nearby and gently cleaned up what spilled out of him. You tossed the dirty rag to the side and laid down beside Kratos, who had shifted to his side, back facing you. You let out a content sigh as turned on your side to spoon Kratos, draping an arm across his waist.
"Gonna sleep here tonight, if that's okay." You asked, pressing a soft kiss to his shoulder.
"Mh." Kratos replied. You took it as a 'Sure'.
You closed your eyes, thoroughly exhausted. This stoic, grumpy, strong man had come undone by your touch. Maybe you would stay here for a few days so he could return the favor.
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slutforln4 · 2 years
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multifand0m-gal0re · 2 years
Annoying gods & foresight.
Chapter 1. Prologue
Pairing: Heimdall x reader
Fandom: God of war ragnarök
Warnings: N/A
Word count: 1,112
Summary: When Odin extends an invite to Asgard to both you and your little brother Atreus, what will happen when you slip away together undetected to Asgard to see what you can do to prevent the death of your father figure. Will you both be able to pull off the deception needed to achieve your goal? Or will a certain blond Aesir distract you from your original purpose in Asgard?
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Odins offer, it only sounded partially suspicious. Atleast when extending it to your younger brother. But when he turned to you? His gaze seemed much more predatory, the shiver it wracked from your body would give fimbulwinter a run for its money.
Nonetheless, the offer by Odin rung out in your ears as you and Atreus snuck out of the window in your now makeshift room in the pantry of Sindris house. Guilt gnawed at your stomach and added a slight shake of uncertainty to your movements, but you couldn’t say the same for your little brother who was practically vibrating with excitement as the two of you snuck around the house to the realm gate, opening the path to Midgard.
As soon as you both stepped through the door, you heard Atreus speak. “Do you think he can be trusted?”
You gave your little brother a pointed look. “Odin? Absolutely not. Don’t forget that he isn’t to be trusted, no matter how promising his words may seem. He is a liar-“
Atreus cut you off before you could continue, giving an exasperated groan. “And he has hurt our friends, I know.” He sighed in defeat as you two walked the path on yggdrasils branches, waiting for the door to appear.
The light blue glow signaled its appearance. When you two got closer, you barely heard Atreus mutter something you couldn’t make out fully. “I can’t help but wonder if some of what they say is wrong.”
Before you could ask what he said in full, he stepped through the door, leaving you to follow after him. Blinking rapidly to adjust your eyes as the bright light dissipated, you trailed after your brother who seemed to be in a hurry to get into your old home and away from the chill of fimbulwinter. Honestly you couldn’t blame him, anytime you had to deal with the cold, your regret from your father killing Baldur increased. To avoid thinking of that day, you had a tendency to avoid the biting cold more than others.
Watching as Atreus pushed the creaking wooden door open, you both heard the piercing caws of the raven Odin had sent to retrieve you both, Huginn.
Was the bird as watchful and all knowing as the all father seemed to be, or was it just a simple minded creature completely controlled by the all father? Questions you probably wouldn’t find the answer to, but tucked away for later when life became boring nonetheless. Atreus eyed the bird curiously and gave it a polite wave. “We are ready to see Odin, if you will take us to him.”
The bird looked at you, watchful eyes prompting you to give your consent as well. A sigh tore from your lips as your shoulders hung, the feeling of guilt and uncertainty only growing within you. How long until your father or Sindri found you both missing? What would happen? You knew there would be Hel to pay for the both of you doing this, but looking down at Atreus’s hopeful eyes, you couldn’t help but agree. “We are ready. Take us.”
You held Atreus’s arm as ravens swarmed you both, the feeling of being light headed and dizzy washed over you both before they dissipated just as quickly as they came and revealed the both of you in Asgard, at the bottom of Hrimthurs wall. The pleasantly warm air surrounded you both, making you and Atreus look around in wonder. “Not a sign of fimbulwinter. It’s beautiful.” Atreus breathed out, taking a few steps to look further at the long expanse of large rocks, streams and green fields.
“It is. I’ve never seen anything like it in all the realms.” You muttered as you took the sight in, nodding absentmindedly in agreement. Before you could lose yourself in the sights, another wave of guilt came. “I wish father and Mimir could see this.” Atreus gave you a strange look, as if he couldn’t believe you would think of them at a time like this when surely all they would do is either say you shouldn’t be here or move on like it’s not a big deal. After taking in what you felt was a good amount, you dragged Atreus along with you before he could inevitably get distracted and run off.
Walking across a wooden bridge, Atreus excitedly walked to the edge and pointed down to a settlement below. “Look, I think they are all midgardians!” He eyed the people below with interest, not really used to seeing so many humans in one place.“You need help? You look a little lost.”
You turned to see a young blond boy sitting on the other side of the bridge, eyeing you both up and down like you just walked out of the sky. Although the strange look probably seemed justified considering the gear you and Atreus donned.
Before you could choose to say anything, Atreus stepped in. “Oh, we are just getting our bearings.” The blond boy stood up at that, coming closer to talk with us. “Well there’s nothing to see this way except a big wall. Unless you’re into staring at nothing all day.” The boy seemed keen on talking to Atreus, so you stepped away and allowed them to talk. It provided a good chance to inspect the wall.
Staring up at the large expanse of it, the gears in your head starting going slowly until it clicked. “Is this what I think it is?” you muttered dumbly to nobody in particular before hearing a sudden excited outburst from Atreus.
“Hrimthurs wall? We really are in Asgard!” It was the only bit loud enough for you to hear as they both led the way to a good point to start the climb. “We’re gonna climb that wall now.” You heard Atreus state proudly, you couldn’t help rolling your eyes at him. Already he was trying to impress this boy he had barely met. It was cute, really. But now you just needed to be going.
“Well this I gotta see.” Skjöldr, as you now knew him, said. You gave a small laugh “I just hope you aren’t going to watch us die.” You had meant it as a lighthearted joke but the way your little brothers shoulders stiffened told you it was ill timed.
You gave a nervous smile of apology to Atreus before watching him anxiously attempt to shake out the jitters in his hands before he nimbly started climbing up the wall.
“Odin couldn’t be bothered to bring us into the city? Asshole.” You muttered to yourself before beginning to stretch. This was going to be a long climb.
I am actively reworking this chapter as I keep re-reading it and am not happy with how it was when I first posted. So if you read when the word count was under 800, I have reworked a bit and recommend going through and reading again!
Likes, comments, and reblogs welcome! Constructive criticism is encouraged❤️ Thank you for reading!🫶
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Fated to Fall ~ Sindri x Reader [Pt 2]
Tw: Canon Typical Violence
|Chapter Selection|
|Previous Chapter|
You traveled long into the cold night in hopes of escaping the burning of the dead thing you called home. Those walls once warm now so incredibly frozen.
You hadn't lied when you said you were checking on the wolves. You made sure their little home was warm as you started a fire for them along with making sure they were calmed in the strange weather. However, you finished tending to them far too early for your liking, the frustration you were trying to escape still lingering. So you left for a long walk. You made sure not to travel farther than the stave, but you had often found yourself at the edge as you walked. And each time you did your eyes would catch on it for a short time, the magic so incredibly familiar to you.
