#god he better be in Veilguard and LIVE
kitkabam · 28 days
The One With the Wyvern Toy - Part One.
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[Summary: Comet, also known as our beloved Rook to the The Veilguard, decides that out of appreciation for his recent work on the field that she would make Lucanis a gift. There's just one small issue— how do you make a Wyvern plush?]
Written before the official release of Dragon Age: The Veilguard.
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The Fade worked differently than the real world, this fact known to just about all citizens of Thedas who dabbled in the depths of magic and the workings of the veil that stirred in every corner of this world, and perhaps many others. One instance of the Fade not following the natural laws of reality was in regards to time— night and day did not simply exist. Perhaps the scenery could change according to the memories reflected in dreams, painting over the walls of the veil like vivid murals created from practiced and precise hands. But in the end it was all part of ones imagination if the dream captured a bright sunny day, or a muggy moonless night.
The Lighthouse itself was something still of a mystery to the those that currently occupied its vast space; the place was tucked into a corner of the Fade that could only be touched by its previous owner, who had used this as his hideout for all nine years before the present day. Before it was a clear reflection of the loneliness of the ancient god; a dining table that could fit well over eight seated only for one, a single plate and pair of cutlery at the ready. It lacked much for decorations, as if this place wasn't originally meant to really be a 'home' much less a refuge to more than a single being. Yet the Veilguard made due with what they could, adding what personal touches they wished, making this place livelier, filling it's quiet halls with unseen warmth.
Comet was proud to see what her companions have done with the place, on top of what they've accomplished so far with their mission. It made her heart swell with hope that things will be okay, that the consequences of her actions at the ritual sight would be properly cleaned up and Thedas can one day breathe a sigh of relief knowing it's people were closer once more to true peace. Maybe that was a little too optimistic, but as she passed the giggling pair of Harding and Neve that lounged on one of the sofas...well, perhaps their energy was contagious.
The elf did her best to remain as quiet as she could, her foot falls light upon the Fade woven floor, not wishing to disturb the moment between her two friends. Comet just wanted to grab a quick cup of something— water, maybe, or something warm like tea. Emmerich had gifted her a blend from Nevarra that he said promoted better sleep. 'You'll be so deep in your slumber that we might think you're dead! Er, that is to say of course, it won't kill you—' He had to reassure her almost immediately, since her features morphed into one of genuine fear at the idea that such a harmless brew might bring her end closer than she would like. And after ten minutes of breathing exercises lead by the old gentleman and another round of assurance, Comet believed he spoke the truth and promised to try it as soon as she found the opportunity.
It just wasn't on her agenda to have it be a month later. Oops.
Once she entered the threshold of the kitchen she was greeted with the smell of something covered in a perfect blend of spices and different to the young warden— especially since she had mostly lived off rations and the occasional tavern meal. The sounds of a busy kitchen filled her ears, making their pointed tips twitch in response; a sizzling pan, something being cut across the cutting board, and the low murmur of a flame kissing the edges of tools used solely for cooking great dishes. It was...comforting, making the ambience of the hideout even more homey. Comet could get lost in the atmosphere...if it weren't for the cook who had caught wind of her approach before she even had a chance to make her presence known.
After all, Lucanis Dellamorte had been trained to sharpen all five of his senses for his work— it was inevitable he would learn the exact way his newfound allies stepped around him, how to know when someone was nearby and who it was. He had heard her footsteps earlier, even when she tried to be more silent as she tread, and knew that she had the intent to be here. What she wanted....well, he could figure that out too.
Hence the kettle on the stovetop that was close to a boil.
"It'll be done in three minutes." He moved the chopped carrots into the pan where he surveyed the meat being cooked- just another minute before it needed to be flipped- before he placed celery onto the cutting board,"Do you need my assistance in pouring it again or can I trust you won't burn yourself?"
Comet jumped at his voice, her heart nearly leaping out of her chest to run back into the other room. A yelp left her, loud and pathetic, followed by a cringe as soon as she realized such a sound could be heard throughout the entire lighthouse. Her cheeks burned with immediate embarrassment; her bright teal eyes darted to her feet as her hands called into fists at her sides, her composure tense like a frightened cat.
"S..Sorry! I..I didn't meant to-" She gulped,"...I can pour it myself, I just need to remember where the rag is so- wait! H..How did you know I was gonna be here f..for tea?!"
