#god gave me the ability to obsess over fictional characters without considering the consequences
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spxdxrpxnk · 2 years ago
thinking abt how PROWLER MILES and SPIDERMILES sleep... 💤💤💤
( notes: this is written by a minor about underage characters, so nsfw/18+ only/'minors dni' blogs please do not interact with this post! thank you <3
i call them prowler miles and spidermiles instead of earth-XXX miles because it's cuter to me :) )
MILES is a very light sleeper.
a lot of people don't really expect that because he always looks like he's having the best, most deepest sleep of his life, all curled up in a tight ball, blankets burrito'd around him
bro is the literal definition of snug as a bug in a rug
he even snores just a little! when you first hear it you think he's like, growling in his sleep??? because of how low it is, nah, he's snorin.
there's literally never any sneaking up on him while asleep- MILES literally woke up because RIO walked past his bedroom door once. she didn't go in, didn't even touch the door; she just tip-toed in her work sneakers instead of socks or slippers.
and that woke him up, made him all grumpy because that was really early in the morning and now he can't go back to sleep
once he's up, he's up. and it takes an hour or so to get back to sleep, so he just deals with it
he sits up, but just stays sitting in bed slouched over like a zombie for a good few minutes.
he just needs a sec to boot up, give him a lil bit and then he's up and at em like he was never asleep in the first place??
one time, UNCLE AARON scared him awake from a nap because they had stuff to do, and he was literally so mad about it. he knew it was a dumb thing to be mad about, but MILES couldn't keep an angry pout off his face and AARON was just snickering at it the entire time
when sleeping, MILES doesn't dream. like, at all.
people around him will be talking about crazy dreams and nightmares they've had where their teeth fell out or they got turned into a horse or got chased by a giant lego man, and he's just like. tf???
he's very clingy in his sleep and when he's tired, even when he tries his best not to be, so if you choose to sleep with him then you just kinda have to accept your fate
thankfully he doesn't move around that much besides the occasional adjustment, he doesn't thrash around or anything crazy
the most annoying thing would probably be him snoring? it's not loud, barely audible if you're not right next to him, but if you do sleep near him then you'll hear it
it kinda just happens no matter how he sleeps, so if you can handle a little. um. natural white noise!
MILES is the best cuddle buddy you'll ever have.
he's very considerate tbh, he'll let you lay on him any way you want as long as it's not that uncomfortable for him
be warned though: he's an early riser.
will wake up first and do dumb shit to wake you if you're not up by time he's done eating breakfast.
he'll start lifting your eyelids, poking you, tickling your hands ( he don't do feet. ) and shit like a little damn kid
and he won't stop until you wake up, so gl w that
MILES, however..
well, he's also a light sleeper. more on the average side
but he doesn't wake up at every little thing. only if someone opens his door or talks too loud
some things wake him up, some don't
sirens and explosions outside of his window only start to wake him up after he becomes spiderman, he could sleep like a baby through it before
he usually falls asleep in a very fixed position, like curled up on his side or laying on his back with his legs crossed
but he'll always wake up halfway off his bed, limbs thrown out like he's a ragdoll, mouth wide open and dry, covers either tangled around his body or just on the floor
yeah, MILES moves in his sleep!
he'll go from laying on his back to on his stomach, from his stomach to his side, from his side to somehow slumped against the wall by his bed???
because of that, he'll wake up very disoriented. he needs more than a second to boot up, his feet just kinda carry him to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face and stuff-
MILES isn't up-up until he blindly puts his hands under the ice cold water to wet his toothbrush and that shocks him awake, only to realize he completely missed his toothbrush and squeezed the dollop of toothpaste directly into the sink
he kinda just stares at it for a few minutes, pretty embarrassed, before scooping it off the porcelain ( or whatever sinks are made of ) and using it to brush his teeth
somehow, JEFF always knows when MILES just let the wasted toothpaste dissolve into the running water and squeezed more.
it's like his own spidey-sense.. just for something as stupid as toothpaste.
MILES does dream almost every time he's asleep, even when just napping, but he often doesn't remember them unless they were super duper crazy
he remembers the nightmare where he shot webs out his butt like a real spider, and that really scary one that he doesn't like to recall but has to do with the prowler
but he can never recall the only one that actually made him wake up in a cold sweat, panting as if he just ran a marathon.
