#god box made smg4 tag thing
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godbox!smg4, after lawsuit arc & igbp movie ⁠♡
without godbox symbol under cut;;
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From this!
The hologram jolts when his name was shouted. His eyebrows raise when it registered that it was SMG4 shouting his name. Now, why in the world would his son be shouting for him?
He turns around, a small frown on his lips. His son sounded.. angry - no, scratch that, he sounded absolutely furious. Why in the world would Four be angry? Had Forum done something?
As the hologram looks down, he wracks his memory banks, trying to see if he had done anything wrong. No, he hadn't, from what he remembered. So did Four sound so furious?
Finally, Forum looks up, mouth opening to respond to his son..
When he stops.
His eyes go wide when he sees Four standing in front of him, shaking with unbridled rage. On his son's back were two wings, large and tucked to his back while a scorpion tail was behind him, near rattling like a snake.
Forum goes quiet as he stares at his son.
"You knew." Four hisses. "You knew the entire time, didn't you?"
"I.." the USB looks away, hands slowly clenching. "Four, I.."
What can he say? What can he say to defend him?
Nothing. He can say nothing because he was the one who kept it from Four. When he and SMG4 first landed after being made by the God Box, Lil Coding included, he had begged Domain, SMG3's USB, to not say a thing to Four. Not a word. To act like he didn't know that they came from the God Box.
It was for Four's safety, Forum had said that day. Domain had agreed, though, with reluctance. Forum didn't blame him.
"Answer me!" Four shouts, wings flaring. "You knew the whole time, didn't you?! And you kept it from!!"
Forum inhales shakily before nodding. "I.. I did. I've known."
"And you LIED!" Four glares, gritting his teeth. "You lied to my FACE! Multiple times! Each time when I asked you if you knew why I was like this, you said you didn't know! You fucking LIED!"
The USB falls silent as Four shouts at him, rage, fury, hurt, and worst of all, betrayal dripping from his words. And the hologram stayed silent, taking it all. Because he deserved it for keeping it from his son.
Did Forum even have the right to call Four his son?
"I had to find out from Domain of all people!" Four screams and Forum flinches. "And you even told him not to tell me!" The hologram watches as tears start to prick in the Guardian's eyes. "You did everything you could to keep it from me! And for what?! Someone fucking died because of me! Because of my damn programming!"
"It was to keep you safe." Forum looks at him, blinking back tears. He didn't deserve to cry. "If you had known-"
"If I had known," Four interrupts him, body shaking, "things would've been better! At least I wouldn't be suffering as much!!"
Forum falls quiet at that. As Four continues to scream, to shout, Forum stiffens at the same time as Four.
The overflow command.
He watches as Four's pupils dilate, and his body starts to shake.
"Son-" Forum reaches out a hand.
"Don't." Four snarls as he turns around, wings shaking. "You have no right anymore. You aren't my father."
The USB's hand fell as the Guardian ran out, wings tucked in close. His body shook and trembled and he choked back a sob.
What else did he expect, lying about something so important? Even if it was for his son's own safety..
Damn it all.
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shygirl4991 · 9 months
Brewing Romance Chapter 3 By Your Side
A Collab Story with @lizaluvsthis SMG3 and SMG4 design for the AU by Liz!
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Summary:SMG4 starts to struggle with his finances when he learns living in his newly built castle is more pricey than he thought. So when he gets an invite to the grand opening of SMG3 Coffee n Bombs he manages to land himself a second job as the cafe waiter where both men will learn that coffee won't be the only thing brewing in this cafe.
Tags: Slow burn, fluff, comedy, just two idiots in love, love confession, first kiss, angst, blood and injury
SMG3 smiles as he gets up from his desk,  he stretches and flinches at the pain in his hands. He was clumsy, in his rush to finish the hat in time for the uniform to arrive he managed to constantly prick his fingers. Annoyed he walks to the bathroom fighting his sleep, he cleans up his hand and bandages them up.  He then goes to clean his mess ignoring the pain in his hands. He turned to look at the hat he made and smiled “Heh Now that idiot won't look so weird!” 
