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neptunescore · 1 month ago
Forgotten First Meeting + Soulmate AU would be a pretty bomb combination I think 🤔💗
Trope Mashup
Oh my god nonnie ur so right this is so compelling!! You all really do gotta clarify if you want a motogp pairing or an f1 pairing, bc this just screams rosquez to me😭
I think in this au I'd have like the first words your soul mate says to you written on some part of your body, and they like appear when your soul mate turns 18.
So basically, Marc gets his mark when he's four, and he's lived his whole life putting it on a pedestal right? Like he's so lucky he's had it for so long, he'll know who it is immediately. (It probably says something along the lines of, Ah thank you, we just give it our all, no?)
And he's going abt his day to day life, competing and everything when suddenly he's hit with the sudden opportunity of meeting Vale, his literal idol. (Through sponsorship events or smthng idk) So ofc Marc is like YES??
The day finally comes, and Marc is literally vibrating. He goes up bc it's his turn to mee the man, and just blurts out "I am a huge fan, i am going to be just like you", then proceeds to stare at him for wayy too long. Vale just laughs at the boy, says, "Ah thank you, we just give it our all, no?" And—
Oh my god, Valentino Rossi is his soulamte. Oh my god oh my god Marc is gonna have an aneurysm this is literally the best day of his life, he's literally fated to Valentino Rossi.
Obv, Marc is not gonna tell Vale this bc he's still a kid and doesn't wanna mess up his chances. Instead, he starts training more, riding harder, faster, skimming the limits bc now he has to reach the 500cc, there's no way he can't, his soulmate is literally waiting for him there (Marc is a child and he's delusional and thinks that everything will be solved when he reaches MotoGP)
Cue to him turning 18 and winning th 125cc championship that same year, having his highest high knowing Valentino probably just got his mark and is aware it's Marc now and also he just fucking won the championship so rlly everything is great.
Valentino, on the other hand, is extremely surprised by the coloured sentance running down against the back of his spine, bc he has no fucking idea who his soulamte is. He literally has thousands upon thousands of fans and all of them say variations of the same line, so forgive him not remebring this one. Also, he just turned 32. If his mark has appeared only now, then that means his soulmate is 18. Yh no. Valentino is not interested in getting involved with whatever shit this is.
Fast forward to 2013 and Marc finally reaching MotoGP, going up to Vale and shyly greeting him, only for Vale to be completely normal in return? This just keeps happening throught the first half of the season and Marc is hit with the sudden realisation that Vale doesn't know they're soulmates.
I feel like he'd go through a huge crisis bc this literally destroys every idea of the future he's had, but the he locks in and is like, okay I'm gonna win a championship a then confess to Vale bc like obv he'll want me more if I'm successful and good at the craft we've devoted our lives too.
Except, him and Vale acc start getting close, and as he spends more time with Vale he learns that Vale is not really interested in having a soulmate at all (Valentino is a lying liar who is trying to hint to Marc that he'd like for them to be in an actual relationship and that he doesn't care abt what his 'pre destined soulmate' will think of it, expect Marc is literally said predestined soulmate)
So now, one year turns to two, and Marc is just putting off telling Vale this huge thing...
and suddenly, it's sepang 2015, and Vale hates him. His soulmate has just made him a target for literally every media outlet and he genuinely seems to believe Marc would go that low. Well, fuck this shit. Fuck this. (Yes he still trys to reconcile with Vale for a bit, but you get the point, he's just a little desperate okay)
Skip a bunch of years ahead (I am not researching the timeline rn😭) and while they aren't spreading any misinformation abt the other anymore they still aren't talking (thry think abt each other way too much tho)...
Until. A video gets leaked of Marc's first time meeting Vale and Vale just watches it bc he watches everything Marc, and he hears it. "I am a huge fan. I am going to be just like you."
Yh he's up and abt blackmailing ppl for Marc's address and flying to Spain immediately. Cue some very angsty long drawn out reconciliation as well as some very freaky sad emotional sex and they they live happily ever after.👍🏽
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missdawnandherdusk · 7 months ago
The Innocent
Draco x Reader
The Case The Defendant The Witness
The Auror The Confession The Deceased
The Verdict
Summary: The day in court is finally here... for better or worse.
A/n: I was going to make this realistic... but then I thought to hell with that. This is fiction which means good prevails and love wins so screw reality. I'd like to personally dedicate this one to @drcelly love you
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I paced back and forth on that marble floor. Draco was in Dr. Dresden’s office for over an hour with the Minister of Magic and a few other high ranking officials, as well as Pansy Parkinson, who was now the CEO of The Prophet. 
Anxiety clawed its way up my throat. All of this was going to go horribly wrong. I would lose my future. I would lose the case. Draco would lose his son. And I would lose Draco. Perfect destruction all laid out in front of me and it was all my fault. 
The door opened. My eyes flashed up. My heart hammered in my chest. Dr. Dresden appeared, gave me a tight look but nodded before heading on his way. Then the Minister left, giving me a small smile. Then other nameless officials. None of them said a word. Pansy left the office, still scribbling down notes while also being on a mobile fire call. 
Finally Draco appeared. All of my hopes were reading his facial expressions. 
The door clicked closed behind him. 
His face was solemn. 
My heart sank. 
He held out his hand for me to shake. 
Chewing on my lip, I reached out and he firmly grasped my hand in his. 
“I’ll see you in court on Tuesday, Ms. Public Defender,” A smile curled onto his face. 
I choked out a laugh. Tears pricked my eyes. I dropped his hand and threw my arms around his neck. Draco held me close. 
“Thank you,” I was crying. “Thank you, Draco.” 
“You deserve this Y/n. I’ve never seen anyone work harder to prove my innocence and I want you there with me,” 
We were face to face, threads of hope tying us together. 
“How—how did you even…?” 
“Don’t worry about it,” Draco smiled warmly. “It’s going to be okay. I wasn’t going to let anyone do that to you,” 
“But Dresden…” 
“Will keep his mouth shut if he knows what’s good for him.” Draco said cooly. 
“Are you blackmailing him?” 
“No darling,” Draco laughed softly. “But Pansy is the head of The Prophet and if he wants to go through with what he tried to pull on you—it will be headlining the papers for weeks to come,” 
“So we did it?” I dared to hope. 
“Well, you still have a case to win,” Draco said, amused. “But, yes I suppose we did.” 
“Thank you,” I said earnestly, hugging him again. 
“No thank you,” He said. “You are the only person who ever convinced me that I was innocent.” 
“You are,” I said. “And soon the whole world is going to know it.” Before I got lost too far in his eyes, I recovered. “I’ll… I’ll be over Monday evening? To tie up any loose ends before the case.” 
“As you wish,” Draco bowed his head and turned to leave. I stood there, watching him go, warmth spreading through my chest. 
It was nearing ten o’clock at night. Almost everything had been combed through and knit-picked. I thought we were done, and God I wanted to be. I could barely keep my thoughts on track. Draco’s study was so cozy and peaceful, with the fire going and soft music coming from who knows where. Even Draco looked half asleep sitting at his desk in a cardigan and loafers. My heels were long forgotten as I stood on the plush carpets in my stockings. 
Rifling through my notes, I found a page of questions I had written for myself. It was the first time I ever talked over the case with Draco. It seemed like forever ago. My brows furrowed. 
“What?” Draco asked, perking up. 
“Nothing,” I shook my head. “Just some notes. It’s nothing,” 
“You’re worrying,” Draco mused getting up. “Really what is it?” 
“Nothing… just a question from that first day,” A shrug fell off my shoulders. “I was asking about Harry and the Death-Eaters at the Manor that Easter.” 
“I didn’t tell them it was Potter,” Draco recalled. 
“No,” I agreed. “And you were so kind to Luna,” My fingers drifted over her witness statement. 
“Yes,” Draco admitted, “Is it important to the case?” 
I turned to look at him. “It’s important to me,” 
Draco came over, peering over my shoulder at my hand scribbled notes. He was so close I could feel his warmth. I tensed, my breath catching. Draco took the page from my fingers and read it over. I turned leaning against the ornate mahogany table. 
HIs eyes met mine. 
“I knew Potter could end the war.” He said, his eyes years away. His shoulders rose and fell with a deep breath. “I wanted to be free. I—I didn’t want to be what they wanted me to be,”  
“You’re not,” I said softly, taking my note from his hands. “And tomorrow I’m gonna prove it.” 
His grey eyes held such joy as he looked at me. His eyes flickered down to my lips and suddenly he was very close and I was too tired to make rational choices. I backed away and he did too. 
“I—it… it’s late,” I stammered. “I—I should go,” 
He didn’t say anything but gave a nod. I gathered everything as magic aided it back into my bag. I could feel the redness on my face, and I could see it on his. Every step I took felt as if I was being pulled back by invisible string. 
