#god i'm gonna give myself eye strain trying to figure this one out
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 1 year ago
Fit for a King - WIP - "You are tiny"
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Fit for a King - Masterlist
König fanfiction scenes and chapters that do not yet have a coherent plot
planned content/TW: rivals to lovers, König x fem!character (not too descriptive to make it accessible for more readers), social anxiety killing machine König, badass friendly FMC, dual POV, secret relationship, switch energy, NSFW, adult themes, strong language, violence (more details are still unclear, gonna update as I go), authentic austrian german
a/n: well, my brain isn't letting go of this newest obsession of mine, so I will appease it and write some scenes/chapters that come to mind. i have written more original work and less fanfictions and our boy (and KorTac) is hard to research, but I'll try my best to stay some-what cannon to the lore. it'll also probably get darker down the road.
if your character doesn't have a tragic backstory, why not give him one?
A not so meetcute
(CW: some mature language)
I strut along the hallway, I'm already late to report for duty and turn the corner abruptly. I collide with somebody else at full walking force and almost get pushed to the floor, if the big figure blocking the light shining from above wouldn't have caught me. "Ouch.", I yelp, more surprised than hurt, even though I feel like ran over by a truck.
I steady myself to look at the "truck". I look up and I keep looking up and up. At first there's just this chest, a huge chest, in a simple compression shirt, but oh boy. The weapon holster is what I see next, sitting snug at the side of his torso. Shoulders, big broad shoulders, and normally you would expect to have a head sitting on top of them and a face looking back at you. I guess, he has one as well, even though I don't see one bit of it. I strain my neck to finally meet his eyes.
But all I see is the dark black of a… sniperhood? A T-shirt? I mean, it looks like a t-shirt, that somebody cut holes in to fashion themselves a kind of mask. The front is stained with bleach, two streaks coming down from the eyeholes... My eyes widen as it sinks in who this is. König. KorTac operator, field combatant and one of my superiors. Shit. I've heard some rumors about him. And it seems like at least some of them ring true.
"You are tiny.", he states matter-of-factly, his Austrian accents shining through the uttered words. It's the first thing he says to me. "And you are... not.", I retort. I can't make out his expression as it so obviously is hidden by his mask. He nods, turns around and heads down the hallway where he came from. I shake my head. What the hell was that?
I stretch myself, feeling the impact of the collision already. My god, that was like being hit by a battering ram. I heard that his specialty is breaking down doors with brute force. I thought this to be ridiculous, but now as I watch the gigantic muscled man strut down the hallway, quickly disappearing, I do believe it. 6'10" killing machine. Ridiculous.
I shake my head again and make my way to the meeting room. Ridgeback is already waiting for me.
Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Verdammt. Ah, des hast du ganz super g'macht.* I tell myself sarcastically in my head as I basically run down the hallway. She must be one of the new hires. Must be. And you almost turned her to mush. Mus. Brei. Human remains splattered against the wall. I curse myself again. I didn't even apologize. "You are tiny." No shit, Sherlock, everybody is tiny compared to you. I continue to mock myself. Fuck, Shit, Fuck.
"Ridge, since when do we hire children?", I ask him as soon as I enter the room. He doesn't even look up. "We don't." He keeps reading. "Then why did I just almost run over a recruit that didn't even reach my waist?" – “Because compared to you, everybody seems tiny.” He sighs and looks up at me. “None of our personnel are under 6’, not even the women.”
“Even the new recruits?”, I ask him again. He furrows his brow. “What did you do, König?”, he wants to now. “I may or may not have almost trampled one of them.”, I say, kleinlaut***. He sighs again. “I think that was Müller, she’s actually on her way here.”, Ridgeback says. “Müller? Is she german?”, I ask in surprise. I didn’t hear such an accent on her, but to be fair, she only said like three words… and I wasn’t really paying attention to her words anyway.
On cue, the door opens and I fall silent. “Permission to enter, Sir?”, she says with a clear voice. Not at all seeming like I almost turned her into pulp. I take two steps back to stand in the back, trying to blend into the wall behind me – which I already know from experience is not going to work. “Come in.”, Ridge says. “Müller, right?” She nods and approaches. My focus is fully on her, all the small bits I noticed about her before are still there. She’s not wearing a mask because it’s not necessary off mission. You know, like you normally would. She has laugh lines. Around her eyes and mouth. Fucking laugh lines. She doesn’t look like she belongs here.
The two of them are talking, but I catch every single time when her gaze lands on me, even if it’s just from the corner of her eyes. I fight against the urge to turn away every time she looks at me, when I hear Ridgeback drop the old s-word. Sniper.
My ears perk up and I finally pay attention to what they’re saying again. “Your track record is almost immaculate, Müller. You’re gonna be an asset to the team on the next missions.”, he says to her. I can see that she tries to hold back a proud expression or smile on her face, but she doesn't really succeed at that. God damn it, a sniper. I groan and make my way to the door which doesn’t go unnoticed. “König.”, Ridgeback pipes up. “You wanna show Müller the way to the dorms?” as I already have my hand on the doorknob.
I still for just a moment and the roaring sensation of anxiety seeps at my feet and crawls up my body until it’s nested at the back of my head. I can’t talk to her. Not after embarrassing myself before. “Nein.”, is all I say before I’m out the door.
*God damnit. You did a really bang up job. ** two different words for pulp/mash *** meekly (word for word: 'smallloud')
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pretentiousactress · 10 months ago
fallout 1 rant
god i hate trying to find content of other people also struggling with fallout 1 but all you can see in comments is just people shitting on the person struggling bc "lol skill issue you're supposed to find this thing in x y and z how do you not know" when A-there is a ONE HUNDRED PAGE MANUAL to the game that's just... a literal walkthrough in place of a proper in game tutorial. but this manual is stylized in it's writing, is a pain to realize exists (i only discovered it on accident bc i was in the game files trying to fix a bug), isn't scanned properly (several pages are the wrong orientation or just off), and long as hell. If you had the physical copy back in the day, it made sense, it was something to read and skim while on the ride home from the store and the game downloaded. B-the game is buggy as hell. Some quests or obvious dialogue are broken bc of bugs C-piss poor in-game direction for the player. you NEED to have read the manual to get the most out of the game, or even play. i feel like the game relies on that so much to do it's heavy lifting the game itself suffers for it, in a way.
I'm really struggling with quests bc the quest tracker is shit. Local area maps gives you no info other than like.... a vague floor plan. The game wants you to barter with some random NPCs that aren't merchants at times just bc they want you to encounter the function.... but barter is slapped onto everyone, even when they have nothing. Choose the wrong stats or anything in the beginning? you're shit out of luck make someone new. Exploring a dungeon is exhausting bc lootable objects blend into the background.
Some stuff i've only discovered by chance, either in game or someone mentioning it in passing, or watching a streamer play the game and see him interact with stuff. You literally cannot play this game without some sort of outside help LMAO. if you could, congrats!
i've finally found a proper walkthrough i think that will finally help me. It tells info straight forward. My first time playing i couldn't even leave the vault without dying bc of bad resources bc of my bad build. I personally HATE builds and crafting one, so since then i've just tried only following examples. I think i eventually got out before but then I also couldn't figure out how to enter a location bc NOTHING WOULD SAY just click the lil green triangle in the game when you enter the green bubble (and even later when i tried looking up help). I've gotten the farthest i've ever gotten recently, after finally figuring out how to enter locations but god my own brain suffers from its own pitfalls. Took me forever to figure out how to even enter vault 15. reading dialogue HURTS bc my eyes strain against the saturated green text on dark green for so long. thats not just a this game issue tho it's also a problem for me in modern fallout games if the text is too saturated i will not read terminals and i try to spend the least amount seeing it. Also not a fan of the fat jokes against one npc but it's a product of its time and just another me problem.
sucks hard bc i really want to like the game but with everything compounded makes it such a boring slog other than like... the few easter eggs and fun encounters i came across traveling between towns. I'll probably end up relying on watching Jabo's playthrough of it but im gonna give it one last go. properly adjusted setting from the start and properly following a walkthrough. not gonna patch the game with a fan patch just bc i dont care about it enough to put in the effort LMAO
hopefully i can eventually enjoy the game properly myself this way on my final attempt. I wanna like the game and have fun so bad but i might just have to accept it's not for me.