It reminded you of when she first brought you here. How you were so scared to go near it and how your fear had formed an amused smile on her lips. You remembered her walking through it first, like a doe showing a fawn that the field she brought them to wouldn't harm them. It had been warm then, maybe mid-summer. Thinking about it almost made you able to feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. It had been so long since you'd last seen a summer sky, let alone felt it's warm glow.
The comfort of the memories were fleeting, soon replaced with a bittersweet tinge as you felt the wound shoving that grief so far down had created, the blood of your soul spilling over in growing frustration and anger. You tried to calm the feeling, pulling the snapping strings of yourself back in with each breath. But with each time you found yourself here in the past you had found it grew harder. This time you had to practically strangle the strings back into place-
You paused. Your body had processed a sudden strange presence before your mind had even a moment to. Before you could blink you found your bow held tightly in your grip with an arrow drawn. It was only after you had done this that you were fully conscious of the presence of another. Your eyes scanned, not knowing where the feeling came from or what your subconscious saw that you didn't, but you knew something was there. Call it a sixth sense or just a skill from years of training with two of the best warriors these realms had ever seen. Whichever it was, you didn't doubt it for a second.
You pulled your bow back and stared in all directions. You waited with your ears open and your breath soft and steady. Your eyes narrowed as you turned to the trees, hoping for a glimpse, but seeing nothing.
Suddenly a loud strike of lightning hit a few miles away. The flash and thunder temporarily weakened your senses as the static of the bolt dissipated in the air. You hardly had time to register it when you heard something rapidly approaching from behind.
You went to dodge but felt a hand grab your wrist in a tight hold. You released the tension of your bow before quickly grabbing the arrow with your free hand and trying to stab it into whatever grabbed you. You felt whoever it was release, avoiding the cut completely and instead sending a knee into your stomach. It knocked the air from you, your breath catching. Even with no air you didn't stop.
You instead moved to shove the person away, only to find that your hands didn't even land on anyone. Not even a moment later you felt a strike to your face, lucky enough bare knuckled. They tried to swing on you again but you swiftly dodged before you tore from their grip and quickly moved a few steps back, your bow once again trained on the figure who had also taken a few steps from you.
"My my, a little ways from home aren't you?" The man asked. Your face turned to a quick snarl as the smell of blood filled your senses, the warm liquid falling from your nose.
"Who the fuck are you?" You asked, your teeth bared and your tone aggravated. To your fury he gave you a few short tsk’s, mocking you.
"Oh I think you know full well who I am" he spoke with an almost amused tone. Your glare intensified at the audacity of the stranger. Nothing is more irritating than an inflated ego on a man who looked about as breakable as a twig. However, given a second more to stare you suddenly noticed the man's clothing lit by the shine of your bifrost. The gold drew your attention to his importance, whoever he might be, which convinced you to take a closer look. It only took a second glance to notice the horn attached to his hip, its significance instantly recognizable to you.
"Heimdall" you whispered under your breath. A laugh escaped the man, the glowing magenta if his eyes staring with a smile soon written on his features.
"I'm glad I don't have to explain that to every idiot I come across!" his tone spoke as if his tongue was only built for ridicule. Your glare deepened once more before you lowered your bow, placing it back over your shoulder. You seemed to have confused him for a moment, but he didn't even need to open his mouth to ask when his annoying smile returned.
"Oh look at you! Smarter than the average lowly god. But who have you heard of me from? I know I haven't met your father yet and I hope I never have to see the tiny half-breed-..." he paused, his face falling from its smile in a way you hadn't expected. A look of contemplation fell before being followed by a smile even more sickeningly twisted than before.
"My what a pitiful little mind you have. What? Still missing mommy?" he commented in a rhetorical question, a shine of horrifying curiosity following. As much as you hated the words that came out of his mouth and were irritated by his tone you knew you couldn't let it get to you. No no no. You couldn't. You couldn't.
You had to find some way out of this.
"Do what you want. You won't get far!" he warned as the idea began to form.
Suddenly another flash crossed the sky, though now you knew the lightning was all but natural. A glance up showed the horrifying sight of two forms flying by at a significant speed, one of which you knew must be Thor and, knowing no other reason for it to be anyone else, the other was more likely than not Kratos.
"Oooo we're growing quite worried now, aren't we? What's your plan? Oh let me guess...run away like a little coward? Oh but you don't like that idea too much do you? You'd rather make a fool of yourself trying to hit me! Well! Come on then!" He poked and prodded at you and, to your dismay, you felt a slight panic begin to form.
You knew all too well that he couldn't be hit. He was untouchable no matter how hard anyone tried. He knew what you would do next, what your plan was. No matter what you did next he would expect it. It didn't matter.
Yet you couldn't just give up. If the Aesir gods were here then it wasn't only you that was in such grave trouble. If Thor was with your father and Heimdall was with you...
Well that didn't leave many ideas left on who might be with Atreus.
You took a breath to calm yourself before you did the only thing you could really attempt. Even though your built up frustration was growing, even though his words dug further into deep wounds. You couldn't, you couldn't.
You ran.
He was already coming at you the second your foot lifted from its planted spot. Your feet were swift and you knew the land better than anyone. You had grown up here, you had lived in this forest. It was due to this that you managed to outrun him at all. But despite your best efforts, you were no match for an Aesir. You were wholly unprepared and far too concerned with other things to focus any of your mind. Not here, not now. No no, it would only end in more death.
He managed to get just the smallest bit closer, quickly tripping you once he had. You tumbled to the ground, flying over yourself. Your bow snapped as you fell, the pieces tumbling away once it did. Before you could even stand you got another sudden kick to the stomach, sending you right into a tree.
"HA! Didn't get very far, did you bunny?" He mocked, standing over you. Gashes formed where you had sliced against rocks, the red of your blood staining your now ripped clothes.
You shook it off, back on your feet in no time at all. He stood close to you, almost asking for you to swing at him. Cornered, desperate and unable to grab you ax with your back pinned, you did the only thing you could. You swung at him with bare fists. nothing but adrenaline and worry and fear-
Fear...you were scared.
Swing swing swing
Miss miss miss
Each attempt was more pitiful than the last.
"Keep trying! Maybe you'll get me the twentieth time!" He yelled with dripping sarcasm. He soon grew tired of ducking though and instead pushed you to the ground once more. You didn't tumble this time, instead moving into a roll and landing on your feet. You stood, a burning annoyance found in your eyes, an attempt to cover your fear as you hastily swallowed the feeling.
You couldn't lose control.
"Ooooh that one really upset you" he pointed out, a low tone similar to a growl leaving you before you pulled your ax and ran at him again. Logically you knew this would do nothing, but by this point you weren't working with logic. You were moving with the instincts of a cornered animal.
Swing swing swing
Miss miss miss
He landed a hard hit against your jaw. You took it without pause.
"Care to try again?-" He barely got the words out before you were moving at him again.