“Goodnight Draco,” 
“Goodnight Y/n.” 
As I laid in bed that night it wasn’t the worry of the case that weighed on my mind; it was Draco and his warm grey eyes and kind smile that held me as I found sleep. 
And before the Minister, a jury of our peers, witnesses, and those overzealous to see what came of this case, I acquitted Draco Malfoy. 
When the gavel hit the wood and his innocence rang loudly, the room erupted with applause and sounds of wonder. Scorpius’ cheers’ were louder than the rest. I couldn’t help it, and neither could Draco, as we hugged again. He spun me around before setting me down again. Scorpius interrupted us, and I had never seen Draco so happy, holding his son. 
He was free. 
They both were. 
I smile stayed on my face as Scorpius came over and gave me a hug. I knelt down and gave him a proper hug. Over the little boy’s shoulder I looked up and saw Draco gazing down at us. Some weird flickered in my chest. Letting Scorpius go, I stood. Draco closed the distance between he and I, taking Scorpius to his side. Draco’s hand wrapped around my waist as his other let go of his son to cradle my face and pull it to his. Draco kissed me. Something soft and sweet. 
And innocent. 
@coffee-addicti @msmcsmutt @ravn-87 @artemismohr18@whygz@crazywritingbug @bitemebro522 @zombiesnips-blog@savingdraco  @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @queenfeatherwings @fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe @spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise @katsukink @takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things @tmnt-queen@hxneybgb @belcvayelena @moviesbooksandfandoms   @cocochanelthepupper @ninacotte @braelynn-johnston  @jiggllyy @darcypotter-blog  @thiccheerioss@lottie289 @beautiful-pegasus@tceedlmao @anonymous034 @bi-andready-tocry @dragonsandbread @the-queen-of-hell-things @alienmotel  @oh-itsnothing @sunflowerxsadnessw @fattycooter @fanficsigottaread @gweaslvy @strawberriesonsummer @gaysludge @ray-of-sunrise @artist-bby @shadowsingeraxolotl @quillsareforwriting @wollymalfoy @lilpieceoftoast @paper-cats @floweryjh @hufflautia @livize75 @annie-mcl @riathearora @dudeimnotgonnakms @auriuswolve @carolineesnell @hagridshaircare @sun-flower-seed @draco-dormiens @redeemingvillains @dlme08 @sweetmadde @mirah28ya @fancynerdpeach @alwayslatetothefandoms @helendeath @hellishseaqueen @littlemadamred @basicasfusername @oopsiedaisy997
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thegreymoon · 11 months ago
The Story of Minglan
It's been 84 years 😭😭
I've forgotten which episode I'm on 😢
LMAO, him putting his smelly sock to her face to check if she's really asleep 🤣🤣
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How women deal with gross, smelly husbands in their beds, I will never know, but smelly or not, I'm 100% on his side here. Poor baby, he kept waiting for her to do something, anything, and she went straight to bed and fell asleep! Logically, I know she was never going to lift a finger to stop him from sleeping with that other woman and that if he had done so, he would have lost all possibility of ever winning her romantic affection for the rest of their lives. Win or lose, the very act of having to fight over him would have been a defeat for her. He is fighting on a battlefield he cannot see and is set up to lose on all fronts. But here his, against all odds, emerging with the moral high ground.
LOL, she's awake after all 🤣🤣
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Test or no test, I was wondering how she could sleep. Even knowing, even fully prepared, even resigned, I would still not sleep for a week. Once it happened, there would be no coming back and I'd never trust or love him again, but while it was happening, I would not be able to pretend that everything was normal.
That's right, snuggle your wife 🤗
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LOL, at least she has a plan to drive her away 😅
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Oh, Minglan, take your victories and stop now 😢
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LMAO, yes, Minglan, stop letting evildoers add firewood to the fire!
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Next time a garbage aunt comes by to stir up shit in your marriage, gouge her eyes out.
LMAOOOO, from the looks on their faces, I'm guessing this second wife was not invited 😅
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Anyway, here for a scandal that, for once, does not involve Minglan.
Oof, that will end well 😅
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As usual, no sympathy for men who take in concubines. I hope the main wife eats them both.
Yes, give them hell 🤬
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The aduacity, I swear.
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She is not very bright, is she? If I was the main wife, I would skin her alive when we got back home.
LMAOOOOO, I am living for Gu Tingye's WTF face 🤣🤣
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Poor Hualan, she has to parent her dumbass mother who is about to step into a huge pile of 💩 at any moment now.
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Oh, this shit-stirring idiot showed up too, smh.
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LMFAO, Minglan is entertaining none of this nonsense 🤣🤣
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The way she suddenly asserted herself as an ~elder~ and she is, what? Eighteen years old at best? 🤣🤣
Minlgan, murder her and bury her stinky corpse under a rosebush in your backyard.
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What a goddamn bitch for no good reason.
Trust me, Minglan is not the reason your worthless husband can't get it up for you.
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If it were me, I would have kicked you and your garbage husband out on your ass. But Minglan has more grace and patience than I ever will, so she is kindly trying to set you straight, you fucking moron.
Ugh, she and Qi Heng deserve each other 🤬
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She is so done with Qi Heng's shitty ass and she doesn't even know you, leave her the fuck alone!
You are also an idiot.
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And here I was, feeling sorry for you.
The way this crusty wank sock came running, smh.
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He will pass up zero opportunities to take a gigantic dump on her entire life. I hate him so much.
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holdonunreal · 6 months ago
Chapter 4: Talentshow (Part 1)
The time has come for Y/N and Karasu to prepare for their appearance in the evening talent show. Y/N didn't think about the fact that the whole normal school day would come before that.
Karasu and Boxy even help him to develop his ability and prepare him for the perfect performance.
Now it's all or nothing!
Here I am again, a new chapter for the AU.
7.3 K words and slowly the story really begins, with a Boulder in Y/N's life that will change everything forever.
Have fun reading and let me know how you liked this chapter!
Y/N Pov:
I hate Fridays. Basically they're okay, weekend and no school until Monday. And that's exactly what it is, until Monday. After that it just goes on and on and somehow nobody cares.
Get up, wash my face, put on the same gray hoodie and take some pants out of the closet. Even pouring water into a glass...with my Telekinesis. All the time I have the feeling I've forgotten something, something important...
The Talentshow
Damn, why am I participating again? Oh well, about the prize money...1000 dollars. And the trip only costs 600 so I could just keep the rest. Although, Karasu probably wants to get paid for his 'Incredible Talent' too. So while he's talking to people, I'll be constantly using my Telekinesis and doing tricks that no one has ever seen before. And in front of I don't know how many people. How big is this theater anyway?
I keep thinking, even though I should be looking at the road while I'm on my way to the bus stop. But the incredibly loud music from my headphones doesn't let me hear a car anyway, which I'm really grateful for. The bus stop is already in front of me, and I just stand under it...and wait.
I'm supposed to play a magician, how should I actually dress for it? I don't have any robes or a hat. So a wizard in a gray hoodie and dirty pants, that's going to be bad. I at least hope that there are still buses running at these times tonight, if not, then I'm definitely not going to walk for hours to the campus. What for? To make a clown of myself in front of hundreds of people. Definitely not. When I think of all the card tricks I've seen on the internet...can I even make several objects float? Before, I only ever managed to do one thing at a time, but I didn't really try.
Quiet Vibration
My Phone? Who is texting me so early? I already have a suspicion as I take it out of my pocket, which is confirmed as soon as my display goes on.
"I'm getting on board at the second stop! Get us a good seat and don't stare at the ass of-
I don't read any further, at least I can imagine how the message ends. This blonde girl...DogDay I think her name was. She's nice, beautiful, has a pleasant voice and is on a completely different level to me. According to Karasu, she is also the student representative of the university. Sounds like the complete opposite of me.
At that moment, the bus stops in front of me and I get on immediately. It's completely empty, not a single person, really great. No people looking at me funny, or quietly sniggering and teasing me. I sit down in my standard seat again, one in front of the last row. I sit by the window and look out as the bus drives on. Empty streets, green fields and hardly any people. And I continue to think...
What courses do I have today?
I look at my Phone and go through my timetable. Considering that Friday is actually the start of the weekend, my day looks pretty shit. First two hours of math, then economics. The sight of math makes me feel like I'm going to puke. The last time I understood math was in high school, and even then I wasn't really good. I've actually only gotten ahead so far by luck, 'How the hell did I even pass the entrance test? After the two classes there's another hour of English and PE, basically I'd give anything to stay home today.
And I still haven't paid attention to the worst part. The God-damned * talent show * that we have to win, so to speak. What kind of magic tricks are we supposed to do anyway? We must be on this stage for ten to twenty minutes, I don't think a few card tricks are enough to impress people. Especially not the judges. *Can I even manage to use my telekinesis in front of so many people and not drown in nervousness? *. What happens if I suddenly can't do it or-?
