#god i rly cant get over how he's just a combination of all the fun parts of drawing yuuji megumi AND gojo
hinamie · 16 days
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i'm exactly as normal about him as I thought I'd be
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transrightsjimin · 4 years
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@trespassers-will​ ok here we go
i also watched the various videos hidden inside each photo and the videos that were posted today as well and took notes too hjfhk
1. hobi’s room
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okay so i thought i would rank jin’s room first but then i saw hobi’s room and i saw that couch nd went OMG okay thats no.1!! i love this interior so so much, like i normally hate orange and blue as a combination but this seems almost more like red and blue and it really reminds me of hopeworld. there’s many pop art-like graphic design posters adorning the walls, showing lines like ‘hope‘, ‘sweet’ and ‘my way‘. the shoes on the closet(?) behind him were disaplayed bc those are the colours we wears the most in his fashion. and then there’s this iconic inflatable clear pink couch and him wearing a pink robe and just GOD what a mood, i want a room like this!! the chair reminds me a lot of the type of fun quirky furniture i fantasized about and incorporated into my drawings as a kid when i was around 8-11, probably because i got inspired by stuff like totally spies and polly pocket, which had all these designs clearly inspired by 60s and 70s space age design but more in pink and purple i guess.
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also i hate the search for such stills bc even w safe search on, you still have godawful f3tish drawings depicting those kids from totally spies ending up in search results and it’s disgusting. but yeah it reminded me of that
when i say polly pocket, i particularly mean this quik-clik (magnetic clothes and hair) era in 2005 which was what i had some stuff from. i had that couch / movie night! set and the pool and that
also i just really like hobi’s room because with all the posters and cabinets and clothing items laid out and a carpet and fun colours and whatnot, it really feels like an actual room you could live in, unlike any of the other rooms which feel very empty or too minimalist to me. but YEAH hobi’s room is my fav, i love the way a fuller room feels more cozy and habitable and floaties and inflatable floaties are AMAZING
2. jin’s room
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jin’s room is so prettyyyy!! jins explanation of the room was very uhm confident and funny but i love that. the couch looks like a lilac shell, which makes sense as everything else looks very pearlescent. i really love cool-toned pastels like lilac, powder / baby blue, periwinkle and everything just looks like it’s part of a waiting hall for mermaids or something. there’s also gems in it which took me a while to realize bc i only noticed the glass chandelier and lamp but then i saw them in his hand nd on the table. i dont rly care abt gems / jewels but overall i just love how this whole room speaks ‘pretty‘ to me. robes are always a plus. as i was writing this, i was also reminded of hair extension mullet jin with iridescent clothing and all and that is actually my all time fav photoshoot / look of him. him saying he’s the gem of the room makes sense too as he’s sitting in the shell like a pearl. jin pretty pretty mermaid
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ok from here on its getting harder bc place 3-8 is not so much abt which is nicer but which one actually makes me feel any emotion bc i just feel too exhausted for excitement over comebacks or anything really. also minimalism doesnt make me feel anything either. but ill try
3. jungkook’s room
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ok ive been staring at a screen w few sleep for too long so ill try to go through my ranking faster bc ive been working on this post for too long, also partially bc i cant focus nd partially bc theres some i just rly dont feel much for but i feel bad for ranking one lower than the other or ranking smth higher when ive talked to someone who dislikes a room i like dghkfdf
but yeah i like jungkooks room! its a very intense blue tht might make you depressed if youre in it too long but again i love how theres multiple items stacked in the bg and intense blue lights, and the ceiling looks like it has soundproof padding. its like youre in a recording studio or at some vaguely nostalgic party of a friend of my mom, who had plants in her home nd rock music nd the tv on and was smoking nd it was a bit dark and mysterious. i like it, it intrigues me a bit nd makes me miss going to concerts. also this pic rly just reminds me of 2008-2010 pop music videos where theres always a party and dj and people are wearing sunglasses or something and theres a dance break at the end
4. yoongi’s room
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also blue!! the first time i saw this pic it was bc someone sent it to me to say how ugly they thought the decoration / editing looked w the metallic dripping stuff from the couch and whatnot but i kinda like it :( i like his velvety clothing and the light blue in the rest of the room is really pretty. i like mirror themes when done well nd i like how the reflectiveness shows also in the metallic dripping nd metallic spheres and the mirror hes standing on nd the way light reflects on his clothes and from the lamp. only the lamp feels a bit too much like a contemporary art installation for me nd his room already is a bit too empty for my liking nd i had the feeling when i watched the vid of him walking through the room that there was not much to interact w in the room like it was a bit dull. his voice in the explanation videos made it feel more like a place of peace / solitude rather than boredom or loneliness though.