He sets the hat near his own uniform as he throws himself to bed, as he starts to drift to sleep his alarm rings. He shoots up looking at the time “Oh god…i pulled a SMG4,” he sighs realizing he has gotten zero sleep. He gets up to take a shower then gets ready for work, exhausted  he puts his bun together lazily. It was always under his hat anyways, not like something will happen to cause his bun to come loose. 
Making himself black coffee in hopes it keeps him awake for the day he looks at the hat he has hiding behind the counter. He felt his heart flutter at the thought of SMG4 wearing something he made, rolling his eyes at the strange feeling,he finished his drink to open for the day. 
SMG4 was excited as he opened the box and put on his new uniform, putting on his new skates he started to spin and do tricks in the main room.  He smiles brightly as he skates up to a mirror and checks himself out, the uniform was comfy much to his surprise. He removes his hat to tie up his hair, the only downside to the uniform was lack of hat. 
Looking at the time he decided it wouldn't hurt to visit Three and get some coffee before his shift. He heads to the cafe and uses his skates to slide up close to Three “Hello~ I know I'm early but I was hoping my awesome boss will let me drink some coffee before we open?” 
SMG3 sighs as he walks to the machine and makes two cups, once done they both take a seat together. One thing Three is thankful about is that Four and him have the same taste in coffee, it made him wonder what else they have in common while tempted to ask the man questions on his taste he decided better of it.  Remembering the hat he gets up and goes behind the counter “Hey Three, you know when we have coffee together the rule is to not walk away!” 
SMG3 walks up to Four “Hey underling, i got you something.”
Four looks up at the man confused, SMG3 wasn't the type of person to just hand you a gift. Cautious, he gets up “What's that?” he watches as he takes something from behind his back. Suddenly SMG3 slams a hat on Fours head, Three smirks at him “Your new hat enjoy~”
Confused, he reaches up and touches the hat “You bought this too?”  SMG3 hums as he sips his coffee not saying anything, getting annoyed with how cocky Three was acting he was going to give the man a piece of his mind. Then SMG3 grins at him and waves his hand, where he notices stains on the glove. Three finishes his coffee and walks off to wash the cups, Four stares at Three’s fingers getting a better look at the stains, it was blood. He takes the hat off and stares at it with wide eyes. Did SMG3 make the hat?
SMG4 blushes and smiles at the hat, “Oi! Finish your coffee, it's almost time to open, I don't hire lazy workers!”
Hearing this he chugs his coffee and places the hat back on his head, he turns giving a thumbs up to three. Once three walks to the back room Four whispers “Thank you,” then goes to wash his own cup. 
The work day started as SMG4 delivered orders and did tricks with his skates, his two assistants Eggdog and Beeg would help him with small dances and moves to keep customers entertained. SMG3 rolls his eyes watching the man “Feels like Memewarts all over again,” he grabs a tray to hand to Four. His hand starts to shake as he feels the pain from his hand, he was so asleep he didn't notice how badly he hurt himself. 
SMG4 turns around with a huge smile to show off to Three when he notices the man's hand shaking, flashes of the past hit him seeing the pain in SMG3's face. In a panic he skates up to his boss taking the tray “I got it!” In a flash he drops off the coffees. SMG3 glares at him, his feelings on things being a lot like Memewarts only grew. Later that day someone called in an order of bombs, SMG3 kissed the last bomb he put in the box as his way of saying goodbye before shutting the box. He was going to lift it up before he flinched from the pain, out of nowhere SMG4 showed up and started to push the box “I got it!” SMG3 glares then gets next to four and pushes “No,  i got it!” The pair kept pushing the box that at the end the two delivered the package leaving Karen in charge till they returned. 
The way SMG4 was acting felt familiar to him, as he thinks back on it, it clicks. Slowly he touches his right eye, that's right SMG4 was strangely protective and overly helpful when he almost lost his eye. He found it odd that Four would suddenly act this way with him, he groans feeling he can't do anything in his own cafe due to SMG4 being overly helpful. 