"What's going on with you, dude!"
Fuck, who-
"Relax, we're taking everything apart today...Cause we have a real magician here"
Karasu always scares the shit out of me, how do I not notice him? He whispers the last part unpleasantly in my ear as the bus starts to move on. I didn't even notice that it had stopped. Karasu quickly squeezes into the completely empty seat next to me, and once again I notice the big difference.
Not only is he a complete head taller, he is also much wider. After all, he has twice as much P.E lessons a week as I do. I look like a child next to him, 'Do people see me like that?
"Come on, don't get nervous, I've already thought of something good!"  Now I'm curious, he's already thought of something?
"Yes, and what? How long do we even have to stand there and put on a show-
"Magic" That's all he says, on the contrary, he even interrupts me. I stare at him, he does that to me all the time. He turns to my right and runs his hands through his black hair, which he pulls up into a spike. When I look at him like that, he kind of reminds me of a Crow.
"Oh and... I don't know how long we have to put on a show"  Fuck, he doesn't know that?! We fucking have to perform today, don't we? It's going to be a complete embarrassment. 'But what does he mean by magic?
"Exactly magic"
"What exactly?"
"Simple, we'll introduce ourselves first and I hope you can do that without wetting your pants." He pauses for a moment and, as always, I ignore the obvious insult.
"We, well you! will let cards fly, to start with. Then you juggle with a few small balls and let them fly in the air! I'll stand next to you and drink an Energy... Or something"
To be honest, it sounds terrible. Not just the part where I constantly have to use my head to make cards or balls fly. It's also that Karasu can't do anything for the most part, so he's often standing next to me. But that's also a good thing, hopefully he'll talk to the audience and not just make me look stupid. Just the thought of standing there in the stands in complete silence and doing tricks doesn't appeal to me.
"And then at the end, comes the Ultimate Master Trick!"  To be honest, I don't like the way he emphasizes that. 'Master trick?' What am I supposed to do better than let some cards fly?
"You will... walk on an invisible rope" That's it, he just stops talking. I don't understand a bit, 'What kind of rope?' And I'm supposed to do this? Why? Shit, why doesn't he say anything?
"Dude, don't wet your pants, it's really easy."   If he keeps playing with me like that, I'm going to freak out.
"Now say it!"
"All right, have you ever been to the theater?"
"Oh yeah! You skipped half a year"  What an ass.
"Anyway, it's really huge, and at the front of the platform it goes straight out to the front row, you know what I'm saying?"
I'm about to say no, but he's quicker again.
"So YOU will walk off the podium...very slowly across the air, and then drop your wizard hat in front of one of the people from the jury."
What a stupid idea! I can't fucking fly. I get a headache just turning a door blade with my mind, how am I supposed to make myself fly in the air? And besides, 'What kind of wizard's hat?'
"If you can't manage it somehow, I can take over that part"
"ok"   That's the only thing I can get out right now, no more, no less. I don't think I'll be able to keep Karasu in the air long enough while he's walking towards the jury. 'How much does he weigh anyway?
At that moment, I notice how the bus stops abruptly. Students push their way through the bus and all stand in the way. Karasu and I remain seated for a moment, but get up after a few seconds and leave the bus.
"Well then, special needs student!"  He really does have a new nickname for me every day, and they all suck.
"Wait a minute, where are you going?"  I thought I had Math with him?
"To gym class you crybaby, I'll see you later in economics!"
I'm about to reply and he's already gone, putting headphones in his ears and walking to one of the huge sports halls on campus. When I think about it, Karasu seems to be really athletic. Tall, sturdy body...something I can only dream of. Somehow I'm glad he's my friend at the same time, he could be hanging out with much better people than me.
But I can think about that later, now it's time to pay attention in class after missing a year of school and get good grades.
I'm really lucky that the seat in the back corner is free. But it could also be because Boxy is sitting next to it. Well, he's about to slip out of the chair the way he's lying there. With his Phone in front of his face and his math book open in front of him.
I can hear people whispering as soon as I enter the room.
"Is that him?"
"Shit, no way has he been the only one to make it"
"So is he going to work here later or what?"
"He's really Weird, just look how he walks"
"Yes, as if he was about to collapse on the floor crying"
I stop listening and put my bag down next to the free table. As I sit down, I stare at the blank slate and turn to Boxy a little, thinking he might tell me the topic so I can check the book to see if I know it. I ignore every comment anyone says to me, even if it's not to my face. I tap Boxy's shoulder lightly and keep looking at him.
"What is it?" He says as he continues to type hastily on his Phone and doesn't give me a glance. I take my math book out of my bag and hold it up to him, so to speak.
"Can you tell me the topic? I want to see if-
"Page 170 or so, it's really boring anyway" Page 170? Dammit, this is how far the course has come in one semester? I remember something around page 20.
"Ehm, thanks," I turn away from him and lay my book open on my desk. I leaf through it for a while, looking for the exact page, sometimes I'm much further on and sometimes just 10 pages away. But then I finally find it -
What the hell is this? There's not a bit of text on the page, just some formulas that are several lines long and mostly made up of letters. Shit! I don't understand anything and I have to be able to do that?
"Hello everyone"
That was it, the rest of the lesson was...Horrible . Miss Delight, who I could still remember, came in and welcomed everyone to the new semester. I just hoped the whole time that she wasn't taking attendance and that I would have to embarrass myself in front of everyone. I was quite lucky, because she had apparently forgotten.
I somehow tried to write down notes or something important about the lesson but couldn't manage anything. It felt like I was in a foreign language class.
The only thing that stuck in my mind from the lesson was when Miss Delight called on Boxy to complete a task. He looked forward in shock, which caused his book to fall over and everyone saw that he had been on his Phone the whole time. She then came to him and took it away, but just as she stopped looking, he put the book back down and took a bag out of his backpack. The bag was filled with some kind of bread, he always tore off a small piece and quickly stuffed it into his mouth. Once he also asked me if I wanted a piece, I just replied with a quick no, and he continued eating in peace.
In between, I kept seeing people looking at me as if I was disgusting them. It really sucks that I don't know anyone in this course, I can't ask anyone for help or understand the lessons.
I was quite lucky here, as Karasu and Boxy are in this class with me. Karasu was waiting for me outside the door and grinned at me the whole time as if I had done something wrong. We were the first to enter the room and the three of us sat at the back, which was already standard. There were 5 tables for four in the room, I don't know why but at least we could all sit together at one.
After a few minutes, looking down at the table the whole time, Karasu punched me in the ribs. It didn't hurt as much as usual, and I looked at him because I wanted to know what the hell was going on now.
"Look at the door!" He said while wearing a wide, almost creepy grin on his face. When I looked, my head went blank.
DogDay came in and stood at the door with a few of her friends. She wore an orange sweater and grinned the whole time she was standing there. Next to her stood a girl with longer black hair, she didn't look at DogDay and looked at the floor while the group talked. I kept watching the way she moved, almost perfectly. The way her blonde hair moved as she spoke, her hands always finding the perfect position for emphasis and her eyes that were as beautiful as the sun. They were clear and shining.
And when she smiled, her cheeks pushed upwards and her eyes disappeared into narrow slits with a sparkle in them... or something like that.
I didn't even know she was on this course.
But I never really paid attention to people either
"Dude close your mouth, you're starting to drool."  How I sometimes just want to kill Karasu.
"Shut up Karasu"
"Sorry dude, I didn't mean to offend you and your girlfriend"
I'm about to interject and tell him that it's not true, that he has no idea what he's talking about. But I just couldn't get a word out and that was it. At that moment, however, the teacher came in and rescued me from my pathetic situation. But the next one followed immediately.
"So we have a lot of lessons today and I want to get you through to the exams, so get your attendance up quickly and open your books to page 91!"
I can't remember his name, but I don't like him anyway. He never cared if anyone didn't understand the material, he just got on with the lesson. At least I can ask Karasu here though, he liked the course and got through it quite well...I hope it stayed that way.
"Y/N?"  Oh shit did he call me? Fuck should I get up now?
Karasu pokes me in the ribs again and quickly whispers something in my ear.
"Don't embarrass yourself in front of your girlfriend, dude!"
"Y-Yes ?"
"Ah, so that's you...Where did you come from?"   Shit! What kind of question is that? Ok, I answer normally and calmly.
Silence is the only thing I can hear. Not even my own voice. what the fuck am i supposed to answer this stupid question?  FUCK WHAT CAN I SAY?
"He's new here sir!"  Huh?
"Ah...Next time you don't answer Karasu, but Mr. Y/N"
The rest of the lesson was a bit like math. Nothing understood and nothing done. Besides, my eyes kept going to the front seats...