jesus im glad i never actually streamed playing this game bc i would have just felt so insecure with all my struggling and it doesn't help just how *mean* fans of old fallout are. Not all of them, but it's sad how it seems like the nice ones are the minority.
i just hate struggling in games if i'm the only one playing. I'm happy to struggle with others in a multiplayer. struggling on my own is what i already do irl im not dealing with that shit in a game that's helping me escape lmao
as shitty as bethesda games can be, they worked several miracles getting fallout into a format that's just far more accessible, easier to get started and understand, and still make sense. Bethesda know best how to make a genre of a game just... more casual and easier to digest. Not everyone's cup of tea, sure, esp depending on the genre (not a lot of people like starfield but i love it. a lot of people love most space games and i hate them LMAO). New Vegas, everyone's beloved, i don't think would have been loved by so many if it wasn't bethesda general easy to consume format with og fallout creators (tho maybe just fallout 2). best of both worlds.
if bethesda didn't snatch up the IP, fallout would have died in the 90s LMAO. but sadly, i just think a lot of people would have preferred that. it is what it is. people be wildin.
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loverhymeswith · 3 years ago
Congrats on 500 followers!! You deserve approximately a million more! I know I’m still new around here, but I’d love to request a drabble for your celebration! Rick Flag, fluff, one bed, hotel (I’m a basic hoe when it comes to him 😅)
Unfair | Rick Flag x F!Reader
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500 Follower Celebration
Word Count: 728 words
Warnings: A touch of spice
A/N: Thank you so much @forever-a-night-owl ! I'm not sure how well I delivered on the fluff, but I had so much fun with this!
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“This is so unfair,” you groan, following your commanding officer along the dimly lit corridor of the budget hotel’s seventh floor. “It’s like having to sit next to the teacher on a school trip.”
“Would you give it a goddamn rest,” Rick grunts, dragging both his luggage and yours across the ugly worn carpet. “This ain’t exactly what I imagined, either. But it’s just for one night. ‘Sides, would you rather be back in your cell?”
Harley’s shrill cackle fills the air. “Ya know sweetie, you could always smother him in his sleep. We promise not to tell.”
The rest of the squad trails behind you, similarly bickering about the sleeping arrangements for the night and debating who has drawn the shortest straw. As if ARGUS was really going to pay out for you all to enjoy individual rooms. Rick had already reminded you to be grateful to have a hotel room at all. In this line of work, you are rarely afforded such luxuries.
“Don’t tempt me, Harls." You smirk over your shoulder at the blonde villain. "Sure you don't wanna swap? Think I'd rather share a room with Boomer.”
Harley snorts. "No chance. Flag's such a drag. You'll be tucked up in bed and lights out at nine."
“This is us.” Ignoring Harley’s thinly veiled insult, Rick stops abruptly in front of Room 77 and reaches into his pocket. "The rest of your rooms are straight ahead. For the love of god, try not to break anythin'. We ship out at 0500 hours."
Leaning against the wall while Rick fumbles with the key, you fold your arms and shoot Harley a resigned grimace. "Have fun. Know I sure won't."
Harley offers you a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before sashaying away with Boomer and the others in tow.
Exhaling a long breath as your teammates disappear along the hallway, you turn your attention to Rick. He’s still having trouble with the door. “Give it here.” You snatch the key from his broad hands and jam it into the lock. A couple of twists and a well-placed shove with your shoulder has the door flying open. “Magic.” You flash him a grin and stride inside.
Like the rest of the building, the room is small and dated. A solitary queen-sized bed takes up most of the space. “Cosy,” you remark, flopping down onto the bed. A large brown watermark stains the corner of the ceiling; pretending not to notice, you close your eyes.
The door slams shut in Rick’s wake and a moment later you hear him drop the bags. “Think they bought it?” you wonder, cracking open one eye just in time to find him approaching the bed.
Rick’s tall figure looms above you, his customary frown melting into a soft smile before he sits down beside you. The bed sinks beneath his weight. “Oh, they bought it alright. You’re a pretty convincin’ actress.”
“I didn’t hurt your feelings, did I?” You reach out and squeeze his thick muscled thigh. “I was only joking about Boomer. I hear he snores worse than you do.”
“Careful, darlin’.” In the blink of an eye Rick shifts position so that his huge body is hovering over you, biceps straining under the tight black t-shirt as he cages you against the bed. That muscled thigh is now wedged firmly between your legs. “It’s not too late for me to assign you to a room with Blackguard.”
Biting your lip, you temper down the urge to laugh. This wouldn't be the first time you’d called his bluff. “We both know that’s not gonna happen.” 
Rick’s expression darkens, sending a familiar rush of heat straight to your core. “You’re right. I’m keepin’ you all to myself tonight.” He leans down further, until his lips brush your own, just the ghost of a kiss.
“Guess Harley was right when she said it would be lights out at nine,” you muse.
“Oh no, darlin’. The lights are stayin’ on. I wanna see all of you.”
It’s all you need to hear. Grabbing Rick by the collar of his shirt, you tug him down until you feel the delicious pressure of his hips against yours. 
Rick’s lips trail a path along your jaw, before he whispers into the shell of your ear. “Know you’re gonna have to be quiet, right?”
“I can be quiet, Flag. The question is, can you?”
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Joel Taglist: @a-reader-and-a-writer @babblydrabbly @sociiallydiisoriiented @bewitchedignition @yespolkadotkitty @lacontroller1991 @ed-baldwin @phoenixhalliwell @weallhaveadestiny @lavenderluna10 @kirsteng42 @katjnordstrom96 @xoxabs88xox @christinasyellowflowers @heresathreebee @fairchildflag @s-u-t @littlefreakingfangirl @justin-hammers @immyownlittlebitch @mayhem24-7forever
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quinnathy · 3 years ago
Sorry I just read your fics on AO3 and this sounds really sappy but you’re genuinely one of the best fanfiction authors I’ve come across.
You stories are so amazing and it also got me thinking, what do you recon would happen when either Jake decided to introduce himself to Layla, or Layla somehow unexpectedly finds out about Jake?
I have a couple of ideas myself that I’m thinking about writing, but I’d love to hear your ideas!
you're so kind?? thank you so much?? that seriously means the absolute world to me, thank you, i'm so glad you enjoy what i write!! <333
and oh my god. thank you for the moon knight prompt to think about, i have been LACKING. headcanons incoming under the cut and im so sorry i COMPLETELY ran away with this ask omg
(if you do write anything, tag me!! i'd love to read it <3)
i don't know if jake'll take the initiative to introduce himself to layla, so if he IS the one introducing himself, it's probably because steven talked him into it. in this case i think he'd be brusque and awkward but he'd be trying his best you know??
jake likes layla, we've seen him insanely protective over her and kick ass for her, and he knows how much she means to marc and steven - so he'll be on good behavior. it'll still be weird for him though, since he knows her and she doesn't know her, and he has to juggle that weird context.
"There's someone we'd like you to meet, yeah?" Steven lets out a small tense laugh, taking Layla's hands in his own. "He's another one of us. An alter, I mean, but you—you probably know what I meant anyway."
Surprise sparks in her eyes, but Layla's mouth quirks up into a comforting smile, running her thumb in soothing circles over Steven's palm to put him at ease. "Who's that?"
"He's..." Steven pauses. "He'll tell you himself? If that's okay?"
Layla nods. As if given permission, Steven's demeanor changes—but it's not Marc that fronts. Layla's fully familiar with both Marc and Steven's mannerisms to be able to tell them apart without them speaking—and this isn't Marc.
"Hey." His voice is lower. More gruff. There's a hint of an accent in there, loudly American, rounder than Marc's. His hands tense where they're still clasped with Layla's, and she loosens her grip, giving him the chance to pull away if he wanted.
He doesn't. He stays, still in her hands, as if afraid of scaring her away.