SMG3 was sick of this, he couldn't pick anything up without Four coming out of nowhere “Would you stop! THIS ISN'T LIKE WHAT HAPPENED WITH ZERO!” SMG4 freezes hearing the man's words. He takes a step back “I know this isn't the same…but your hand is shaking holding trays..your gloves have blood stains on them. DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO NOTHING!” 
SMG3 glares at four “Don't worry about my gloves, just do your job,” suddenly SMG4 grabs Three tie and pulls him close “DON'T WORRY?! I CARE ABOUT YOU ASSHOLE IS THAT SO WRONG!” Noticing that the screaming was bringing attention he drags SMG3 to the back room
Once in the backroom he pushes SMG3 to the couch “Listen Three, i don't know how you hurt your hand. But I can tell your hands can't handle a lot of weight.” he gently holds Three’s hand making the man blush. He looks down making eye contact “Remember what i promise you, let me take care of everything and for the love of memes change your gloves!” 
Three sighs pulling his hand back “Fine…sorry for bringing up zero,” he gets up and smiles softly at SMG4 “Thanks for the help,” he walks off to clean his hands and change gloves. SMG4 stays standing there with his heart racing, has SMG3 always had such a charming smile?
He turns to go back to work, his face still pink from seeing the soft smile Three gave him. Sure he has seen SMG3 smile before with Eggdog but something about this smile felt different, he hopes he can see it again as he grabs a tray. 
Every Time he saw SMG3  about to lift something heavy he would skate up with a glare, only to get an annoyed comment before he let Four take over. It was obvious that Three wasn't happy about the arrangement, the glares and insults he would throw at SMG4 made it clear. Four sighs as the day came to an end, he was thankful that it was almost time to close. He wasn't sure how much longer he could withstand the glares his boss was giving him.
He locks the door with a smile, he waves goodbye to Karen as he goes to clean the tables. SMG3 watches the man cleaning then frowns, thanks to his mistake SMG4 didn't even get to enjoy his lunch.  He decides to make coffee and sets it on the counter with two donuts “Hey four come here, seems we had left over coffee and snacks...want some?”
He looks away hoping the man wouldn't notice his blush, SMG4 smiles brightly as he sips the coffee “Wow and the leftover coffee happens to be my favorite, I must be lucky!” he teases as he takes a bite from his donut. Seeing the second donut he picks it up and hands it to Three “I know i must have been annoying mister do it yourself, but you're not alone anymore.”
SMG3 glares at Four as he takes the donut. “I lived my life alone, it's not something I can just flip a switch and suddenly I'm all for you helping me. Being a villain…it's not as easy as you think, it's lonely…painful.” he frowns looking at the donut in his hand.
SMG4 walks closer to three, finishing his donut. “I know it's easy for me to say, but we are friends now so I hope one day you will let me in.”
SMG3 sets the donut down then turns to face SMG4 “And i hope one day you will stop holding the guilt of what happened…you keep everything to yourself like an idiot. Not like I care if you're taking your mental health seriously.”  He rubs his arm thinking about what he should do. Even though he still can't stand the idiot, he knows that Four’s fear is losing his loved ones which is why the man never talks about his problems. He wasn't one for physical contact like Four, thinking of what to do he turns and takes out a red sticky note and starts to fold it. Then he hands a tiny origami rose to SMG4 “Don't take this the wrong way! But no matter what I will always be by your side. So if you need to talk..i'm here.”
SMG4 blushes as he takes the origami flower, a hat now this, he wasn't sure if he was dead or SMG3 was replaced. Three sighs looking out the window as Four stares at him “Thank you Three, it means a lot to hear you say that.” SMG3 grabs the donut and breaks it in half, he then hands one of the halves to Four. He takes it and they eat in silence, seeing Three’s softer side stir something in SMG4. He felt himself getting nervous, his face felt warm looking at the origami rose. 
He then looks at SMG3's hand, remembering the pained face he had brought back horrible memories, slowly he reaches out and holds Three’s hand “Please don't leave me..” hearing four’s words made SMG3 bite his tongue to complain how gay it was for them to hold hands in the cafe. “I’m not going anywhere,” slowly he intertwined his fingers with SMG4.  They both stand next to each other in silence holding hands for comfort. 