"what was it?", you may ask?
well, MILES was president of some place.
he didn't find out where until DREAM PRESIDENT MORALES set a lot of very prejudiced laws against lego people, and it turns out he was president of lego city
( one of the laws was that, if anyone falls into the river, they're not allowed to be saved )
he got overthrown during a revolution that was led by a very violent lego spiderman who only spoke in what his brain's version of spanish was, so he could barely understand anything
and the part that made him wake up was when they tied him down and were threatening to go through his sketchbook and, upon opening it to the first page, something jumped out at him and startled him awake
you know those jumpscare videos where a spider jumps out during a seemingly calm scenario?
yeah, MILES gets weird deja vu when he sees those, but doesn't know it's because of that dream.
anyways- MILES does try his best to cuddle when sleeping, he really does!
he'll spoon ( big or little, he don't mind ), lay on you, let you lay on him
even just holding hands, or sleeping back to back
anything really, long as he goes to sleep touching you
but if it's one of his more active nights where he makes his big moves, you probably won't survive unless you're a deep sleeper.
he'll probably push or kick you, and not be sorry about it.
and he'll wake up totally out of it, wondering why the hell he's so uncomfortable
and sees he's sprawled on top of you like a terrible blanket instead of the very cute, cliche way he imagined waking up with you
something like this will happen every time, so. just throw him a pillow and a sheet and tell him to sleep on the floor.
or you take the floor, either works for him-
MILES really isn't the perfect gentleman. unless you or his parents tell him to give you the bed, he will happily let you sleep on the floor
never wakes up before you unless he had a really bad nightmare like PRESIDENT MORALES, and if you wake him up he'll be so petty and passive aggressive while he's still half asleep
so just. slap him awake if you need him that bad, shake him violently and yell frantically that they hit the pentagon
just wake him right up, so that he can't just glare at you with an adorable sleepy pout on his face, eyeing you angrily, even as he trudges to the bathroom...
... not looking where he was going, and walking right into the doorframe.
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scarletwitching · 7 years ago
I know you would probably hate this, but, what do you think makes House of M popular? How this comic cloud people's judgement? How it affect new readers/casual fans's views? What are the factors that draw people in and fixed their impression? Just some observation, some people seem to enjoy the touchy family "feels", some may just like heroes snapping(like it's so cool), and sometimes it's Power Parade(it's deemed disrepctful to say she is less powerful than someone else).
It’s popular(ish) in mainstream fandom because its effects lasted a very long time, which makes it seem important, and because it’s a mash-up of a couple of enormously popular and beloved storylines, Dark Phoenix Saga and Infinity Gauntlet, set in a then-new alternate universe. It’s two old things smashed together and combined with a new thing.
That’s the short answer. The long answer is… long, and it’s actually about the underlying reasons people are okay with some offensive stuff (because that’s what I wanted to talk about). I’m putting this under a cut so that, when people who don’t agree with me inevitably read it, I can link them to this.
There really is a country song for everything.
It maybe goes without saying, but this is a House of M post so it mentions, however briefly, the usual HOM-related subject matter: ableism, infertility, people on the internet glorifying genocide.
Everyone likes things that have somewhat unsavory elements or unfortunate implications. With superheroes, the whole thing is – forgive me – problematic. You can find meaning and value in parts of it, but something is rotten at the core. One of the uncomfortable aspects of speculative fiction fandoms is how terrible things become normalized. Because we’re only talking about fiction. That makes it okay, right? It’s tempting to parrot these notions of “good” queens and “rightful” kings or to go along with the canon logic that justifies violence and ignores the sovereignty of nations that aren’t the US.
I bring up that last one because, in modern superhero fandom, buying into the canon logic often means defending US imperialism under the guise of defending a specific character or story. There’s always a justification for it in-universe, so the way it relates to the real world becomes some extraneous detail that only a jerk would mention.
It’s the Thermian Argument. It doesn’t matter what the underlying message or consequences, however (un)intentional, are. It matters that I like Thing and any problems you find with Thing are the result of you not focusing on very specific details that make it “make sense” in the story. Remember the old Tumblr adage that you can like problematic things so long as you acknowledge the problems? I would just say you can like whatever so long as you don’t bury your head in the sand and scream, “It’s fine! You just didn’t pay attention to the story!!”
What I’m saying is that there’s a lot of justifying how bad literally every part of the story is by saying it all “makes sense” and so all criticisms are invalid. If a person is traumatized, it just makes sense that they would [waves at the entire story] do that. It’s very sad when your imaginary kids die, y’know?
The people who like House of M tend to cite its fetishizing gaze on women’s mental illness as a feature and not a bug. The fault in that argument is that, as far as I’ve seen, none of the people making this argument have Schizophrenia. Or Schizoaffective Disorder. Or any personal experience with psychosis whatsoever. At the very least, the vast majority of them don’t, so they’re not part of the group being misrepresented.  
The issue of what is “good” mental illness representation is complex. Sometimes, people who are struggling or have struggled relate to characters who lash out or do destructive things. People can find solace in imperfect places. Everyone’s just trying to get by in this hellscape, and if a comic made you feel understood or just plain better in some way, that’s a good thing. But It’s a very “I got mine” argument to focus on that and ignore how those stories might affect others. You can’t reclaim something that wasn’t insulting you in the first place. I find the claim that there’s something universal about Sad Wanda Crying unconvincing given how emblematic HOM is of media representations of psychosis. If you’re not always being portrayed as a serial killer, the weight of this story will easily fly over your head.  