"I'm Layla," she decides to say, sticking with something safe.
"I know." He sounds almost amused, but nerves strain his voice. "I see you. Sometimes."
Layla raises an eyebrow, half-playfully. "You do?"
Seeming to recognize how odd that sounded, he sighs, frustrated. "Mierda. Fuckin' told Steven this was a bad idea. Sorry, I—it's—odd to talk to you. Actually talk to you."
"Have we met?"
The new alter exhales a contemplative breath. "We're... not complete strangers."
And he seems so on edge, so ready to bolt at the slightest hint of discomfort from Layla that she decides to pursue that topic another day. Instead, she holds his hands tighter—not so much to be gripping him, but enough that it's a welcome of sorts.
He stares at her with a thinly-veiled sort of desperation. Desperation for the comfort that small touch offers. "I'm Jake. Jake Lockley."
"Layla El-Faouly," Layla returns, offering him a soft smile. Offering him more than that, really—it's a smile, and an invitation, and a reassurance.
The barest hint of a smile tugs at Jake's lips. "I know," he says again, and it's a good to meet you and a thank you all rolled into one.
if its layla finding out about jake accidentally though... hmm. layla rolled with steven pretty well, so the shock of a new alter probably wouldn't faze her for long, but she also isn't the type to just be instantly soft and trusting. i'm thinking she'd be on guard, trying to figure out if jake's gonna be a threat to marc or steven, but also she wouldn't be scared or aggressive. (aka layla el-faouly is SMART and BADASS and we love her to death in this household.)
"You're not Marc," Layla says quietly, and Jake feels his heart skip a beat. There's blood on his shirt and bruises on his knuckles, yet at that moment all he can register is panic.
"I'm not," he agrees quietly, pulling off his gloves and gazing into Layla's eyes. Not threateningly—he's got his stance relaxed and his eyes wide, intent but not curious. Waiting to see what she'll do.
"Not Steven, either," she notes, a hint of dry humor in her voice. A swell of fondness rises in Jake's chest, quickly tamped down by frustration. She doesn't know him. She might not like him.
"Is that blood yours?"
Jake sighs, reaching up to pull his hat off, setting it gently on the kitchen table. "No. It's not."
And he thinks for sure that's what's going to do it. That's what's going to get Layla to hate him, to look at him with disgust, to face him with the same trepidation Marc and Steven had in Cairo. After all, she's the one who talked Marc out of killing Harrow—and what did Jake do but shoot the bastard at point-blank range?
Instead of any of that, though, her next question stops him in his tracks. "Do they know about you?"
He knows exactly who 'they' are. "No."
"Are you a threat to them?"
Never. Jake's only goal has always been to protect them.
He doesn't say as much, but something in his eyes must spark because Layla looks at him him. Appraises him. Nods once.
"Okay," she says, quietly. "Okay."
obviously this is if marc and steven don't know about jake. if they DID know and she found out about jake accidentally she'd be making marc sleep on the couch (even though its his flat) for days for keeping more fucking secrets from her
idk idk this was just fun to write and i miss these boys so much omg. hope this is semi what you asked for (even though i completely went off the rails)
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spencersawkward · 4 years ago
I love your ff first of all, I'm obsessed and second of all I would ask you a suggestion, idk if maybe is that too much and you're totally free to not do that but you ever thought to do something in the line of the knive kink? I think it will be awesome
i'm so sorry this took so long! big thanks to my guardian angel @voidsfilm for giving me inspiration bc i literally struggled with this one more than i should have. never written a knife kink but i’m glad i tried lol.
summary: reader finds an antique knife that Matthew's kept in a drawer.
content warnings: unprotected penetrative sex, fingering, oral (male receiving), knife play (no blood drawn), Soft!Dom MGG, degradation and praise.
word count: 3.6k
if there is one thing I absolutely despise, it's working out. getting sweaty, running until my legs hurt and my lungs are burning for air... not really my thing.
but when Matthew brought up the idea a couple months into our relationship, I couldn't say no to him: he had a goofy smile on his face and the kind of look in his eyes that made me relent and ask what kind of stuff he wanted to do.
I think that I've found the one thing that Matthew can't make fun.
"I'm gonna pass out." I bend over and set my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. Matthew slows to a stop a few feet ahead, turning around and making a strained expression.
"oh, come on." but his voice is pretty breathless, too. he gently guides me off the path so that we don't get in the way of the other people out enjoying the day. a couple walks by us with their dog, strolling calmly, and I feel a rush of envy. if our workout routine had consisted of a few pleasant ambles around the city, I would have been totally willing.
"Matthew, I wanna go home." I whine impatiently. the only nice thing about this is that he's got one of those stupid sweatbands on his head to keep his hair out of his face, and it makes him look like a 1980's housewife.
"we can go home in fifteen minutes." he smiles, puts his hands on his hips, stretching in an exaggerated way.
"do you promise?" I brush a piece of hair out of my face.
"promise," he's lucky he looks so cute in his workout outfit. "we can even get one of those fancy juices for you on the way back."
"seriously?" I light up. this might actually be worth it; they have this amazing mango and lime combination that I can't ever manage to recreate with our own blender.
"if you beat me to the rock, then sure." he references the enormous boulder in Central Park that we both gawked at on our first date-- ever since then, it's been the end point for our runs. my lips curl into a grin.
"you're on." I take off, making sure to push him out of the way in order to gain a head start. he lets out something of a protestation but is quick to follow. I can feel his feet pounding behind me, trying to catch up.
I may not be good at running long distances, but I'm sure as hell faster than he is.
it's quiet when I step out of the bedroom, drying my hair with the towel and wandering into the living room. Matthew is sitting at the table with his sketchbook, drawing god knows what while he waits for me to finish up.
"what are you up to?" I ask softly as I plop down across from him. my head is slightly tilted while the towel rubs my scalp.
"I'm not really sure." he shrugs, frowning and holding up the notebook from a distance as if that'll help him figure out what to do.
"can I see when you're done?"
"of course," he sets it on the table again, then runs a fingertip across his chin. "actually, can you do me a favor?"
"I have a set of colored pencils in the desk over there," he points to an old piece of furniture under the window. "would you mind getting them for me?"
"yep," I reply, getting up and leaving the towel on the table. "least I can do after kicking your ass."
on the walk past him, Matthew grabs my waist and pulls me into him, attacks me with tickles. I squeal and hit his shoulder.
"stop!" I laugh.
"you barely beat me!" he gives a dazzling smile and finally lets me go. I lightly smack him upside the head and head over to the desk, rifling through the drawers for the colored pencils he wanted.
as I push around various art supplies, glue sticks and random paintbrushes that look to be on the brink of falling apart, my fingers pass something cool and metallic. I grab the thing and pull it out.
it's a knife; like, a fancy one with an intricately decorated handle and what seems to be a pretty dulled edge. before he can notice what I've found, I start to move the thing between my hands curiously. there's a nice weight to it, but it's definitely old.
"hey, Matthew?" I ask warily.
"yeah?" so unassuming and sweet.
"why do you have a knife?"
there's a scratching as he gets up from the table to walk over to me. I lean against the desk. Matthew doesn't seem too bothered by what I'm saying at all, only gently taking the weapon out of my hands and examining it himself.
"oh, yeah!" he lets out something like a laugh. I raise an eyebrow and wait for him to continue. "do you remember when we went antiquing in Cape Cod, like, a month ago?"
"yeah." I nod at the memory. he'd been lucky enough to get some vacation days and we'd spent them sitting by the water with glasses of wine and nothing but time to talk. it really was a great trip, now that I think about it.
"I found it there." he still hasn't looked up and I realize that there's something he's not telling me. I don't know what I'm missing, but I start to get nervous.
"I was gonna ask then, but I guess I just forgot." his tongue darts out across his bottom lip as he lifts his face to meet my gaze. my heart thuds when he opens his mouth again. "I kinda wanted to try something."
"I've been thinking about maybe using knives... in a sexual way."
"what?" I frown, confused by his wording. Matthew seems to realize that he's phrased it awkwardly and shifts his stance. he keeps glancing between the object and my face like he's worried about scaring me away.
