#god i love them so much... they deserved better
melanieph321 · 3 days
Ruben Dias x Reader - Shower Me With Love
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Reader feels overwhelmed as a mother. Thankfully, Ruben knows how to make her feel good again.
It was a hard thing to admit. A thought that brought you shame. But being a mother of three sometimes made you want to scream.
It was always at the end of the day, just before dinner and the moments after, that you felt like you had no control over yourself or the children. The oldest and the youngest would run around, chasing each other throughout the house. While the middle child needed help with homework that kept reminding you of the horrors of being a student with dyslexia. You simply felt incompetent as a mother, a sudden urge to take it out in your kids. They expected so much of you and so little of the rest of the world. Putting all of their trust in you and Ruben.
"I'm home."
Peace would fall upon your home whenever Ruben showed up at the door, a brimming smile on his face, arms open for the kids to run into his embrace. And just like that, the conflict within you simply seized to exist.
"Hi baby, how was your day?"
He would kiss you with a child clinging onto his neck and another his leg. You would tell him that your day was fine, leaving out the part where you almost had a mental breakdown again.
"How was your day?"
"Fine. We're doing alot to prepare for the game next week."
"I see."
Ruben would then fight his way through the house, carrying two children just to get to the third, who sat around the kitchen table, still tussling with homework. Ruben never failed to greet any of your children, giving them the individual attention that they all deserved. This he did better than you. It was a sad thing to admit. However, it was true. Ruben was better with the kids than you, or so the chaos in your mind made you believe.
"I'm going to hop in the shower." You announced. However, none of them seemed to have heard you. They were all gathered around the kitchen table, suddenly interested in doing homework. It didn't bother you as much as it could. This allowed you to slip away unnoticed, finally getting well needed time for yourself.
You would let the water run for at least an hour. The heat was scolding to the average man. However, the perfect temperature for you. You soaked in it, melting into a puddle of nothing. Someone without so much expectation on them.
The knock on the bathroom door came just in time, like it did almost every night. Through the foggy glass, you saw your husband slip into the bathroom. The kids had been put to bed, leaving him nothing else to do but to join you in the shower.
"God, you're beautiful." He pulled open the glass doors, grinning at the sight of you.
"Don't just stand there." You teased, to which Ruben wasted no time stripping himself of his shirt, tugging his sweats pants down his legs. He winced with the first sensation of the hot water. Once his skin was used to it, his arms pulled your body towards him, pressing your back against his front.
"I've missed you." He said, whispering the words against the lobe of your ear. He then traced his kisses along the running water that ran down your shoulders and the length of your arms. Ruben then made you turn around and face him and the way he regarded you with such admiration and lust. How he never failed to make you feel special was a wonder itself.
"You okay?" He asked, perhaps seeing the fatigue in your eyes. Not even an hour spent in the shower could wash away your fear of inadequacy.
"I am." You nodded. However, it only rewarded you with a skeptical look frown from your husband.
"Don't lie." He said, which caused your heart to strain and tears to well up in your eyes.
"I'm okay, Ruben, I really am. It's just that the children...." You stopped yourself from admitting your sinful thoughts and how they would make you come off as an even worse mother than you already were.
Suddenly, all that anxiety seemed to evaporate with Ruben's touch upon your cheek. Even though he couldn't see them through the running water, he seemed to be drying away your tears.
"Why are you always so hard on yourself?"
You chuckled. "Perhaps because I have a husband who makes it seem so easy."
"It is easy." He nodded, and for a second, you thought about stepping out of the shower, ignoring the tempting way Ruben's growing erection put pressure against your stomach. "You make it easy." He smiled.
"I what?"
"I come home to a house where my kids are happy because my wife makes them happy. I get to play with them until it's time to put them to sleep and you leave me to help them with their homework which mends a big part of me that hates it when I'm gone for too long. Football and my career are temporary. You and our family are forever."
"Oh Ruben."
You had never thought of it that way. How you were the heart of the home that he came home to. How he, unlike you, enjoyed helping the kids with their homework, cherishing every moment he had with them considering that he wasn't present for the majority of their day.
"I love you." Ruben spoke the words into your skin, his mouth now attached to your collarbone, nipping the skin until it became softer and thicker as he reached your breasts.
"Fuck." You moaned as he licked across your nipple, taking it into his mouth. Ruben's rough hands then traveled down your body, searching for the soft folds of you slit.
"That feels so good." Your head knocked against his torso, your hands cradling around his head, fingers running through his wet hair. You kissed his lips as you stood on your toes, savoring the tase of him.
Ruben rubbed small circles on your clit, small but powerful.
"Just put it in." You nodded.