"Dude, what was going on with you in Economics?"
I don't want to answer, I don't even really know myself. We're walking around the cafeteria, Boxy and Karasu have grabbed something to eat and now we're looking for a free table. Boxy is holding the tablet with one hand and his Phone in the other.
Karasu got something from the menu of the day, noodles with some kind of sauce and pieces of chicken. Boxy, however, only had noodles. Why? I have no idea.
We finally found a seat and sat down, Boxy slammed his tablet down on the table and took the Phone in both hands and started pressing wildly again. Karasu looked at me as if he could read my mind 'Kind of creepy'. While Boxy sat down on the other side, Karasu and I sat next to each other.
"So I've already thought of something extra for the trick with the juggling balls. I'll juggle them and you'll let them float in the air. While you just stand there at first, but then I'll take a step back and take a sip from my energy drink."
"And then what? Should I hold them in the air for minutes or what?"  I don't quite understand how Karasu imagined exactly all the tricks we would do. Whether I can even manage to keep the multiple objects in the air is another question entirely.
"No, while I'm still drinking, you stand under the balls for a moment. And throw them through the air at me one after the other with your telekinesis!"
Stupid idea, I don't know how hard I can throw with my mind.
"So your magic show only consists of Y/N making things fly in the air with his Telekinesis?"
"Don't worry Boxy, we've got something really special for the last trick you know! No one will-
"Hey Karasu" 
Karasu turned to the back, obviously one of his colleagues was talking to him. But I've heard that voice before, 'Who's that?
"No thing Kickin! Sit down" Kickin? I turn around and see the guy who called DogDay on the bus...As I stared like an idiot with my mouth open.
And there she was again, DogDay. She sat down on the side opposite this black-haired girl, smiling the whole time. I quickly look away and back at the table, 'I'm getting nervous'.
"Hm Yes?"
"You're performing tonight too, right?"  Also? Shit don't tell me DogDay will be performing too?
"What are you doing?"  Karasu, think of something clever, and don't make us look like the biggest idiots.
"A magic show"   Shit Karasu Shut the fuck up!
At Karasu's statement, this guy with his hair curled up starts laughing loud. The girl next to him also seems to giggle a little, as if we've just embarrassed ourselves in front of hundreds of people or something.
"Several people do that, you know? You still have a chance to think of something else...so only if you want to" 
She's really to nice, she even tells us that it's a stupid idea. Karasu now don't fuck it up and say that-
"Yes, but none of them have what we have!" 
I slowly lift my head from the table to see why it has become so quiet. And at that moment, Karasu punches me in the ribs again, harder than before. I look into DogDay's eyes for a brief moment while she starts talking to someone else again.
But suddenly she turns her head towards me and looks back.
Why am I still looking?
I have to look away
And then...she smiles. She smiles at me, the strange little guy sitting at the edge of the table. Hiding under a hood and staring at the table the whole time? My heart is beating louder than I could ever hear it, and my hands are sweating terribly. 'Am I embarrassing myself right now?
But then she looks away again and continues talking to the group. The warmth in my stomach leaves me, slowly but surely. I look quickly at Boxy, just so I don't have to think about her all the time.
"Are you actually hungry?"  Karasu again, oh man.
"Oh come on, just because we're sitting here and not in the library?"
That's exactly what I don't like about him. He can see through people quickly, I don't know how he does it, but he's damn good at it. I prefer to eat in the library, if anything. Fewer people and it's quieter, which I much prefer to a noisy cafeteria.
I wasn't paying attention, but it seems that Karasu and Boxy have already finished eating. So we get up and walk in the direction of the exit.
But I look back at the table and see her again. I could have sworn she was looking in my direction, but at that moment we're already out.
English went by faster than I thought it would, not only because I hardly took part, but because I was thinking about DogDay the whole time. The way she was smiling the whole time, even looking at me once, just thinking about it makes me feel weird.
P.E is canceled, which means I'm going to Boxy's dorm room to discuss the plan for the talent show. As far as I know, Karasu and Boxy finished before me and are probably already waiting for me.
Knock Knock
"Come in!"
With that, I slowly opened the door, the rough wood slid past my fingers and then let me look into the room. Karasu and Boxy were sitting in the middle of the room, at a big red tower made of Lego pieces. The floor was completely full of individual Lego bricks. I think this is the first time I've seen Boxy without his Phone 'Must finally be running out of battery'.
"Sit down, we have to go through everything slowly now so that your Idiot brain gets it"
I walk towards them, but close the door behind me first. My steps are light, I can barely hear them. My arms walk lifelessly along the air of the room and I feel somehow...empty. I sit down on the floor, in the tailor's seat, and look at the Lego tower. It's only half built, it's still missing the helicopter landing pad on top and a couple of bricks on the side.
"So, you said you move things with your mind" What kind of question is that?
"You always closed your eyes when you did that, didn't you?"
"Yes, I imagine it...And then it just happens"
"Exactly Exactly...You can't do that anymore"
What? How else am I supposed to move things? I just have to concentrate, and I can't do that if I have my eyes open.
"Imagine it Y/N, we're standing there, cards flying and everything. But you have your eyes closed the whole time. Strange, isn't it?" He's right, but I don't know how else to do it.
"So now, with your eyes open and perhaps even better your arms, you will finish building this Lego tower with your telekinesis"
"I-Im n-not Doing Shit!, I-I can't do it Karasu!.... Even with my eyes closed it's hard"
"I have a hunch that this ability is something like a muscle, you know?"  A muscle? It doesn't feel like that at all. Besides, I hardly have any muscles!
"So I have a fucking good idea! That's like a sixth sense for you, you stretch out your arm and imagine it happening in front of your mind's eye!"
Wait a minute... It doesn't sound that difficult.
I lean forward slightly and look at the large helicopter pad in front of me. I look at the tower again, there are still a few supports to go before the large slab can go on top. I take out my hands and hold them between me and the supports on the ground. I try to imagine how the supports slowly lift themselves off the ground and float through the air. Until they place themselves on the Great Red Tower.
*Yet somehow nothing happens*
"I-I just can't get t-that right"
"Come on, very slowly and carefully"
I try to concentrate on the supports again and imagine them gliding through the air for just a short time. Until they land on the tower with a small movement of the hand. For a very brief moment, I see one of the supports move on the ground, but then it stays there again. 'As if I had blown against it'
I really do my best, I try harder than ever before when using my telekinesis. That feeling I had the first time I used it, I can feel it very easily. I keep my eyes open as I point my right finger at the parts. For a moment I notice how my eyes become a little blurred, but I continue to concentrate. My ears feel muffled, but I don't care...The only thing that matters right now is developing my telekinesis.
And then a prop suddenly floats before my eyes
"Holy shit!"
"What the?"
"Dude you did it!"
"Can he do that now?"
"Oh can see that Boxy! Y/N Is a god damn pro!"
"Shit How do you do that?"
But I don't listen to them, I let the other parts fly through the air at lightning speed. With small finger movements, they finally click onto the tower. All six of them are supported from the ground, now in the tower and holding the pillars in place for the helicopter. The only thing I have to do now is put it on top.
"Dude he's developing too fast Damn dude you've got it!"
"Wait..."  That's the only thing I say to him, even though he sounds like he's more nervous than I am. I can't get my sweaty hands and my loudly beating heart under control.
I lean my left arm back and stretch my right in Boxy's direction towards the helicopter landing pad. I no longer have to imagine it completely, it feels like electricity is running through my fingers as I point. With a feeling I can't describe myself, the Lego landing pad is suddenly in the air. I move it slowly past Boxy and into the middle of the three of us. I leave it standing over the tower for a moment and notice how my face feels kind of funny, but I don't make them wait and place the landing pad on the supports and thus on the tower with a loud click. I let my right arm fall back and wait for her reaction.
"Dude! How the hell did you...shit how!"
"That was really cool Y/N"
I look at Karasu's face for a moment, he's still looking at the Lego tower with a broad grin. Then he turns his head towards me and stares at me for a few seconds.
"Boxy Look at that! Have you ever seen him smile!"  What? I'm smiling? I somehow have a warm feeling in my face, but it doesn't feel like a smile 'I never do'.
"Yes Karasu, he's bleeding now too"
Oh shit, it's that warm feeling.
"Oh shit..."  He turns away from me and shoves his hand into the pocket of his jacket lying on the floor next to him. He rummages around for a few seconds and then finally shoves a tissue in front of my face.
I slowly wipe my nose and then hold the now slightly red stained tissue in front of my face.
"Dude you just fully evolved! All of a sudden you stick your hand out like this, and these props fly Holy shit!"
"I've done it" Somehow I feel good, as if I've just achieved the impossible...that's actually what it is.
