#god now im thinking about how wild bug-chasing must be in this verse bc that's the subtext to this fic bc of that song
merryfortune · 2 years
But how was I to know that she’d been dealt with before?
Clover and Violets 2022
Day 21. Dancing
Title: But how was I to know that she’d been dealt with before?
Ship: Stageshipping | Anzu/Dark Magician Girl
Word Count: 1,405
Rating: T
Universe: Duel Monsters
Tags: Inspired by Music, Sexual References, Unresolved Sexual Tension
Recommended Listening: The Jack by AC/DC
   Ever since the incident with Noah, Anzu could swear her brain had been fried. All that VR and electricity, it clearly wasn’t good for her because more and more frequently, she could swear that she was seeing Dark Magician Girl, like, everywhere.
   At first it was just little glimpses here and there, like maybe she had just so happened to pass by a similarly looking blonde in a crowd or something but then it got undeniable. Eerie. And then corporeal. Dark Magician Girl was literally right in front of her.
   Anzu couldn’t believe it but she just giggled and smiled like she wasn’t a touch out of place in Anzu’s bedroom. She was lucky her parents weren’t home and hopefully the neighbours wouldn’t care that she let out a short burst of a scream when she saw Dark Magician Girl just appear out of thin air.
   “H-How? Why?” Anzu sputtered out but ever an enigma, the Duel Monster just batted her eyes and continued on.
   To Dark Magician Girl, Anzu’s room was a treasure trove of teenage girl normalcy. That intrigued her muchly. She wandered around, eyes wide and open, as she assessed the various knickknacks of an ordinary girl but to someone like Dark Magician Girl, it was practically another world. The chunky cassettes and their player; the clothes strewn about; it was all alien to her right up until she found Anzu’s deck.
   “That’s good, you still play. I’ve been worried. And bored.” Dark Magician Girl chirped.
   “Well, I don’t play as much as the boys. But I’m confident I could beat Jounouchi any day of the week anyway without practice. I just have other hobbies, is all.” Anzu replied.
   Dark Magician Girl turned on her heel and gave Anzu the biggest set of baby blue puppy dog eyes that Anzu had ever seen: “Aww, you don’t wanna play?”
   “Well, I mean I do… I just don’t have time, I guess. I have studies and part-time work and-” Anzu rambled, making excuses.
   “What about right now?” Dark Magician Girl asked, a whinge and a whine to her voice.
   “Er, well, I was… But I guess that’s not important, I’m pretty on top of mathematics right now, that was just extra…” Anzu replied.
   “Do you want to play? Right now?” she asked, excitedly.
   Anzu simpered for a moment and then agreed, “That sounds lovely.” she replied.
   Dark Magician Girl’s entire expression lit up. She beamed all happy and joyful, bouncing on the heel of her foot, holding onto her little magician’s rod. That was the best news that she could have been told and Anzu felt her heart skip a beat. She was just glad to have made Dark Magician Girl all happy like, but what she didn’t expect was just how difficult it would be to play Duel Monsters with a Duel Monster.
   Dark Magician Girl had brought her own deck with her - or maybe she could just manifest it out of thin air, Anzu wasn’t sure but they sat down on her bedroom floor together and the games that followed were intense. Way more intense than she was expecting and if she didn’t know any better, she would say that she was being hustled right now but it was hard to tell with Dark Magician’s cherubic face, how she giggled coyly. She really wanted to convince Anzu that there was not a thing to be worried about, that she never really won much anyway but Anzu had her rightful suspicions but she overlooked them, too busy getting lost in the peculiar atmosphere. It was electric.
   The first match was a draw. It was just to make sure that Anzu hadn’t grown rusty in her leave of absence from the game, even if it was a relatively short stint. It was just for show, to play around and experiment, to have fun, and to recover the more niche rules and interactions of the cards they were playing.
   The second game was for keeps. It had actual stakes and feeling brushed up after that first match, Anzu felt fairly confident and it played out quite well for her. She won and Dark Magician Girl showered her in praise. Which Anzu didn’t mind one bit, she liked to think she had a knack at playing and she wasn’t going to get anywhere fast if she didn’t feel confident - and Dark Magician Girl appeared to know that.
   Hence the third game. It was for real. It was to see what they could really do to each other and they were both looking forward to really, truly ripping into each other from the polite facades of either side of a two-player card game. It was going to be fantastic and nothing less, if the previous demonstrations were anything to go by and go down to the wire.
   It was difficult for Anzu to know what Dark Magician Girl was thinking. She was sly. But not in a closed off way, she played it up and loud, nice and theatrical to put on a little show and it got Anzu going as she watched how a real Duel Monster did it. She was utterly entranced by how Dark Magician Girl played.
   Her hands were deft and slender, watching her shuffle cards was nothing less than a genuinely magical delight. Her giggles were girlish and impish as she tried to convince Anzu through demeanour that they were both on equal footing but the more that Anzu observed her, the more she became convinced of that facade. 
   She swallowed a lump in her throat as Dark Magician Girl closed her eyes and she could feel every card, keeping them close to her breasts. Edging along the vertices of her cards in hand - and inadvertently, the outline of her corset, too. She had to tug it down on the other side as she moved oh so obliviously to what she was doing, giving Anzu a sneak peak of the ink that she had on her upper thigh to match the garter on her other leg. Anzu could feel herself start to flush, she wanted to pretend she didn’t know why but she was already far too deep in Dark Magician Girl’s snare. And Dark Magician Girl was enjoying that control greatly.
   “I win.” Dark Magician Girl chirped triumphantly at the end of her combo.
   Anzu’s life points were decimated and so was something else. She smiled sardonically but she was a good sport. “You played well.” Anzu congratulated her.
   “I know.” Dark Magician Girl was far too snotty sounding there for her own good, lucky she was cute.
   She leaned over what remained of their end-game boards. She looked up at Anzu with those big, bright blue eyes and Anzu softened. She should have known that she was being most expertly played by this monster in the shape of a girl. Everything about her screamed hustler, from the garter on her left leg and that tattoo on her right, of pendulums swinging and the various suites of cards, and of course a pentagram star. 
   Dark Magician Girl was everything an illusionist of the unseemly ought to be and Anzu had fallen for her routine hook, line, and sinker. She puckered her lips and Anzu drew back her brow. Quirking it with a most serious expression on the rest of her face in contrast to how unsavourily sweet Dark Magician Girl was looking in front of her..
   “And let me guess… to the victor goes the spoils?” Anzu asked.
   “Yup.” Dark Magician Girl replied, begging for that kiss, batting her eyes. “Please? I know you were checking me out…”
   Anzu blushed but she remained firm, “And haven’t you heard? Best out of three?” she asked.
   “That’s how I like it. Keep going, Anzu, good luck.” Dark Magician Girl replied, flirtatious and competitive.
   There was all but a gleam in Anzu’s teeth as she packed up her cards so they could be shuffled. She even tried to copy Dark Magician Girl’s technique, impressing her greatly. She had a very good feeling this was going to be their best duel yet and nothing worked up an appetite for a kiss like the highs and lows of victory and loss. Dark Magician Girl couldn’t wait and she wanted to make the dancer in front of her really work for either reward as winning and losing was all the same with such thrills on the line.
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