His laughter drummed in your ear. "Without a condom?"
"Why would you wear a condom in the shower?"
Again, his laughter drummed in your ear. You always seemed to forget the beginning of your troubles. How your hot showers with Ruben resulted in three kids barley a year apart from each other.
"Can I fuck you like this?" Ruben turned you over to face the wall, arching your back in a way that offered him your ass.
"Yes, like this." You nodded, eager to have him inside of you.
His muscles flexed as his hips aligned with your entrance, the hot water running down the length of your back.
"You ready?"
"Ready." You squealed to the sensation of the size of Ruben, easing into you. Like always, he started of slow, despite your plea for him to go hard right away. His thrusts then came in waves, slow and fast, a combination of both. The sounds of your breathless moans were confined to the sacred sphere that was your shower.
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BSD Skillswap HCs
I'm going to write some one-shots for these later.
Scared when Elise disappears
Wondering where the hell she went
Thinks he’s sick or has been poisoned
(because when his energy is drained it’s hard to keep her around)
Can suddenly feel all of his subordinated abilities.
Then he realises that he had Fukuzawa’s ability 
But wait, they’re the wrong ones
And then Chuuya comes to him ranting about how a sleezy mackerel did something to him
and it all makes sense
I know that transferring a God from one vessel to another is prob hella complex
Just don’t think too hard about it
It’s the ~ magic ~ of  ~ L O V E
falling from mid-air
No longer feeling the thrum of Arahabaki
Bro finally gets a break from the constant ache to cause destruction.
He takes off his gloves
But puts them right back on when he realises what that means
He doesn’t want to go around nullifying people’s abilities accidently
Getting blown up by one of his bombs and it hurts him
But then he heals really quickly in a flurry of butterflies
Surprisingly, very calm
Does a quick scientific method to  figure out what the hell happened
Scared for Akiko when he realises 
because he does in fact have a crush on her
He worries she’ll get hurt or hurt someone else
He starts running to the Agency
Rashoumon goes in the middle of a fight
A fight with Atsushi, no less
Then suddenly he’s a tiger
He pAnIcS
He’s trying to hide the pAnIc
It’s not working
They’re both terrified
And trying they're very desperate best not to show the other that they are
They keep fighting
“Cuz damn if I don’t keep my promises
I said I’d fight you
So I will!”
Also, I’m extra mad at you for whatever you did!
“B-but I didn’t do anything!”
"DaMn JiNkO, you’re so incompetent you can’t even hold onto your own ability."
“Hey! We both switched, don't act like you’re better than me!”
“Think of it like Rashoumon . . . but in reverse. Byakko isn’t a gun or spear, but a massive shield!”
“You gave this . . . thing a name?”
“Yeah, so what? She may be an ability, but she deserves a name, just like Elise.”
He’s sparing with Gin when he suddenly flickers out of sight
He sees the snow but Gin doesn’t
He immediately recognises Tanizkai’s ability
“How could I forget it after he almost decapitated our entire organisation?”
But why tf would I have suddenly got Tanizaki’s ability
“And do I still have mine?”
Then he starts figuring it out
He uses it to his advantage during the sparring match
Because he figures I can’t solve this right now 
so I might as well make the best of it
He thinks there’s a cool kind of power in knowing your invisible
“You can do basically anything you want!”
Gets jump scared when Elise appears in his office
So confused
She’s like “I’m yours now.”
He’s like “nO, you are NOT.”
“Of course I am, you do love Stupid Rintarou, don’t you?”
“Y-yes . . .? Normally I’d say so without question, but I have a bad feeling about where this is going.”
She explains what happened, because as an ability she has an understanding of it
He’s a little shaken
But he likes her so he becomes chill with it
He does know however that his employees won’t be chill with loosing their abilities
He hides Elise in his office with a colouring book he had bought for her
Constantly reminding himself that this is temporary
“I’m a grown man with employees working under me, I must remain calm”
He actually loves Elise, even if he doesn’t spoil her as visibly as Mori does
As soon as the ADA realises (yet the employees still haven’t realised who some of them have swapped with and what it means 😉) he’s like “I’ve got to call O- Mori-dono”
“Why?” They’re all immediately suspicious
“To let him know this is not in any way our doing of course.”
“Oh, yes, of course.”
He and Mori are like “I was just about to call you!”
“Ougai, come get your feral child!”
“Yes, I’d like her back as much as you, but shockingly, we have larger problems.
He tells him that the PM members have the ADA members abilities
dun Dun DUN!!!
Knows what’s going on at once
He’s thrilled!
“I can fly!”
“I can jump off the roof and scare the crap out of Atsushi!”