"Dude, you've not only made it, you've literally evolved!"
"Y/N That was really cool"  Thanks for that Boxy.
"Dude you are unbelievable! that was just...I can just find a word for it!"
"So... what's the show plan?"   I feel slightly out of breath, like I've run home.
"Wow, someone wants to get down to business quickly, well here's my plan!"
He hands me a sheet, a fairly blank sheet. I can't read anything at first, my eyes are still a little blurry. Now I can slowly make it out and read the beginning:
"Hey guys, are you ready for our magic show!"
"Yeah you don't have to read my part"  Wow Karasu, good start.
I read on and realize how God damn stupid burnt everything sounds. It often says here that I should turn to the audience and smile...shit, this is getting uncomfortable.
"Yes, you can read that part at home, now go home and get changed!" He suddenly holds a black sports bag in front of my face and continues to grin at me. I wanted to go home anyway, to prepare myself mentally, 'Use my powers in front of so many people'
If I don't manage that, I'm sure I'll embarrass myself more than ever before.
"Wait," I turn to Karasu, waiting to see what he wants to tell me. He goes to Boxy's cupboard and pulls out some packaging. A few seconds later he comes back and holds a medicine box in front of my face, looks like-
"Aspirin! Take one, and now go home and practice your part. I'll be there in about two hours and then we'll go together!"
He's picking me up later? With what? Anyway, I'm going home first to see what exactly I have to do on stage.
I'm home alone as usual, just sitting here on my bed looking at Karasu's 'script'. If you can even call it that, a half page with large font 'straight out of Word'. I had to read some of the words twice and three times to understand them. There are often sentences in brackets:
"Y/N make them fall down or something"
I'm definitely not going to do that, I don't want to embarrass anyone in front of so many people. The only ones to be embarrassed will be me and Karasu anyway. I hope there's no one who has similar tricks to us, after all, there are several people who will 'cast spells'. I read through Karasu's instructions again on how the show will take place:
1. don't be nervous and don't piss your pants in front of everyone.
Thank you for this great first step Karasu.
2. it's best not to look at the audience and concentrate on the tricks. If you get upset and things suddenly fall out of the air onto us, then we look stupid.
We'll probably be standing there looking stupid anyway, and I won't be looking at the audience under any circumstances.
3. show everyone that we are the best and impress your crush.
I put the script down and push Karasu's bag towards me. It's quite heavy and much too big for me, I hope it doesn't contain his sweaty sports clothes.
And in Karasu's Bag is....
A magician's suit with a top hat
Couldn't he have gotten something else? Maybe a black suit just like that? Or just not a fucking costume? Never mind, I'll wear it later...or?. I touch the fabric a little, 'very soft'. Then I stand up and put on the suit, then put on the hat and that's it. I don't really look like a magician, but I think it looks good on a magician. But I still have this annoying grin on my face, it just won't go away. But somehow it feels good.
As I walk past my bed, I see that there are more things in the bag. A pair of decks of cards, 'probably for practicing'. I open the deck and spill the cards on the floor. Now that I'm standing over them, I'm not even concentrating properly. I just hold out my right arm and point to the floor with my index finger and middle finger. With a slight movement of my fingers, the cards magically start to lift off the ground. I let them glide briefly in the air until I finally let them fly into my hand. It's cool to see them glide through the air to my hand. Even when I turn my right hand over and let them fall into my palm, it doesn't stop.
So I can use my hands now, but I can also move things with just my mind. I don't even have to close my eyes.
What, already?
I quickly put the deck of cards on the bed and start walking. Through my room, along the corridor and now I'm standing in front of the front door. Normally I always look through the hole in the door, but not this time, I open the door directly.
"Wow, you look good, dude!"  Karasu, that was clear. 'Wait, how did he get here so quickly?
"Come on, pack your things and let's go. The show starts in an hour!"  In an hour already? Shit, that's going to be tight with the bus. I quickly turn around and run to my room, I still have to put on clothes over this suit and pack all the decks. I quickly stand by the bed and take out my hoodie. I quickly turn it to the right side and put it on. I'm already nervous
"Hey, don't wet your pants, man." I didn't even notice Karasu standing at the entrance to my room.
"Do you see this?" Huh? I look at him and he grins at me as if he's done something bad. But then I hear a small metallic clack and look to his left hand, which he has raised next to his head. He was holding a car key between his thumb and forefinger, a fairly modern one that was jet black.
"Since when have you?..."  I can't get another word out, I just can't think of a suitable one.
"Well! You were really absent for a long time, you know, so I got my driver's license quickly!"  I wasn't expecting that at all, 'Karasu has his driver's license?' And I still haven't started.
"Now come on, we really have to get going if you want a seat next to your girlfriend!" I quickly put the stuff in the bag and run to him at the door, as if I would ever sit next to her...I don't nearly have the courage to sit next to DogDay...Wait a minute why did I think of her directly when he said girlfriend?
I close the door behind me as we walk out, Karasu has parked right outside the front door. I don't really know much about car brands, but the car is really nice. All black, bright lights at the front and the shape is really cool. 'But the badge has a weird sign on the front?
"We impress everyone with that, you know?" 
"Why is the badge-
"Its a rental car"
I see. It was clear that it didn't belong to Karasu, how could I even think that for a few seconds?
I sit in the passenger seat with my bag on my lap. Karasu drives off and I quickly fasten my seatbelt - he doesn't, by the way. The car is pretty quiet and the windows are incredibly clean. While Karasu really gets on the road, I just look out the whole time as we slowly leave the more rural part and head towards the city. There is virtually no oncoming traffic and it is dark.
I wouldn't have thought that someone like Karasu could drive so perfectly, of course he's not stupid. He's smarter than me, by far. But I would have thought he was someone who drives as fast as he can all the time 'But he doesn't'. He drives slowly and smoothly along the roads, and doesn't talk.
From a distance I can already see the large yellow traffic signs with the inscription "PLAYTIME CO. COLLEGE". These are the only signs that glow in the dark, the rest of the signs are barely recognizable. Karasu turns right once and starts to turn his head a little.
"Do you know how many people can fit in the theater?"  No? How would you know?
"You can guess"  Why should I guess at all? Just say it, well then I'll take a guess.
"So... 500 people?"
"Hmmmm Next to it!"  What? More than 500 people? Shit, what kind of theater is this?
"Ehm... 2000 people?"
"Hmmmm Double that and you're a little closer"
"But don't piss yourself, there are only 3,000 people coming, so it won't be like this."
"You're kidding me right? 3000 people? WHAT KIND OF THEATER IS THIS?" I shouted the last part, but it's obvious that I don't want to appear in front of 3000 people. My legs are already starting to feel like pudding and my hands are sweating so much that I'm wiping them on my sports bag every few seconds.
"You can get excited, don't worry... Oh, we're already here!"
Fuck, I didn't look out of the window, but it wouldn't have done me any good anyway. We are already standing on the huge campus, but not where the bus stops, but on the complete other side. But you can still see the big university building from here, after all, a bunch of lanterns are shining everywhere and make it look like it's still afternoon.
Karasu abruptly stops the car and gets out a second later. I'm still sitting in here, I don't think I've ever been so nervous. If I don't get the first place with Karasu, I'll miss the ride and get all the missed classes SHIT I CANT DO THIS BRING ME BACK
"Come on out now, it's time to go"
I get out of the car with my sports bag in both hands. When I put my right leg down on the hard asphalt, I feel like I'm going to fall over. Somehow I manage to stand up completely, even better I can walk straight out. Karasu presses his key and the car locks behind us with a honk.
"Ehm, we'll talk about my part of the money later"
We first walk along a stone path, just straight ahead. I can hardly feel my legs but I can still hold myself up.
"You've read the script, haven't you?"
"Y-Yes" Shit I'm starting to stutter again!
"Good, then we'll get it sorted! But calm down and don't be so nervous."
"But we have to win-
"We will win"
I just don't understand how he can stay so calm, we have to perform in front of 3000 people.
The whole performance is based on me managing to use my powers in front of so many people and timing them perfectly
Suddenly I was Strangely Calm, I can now use my telekinesis without closing my eyes. Even better, I can make things fly vividly with my arms, as if it were some kind of magic trick.
And then there we were, The Theater.
From the outside, it was a huge hall, no, a gigantic hall. I would say almost as big as the university building. It looks pretty classy, golden colors and bright lights on the outside. We weren't the only ones standing outside, tons of other people were standing, some sitting on the floor and others already going in. Karasu tugged lightly on my arm and I immediately understood what was going on.