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jadesaber · 5 years
SMG4: Gaining for Attention
Part 2 of the ”Girls Weight Gain Saga”
Saiko Bitchitaru is owned by SMG4
There is a small house right outside the city. Inside, it had the common furnitures like tables, chairs, a fridge, a couch, tv, a laptop on the tv table, bedroom with a single bed, ect, ect. The front door opens and in comes a woman.
The woman looked like a anime teenage girl. She was very tall and skinny, she also had a curvy figure and large breasts. She was wearing a open tan jacket with a black tube top underneath, a dark-brown miniskirt, a black belt with a skull buckle, black leggings, and light-grey casual shoes. She wears a skull-and-crossbones pendant around her neck, and her hair is tied up in twin tails with two red bows. Said hair is pink and curly with two different colors at the tips: purple on the right side, and yellow on the left. Her eyes are purple and almond-shaped, with thick, curly lashes on the ends.
This: Is Saiko Bitchitaru. And yes, she is a anime girl. She was brought to life by her ex-boyfriend. Saiko has a very big temper, which is why they broke up. But they are still friends, along with Mario, Meggy and the others, after some ”rocky starts”.
Saiko now has a house and a job as a waitress at a sushi bar. She just got it back after unbaning anime. That’s a whole different and long story. Now, Saiko was holding her work bandana in her right hand, while holding a bag of Mcdonalds in the other. She has worked since 4:00 am, as it was very crowded and low on straff today. The clock is 15:30 pm.
Saiko put the bandana on a dresser, and slowly walked to the living room. She grew the bag on the table and sat down on the couch, stretching out her arm and legs.
”Ugha, what a day” she sighed, as her hands and legs fell down on the soft couch. She grabed the laptop that was laying on the table. She typed in her password to enter. Saiko entered Instagram, while trying to click on the ”#pretty” tag, she reach down into the McDonalds bag to pull up her burger. Saiko only ate junkfood once a week, to keep her figure small and skinny, the ideal body of being pretty and gaining attention.
Saiko loves getting attention, but it had usally caust some psychotic dendensies. When she reached her burger, she accidently pressed the ”#WeightGain” tag.
”Crud...” she said to herself, while unwraping the paper off her burger. She took a bite of the gressey, cheesey meat. She only ate junk food ones a week, but when she did eat it, it was an joyuss experience. Saiko moaned to the flavor, taste buds going wild. She opend her eyes and what she saw made her choak on her bite. She took the bag and pulled out her soda and drank alittle and swallowed, she sighed in relife. But quickly went back to the laptop, the weight gain art picture showed a very fat woman.
She was having thicc arms and legs, huge curvs, her belly big as a beach ball, chins all swollen and her breast were big as basketballs, bigger than Saiko’s D-sized bust. But the thing that shocked Saiko wasen’t the woman, but the picture’s Like Bar, it had over 10,000 likes! It’s more than most pictures of skinny, pretty looking womans. Saiko skrolled down and she was getting more and more shocked, with the mixture of frustration.
Every picture she saw, was nothing but girls being fat in different shape of forms, some with big bellies, some with muffin tops, some in complete immobile blobiness, and all of them had either more or as many likes than the pretty woman pictures
She shouted out in anger, she had lived through her life beliving skinniness and healthy dieting was the way to get attention, but these picture just showed that the opposit is true! These woman in the art picture just had no care or concern for their health or even the ability to walk and just gorged in all the food they could get, and these pictures had more likes than the skinny once!!
”Is that how it is, Huh?” Saiko thought to herself and looked at her burger, she grabed it and took a large bite and chewed fast, then she took another bite, without swallowing the first one.
”I’ll show you fat!”
She swallowed the big pieces and throwed in the rest into her mouth. She grabed her Mc bag and pulled up the fries, she took many in a hand and showed them into her mouth, while chewing on her hamburger. She swallowed and rose the box up, shaking down the fries into her mouth. She chewed and drank her soda at the same time.
When she had emptied the box and the soda, she stood up and looked down on herself. She hadn’t changed much, but her stomach had started to form a small bulge.