“Oh wait, but now I can't jump to my death anymore, stupid automatic activation ability.”
But he’s always worried for Chuuya
b/c Chuuya is used to having his ability
He doesn’t want Chuuya to be hurt
He also thinks it’s funny as hell
Because he’s a little shit
He wants them to all get their original abilities back
But he FULLY intends to take advantage of this while he can
Chuuya calls him like “WTF did you do to me mackerel!”
Then Mori explains and Chuuya calls Dazai to rant about how he “can’t believe a piece of garbage like “shitty” Dazai is my soulmate!”
After he sees everyone’s ability is messed up he tries to make something with his book but it doesn’t work
He wonders who he swapped with because he doesn't feel any different
He starts trying to do other abilities (reminds me of that once scene where he’s buy Atsushi’s bedside after the fight on the ship and he’s trying to show Atsushi that he’s calm and ready for anything and is doing martial arts to the air or whatever) and none of them work
Then he gives up and decides he should ask around if any of his underground sources know what’s going on
He’s trying to call it and the phone is doing stuff without him touching it
He’s like OHHHH
 . . . shite
Goes to get check up on katai before he loses his mind of boredom and sadness without his computer skills
He never uses paper so he doesn’t notice he’s gained a new ability
But he does notice that his computer has stopped listening to him
He’s confused and distraught
He thinks he’s lost the only quality of his that matters
But he’s far too emotional and lazy to inquire so he just starts to mope in depression
Luckily Kunikida is there within 30 minutes to “save” him
She doesn’t notice until she has to treat Tanizaki 
b/c he stabbed himself by mistake when he magnetised a scissor to him
He explained it that he just dropped it
b/c he didn’t want to admit what happened b/c he was to freaked out
She starts dismembering him when and then realises😬😰😶
Oof size large
Tanizaki starts panicking and unintentionally flinging her metal tools everywhere, injuring both of them.
Yosano immediately knows he swapped with Tachihara but has no time to be amused
They speedrun like every ability to figure out who she swapped with
“Try levitating something!”
“Here touch Tanizaki, see if it makes him stop!”
In the end, it’s Kajii who comes to them because he likes Yosano and wants her to be safe.
So he shows up just in time and Yosano shows him how to heal Her and Tanizaki.
Suddenly he’s no longer a tiger, but a human
And tendrils are coming out of his clothes
He’s scared because he can’t regenerate now
And he’s scared for Aku 
b/c Aku doesn’t know how to defend himself using the tiger
He wants to stop fighting
But at the same time, he pushes to his highest potential (it makes him exhilarated, and maybe something else . . .) because he knows Aku will just regenerate
Aku’s teaching how to use Rashoumon while they’re fighting
“Not like that, idiot!”
“It requires finesse!”
“As base a creature as you doesn’t deserve her*!”
*rashoumon is a referred to with s female somewhere in the manga/light novels I think
“Slice with the edge, imbecile!”
“Don’t use your body weight, you brute! Let Rashoumon do it for you!”
“How can’t you grasp something so simple!”
“Stab, not slash, you stupid oaf! And send tendrils out remotely. You don’t have enough technical skill for that, weretiger. Your specialities lie in brute strength and maximum destruction. Use that! Don’t try and fight with your weakness, deliberately doing so sets you up for failure. Only a fool sets himself up for failure. Don’t be a fool, weretiger!”
They’re still arguing to cover their fear
Yeah, it’s really just them showing off how well they know each other
Eventually, the others find them.
doesn’t notice at first
Then Kenji comes in and male blond Demon Snow is trailing behind him
He’s completely unaware
It’s so cute
Kyouka does want to tell him 
so she experimentally lifts Kuni’s desk 
and when she can easily do so, Kenji’s like “Wow, you’re so strong Kyouka!”
She’s like “Yeah *_* We swapped abilities.”
He turns around and notices
He loves Demon Snow
Kyouka kind of wants to give it to him
Even though it’s the last piece of her mother it still brings painful memories
He tells her she should keep it.
“It was your Mum’s gift to YOU. You can use her to help others and make her your own. Just please, give her a chance, for me okay.”