"I don't mean I'm gonna stab you or anything," he laughs. "I just mean I think it sounds fun."
my hand finds his, brushing my palm over the steel to touch it myself again. there's a curiosity that burns through me now, something I'm a little unsure about but not enough so to deny the possibility of trying it.
"what do you wanna do with it?" I peek up at him. he bites his lip. we're speaking in gentle tones and I notice that our bodies have gotten closer within the last few moments. a warmth, a tension.
"like, pressing the blade flat against your skin while I fuck you." he takes the thing and demonstrates. the cool silver rests on my neck, too dull to really threaten a serious cut if he were to move too quickly. a shiver runs down my spine at the sensation of the metal.
I gulp, feel the curve of my throat push against it when I swallow. it's nice.
"oh." is all I say. Matthew is watching me intently, but he doesn't make any motion away from it. like he's entranced by the sight of me with a knife to my throat.
"are you interested?" he asks.
I mull it over. on the one hand, weapon play is something I've never considered in my sex life before. Matthew and I aren't vanilla, but this hasn't crossed my mind. that said, now that I can really feel it, there is a desire forming in my stomach. it would be a strange, new sensation.
"yes." the confirmation makes him smile a little. he lowers the thing and instead wraps me in his arms, kisses me passionately until our tongues are dancing over each other. I love how he holds me, our torsos against each other while my body leans slightly back to accept the weight of his touch.
he goes to my head like alcohol. and it's even more surreal when I feel the blade move under the hem of my shirt to rest against my back. I smile into his mouth. he doesn't do anything with it, just leaves it to remind me.
he starts to rut his hips against my lower stomach, getting aroused at the proximity of our bodies and the heated nature of our kiss. there's an urgency to all of it, like he's holding back. I don't want him to hold back; I want him to give me everything he has, everything beneath the surface.
my fingers twine in his hair and tug on the ends, causing him to groan into our embrace. there's no way we're going to make it all the way to the bedroom with the way he's grabbing at my body, so I stumble backwards towards the couch until the backs of my thighs hit the arm of it.
"you're horny." I giggle slightly when he pushes the hem of my shirt up my body, his nails dragging over my ribcage and trailing the object along with it. I feel the excitement growing.
"I'm just glad you're willing to try this." he murmurs the words, holds our foreheads together before his lips eagerly seek mine out, again. somehow, even with a weapon leveled against me, I can sense the love in every single action. I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't trust him to treat me with the utmost care.
I work at the buttons of his shirt, pushing it over his lovely shoulders and arms as he unclasps my bra. we're fervent, greedy in our movements, trying to kiss despite the attention needed to remove our clothes. mostly we just tangle up in each other until there's nothing left but my shorts for him to shove down my legs. he keeps his pants on.
"c'mon, beautiful." he mutters, pushing my legs open so that I'm sitting on the arm of the couch. he tilts my head and leans closer to suck on my bottom lip, and then starts to massage my tits. I can feel the handle of the weapon against my nipple.
when he reaches to slide his finger between my folds, I hiss out a breath at the cold sensation of his skin.
"is this because of me or the knife, baby?" he asks, corners of his mouth twitching up while I moan into his mouth. he starts to rub my clit with the collected wetness, teasing me too much. I want to fall back, but I can't. I won't let myself.
"both." I find myself turned on by the way the blade sits against my ribs again. the edge is just sharp enough to elicit a reaction from my body.
"feel that?" he angles the thing the slightest bit. I exhale and nod.
that isn't the response he's looking for, however, because he moves it so that it's under my chin. goosebumps on my skin while I pant uselessly against the weapon. I can feel it press harder with every breath out of my lungs, and I love it. I love the risk it brings out of me.
while Matthew dips his index inside my pussy, I writhe against it and tilt my head even more so he has better access.
"look at you," he lets out a dark chuckle, thrusts into me to the last digit. "you want more of this, don't you?"
"yes, sir." I breathe. my neck is actively moving against the metal. I glance down at his body and see his erection straining against his pants, craving release but finding none as he plunges his fingers in and out of me. I can hardly breathe from sheer focus on the sensations he's giving me right now.
"what are you looking at, sweetheart?" he quickens the pace of his movements and uses the object to make me focus on his face.
"you're hard." the words nearly die on my lips. he stares darkly at me, lifting his brows just enough to make me question whether I should have spoken at all. I bite my lip in anticipation.
"and what are you gonna do about it?" his voice is raspy as he stands back, removes his fingers from my pussy, and lets me drop to my knees. I'm weak both from the stimulation and from the loss of it, but I make quick work of undoing his belt, pulling the pants down his legs until I'm face-to-face with his cock. it sits against his stomach, throbbing impatiently while he watches. he uses the metallic point under my jaw to angle my face up to his.
"are you gonna suck me off, baby?" he smirks. I nod rigorously with wide eyes and an open mouth, dragging my tongue along the underside. Matthew's nose scrunches up for a moment at the shock of contact when I tease the head. all his concentration is on watching me wrap my hand around the shaft and pumping him gently. "spit on it."
I obey and spit right onto the tip before rubbing my thumb over the top to gather the precum. as I start to swirl my tongue and move my lips onto him, he throws his head back, lets out a wanton noise. it urges me on. I take every moment with a deliberate attention to the veins and sensitive spot he has.
"that's it, that's it." he rasps while knotting his hand in my hair. the other keeps the knife pressed to my throat. he lets me move on my own for a bit, gauging my desires from the way my eyes attempt to memorize the sight of his face above me, that jaw dropped in licentious craving. I can tell that he wants to fuck my face, but I go slow just to draw it out a little. it makes the soreness of my jaw worth it when he gets all impatient and flustered.
I hollow my cheeks and bob on his dick, bat my lashes, pull myself off him for a second just to kiss the tip.
"can I use your mouth?" he asks through a restrained groan. I open it and nod, sighing at the feeling of his fingers twining through my hair again before he pushes back into the opening. now that he's got full control, he starts to develop his own movements, sometimes meeting his thrusts by pressing my face against him.
he gets deep in it, never losing his grip on the knife, until my nose is pressed to his stomach. my throat closes instinctively around him even more tightly, and he lets out a guttural moan.
"such a cute mouth when I'm using it." he thrusts until I gag and then he's smiling. "get up."
he removes himself so fast, my eyes water at the sudden lack of blockage in my throat. I gulp air while he hooks his hands under my arms and hoists me up. I'm about to turn around so I can lift my leg and give him better access, but he sits me on the arm of the couch and parts my thighs.
"I wanna see your pretty face." he leans down and pecks my cheek. I smile at the surprising tenderness-- although it doesn't last long. steel sits against the space between my neck and collarbone. it's only a moment before he positions himself between my legs and slides his cock into me.
my back arches and I look him in the eyes, gasping.
"fuck, baby." he drags out the first word as he inches inside. I mewl helplessly at the way he stretches me out, my pussy clenching every few seconds. he keeps one hand on my lower back to support me and bring me closer to his pelvis, and then we're staring into each other's eyes as he finally settles in it.
his hips start to thrust into me, hopeful for any kind of contact while I accustom myself to the shape of him. it happens every time, despite the amount of times we've done this. and I'm bad at patience, but he's worse. his body stutters against mine.
"is it good enough, sir?" I ask quietly. he tightens his grip on my back and on the blade, the edge threatening my skin the perfect amount. I suck in a breath at the way it stings a little.
"you're doing perfectly." he recognizes what I want to hear as he finds my sweet spot and begins to hit it repeatedly, smoothly works my body. I swear there are planets in my eyes when I stare at the expressions on his face, both of us so wrapped up in each other that every other thought becomes obsolete.
he moves the knife to under my chin to rest on my throat.
"feel that?"
I nod so the edge bites more. he smirks.
"just to show you who you belong to."
my hips push up to meet his thrusts, needing more stimulation, more friction. what I want is for him to be relentless, to slam into my body with the kind of hunger I know he has. there are sounds, movements, that he's made before that make me want him to use them. but he's withholding, probably hesitant about the dangerous object on my pulse point.