"...Every night you drink it before going back to your room."
"O..Oh. Yeah, that does make sense then.."
The silence was much louder to the elf than it was to the crow who moved with quick precision as he placed the cut pieces of celery into the pan, smoothly flipping the juicy cut of meat over to cook the other side to his liking.
But...it wasn't anything uncomfortable. No, in truth, Comet found that Lucanis didn't really try to make things awkward— it just happened, mainly because that's how she was. Awkward, and terrible at keeping conversations with possibly good looking people.
"...What are you making?" Her voice came out a bit strained, but that was mostly due to nerves. Her hands shook a little as she fiddled with her fingers, making her way further into the kitchen,"...It...smells good."
"Antivan dish. If I want a good meal around these parts from home, have to make it myself." Lucanis looked at her from the corner of his eye— her hair was out of its usual messy updo; strawberry blonde curls pouring over her shoulders and backside like unruly springs. She drowned in her navy dyed tunic- she swore when he questioned it was more for comfort than appearance- half of it tucked into the leggings that left little to the imagination of the shapes and curves of her...- ahem, moving on.
Comet nodded, her attention glued to the tea kettle as she waited for it to whistle. Her palms started to sweat, the young woman quick to wipe them on the sides of her leggings.
"I hope you enjoy it..I know you're a great cook, so...! A..As I'm sure everyone else would agree!" The last bit was rushed out, a quick attempt to cover up any chance it might've been mistaken for something...more.
Food sizzling, flames flickering...did Neve and Harding leave the next room, or were they suddenly just speaking quieter than before?
The kettle whistled. Before Comet could begin her search for the rag she used to protect her hands from the hot handle, it appeared right in front of her, dangled by the assassin's fingers like it were a treat meant to tantalize her. She took it with a quiet 'thank you' before wrapping it around the kettle handle, bringing it over to the counter.
"What kind of tea are you making yourself tonight? Chamomile? Jasmine?" Lucanis swooped in and turned off the flame that once boiled the tea kettles water, knowing she'd forget, she always did,"...I doubt you'd want black tea this late. Unless you are writing another report for the Wardens?"
"No, I plan on writing one tomorrow night. I want to try these tea leaves that Emmerich brought me from his home. He says they should help me sleep better at night." The tip of Comet's nose twitched,"I don't remember the flavor notes...he described them to me, but I..I might've zoned out a little."
"Emmerich...brought you tea?" Lucanis asked before he could bite his own tongue,"Careful. It might have 'hints of grinded bone from some undead Nevarran noble for richness' ,or just something dead related."
A giggle, like the gentle clinking of wind chimes in the spring breeze, left her. The corners of her eyes crinkled sweetly too— it quelled the pinch of something bitter that threatened to sour the Crow's mood.
"I doubt that detail would slip past me, even if I was lost in thought. He reassured me...several times in a row actually...that the tea is good and won't harm me. So I'm sure the leaves are a combination of your usual with, perhaps, a hint of some plant known only in Nevarra. Kinda like that one tea that Neve bought a few weeks ago. Said it was a Tevinter specialty, but the only difference that I remember was one ingredient." Comet rambled as she got herself a mug, poured the hot water (carefully, with as steady of a hand as she could) before she placed the kettle back on the stovetop (when did the flame get turned off?) and opened a cupboard to find the bag of tea leaves as well as a steeper,"Although the tea Neve got was definitely spiced...good for clearing up a clogged nose, not as a sleep aid."
Her eyes searched long and hard, eyebrows knitted together when she couldn't find exactly what she was looking for— especially because she remembered Emmerich precisely saying where he placed the bag of tea.
‘Oh, don't worry about putting that away! You look dreadfully exhausted and I'd hate to add to it further with such a small task. Allow me to do so- I'll place it in the cupboard to the right of the stove, on the top shelf!’
Ah…yes…the…top shelf. That would explain why she wasn't able to spot it so clearly from first glance. Comet strained her neck back to get a better view of at least the front of the highest shelf in the cupboard. Low and behold there it was; a velvet pouch, the fabric a beautiful verdant green, sitting peacefully besides some other herbs and spices. She had definitely forgotten that little detail in regards to the conversation between her and their neighborhood Mourn Watcher. Her eyebrows furrowed further, a frown on her lips. How was she going to reach all the way up there on her own…? She was almost as tall as a dwarf! Hells, only just a few mere inches taller than their own dearest scout! There was no way she would be able to reach it!