You felt the tinges of it beginning. The ink of tattoos hidden under your clothing began to heat up against your skin, your blood seeming almost heavy as it flowed through you. You saw it in the golden sparks of your hands along with the blurring of your vision. You pushed it down, further and further. You buried it under everything you could.
It melted you from within, but you were no stranger to the searing pain.
Swing swing swing
Miss miss-
He grabbed you, knocking your feet out from under you before shoving you to the snow. You laid a hard stomp against your stomach before he kicked you away, your body flying off a nearby cliff.
You grabbed on the ledge at just the last second, though that was anything but a comfort when you heard his feet begin to approach.
"You giants just don't know when to stop, do you?" He commented as you tried to pull yourself up. That was hard to do when your entire abdomen was exploding with burning pain. Your stomach fell when you felt his hand grab your arm.
"It's pathetic" his voice deepened. For a short moment his sarcastic and exasperated stare instead flashed with a burning hatred. All previous attempts to keep it concealed were gone as his genuine loathing of you showed on full display. It was only a brief second before apathy took him over once more.
"Yet highly amusing" he stated before, to your utter astonishment, he pulled you up from the cliff. You didn't have any time to process the gesture when you were turned onto your back, his sword held to your throat.
"Don't take this for kindness. If it were up to me I'd happily send you to your death" he declared calmly, almost too calmly, his eyes searing into you. You felt the tip of the sword dig into your skin ever so slightly, just enough to pierce. He smiled to himself once it did, seeming to enjoy the look of pain that grew in your eyes. He then, once again to your shock, stepped away.
You stood, not allowing a hint of your weakened state to show to the man. He let out a short and almost muffled laugh, his eyes staring at you as if he saw nothing more than a lowly creature not fit to stay in this world.
Suddenly though that looked changed, the loud cawing of a crow catching his attention. His eyes glanced at it before a relieved sigh left his lips.
"Finally" he whispered tiredly as he put away his sword and began to step backward.
"Well now jötunn. As excruciatingly boring as this was, I simply must leave. I would apologize but-...well actually I would never apologize to the likes of you" his voice radiated with such an incredibly annoying tone that you swore that if you ever got your hand on him that his tongue would be the first thing you tore from his body. He clearly knew that, as seen by the upward turn of his nose before he walked into the murder of crows.
"Have a horrible rest of your life. May it be short" was the last thing he said before disappearing into the black cloud of feathers. You didn't chase him, knowing better than to do so. Soon the black cloud disappeared and the world grew silent once more. And as if caught in the hands of a troll you felt the pain of your fight begin to radiate across your body, your adrenaline leaving in droves. You leaned onto a tree, the sudden silence consuming you once more. You tried to breath, as hard as it was. Slowly you let your emotions calm, the heat of your heavy blood cooling with each breath. But your mind was too distracted to remain for more than a second. Despite the sudden and intense pain that burned through you a single goal grew in your mind. So you took one last deep breath before beginning to run back to the cabin.
Each step was excruciating as a soreness that felt similar to your body being torn apart fell over you. You were confused by its intensity, as wounds such as these never seemed to hurt this much before. Yet you didn't stop for more than a few staggers. You couldn't, not when you knew Atreus could be in such grave danger.
Step after step you continued through the snow as you rubbed away the blood that trickled down your face and neck. You only succeeded in smearing the color across your skin and irritating the open wounds.
Slowly the building came into view, a strange silence found outside of it compared to the thunder storm from moments ago. You picked up the pace, tearing through the snow at this point as you swiftly made it to the door. You didn't hesitate to slam it open, your eyes fixated on whatever was closest as you raised your ax.
However you found nothing but familiar faces on the other side as the eyes of the trio all turned to you. You took in the scene as you slowly realized that none of them were harmed, at least not that you could see.
They were...they were fine...
Upon realizing that there was no longer a threat your shaky hands lowered along with your ax. You were able to stand for a few more seconds before, having no other goal to keep your body moving, you fell to the ground.
"Y/n!" Atreus called out as he almost immediately made his way to you. Your world grew dizzy as you tried to keep awake, the sound of feet hurriedly approaching though it was barely audible in your ears. You stopped trying to focus on the world in order to heal yourself but, to your absolute horror, you found that no matter how much you focused, the pain in your body didn't leave.
"Focus Y/n, you gotta heal" Atreus spoke, worry clear in his voice. You tried a second time upon his saying that, but it was no use.
"I ...can't. I can't" you admitted in a whisper as you tried to keep yourself awake, your eyes blinking in an attempt to do so.
"What? What you mean you-...what's that?" Atreus stopped himself, his eyes turning to the wound on your neck. It drew Kratos'  attention to the small but deep slice Heimdall had left against your throat where he found a golden color began to spread under the skin of the wound, glowing in the veins that were infected. Kratos eyes seemed all to knowing of this situation.
"We will find the dwarves" he declared as he kneeled down to help you up.
"But-" Atreus attempted to speak, a dagger of a glare sent to him once he did so, promptly shutting the boy up. Kratos then carefully pulled you to your feet. He tried to carry you, but you quickly stopped him.
"I can walk" you stated, your arm wrapped around his back as he held you upright. He paused all movement for a moment as if to make sure but didn't push any further beyond that. The three of you left the building, stepping back into the cold. You wobbled a bit as you walked, each movement feeling incredibly painful.
"Well brother, what's your plan? Wait till they come back?" Mimir questioned. A short 'hmph' left your father as he continued to walk.
"They show up when they are needed" he explained, moving until he made it back to where Brok had just left him.
And not more than a moment later did the door to the Yggdrasil form and glow, a golden-plated dwarf stepping out after.
"Ah!" He jumped, clearly not having expected the presence of all of you there. Quickly realizing who it was he went to regain his composure but did so to very little effect.
"Well hello! I didn't know you would still be...here..." He trailed off, his eyes falling on you. He didn't seem to realize what was happening, possibly confused by the unfamiliar sight.
You stared back at the dwarf, not turning from meeting his gaze as curiosity grew within you. The three seemed to not only recognize but know this dwarf pretty well, which led you to assume he was the other half of the two dwarf brothers. You had heard much of him, mostly from Brok as you had met the blue dwarf many times on your travel up the mountain, not to mention that Atreus also often mentioned him.
You tried to think on anything else you might know about him and found that in the further parts of your mind you did remember your mother briefly speaking about him. She had always been reluctant to tell you anything more than the basics. It was almost strange to meet him after hearing of him for so long.
You couldn't delve into much of any deeper thought about it at the moment though, the pain numbing most of your critical thought processes.
"They cannot heal" Kratos tried to answer the question clearly seen in Sindri's eyes. The response took a second for the dwarf to process, but when he did his eyes widened.
"That wasn't my question- but that can wait until later! Let's get you all somewhere that isn't this cold abyss first" he spoke back with worry clear in his tone before turning right back around and heading into the Yggdrasil once more. The four of you followed behind, your mind only occupied with the hope that this stupid magic would fade as soon as possible.
|Next Chapter|
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heimdallsram · 2 years
I think a Heimdall centered Discord server would be a good idea. Would anyone be interested? I was thinking of something like a small community where writers and readers could interact, talk about the lore and mythology, post requests for writing, share ideas and plots, etcetera.