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b00tyliciousbabe · 6 hours
da vinci
pairing: dacre montgomery x male reader
summary: just the actor fawning over the abundance in your cultural capital.
request: @gayaristocrat YOU ARE THE VISUSLS BBY! thanks sm for your patience, plus the anon who also requested a while back, i hope you enjoy reading as much as i did writing.
notes: happy pride! after FINALLY handing in my art coursework, this is my projection onto the character of the reader. never will i ever pick up another paintbrush - well…also officially finished my exams now so i am a slut for y’all’s requests! flood my inbox (but more importantly my hole) xx
song rec: naomi sharon - definition of love
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dating dacre was nothing short of a dream. he always made you feel so at ease. he loved how creative you were - the perfect match to his inner theatre kid. taking him to fashion exhibitions + poetry slams, and the actor inviting you to theatre shows, seeing the world through each others’ eyes made the time together even more precious. you first met at a ballet show. he had been dragged to see it by a few of his castmates, but was more so enjoying the bts view of you with the dancers. you were backstage fitting all the dancers and making sure they were all comfortable in what you styled. he managed to peek behind the curtain and saw your beautiful, so focused on draping the fabric of the lead’s skirt.
fuck, you were fine.
but he didn’t think much of it, just some cute guy, with beautiful eyes, who probably had a boyfriend. he took his seat and watched it with his friends. one of them was engaged to one of the dancers and so took dacre to the dressing rooms after the show. after introducing the two of you, y’all were practically drooling over each other. barely a word was said between you, but your hearts’ communicated greater feelings than mere speech ever could. they say love at first sight is something for the big screen, but your initial encounter rivalled the biggest stories of romance any writer could ever craft.
from that night, you practically were together, with the tabloids plastering the two of you holding hands, yachting in capri. the pop culture side of twitter was OBSESSED with your relationship to the actor and was in constant awe with how perfect you guys were for each other.
y/nsupremacy: you guys make my heart smile
user111: they’d make such cute babies
dacrefanclub6: sexiest couple on the internet
there was even a time where he had to do a nude scene in an upcoming blockbuster and the whole world saw how much your man was packing. in his press tour, the panel of interviewers didn’t shy away from your bf’s HUGE deal, some even made inappropriate comments.
‘god bless bottoms like y/n, he be taking that shit better than a pornstar’
‘poor y/n, how does that thing even fit?’
‘checks out…big booty bitches y/n deserves to be fucked by hung men.’
dacre was afraid that you would feel uncomfortable with the constant media comments on your thickness, but he had nothing to fear. you embraced it, you were said to have the best bod in fashion. as much as he tried to keep his life with you private, he lowkey wanted to let the world know that how much of a good boy you were for him.
dacre: ‘in all fairness i ain’t had any complaints from him so…’
dacre: ‘but…our neighbours definitely hate us.’ he remarks with a devilish grin.
everyone was rooting for your relationship, and what better way to show this than him enlisting the joint troops of your fandoms to surprise you whilst you were working in paris. he had gotten some time away from filming and decided to come and visit your atelier in paris. sprawled out on your desk, with needles and materials adorning the creative canvas of the room, he saw you hard at work. with the same vein poking through your forehead as the first time he laid eyes on your angelic physique, he could’ve fallen in love all over again.
‘hey babe’ he came up to you with flowers. ‘you look ravishing tonight’ rolling his r’s with a tenacity that made you smile. his tone always made you feel so safe.
‘i ain’t even dressed yet,’ you protest, dusting off the loose threads and sequins from your sweats. ‘you’re beautiful in whatever you wear,’ coming closer and gripping underneath your butt, ‘even prettier with less on.’ dacre quips as his lips tickle your ear.
‘dacre stop,’ you laugh out. ‘that giggle of yours is so infectious.’ he crashes his lips into you, the flowers dropping haphazardly onto the desk as he pushed his tongue deeper.
he was wearing the blazer you had designed for his birthday last year, paired with a pendant necklace with the first initial of your name on it. he looked so sexy. ‘can’t seem to keep my hands off off of you.’ he breathed, nudging his jacket off.
‘nuh uh, we have dinner reservations.’ nudging him away.
‘fuck. why’d you gotta be so damn sexy?’ he sounded aggravated but you pecked him again, ‘don’t worry, i am all yours tonight.’
taking you to the balcony of a quaint, parisian bistro, the chill of the capital’s air made the two of you even more enamoured, your hearts burning passionately. whilst eating, you got some sauce on the corner of your lips, as he pushes it back into your mouth. ‘gotta get you used to the feeling of a foreign object in your mouth before tonight, don’t i?’ dacre always loved being dirty in public and you made sure to satiate his exhibitionist kink.
after many glasses of wine, you made your way to the louvre. with your many contacts you managed to snag an after hours tour - solo. you were much more of a lightweight than your boyfriend (the man could drink like a pirate and be even more chipper than before) and you couldn’t walk in a straight line for more than a few metres. he let you go so he could see your figure and admire it from afar, but as soon as he saw you stumble, dacre’s hand on your waist guided you to safety and sobriety.
y’all ran throughout the museum, finally landing and kissing in front of the mona lisa. it was such a picturesque moment. the taxi ride back to the hotel was such a fever dream, y’all were all over each other, your chauffeur knew well to close the barrier and give you two some alone time.