5. namjoon’s room
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ehh i think place 5, 6 and 7 are interchangable at this point. namjoon woulve ranked lowest but i listened to his explanation videos and saw him goof around in today’s video and appreciated it a bit more. the room still looks quite minimalist and not super comfortable, like youre not allowed to touch anything there (which is the same for jin i guess but i dont view that as smth meant to look like a living room). i do like how the wood theme is present throughout each wall nd in various items and w the windows nd use of space it feels a bit inspired by japanese interior design and that that is inspired by his bonsai tree nd love for woodwork, but im not sure. i was actually quite shocked some of his explanations were so short. so yeah i place this 5th bc i like how coherent the theme is but it doesnt feel cozy or inviting nd still very cold to me, maybe bc it looks too expensive or minimalistic in terms of colours.
6. jimin’s room
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i like the flowers but also i dont like tiny flowers nd they tend to be the stinkier ones. i kind of like how jimins room feels the most like a grandma one w all the flowers nd offwhite and the lamp and beige i think? but the colours are so muted and if anything it feels like a place for a bridal photoshoot nd im just so bored. i love jimin nd feel bad for ranking a room he curated so low but it rly creates no serotonine in my brain, just melatonine bc im sleepy. i like how the room i obviously quite packed w stuff, but then the washed out colours make everything still look very bleak. hmm. i do like how the flowers reach outside the borders unlike w any of the others’ photos. im about to fall asleep so let me quickly finish this post
7. tae’s room
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the picture in the middle behind him is interesting nd i dont know how he made that, nd i do like how he described his room as a place where there would always be enough food for visitors. i know it’s meant to communicate some highbrow, artsy vibe but w the weird editing and lightning nothing looks real in the room he’s in (including himself, like it doesnt even look like hes in the room) and it just looks kitschy instead of artsy. yeah i dont gravitate towards this one, it’s like deep-fried and desaturated at the same time nd i tend to avoid looking at it subconsciously
8. the first room photo
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i first posted a long description here why but it disappeared but in short. this photo evokes no emotional response to me other than think of kind of crappy hotel rooms i was in w my parents while on vacation nd we slept in the same room or something nd the beds were awful nd made my moms chronic pain worse. the clothing is very boring and so r the colours of the room. i know bangtan curated stuff but its still the least interesting photo to me, maybe im too depressed to feel anything idk
im sorry this was prob very boring TT_TT i tried my best to make a ranking but i rly dont know nor care as much as i would want to
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survivormuxloe · 6 years
Episode #7: “david smokes WEED. thats his personality in a nutshell.” - Scott
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this merge is TEA!!! like honestly i have no idea what i'm gonna do because i actually have so many things i can do in this merge... like i have the choice of realigning with my old tribe or jumping on the other side with some of the others like.... this is exciting!!
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MERGE, MOTHEREFFERSSSS. Man, what a time to be alive. Not only did Danielle and Michael survive their tribal, but the original Mercia has now come into the merge with numbers. Beneficial at first, but eventually they all gotta go, haha.
Right now, I'm sitting pretty with two major alliances, both of them have Felix in them as well. The one with Danielle and Michael and the one with Ahrre. Combining these two alliances will be beneficial to me, as well as continuing my social connections with Mo and Tobi. Tobi is a target for me, cuz I know how well liked he can be, so I have to get him before he gets me.
As far as this first immunity challenge, I wanna win to make a statement. I wanna show everyone that I am a fierce competitor in all aspects of the game. And as far as the vote goes, I'm hoping we can get an original Sweyn out. Don't know who yet, but we will have to see based on these challenge results.
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Merged? This early WHAT. (Malik was fukin robbed)
Lowkey am nervous, while I dont want to play tribal lines as I think thats boring. I dont want to assume it wont happen. Im in the minority tribe so its something I have to be cautious of. I have to try to branch out to new people and start something soon to put myself into a powerful positon.
Ryan, Jones and Tobi are all good with me from my old tribe. So is Scott from the first tribe. I think this could easily work aswell, as I think Scott is close to ryan and tobi, and maybe if im not mistaken Jones aswell. So this is an easy platform to start from.
However if im honest. I dont think im anyones 1st choice in that allaince. Malik was the only person I knew they had my back. So im going to try to play the line of being inbetween for the first couple of rounds so i can get a solid footing.
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WOOO, I MADE THE MERGE. This is the best thing bc now i have options now and im not limited. It seems that it will devolve into a tribal game which i dont want to happen but ill just go with the flow.