”More...” she said quietly while grinding her teeth in frustartion
She went to the kitchen and opened her fridge. There was barly anything there, except for a carton of milk, still unopened. Saiko took it and opend it and put the opening at her mouth, she bend back and let the milk slush down her throat. Upon empting it, she cleaned her mouth with her arm and look down again, her bulge had increased a little bit, and it looked like her breasts had increased a tiny bit..
”I’m not done yet” she thought to herself and grabed her phone. And started to type something
”Those food take out sites should be usefull now!” She said out laud.
An hour later, on the Kitchen table were 28 different types of pizzas, 54 triple cheeseburgers, 83 boxes of fries, 33 pies, 10 cakes, 20 plates of spagehtii and 8 cans of sodas. Saiko had crossed her arms when she counted all of it. She was going to eat this all by herself...
”Let’s eat then” she said in a serious tone. She went for the spagehtti first. She knew that Mario had eaten tons of spagehtti, yet he never got fatter. It was as if he had a black hole in his stomach. But that was Mario, she is a anime girl. She took a plate and grabed the spagetthi, she took a large bite and chewed on it, then she took another bite, and another. Swallowing it, the first plate was empty.
She reached for a cake and took the one with strawberry and lots of whiped cream on. She literly went head first into it and chewed on the pieces like she was a pig. When the plate got empty, she threw the plate away, she decided to go for some fries. She grabed two boxes and poured all of it into her mouth, it was alot in her mouth, but she grabed a soda can and poured that into her mouth to make it softer, she easly swallowed it and then drank up all of the soda bottle, with some small breaks in between.
Now that it was empty, she decided to go after the more calorie full fast food, Cheeseburgers. But when she leaned, her stomach touched the table’s side. Saiko looked down confused, she wasen’t that close. But she relized it wasen’t her, but her stomach. Her belly was bigger! The bulge had becomed a big muffin top, leaning out atleast 5 centimeter. Saiko wiggled the new fat she gained. He smiled smugly
”This is a good start!” She said to herself. She grabed two cheeseburgers and took a large bite from both
”But I need to get bigger!” She though to herself, back to a more serious tone and faceal expression
”I need to be thiccer! Thicc with 10 ”C”s- No! 50 ”C”S!!!!”
Saiko chowed all the cheeseburgers she could get, before she stop at her 24th triplecheeseburger. That’s when she went for the pies, starting with a blueberry Pie. Like with the cake, she went head first and devoured it like a pig. But the pie was so delisous! Saiko barley eat pie, so she went for another one, and a another one! She ended up eating all the pies.
”Well there went my eating plan...” Saiko said annoiyed as she crossed her harms, upon crossing them, she felt that there was something squishy inbetween them. She looked down and was shocked yet amazes by the sight. Her arms, once skinny yet could carry a hammer that weight more than she does, were now 3x thicc layer of adipose. Her breasts had increased in size! There were big as footballs! She looked at her sides, they had increased too! Her midrift and sides had three flapps! Her legs had grown thiccer aswell! Starting at her thighs, they were thicc as roasted chickens. She then realized her ass was feeling heavier than usual. She reached down with her left hand, and they were huge alright! Like she had gotten two basketballs stuck there. But that’s not all, her chins has started to swollen up, she had also started to gain a double chin.
”Or maybe this might be an good idea...” Saiko thought to herself. She looked at the pizza pile, and reached out for them.
1 hour later...
Someone was knocking on the front door.
”It’s, BELCH, open!” Saiko’s voice said. The door opened and in walked a small green creature with stubby arms and legs and cyan spiky hair. This is Fishy Boopkins, Saiko’s Ex-boy friend.
”Hey... Saiko?” He asked in his high pitched voice. ”Where are you?”
”In the kith-URP!-en!” Boopkins raised an eye brow, but shaked his stubby body.
”Have you seen my phone?” He walked to the kitchen entrence ”I can’t find it and last time I saw it, it was here”. He entered the kitchen
”Have you see- OH MY GOD!” Boopkins eye were wide as watermelons and his mouth literly touched the ground.
