#god bless the leclerc genes
f1version · 1 year
ARTHUR LECLERC on tiktok ( x )
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kiwisa · 1 year
never say never ✩ ln04
Lando Norris x Fem! Leclerc! Reader
IN WHICH... you should never say never, especially to your sister who does what she wants.
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user1 the leclerc genes have been blessed by the hand of god there are no other explanations
user2 such a fashion icon
user3 how come y/n is the youngest leclerc and yet she looks just as old as charles wtf
⤷ user4 for real lol i always forget she's younger than arthur
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Anonymous That's the biggest leap I've ever read. It's not because two people attend the same event that they are dating. I hate scoop-hungry websites like you.
Anonymous There are no photos of them together, though? Monaco is like 2km square, of course people are going to cross paths with each other, especially rich people.
Anonymous So, following your logic, since my crush and I attend the same class every day, we are dating too? Fucking awesome.
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user1 they are so cute 🥹 and lando is so dead 🥹
user2 omgggg i knew it !!!!!!
danielricciardo oh boy
user3 y/n lives to infuriate her brothers (especially charles) and i respect that
⤷ user4 she is the moment
user5 not only did lando choose to date a driver's sister, he also chose the only girl on the grid with 3 BROTHERS and that's fucking hilarious to me
user6 so lando and max were talking about y/n that's adorable
landonorris i love you ❤️
⤷ charles_leclerc run before i run you over
⤷ yourusername with what? your new vespa?
⤷ yourusername i love you too mon coeur ❤️
lorenzotl Answer your phone, Y/N.
arthur_leclerc ...
charles_leclerc you're so dead
user7 i bet the "private event" was just a way to hide a date
⤷ yourusername 🤫
user8 this is more entertaining than a marvel movie damn
pascale.leclerc.355 Vous êtes très mignons tous les deux. 😘 Quand est-ce qu'il passe à la maison ? 😊
⤷ charles_leclerc maman !!!!
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