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okay so hi we MERGED! WHICH WAS MY BIGGEST FUCKING WORRY BC its 7-5 mercia-sweyn now.. and missus david already trying to get mercia to stick together on og lines 24 hrs in.. LMAOOO. like when has that ever fucking worked out saying that dumbass.
like the tea is.. nobody on sweyn is close to wes so its basically 8-4. but i have tobi + michael to make it 6-6.. and im working on mo/ahrre rn just so that they wouldn't personally vote me bc i need to limit the targets so if we need to use ryans idol we can lol.
i still dk how to feel ab dani tho. i feel as if she could play both sides really effectively and thats scary af.. it's just tellin people what they wanna hear to prove im with them and getting them to keep quiet hehe LAMFJNHFBFG
david/wes are the primary targets to go first for me tho. and hopefully i win immunity so my ass aint grass lol
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Ayee it's mergeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
So malik is dead and I'm back with all the lads from my og tribe, and I've been getting to know the guys from the other tribe. So scott flipped on Malik last week because it seems that Michael is close to him. Michael already told me David is all about keeping things Mercia strong and he's not feeling it that much, as for me I have no reason to target anyone so I'm gonna lay back and keep my options open.
Unfortunately the I couldn't find the Mercia idol so someone else probably has it I think. However my alliance with Felix and David is still pretty useful because now we're working on getting the merge idol, hopefully we'll get there before anyone else.
As far as the challenge goes the wikipedia search is always fun but I won't try superhard, it might be risky but I would rather be vulnerable these first couple votes instead of making myself a challenge threat.
Oh also the name of the tribe is Kirby, the best smash brothers character, so that's nice
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david smokes WEED. thats his personality in a nutshell. cant wait 4 him to leave.
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we merged <3__<3 i'm happy. i'm not playing a good game at the moment but i'm here bitch. i'm seemingly in a minority 7 to 5 based on og tribes but i'm not sure if that's strict or not. Scott told me Michael told him that David said he wants og Mercia to stick together... but why would Michael say this to Scott lol idk. I think there are cracks but I'm not going out of my way to find them right now....
also right when we merged, Scott mentioned to me that Jones told him the idol was found... which is funny lol she ran right to him at merge, and has never mentioned idol searching to me. Not surprised or suspicious at all, but noteworthy
omfg you know what's weird.... right after i sent the last confessional i get a pm from Jones and she just brought up how she knows the idol is gonefkadhfasd is she psychic
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Hiiii, okay so didn't come close to winning immunity, LOL. But honestly that's actually okay with me. People will probably start to see me less as a physical threat.
Right now, Michael and I are working towards getting Wes out, and then Mo next. Tribe lines are still very much there at least from my perspective, which is better for me cuz I'll always have many options on who to take out.
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I have a lot to talk about so I'm just gonna write a whole ass ESSAY IN THIS BITCH (something minor but cute) I CAME UP WITH THE TRIBE NAME!! It's perfect since the color scheme is pink, it's "Kirby Muxloe Castle", AND Kirby is just a pleasant video game character?? I loved it, the tribe loved it, and even if they didn't, AJ picked it anyway! SOOOOO,, life is swell in this chilis tonight,, RN everyone on the merge tribe seems p chill! I've talked with mostly all of them, so I feel like I can give my opinions? I adore Mo and Michael since they're my irl friends obviously,, but I'd love to actually work with them in game more yk? I've only said hi to Felix, but he seems nice. David is a comp threat and apparently he's already thinking about staying Mercia strong like,,,ok bud. Dani seems like a mess btw - A FUN MESS, but we told her twice that the immunity challenge was out and she was still like ????? oh wow???? she seems neat though. ALSO I LOST IMMUNITY. BY A FUCKING LOT. seriously how the fuck does someone get 3 for each wiki link like ???? I'm convinced Rhys is a wizard. Thank god one of my allies is a wizard. Scooty tried making me feel better by telling me I did better than the abstainers like :^) thanks king! um but yeah, it seems like right now the name everyone's throwing out is Wes and I'm totally fine with that - wes hasn't talked to me since we got back together and has proven that he's a challenge threat yk? so yeah, that's my life rn, I'll probably spam the hosts with more confessionals in a few minutes so you're welcome <3
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Ok so I just got off a call with Felix and it seems that everyone is voting for Wes which I’m fine with because it isn’t me. BUT. David was the one who threw Wes’s name out to begin with and as we’ve known previously David dropped my name first the round Jose was eliminated and David also immediately threw my name out to Felix during the puzzle round like “If we go home because of Mo we’re voting him out” meanwhile we were on a team with Wes, him being the only person from another tribe on the second Mercia so we know he’s not loyal. So my concern is that next round unless I’m immune, my name will be the first name he drops. I don’t want that and neither does Felix. So Felix is going to talk to some people about voting David out next round and I’m going to talk to Jones about it. I’m close friends with Jones and I know she won’t talk about our conversation to anyone. So if the plan backfires and someone tells David that we’re trying to backdoor him. They’ll tell him that it was Felix who dropped his name thus he’ll probably want him gone over me. I know that’s shady of me but I’m still allied with him and I wouldn’t betray him but it’s more of a last resort plan ahead of time if that makes sense.