"I belong to you, sir." I egg him on. he likes the sound of that, grunting and starting to pound into me.
"yeah? you're my dirty little whore." he speaks through gritted teeth. I shiver.
"I use you how I want, when I want." his fingertips dig into my skin and he yanks me closer so that he can hit a new angle. I let out a surprised noise when he brushes my g-spot. it's otherworldly and I expose more of my neck to him.
"my little slut likes pain, huh?" he nudges the weapon harder into my skin. it doesn't draw blood, but I can sense the mark it'll leave. I love it.
"yes, sir." we're both getting needy, but we can't hold each other the way that we want to in our given positions. my palms are occupied on the arm of the couch to hold myself up and one of his hands is too busy holding the object for us to fuck as deeply as we need.
"are you gonna take it like a good girl when I cum in it?" he mutters. he runs his tongue over my jawline and the weapon nicks my skin. I moan at the mingling of sensations that's building all across my body.
"yes, sir." I plead. it's nearly unbearable, how much I want him. we're chasing our orgasms and I know what will finish me off. he knows, too.
Matthew drops the knife. it clatters to the ground, but there's no time for me to register it with the way he grabs my hips and lifts me into the air, my legs wrapping around his waist while he keeps fucking into me. he maneuvers us with shocking ease, laying me on the couch and positioning himself at the right moment so that I can drag my nails over his back and keep my thighs locked around him.
"mmm... baby, I'm gonna cum." he drives into me recklessly, both of us finally able to cling to each other. the angle is just enough to stimulate my clit and I nod, using the leverage of my legs to pull myself to him and roll my hips for friction.
Matthew slams my body into the couch, grunting in my ear as he finds his climax inside me. it's so deep, I have to work to keep the yell inside, but he's not done. he rides it out and plows into me while I reach the edge.
"tell me how it feels." he orders in my ear. I sigh.
"so-- so good, sir." my voice is thin. "I'm close."
"show me." he leaves bruises on my hips with his hands. I feel the knot finally snap, every muscle in my stomach spasming chaotically. I finish with a loud moan, begging him to drag it out further. my vision nearly goes black at the tide that threatens to overtake my body.
"Matthew--" I gasp. he moans quietly at the way I say his name, still rocking his body into mine while I come down from the shocks of orgasm. it's nearly overwhelming, the pleasure running through my body.
slowly, we come to a stillness and he drops his head into my shoulder, panting. he doesn't let go at first, but then he withdraws from my pussy and lets me take a rest. I lay there on the couch while he kneels between my legs, pressing gentle kisses to my neck.
"I love you." he repeats it over and over.
"I love you, too," I hope he can feel the meaning, despite the sheer exhaustion in my tone. he runs his fingertips across the red marks where the thing went a little too deeply, but I'm not worried about it. "we should try that again, sometime."
"you liked it?" he smiles brightly. I love the lines by his eyes.
he lets out a cheerful noise and buries his face back into my throat because he knows how much it tickles. I screech and giggle, my legs kicking wildly around me. more contented than ever before.
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getitinbusan · 4 years ago
The Grammy Sessions
18+ smut part of The Studio Sessions
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It's not a Grammy award but I hope it's a little distraction for you all until the performance. Written for @jungkookbabyyyy and @etherealxjiminx thanks for the love 💜 I hope you like it.
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"You all look so handsome."
Gushing over the five men in front of you was easily one of your favorite  pastimes.
"You need to be out of here in 5 minutes, where's Jin and Joon?" 
"I'm here," Jin walked in tucking his arm around your waist. "But there's a little issue with Namjoon," he whispered not so softly in your ear. Everyone looked at each other nervously. 
"What the hell does that mean?" Yoongi vocalized what everyone was thinking. 
"It means he's a little freaked out. I've never seen him like this." Jin was usually Namjoon's support and if he was saying it, it wasn't good. 
Jimin pulled out his phone, "Should we call Sejin Hyung?" 
All eyes turned to you, waiting. "Why do you think I know the answer?"
"You always know what to do Noona, you take better care of us than anyone." Jungkook flattered while looking worried. 
You looked to your boyfriend, "He's not wrong," Yoongi shrugged.
The wheels turned in your head as you tried to formulate a game plan. 
The doorbell rang, "The cars here, what are we going to do?" 
You looked them over analyzing  who would be your best accomplice. "Jimin put your phone away, i'm going to handle this."
You tried hard to sound confident. "You're going to stay with me. Everyone else go get in the car. If we're late, you're going to have to do press alone." 
The looks of terror that befell them made you sigh. "Seriously? You all speak perfectly fine English. Stop being such cowards and use it." You kissed their cheeks one by one as they filed out. Jungkook was last.
"You've got this baby, I promise. Your English is so good now, you can do it."
"Do whatever it takes Noona, just get him there." 
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"So why am I here? What exactly is my role in all this?"
You placed your hands on his shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes. "I'm gonna need you to drive." 
"That's it? I could be drinking free champagne at the virtual pre show but instead I have to be the chauffeur?" 
"I'm sorry but Guk or Jin would be messy, we've gotten too close and they'd be hurt having to watch."
"Watch what?" 
"Me fucking Joon in front of them.  God Jimin, keep up we don't have much time." 
He stood puzzled. 
"Taehyungs a pervert and he'd get too turned on and try to make it about himself. There's no way Joon would fuck me in front of Yoongi and Hobi is just a shit driver." 
He didn't even bat an eye. "So your plan is to bribe him with sex?" 
"Can you think of a better option because I didn't see you suggesting  anything."
He grabbed the keys from their hook and shrugged, "I guess I'll be waiting in the car." 
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"Joon?" You knocked lightly on his door, turning the handle before he could answer. 
He was in his own world pacing the room as if he was lost in thought. 
"Hey sweetheart." You startled him. 
"You know you can't skip this right?" He sat down onto the edge of the bed with his head in his hands nodding. "Do you want to tell me what's going on?" 
Kneeling in front of him you pulled his hands away from his face. He looked tired. 
"What if we don't win?" 
"Joon what's really going on? You never worry about things like this."
"This is our ultimate goal, everyone knows. There's so much riding on this and it's all on my shoulders as the leader." 
He began pacing again. "If we lose I'm the one who has to tell everyone it's okay, i'm the one who has to calm the fans and I'm the one who has to console the members." 
"But what if you win and you're worrying about this for nothing?" 
"Thats it though, the one thing nobody's thinking about. If we win tonight we've reached our highest goal, where do we go from there?" 
"Namjoon," you couldn't help but smile in fondness, "you think too much." 
Wrapping your arms around him you gave him a squeeze. "Shut your head off and try to live in the moment for once." 
He kissed your forehead, "I wish you could come tonight." 
"Well your car already left so you've got me until we get there."
You picked up his jacket and flung it at him. "Now let's go before you miss anything."
He went to open the passenger door but you pushed it closed. "Don't worry Jimin's got this under control. You're going to ride in the back with me and relax." 
His hand was clammy and he kept squeezing yours like morse code.
"What are you doing?" His eyes were clamped tightly shut and his lips were moving but no sound was coming out. 
"I'm practicing my speech in case we win. I'm sorry I just can't make my brain stop." 
"So if you can't shut it off…" You let go of his hand and palmed him over his pants. "We'll just have to find a way to distract it." 
He looked at the front seat towards Jimin. 
"Don't worry about him. He's going to keep his eyes on the road and make sure we get there on time."
He was growing firmer with every stroke, straining against the fabric that held him in. "Doesn't that feel better already?" 
He smiled with a nod.
"I just want you to sit back and enjoy the ride."
Sliding to your knees in the back seat you carefully undid his zipper. Gently lifting his semi hard dick out of his underwear you leaned in for a suck.
"You have the nicest cock Joon." It twitched at your flattery. 
He wrapped his hand into your hair and pushed you closer to his swollen member. You could feel him relaxing under your touch.
"Suck it for me." 
Wrapping your lips around him you embraced his shaft with your suctioned movements. Wet lips worked him in and out of your throat while your other hand burrowed around his balls squeezing them gently. Small sighs escaped him, the sound of tension leaving his body.