‘have i ever told you how beautiful you are?’ he says slurring his speech.
‘tell me again…’ you implored.
‘the most beautiful boy in the world.’ he reassured, pulling you in as the city of paris lit up, illuminating your eyes.
you called him an ‘eager beaver’ as dacre stumbled the two of you into the hotel you were staying at. he grunts between kisses,‘you know you love me.’ serving you with another peck. he stripped your clothes as you followed suit with his own, leaving a chasm of fabric in the corner of the room.
only your shared jewellery was left to remove. you fell back seductively onto the mattress. as dacre crawled on top of you with a dark lust growing in his eyes, you pulled him by the pendant around his neck.
the muscular man laid atop of you, placing each hand on the bed at dip of your waist, using his palms as a fulcrum to steady himself. you glanced down to see the light reflecting off his abs as they danced on the curves of your body.
‘you’re so beautiful.’ he whispered, kissing your cheek and cupping your face.
he lifted himself from your figure, grabbing your thighs and placing your feet at either side of his head.
kissing your legs softly ‘so fucking soft.’ he moaned into your skin. his dick was throbbingly red, precum glazing his cock as he slowly thigh fucked you. he folded his arms around your plush knees, and kept that pace, your fingers grazing his cock head each time it escaped the warm walls of your inner thighs. to your annoyance, he kept this up for what felt like forever. halting, you felt his rock length graze your hole.
‘dacre, put it in already!’ you said with overstimulated passion, earning a snicker from your boyfriend.
knowing that you were beginning to grow impatient, he caresses the flesh of your abdomen. ‘look who’s eager now?’ he smirked.
shut up,’ stroking his happy trail with an endearment. you looked up at him and bit your lip. ‘I need you, please.’ his mouth agape at you ‘of course baby.’
he laced his fingers into yours. rocking slowly into you. his huge dick stretching you out slowly as the the dimly lit room made his ash blue eyes appear dark with lust.
‘fuck, have i missed this pussy’ rhetorically muttering. dacre began whispering sweet nothings into your ear:
‘you’re doing so well.’
‘taking it like my good little boy aren’t you?’
he made you so hot. lifting himself onto his toes, he angled himself directly into you, placing his entire weight on you. fucking down into your hole, your boyfriend was hitting nerves that had been neglected in his absence.
your sphincter began tightening around him, dacre knew what this meant - your release would soon follow. he started kissing your neck, and circled your left nipple with his thumb, goading your orgasm out of you as he started drilling a bit faster. dacre chased his own high begging you to finish with him whilst slurring his words.
‘take it, baby it’s all yours. UGHHHHH’ he busted strongly inside you. his big balls slapped at your butt one last time, reassuring both of you that he had seeded you deeply. you came all over his chest, as he chuckled.
‘love it when you paint me, that’s that sexy shit i like.’ he praised giving you an eskimo kiss to calm you from my high.
‘y/n,’ he whispered, big spooning you.
‘what’s wrong baby?’ you sounded concerned, cradling his hand.
‘nothing love, i just,’ he paused hesitantly.
you turned back to face him. ‘what is it? you know you can tell me anything.’
‘I just need you to know how much i missed you,’
‘oh dacre, you already did an amazing job showing me.’ You joke ‘I feel so…enlightened right now.’
he lets out a sad deep chuckle, turning to him and stroking his cheek ‘I missed you too.’
he gripped your waist, taking your words as a source of comfort. pushing his tongue down your throat.
‘ready for round two,’ you say, massaging his dick with your palm, getting him ready.
‘always.’ he affirms, spanking your ass and turning you over. the first round was very much for your pleasure and to let you know that he had truly craved your body.
but seeing your coke bottle body all splayed out for him? it was here that dacre’s beast was awoken.
‘ass up for me baby.’ he said guiding you to a more comfortable position. he massaged your thick cheeks and started eating you out. his large hands looked abysmally small in comparison to how juicy your ass was.
‘I ain’t gonna show you any mercy this time, you know the safe word, but i don’t think we’ll be needing it.’ he muttered, kissing down your spine before impaling you.
‘shitttt dacre, slow down.’
‘shut the fuck up and take that shit like the pretty, little cockwhore you are.’ dacre degraded, knowing how much you loved his dom/aggressive nature almost as much as his softer side.
dacre began going ham on your poor hole. he stood up as he began pulling you into him from the edge of the bed. with one hand crossed against your cheek and the other in his hair, he had to compose himself - else he come to quickly.
he fucked into you at a painfully quick pace, but it felt so good having him take control. dacre slutted you out almost unconscious for a bit and you were brought back to earth as he hit your second hole.