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i've been quiet for the first few days of merge and just letting people come to my pm's and chatting with them and i think it;s working out rly well for me, i'm laying low and don't think i'm a target... apparently Wes is the prominent plan going around and i haven't heard anything else. Felix messaged me for the first time and we talked for a lil and then he realized who I really was and that was funny fsdjkf. Then he brought up how he thinks David is arrogant and a threat, and how he's preaching to keep Mercia strong.. and he wants to blindside him next round after Wes leaves. wig? i'm down sis lmfao. He was like "I have Mo, who you got?" and i mean idk why my 3 other ppl from Sweyn wouldn't go for that as well, so bam.
but i'm not gonna run to everyone and start initiating that shit bc it aint necessary. i did mention it to Jones on the sly though just bc we were chatting anyway and idk it doesn't hurt to share some tea sometimes lol.
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so tribal is Looming. uhm. as far as i know wes is the target by like EVERYONE lmaoo i thought mercia 2.0 was gunna keep him around but nope.. little do they know OG sweyn dont give a shit ab him
and then missus felix goin around saying david is next after wes? bold move cotton lets see if it pays off lol liek we aint even done with this tribal.. and his ass is def gunna overplay doin it WATCH
luckily for me i have michael tellin me everythn.. i have jones who trusts me and we are gunna work with mo.. ryan rhys and tobi all love me. thats at least 6 ppl who have my back so thats 7 votes on my side so.. im kinda untouchable atm and if anyone tried to come for me id know LANDKDNG
ig my hitlist rn is wes > david > dani > felix tbh but thats just tea
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These birches. They tried to beat me. But this bitch outsold. I won immunity. Lowkey only tried to win it cause I thought there was a reward and there wasn’t whoops. I also probably only won because I knew what to look for in the challenge cause I’m English.
Anyway this tribal is kinda boring. Like I woke up to the plan being solid and set, on Wes. Which worries me, if this is reoccurring that the plan is sorted when I’m asleep I’m gonna be a goat. This can’t happen.
So I’m told Wes is this vote and next vote is David. Which I’m happy about. As Wes is a goat it seems due to his terrible social game. Which if he stays he would be used as a space which makes it harder for me to stay and set up a winning game. David is someone who probably wouldn’t work with me, so that benefits me him being gone. However i need to make sure I’m 100% safe this next round and the one after. So I need to work on my connections outside people I knew before merge and make an alliance.
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Im VERY nervous about this vote i havent been as active as Id like this round so I could be in HUgE trouble let me talk to people and figure out how screwed I am
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Working together is for sure the smartest option just to get that damned idol two heads are after all better than one so me and Scott are gonna have that idol. To me the vote is pretty clearly on Wes I’ve heard no opposition and I can’t see anything changing in 3 hours but I’m gonna keep an eye out because who know what will happen.
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uhm so. mercia stayin silent in my dms. gr8. :)
im always nerv that im gunna be blindsided but its impossible rn i think ? bc ryan/rhys/jones dont vote me.. tobi wouldnt.. and michael wouldnt.. so itd be 6-6 at best if it was to come down to it. and i feel as if id hear it by now LAMFHNBG
idk i just hate these mercia ppl.. theyre so dry n awful. can og sweyn - wes just be the f4 pls?
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Ok so I MERGED and i was so shook because it happened all so fast. This game is flying by for me. I had to abstain from the challenge because I was still on vacation. I’m trying the best I can to stay active and shit but I’m finally home. Wes is gonna be an easy vote this week since everyone says he isnt active and shit LMFAO  
Wes is voted out 10-1-1.
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shionuzukis · 8 years
❤, 💀, ♂♀, ☯, ☒, 💑, 🍁, 🐍, 👍 👊 💋 🌟 ♞ 💬 💞 📺 🎮 ♬ 🎵 🎶 ✍ 🍊 🐧 🌼 ☁ 👏 🔃 👯 :D
youre a gem, pal!!! bless u.
❤: judai is quite literally the only option. jounouchi is a pretty close second, though!