Let me know if you would be interested!
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d3c0mp0siti0nn · 2 years
Heimdall HCs with a physically disabled S/O who uses mobility aids and has chronic pain
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just wanna say rq this is my first time posting fanfic on here and I suck at properly writing character's personalities. Also I haven't played Ragnarök yet so Heimdall's personality is based off of what I've seen/read. I'm sorry if it's not accurate lol
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When you two first meet it's definitely strange
I doubt Heimdall has ever seen anyone use a mobility aid, and when he did they were probably old
So I really don't think he's ever seen such a young person have to use something like whatever mobility aid you use
As we all know, he's pretty sour to everyone he meets for the first time
He'll probably think you're useless and will complain to Odin about him not understanding why the All-father would possibly ever take in someone like you with such limited mobility
He's doesn't dislike you because of you being disabled, he's just scared you'll slow him down or that you'll steal the spotlight from him
He doesn't want to admit it, not even to himself but he definitely admires how you get around, how you always manage to fight or preform hard tasks despite being in immense pain or your body just not allowing you to do much
As time goes on and you two get closer he'll definitely worry a tiny bit that you're pushing yourself and overdoing it
For anyone else pushing yourself or overdoing it is fine because they can heal properly and such but with you, you can't cure your disability and overdoing it too much will likely damage your body permanently
So, yeah he worries a little bit
That's a lie, he worries a lot
He definitely goes with you on every mission or anytime he think you might be in the tiniest bit of danger-- just in case
If you can fight, he makes sure to keep a close eye on you to make sure you're okay
He tells himself that he only does so because if you die or get hurt the All-father will be extremely upset, but we both know that's not the entire truth
Once you two start dating it'll definitely get a lot worse-- better? Idk but he'll get annoying
He'll physically pull you out of fights or physically stop you from working or whatever it is you do, calling you idiotic and other names but you know they have no actual harm in them
If you confront him about this he'll just brush it off and say that he just doesn't want to get scolded by the All-father
For the first few months of dating, if you have chronic pain it will definitely freak him out
He knew you had pain before but he didn't really pay attention but now he realizes just how much it is
The first time you have a flare up in front of him, he's panicking
He's most likely freaking out while you're just trying to stay still and calm yourself down
It's worse if you have bad anxiety on top of chronic pain and you have to calm yourself down during a flare up or else you'll have a panic attack
He's panicking and being a dick and you're just sitting there trying to breath and not have a panic attack
Eventually he'll understand after a few [long] months that you've been going through this probably your whole, or most of your life so it's really nothing
It'll take him even longer to realize that him panicking just makes you worse so just be patient with him and he'll catch on
He definitely acts like he doesn't care and when he's panicking he just pretends like he's just stressed because if you stay hurt the All-father will get mad, but he cares [I think]
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raven-loop · 2 years
Fandoms I Write For:
Note: The characters in "[]" are the ones I'm most fond of and will write the most for.
God of War/God of War Ragnarok [Heimdall, Kratos, Baldur]
The Arcana [Lucio, Julian]
Helluva Boss [Stolas]
Transformers IDW [Tarn, Starscream]
Note: As I continue writing I will likely add and remove fandoms. Also I know there aren't many fandoms here so sorry about that :') I do plan on adding more in the future!
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ravenloop · 10 months
Might I request a little funny-esque little drabble or headcanins for Odins and Kratos’ lover having this floating, piece of space itself hair?
I really like space... You will be getting space-themed requests…
AN: i hope I understood this right - either way it's an amazing request lol thought I feel like I did it kinda shitty- (ah well) Enjoy!
Pairings: Odin x Reader, Kratos x Reader
"I'd prefer not having the space between realms all over my table while working, dear."
That made you look up.
"Oh... oops." You gave a sheepish smile, seeing as your hair was sprawled all over Odin's work space. It looked like chaos, honestly. Stars and galaxies littered across a wooden table. Some floating in the air, too.
He watched as you gathered it all up, letting it fall over your back neatly, some of it still floating a bit. Your hair was long, almost as long as Sif's (you don't know how she keeps it all together), and quite often it got in the way of Odin's tasks when you were alone.
It hardly seemed to bother him though. Even now.
"I still wonder how it's possible..." He muttered. "That my hair is so long?" "No, that it's a piece of realm fabric itself."
You smiled sheepishly at that.
"It's a gift from the universe itself, perhaps." That response seemed to make him think.
"It's surely a unique one," He said while reaching over to brush aside a floating strand from your face, "I wonder it's purpose."
Brows raised, you asked, "What purpose would floating, starry hair have?"
His eye met yours for a second, lips twitching in something that resembled a faint smile. "Everything has a purpose, yes? I'm sure it's meant to do something."
You hummed in thought, grabbing a strand of your hair. A grin spread across your face.
"You think I could strangle someone with the universe?"
"You want me to do what?" You had to suppress the eye roll that so desperately wanted to escape.
"Braid my hair." You said a second time, "Or at least brush it. I'm tired of it getting everywhere."
It was easy to understand your frustration. Currently Kratos watched as the bursts of stars and colourful skies floated around your face, it almost obscured the entire cabin. Not because it was everywhere, but because of how colourful it was.
He let out a deep groan that you grew to understand means 'Fine, but I won't like it.'
Without saying anything, he extended his arm towards you. Smiling in victory, you handed him the brush and turned around so he could get to work.
The feeling of his rough, calloused hand ls gently grabbing stands of your hair as he brushed it and weaved the strands together felt nice. Kratos knew how to be gentle when the moment called, despite his fear of hurting you sometimes.
He was reluctant at first, but eventually allowed you to teach him how to braid hair. It was strange for him (he's not exactly rocking the most luscious hair), but eventually he learned how to do it.
"There." His hands left your hair a few minutes later. You stood and reached behind to feel the long neat braid he had put your starry hair into.
Still smiling, you turned around to face him. "You're getting better."
All you got was a grunt of approval.
AN: I really didn't know what to put for Odin, I'm sorry 😭
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arvolna · 5 months
So my friend and I were thinking about a headcanon where GOWR characters saw that I draw "anatomically focused" drawings of them. How would they react?
Kratos--would probably be used to people making statues of him? So he would say "Hmph."
Mimir-- "OOH... UHH... THANKS... LASSIE? UHH... Can you give this to... Sigrún?"
Freya--"Oh... Uhm... Pretty uhh... Accurate... Maybe try giving me some clothes?" would blushing red.
Freyr-- "OMG I'M A MUSE??? AM I YOUR MUSE??? oh and BTW you drew it small. Make it bigger" have you seen the statues of him? His uhh sword big.
Tyr--"Perhaps some meditation to... Uhh... Nevermind. But uh... You are good at what you do..." he would give a pat on the shoulder and leave
Heimdall--"You can't get behind the lie of 'anatomy focused' you know you like me. So tonight. Me. You. Himinbjörg. Don't be late."