‘fuck baby,’ ‘I will never get tired of that ass.’ he said watching your thickness bounce against his abs. you started becoming more active, pushing back onto him for a heightened pleasure.
‘shake it for daddy, theeeere ya go, that’s MY shit baby. FUUUUUUUCK.’
‘oh god, your dick is so good, dacre.’ you moan out , which is enough to send him over the edge.
he came as your ass halted at his base. tightenibg around him he started breathing falteringly. ‘baby d-don’t do that, shiiiiit.’ he started leaking like a faucet. trying to thrust inside with some rhythm (to no avail), he collapsed on top of you.
‘I love you so much.’ you say breathlessly.
‘the feeling is so mutual babe.’ he kissed into your skin.
‘y/n, you’re so fucking wet,’ he spoke under his breath. still inside that filled pussy of yours, his cum and your slick provided a juicy lubricant. as he pulled out, the cum oozing out of your wrecked hole pooled into his pubes and on the duvet cover. the two of you were completely oblivious to the mess, and cuddled in the filth you’d created - a filth you were looking forward to adding to in the morning.
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1ris5starlight · 1 day
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(This happen after this episode)
To understand:
(Text) = thoughts
*text* = movements and noises
Text = narrator
After show moments #1
11:25 p.m.
Monty and Moon are currently sleeping on the couch of one table of The Black Cat and Puppet is deciding what to do.
Puppet: what should I do now? I can'tjust leave them here....
Should I call someone??....
I'll call Sun and Earth to come and pick them up..
Puppet: *ringing* come pick up, pick up..
Sun: Hello?
Puppet: HEYY!! Sun!!! How is it going??
Sun: Uhm- I-I'm at my house, not doing much...By the way have you see Moon? He's not back yet and I'm a bit worried..
Puppet: oh- Yeahhhhh- about that- emhhh-..
Sun: ...is something wrong?
Puppet: mmh- yeah. Uhh- So, me, Monty and Moon went out and we wanted Moon to try some drinks andddd we went to The Black Cat, which I'm currently, and Moon started drinking more and more and Monty too andddddd they kinda got drunk pretty bad-...until the alcohol got them and now they're sleeping on the couch of a table-...
Soooo, yeah- can you come and pick Moon up? I will call Earth to pick Monty up soon....please??
Sun: ...*sigh* I'll be there in a minute.
Puppet: Thank you~!!! (Platonically)Love you, bye!!
Sun: *hangs up*
Puppet: Alright, time to call Earth...
Puppet: *looks over Moon and Monty*
Puppet: we'll get a good scolding from both of Sun and Earth-! ....
(Well we kinda deserve it-)
11:43 p.m.
Puppet: (they should be here any minute now...)
Sun and Earth come in the restaurant.
Puppet: (there they are!) Hey guys!!
Earth: Hi puppet!
Sun: Hey..!
Sun: So, where are they?
Puppet: OH, they over there.
Sun, Puppet and Earth walk in restaurant and arrive where Monty and Moon are.
Sun & Earth: *looks over the drunk sleepy animatronics*
Sun: I swear- He just got back! How did he end up like this so soon?!
Puppet: welllllllll-
Sun: it was a rhetorical question. You already told me what happened, Puppet.
Puppet: oh yeah-
Earth: Alright, I'm going to get Monty home and you Sun bring home Moon ok?
I will come tomorrow to see how it is going, ok Sun?
Sun: yeah..Alright..
Sun and Earth pick up Monty and Moon, they say goodnight to Puppet and go to their houses.
12:12 p.m. (late night)
(Sun and Moon's Island)
When Sun come in the house with Moon in his arms, his cats also come to him and star moewing and purring at him, because they're happy that he's at home.
Sun: Oh-! Hey babies!
Cats: *meowing more happily*
Sun: yeah, I'm happy to see you too!
Sun puts down Moon on the sofa.
Cats: *meowing a bit upset at Moon*
Sun: yeah... I got to go to pick Moon up, because he got drunk..
Sun: *looks over Moon* *sigh* well, he got drunk for the first time...and I hope he never do that again-...at least not this badly...
Sun pick up a cover and he lays it on Moon; but when he's doing it, the sleepy Moon animatronic grab his hand before he go.
Sun: what-
Moon: *drunk and sleepy* P-please...*ik* stAy wItH me..
Sun: ...fine, Moony. But don't you dare get this drunk ever again, ok?
Moon: *more sleepy* mHmMhmm...
