#god i love mr jamil viper so fking much
takohebi · 4 years
Ship: Jamil/Yuu, female MC
Words: 1,502
Fic under the cut
“Hmm? You wanna try riding a broomstick?” Kalim asked light-heartedly. “Jamil’s one of the best in class, maybe you should ask him instead! Hey Jamil!”
Well, all it took was one off-hand remark about wishing to be able to fly like the others on a broomstick and Kalim was already off, dragging a confused Jamil to where Yuu stood in her gym “uniform”- a simple sweatshirt and sweatpants combo. Yuu’s gym sessions consisted of running laps around the grounds and wistfully looking at the students flying. And teasing the Octatrio. 
Now Jamil’s in front of her, eyes carefully assessing...what? He is looking at her but she can’t tell what he’s thinking. With a sigh that hopefully wasn’t out of exasperation, Jamil got his broomstick floating and hopped on, sitting more towards the tail-end of it. He looked enquiringly at Yuu- 
“Aren’t you getting on?” he asked simply, pointing down in front of him.
Oh. Oh. Yuu’ll be sitting in front of Jamil. The thought made her heart skip a beat. Not wanting to keep him waiting, she shoved aside any budding ideas and tentatively sat in the indicated space, gripping the broom tightly. 
Immediately Jamil scooted forward, his chest enveloping Yuu’s smaller back and placed his hands right over hers. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle” he whispered into her ear. 
Yuu felt like this was some kind of cruel dream. There’s no way he chose those words to speak, right? This must be some kind of fantasy her mind conjured up in a last-ditch effort to stay awake in Trein’s class. Thinking about Jamil does make her stay VERY awake.  
However the moment the broom started to fly, Yuu felt her stomach drop at the sudden increase in altitude, jolting her back to the present. “Sorry, was that too fast? Let me know if I should take it slow.” Jamil’s silky voice once again serenaded her ear. “A-a little slower please? I am not used to this.” Jamil chuckled as a response. At this point Yuu was hyper-aware of the proximity of his face to hers, his chest to her back and his arms enclosing hers and his legs- oh- his legs were flush against hers, his sneakered feet tucked under hers and holding them up. Feeling the shared heat of their intertwined legs almost made Yuu gasp out loud. Forcing her eyes shut, she tried to rewire her thoughts to their alchemy homework and just focus on the sensation of the wind whipping through her hair instead of-
“Hey are you alright? Should I stop? Do you wanna get down?” Jamil’s hushed voice sounded genuinely concerned. 
“Sorry! Sorry, I just got a little overwhelmed.”
“Does this make you feel better?” Yuu felt Jamil’s arm snake around her waist, holding her even closer to his body. 
“Yes. Much better” she managed to squeak out, as her face and body seemed to be aflame. 
The rest of the flight was fairly uneventful. Yuu felt comfortable with the gentle pressure of Jamil’s body and turned her head a little to catch a glimpse of his face. He had his usual stoic face on but Yuu thought she might have caught a bit of red there. Soon, Jamil made quips about each student they passed over causing Yuu to giggle over his deadpan delivery of said jabs. They flew at a leisurely pace, mostly quiet save for a few Oohs from Yuu’s side when she had a new view of something she saw everyday. 
Little did she know, every word and sound she let out made the boy behind her blush and feel incredibly proud to be the only one to witness it and (indirectly) be the reason for her reactions. 
Jamil did not know why and how he was suddenly seated behind Yuu, if you gave someone a lift on the broomstick, they were the one who sat behind. But here he is, body lined up closely against her. As if his body moved on instinct without his brain directing it and only now waking up to the fact that they were in extremely close physical contact. Jamil wondered if he was being inappropriate for a moment before he felt Yuu sigh and lean into him more and glance back at him, with a shy smile. Jamil felt like his heart would burst out of his chest any moment. Looking for a way to calm his mind, he spotted Azul down below and immediately came up with a snarky comment. That made her laugh and Jamil’s heart soared once more. They fell into a comfortable banter, Jamil hanging on to every word she said. 
He found it easy to talk to her, especially after the whole Overblot debacle. And he caught himself wishing to talk more and more to her and make her smile, laugh, just react to his words in general (positively of course). He staunchly refused to ponder over his desire for her attention and simply dismissed his tumultuous feelings and convinced himself he cared for her as a friend and all his feelings were platonic. Nevermind the fact that he has NEVER taken anyone for a ride on his broomstick, not even Kalim. And yet…
Kalim MUST have known this would happen. No wonder he asked him to help Yuu despite being a competent flier himself. Jamil felt a twinge of annoyance. But it was quickly quelled as he heard Yuu say his name. Deciding to deal with these troublesome thoughts later, Jamil fell back into conversation, keeping his voice neutral with practiced ease even if his heart was thumping frantically in excitement.
The day was sunny and breezy and they were flying for well over 20 minutes. They had already crossed the grounds a few times. Jamil sighed. They should probably land. His body was getting a little stiff from not moving much from this position. And it was Yuu’s first time flying. 
“I think we should descend soon…” he said, reluctantly.
“Oh. Hmm..” Yuu said. “A little more? Please?” To emphasize her point, she leaned back into Jamil and looked at him again. ‘Unfair!’ Jamil thought. ‘There’s no way I’d say no now.’ he sighed, but smiled at her. 
“Hey Jamil, why don’t we go a bit faster? Can you do a roll? Wait, is it possible to do it with 2 people?” 
The prospect of their ride coming to an end made Yuu curious about all the things she wanted to try.
“It could be done…”
Alright, please hold on tight. Do let me know if I should stop.”
Saying so, Jamil tightened his grip on Yuu and leaned further in, almost pinning her to the broom. With his other hand, he gently tugged hers and repositioned them closer to their bodies and once again placed his over hers, his thumb idly stroking her skin. The gesture was barely noticed by Yuu because immediately then Jamil maneuvered the broom to tilt sharply sideways and quickly roll once, twice and then after a moment’s pause, speed up. With a tug of his hand the broom flew upwards, performing a loop and then slowly decelerated before hovering to a stop. 
Yuu felt the rush of adrenaline coursing through her, her hair was all over the place but she could only breathlessly laugh as Jamil hummed casually against her. 
“That was so fucking amazing!! Ahh thank you Jamil for obliging me.” 
Below them, Kalim whooped while Jack asked (yelled) if Yuu’s okay. Yuu yelled back she is, causing Jamil to pull his face back a little involuntarily as her voice was too loud. 
“Ahh sorry sorry. I am done yelling, you can come back now.” Yuu said lightly before realizing what she meant. She felt herself blush and thankfully Jamil didn’t comment, quietly leaning back in, his lips close to her ear once again. She could hear his steady breathing if she concentrated (not like she was actively trying to!!). 
“Yuu…” he spoke, his words barely a whisper. Yuu could have sworn his lips made contact with her skin. He seemed to drawl out her name and it gave her butterflies.
“J-Jamil?” she asked back, her spirits dampened slightly, knowing full well what he wanted to say. 
He sighed, the action causing all sorts of feelings to bloom inside Yuu. 
“We should get off. I am sorry, it’s getting a little late. BUT- we can maybe do this again later-” 
Jamil smiled. Yuu felt like her heart would burst out of happiness. 
As they got off, Yuu immediately felt her back go cold, missing Jamil’s warmth. As their friends jogged towards them, Jamil ducked close and said in a low voice- “Went a little hard at the end because you asked for it. I hope you can walk straight until our next ride.” then proceeded to saunter off towards Kalim, broom in hand. 
Yuu felt her knees grow weak and it was hard to answer if it was because of the flying or Jamil. 
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