Thor--"... I should lose some weight huh..." I would probably hug him and say that he doesn't need to.
Sif-- already killed me with her hair
Hildisvini-- "well... I appreciate the uhh imagination... Thank you. But uh... I prefer clothes" then respectfully leave
Also... The Huldra brothers + Lunda seeing the drawings
Lunda: OH AREN'T YOU A SMALL POCKETFUL OF TALENT! GOOD JOB! Hm. Kratos looks good and oh...freya..
Sindri: *vomiting in a corner* good drawing!
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followyourfleart · 2 years
Chapter 1: Oh Hel No
This fanfic takes a few years after Ragnarök so it wouldn’t be weird with him still mourning Faye ♡
Also, a little fun thing I use when reading fan fics is downloading the InteractiveFics extension from the Chrome Web Store, so I can change y/n’s or Reader’s name into something I like. Just something I hope people can enjoy!! ♡♡♡
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All you could feel on your face was the warmth and light breeze of the morning sun. There’s some kind of strange peace that comes with these mountains and villages. The squeals of children and their makeshift toys are like calming chimes to your ears. The chill air keeps you awake, so you move down the path. 
Kids run past you, ranging from 5 to 10 winters. They play a version of tag where the person tagged becomes a helper of the tagger. You knew it wouldn’t be long before the children became bored and resorted to stealing steaming buns made by your generous neighbor.
You adjust the basket on your hip with herbs you're meant to bring down. You make your way down the hill, and houses covered in rain drip cold water onto the muddy floor. Kicking the ground, mud splashes everywhere. New people walk in the opposite direction as you, village elders escorting them to a resting place. 
This village was known for providing a many travelers with shelter. Though you thought this was a foolish thing to do, giving away food and supplies so easily, seemed to benefit the villagers. Many of those helped would come back with food and their own supplies. 
You turn the corner, your hair whipping in your face due to the breeze. There’s an uncanny amount of silence from the center of the village. Your curiosity is peaked. Making your way to the crowd, there are two prominent figures in the center, built like statues. 
The first to catch your eye was a woman. A tall, woman. Long, chestnut color hair with reddish undertones, tattooed arms with an assortment of weapons along her back. She has kind eyes where the light shines off of. Animal skin on her with a large orange gem that seems to glow in her shadow. 
A strange woman indeed, you decide. While many women come with their families or alone, they still have a more feminine appearance. She comes in with a sword, bow, and arrows, barefoot on that. 
Your throat seems to clog up as you creep closer. You go bugged eye as you look and see who stands next to her. His back is turned to you, seeing a large axe. Behind the large weapon, there’s something gleaming, something hiding in the shadows of the axe. 
That’s not the thing that have you worried, not one bit. You feel your hands turn clammy with sweat as you see a red streak that dips down the back of his pale head. You have to keep yourself from dropping your basket in shock. Unfortunately, you couldn’t keep your mouth shut, a gasp escaping your lips.
A couple of people turn their heads to you. The village leader pops from in front of the man, looking comedic with his too-big clothing. The behemoth of the man turns to follow the gaze of many. Your skin starts to feel on fire, with your face tingling. 
But there's something deep in you that freezes something that locks you in your place as a pair of amber eyes set onto your figure after he turns around. A wide and long streak of red over his left eye, and a slightly darker scar on his right.
The same eyes you saw young yet vengeful, but now older and wiser yet tired. But there was no mistaking or hiding past in them. 
How the Hel was the Ghost of Sparta alive?
“W-well! We c-could help! We have rooms, food, and even hot rolls?” The short and stubby village leader stammers, his eyes darting around. Freya steps forward. 
“We thank you, though you must not make a lot of adjustments for us. We will just stay in our rooms.” Freya’s kind and sweet voice make the man look less terrified. 
It was a strange village, to say the least. Tucked in the mountains, they seemed keen on letting strangers come and take their supplies. Kratos surveyed the tall, old mountains and white fluffy clouds. 
Kratos doesn’t understand why they have to 
The whispering from behind Kratos goes out. The village leader pokes his head just past Kratos’ frame, his eyes going wide with relief. Slowly, he turns around to see who now has all the attention. 
A woman. Smaller than Kratos and Freya, yet tall enough to make herself seen in the crowd. Long fingers curl near her chest as she seems to clutch her heart, her hair waving around her face. She seemed to appear straight out of the stories from his homeland.
His heart gave a bizarre tug like something was pressing hard against his chest. He has seen many women, but never one who made him feel... blameworthy. The village leader slightly grazes Kratos’ arm as he basically flies past the women. She takes steps back
“Reader! Thank the Nine Realms you’re here!” Odd, his tone of voice seemed to change to a much more confident and demanding one when he saw someone else. He snaps back toward Freya “O-oh! This is Reader! She will show you two- I mean three, to your rooms for tonight! Right?” The last part he says rather loudly. 
The woman, Reader, doesn’t respond. Instead, she stands there, shocked. She doesn’t even budge a little, nod, or acknowledge the words coming out of the man’s mouth. 
Her eyes were locked tight onto Kratos’. He felt nothing, but confusion. She had looked as if she had seen a ghost, or worse. Her lips quivered as if she was stuck in Fimbulwinter. The air became tense and awkward, only the whistles of the wind and mutters from onlookers giving some sort of noise. 
 Finally, she scurries away, her basket now in front of her as she runs away. The village leader's hands wave around in uncertainty about what just happened. He looks back and then to the path of the girl.
“Um, I guess you don’t get Reader as an escort. Um...” He looks around for anyone to offer themselves up as an aide. No one does. 
“It’s fine,” Freya speaks up “please, just tell us where our rooms are and we will find it our own way.”
“T-that’s, actually great.” The village leader clasps hands together. He steps over to Freya, speaking the directions. Kratos tunes out voices and looks back at the path the woman left to. 
Maybe she was scared, just like the villagers when they first saw him. Yet, something was different about the fear in her eyes. 
The villagers had the fear of the unknown in their eyes and voice. She, on the other hand, had a look of familiarity, like she had seen a man like him. 
Something was wrong, something off, he could feel it deep in his gut. He should definitely keep watch during the night.
Couldn’t breathe, could hardly function. You looked absolutely foolish, hunched over behind the stables. It smells like shit, but you could hardly focus on that because you couldn’t even breathe in the air.
The Ghost of Sparta, there was no way. He should have died, there in Greece. Why was he not dead? Why did he not perish with those fires?
Maybe, you were overreacting, looking too deep into things. There are plenty of pale, buff men who travel these lands with scars. No, you were lying to yourself. He was alive, here, thriving and surviving. 
A murderer, someone who caused thousands during a quest for revenge. You could still hear the cries, the pleas for the Gods to save them. Closing her eyes, you try to distance yourself from your senses. But you seem like you're thrown back into the past, into the violence. 
Your chest is tight, and your head seemed light. You’re kneeling against the mud and dirt. Clenching the ground, trying to hold onto something as your mind free falls into alarm and the past. 
Breathes are shallow, and your sight was blurred. Nothing was right. You’ve done so much to forget and flee from the brutality of Greece and the trauma of it all. 