💀: either yami bakura or vector. both are just pre hysterical to watch. the animation on vector in particular is soooo good. they manage to have him emote so strongly even as a barian and the whole not having a mouth thing!!!
♂♀: excluding judai or jou, my fave boy would have to be manjoume or jack. best girl is yuzu, though. asuka, anzu, and aki are all real close to my heart, too. and oh god, carly, too!! and rio, too. i love like all the ygo gals a real lot.
☯: kenzan bc i also have DINO DNA. jk but really pegasus bc he i also like to drink juice out of wine glasses while i watch cartoons on my private island that i bought with card game money.
☒: ahh, i feel bad, but probably most of yuma’s friend group that isn’t plot relevant. like cathy and tokunosuke. the show did incredibly little with them, and honestly they could get kind of annoying. its pretty disappointing how much i tend to like the little protagonist friend groups. : (
💑: manjoume/judai otp, man. but, also, yugi/jounouchi is super cute, and i love anzu/mai. pretty much any combination of team 5ds is also so good in my book, especially if you throw carly into the mix. it’s really tough to just give brotps, too, since i also ship pretty much any combination i can think of lmao.
🍁: the cute ones lmao. 
🐍: hmm, that’s tough...maybe black rose dragon?
👍: aki’s!!! 
👊: the only decks i own are a couple my sibling bought me based off of yugi’s in dm. i like his battle city one a lot!! id really like to have one based around xyz though!!
💋: pretty much any bit of dialogue from gx’s more goofy moments. stuff like when that ridiculous rich submarine guy dueled judai and was like boy, i want to open an underwater card game school!!! or judai trying to un-brainwash manjoume and throwing his flithy-ass coat at him and being like i’VE SEEN YOU WIPE SOY SAUCE ON IT. just silly stuff like that. its the best.
🌟: johan being all im gonna summon that rainbow dragon but lol nah he doesn’t actually have it. its absolutely ridiculous and basically when i decided i love johan. also anytime vector ja-jyans.
♞: AKI’S FIRST DUEL IN THE FORTUNE CUP IS LIKE MY LIFE. but also ceremonial duel, judai vs. yubel, and yuma and astral’s last duel are sooo good. vector vs. yuma in sargasso is great, too. MISAWA VS. THE TIGER LADY IN GX’S FIRST SEASON ALSO GIVES ME LIFE BC misawa is just so damn into that and im so happy they get to meet again in the third season. ;___;
💬: subbed all the way. i never really watched ygo when it was airing on american tv as a kid, so i don’t have any nostalgia for it. dm is mostly watchable from i’ve heard, but the severe alterations made to gx and 5ds is more than enough to keep me away. also, so many of the name changes are just so unnecessary?? and confusing??? 
💞: gx is my absolute favorite, then zexal, and then dm, 5ds, and arc v all nice and cozy together in third. i love them all so so much, though.
📺: i still havent seen any of the movies!! i was holding off on bbt until my sibling and i finished 5ds, but we’re slooow. and i just never got around to pyramid of light.
🎮: ive only ever played a little of one the gx tag force games, so uhh...
♬: BRAVING!!!!! BRAVING IS THE ONLY YGO OPENING THAT MATTERS!!! i like setsubou no freesia from zexal quite a bit too in terms of endings.
🎵: ;___; ive never really listened to ygo osts. theres a few songs i know i really like from 5ds, though. idk their names, but i think i started hearing them around the dark signers arc.
🎶: never really watched any!
✍: ahhh, i have like weird standards, so i havent read a lot of ygo fic, but there was one fubuki/ryo one i read on ao3 that was quite cute!
🍊: i havent really read any ygo doujin either lmao.
🐧: i find the abridged stuff to be a bit frustrating in how it bleeds over into just regular ygo, but ngl, i have a fondness for like the duelist kingdom arc in it.
🌼: i collect ygo keychains.....so i have a lot of those.........forty-two of them to be exact...... i have a really ugly atem figure and a dark magician one that my sibling got me for christmas! and i have the atem figma, and the kotobukiya jounouchi. i have the yami bakura and pharaoh atem ones on pre-order too lmao.
👏: one time i played with my best friend and sibling. we were all really bad, but it was fun! ngl, tho, id love to get deeper into it.... 
🔃: i actually cant think of anyone tbh! once i love a ygo, i always love a ygo. i guess i got more frustrated with kotori as zexal went on? but that was less her character itself and more the narrative...
👯: ahh, not really! i do rly enjoy getting to talk ygo tho lmao. watching 5ds with my sibling is a lot of fun, too!!
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