Then there’s the not-small matter that the people being insulted – really, specifically insulted – by HOM are groups that aren’t a big part of public discourse. The severely mentally ill and people with fertility issues. Not that those are on equal footing, but they both have a certain invisibility and the idea that something might be hurtful to them is treated as a joke. Reproductive issues are intensely personal, and most people want to keep them private. There is a lot wrong with media representations of infertility, but if talking about it means opening up about your experiences, it’s no wonder people don’t want to or are only willing to in a receptive space.
Also, I suspect a lot of people didn’t read the X-Men stories that came after and are viewing this entirely from Wanda’s perspective. There’s something narcissistic about sad, sad, sad characters being sad about their sad, sad, sad life. It invites the audience to focus on that one person’s struggles – often as a stand-in for their own problems – and ignore everything else going on. This is one of the critiques of “manpain” storylines. There’s a layer of self-involvement built in. Killed a bunch of people? But they were sad! Sad, sad, sad! We’ve all got problems, man. The world breaks everyone. Not everyone kills Hawkeye two different times.
This is particularly true in spec fic where every backstory is a trauma conga line. Your fave may have suffered, but realistically, so did everyone else.
Redemption arcs can have that air of narcissism too. Woe is me, I have done bad. If they get really self-obsessed, you get The Very Worst Kind of Story, the one where the villain is someone who has been wronged by the “redeemed” character and they want revenge. It’s a way of appearing to confront the damage done while actually minimizing it and discrediting the victims. Protagonist-centered morality to the extreme. Only Good Victims™ matter, and therefore, the redemption seeker is exonerated. All charges dropped on account of the victim turned out to be a jerk!
(That’s not what this post is about. I watched a movie the other day that had this problem, and it gave me a lot of feelings. It was Power Rangers. Leave me alone.)
Getting back to what I said at the beginning, the thing that bothers me isn’t so much that people like something I don’t like. I agree with Grant Morrison’s assessment that HOM is lukewarm at best, but I can still see why someone might like it. The bigger problem is how people like quote-unquote problematic things.
Which is to say oh my god, you guys have to stop acting like genocide is cool and badass. Finding a story valuable is one thing. Claiming that Wanda is so awesome because she can warp reality and wipe out all the mutants and “when will your fave” is another thing entirely. It is not okay to brag about genocide. Ever.
Not even when you’re talking about fiction.
I know that saying a character is more powerful is the unquestioned trump card of comics fandom, but 1) that’s iffy in the first place and 2) it’s especially bad in this case. I used to think of the “my fave is more powerful than yours” dick-measuring contest solely as an expression of Boys Club thinking, something juvenile that celebrates physical strength above all else. But there is something more insidious to this logic. Saying that having more power – by which you mean a greater ability to commit acts of violence and hurt others – is the same thing as having more value is disturbing logic. The way that superhero comics equate power with goodness is part of why they’re considered fascist. Every time you indulge this fantasy that having more power makes something better, that power is virtue, the spectral form of Alan Moore appears and hurls copies of Watchmen at your head.
Buying into this furthers one of the worst messages in the genre. I’m not saying anyone who argues over which character is more powerful is a fascist, but this logic should not go unexamined. Why does it matter so much which character is the better at inflicting harm than all the other harm inflicters? You can use the cheap argument that they’re heroes and they’re doing good, but superheroes are, to a worrying degree, used as avatars of the US military. They’re only unblemished, pure-hearted Social Justice Warriors™ if you don’t pay attention to any stories featuring them.
And when you’re not just arguing that being powerful is better, but that the act of committing genocide is a key part of that superiority?? That’s beyond disturbing. How can people not notice how terrible that sounds? Outside of the narrative and the twisted reasoning of superhero comics, what are you really saying when you say that? Might makes right is questionable enough, but when the expression of “might” is ethnic cleansing?
Someone, please explain the thinking that leads to these posts. I’m lost in a flurry of question marks. What compels a person to declare, openly, that what’s cool about Wanda is that she got rid of all the mutants? How does someone conclude that glorifying genocide is okay because it’s a fantasy genocide? Why do thousands of people reblog these horrifying posts?
On second thought, don’t explain it to me. I don’t want to know.