…But she wouldn't be a proper Grey Warden if she didn't give it her best shot, she supposed.
A short, mental, pep talk later Comet went to the very tips of her toes, her dominant arm- her left- stretching the furthest it was capable, strain visible on her face…only to brush against the exterior of the bag with the edges of her nails. She let out a defeat puff of air as she lowered herself back to standing flat on the ground, shoulders slumped downward in a pathetic display of what she considered immediate surrender. She can't believe that out of all the enemies she's faced so far this is what brings her down! Maybe she should suggest they find a durable step ladder or perhaps she could look into a spell that'd conjure one with the flick of her wrist.
Now that would be useful…why hadn't she thought to look into that one sooner…?
“Ahem, if I may?”
Oh, right, she wasn't alone in the kitchen.
“Last I checked, you weren't doing any better with reaching that shelf either.” Her eyes fully met Lucanis' own this time, fueled by the brief spark of adrenaline that pumped through her veins to voice such a playful remark aloud,”...Or are you calling Neve a liar?”
Lucanis feigned offense, though dropping it in favor of turning off the flame that fanned beneath his cooking pan so that he could step to stand closer to the elf without worrying he might accidentally overcook his homemade meal.
“Even a detective, who works to expose the truth about her cases, might fib now and again. But I digress, while at times I may struggle…I have a technique to help.” He flourished one of his daggers— always sharpened like new, hidden across his figure in places none may suspect—”Watch me.”
He didn't need to tell her twice.
With the quickness and precision of someone who has done this plenty of times to get it just right, Lucanis used what reach he had to get as close as he could before using the knife as an extension to his person, the tip of the blade catching to the rope that held the top of the velvet bag closed, careful as to not cut it clean in the process, and lowered the knife with the bag dangling helplessly. The corner of the antivans mouth twitched upward as he held the knife pierced bag to the speechless warden.
If anyone saw this, it looked as if Comet was truly starstruck by the assassin who accomplished such a great feat in her honor. The truth? He reached the top shelf without having pulled a single muscle whereas she would've given up after one single try.
“Unless you want me to steep the tea for you, I'd suggest taking the bag.”
“A-Ah! R..Right!”
She held out the palms of her hands, cupped with not a single finger leaving room for the slightest crack, and Lucanis pulled his blade out from the rope holding the bag closed, letting it fall gently into the young woman's waiting grasp. Comet gave him a small smile of thanks before she looked down to the bag; there was evidence of tampering from the knife, but she didn't mind. If the rope did end up eventually giving up before she could finish the bag full of leaves, well, she'd find a replacement.
“Do you also use that technique of yours to get jars…?” She asked as she prepared the tea leaves for steeping.
“...No. In truth, I have multiple methods. You have to, when you come to accept you won't be growing any taller.”
A chuckle filled the spice scented air before the kitchen fell silent, much to the dismay of the two eavesdroppers in the next room.
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It wasn't long after she finished preparing her tea that Comet made her way back to her own personal quarters. It was a space that was only now slightly decorated; her bed was a messy pile of blankets of various different fabrics, pillows of all sizes that looked to have only a bit of worn to their appearance, and a single handmade crow plush that sat in the center, as if the little fella was the proud owner of what a real bird may consider the coziest best to ever be created by feathery…wings. Not hands, because birds don't have hands…right? Right!
She placed the cup of tea on the wooden table beside her bed, allowing it to take a moment to cool down some more as her body melted into the mattress that welcomed her with open arms. Her nose was immediately buried into the biggest of all the pillows that encircled her, arms tucked beneath it to pull it closer as she inhaled the scent of ticklish lavender, refreshing pine, and a hint of cherry- most likely because of her favored perfume oil that she loved to apply after a much needed cleaning. A heavy exhale was let out into the pillow before Comet rolled to lay on her back, eyes facing up to the ceiling as her hands and legs remained outstretched to make her seem more like a harmless starfish in a sea of mix matched fabric.