What he saw was Saiko, but she was super unreconizable. Her belly was a big and round, like she had swollen a yoga ball, hanging over her waist. Close to her feet. Her sides were wide and had 5 layers of flabbs. Arms thicc with lard, her ass cheeks bigger than overinflated beachballs. Her breast was big as two basketballs. Her chins was thicc and floppy like she was storing food for the winter.
Around the Room, was many empty plates. He could make out some small left overs of cheeseburgers, pizza, spagetthi, cakes and 4 empty soda bottles. Saiko was wrathfully eating a triplecheeseburger while holding a different one. She looked to the side and saw Boopkins. She stop what she was doing and swallowed the chunk.
”Oh, Kon'nichiwa Boopkins!” She said happily, ignoring her friends shocked state.
”What brings you here?” Boopkins shaked his body violently and asked
”Saiko? Why have you eaten so much junk food!?” His eyes got sadden.
”Are you still upset that I dumped you?”. Saiko looked concerned. Her fattening caust her friend to be sad.
”Oh no! No, no Boopkins. You got it all wrong!” She said in a reasuring manner ”This has nothing to do with that!”
”You sure?”
”Yeah... BURP!” Saiko closed her mouth with her hand quickly. Her giant checks turned red.
”Excuse me” she said kinda emberessed.
”But... why have you... let yourself go so much?” Saiko looked down and saw her dastric changes.
”Oh Yes!” She puts own the burgers and started to wiggle her floppy belly.
”This is getting better and better!”
Saiko went back to her burgers and said
”And to awnser your question Boopkins, I have comed to figure out that the only persons that get attention are fat people. If I become the most fatest and widest person on the planet, Everyone will ADORE me! Now If your excuse me, I must continue my new diet” Saiko went back into taking big bites of her cheeseburger.
”Once I’m done with these burgers, I’m gonna order a second batch of food!” She said with food in her mouth. Boopkins was just confused of her reasoning.
”Um... How did you come to that conclusion? He asked. Saiko swallowed and pointed at the living Room.
”Instagram, my laptop is in the living Room if you want to check” Saiko continued her ”project”. Boopkins ran into the living Room and jumped up on the couch. That’s were the laptop layed. He opend it and say he needed a password.
”What’s the password?!” He shouted to Saiko in the Kitchen. After hearing another belch, Saiko answered
”It’s 10022018!” Boopkins typed the numbers in. But before he pressed Enter, he looked at the numbers again.
”Wait? 10 02 2018?... 10th February 2018?” Boopkins got a sadden smile ”Aw, her code is the day I brought her to life...” he pressed Enter and saw terrifying things.
”OH MY GOD!!!” Boopkins voice could be heared from the living Room. Saiko was eating the other cheeseburger, while having a new one in her hand. She looked to the Kitchen entrences, while chewing on her chunk. Boopkins ran back in to the Kitchen.
”THAT’S YOUR REASON FOR DOING THIS?!?!?” Boopkins shouted stressed. Saiko started to chew fasters and said ”Yes! I know!! But did you see the amount of likes they got?! They want fat! I’ll show them fat!!” She was eating much faster again, she drank up another soda bottle.
”But Saiko! Those are fetish art!!” Saiko stoped eating and looked at Boopkins in a confused manner.
”What?” Is all she could say... and then took another bite of her Burger.
”Yes! Fetish Art” Boopkins said angry ”Only weird people like those things!!” Saiko was looking somewhat interested
”But... you like anime, aren’t that the same thing?” She was about to take another bite of her Burger but Boopkins screamed ”STOP EATING RIGHT NOW, YOUNG LADY!!!” Which statled the fatten anime girl that she droped the burgers. Boopkins continued with
”First of all, I like moving art that can tell compeling stories, cool action scenes and cute girls. Fetish artists just like still frame of fat people. Secund: Saiko. I know you’re better than this”.
His serious tone changed to a somber one. ”I care about you, and seeing you like this hurts. And I want you to think, the only attention you’ll get is from normal people, but they’re just gonna asked themselfs how a young woman would let herself go like this?”