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spxdxrpxnk · 2 years ago
( note: this was written by a minor about underage characters, so nsfw/18+/'minors dni' blogs please do not interact with this post! thank you! )
y'all i went shopping for my bday today and im gonna indulge myself rn
earth-42 miles would buy absolutely anything you want- no questions asked fr. no matter how much it is, he somehow always got the money to pay for it. y'all are at the counter and the stuff you got is way more than you expected, you're like "nah that's mad expensive, lemme put some stuff back-" and you fight him on it when he's offering to pay for it, bc you don't want him to waste his money or smth- whatever you be saying, he don't listen to you at all tbh. he just nods his head and follows you out. he'll wait till your back is turned, hop skip back into that store, get the stuff you put back and slip it in your bag since he's holding them for you anyway. and you know he'll have a smug ass face when you pull it out like- how tf did that get in there?? and you know he put it in there, bc he's smilin and when you go "miles." he'll put on his resting bitch face and be like "i dunno." like he's slick
but earth-1610 miles?? bro would be just as baffled at the prices as you are!! you show him the price tag on this little plushie you wanted, absolutely a spiderman plushie btw which makes him start blushin and shit, and he's like "wh-?! why is it so much??? es so small???" and you're like "ikr!!!" he won't let you buy anything he thinks is the slightest bit overpriced- gets it from his dad. he leads you out with a hand on your lower back like "c'mon babe, let's spend your birthday money elsewhere." like a total damn doofball. rinse and repeat with almost every store y'all walk into, until you gotta make him stay outside the stores while you get at least a few of the things you want. and bc he's nosy, miles would go through your bags and gawk at the price tags and stickers. like you got a keychain and a bottle of perfume or smth- "not even bigger than his hand!!"- and it came out to like $30 and he's!!! flabbergasted!!! you tell him he just got big hands, and then he starts pouting
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spxdxrpxnk · 2 years ago
it was so, so dumb, but you and GWEN had matching tooth gaps.
( notes: this is written by a minor about an underage character, so nsfw/18+/'minors dni' blogs please do not interact with this post! thanks!
this is gonna be a little series about how you'd match with various characters!!! it was supposed to be one post, like a paragraph per character, but gwen went from a paragraph to 2k words, so... <3
warning: there's mention of blood and spit here! nothing too graphic or gross, just prepare yourself after "and.. well, he missed pretty badly."
also, i tried to experiment with colors because of the way gwen's universe works. if it's a headache for anyone, let me know and i'll change it to the way i normally color my writing! )
GWEN was the pink to your orange, the deep purple to your bright blue. you were pretty different, yet complimentary when placed next to each other.
she was more reserved at first, sticking to her best friend PETER and virtually no one else, while you were quite the social butterfly.
you never had a set group of friends, bouncing between friend groups with ease. you even befriended the quiet kids everyone else avoided- and you weren't even isolated for it. that's how much everyone loved you.
GWEN knew you because you were friends with PETER, who would mention you regularly when they'd recap all the good parts of the school day while walking home.
you stood up for him against the jerks who'd pick on him whenever she wasn't there to do it.
you had her respect, even though you apparently didn't even know her name.
you called her GWANDA.
regardless, she'd smile and wave back at you when you greeted her in the hallway in passing. "hey peter, hi gwanda!"
one morning, you both were the only ones in the hallway.
GWEN came to school late, having slept through the entirety of first period because she was exhausted from patrolling the entire night. you were sent out by a teacher to run an errand, just coming back from the main office.
"hi gwen!" you greeted with a smile when you noticed her, which gave her pause as she closed her locker and eyed you suspiciously.
"... hey."
"what's up? aren't you supposed to be in class right now?" you asked casually, as if you weren't being totally weird right now, with a curious tilt of your head that GWEN silently found only a little bit adorable.
"came late, i slept through my alarms."
you simply nodded, and she was silently thanking you for not questioning her further. she was terrible at lying on the spot.
"what about you?"
you held up a 3D-printed hall pass, from room 218. "had to bring the permission slips for a college trip to the office."
GWEN hummed softly in response, silence falling over the both of you. she felt awkward, so close yet slightly disconnected from you; the environment reflecting that. the hallway was a deep blue and you were a nice baby blue, whilst she was a dark purple that almost blended in.
"... soooo…" she drawled, glancing around before making awkward eye contact with you again. "we should.. probably get going…?"
you chuckled a little, "yeah, we should. where are you going right now? i'll walk you to class."
she was about to politely decline with a billion apologies, the way she always did when she got too awkward.
but then, she got that itching in the back of her skull that wouldn't go away whenever she was about to make a decision. the one that always made her do the exact opposite of what she was about to do.
"... sure. i'm in 208 right now." she said with a smile, before walking side by side with you up the staircase.
you attempted to bid her farewell and simply walk by, but GWEN grabbed the wrist of your free hand when you were right outside of her class. "why'd you call me gwen?"
you looked at her like she was a little bit stupid, "'cause.. that's your name...?"
"no- well, yeah, it is, but-" she huffed, a piece of her hair flying up. "you never call me gwen. it's always-"
"oh! yeah, i always call you gwanda. that's only a joke though, did peter never tell you?" you continued at the confused little shake of her head. "the one time you weren't here for phys ed, we had a substitute coach and she kept calling you gwanda for some reason. if it bothers you, i'll stop-"
"nono!" GWEN didn't know why she was so bothered by the thought of you not calling her by a stupid name. "it's okay, it's.. it's funny, i like when you call me it."
you just smiled at her- too sweetly, her heart was hammering in her chest. you slipped your wrist from her grasp, which she forgot she was holding, instead holding her hand with your own. she could feel the lockers around you both fading into a muted color she couldn't even care to notice, only focused on you and the pretty purple you both became.