"What are you thinking about?" You licked the head of his cock. 
"How good your mouth feels." 
"Umm," you hummed. "If you're still thinking I'm not doing good enough." 
You sat up and leaned against your side of the door spreading your legs wide open you fully exposed yourself. 
"You're really not wearing anything under there?" 
"I wasn't planning on leaving the house." You pulled the oversize sweater you were wearing as a dress over your head.
"I was just going to stretch out on the big couch and watch you perform." You dipped your finger into yourself and his jaw dropped.
"I figured I'd be so turned on and none of you would be there to satisfy me so I'd have to take care of myself." You grinned sinfully, "Undergarments just get in the way." 
Catching Jimin watching in the rearview, you circled your clit, teasing the little bud for your audience. He shifted in his seat while adjusting his hard on, "Eyes on the road please driver." 
Namjoon reached forward, wanting to explore you like your own fingers were. "Go ahead, put in."
His index finger slid in beside yours and he slowly pumped it in and out matching your movements. "You're  so fucking sexy." 
"I want you to fuck me Joon, my pussy wants more." 
He pulled his finger out and you grabbed his hand, holding it still.
"We should tip the chauffeur, give him a little sample don't you think?" 
Namjoon was hesitant, unsure, until a soft, "please, let me taste her," came from the front seat. 
Namjoon reached around the headrest and he held his finger out. Jimin's plush lips latched on greedily sucking it clean, running his tongue around the tip for good measure. "You taste so fucking good Noona." 
Eyes totally glassed over, Namjoon was desperate for satisfaction. 
"What are you thinking about now?" You bit your lip. 
"Pounding that pussy into the car seat until you can't walk anymore." 
"Yes please." You used your legs to pull him in closer, "get over here and fuck me."
He slid into your wetness with ease, your excited pussy drenched in anticipation for his meaty cock. His body had you pressed into the leather seat while Jimin sat staring at his ass pumping furiously into you.
Catching his eye and holding contact you smiled and moaned louder. You wanted him to have to sit there, horny, counting down the minutes until he could find a release. Knowing he'd be thinking of ways to punish you for putting him through this the entire show made you even wetter.
Wrapping Namjoon tightly in your thighs you whispered, "Cum in me Joonie please, I want you dripping out of me all night." 
Ramming himself into you with a newfound energy the car shook as he shot his load deep inside you and collapsed. 
"Namjoon baby, what are you thinking about?" 
He started laughing from where he was tucked into your neck, the vibrations tickling, making you squirm under him. 
"Absolutely fucking nothing." 
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With Namjoon safely delivered you turned your attention to Jimin. 
"Why aren't you getting out of the car? You're already so late."
He looked at you in the rearview mirror,  "Don't smile at me and pretend that wasn't intentional. I need a minute,  I can't exactly walk in there with a boner."
You couldn't stop laughing. "My poor Mochi. I'll tell you what, I'll make it up to you when you get home."
He pushed the door open to get out but came and leaned into your unrolled window.
"Win or lose you'll be getting something later."
Walking away he grabbed his dick and winked at you.
"You'd better be waiting up for your prize." 
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nothingbutfangirlsmut · 4 years ago
The Girl Out of Time
Pairing: Bucky x Reader and Sam x Reader
Background: Willow Roffe was born and raised in Brooklyn. She lived her life as happily as she could with her two childhood best friends Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers. When they both left her to join the military she tried to continue with life but that didn't get to happen for her for the simple fact that she meant something to James Buchanan Barnes.
Rating: Story will be overall MATURE but not every chapter. There will be strong language, talk of both mental and physical abuse, some good ole angst, and smut. There will be a warning at the beginning of the chapter when it includes smut.
Chapter 32
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Tony had started to shake next to me. He was livid and I couldn't blame him. I would be too if I was him. He lunged for James but Steve was quick to grab him. I just stood staring at the now blank screen.
"No, Tony" Steve whispered.
"Did you know?" Tony asked quietly turning to face Steve.
"I didn't know it was him." Steve said simply.
I could see the lie in Steve's eyes. Apparently so could Tony.
"Don't bullshit me, Rogers! Did you know?" He shouted in Steve's face.
"Yes" Steve sighed.
Tony took a shocked step back. I knew right before it happened that this was going to be bad. I could see the crazed look in Tony's eyes. The next second he hit Steve so hard it sent him flying backwards. I knew that he had turned to James but I kept my focus on Steve. I ran to him dropping to my knees in front of him.
"What do we do?" I whispered.
"Don't let him get Bucky." Steve groaned as he got to his feet.
Steve didn't hesitate to throw his shield hitting Tony in the back of the Iron Man suit. Tony knock Steve back again then pushed a button on his suit causing a device to come out and wrap around Steve's ankles. I was frozen in shock as Tony grabbed James and lifted him into the air.
"He didn't have control. It wasn't him." I told myself harshly.
I knew that fact but watching him do it with my own eyes was something I will never erase. Just as Steve breaks his shackles a shot is fire that causes part of the building to start collapsing. Steve runs trying to get to James as the crumbling building separates the three men.
"Get out of here! Willow! Go with him!" Steve shouts at the two of us.
I force my legs to move. I jumped over the rubble landing right behind James as he turned to corner. I was hot on his heals. We run into another large room where James punches a button on the wall. The ceiling all the way at the top of the room started to open revealing a snowy blue sky.
"Come on doll we gotta climb." James says as he grabs onto the closest ledge.
I don't hesitate to follow him. He's climbing fast trying to reach the top and I'm right behind him following his lead.
"I'm sorry you had to see that." James says as we climb.
"Not your fault" I tell him.
"No, but still. I coulda went a millenium without you ever seeing that." He spoke in a strained voice.
We climbed another ledge. This time he stopped and waited for me to be beside him before he spoke again.
"You probably think horribly of me now. I don't blame ya but all I ever did was try to protect you." The look in his eyes was enough to shatter my heart.
I leaned forward grabbing his face then pulled him to me. His lips crashed against mine in a desperate, panicked kiss.
"Nothing would ever make me look at you horribly." I whispered.
"We should keep moving." He said softly.
I nodded as he started to reach up to the next ledge. Before I even touched the metal Tony came out of no where kicking James hard. He fell down several ledges landing with a thud.
"Jamie!" I scream about to jump down to him.
Tony moves to blast James but Steve is between them with his shield. A breath a quick sigh of relief as I move to help James back up.
"He's not gonna stop. Go. Both of you." Steve said glancing between us.
Steve moved to keep Tony busy as the two of us continued upwards towards the opened ceiling. I could hear the fight below us but I forced myself to keep my eyes forward. Keep moving. Keep climbing.
"Almost there doll." James panted.
He was one ledge ahead of me. He grabbed the top of the opening starting to pull himself out as an explosion went off to his right. The opened part of the ceiling groaned then fell back down with a crash and a strong gust of wind that knocked both of us back down all those ledges. I hear James land with a thud and a groan but I'm still falling. When I do land everything goes black.
Every bone in my body feels broken when I come to. I groan forcing my eyes open. The sight in front of me has me Sitting up straight instantly. All thought of pain and injury gone. James is on the ground several feet away from me. His metal arm blown off. Steve and Tony are throwing punches at each other. This is insane.
Tony lands a nasty punch sending Steve to the ground. I try to pull myself to my feet but I only fall back down. Steve sets up on his knees between Tony and James. His face is bloody and he's panting.
"He's my friend." Steve says in exasperation.
"So was I." Tony said coldly.
I force myself to my feet as Tony picks Steve up then throws him against the wall. The captain groans as he body crumbles to the floor.
"Stay down. Final Warning." Tony warns him.
I take a step forward but my legs go wobbly and my vision blurs. I drop to my hands and knees. I blink barely making out the blue outline staggering to his feet.
"I can do this all day." Steve says weakly.
Tony steps back putting his red metal covered foot right in front of my blurry eyes. I reach out and grab him then give a hard tug. He's distracted turning around to look between me and James trying to figure out which one did it. Steve lunges grabbing Tony then throwing him hard to the ground. I crawl over to James' blurry figure on the ground.