In her mind swam the memories of several minutes prior— especially the times where she'd catch a peak of Lucanis’ tiny smile, the way his laughter filled the air, the hint of a twinkle in what she'd describe to be the most beautiful pair of eyes that she's ever seen…
Comet’s face burned, her heart swelled up at the mere thoughts that would best be compared to the writings in that one series Varric wrote— Swords and Shields. She never read it herself, really, she only heard some comments floating about in Weishaupt. Some of her comrades were romantics, always having their attention enraptured by the sappy words printed upon some page held together by thread and binded to a cover with greatly exaggerated art of the lovers. It was inevitable she'd end up hearing tidbits of some romance novels, and from what she gathered they were always over the top with the descriptions. Much like her own imagination, especially when she got too deep into her racing thoughts in moments where she needed a clear head.
Except…right now she didn't really mind the images her brain conjured for her since they were going to be memories she would never get tired of seeing played out behind her eyelids.
This silly crush was going to be the death of her.
Not that she thought it was horrible of such a thing to have developed; no, no, surely it was something that couldn't have been helped given that Lucanis had done so much- not just for her, but for the Veilguard as a whole. He was the one that brought darkness to the light, getting his hands messy where everyone else wouldn't have the heart to do the same. An Antivan Crow, whose death was falsified and identity kept hidden the best it could, decided to help their cause, even if by all means he didn't need to do so. Sure what they faced threatened the very state of the entire world, however Lucanis could've very well have passed up the offer to join to continue on his own way.
And the fact he didn't…was enough to draw forth feelings of appreciation alone. Comet had no idea what she would've even done had he rejected the invitation— crawl up in a hole and die in embarrassment maybe, mourn the loss of what could've no doubt been a great asset to the team. Of course she didn't really need to think about that coming to fruition , but it was still enough to make her wonder if, well…Lucanis knows how much his efforts were welcomed and appreciated.
Comet was aware that he viewed his work with the Crows to be…more like a job that paid well more than his life's passion. He was good at what he did- killing, obviously - but here he treated being a part of their ragtag group as more than just some duty he needed to uphold. Well maybe he didn't see it that way, but the mage did at least! So with that in mind…perhaps there was a way to show how much his time spent towards their goal meant to her- to everyone.
But what could that be? Think, Comet, think! What's something that Lucanis would like that he'd be a little touched to receive for his contributions thus far? Would he like flowers? No, no, with her luck he could be allergic. Or maybe she could cook something for him for a change! No…no wait she didn't know a thing about cooking…
A frown fell upon her lips— whatever could she possibly do? The idea of asking the others for their ideas embarrassed her, flushing her face an even deeper shade of red as the images of them poking fun at her flashed into her head. She shook them away, determined to not let herself get deterred!
That was when it hit her.
Wyverns…Lucanis likes them, right? Or he had a fascination with them at some point? What if…
Comet's eyes trailed down to her little crow- Caw. She's not as crafty as the Senior Warden who practically raised her, however if it was for him…for the opportunity to make him smile…it was worth a try!
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[Writers Note: Hello! Thank you so much for reading part one of a one shot that was meant to be one huge part but ended up being so long I decided to separate it into two! I hope you all enjoyed reading! 🩵 I can't wait to continue writing more. Feel free to like, reblog & share! I appreciate the support.]
Link to my ko-fi if you want to tip, or even commission me 👇
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bluedotr · 3 months
going to get this off my chest for a hot minute, because i've just come off the gameplay and i don't have enough IRL friends to scream about this. so here I am.
i'm sorry i'm not more coherent, i just typed this off in a frenzy to get it off my chest and so i can actually get some sleep and not play the scenes on repeat.
here be spoilers for dragon age: the veilguard gameplay. no, seriously, i've hidden them under the cut, if you click it's fully on you.
i didn't... hate it? it feels very much like a continuation of dragon age: inquisition's gameplay, so i'm not too fussed about that. combat did go very fast - a little too fast for me - but i see indicators for me to dodge, and i do appreciate that. chalk it up to me having sheltered in ffxiv for so long.
writing and dialogue is still a bit off for me because i can't quite shake the quippy vibes i got from the trailer. some lines could be better written - the overheard conversation between varric and solas was a bit weird, but i'm not sure if it was edited to hide main story plots.
but mood and environment wise? we were very much back in thedas. and thankfully not as bright as the initial reveal trailer implied. also - the facial animations and the movement animations? way better improved, so i'm quite happy with those.