Something behind you moves, someone slowly crunching against the fallen leaves as they stalked closer. Before you can even react, a shadow falls over you, blocking the sun and warmth. You whip your head around to see a shaded silhouette over you.
You barely turn away as the person comes to your level. Color comes back into her face, and you can see the woman who was with The Ghost of Sparta. Instinctively, you try crawling away from her. You don’t make it far, your limbs locked into that frozen state.
“Are you injured?” Her kind voice nips your wild anxiety in the bud. Her eyebrows crease with the concern of a mother.
“No...” You shudder, turning away from her gaze. She gives a soft smile. 
“I believe we haven’t met.” She dips her head and looks at you through her eyelashes “My name is Freya. Yours must be, Reader?”
You look back up at her “Yes, my name is Reader.” You take in her features at a closer look. Pieces of her hair are bound in light purple fabrics and metallic jewelry. Her orange necklace glows a deep color. Now that you have a closer view, you can see a word, no name, written inside. Before you can read it, she moves closer, removing your focus from the gem. 
“You should want to get up, the ground is rather dirty for a place to rest.” Humor laces into your words. 
With her help, you pick yourself from your crouched position. A smile dances on her lips “I apologize on behalf of Kratos. He did give quite a scare to many of the villagers.”
Your eyes slightly widen at The Ghost of Sparta’s name. Kratos, a name that you had not heard in so long that you almost forgot it. But that name stuck to you like a bad habit. 
You bit the inside of your mouth “No worries. I was thinking of something else. I just happened to look at your friend in thought.” Giving a sheepish smile, you hoped that she would leave it at that. Instead, she pats your shoulder. 
“You should join us for dinner. It’s the least I can do for you specifically.” Her small smile weakens your panic. 
“Alright, let’s have dinner.”
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queer-irritator · 2 years
A New Neighbor | GN! Reader x Kratos | Chapter 11
Content Warning: Adult language
Word Count: 1,150
Chapter 10, Chapter 12
You were standing still with your arms raised above your head as Brok was getting your measurements. You were wanting to clear the air with him, but you had a feeling it would be fruitless. 
“Ya got a weapon?” Brok broke the silence. 
“Yeah, I have a spear, why?” You questioned.
“My brother could take a looks at it, wouldn’t be as good as if I did, though…” he finished your measurements and started to get to work.
“Okay… Thank you.” You were grateful that everyone has been so kind and giving to you. 
You walked into your bedroom; Kratos was sitting on the edge of his bed. He was shirtless and had a finger tracing a raised scar on his forearm. 
No, scars. 
There were scars in the marks of chains that encased both of his forearms. That must have hurt… who would do that to another person? Or maybe he did it to himself?
Kratos was so consumed in his own thoughts of the past that he didn’t notice you enter the room. The marks left from his past forever haunts him. It was one of his greatest mistakes, making a deal with the god of war. 
You had to tear your eyes away from staring at him. He looked so sad, so vulnerable. You doubt he would want anyone to see him like this. So, you decided to act like you never did. You walked over to your side of the room, with your back to Kratos and spotted your spear leaning up against the corner of the room behind a large cabinet, it must have rolled back there.
Kratos lifted his head and saw you. He felt naked. He felt like he had been walked in on the most intimate moment of his life. 
“You saw.” He spoke, cutting the silence.
“Saw what?” You played dumb, reaching your hand behind the cabinet.
Kratos stayed silent, watching you struggle to reach your weapon and debating if he believed your words.
“Gods.” You muttered to yourself as you tried to push the cabinet to the side, but it must have weighed 1,000 pounds. 
Kratos stood and walked up behind you, his chest pressed against your back as he reached behind the cabinet to help you. 
Your cheeks were on fire, but your body was frozen. You turned your head to look at him, but noticed his arm was still bare. 
Kratos grabbed your weapon with ease and handed it to you, taking a few steps back as to not invade your personal space any longer. 
You turned to face him, now there was no denying it now. 
“I wasn’t gonna ask about them. It’s not my place to.” You looked into his eyes as you spoke.
“Mh.” Kratos was looking right back at you. 
After a few moments passed, he turned his back to you and began to put on his armor, starting with wrapping his arms. 
You quietly left the room and took your spear to Sindri.
“Hey, Brok said I could take my spear to you for some upgrades?” You questioned, said spear in your hands. 
“Of course! Let me have a look at it.” Sindri responded happily. 
You handed him your spear. It was plain, forged from Asgardian ingot with a rawhide grip in the middle.
Sindri carefully inspected the spear, “Some nice craftsmanship! Where’d you get it from?”
“Oh, well I just found it one day when I was exploring. It was actually lodged in some guy’s chest.” You explained. 
Sindri immediately dropped the spear and gagged, “Some guy’s chest?” he repeated your words.
“Uhm- yeah, but I’ve cleaned it since then! I swear.” You assured him, momentarily forgetting how anxious the dwarf was. 
Sindri reluctantly picked up the spear and began cleaning it himself, “It’ll be a minute.” 
“Okay.” You nodded at him and turned on your heel, surveying the house to see what you could do to stay busy.
You noticed Mimir on the table alone and walked over to him. 
“Hey you.” You greeted him, sitting down at the table.
“Aye! You gave everyone quite the scare last night.” Mimir was glad you were doing better.
“Sorry about that, at least I always recover...!” You attempted to make light of the situation.
“Mh, always looking on the bright side.” He reminisced as to how hadn’t changed much since you both were kids. 
You smiled at him. Talking with Mimir made you feel so comfortable and at home. You’d missed him more than you could comprehend. 
“Soooo, I couldn’t help but notice that you ‘n Kratos have been spending some time together.” Mimir was stating the obvious, hoping you would open up to him now that you were alone.
You could feel your cheeks heat up slightly, it was harder to mask your true feelings in front of him. 
“Yeah… and?” You tried to play it cool.
“And??” he raised an eyebrow at you. “The “and” is that Kratos doesn’t just trust anyone.” He explained. 
“Yeah, I kind of got that feeling from him.” Your thoughts went back to just a few minutes ago.
“Oh, I know that look… What’re ye thinking about?” Mimir saw right through you. 
“Well…” You didn’t know how to explain the situation without invading Kratos’ privacy, “Let’s just say I saw “underneath” a few of his layers.” If Mimir also knew what you did, he would catch on. 
“Ahhh, I see…” He was surprised that you had seen something so personal about Kratos and he didn’t hear any yelling or furniture breaking. 
“Well, I can’t speak about his past, but… maybe if you asked him, he’d open up a tad.” Mimir advised.
“But… I don’t wanna push him.” You laid crossed your arms on the table and laid your head on top of them.
“He’ll let you know if you go too far, trust me.” He explained. 
You whined slightly, becoming anxious about the thought of possibly upsetting Kratos and then ruining the trust you’ve built with him. 
“He’s just…” you glanced around the room to make sure the coast was clear before leaning in closer to Mimir and whispering, “He’s so fucking hot and sexy and nice and sweet and beautiful and caring. I don’t wanna mess anything up.” You finally confessed. 