"You alright?" I ask softly.
"Could be better." He hisses.
I hear a loud breaking noise then a grunt and a groan. I turn my head trying to blink away my blurry vision. It doesn't work. From what I can tell the fighting stopped. A few seconds later a dark blue figure rose to his feet. The scraping of metal told me he had picked up his shield. He stepped over to us. He helped James and me to our feet grabbing both of us around the waist. He started to walk away guiding both of us with him.
"That shield doesn't belong to you. You don't deserve it. My father made that shield!" Tony shouted from behind us.
Steve stopped walking. There was a sound of metal clattering to the ground then we were walking again. He had dropped the shield. He gave it up. What has happened to us?
Steve gets us back to our seats on the jet as my eyes finally start to clear. I keep blinking over and over trying to clear them. When they are clear again Steve is kneeling in front of me.
"There's something I gotta do real quick then we will find a place to get you two patched up." Steve told me softly.
"I'm fine Steve but he definitely needs it." I said nodding to James.
There were light footsteps then Steve was on his feet.
"I might know a place." A familiar thick accent said.
I turned in my seat to see T'challa in his Black Panther suit, all but the mask.
"I heard you inside. I know your friend didn't kill my father. I can help him. My people can help him." T'challa explained.
Steve and T'challa shook hands before the king departed out jet. He was waiting on us to clear out so he could inform Ross he'd caught the real bad guy. Steve didn't tell me where we were going until we had been flying over nothing but ocean for several minutes.
"Sam and the others are locked up out here. We gotta get them out." He said softly.
I immediately agreed with him. He had me take control so he could slip in and out of the prison as quick as possible. I kept the jet running and ready to go. When he returned he had Sam and Wanda. I didn't question him about the others. I knew there had to be a good reason he'd leave them behind.
When we entered Wakanda I was in total shock. This was nothing like what we'd been told. It was just suppose to be a country of farmers but clearly there was a bit more going on. Steve landed the jet right outside what looked like a palace.
"You two stay here. We won't be long." Steve ordered Sam and Wanda.
They both nodded. I stepped over to Sam then hugged him tightly.
"God, its good to see you." I smiled up at him.
"You too beautiful." He said with a charming smile.
"We'll be back." I told him then ran off to catch up with Steve.
I accompanied James into the room to see the doctor while Steve waited in the hall. James sat on the table while that man looked over everything, not just her metal arm.
"Doc, could I ask you something?" James asked suddenly.
"Sure" the man said nodding.
"Do you have the technology to put me back under? Freeze me?" He asked glancing over at me nervously.
A young woman suddenly appeared next to me making me jump.
"Why would you want to do that Sergeant Barnes?" She asked him.
"Give you time to figure how to get this Hydra shit outta my head." He said with a pained expression.
The woman shrugged.
"We can put you back in stasis if that's what you wish. I can work on some brain technology to help you when you next come out." She told him with a told.
"Good, do it" he nodded at her.
"Wait, are you serious?" I asked him stepping forward.
"Sorry doll, but I think we both know it's for the best." He said softly.
I didn't know what to say so instead I left the room. Out in the hall I told Steve what had just happened. He hugged me tightly but I wasn't as upset as I thought I would be. I already knew what I was going to do. What I had to do. This time everything would be different. The two of us walked back into the room just as the doctor and the young woman walked away from James.
"You sure about this?" Steve asked James.
"I can't trust my own mind. So, until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head, I think going back under is the best thing. For everybody." James explained.
"You want to go tell the others? I'll be right behind you." Steve suggested.
I chuckled softly making both men look at me in confusion.
"Sorry Stevie, I'm not going anywhere." I told him shaking my head.
"What are you talking about?" James asked.
"I'm not leaving you. I don't care how long it takes. I'm gonna stay right here. I'll help them if I can but I'll be here by your side. I'll be here when you wake up. I'm not gonna let you be alone. Not again. Not ever again." I told him grabbing his hands and squeezing reassuringly.
The small smile that appeared on James' face warmed my soul. He didn't say anything. He didn't have to. I stood next to Steve as they put him inside the chamber. We watched through thick glass.
"Will you tell Sam I'm sorry?" I asked Steve softly.
"You know I will." He nodded.
"Call me when you can. I'll keep you updating on everything." I told him.
He nodded then kissed the top of my head. A few seconds later he was gone. I was left standing in front of the glass watching James be frozen once again. But it's okay. This is not the end. When he wakes up we'll have his fix for the brain washing and I'll be here to help him through it. This time we can do things right. Live out a peaceful life here. A peaceful life with James Barnes.
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phoebehalliwell · 5 years ago
What do you think about PiperxCole? I feel like it is the only ship with Cole that has potential to be endgame Because she is stubborn enough and she would be ready to turn a blind eye to all his wrongdoings if it's necessary. However, I'm absolutely sure that all four sisters deserve better than Cole. I know I wrote about PaigexCole last time, but I never suppose this relationship would last)
i mean out of all four potential couples, i feel like piper x cole really rank last in like the x factor y’know like there’s no special spark between them. i think the only time they really came close was in the seven year witch with like the whole  you always were the smart one. cut the crap. and direct. i miss that… actually no, i don’t. but even then, there’s just always the deep baked indifference towards each other. like both prue, phoebe, and paige all felt very strong emotions all across the spectrum towards cole. piper always seemed just unbothered by him, so i really can’t see that developing into any form of passion.
that being said, if it were to play out this is how i’d do it: piper picks dan over leo and leo moves on to new charges and leaves the charmed destiny forever. and piper’s happy. for a little bit. but she’s still dancing around this magic thing and it’s clearly putting a strain on their relationship and both her sisters are like you have to tell him the longer you wait the more painful the blow so piper prepares a seven course meal and writes a full speech and dan’s like okay What is Happening and piper’s like I’m a Witch and dan’s like okay What does that Mean? and piper throws up a glass in the air and freezes it above their heads and Dan Is Terrified. so he’s like i need u to respect my distance here because i definitely need time to mull this over and piper’s terrified bc she’s convinced she’s ruined everything and between you and me, she sorta has. dan has this specific vision of him settling down in the suburbs with a white picket fence and two point five kids and he thought he saw that with piper but he really can’t see that with a witch. so piper’s alone. again.
but then there’s this new guy. a da. who’s single, smart, endowed employed, a man who loves sleeping in on sunday, sunset bike rides, cuddling by a roaring fire and late-night talks. a man who loves love as much as she does. but piper can’t, she’s been too hurt by leo, by dan, she can’t fall blindly again. but cole’s already put so much effort into this persona that he’s unwilling to switch to some other sister. so he acts patiently. he won’t be a boyfriend first. just a friend. who’s there, who understands. and it’s strange, but he finds himself caring for piper. there’s something about her that just believes in love and fairy tales and happy endings so wholeheartedly, and cole scoffed at it first, writing it off as childlike delusions, but it’s not that at all. piper’s a grown woman with two feet planted on the ground who still believes. and cole finds himself starting to believe too.
their first kiss is after coyote piper. cole was at the reunion as piper’s guest, and he witness that whole fiasco, and, unbeknownst to piper, also knows that she almost died that night. so piper’s back at the club cleaning up after the reunion and cole walks her and her face is like so beet red. and cole’s just like. that was uhh some night wasn’t it? and piper’s just like yep! it uh that yeah that is um yep! and cole just laughs softly and piper finds the knot in her chest coming undone because it’s clear cole isn’t looking for some big explanation for the night. so he helps her clean up and they two talk and cole definitely has a thousand and one opportunities to kill her but he figures he since she almost died earlier that night he’ll give her a break. just this once. he doesn’t even remember what he says that makes her kiss him. he does remember the kiss itself. it’s tentative, but it doesn’t feel scared. it feels like a wish. a wish that maybe he feels the same way. he kisses her back. barely above a whisper, piper mutters please don’t hurt me. she’s not asking him, she’s asking the universe. she’s asking that he doesn’t leave her, that she doesn’t screw it up like she did all those times before. cole’s heart breaks.