minrathous is beautiful. it has very odd sci-fi vibes, but i very much loved the mood of the city - of course it's going to out of place, it's the one big magocracy that no one could invade living off the corpses of what came before so i did expect it to be more modern than the rest of thedas.
harding is back!! missed my girl. neve seems fun - her introduction gave a flavour of who she was, and i look forward to figuring out who and what stories she brings.
i'm still not sold on the UI or the current artstyle though. in particular i'm really not sold on the new demon/wraith appearances, what the hell are those purple strands coming off them??? i think someone must've thought it implied lightning bolts but all i could think of was seaweed and anemones and that made me laugh.
genuinely had to stop watching halfway through the gameplay demo. especially the moment when varric goes off on his own and i've been through enough to know where THAT leads.
Also Solas looking as majestic as ever, and even now he's still sorrowful and apologetic but still in the middle of committing a genocide on most of Thedas.
that said. at the end of the demo... when we, you know, knocked that statue over...
... we made things worse, didn't we?
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aaahple · 3 days
The Architect has been and will forever be a more compelling and nuanced character than Corypheus. Frankly it’s a shame he wasn’t inquisition’s main villain because that would’ve made for a far more interesting antagonist rather than the typical power hungry ancient magister. His involvement starting and ending with Awakening is a real shame and I always thought he would become relevant again afterwards.
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There’s a lot of intrigue surrounding this character that in game we never really find out. We never learn how/why he was born with consciousness and detachment from the archdemon and we never learn if his intentions to bring peace between darkspawn and humanity is genuine. If it is, it would’ve been extremely fascinating to see how he would go about such a goal. He’s so unlike any darkspawn we’ve seen because he actually does seem compassionate to an extent. On top of that, he was a very diplomatic character who you could bargain with and even make an alliance with. That would have created such an interesting dynamic with the inquisitor. Way more complex than ‘I want to assault the heavens and become god and you can’t stop me’
You had the option to let him live, but so far that hasn’t extended beyond a brief mention in da2. Here’s to hoping we get a better glimpse of this guy for veilguard
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andrewknightley · 2 months
final thoughts of my reply of da2 all here to not mega spam
-gosh i remember how shocked i was when i saw the chantry exploting for the first time. i wish i could see myself again. the biggest plot twist of my life. (now replaying anders is like "yeah the potion we pick this and this and bum!" and im like i see what u did there)
-im not a big fan of sebastian and i usually dont bring him around much but goooood i love when he is full of blood telling me how he is gonna come for my bf anders and show us what real justice is. its so epic
-replaying makes me love bethany even more ... my lil sister... i wanted to bring merrill in the final battle but in the end i had to bring bethany with me :_) all the legacy stuff and all the pretending to be happy in the circle because she doesnt wanna be a burden and her complicated feelings about being a mage gosh... i love her
-also i didnt say it here before but merrill mission destroys me everytime its so fucking sad. she did it all for people who loathe her. 6 fucking years in a shitty situation of hey your clan doesnt want your help or the eluvian this is like. bad for everyone ToT she could had spend all that energy with the city elvves and she admits she didnt even pay that much attention cause she has the "we the dalish are the real elves" thing.... gosh i love merrill and her story and im so sad
-anyways living with all the anders convers but what else is new
-isabela friendship is also a thing i treasure very much GOSH i love it...
-fenris saying im his only friend when i know he hangs out to play cards with varric and aveline's husband and isabela like what are u saying boy
-orsino turning to blood magic at the end of the game its so so stupid it will always be so stupid and made no sense but i know apparently they were forced to add 2 final boss for gameplay and they had to do this shitty story reason but god. awful. he doesnt even fight templars he just fight us like fiojfdigf
-last minute change of heart of cullen could also. be done better dffddf
-best credits
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-anyways im emotionally destroyed i wish there was another dragon age to play but alas i have to wait for veilguard
(now for reals there are some stuff i would play inquisition again for, but god i think about the open world and walking and walking wthout nothing and the missions and ugghhhh)
-im gonna replay the emotional anders scenes now
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invinciblerodent · 3 months
Hello!! I am so in love with the Veilguard companions already and I am 👀 very curious about your own opinions. Do you have an idea of what companion you would want to romance with your first character? Did you have a character that really stood out to you as a character you want to get to know better?