"okay then, i'll call you gwanda for the rest of our lives."
she could only hope you didn't notice the blush on her face as she silently cursed you for saying something so.. so intimate, so casually.
"uh- yeah, yeah, cool. totally." she stammered, nodding as she returned your smile.
"later, gwanda."
you slipped your hand out of hers and waved before turning your back to her, making your way to the class you were supposed to be in.
"yeah, later…"
coincidentally, it happened in gym class, during the mandatory class soccer game.
the class was split into four teams. GWEN, you, and PETER were all on different ones.
GWEN's team wasn't playing at the moment, but yours and PETER's were so she was sitting on the sidelines and cheering for him. he actually had the ball for once!
he was clumsily dribbling it down the field toward you, goalie of the opposing team. and you, ever the try-hard, dove for the ball right as he went for a goal-scoring kick.
and.. well, he missed pretty badly.
you fell to your knees, clutching your mouth, while the ball pathetically rolled into the goal behind you.
your team, most of PETER's team, and even people from the sidelines got up and rushed to crowd around you two before GWEN could even register what just happened.
PETER, of course, was the first person to kneel down next to you, apologizing profusely while trying to get you to move your hands from your mouth to assess the damage. GWEN had to push, duck, and weave past her fellow students to get to you both, and she made it just in time to see you move your hand from your mouth.
it was covered in blood and your saliva, dripping onto the polished gym floor. PETER backed away a little, utterly horrified, not sure what to do.
a few tears, presumably from the pain, streaked down your cheeks as you blinked heavily.
GWEN had to give some people in the crowd her meanest glare when they started jeering at her friend for kicking the most beloved student in the school in the mouth.
"'m okay, guys-" you started, slightly pained but as optimistic as ever, but you and everyone else were a bit startled by the lisp in your speech that wasn't there before.
she tentatively kneeled down in front of you next to PETER with her hand firm on his shoulder to calm him down, trying to get a look into your mouth while you spoke to confirm her suspicions.
but you didn't have to speak again.
you toyed with something in your mouth before lifting your hand to spit into it- a tooth.
the gym exploded into angry reds and oranges so quickly, it almost gave GWEN a headache. the three of you stood out in various shades of blue and purple.
the gym teacher, who wasn't paying attention the entire time, only came to disperse the crowd when everyone started yelling at PETER for kicking you in the mouth and knocking your tooth out.
he was practically hyperventilating, so the teacher told him to go to the locker room and chill out, and make sure to grab some paper towel to get your blood and spit off the floor.
GWEN was told to walk you to the nurse, after leading you to the locker room as well.
you didn't seem all too bothered about your tooth being knocked out. you rinsed your mouth out in the locker room, cleaned yourself and your newly isolated tooth of blood, and were just admiring it while she walked next to you silently.
she didn't know what to say besides 'sorry my best friend knocked your tooth out' or 'sucks to suck', so she chose to keep quiet.
then, you gasped loud and clapped your hand on GWEN's shoulder harshly, making her flinch and turn to you, a frantic orange in direct contrast with your vibrant blue. "what's wrong, are you-"
"we match!"
it took her a second to register what you said, and when she did she just stared at you blankly, slowly fading into a usual purple that she was with you. "... huh?"
you smiled that million watt grin of yours, even though your lips were a little swollen, and GWEN noticed- it was one of your front teeth that was knocked out. she huffed, relieved that you weren't dying or something, before simply glancing at you, unimpressed.
"seriously?" was all she could ask. it wouldn't be the first or last time someone made fun of the gap between her two front teeth, but she couldn't really tell if you were doing that or if you were being genuine.
that is until you nodded enthusiastically.
"yeah! i mean, i don't think mine looks as cute as yours does," wow, okay, smooth. "but now we're matching!"
… okay, yeah, you were being serious. it was kind of endearing, if she was honest, and GWEN couldn't hold back the smile on her face.
"not really," she humored you. "since mine is natural."
you just sucked your teeth, the sound less sharp than it'd usually be, which got a laugh out of her.
"ooh, ooh- we should take a picture!"
"a picture? for what?"
"you know, to remember this day forever?"
"the day you got kicked in the mouth and your tooth was knocked out?" she questioned sarcastically, shaking her head fondly at your totally serious nod.
after a very intense mini staring contest, GWEN knew she lost when she brightened into a blue matching yours, making her roll her eyes as if she was being burdened by the childlike joy you brought her. "fine." she relented, grinning at your little cheer as she pulled out her phone.
she wrapped her arm around your shoulders and pulled you close as if you'd been friends forever, and you leaned your head against hers like it was totally normal.
both of you smiled wide, showing your tooth gaps to the camera, and she had to hold down a laugh at the way you were holding your knocked out tooth in frame.
you said a very corny "cheeese!", and once the picture was taken, she couldn't stop herself from bursting out laughing at the lisp in your voice.
and you were definitely playing it up just to make her laugh, talking in a very exaggerated nerdy-lispy voice that had her giggling all the way to the nurse's office.
you eventually got the tooth put back in at the dentist, which you missed a few days of school for.