Sun sits on the sofa with Moon and the lunar animatronic hugs him, the solar animatronic does the same and so they fall asleep in each other's arms.
09:34 a.m.
The cats start meowing for food and the Sun is already up in the ski, when Moon wakes up.
Moon: *groan* mmhhhmh....what happened..? Why my head hurts so much..?
Moon: *remember everything*
Moon: oh yeah- I got pretty drunk and fell asleep..
God, Sun is gonna scold me to death-..
Moon: *notice he's in living room* uh? Why am I-
Moon: *tries to get up, but can't* what-
Moon: *notice that Sun is still asleep and hugs him* oh...Sun must have bring me back at home and he fell asleep on me...
Well, I better not wake him if I don't want to get scolded like a kid-!!
Moon lays down again, hugging Sun to him and admire the ski from the window, listening to Sun fans rolling softly, simulating a person that sleeps peacefully(it was like a peaceful music to him that sound).
Moon: *looks at Sun and kiss him on the forehead* good dreams, Sunny.!!
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farminglesbian · 2 years
oh listening to killing eve season 4 interviews is so telling in hindsight
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iennoganan-aha · 3 months
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Sigma PLEASE he’s not funny girl. GO‼️
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gunsatthaphan · 2 months
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shibaraki · 3 months
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“why are you doing this” “because you were crying” HORIKOSHI WHEN I CATCH YOU . I’M SUING FOR EMOTIONAL DISTRESS
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navnae · 2 years
On the outside Steve has this cold exterior that he presents to people he doesn’t know but whenever he sees Eddie a soft smile appears on his face. When Eddie comes back from practicing with his band Steve does this cute little run to him and hugs him tightly, nuzzling his nose in the crook of Eddie’s neck refusing to let him go. Eddie is used to standing in the middle of the doorway with his arms wrapped around Steve and rubs Steve’s back in a small circles. While Steve just rambles “i missed you” “I love you so much” repeatedly, Eddie always blush at the way Steve shows his love for him and comes off naturally every single time. They don’t even realize they’ve been standing in the doorway for over 30 minutes because they’re so lost in each other’s embrace.
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
never ending war of the raphael lover in spn fandom. you will appreciate them and their astoundingly grief-riddled faith in god and their exhaustion from trying to love the world he left and their only grasp at peace being the promise of paradise after the apocalypse and their anger that fuels the civil war in heaven when they’re the only archangel left standing after the apocalypse ended and that peace never came. and you will appreciate them for getting silly with it and exploding castiel that one time. he had it coming.
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sillycouslenta · 1 month
i present vaguely mdzs inspired quanyin au. so yin yu gets sentenced to death due to the brocade immortal incident and quan yizhen is heartbroken. he ends up getting banished since he was fighting jun wu when yy was being sentenced and he was hurt kinda badly. qyz never lets the scars fade(cant really fade anyway since he literally fought the fucking emperor). qyz is still immortal with the shackle. qyz finds some street urchin and teaches them how to fight and cultivate while sometimes talking about yy to his new kid. qyz knocks on crimson rain’s door sometimes to beg hc to try to bring yy back to life somehow. qyz ends up writing poetry(albeit garbage at first but he becomes very good after a few decades) about yin yu and the moon. qyz ends up picking a random mountain and create a very small sect(baoshan sanren kinda thing) and picks up orphans he finds on strolls. basically runs a cultivation orphanage. in the sect, there are a few yy shrines he built that he prays to very often and sometimes his disciples(kids) pray to it too. his sect gains power and influence in the cultivation world and has a well-known name. qyz tries to change the idea of yy from a jealous asshole to a kind shixiong but it barely works. he basically chills and writes sad poetry and prays for a few decades or centuries idk. eventually, somebody ends up summoning yin yu since they saw him as jealous(the exact opposite of what qyz wanted) and asks yy’s soul to kill their family or whatever. basically the original mdzs timeline from here- qyz arrives at the scene, yy jumps out of a window to avoid him and qyz knows it’s yy. yy basically just runs from qyz since he’s scared of the Consequences Of His Actions(same) and qyz is trying to be calm towards him. qyz becomes more gentle since that was what his shixiong was like. eventually shit happens yy is outed and everybody wants to kill him and qyz runs away with him to his sect. qyz’s disciples/kids have another dad now!
anyway i’m very normal about them if you can’t tell(they make me ill)
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illhaveyouforbreakfast · 10 months
Morgana confronts Arthur's army, saying they have no hope of defeating her.
"I am a high priestess of the old religion!" She snarls, casting a spell that sends a wave of destruction at the knights. It's stopped in its tracks against a shimmering wall of energy. Merlin steps forward, eyes glowing gold, hands raised.