so now cole has to do some introspection because despite everything he’s ever learned, despite everything he’s ever done, he really really doesn’t want to hurt piper. he knows that another heartbreak like this would break her, so much hurt in so little time, and he fears it might shatter her belief in happy endings and in true love. and the belthazor part of him is like oh what a bummer a dead witch doesn’t believe in true love anymore god what a loss but cole really just can’t bring himself to doing that to piper. he won’t. but he doesn’t know how to make that jump, how to switch sides, how to choose her over evil. sure, maybe with the protection of the charmed ones he could stand a chance, but he can’t get that without first exposing himself as a demon, and that would hurt piper too.
piper can tell he’s growing distant and all her old fears are creeping up on her again and she’s convinced it’s something that she’s done and she’s bouncing off the manor walls like fuck jesus fuck i’ve done it again because i can’t be happy because all i do is screw thing up because that’s how my life is i will never get a moment of happiness and her sister’s are all like no, sweetie, it’s just a misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding, i’m sure he’ll come around, he loves you i can tell and piper’s all like okay whatever actually i can’t take this anymore i’m going to drown myself in work i’ll be at the club if you need me please don’t need me byeeeeeee but uhh joke’s on her she’s at the club inventorying when cole shows up. and cole doesn’t know what he’s gonna do. part of him wants to come clean, part of him think he should just try to drug her with a memory potion and then run away to start a new life in cabo. he’s flying by the seat of his pants. they stumble through some awkward beginning of a conversation before piper freezes him. or, at least, she tries to. and cole just holds very still. yes, he wants to tell her the truth but being like oh yeah the freezing thing doesn’t work on me because i’m an upper level demon but don’t worry! i’m not trying to kill you anymore because i’m in love with you just feels a little too flippant. so, when piper throws up her hands and he feels like soft thud of the magic, he holds still.
oh and piper goes off, man. she like screams into a dish towel and just then turns to him like Tell Me What You Want, Man!!! Oh my god! just tell me! tell me. is it me? it’s me. i know- just. just tell me! just tell me what we’re doing here, because i need to know because i love you and it Terrifies me. so just tell me. tell me you don’t love me so i can get this over with because it hurts to goddamn much to sit here and chit chat- and cole’s like reeling it’s so much information all at once and he might explode from trying to keep a straight face when a figure shimmers into the corner of the club and gets ready to hurl an energy ball at piper. cole acts before he thinks, diving over the bar to knock piper out of the way of the blast. piper’s in shock, and tries to pop her head over the bar to see what just happened and almost gets hit by another energy ball. she panics and freezes the demon only to have an energy ball fly past her, hitting the demon square in the chest, vanquishing it. she turns around to see cole behind her, hand still in a throwing position. she can’t form words. cole looks at her. i’m sorry. and, uhh, for what it’s worth: i love you, too. he shimmers out.
piper freaks out. like she Freaks Out. Like Freaks The Fuck Out. but uhh long story short she keeps calling him and they talk through it yada yada yada they don’t make cole human and they don’t make cole the source and a wedding via holy matrimony cements cole’s place in good the end :)
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rocket-roach · 6 years ago
For some reason I'm thinking of one of those scenarios where a character either gets duplicated many times or split into sides of their personality, sooo maybe Bruce having either or happen to him (if that makes sense), and maybe Clark and/or Diana/Any other characters of your choice dealing with that kind of situation? Can go however you want ;)
nado baby you are giving me life so here’s bruce trying to figure out why he’s standing in the cave with Batman, whos being kind of a dick to be honest
word count: 857
               “Clark,”Bruce says calmly into the phone. “I need you to come over. Now would be best.Bring Diana, too.”
               Batmanwatches him, his hand drifting to rest on the pouch on his belt that holds Kryptonite.
               “Iseverything okay?” He asks right before the air starts roaring as he flies.
               “Justhurry up and get here, Kent,” with that, Bruce hangs up.
               Batmandrops his hand from his belt. He settles in the chair that faces the Batcomputer,spinning so he can keep an eye on Bruce Wayne. Who still has not moved from hisplace on the floor where they spilt apart. Batman narrows his eyes as hewatches him. Bruce is getting out of shape. Not enough where it would impedetheir nightly jaunts, but out of shape could mean death if left unchecked fortoo long.
               “You’rea dick,” Bruce sneers. “Besides, we’re not 23 anymore. This whole thing,” Hewaves around at the cave. “Has become more expensive and intensive than I everthought it would be. I have to work, actuallywork, to maintain all this.”
               Brucepushes himself off the ground, wiping the dirt onto his pants. “God, I hope Iwasn’t this much of an asshole to Dick when he first started.”
               Batmanspins the chair around and starts typing on the computer. He begins pulling upthe files on the known magic users in their universe, then starts pulling onthe ones from the other parallel universes. Part of Bruce is itching to look throughthe files as well. The other part of him is wondering that he actually might bebetter off without the darkness inside of him. Maybe he could be a halfwaydecent father to all the brilliant, talented, brave, stupid, reckless andloving kids he’s adopted (or is currently in the process of adopting.)
               Butthen Batman laughs. It sounds alittle too much like a mad scientist’s laugh for Bruce’s liking.
               “Bruce,”Diana greets as her and Clark enter the cave. “Clark said there was trouble—Why are there two of you?”
               “Ithink I had a dream like this once,” Clark bursts out.
               “Magic.Sorcerer. Managed to cast a spell on me. It literally split Batman and myselfapart from each other. He’s uh, looking up files to see if there’s a way toreverse it.”
               Diana movesto Batman, and starts poking and prodding every inch of him. Her eyes werenarrowed to what Jason had nicknamed her “battle eyes.” Batman didn’t evenacknowledge her as she pulls at his cheek.
               “Areyou okay?” The man of steels asks.
               “I’mworried about what he’s gonna do.”
               “He’syou, isn’t he? What do I have to worry about?”
               Brucelooks at him out of the corner of his eye and says “Kryptonite.”
               There’sthe thud of a body hitting the ground. Bruce and Clark look up. Diana has afoot on Batman’s chest and the tip of her sword pressing the skin at his throat.
               “Bruce,check his right hand,” she says evenly.
               Hecrosses over, and pulls open Batman’s grip just enough to see the green glowingrock. With his other hand, he pulls the pouch it came from off. The rock slidesin quickly, and Clark only feels mildly nauseous and lightheaded.
               “There’smagic at work here,” Diana says a moment later.
               “Obviously,”Batman sighs. “There’s two of the same man here.”
               “Shutup,” She says. “No, I don’t think this is actually Batman. I think this is a… magical attempt at a copy. A glamour charm?I’m not sure. Hand me my lariat.”
               “Idefinitely had a dream like this,” Clark murmurs as he hands Diana her lariat.
               Brucetakes over the sword at Batman’s throat, watching as Diana winds the lassoaround her hand, then wraps the other end around Batman’s neck.
               “Thelasso of Hestia compels you to tell me your truth; what are you?”
               Batmanstarts turning red under the strain of the whip. His teeth bite down soviciously on his lower lip that it starts to bleed. She yanks the rope tighteras Bruce pulls back the sword. He uses for support, leaning against the sturdy blade.
               “I… No!”Batman screams, his voice like metal scraping against plastic.
               “Say. Your.Name.”
               “Ozymandias,”He hisses.
               “Kingof kings?” Clark asks.
               “He’s ademon. Bruce, this isn’t Batman,” She drops the rope, then swipes her bladefrom Bruce. “Demons lie. He won’t give me his real name; That’s fine. I’ll justend his excursion into our realm and send him back.”
               Shehefts the sword over her head in a smooth arc, and plunges her blade into thecenter of his chest. The demon howls, hands scrabbling at the steel sword.
               “You’renot Batman,” She hisses. “Batman is a good man who protects his friends. He’s agood man who’s unafraid to call for help when he can’t find the answer himself.More importantly, Batman has mercy.”
               Hernose is centimeters from his.
               “He hasmercy. I do not.”
               Shetwists the blade.
               Thedemon finally explodes into fiery ashes.
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