thankfully, PETER found you on social media and peer pressured encouraged GWEN to reach out to you after she kept asking random people she'd never speak to otherwise where you were.
double thankfully, you didn't question how she found your socials and were happy to give her your phone number.
she definitely lectured you about how irresponsible that was of you over text, but only after she finished debating you over why her naming your contact "gappy 2" ( she'd be "gappy 1" for you ) wouldn't make any sense if you won't have the gap anymore.
to end the debate, you told her to hold on a second and then sent her a selfie.
you were smiling as bright as ever, your missing tooth back in it's place. your lips weren't swollen and you weren't bloody and drooling. GWEN just admired you for a few minutes before she actually noticed the gap between your two front teeth.
a gap that wasn't there before one of them got knocked out.
gappy 1 💫: Woah, you actually have one now?
Gappy #2 💞: yea!
Gappy #2 💞: the dentist lady said they can't do much about it ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Gappy #2 💞: besides give me a retainer? which, hell no!
Gappy #2 💞: so we're officially twinning forever now 🫶
gappy 1 💫: Lol. You dodged a bullet, retainers suck
gappy 1 💫: It looks cute on you though :)
Gappy #2 💞: aww ty! but i could never outdo the doer <3
GWEN would admire the selfie you guys took that fateful day whenever she was missing you.
and then gaze longingly look at the one you took together the day you came back to school, showing your now actually matching tooth gaps.
your smiles were always so contagious, GWEN found herself matching your energy all the time. when you got hype and became a bright orange, she did too. when you chilled out after and faded into a comfy blue, so did she.
before you, GWEN never really smiled unless she was with loved ones or if someone told a joke. and when she did, it was close-lipped, since someone always managed to bring up her tooth gap and ruin her mood.
but she smiles so much more now, always with her teeth, and no comment can bring her down.
seeing you be just as radiant, if not more, with your gap-toothed smile encouraged her to smile the same way. even when you weren't around.
sometimes, when you're bored and lounging in her bedroom, you just flash her your teeth.
( like 😬 )
and she'd do the same back, not a word spoken.
neither of you have figured out what it means yet, and you probably never will.
but just seeing your tooth gap makes GWEN's heart thump a little faster, and reminds her of how much she loves you, so she thinks it doesn't matter.
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spxdxrpxnk · 2 years ago
PAVITR loves you with everything he has, and he knew you loved him just the same.
and.. and that's something he actually kinda hates- even though he'd never, ever say that out loud.
( notes: this is written by a minor, so nsfw/18+/'minors dni' blogs please do not interact with this post! thank you!
this went from a paragraph to 2k words. i am in love with pavitr prabhakar. reblog )
he loved you so much that you were the first person he revealed his secret identity to! ... or- or built that identity with, rather? seeing as he came to you when he first started experiencing spider powers.
peace and quiet was never really a thing when it came to your relationship with PAVITR.
his bright smile and seemingly endless energy was contagious, so you two often got into the craziest of shenanigans when he'd look at you with that glint in his eye and that smile on his face.
you felt like you were ready for anything pav could throw at you.
... but you really weren't ready for things to be sticking to him rather than being thrown at you.
you heard him when he came into your house, heard his polite yet rushed greetings to your parents before he burst into your room like a madman. there was a piece of paper stuck to one of his hands. he looked like he'd just finished a marathon, or just barely escaped a pack of angry dogs, all flushed and panting heavily.
and considering he lived a considerable distance from you but always chose to walk instead of taking public transportation, you didn't doubt he actually ran the whole way.
before you could even get a word out, PAVITR was frantically calling your name, closing your door and locking it and holding out his paper covered hand. you got a peek of it before he started pacing frantically, and saw that it was an essay for the physics class you both shared.
an essay for physics sounds crazy, and.. well, it is, but PAVITR wanted extra credit to ensure a big fat A+ for the class by the end of the semester.
ever the overachiever.
"what do i do, what do i do-" he questioned frantically, shaking his paper covered hand as if it was burned in an attempt to get his essay off. "you see this!!" PAVITR shouted as he stopped pacing and turned to you, showing you his hand again.
you only nodded, pure confusion on your face, before he started pacing again.
"it's finished, all of it, but it won't come off my hand-"
"pav-" you tried to get a word in, trying to think of a question that could clarify any of that, but you were rendered speechless before you could even finish his name.
you watched, in pure awe, as he just.. started walking up your bedroom wall, and began pacing like that.
he'd make it halfway up the wall, frantically mumbling about how he "can't pull it or i'll rip the paper and it's due tomorrow- literally tomorrow morning!!!- and i- she won't give me an extension and-", before he turned and returned to the floor as if it was nothing.
"pav!" you called a little louder, and PAVITR actually froze in his tracks while standing on your wall, like a cartoon character. he had to lift his head to look at you, eyebrows furrowed with a frustrated pout on his face.