For Inquisition my immediate favourite character was Dorian for many a reason, but with Veilguard I'm less sure - from appearances alone I'm a little in love with Davrin and Bellara but I honestly find them all really interesting.
Oooh, bless your little SOUL for giving me a reason to rant!! Thank you for asking, I am blowing you many, many kisses and offering many an apology for the unfiltered thoughtstream below, lol.
As much as I've been yearning for a romanceable dwarf companion for a literal decade and a half, and as delighted as I am to see Harding most likely fill that niche (fingers, toes, and all crossable appendages crossed), I can't deny that I'm just.... immediately drawn to Davrin, to a degree I absolutely did not expect. Which is honestly not like me at all, but there is just something about the introduction, his voice, and the fact that he is (or seems to be) a genuine Grey Warden, from Weisshaupt (who probably knows the Warden-Commander!!!!), that just struck such a chord with me.
I've always loved the sheer dramatics of the Wardens: that sense that a happy ending is pretty much impossible for them, them being duty-bound and required to throw their lives at the threat in the event of a Blight regardless of their personal feelings, the constant ticking of the clock from the moment of their Joining that's counting down to their tragic deaths, the undercurrent of doom that they inherently carry just by being who they are, them being both the sickness and the cure at the same time, it just.... I love it.
Even if in the game there will be an opportunity to cure him of the Taint (which I'm guessing might happen, since it's been kind of a thread that's been following the story since Origins, and it sounds like a fitting story arc to give to the one Warden character guaranteed to show up), I think without knowing anything else, that already makes for a nice, solid base for a story, even a romance. And, him being described as a bold and charming monster hunter on top of that, that's just really, really appealing to me. He's got kind of a slight Wyll Ravengard, but there are a number of characters that fit that description that I really like (my partner's first thought was Xenk Yendar from Honor Among Thieves)- AND he's gonna share a voice actor with Javik from ME3, so I'm like, sold immediately. Like, listen to this man speak. Come on now.
...... This, of course, could be overwritten in a second- my immediate first impression is that the character I have planned (only in the vaguest of terms) might very reasonably fall for someone like that, but it's almost equally likely that any one of them will just bat their eyelashes at my girl, and she'll (I'll. lbr, I'll.) be a lost woman, lol.
There's honestly not a character in this lineup that I can't see myself getting very interested in. Davrin is a definite standout (god I hope we'll get to call him Dav), but Bellara is is kind of giving me a similar feeling as Peebee did when Andromeda was revealed, so I'm very curious as to how that'll work out (she's SO CUTE??? and described as a ROMANTIC????? HELLO??????), and Taash's vibe, I really like so far- especially her name. Like, I'm sure it's derived from "ataashi" (yknow, qunlat for dragon) and means something like "Glory" or "Greatness", but I'm very curious to see how she and these "Lords of Fortune" will play into the overall plot. I only vaguely recall them being mentioned in the netflix show (Absolution) which I've only seen once when it was released, so I'm flying totally blind on them, lol.
But also, a Mortalitasi companion is inherently just really cool, especially considering how little we know about Nevarra, Neve is the POV character in Streets of Minrathous (from Tevinter Nights) which I'll HAVE to reread but remember also being cool (upon a quick googling that's not the one Dorian shows up in, I got excited because I could have sworn and thought she'd know him then), and Lucanis is in The Wigmaker Job (same book) which I'll ALSO have to reread but ALSO remember being one of the stories I liked most in that book, and just.....
Head in my hands, they all sound so fun, every last one of them. I'm reading The Missing (the comic, I think the only one I've not read yet) in another tab literally right now, and I'm like bouncing in my seat over the buddy-cop back-and-forth between Harding and Varric. I don't remember being this giddy about a game release.... literally ever. The only comparable event was Andromeda for me (I didn't have time to be excited about Inquisition, I was still oblivious and playing DA2 for the first time when it came out), but even though I love both, deep in my heart of heats I'm so much more of a Dragon Age girlie than I am a Mass Effect fan.
..... For my Rook, I decided I think sometime around 2017-2018 or thereabouts that her name is going to be Verbena (like the plant, Ver for short), and I think she's going to be human warrior, or the closest thing to it, depending on how classes are gonna work- because as much as dwarves are my favorite, and as much as I think the trade relationships with dwarves that Tevinter have could play really interestingly into the story, I've learned my lesson from playing a Cadash, and I'm gonna go with a standard height race for my first run. (I don't wanna miss the action the first time around because of a slightly off camera angle and a misplaced table leg, lol.)