Saiko was silent for a long while. She thought about it and... yeah... only weird people on the internet would like her. But the majority of everyone else in the real world would just be scared, confused or disqusted by her fatness. Saiko made a heavy sigh.
”Sigh... Yeah, you’re right” she took a step. That was a mistake.
”Whoaaaa!” She lost her balance and fell, turning around and landing back first, making Boopkins fly up in the air and then crash down.
”Ah! He said when he hit the ground. He got up and ran to his friend. ”Saiko!” He got to her head.
”Are you ok?” He asked concerned for his friend. Saiko groaned and opened her eyes.
”Y-yeah” she smiled to him ”I guess I not used to my new weight yet...” Saiko tried to stand up, keyword being ”tried”. She bend up, but didn’t get anywhere. So she tried to pull up by extending her arms, it didn’t work either, Saiko fell back down.
”Oh no!” Saiko said scared. ”I’m too fat to rise up!!”
”Don’t worry, Saiko! I’ll help you up!” Boopkins said. He tried to lift her head up, but he’s too weak to carry her. He needed to catch his breath.
”So I’m stuck down here?” Saiko asked. Boopkins looked at her, she was starting to tear up! ”I guess I deserve it. I mean, I was foolish enough to trust the pictures likes than the real world, sniff” Saiko’s tears is what made Boopkins had enough of this.
”DAAAD!” He shouted. Immidetly afterwords, the roof opend by a giant tentacle, owned by a giant Octodad wearing A Cathulu mask! It’s Fishy Boopkins’ Dad!! Saiko was just flambergasted of what she saw.
”Daaaad? Could you help me carry my friend?” Boopkins asked. Boopkins’ Dad was just silent, he then extended his other tentacle. Boopkins climed up Saiko’s big belly and sat on the top. Boopkins’ dad’s tentacle rolled around Saiko and he lifted her up. Now high in the air, Boopkins asked ”Can you take us to Peach’s Castle too?” Once again, Dad was silent while looking at them. He then started to walk.
Boopkins smiled. He then slid down the belly and stoped close to Saiko’s head, who was resting on the top of Dad’s tentacle.
”Don’t worry Saiko, once we get to our friends, we’re gonna fix this!” He said in a reasuring manner. Saiko made a sadden smile.
”Thanks, Boopkins...” she answered back. But then she looked unamused ”But can you not stand in my breasts?”
”Huh?” Boopkins looked around, and indeed, he was standing/sitting on her giant jugs! Boopkins jumped off scared and begd for forgivness
SMG4’s phone rang. He answered
”Hello?” On the other side a meek Female voice saw screaming
To Be Continued...
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how do draw scorpion tail...?
godbox!SMG4 my beloved <3 & his mario <33
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⠀"Recognize that I can be the Eye, the Eye of the Storm."
⛓️ / 📼 / ⛓️ ... 📼 / ⛓️ / 📼 ... ⛓️ / 📼 / ⛓️
my god box it's done!!! & it turned out well :DD
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Mario is a heavy sleeper, so he doesnt hear the whimpers of pain coming from four, he wakes up as a four stumbles in thru the front door much later, normal but covered in blood
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Mario is Concerned As Hell
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hope u know that the god box made smg4 au thing is driving me up the wall because i love mario and 4 friendship . they mean everything to me🤬🤬🤬
also personally i think 4 giving mario the chance to be there for him while hes going thru something is awesome and im so normal about it and im blowing you up
if you have any more little scenarios / facts that you can think of off the top of your head i will Eat them all up (not forced)
hope i worded this correctly i am not good with putting thoughts on paper
explodes!!!!! hsheheh :DD!!! i luv their friendship sm man
aight aight, i have some ideas about the au & ah'll drop them here.
smg4's thoughts were already kinda A Lot even before the Kill God Box stuff happened, & sometimes he let them through randomly. mario knows this really well due to him normally being nearby smg4 when he mumbles/blunt out the most random thing you can think of. mario normally respond with an even randomer sentence or simply just. listens.
after said god box stuff happened & after getting over Everything Hurting it...sorta got worse? it got more violent, basically. 4 started to mumble about whatever is on his mind more often or just. not respond to things because he. can't think. it gets better as time passes but the first few days 4 was mostly on autopilot. mario is very aware of this & just...sorta stays by him for those first few days. he's a little clingy but can u blame him??
smg4's scorpion tail sorta acts like a dog's tail??? kinda?? it sometimes wraps around people 4 likes or feels comfortable around & well. it wraps around mario most often whenever he's like. right next to 4. ough...