"what??" he asked you, as if you were the one bugging him, when he was getting footprints! all on your wall!!!
and you? you loved him so much that you always worried for him whenever he had to put on the mask to go fight crime, save lives, and put himself in danger to keep the random citizens of mumbattan safe. even kiss a baby or two, when he could be kissing you instead and not some stinky baby, if the day called for it.
and maybe, just maybe, you were a little selfish. but you did have his best interest at heart, and that's what counts.
you always told him to come to you if he had big injuries he couldn't tend to on his own.
you weren't a certified professional, or even studying medicine like that, but.. who needs professional training when you have youtube and a few stolen practice materials from school?
when PAVITR came to you one day with a pretty deep cut on his arm, you were so mad. it was the first time he'd ever seen you so upset at him, and he didn't know what else to do besides apologize. but you were quick to shush him.
"i'm not mad at you, pavi," you said. but the furrow in your eyebrow, the frustration in your voice, and the way you pulled the gauze a little too tight didn't help ease him at all. "i'm mad at the.. the assholes that think it's okay for them for hurt a teenage boy!"
"... everyone thinks i'm over twenty, if that makes it any better...?"
the deadpan look you gave told him 'no, that didn't make it any better.'
"i know you have to be the big tough spidey and keep all the bad guys away, but it sucks seeing you get hurt for people who probably wouldn't even do the same for you. for a bunch of.." you struggled to find the word, pausing with the gauze pulled taut between the blades of the medical scissors from the first aid kit you bought specially for him.
PAVITR really wanted to rub the wrinkle between your brows away, kiss that pout off your lips until you were smiling and giggling, but he loved seeing you like this even more.
when you couldn't think of a word during your passionate rants, you always came up with something so good-
'snrk- sounds about right.'
"and you, honey." he reminded you gently, watching as your expression softened with just those three words. you sucked your teeth as the scissors snipped!, severing the gauze around his arm from the very skinny roll in your hand.
and PAVITR knew he got you with that.
he knew, because you always sucked your teeth or scoffed, and then started messing with something to give yourself an excuse to look away from him whenever you got flustered.
you gently tucked the loose strand into the wrapped gauze, patting his now-properly-taken-care-of arm like it was a shiny new car.
he almost, almost complained that you were missing something, before you kissed your palm and softly patted your hand on his cheek in the way that made him giggle and flush a little, because it was so dumb.
and PAVITR loves you for caring about him so much, he really does, but hates how much you do. and that actually makes a ton of sense, if you think about it.
because, well, he loves having you dote and fawn over him; gently reprimanding him for being reckless and getting more hurt than he needed to. you'd press little kisses on his cheek, which would be bruising from a hit he probably could have dodged, to distract him from the uncomfortable sting of the warm, soapy water you were using to clean an open wound.
but he hates that you care so, so much, that you'd run head first into danger for him.
you, who didn't have the super cool spider powers like he did.
you, without the agility, or the heightened senses, or the quick healing.
normal, average you.
you would risk your life for him, just because you didn't like seeing him hurt, even though he'd heal fully within the week while it'd take you months.
he really wasn't paying as much attention as he should have at that moment, PAVITR admits that much.
stopping a gang of armed men from robbing a bank should have had his full attention, but you were there at the time.
he was walking you home when you heard all the commotion from across the street, and you rolled your eyes with a huff before pushing him into an alleyway so that he could change into his spidey suit.
he wanted to show you how effortless it was for him to fight crime and come out unscathed.
so that maybe, just maybe, you'd stop worrying.
he'd disarmed the guys early into the fight, but they were a pretty slippery bunch. PAVITR got most of them webbed to a wall for the police to handle later, which he thought was all of them, and was ready to swing off to change.
but he was still pretty new to being spiderman, and his spidey sense sometimes lacked.
he wouldn't have sensed the guy running at him full force with a bat until it was too late.
you noticed, though.
and you weren't the smartest either here, sure, whatever. yeling at him to watch out, to turn around- almost anything else would have been better than what you did.
which was running at the guy, tackling him to the ground before he could swing the bat.
you had the spirit, you really did.
it took your very surprised boyfriend with his spidey strength and a few other random bystanders to pull you off.
you were really holding your own, just.. wailing on the guy that tried to attack him. wild fists, some harsh kicks to very sensitive areas thrown in there. even a full force headbutt that left the dude with a bloody, probably broken nose and you with a slight headache.
of course, you didn't come out unscathed, and PAVITR wasn't too happy.
thankfully, he can never stay mad at you for too long.
and yeah, he hates when you get hurt because of how much you care for him, sure- but he'll never get tired of the moments you share after.