“Ohhh,” Mimir said with a chuckle, “Just as I expected… but don’t worry, (y/n). You’ll do fine.” He assured you. 
You rolled your eyes when you heard Mimir laugh, but appreciated his words.
“Also, he’ll never make the first move.” Mimir warned.
You groaned in response and stared at your friend. “But… you think I have a shot?” 
“Aye. Never seen him open up this fast to someone. Plus, the boy likes you too.” Mimir noted to you. 
Hearing that made you smile, “Thanks, Mimir.” You placed a hand on top of his head as a form of endearment. 
“Anytime, lad.” He assured you. 
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slutforln4 · 2 years
Can I request some Heimdall x mortal!reader headcanons? 😭🙏
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✎ what the request says!! ^^ also just pure fluff and cuteness from Heimdall's behalf. thank you for requesting!! hope this lives up to your expectations <3
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To Heimdall, you’re a fragile being. As is everyone else, but for some god forsaken reason he’s incredibly cautious with you. There’s a sort of feeling that you might be in his life for longer than others and he wants it to come true, so what does he do?
Baby-proofs his entire house. And I mean this literally. He sands off the corners of his tables, chairs, even headboard, so it's all smooth and rounded and you don't impale yourself with the corner from furniture. Knives and such are tucked away behind a floorboard (which you have easy access to, but he has no clue), and the weapons you yield are made with magic, a spell of protection.
And, speaking of weapons and protection, Heimdall never lets you go on missions alone. Not without supervision, at least. Usually, he’s lurking nearby in case you get into too much trouble, but if he can't be there, Gulltoppr is the one to accompany you. You don't seem to mind the second option, because Gulltoppr is just as playful as a puppy when you let him be.
Even with all of this protection, and the knowledge that you’ll be fine as long as he’s there, Heimdall still makes sure to help you get around a puddle or kicks a pebble from under your feet so you don't trip and fall. But that’s probably just the germaphobe in him.
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multifand0m-gal0re · 2 years
Annoying gods & foresight.
Chapter 2. Under your skin
Pairing: Heimdall x reader
Fandom: God of war ragnarök
Warnings: N/A
Word count: 2,563
Summary: You and Atreus begin making the perilous journey up Hrimthur’s wall, can you make it up alive? If so, what and who awaits you at the top?
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Heavy panting and pebbles falling were what sounds surrounded you and Atrues as you both slowly and steadily climbed the wall, giving all your focus on trying not to slip and die. Godly blood in your veins or not, neither of you could survive a fall from this height, that especially sunk in when you both took a glance down and saw the midguardian settlement had become little more than a blob in the distance.
Looking up at your brother you noticed the trembling in his arms, you wearily grabbed the next makeshift hand hold, regretting letting him go up before you so that he had to be the one to find the path. “We’re almost there Atreus, just keep going.” It was meant to be encouraging, but the fatigue in your voice surprised even you. He glanced down at you and gave a small nod before finally giving one last scramble up the wall. He triumphantly began lifting himself up to the final hand hold on the edge of the wall, eager to see what lies on the other side.
A victorious smile spread across his lips as he looked down at you, who wasn’t far behind. The smile on your face soured when you saw a blond man roughly snatch your brothers hand, a small smirk on the strangers face. “Hello.”
Atreus looked up at him in shock, unsure of how to react. “Uh… Hi!” You tried your best to silently scramble closer, but the strangers eyes shot down to you as well. Cocking an eyebrow in what you can only assume was annoyance, he sighed. “So… What part of the enormous wall made you think, ‘oh visitors must be welcome?’”.
Before Atreus could give a response, the rocks underneath his feet gave, throwing him off and making it so the only way he was still up was by the strangers bruising hold on his forearm. The rocks came tumbling down at you, the only option was attempting to press your body tightly to the wall and trying your best not to fall as they hit you.
The stranger looked at your brother, his eyebrows shot up in amusement, almost disappointed your brother didn’t fall. “We were sent for, by Odin.” You hiss out, unable to hide the trembling in your voice. This man could decide to drop your brother at any second, and your not sure you had enough strength left to catch him and hold onto the wall at the same time. You would both surely fall to your deaths.
A scoff of disbelief escaped from his throat, his smirk becoming borderline feral. “The All-Father sent, for you? Ha, Great.”. His expression completely soured at this point, seemingly finding no more amusement in the two of you. “Then why are you out there and not in here?”
Atreus seemed taken aback at the comment, he couldn’t really answer that. Odin hasn’t told either of you anything, and you almost wondered if he hadn’t planned on you two doing exactly what two young, seemingly over-confident, half giants would do and hopefully dying on the way up. That would make his life much easier and he wouldn’t even have had to lift a finger. “Why don’t we ask him together?” Atreus tried at a charismatic albeit nervous smile, hoping with everything in him this man wouldn’t let go.
The blond stranger let out a long drawn out hum, tilting his head back with a look of feigned thoughtfulness. “Are you finished? Now… What could Odin, All-Father, King of the Aesir,” he sounded nearly elated as he said those titles, the admiration not hidden in the slightest, it made you want to gag. “possibly want with the likes of you two?” He finally looked down at the both of you again, narrowing his eyes as he carefully scrutinized you both.
“That’s between us and Odin.” You spat out, your attempt at sounding authoritative enough for him not to drop your brother was undermined as your arms began to noticeably tremble. He let out a chuckle of disbelief. “You don’t even know, do you?” A hearty laugh came from him this time, as if this was the most amusing thing in the world. “Think you could pull me up or..?” Atreus muttered, the strain the strangers grip had put on his shoulder was starting to become unbearably painful.
A sigh. “No I don’t think I will. I think maybe I will drop you.” Both you and your little brother tensed up. “No! No no no no.” The pleading sounded odd coming from Atreus, but nothing else could be done. “Yes, I’m going to drop you. Goodbye.”
“Stop, stop” Atreus wailed desperately, grabbing onto the Aesir man’s wrist with all his strength. The blond man looked disgusted by this.
“Wait! Wait.” Climbing a bit higher up now, practically hanging right next to Atreus on the wall, “Think how mad the All-Father’s, gonna be when he,” you sputtered out. “when he finds out you killed his guests.”
“Yeah. Loki of the Jötnar?” Your little brother stated, as if that would help. You wanted to reach over and push him off the mountainous wall yourself for offering up the information of you two being half giants. At the same time it stung, stung that there was no role or name given to you by your mother or people for you to introduce yourself with. You just weren’t in his prophecy. Or any for that matter.
Closing your eyes, you took deep breaths to clear your head before once again looking up at the stranger with purple eyes, the thoughts that would come to you if you continued on that path would serve neither you or Atreus in this situation. “The Jötnar?” The blond man let out incredulously. “Enemy of my people?” Atreus seemed to realize how badly he messed up by simply throwing out information. “I am not your enemy.” He said feebily, feeling almost certain of the fact this man would kill him one way or another.