I've only thought of Ver in the vaguest of terms, no backstory, just vibes and associations (primarily based on the name), and kind of a voice, but I don't wanna plan too far ahead or too specifically on anything, I'm just very excited to just explore things as they come! ❤️❤️❤️
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gamescreencaps · 8 days
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Aelyn Lavellan timeline
9:30 Dragon – Leaving the Clan At 17, Aelyn Lavellan had spent years hiding that she had magic, fearing she'd be cast out if they couldn't support another mage. However, her Keeper, Istimaethoriel, eventually found out her secret. With two other mages already in the clan and Aelyn not yet Vallaslin marked, she voluntarily chose to leave.
9:33 Dragon – Mercenary Life Having spent years disguising her magical abilities, Aelyn relies on her honed warrior skills to find work. She takes odd jobs, never settling in one place. Eventually, she joins a mercenary group, continuing to hide her true nature while leading a simple and transient life.
9:36 Dragon – Tragedy Strikes Aelyn receives devastating news that her clan was attacked by humans, resulting in the deaths of many, including the other mages. Keeper Istimaethoriel survives and pleads for Aelyn’s return, as the clan now desperately needs a First. Though reluctant, Aelyn leaves behind her mercenary life and returns to her clan, taking Mythal’s Vallaslin in honor of her late mother—despite her personal rejection of faith in any gods, Dalish or otherwise.
9:41 Dragon – The Conclave With her clan still recovering, Keeper Istimaethoriel becomes more attuned to human politics, knowing their far-reaching effects. When news of the Conclave reaches the clan, Aelyn is chosen to represent them due to her experience in the wider world. For Aelyn, it seems like an opportunity to briefly escape the burden of preserving a culture she feels disconnected from. However, fate intervenes when the explosion at the Conclave leads to her being named the Herald of Andraste—an ironic title for someone with no faith in the Maker. At age 28, she finds herself thrust into a role tied to yet another religion she doesn’t believe in.
9:41 Dragon – The Inquisition Though she denies being the Herald of Andraste, Aelyn sees value in the Inquisition’s cause and throws herself into it, using the power of her mark to gather allies and face enemies. As her influence grows, rivals mock her as “Aelyn, the Fair,” referring to her albinism. Initially dismissive, she later embraces the title after becoming Inquisitor and begins to dress exclusively in white and gold, advised by Josephine and Leliana, transforming the mocking nickname into one of admiration. When she reveals her proficiency with a sword, Vivienne introduces her to the Knight-Enchanter path, a way to blend her warrior skills with her magical abilities.
9:41 Dragon – Solas As Inquisitor, Aelyn develops a deep bond with Solas, which blossoms into love. When he reveals that her Vallaslin is a mark of slavery, she removes it immediately, further solidifying her rejection of the Dalish beliefs. Solas’s revelation about the true nature of the ancient elves reinforces her disbelief in gods. When he ultimately ends their relationship, Aelyn remains stoic, hiding her heartbreak. Only Dorian and Sera can coax out her true feelings, though she expresses her pain as anger rather than sorrow. Soon after, she defeats Corypheus and closes the Breach for good.
9:43 Dragon – The Exalted Council Exhausted by the constant diplomatic struggles—though secretly enjoying all the beautiful dresses—Aelyn uncovers the truth about Solas’s identity as the Dread Wolf while investigating the Dragon’s Breath plot. His revelation leaves her with conflicting emotions: relief at seeing him and anger at his betrayal. Despite this, she resolves to find him and change his mind, believing that his vision for the world is no better than the one they currently live in. She disbands the Inquisition, aware that the threat Solas poses is far greater than anything she’s faced before.
9:53 Dragon – Veilguard Now 40 years old, Aelyn has been off the radar for the past ten years. Her feelings towards Solas remain conflicted, and though she’s had other lovers in the meantime, she’s unable to fully trust anyone outside of her inner circle. After disbanding the Inquisition, she shed her white-and-gold image, working quietly to avoid recognition by the general population. Her sole focus is stopping Solas’s ritual and preventing the destruction of the world, believing it to be a moral imperative. Despite the years, her determination has only grown stronger, as she navigates a web of secrecy to meet her lover and foe once more.
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