We go into the theater
The entrance consisted of two large glass doors, I could see through perfectly and could already see the lobby. A large golden area, littered with students who were waiting here. There is even a small fountain in the middle of the lobby, but behind it is something that makes Playtime Co. stand out. A huge golden statue of Huggy Wuggy, who has his left arm in the air and is literally waving at us. On the left and right were brightly colored stairs going up. Karasu and I don't wait, but go straight to the stairs on the left, passing a couple of groups of students.
"Hey Karasu! Heard you're performing too?"
"Sure, why not!"
He answered as briefly as possible and we went up the stairs. A short corridor upstairs, the walls were coated and decorated with figures from Playtime Co. On the left was Bron, a big red dinosaur, and on the right was Candy Cat. I didn't look all the way up, but kept my eyes open for the gigantic hall that we could now see.
Incredibly many rows of seats, it looks like several movie theaters combined. Bright lights on the ceiling, radiating the perfect yellow spotlight in every direction. Right next to us was a row from left to right, on the left all the seats were already taken and on the right there were lots of students standing in front of the seats. So on we went.
"Don't worry, Boxy has kept something free for us somewhere in the show seats"
"Show seats?"
"Yes, we who take part in the show have extra seats!"
I don't answer and continue to look ahead, after all we are walking in that direction. Just from looking at the students who were already here, sitting in every seat imaginable, I realized that if I didn't get my mind straight, this was going to be a public funeral. I see people I've never seen in any class, every hair color and size.
And slowly we reached the stage, I have the feeling we've been walking for ages. Karasu looks to the left and hastily pulls on my left arm while I'm already walking to the left. The seats in the front row and the one in front were suddenly cut off, and a few meters later it became a packed row of two. About 30 seats and the people behind you were sitting right behind the person in the front row, so to speak.
I recognize Boxy from a distance and we walk towards him. He's sitting there with his Phone in his hand and seems to be watching some kind of video, at least he's not typing wildly on the display. Karasu and I quickly sit down next to him. Karasu on my right and Boxy on my left. I'm really grateful for the middle, then I don't have to sit next to someone I don't know, that's more Karasu's thing.
"Hey Boxy, what's the plan?"  Right, I hadn't even thought about that.
"You're at the end, I think you're even the last"
That's good, hopefully my legs won't be as wobbly as pudding by then. The sweating on my hands has already stopped and I hope it stays that way.
But when I hear this voice behind me, warm and as if from a movie, I realize one thing again.
DogDay and her group will also perform
I feel another jolt in my ribs, and on the right I see a broad grin on Karasu's face. The volume, the whole atmosphere is now in Karasu's statement...
"Come on Y/N, it's show time"
Stopped right at the best part, what a pity.
The next update will take a little longer, I don't know exactly myself, but when you think that the whole talent show is just starting now, phew.
The next update here on my account will be for the Genius Story, so for the funeral chapter. Feel free to check out the story!
And as always... Leave a Fire Thing and write how you liked this chapter.
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gregoftom · 1 year ago
sdfg sorry sorry ignore me fr but omg I forgot how exquisite the marvey angst is in 3x1. oh it's huge it's charged. insane. the hurt, the desire.
and AGAIN after harvey releases his hurt onto mike, mike has sex. and this time it's also by giving the exact honesty to her that he should have given to harvey. like, proxy much??? (and he Also feels the need to mention (be thinking about???) harvey while he's horny and trailing his hand between her legs?)
and omfg more read-behind-the-lines bi harvey propaganda. there's a whole backstory I am conjuring with his opponent this episode because come ON. "I'm sorry, Harvey. Not this time." "Is that what I said to you on Hazelton?" "That was a long time ago. We're not at the D.A.'s office anymore." "I didn't realize our bond had an expiration date." and "Harvey, look. If our bond can't survive me telling you no, then… It didn't mean much to begin with." like I'm sorry your BOND? and that sounds like a consent metaphor to me?? and the way there was flirtation and care and hurt there too, like. these boys fucked around at the DA's office. ANDthen, later scene between them, when he still won't budge for harvey, harvey throws out "Send Carolyn my love." when he leaves like HELLO? was she the other woman in this scenario, harvey?? annnnndd to top it off this is all while the new managing partner at the firm is gay and it's a little hush but harvey and him just know they just get it and each other. (and this is again me behind the lines ig but jessica basically implies to him that harvey might out him and he's just like...nah, because he's fucking clocked harvey I swear it, and yeah lo and behold harvey does no such thing he just shares a smile and head tilt when he tells him he knows. like. this is mlm/mlm solidarity up in here ok.)
andd omfg when harvey's telling scottie (they're not together. it's missed-their-chance trope, but they're great) about how he basically loved her at first sight. he thought she was beautiful, and then heard her smarts and realised her beauty was the second best thing about her. like -- as if that's not exactly how it went with mike fucking ross HELLO. sir you LOVE a beautiful smarty pants and you will love them at first sight goddamn you, you've got a type and a means. (AND in episode of all time 2x10, when harvey gets high with mike, he literally looks into mike's eyes and tells him that his dad believed in love at first sight. like HELLLLOOO.)
aaa and omg mike with the line at the end "I don't wanna be here if I'm not solid with Harvey." and literally giving up his newly gifted office just because maybe it might be one thing on a pile of many that might lead to harvey forgiving him. the boy's whole episode is devoted to wanting to win this man back and it's beautiful and it's tragic in the Sweetest way. and GOD the shots of just them Looking at each other. harvey wants him so bad ffs. (and like. rachel wanting mike to quit. but cue like six shots of mike gazing at harvey and doing everything he can to help harvey whether harvey accepts it or not. this boy is NOT about to quit harvey for anyyyyyything.) (and like. harvey would not be this hurt for anyyyyone ever. it's because he Loves mike. he loves him so bad.)
god god god I am Eating this up and can't wait for all I know is to come because the Love and the angst and the absolute ride or die of these two to each other is somehow only just getting started (and I can't wait for all I've Forgotten, going by how much of this one I'd forgotten and how Good that stuff was holy smokes). and with zero pressure I also hope you get to eat this good good food too at some point heheh
ouuughhhh omg i love that kind of shit like the very OBVIOUS parallels and shots and actions like this, that's some good stufffff omg. and yeah don't worry i will eat the food! when i get round to it i shall, i'm gonna watch ttoi soon and thennnn i will watch suits <3
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zannolin · 1 year ago
29 and 30 for ao3 wrapped!! -kai
hiiii beloved <3 thank u for saving me from sending myself asks
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
GOD wait this requires i remember what i wrote this year. let me go skim. okay post-skim. i have forgotten everything good i've written this year. i have retained not a single thing. but i did recall specifically that i really love this bit from mutual distrust, just because it captures what i was going for perfectly:
In the tangle of limbs and clothes, it’s practically impossible for the displacer to extricate himself this time. Between the weights of the water above and Jason and the bag of rocks below, the inexorable draw of the deep wins out. Gravity is not something you can talk your way out of, else Ferrin would have been flying years ago.
also this line because it gave me tamsyn muir vibes:
The displacer seems doubtful, but he gives a faint inclination of the head that might optimistically and under great duress be interpreted as a nod. Jason decides to think positive.
and also:
She is not the girl they lost. Though she is their daughter, still, it is a daughter through a darkened glass. Through a rabbit hole, through a wardrobe, through a war and back again, altered beyond both her years and their own comprehension. She is at once their daughter and burying her, the memory of her, with blistered palms and dusty knees under a heap of rocks as high as her waist. They are finally beginning to grasp this, and still, they love her. Rachel manages to forgive them for that.
okay AND:
Grief is like love, but worse. Grief is love in absence, a study in negative space. Grief is love deconstructed. Life ends, but love goes on.
i wrote a lot of unhinged things this year i'm realizing.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
depends on what we mean by surprise. was it that i managed to break the three fic threshold with shazam? was it the 15.5k national treasure polyfic? was it writing fnaf fic in 2023 and then that fnaf fic being my top fic by hits for the entire year? was it writing beyonders fic? no okay it was probably beyonders fic i never ever expected i'd end up writing brandon mull fanfiction much LESS have one that's a 12k oneshot. unhinged honestly. maybe just that i wrote for such a sprawling and weird and beautifully niche range. dunno. personally having a wonderful time what about you guys.
ao3 wrapped asks!
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esther-dot · 4 years ago
Ned goes against crown and died and Sansa got captured as prisoner being 'traitors' daughter. Arya and Nym attacked joff and Sansa and Lady paid the price as Joff mentioned later. She got beaten when Robb captured Jaime and defeat Lannisters in battles. LF has abused or molesting Sansa because she looks like her mother and tool for exacting revenge from those who mock LF. Lysa tried to kill her because she thinks she is doing what Cat did in past. She has been paying for others deeds.
