#god every post i make about this is so close to getting me doxxed <3 i hate living here
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adibahsajidah · 1 year ago
I'm Having Fun Play Neal.Fun, Until I saw this
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Neal.Fun is an online game that looks like some kind of the Alchemist game, where you can combine two stuffs into the new one. Like example, water + fire = steam.
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I having fun playing this game, and addicted to it. I can discover everything, included something unusual discoveries, like "anime", "Naruto", "Twitter", and many more. The infinity discovery made this game so special. Not just a boring discovery, but also the show, fictional character, etc. Even you can find Peter Griffith.
Today, I just discovered "Land", combined with religion, made it into "Israel", and combined it to the land again to "Palestine".
These discoveries... very interesting to me. Barely the game (almost never) put the world "Palestine" and "Israel" to their game. So, I discover more and more, and some of them just felt unhinged. Especially for you who understand the situation of Palestinians, especially in the Gaza.
Before you outrage, I want to show some of my discoveries that are not so offensive.
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And here some of the discoveries that are so unhinged.
The Combinations "religion" with every countries
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but "Israel" + "Religion"
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2. Palestine + gamer + Gaza = Hamas
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3. "Palestine" + some stuff + "Terrorist". This is very offensive.
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After I saw this, I stopped having fun playing this game. It got worse, the man who made this game released in his tweet at Jan 31th, 2024. So here's his tweet.
The game actually good, but the "Palestine" discoveries... oh my God. I can't believe this. I just want to write something for this situation. My wish for this game is to make him change the "Palestine" combinations to not just "Terrorist", instead just other stuffs that are not inappropriate. Like "Falafel", and "Hummus".
Journalists never bombing Israelis at all, they just recording IDF's war crime. Doctors never bombing Israelis at all, they just take care of many victims who impact by the ruthless bombing. Babies, children, teenagers, and adults that nothing to do with Hamas are never bombing Israelis at all, and they are human being just like us. I want to send this to the creator of this game, but I just don't know how. I never want to attack him, I just want him to change these insensitive combinations. Unless if he purposely let it happen, just only for the sake of the edginess, then I can't say anymore but just disappointment, feel disgust, offended, angry, and just leave.
One more. Don't dox him, like looking at his home address and share it to the online. Just speak to him on his Twitter like, "This is offensive", and send him the suffering of the Gazan that the journalists send to the world, "This is why you should understand the struggling of the journalists and doctors". Tell him this is not because of politics, but this is about humanity. This is never right the death of more than twenty thousands of the life (including children and babies).
Sometimes writing this makes me look like Sssniper Wolf who get offended by Jack. Am I crazy? But my goal is just make him realize and change the combinations. If he doesn't want to, just leave. He is just an asshole with his wasteful talent for the sake of edginess. Not to attack him. Attacking him does not changing everything better, but it will get worse.
Here's the website of his game.
Unfortunately the game will never autonomously save, and will restart when you close the game. But these are my discoveries for hours, and decided to screenshot it.
This is shocking for me. I don't know how to close this post, but I just want to share my experience. If you find the kind of the game with unhinged discoveries, just leave, or for the best, tell them, don't attack. Take care.
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egotokill · 4 years ago
every time i see a post vaguely mentioning the i*****-p******** conflict i just know it will haunt me for at least an entire day 
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anti-yandere-dev · 7 years ago
Just a rant
I went into the Yandere Simulator related tag, and found a post saying that if you in any shape or form respect YandereDev, then you are a good person. I’m not going to link the post, as I don’t want this person to get attacked (despite the fact that they are supporting this jackass of an ‘indie developer’). I sort of just… face palmed, because what does this say for people who DO NOT respect YanDev? They are bad people? I guess in the eyes of his blinded fans, yeah, we are seen as bad people - the haters. There is literally no reason for me or anyone to respect him. I used to respect YandereDev once upon a time, but when he doxxed the owner of the first YandereDev crit blog, I lost most, if not all of my respect for him. 
I tried to stay within the fandom, and contribute to it because I liked Yandere Simulator a lot. The bugs made me laugh, and I meme’d the crud out of them. I made 3 MMD vids, and even wrote fics about the ‘game’ because I enjoyed it so much. But then I realize now that I continued to like Yandere Sim mainly because of fan contributions. Be it fanart, mmd, or fanfictions. I didn’t even leave the fandom and delete any posts about it til August because I got fed up with where it was going. I would have been alright with YandereDev’s past had he owned up to it. Yes, I’ve done some pretty stupid things as a kid and in my teenage years. But I’ve since did away with my own bad habits. YandereDev aka Alex Mahan has not.
