#god i cant wait to reread the final arc and write the shit out of timeskip hinata and kageyama
revasserium · 4 years
beauty as a perspective (or a study of truth through the lens of a boy who has always believed in fairy-tales)
anon: And it is beautiful with Hinata First love with kageyama? Please :) 
101. and it is beautiful hinata ; 1.8k words
there are so many things he considers to be beautiful -- the sunrise, the sunsets, the way the moon lingers on the horizon after a whole midsummer’s night, like it’s waiting for the first rays of sunlight to spill across the world, the way the stars are relentless in their twinkling, as if emboldened by the darkness that beholds their very beings -- that they are made all the brighter by night’s all-consuming dark. 
there are other things too -- a well-aimed spike, crystal cut and down the line, right next to the pole, a perfectly arched toss, slow enough for thought, but too fast for the opponents to follow, the double-rolling saves that noya-sempai had promised to teach him and still hasn’t gotten around to, the way a clean sneaker sounds against the well-waxed floor of a freshly cleaned gym, the sound of a volleyball meeting skin, the flutter of a net, the chorus of voices as it echoes towards the ceiling. 
the cheers of the crowds when a point gets scored. when a match is won. 
the weight of happiness, so light and yet so, so heavy too, enough to make his bones feel like they’re filled with gold or silver or maybe magic itself. he thinks there’s nothing more beautiful than playing... and winning. 
until he meets you. 
your name breezes through him like a summer wind through wheat, leaving no part of him unruffled and untouched, all this thoughts tangled and out of ordered, but so beautifully so. he watches you go like a child watching the end of a really good dream, powerless to stop it, but still with the naïve hope that perhaps, if he just kept his eyes open (or closed) for a moment longer, maybe, just maybe you’ll stay -- 
“hinata-kun, its your turn to help clean the classrooms.” 
he snaps out of his reverie (did you know that’s the word for daydream in french? how fitting, right? and when tsukki had asked, drop-jawed and all, where the hell hinata had learned such a thing, all he could do was shrug and blush and say he’d read it somewhere -- to tsukki’s compounded shock and confoundment), the teacher is watching him with a hiked eyebrow, and half the class was giggling. but you, you’re standing next to his desk with a sweet, expectant smile and he’s lost all over again. 
(who was he, anyway? before he knew what your smile looked like? what your voice sounds like? what the color of your hair was beneath the morning sun, or in the golden glow of dusk?) 
“let’s do our best, hm?” you offer him your hand. 
hinata had never wished for after class chores to last forever, but he has now. 
he doesn’t know how you get onto the topic of volleyball, but it always ends up there somehow... with him -- and he finds himself rambling like he always does when he’s nervous, blabbing out an invite because yeah! it’s pretty cool! and there’s a practice match today! and oh, yeah! i’m on the starting lineup and of course you can come watch! i’m super awesome y’know! -- 
and then the horrifying, daunting realization that he’s going to have to play. with you watching him. with your eyes, like pools of amber so deep and clear they remind him of melted caramel during the holiday school fairs, with your smile like tasting a favorite treat after a long, hard day’s practice, with your laughter and your voice like -- like -- 
“what’s this? hinata’s brought a friend?” there’s something in the texture of suga-sempai’s voice that hinata isn’t sure he likes but he’s too nervous to call it out at the moment. instead, he tries desperately to explain why the hell he’d brought you along, not that he’s really sure either, other than the fact that he doesn’t ever want you to leave his sight ever again in his whole life but, well, he can’t really say that out loud without sounding like a freak -- 
“uh -- it’s not -- i mean, yeah! we’re friends! i think so at least -- well anyway -- ahhhhh -- she likes volleyball and there’s a practice match today and i told her she could come and watch cause i’m really awesome at it and she just moved here from tokyo, or actually she stayed in france for a while before that! can you believe it? hey -- wait do you know kenma from nekoma? they’re from tokyo too, right --?” 
kageyama fixes him with a flatlined look even as you smile. 
“she’s not from the same school, idiot.” 
hinata puffs up as he turns to kageyama but thankfully, daichi is there to pull them apart before things get really nasty. he flashes you a sincere and somewhat apologetic grin. 
“ah, thanks for coming. you can find a seat up there, and uhm -- welcome to karasuno.” 
hinata finds himself watching you go (he nearly yells when you wave at him from the second level, that is until kageyama elbows him so hard in the side he actually does yell). 
“focus, boke!” 
“shut up, crappyama!” 
“ha? what did you say?” 