The blond man silently observed both of you before letting out an annoyed sigh, “I will be the judge of that.” He lazily pulled Atreus up, dropping him on the ground atop the wall unceremoniously before reaching back down for you. When his hand grabbed your wrist, your skin rose at the contact. Something felt off and judging by the look on the blond man’s face, he felt the same. He bristled before pulling you up hastily, dropping your wrist as if it disgusted him to touch a half giant.
He turned his back to the both of you as you found your footing and helped your brother stand up, beginning to walk off towards a wooden contraption, which you guessed was the way down. “This way, Loki of the Jötnar.” He said in a bored tone, Atrues glanced at you and shrugged when he saw your displeased look. You shook your head at him, nonverbally communicating not to mention that kind of information again unless absolutely necessary.
As you both began walking behind the man, Atreus’s eyes lowered to the thing hanging off the blond mans belt. “Wait... is that Gjallarhorn? Are you Heimdall?” He said in shock. This made your whole body go taut with nerves. “Obviously.” The man let out, seeming exasperated that Atreus didn’t know who he was right from the beginning. You knew what this meant. Odins fanatical right hand man, who could supposedly read people, was the one who had found you both finding an alternate path into Asgards city. This boded ill for you and your little brother.
As the three of you reached the other side of the wall, Gladsheim came within view and it was shocking. It looked so… normal. Like any other large settlement you could have seen before Midgard had been abandoned. “Now feel free to drink in the splendour of Asgard. This is a rare sight for outsiders.” Heimdall stated proudly, clearly thinking Asgard was the best all the nine realms had to offer. “Especially Giants.” He muttered.
A look of confusion crossed Atreus’s face before he quickly schooled his expression. You rolled your eyes at the pompous statement, wishing to humble the obnoxious man before you and the city he seemed to take such pride in, but you actually wanted to survive long enough to try and meet with Odin. So you kept your thoughts to yourself.
“I think it would be best if we continued on to see Odin,” you began before Heimdall shot a borderline offended look at you. “The All-Father..” you cut him off quickly before he could go on a long winded rant. “We should continue on to see the All-Father. I would hate to keep him waiting.” Heimdalls expression calmed slightly at this before twisting into one of disbelief as you and your brother walked away from the vista.
“Oh. Done drinking it in already?” Heimdall snapped, following you two to the wooden platform. “Cornerstone of Civilisation in the Nine Realms not really your cup of tea?” You rolled your eyes, is this guy ever pleased?
Atreus seemed to panic at Heimdalls offense. “Oh, uh... no, it's amazing!” He said enthusiastically, looking to you for backup to avoid angering the blond Aesir further. “Are you always this warm and welcoming, or is that special just for us?” The statement ripped from you harshly before you could think. Heimdall gave you a sharp look, but didn’t say anything. It seems he was not used to people speaking to him in such a manner.
When all of you were on the platform Heimdall twisted the crank and the elevator lurched to life, beginning its slow descent into Asgard. “Ugh, just ask your questions already.” Heimdall stated impatiently as he stood in the corner, crossing his arms as he observed you both closely. “How'd you know I had questions?” The younger boy stated incredulously.
“It is my job. Next question.” There was a hint of amusement in his purple eyes, he thought Atreus was foolish and naïve. And he wasn’t too far off, but that wasn’t his place to say. “What is your job?” Resting your hand on your hip, you shifted your weight from one leg to the other as you waited for a response.
Heimdalls gaze snapped onto you, almost as if he forgot you were there. “I protect the realm I love. From trouble.” At the last word, he gazed intensely back at Atreus, glowering down at him. As if he saw you as no threat. That stung. And you hated that it did, that this pompous man overlooking you got under your skin, it irritated you to no end. People have overlooked you in favor of your brothers flashier skills often in life, so why is this time any different?
“And you think I'm trouble? You just met me.” The look of confusion was obvious on your little brothers face, he wasn’t used to people not trusting him. The longer this interaction goes on, the more you question whether allowing him to come with you to Asgard was the smartest move. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he could lie well enough to keep you both alive. For your survival you both had to be on the same page, and arguing with Heimdall wasn’t a good start.
“And I can already see you are eager to prove yourself. WAY too eager.” He emphasized, clearly already having decided you and Atreus are horridly offensive to his senses. Heimdalls expression lightens, and you can already tell his next statement will be one meant to get under your little brothers skin. What the young boy specifically did to procure Heimdalls ire so soon after having met, you couldn’t have said.
“Probably due to an overshadowing father figure you can never live up to.” “Good guess.” Atreus muttered.
Heimdalls eyes landed on you, something else behind them other than his usual distaste and hostility. “And an overbearing sister who despite being outshone, sees herself as your protector. How quaint.”
He sucks his teeth before adjusting the way he stood. Did everything about him have to be so… irritating? “I would also guess that you are… disrespectful…
entitled and…” he drew out his statement, adding more tension with each bated breath. Gods he was annoying. “Impulsive.” His eyes flitted to you for only a moment, his tongue darting out to wet his lips before looking back at your brother. Wait why were you watching his lips? Why were you so closely observing his beautifully obnoxious features. You shook your head, quickly looking at your feet to try and focus on changing your thoughts before the annoying Aesir could pick up on it.
“You don't know me at all. I help people.” The young boy spouted his defense eagerly, feeling like he had been greatly misread by Heimdall. And maybe he hadn’t, but surely Heimdall felt he was spot on. You couldn’t help but wonder how much longer it would take to reach the bottom, but a quick glance showed you were almost there.
“Oh, you are here to help people?” The man said on disbelief. “Hmm. No, no. You are here to help yourself.” Atreus seemed to become increasingly frustrated, his shoulders tensing as he clenched and unclenched his fists. Heimdall didn’t seem to notice, either that or he didn’t care.
“To manipulate and lie to whoever you have to to get what you want.” He continued, the unsteady platform becoming significantly slower as it got closer to the bottom. “You are chaos in a spiffy archer suit.” Before Atreus could say anything you took a step forward, drawing both boys attention over to you. “And what would you know of either of us?” You challenged, ignoring the taste of bile in your throat. Your whole body was rejecting your statement, your verbal push against someone who you perceived as much stronger than yourself.
Whether it was bravery or stupidity, Heimdall couldn’t tell. But he felt interested by your constant bickering with him. His gaze heavily fixed on you, no humor left in his eyes. “I watch your mouth move, and I see cities burning.” The statement felt like a punch to the gut, how anyone could ever say something about someone with such intense certainty escaped you. But so did the depth of his words. “Nothing good is going to come from your being in Asgard. Either of you.”
The platform lurched to a stop, and the blond man seemed to loosen up again, regaining the look of amusement on his face. “That said… if you are here to aid the All-Father, and have no treacherous intent, I guess that makes us allies.” His back was once more turned to you both as he walked off, leading you both to a large animal staring at you two with observant and bloodthirsty eyes.
You couldn’t shake the trembling in your hands, nor the constant feeling of being unsettled just being in Asgard. Atreus put a hand on your shoulder and gave you an attempted reassuring smile but you could tell he was just as shaken as you were. It was starting to click in your head that you two were completely alone in this. You just hope you haven’t bitten off more than you could chew.
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