4 has a hard time controlling his tail for like. awhile. he does get control of it at some point, but it slips up sometimes & act on its own.
after the whole...Overflow Thing. 4 kinda... shut everyone out for awhile. except for mario. who promptly managed to drag him out of his room.
& then there's the whole USB thing. wouldn't it be funny if like. SMG3 was the only one supposed to land? and like. SMG1 & SMG2 were never supposed to be there. & SMG4's USB is made by the God Box & was sent to the Mushroom Kingdom to destroy it but like. it never gave the USB a reason to. so 4 ended up landing with no memory of what he was, what he's supposed to do, etc. & ended up being besties with the Avatar.
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oh god what if
what if smart mario. can command 4 when he's in his godbox form. because 4 trusts him so much that in his godbox state that has no objective anymore, is willing to obey mario's every command because he considers him as most trustworthy. & also because they're besties & he trusts mario more then himself.
the power they hold ... ..
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made just because!
god i love him sm. he's so unhinged. fr.
template under read more!!
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What do you think would do when he finds out 4 doesn’t want to be like this and is really scared
i think you're missing a word there anon
if you're talking about Mario, then...well, he's not the best at emotions, as told times before. so the best comfort he could give is probably along the lines of telling 4 that he doesn't think of 4 as a monster &..maybe a hug.
ough. ah'm. thoughts.
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hey...so u know how godbox!smg4, after the destroying of the Godbox, he has to stay in bed because everything hurts & the tail also suddenly appears??
what if. when the tail appears, so does the venom? it appears in 4's bloodstream & he's not used to it even though it's in his nature & he gets very very sick & it's making the pain worse. he feels like he's gonna throw up but can't & it's horrible & bad & god please kill him now.
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(I got,, inspired suddenly,,)
The Moon never truly knew what to think of the False Sun. When he came that fated day, shining so brightly yet so wrongly, and still..
The Moon found himself drawn to the False Sun, not naturally but of his own accord.
The Moon was surprised when he saw the False Sun had one of his own; a False Moon, as if to compliment the Moon's own Sun. And when the False Sun came before him the one day, begging to act as if he did not know the False Moon was false..
He agreed. For the fact that it was for the False Moon's safety. Were the False Moon to know..
The Moon did not want to think of what would happen.
So when the Moon dimmed one day, sickness and cracks overtaking him, he did not mean to tell the truth. He did not mean to look at the False Moon and apologize. Apologize for agreeing to what the False Sun had asked of him, for the False Moon deserved to know of the truth.
The Moon hadn't meant to tell, but what else could he do now?
And as the Moon watched the False Moon run off, the Sun calling after him, his gaze fell on the False Earth, who was watching with a blank look.
How guilty he felt and how worried he felt.
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YEA...marios inside the castle when he feels arms wrap around him n pick him up..he turns to four n goes "glitchy?!"
YEAH YEAH,, 4 is trembling and shaking, wings pulled to his back and tail nervously thumping against the ground,, he mutters a few apologies, saying it was the command,, it activated and he just,, couldn't stop himself,, he needed to make sure Mario was okay.
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Cant help but imagine what lil coding would be like in godbox smg4 au
ough... oh it's...gonna be something
since the USB itself is also made by the Godbox, Lil Coding would already know of their Origins. he won't be allowed to say anything about it, however. since. safety :3
he would however be by 4 a lot. more then anyone else. likely more protective & more prone to violence. also so much more powerful.
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Mario looks up at the creature above him its silhouette completely shadowing him as he looks up red eyes peering down at him, he trembles can’t find the energy to move, eyes shaking aa his heart races.
But it all stops when his eyes land on an rather familiar scorpion-like tail.
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