"And I am your god."
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raisedbythetv89 · 3 months
Just saw someone being judgmental towards Buffy and Buffy ALONE for victim blaming in the Beauty and the Beasts episode…..
Calling out only ONE character in btvs for this behavior, and the one who is victim blamed herself the most is not the call out you think it is…. Like have you been paying attention AT ALL up to this point??? Do you only see the victim blaming when it’s that blatantly obvious???
Btvs has a SYSTEMIC victim blaming problem that obviously stems directly from jw himself as xander is also the biggest perpetrator of blaming Buffy for every single terrible thing that happens to or even AROUND her followed by Joyce, Riley and Faith. Anya, Cordy, and Spike’s (in season 4) are used less frequently to blame Buffy as well with joss pretending they are just being blunt and honest but it’s just furthering the “everything is Buffy’s fault” narrative and that is NEVER countered by the narrative or any of the other characters!!!! Occasionally Willow will advocate for not attacking Buffy or assigning blame but even that is rooted in her fear of conflict and wanting to keep the peace more often than it being about believing Buffy isn’t at fault and just defending her.
It’s not until season 6 and joss is less involved that we finally get Spike telling Buffy “it isn’t her fault” with Katrina and Tara forgiving her for both loving and using Spike and girlie has an entire mental breakdown both times because being forgiven and accepted instead of blamed for mistakes literally DOES NOT COMPUTE and she BEGS to be punished and told she’s wrong because she doesn’t know how to accept anything else because of her treatment at the hands of her “friends”, family and romantic partners for the last five years
Even in fiction we need to practice not just looking at a person’s problematic behavior on an individual level but within the context of the systems they live in and the community they are surrounded by.
If you’re genuinely shocked and confused the parentified slayer who has heard “one girl in all the world” more times than she can count, was blamed by her mother for “not making better choices and having better judgment” when she was the victim of a manipulative and predatory older man and feels responsible for all the harm and deaths ANGELUS caused just because she had sex once AND for having to send Angel to hell and therefore feels responsible for nursing him back to health as well you haven’t been paying attention to the actual dynamics at play or what’s been going on up to that point AT ALL.
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yangjeongin · 2 years
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bassist jeongin!!!
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pink-wysteria · 6 months
more people need to talk about how
1. Gale thinks the world is better off without him in it.
He thinks the mistake he made was so monumental that it's not even worth him being alive anymore. He thinks that if he does as Mystra asks and blows himself up to kill the elder brain, then at least his folly would amount to something. He's lived for a year in darkness and isolation and convinced himself that the only way to move forward is by somehow regaining his goddess's favour, and if he can't do that then he's not worth the air he breathes. He wants so desperately to matter, to mean something, that he's willing to throw his whole life away to garner even a fraction of the love Mystra used to bestow upon him. He's a brilliant man, an incredible wizard, kind-hearted, and trying so damn hard to do the right thing, but somehow he fails to see all those qualities and puts his worth solely on a single mistake he made that he made out of love. Out of ambition and out of desire, but ultimately out of love. And now, after spending months in self-imposed isolation, the only future he sees for this world is one where he's not in it. And,
2. That he doesn't think he's worthy of Tav. He doesn't believe that anyone can love him as he is, no matter how often Tav tries to convince him otherwise. If a literal god deemed him unworthy, then who is he to claim he isn't? He finds the ability to love again with Tav, starts the slow and excruciating journey of healing together with them, but somewhere in the back of his mind, he still believes he's not good enough. He wants to be more. He wants to be everything that Tav wants him to be. He wants to be everything Tav needs him to be. He wants to prove to them that he can be a good fighter, a good lover, a good friend. That's why he asks again and again if they wouldn't love him better if he were a god. If he was perfect - truly perfect. If he could command armies and fell kingdoms, if he could give them everything they could ever dream of. Wouldn't Tav want that? Why would they want his battered, broken, mortal self when they could have a perfected version of him? What beauty is there in failure, in making mistakes, in being flawed? Even when Tav insists that they love him for who he is, not for the power he would wield, he struggles to accept it. He trusts that they're telling the truth, but he's been a wizard of renown for so long that he doesn't quite know how to be a regular man any more. His whole notion of worth has been tied so tightly with power and control for so long that he's forgotten what it is like to be loved simply for being who he is. Not the Wizard of Waterdeep. Not Mystra's Chosen. But a man, wandering in the dark like everyone else, afraid, but so full of hope.
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heartbeetz · 7 months
Guys genuine question um would it be weird if I designed a fankid but only for theoretical purposes. As in not actually canon to our ship but still there Sometimes. Like an au I guess.
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