This is such a good point, anon. I never connected all those before! I think it’s deliberate because Sansa’s fate is tied to the larger theme of wars not benefiting of the smallfolk. They pay the price for the decisions of others:
"The common people pray for rain, healthy children, and a summer that never ends," Ser Jorah told her. "It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace." He gave a shrug. "They never are." (AGOT, Daenerys III)
Ned recognizes that this is what he did:
Yet in the end he blamed himself. "Fool," he cried to the darkness, "thrice-damned blind fool." Cersei Lannister's face seemed to float before him in the darkness. Her hair was full of sunlight, but there was mockery in her smile. "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die," she whispered. Ned had played and lost, and his men had paid the price of his folly with their life's blood. (AGOT, Eddard XV)
And then this concept is directly connected to Sansa:
Varys smiled thinly. "Why, the realm, my good lord, how ever could you doubt that? I swear it by my lost manhood. I serve the realm, and the realm needs peace." He finished the last swallow of wine, and tossed the empty skin aside. "So what is your answer, Lord Eddard? Give me your word that you'll tell the queen what she wants to hear when she comes calling."
"If I did, my word would be as hollow as an empty suit of armor. My life is not so precious to me as that."
"Pity." The eunuch stood. "And your daughter's life, my lord? How precious is that?"
A chill pierced Ned's heart. "My daughter …"
"Surely you did not think I'd forgotten about your sweet innocent, my lord? The queen most certainly has not."
"No," Ned pleaded, his voice cracking. "Varys, gods have mercy, do as you like with me, but leave my daughter out of your schemes. Sansa's no more than a child."
"Rhaenys was a child too. Prince Rhaegar's daughter. A precious little thing, younger than your girls. She had a small black kitten she called Balerion, did you know? I always wondered what happened to him. Rhaenys liked to pretend he was the true Balerion, the Black Dread of old, but I imagine the Lannisters taught her the difference between a kitten and a dragon quick enough, the day they broke down her door." Varys gave a long weary sigh, the sigh of a man who carried all the sadness of the world in a sack upon his shoulders. "The High Septon once told me that as we sin, so do we suffer. If that's true, Lord Eddard, tell me … why is it always the innocents who suffer most, when you high lords play your game of thrones? Ponder it, if you would, while you wait upon the queen. And spare a thought for this as well: The next visitor who calls on you could bring you bread and cheese and the milk of the poppy for your pain … or he could bring you Sansa's head.
(AGOT, Eddard XV)
The innocent, the powerless, those are the ones who suffer, and women, even the high born, suffer in this too, and you’re right, that all throughout her story, Sansa is a victim. The Trident incident is a quick succession of other people’s choices impacting Sansa. First, she is told to get Arya to do something that the Septa had to know Arya wouldn’t want to do, and then Joffrey wont listen when she wants to turn back during their ride, and then she tries to intervene during the altercation between Joffrey and Arya, and then she is told to recount what happened and before she can finish Arya assaults her, and then, her father kills her direwolf.
The point is the injustice, and when fans try to create ways that they can read her guilt into the events, they miss that. Sansa shouldn’t be punished for other people’s wrongdoings, Lady and Mycah shouldn’t be killed. But, she is, they are, and Sansa learns this lesson, that regardless of right/wrong, she will suffer which means, when the fateful decision arises, she defies Ned because (she believed) leaving KL was another injustice in a long line of them. 
She didn’t know that Ned’s true failure was using her as a pawn when he agreed to the betrothal, and taking her home was his sincere attempt to correct his mistake. This goes back to the criticism of their society, in that, with the power to dictate so much, it is the father (or brother or king’s) obligation to make a good match, to not abuse their power over women. On the larger scale, it is the King’s duty to deliver justice, for men to wage just wars. But Ned, a good man compared to just about everyone else in Westeros, failed. He looked into Lady’s eyes, saw her innocence, and killed her anyway. He tried to play the game, and the people whose lives he was responsible for died. He was entrusted with his daughter’s future, and he gave her to the lions. 
Sansa calling for peace while Joffrey and Arya fight really hits me now that I think about it. Because, Arya’s instinct to protect wasn’t wrong, but it served as escalation, and now, it does seem like a mini version of Cat wanting Robb to agree to peace, and he (+the Northern Lords) demanding their justice (link). Sansa and Cat go unheeded. In Robb’s war, the smallfolk pay. At the Trident, it’s Mycah. Obviously, Arya and Robb’s choices were entirely sympathetic, but Martin clearly thinks there is a better way. 
For Sansa to be the unintentional victim, even when Robb is winning, for her to be the one urging peace way back in the beginning, that’s a great setup for her to be a queen. Sansa knows the cost, she will not lightly ask it of others. 
I’m really taken with all your examples anon, and how well this fits into the other critiques of their world. Thank you for sharing!
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punkscowardschampions · 6 years ago
Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: How's it going, mate? Jimmy: Lost the will yet or nah Janis: Honestly Janis: Ain't even got that much shit but everyone's being dead dramatic about it Janis: Obviously I don't want my finger paintings, Ma, fucking hell Janis: how 'bout you? Jimmy: Cute 💕 Jimmy: Reckon I've got less but spending half my time separating my shit from Cass and Bob's Jimmy: How the fuck have they taken over my room? Jimmy: Theirs are bigger like Janis: Such a soft touch, lad Janis: Lucky we're sharing or best believe I'd be bagsying the shit out of the bigger room too 😉 Jimmy: 🎻 Jimmy: You can lay claim to all the drawers, mate Jimmy: Leave me somewhere to hang my hat though Janis: You forgotten which twin you moving in with? Janis: I'll tell Grace to grab her coat, like Janis: Get in, babe Jimmy: Funny Jimmy: I've seen how many pairs of kicks you have, I've made that mental note Jimmy: I've got nowt that needs to be worried about, proper floordrobe in my box room Janis: Awwh, when bae notices things Janis: such a #keeper Janis: Better be sorting that, I'll ask for hangers for a housewarming gift...now that's peak #adulting Jimmy: #goals every day of my life 💕 Jimmy: 😎 Jimmy: Can't we ask for another dog, that'd be peak adulting for you Jimmy: Uping your training game Janis: Trying to break Twix's poor little doggy heart 💔 Janis: You monster, you Jimmy: She's capable of breaking her own Jimmy: Either pining for us or Cass wherever she decides she's gonna sleep Jimmy: 🎻 Janis: Drama 👑 Janis: Takes after you, I reckon Jimmy: I blame her training. Or should I say lack of Janis: 😨 Janis: Friggin' cheek Janis: and you want a puppy? When we've already fucked up our first child? Janis: shocking Jimmy: Only thinking of you, needing that 2nd chance Jimmy: Prove you've still got it, training wise Janis: If I can get you to do your own laundry, we'll call it a victory for me, yeah? 😜 Jimmy: That victory's already mine, proper domesticated me Jimmy: There's something to be said for raising yourself Janis: You'll have to teach me then Janis: Spoilt brat, like Jimmy: Alright 👑 Jimmy: See where Twix gets it from now Janis: Soz we know our worth, babe 💅 Jimmy: I'm not Jimmy: Not looking to be the dickhead that chains you to the sink or owt Janis: Kinky Janis: and good luck, Twix ain't got the dexterity, broken plates all over the shop Janis: and I'd be aiming for your head, like 🏆 Jimmy: Tell it to Mr Lucas before he loses interest now you're 👵 Jimmy: 💪 Bring it on Janis: Being dying to chain me up since day 1 Janis: what do you think the detentions were all about, pervert Jimmy: I wasn't reckoning on him trying to get to me via you for the perfect latte recipe Jimmy: But who can say Jimmy: Got the breath of a bean addict like Janis: 😂 not your usual stalker but think about it Janis: pretty good candidate for the flat whites Jimmy: They do need to make up numbers Jimmy: And he don't seem like a trifler with the application Jimmy: Very committed to hanging around young girls Janis: Yeah, you're devvo your fanbase is dwindling Janis: Certainly one way to get back on everyone's minds and lips, babe Jimmy: Having a cry wank while I pack up me socks Jimmy: Rumbled me Janis: Nasty Janis: leave that one behind, like Janis: nice reminder of you for your Da Jimmy: If you find an odd it isn't your crap laundry skills, mate Janis: Good to know Janis: Can't knock out another one before you go? Janis: Lightweight Jimmy: For you I will Jimmy: You're welcome Janis: 😍 Janis: The romance Jimmy: #goals is my thing so Jimmy: 💐 Janis: Be putting that on the 'gram later then Janis: green with envy or 🤢 Jimmy: Everyone knows your snap is where the good shit goes 😏 Jimmy: Get a story going in every room once we're in, naturally Janis: Shut up 😳 Janis: s'one way to christen it, like Janis: the fans will approve Jimmy: I wouldn't disapprove meself Jimmy: But I'll be #buzzing not to trip over your brother constantly to be honest Jimmy: And not to have Bobby in and out of my bed Jimmy: Privacy like, how and what even is that? 