"to be fair," you'd started, sitting on his bed with him standing in between your thighs as he placed some very soothing healing cream on your bruises.
he was quiet the whole way to his house, and quiet when he pulled out his own first aid kit ( which was way smaller than yours, by the way ). "he would have gotten you right in the head if it weren't for me. i saved you from possible brain damage, don't i get a thank you?"
and man, if looks could kill…
you'd probably be fine, because PAVITR could never bring himself to glare at you with everything he's got.
no, he loves you too much.
instead of the angered, fiery look he attempts, he gives you a look akin to that of a kicked puppy. "thank you for saving me from possible brain damage. my hero." he replies sarcastically, a pout evident in his voice as he applies the last of the cream and closes the tube, tossing it aside to cross his arms at you. "but i really don't appreciate you getting hurt in the process."
you didn't reply immediately, instead staring at him with an overly smug expression that he pointedly avoided, furrowing his eyebrows. before you could open your mouth to say the four words that would stop PAVITR's entire argument before he even started, he basically said it for you.
"i sound like you." he stated defeatedly, which made you laugh at how ironic it was.
PAVITR sighed heavily, head dropping to rest on your chest. you brought up your arm to pat his back. "now you know how i feel." you told him with a mocking voice, which he gave a muffled whine to since his face was buried in your chest. you laughed again, leaning your head down to press a kiss to his pretty head.
"please never do that again." he mumbled, pure sadness in his voice, and you think you can hear your heart break a little. you smile fondly, rubbing circles on his back.
"no promises, sunshine. spiderman has to get saved once in a while, so that his ego doesn't inflate too much."
PAVITR lifts his head to narrow his eyes at you, trying and failing to hold back a smile at the cheeky look on your face. "i'm being serious."
"i am too! i'm telling you, that guy has such a big head, it's a wonder how he gets that headband around it!" you'd tease him, giggling happily and reflexively shrinking away from him when he places his fingers on your waist.
you lifted your hands, one of them wrapped snug with the last of his soft cotton gauze since you kinda grabbed the guy's fist when he tried to swing on you- like the total badass you were. nothing was broken or fractured or out of place, but it did hurt like hell. neither of you knew what to do besides wrap it and hope the gauze inflicted a healing aura or something.
thankfully, your always honest boyfriend said you looked so cool when you did, which makes you think it was worth it.
"i love seeing this pretty face when it's not all bruised up- even though you're handsome either way." you tell him, tone all mushy-gushy and baby-ish the way it is when you're genuinely complimenting him but playing it off as a joke, a gentle smile on your face as you kiss his nose.
PAVITR smiles along with you, bright and happy and a total contrast from the tragic kicked puppy look he just had.
this was a pretty typical situation for you both, only the roles would be reversed: you'd be reprimanding him for getting hurt while he cracks jokes and flirts with you until you lighten up. and he's all flustered now, since he's always weak for your compliments.
he knows he has a point, the way you always do, and an entire heartfelt rant about how he's a superhero and you're not and you have to stay out of harm's way was right on the tip of his tongue.
but with his flushed cheeks and dopey smile, he decides to hold it off.
instead, PAVITR just pulls you close ever so carefully so that he doesn't strain any of your injuries further, nuzzling his nose to yours in a little bunny kiss before properly kissing you on the lips ever so softly.
and if he tasted a little blood from the benign split in your lip, he didn't say anything.
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spxdxrpxnk · 2 years ago
PETER B PARKER wld be a very good dad to any new teens, i know he would. he'd treat u like his own flesh and blood!!!!
( notes: this is written by a minor, so nsfw/18+/'minors dni' blogs please do not interact with this post! thank you! this also means no sexual comments under this post, please! )
you cannot tell me he wouldn't meet you, a kid like miles who recently found out they have spider powers and are very lost and confused, and immediately be like 'alright, round two!'
and you probably already lost your version of uncle ben, can't tell your parents or your version of aunt may yet. all you have are literal sticky fingers and a billion questions with no spiderman to answer them. till PETER ( quite literally ) stumbles upon you while fighting a misplaced doc ock in your universe.
and is he helpful? not at all! he sucks at explaining stuff off the bat, we know this. and he can't even stay for long to help you or miguel calls him nonstop. ( "oh, it's just my work husband again. don't worry about it, he's pretty attached to me. yes i'm married with a wife and kid, what about it?" ) ( you didn't ever know his real name until you got to the spider society hq yourself. PETER had a shit eating grin on his face when you said "oh, this is your work husband!" and miguel had to refrain from strangling him. )
anyway! so PETER, the genius that he is, he decides to record himself doing spider stuff and explaining things in his own rambly, disorganized way! so that his new spiderkid ( that's what he'd call you until he remembers he never asked your name ( you'd tell him and he calls you his spiderkid anyway ) ) can rewind and rewatch as much as they need to and get the hang of things! he came back to check up on you, did he tear up a little seeing how good you got? "no, you got webbing in my eye- shut up-"
oh my goodness and imagine you meet mayday??? and you both click so well right off the bat! they're visiting you and you just snatch her from PETER one day and swing away at almost lightning speeds, he chases and eventually loses you both because that's how good he taught you, then hears giggling and whispers. you're at the very top corner of some random building, engaged in very deep conversation with mayday where she babbles at you passionately about something and you nod and egg her on just as enthusiastically ( he definitely starts crying )
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