After all that he’s done, I refuse to respect YandereDev again. It’s never happening. It doesn’t make me or you a bad person if you don’t respect him. He clearly has no good reasons under his belt to make him respectable. What YandereDev has shown us is that he is incapable of being honest and productive. He lies to his fans about his general schedule regarding the whole idea that he spends HALF the day working on the code for the game (which is a fucking mess, and you literally don’t have to be a programmer to recognize that because… Looooook at all those bugs in the game). He can’t even take criticism for crying out loud! Even if it is constructive, he will insist that you’re the asshole in the situation and that he’s the one to get off scott free.
Instead of doing what he claims he does 12 hours a day, he plays a multitude of video games. Which is something I’m not against, but don’t go claiming that you dedicate 12 hours a day to coding the damn game in order to meet that bi-weekly or monthly update to your game, Alex. Ontop of that, he steals character designs, game mechanics, rips certain environments in the game from MMD, uses copyrighted material (music, assets, etc) in Yandere Simulator, and makes 60k a year off of the unity run game. Yandere Simulator is devoid of any originality. If there is any, then well, it’s very little.
He is doing the equivalent of taking food from a fast food restaurant, putting said food on plates and bringing it to the guests (aka fans) claiming that the food is his own cooking. Yes, I just referenced that Steamed Buns clip from the Simpsons, but that element of the clip really does fit well with what Yanderedev actually does. Do the fans realize that they are supporting a fraud who will indeed never finish Yandere Simulator at the rate it’s going? Probably, probably not. For all we know, they are in denial. Or they unfortunately don’t care. I’m not saying Yandere Simulator will never be finished to be a downer. No, not at all. It’s the realistic outlook of things. Yes, FFXV took 10 years to make (Previously was XIII versus), but that’s because it was in its conception stage for 6 years, then it began to flourish as a more final product in 2012. 
But, does this give Yandere Simulator an excuse to be developed at such a slow pace? No, no it doesn’t. There was no conceptual stage. All Yandev did was combine Hitman and the Yandere trope into one game, using Unity assets. As an overall, Yandere Simulator is not that complex. It literally is a killing people simulator with little to no story. Now I get that it’s a sandbox build but it shouldn’t be a sandbox build at this point! It shouldn’t be using the Unity models any longer. Osana should be finished, heck, 5 or 6 rivals should be done at this point. It’s not that hard to implement YanSim’s equivalent of bosses into the game. 
I’m not undermining the difficulty that is involved in developing a game. It does take a lot of work. Truth of the matter is though, is that Yanderedev doesn’t work nearly as hard as he probably should to get this game developed and into something more than a sandbox. Yes, it’s a pain in the neck to code and program the game. It can also be difficult to come up with proper character designs, personalities, and stories but it’s not impossible. Yandere Simulator could have become something amazing. It still would have been closely compared to Hitman yeah, but it would not be in what I tend to call Video game development purgatory edging onto development hell. If Yanderedev does not fess up, and turn himself as a person around, much less turn the game he is developing around then it will never be finished. 
I’m very, very glad I never gave Yanderedev money on his patreon. Because I would have sorely regretted it. I respected him for a very long time, and found him to be great as a developer and as a person. Obviously through my ramblings, you can tell this isn’t the case anymore (Thank god). Yanderedev isn’t a saint. He is not a good person. Do I hope he grows the hell up and takes responsibility for his actions instead of blaming e-mails for the slow development of his “game”? Yes, I do. I really do. I doubt this will happen, but one can hope right? 
I’m not saying every YanSim fan is a bad person. Many, many of them are young and impressionable - misguided. Some of them are genuinely not good people, but unlike Dev, they have more potential to grow into better people whether they are minors or not. The biggest problem with Alex Mahan is that instead of taking responsibility for his past doings and trying to grow into a better person, he has retained his habits from his past even to this very day. I would have been “Whatever” about his past had he proved that he was a genuinely better person who learned from his mistakes. But the fact that he is the complete opposite of being mature and showing growth within himself as a person as well as his dishonesty are the biggest reasons why I turned my back on Yandere Simulator. Why I gave up on supporting YandereDev in general.
rant over. I’m sorry about that. ________________________________________________________________
**Submission by anonymous**
-Mod Bella
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