😂 Janis: You clearly loved it Janis: Or he did Janis: either way, get a room 😉 Janis: Its gonna be pure luxury Jimmy: I see you, trying to dump me so you don't have to share the bed Jimmy: Gonna have to get more creative than fobbing me off on your brother, sorry Janis: Nah, you're a pretty good bed mate, to be fair Janis: Snuggly 😘 Jimmy: Only pretty good? Jimmy: Challenge accepted there then Janis: I mean, not saying I've had better Janis: but my last mans was a real 🐻 you know? Jimmy: No need to spur me on to 🏆mate Jimmy: Not with my winning streak Jimmy: 😎💪 Janis: 😏 We'll see Janis: Not leaving your competition at home, Gracie's heart would break, like Jimmy: Thought she'd be used to what a heartbreaker I am by now Janis: Who but me could ever keep up with your games, yeah? 🤷 Jimmy: Running rings round me, you Janis: Huh, a compliment? Janis: Not going to help you with your heavy shit up the stairs like just 'cos you're a 🍭talker Jimmy: I'm not asking. Got your nan coming round in a bit like 😏 Janis: 😂 feeling better with her on side now? Janis: brave, like, having her as your landlady Jimmy: I got no pianos or anvils I'm packing Jimmy: Should be alright Janis: just the 🎻right? Jimmy: Naturally Jimmy: Can't go far without that Janis: Not gotta sing for your supper, like Janis: not promising better than the chipper though Jimmy: Mate in this house that's fancy shit Jimmy: Can take me outta here but Janis: are Cass and Bob gonna come help? Janis: use the term loosely for Bobs but I'm sure I can convince my Da that Cass needs sustenance for all her 💪 Jimmy: They wanna Jimmy: I said they'd be more of a hindrance, especially if they drag Twix along but what can I say, most poorly trained of the lot, they are Janis: I'll whip 'em into shape Janis: Managed you, like Janis: If they got bored they can always go down and play pool and get crisps Jimmy: I give Cass half an hour before she's taking you up on that Jimmy: Over everything she is Jimmy: Fuck knows where she gets that from 😂 Janis: 😏 Right mystery that Janis: Ah to be 15 and have it all figured out, like Jimmy: I don't reckon she does, lad I see her hanging about with Jimmy: Right dickhead he looks Jimmy: Just mates, been there, said that, kid Janis: 👴 Janis: Maybe she's avoided your flair for the dramatic Janis: We can only hope or you're gonna have to be all up on her feed 👀 Jimmy: 🖕 Jimmy: Have a word, will ya Jimmy: Might go in more than one ear you saying it Janis: This what we become already? Janis: Not even in the front door like Janis: Don't let on, the field day the fans would have Jimmy: Dream team, we are Jimmy: On me own I'm just that dickhead Jimmy: Not news to Cass or the fans Janis: You're my dickhead 💞 Jimmy: You're cute 💕 Janis: What can I say? Janis: Prospect of finally getting outta this place and having our own space got me feeling a type of way Jimmy: Cheers to that 🍻 Jimmy: The barn and my car both have their own charms like but Janis: Good times Jimmy: You might be needing them back desperate when it hits what living with me is gonna be like Jimmy: Sure you got me that well trained? Janis: Definitely don't get rid, like Janis: Never know when you'll need to drive off dramatically into the night Jimmy: Or sleep in the backseat when you get mardy enough to kick me out Janis: You know Janis: Living above a pub, may as well act like we're in Eastenders Jimmy: Plot twist, it was Twix framing me all along Jimmy: That bitch Janis: Duff duff duff duff duff Janis: What a cliffhanger Jimmy: Predictable, but we know she is Janis: 😎 Shade Janis: Can't help how irresistible I am Janis: slept with half the square by the end of the month Jimmy: Who am I squaring up to this week 🥊 tune in to find out, lads Janis: Poor babe Janis: When you find out you shoulda been with lovely Lil Mo all along Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: You come home and I've moved Tam in Jimmy: Thank god for them high ceilings Jimmy: Love story years in the making Janis: 😣 and I'm still gonna hit it 'cos double standards and nah, bitch Janis: take my man, not my flat, how dare you Jimmy: And your 🐶 too Jimmy: Out of order Janis: She's gonna turn up squashed in a car compactor next ep Jimmy: Funny Jimmy: 4 x 4 and she still struggling for that head room Janis: You know that's your type Janis: Typical sketchy photographer, you Jimmy: Shut up Jimmy: Not my fault your sibling rivalry with Gracie included being taller Janis: Likely story Janis: Going some to up your portfolio game tho, lad Jimmy: Go tall or go home Janis: Know I never mastered the artsy fringe but Janis: tah for sticking around still, like Jimmy: You're welcome Janis: Generous to a fault Janis: When you take charity fake dating too far, ladies and gents Jimmy: Fake yeah, Charity nah, babe Janis: Love you Jimmy: If you don't reckon you're beautiful by now I'm gonna have to take more pictures Jimmy: Good thing we've got a blank canvas for a bit Janis: Always wanted to live in a shrine to myself, obvs Janis: I'll have to amateur hour it so peeps know you live here too, like Jimmy: Done Jimmy: Can you? Got that pro status, mate Janis: 👌 I picked up a few tips Janis: you're not totally useless, like Jimmy: Thanks Jimmy: Love you too, like Janis: 💞 Jimmy: Reckon I'm done here Jimmy: Do you want me to come and get you or are we gonna need two trips for the boxes? Janis: Mental you ever unpacked that much tbh Janis: I reckon we can squeeze, no doubt my parents wanna follow like the creepers they are if there's too much anyway Jimmy: Fair Jimmy: and I'm gonna have to go back for Cass and Bob at some point anyway Jimmy: Don't need to be back and forth enough to make my dad think I'll miss the place Janis: Don't reckon even he can pull off that level of purposefully oblivious, like Janis: and don't reckon he wants me to come 'round to say farewell either, not that I EVER set a foot inside, like, nah 😉 Jimmy: Good times Janis: Don't be getting emotional on me now Janis: Look how far we made it, like Janis: 🎻 Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: I'll be #buzzing if I make it up the stairs with this shit Jimmy: 🚭 lads, who knew it was so bad for you Janis: the ban and the warning labels just flew right over you, like Janis: know you're not that tall but 😏 Jimmy: 😎 Jimmy: Least your warnings worked 😏 Jimmy: Healthy as a 🐎 now like Jimmy: Never seen a horse do stairs is all Janis: is it them you can take up but they won't come down? Janis: or cows, maybe Janis: look, all I'm saying is, don't invite Mia 'round or we'll never be rid Jimmy: Fucked if I know Jimmy: You're the country girl Jimmy: We only have glue up north Jimmy: And burgers Jimmy: No cows Janis: 🙄 Janis: Am not, dickhead Jimmy: Tell it to the veg patch, mate Jimmy: You can move out but there's no leaving all that lot behind Janis: Don't say that Janis: that's the whole fucking point! 😂 Jimmy: You collect all the keys they've got and then we won't give any more out Jimmy: Done Janis: 😍 Janis: now you're talking my language Jimmy: Gotta get you back on side before I'm trapped in a car with you Jimmy: Surrounded by heavy objects Janis: Sensible boy Jimmy: Well trained Jimmy: I'm coming over now Jimmy: 💪 too if you need a hand Janis: Just the one? Janis: Shame 😈 Jimmy: Now you're talking my language Janis: Quicker we unpack the faster they'll all leave Jimmy: Why do you think I'm not bringing much 😏 Janis: Always thinking, my boy Jimmy: Not just a pretty face Janis: Nah Janis: have missed it tho Janis: and not just 'cos I've been staring at boxes for the past few hours Jimmy: Awh 💕 Jimmy: You'll be sick of it soon enough like Janis: Threat or a promise? Jimmy: We'll see Janis: Tease Jimmy: First time you've ever complained though Jimmy: Bit late Janis: Fickle like that Janis: but you knew that too so Jimmy: Nobody can say I didn't know what I was getting into Jimmy: Couldn't even play fake nice, you Janis: You loved it Jimmy: Yep Janis: Thank fuck Janis: Plan B where I had to join the flat whites woulda been rough stuff, like Jimmy: You'd have loved it Janis: Clearly, all I ever want from life is spending more time with my sister Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: Gonna move her in instead of me then? Jimmy: I'll turn this car around Janis: Hell no Janis: not been able to share a room for years Janis: nevermind a bed, as much as the pervs would love that Jimmy: Think of the 'gram Jimmy: Have I taught you nowt Janis: Don't even fucking suggest it Janis: the idea of that makes likes would defs go to her head Jimmy: I'm here now so feel free to shut me up Janis: 💪 Janis: Coming
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