“both of you, quiet!” 
they both flinch at the sound of daichi’s voice. 
but hinata can’t help stealing another glance towards you, thinking that this feels different, somehow. different than all the other practice matches he’s played before. it’s like his vision is sharper, all his senses on high alert -- he can smell the sweat on his teammates’ skin, can see each spec of light as it refracts off of the newly waxed gym floors, can feel the weight of your eyes on him like a superhero’s cloak -- beautiful and full of responsibility. 
and he plays well that day, he thinks -- got a few really solid quick’s in, and he only messed up on two of his serves, which, all things considered, is probably a record low for him. kageyama only yelled at him five times, also on the low side. 
they manage to scrape a win, and it was mostly asahi-san’s doing -- noya-sempai being awesome as ever, too. still, he thinks it’s been a good day. he almost forgets that you’re watching for a while, but only for a while, and as the match draws to a close, he’s again keenly aware of your eyes on him. 
he turns to grin up at you, shooting you a thumbs up. he finds you no longer sitting, but standing by the railings, your eyes huge and happy as you wave down at him. there’s a flush to your face that makes him want to walk off a bridge right into a very, very cold river but he shelves that thought for later as you make your way down the stairs, jogging right up to him, your smile so brilliant he thinks he might go blind if he stared too long. 
he blinks, still dripping sweat down his now very wet uniform. 
“shouyou! you were amazing! i mean, you are amazing --!” 
he almost jolts at your use of his given name, but then he remembers you asking (because you liked the sound of it or something; he’d forgotten what you said after that cause he was too busy marinating in the fact that you liked the sound of his name) if you could call him that. and him saying yes. 
“for a while there it looked like you were flying, like really flying!” 
he nods along with your excitement, his smile growing so wide his cheeks are starting to hurt and god, what what happen if he just kept on smiling wider and wider? what would happen to his face? would it stretch and keep on stretching? or maybe he’ll accidentally split his face in half and have to get stitches from the hospital, which wouldn’t be fun but for you, he thinks, it’s worth it. 
“y-yeah! cool! right?” he leaps ups as if to illustrate, but as with all things he does on a spur of the moment impulse, it doesn’t go quite as planned. he ends up smacking his head on the doorframe of double gym doors, leaving him whining, curled up into a ball on the ground, and you kneeling by his side. 
“shouyou? are -- are you okay? oh my god, what happened?” 
he winces as he pushes himself up into a sitting position, grinning awkwardly up at you. 
“i wanted to show you!” 
“show me what?” 
“what it looks like to fly!” 
tanaka is fussing over hinata, loudly asking if he’ll get a concussion while tsukki is remarking to that getting a concussion might be good for him; noya and tanaka are both laughing so hard they’re also curled up on the ground. 
you giggle, “save some flying for next time.” 
“for... next time?” 
“yeah, for the next time you play.” 
“will... will you be there?” 
you smile, nodding, offering him a hand. 
“if you want me to be.” 
“yes! yeah -- oh man, i do! i really really --” 
“good, then i’ll be there.” 
“aahh, that’s amazing! super great! ahhhh i’m so --- mmmm -- i’m so happy!” 
he leaps up and is about to jump up again before he realizes you hadn’t let go of his hand yet. 
he blinks, heat washing up his face like jumping head-first into a steaming onsen. 
“hey! you said you’d save some for next time, right?” 
hinata laughs, “right -- for next time.” 
you give his hand a squeeze before letting go, turning to greet his teammates. hinata watches you, like he’s been doing from the second he’d set eyes on you a week and a half ago, when you’d introduced yourself to the class. 
like when he’d all too enthusiastically volunteered to show you around the school, like when the pair of you had stopped in the library, and you’d run your fingers along the spines of all the books like greeting old friends. 
like when you flipped open a book of fairy-tales and traced the outline of a boy with melting wax wings, plummeting from the sky. 
“you know, i used to always daydream about flying as a kid,” you said. 
hinata quirked his head, “why?” 
you smiled, “dunno, seemed like a fun thing to do.” 
hinata smiled then too, “well, it’s not that hard.” 
you looked at him, “you... know how to fly?” 
“sure i do!” 
you laughed, then, but not a mocking kind of laugh -- a delighted, dancing kind of laugh that made hinata’s whole chest fill with hot air and helium. 
“you promise to show me some day?” 
hinata had nodded so hard his head might’ve come right off it’s hinges. 
“hey, what’s ‘daydream’ in french?” he asked. 
you blink at him, “reverie.” 
“wow... beautiful.” 
you laughed again, nodding, “it is, isn’t it?” 
and he decides then, watching as you smile at something suga-sempai says, as you quirk your head curiously at kageyama, making him flush a hilarious shade of crimson as well, that sure, there are a lot of beautiful things in this world. 
but none of them quite so beautiful as you. 
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