#god I love the Sailor Stars musical it's so fucking good Usagi gets to not be the beacon of light and purity for 5 fucking seconds
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drops-of-moonlights · 1 year ago
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Each One's Elegy, or that one time Usagi was so pissed at her friends dying she transformed in blood red lightning
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wishwars · 5 years ago
Top Ten Favorite Fictional Female Characters
Thanks to @bloody-wonder for tagging me! This was hard to pair down because at first all I could think of was things I had read/seen recently, and then suddenly I was remembering things and characters I grew up loving and AHHH it was hard!!! I decided to only let myself list one character from each series/entity represented below to help limit myself. Also, these aren’t ranked in any particular order - they’re all amazing!
1. Catra (She-ra) – She isn’t my absolute favorite character from the show (that would be Scorpia) but she sure as hell is the most interesting! Her character arc is also one of the most complicated and satisfying I’ve seen in a long time. More shows need to learn from this series and their representation of Catra – redemption arcs aren’t just for shitty white men!
2. Egwene al'Vere (The Wheel of Time) – So I almost chose Nynaeve al'Meara instead, but I have to go with my first reaction to the series as a kid, and I just loved how much Egwene grew and how badass she became. Everyone saw her as a sweet, naïve girl from a small village and in many ways she was, but then she went through a lot of hard shit and fucking changed an entire system to make it better for everyone and I am still in awe of her!
3. Hua Mulan (Disney movie) – [Okay, yes, she’s actually a historical figure, but I’m only familiar with the fictionalized version of her we get through Disney, so I’m going to count that as “fictional”.] When I’m asked to list my favorite Disney movie I always cheat and list three: Aladdin (favorite hero), Hercules (favorite music), and Mulan (favorite “princess”) and so I have to list her here! Disney’s resident badass, she made me think as a child about what true bravery is—self-sacrifice and compassion. We could use a lot more of that in this world right now.
4. Hermione Granger (Harry Potter) – I haven’t reread the books in a very long time, but I loved Hermione as a child because she was smart, stubborn, and compassionate and I still believe she’s braver than Harry. I think she taught a lot of young girls that it’s pretty cool to be smart; even if no one likes a know-it-all, they are very useful!
5. Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables) – I always find myself rolling my eyes at Anne’s antics and flowery language, but I honestly wish I could capture her imagination and whimsy for myself! Her drive for knowledge and propensity to get into ridiculous situations made her a delight to read/watch and I like to go back and live in her world when I can.
6. Tsukino Usagi (Sailor Moon) – I didn’t watch this series until college and at first, when I only listened to my roommate watching it across the room from me, I could not figure out what there was to like about it, but Usagi is truly one of the strongest characters I’ve come across in fiction, even as a clumsy, sometimes ditzy, cry-baby. I absolutely see her as a bomb-ass role model and that show was the shit.
7. Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice) – I love Jane Austen and so while this may feel like the easy answer when it comes to Austen’s heroines, Elizabeth just had to be my pick. She’s witty, kind, and flawed – what more could you want?
8. Beatrice (Much Ado About Nothing) – As a Shakespearean, I feel like I need to list at least one Shakespeare character and Beatrice is ultimately my favorite. She has such a quick wit, but her words speak a vast well of love for her friends and family. Also, “O God, that I were a man! I / would eat his heart in the marketplace,” is such a fucking good line and “Kill Claudio,” should be a rallying cry.
9. Okoye (Black Panther) – I feel like I have to do a Marvel character, and while she’s not exactly a main character [sorry Marvel, but one shot of all your female character’s converging at the same place in your epic battle scene doesn’t count as “representation” – give your female characters more lines/movies please], Okoye is actually my favorite female Marvel character. The fact that she puts her country over her lover and then has to struggle against loyalty to her vows/the throne and loyalty to her friends?! I get goosebumps every time I think of her scenes.
10. Candace Flynn (Disney TV) – This girl is just a huge ball of anxiety and I absolutely adore her! I see far too much of myself in her and found her ridiculous commitment to busting her brothers to be very admirable. Also, the alternate universe version we got of her in the 2-D movie was SO badass!! In all her forms, this girl is a rock star.
I tag @sansastarkofficialfanclub, @cassraven, @aurorafiberarts, @floraone, and @uglygreenjacket
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kosmosinusa · 5 years ago
Jay Reviews the NogiMyu 2018 Cast
... Let’s try this again. Apparently I was too ambitious last time, so we’re gonna make this a little simpler. Anyway, with NogiMyu 2019 just around the corner, I thought I’d review the 2018 cast one last time so that way, when we see the 2019 cast, I can compare my current opinions with the new cast and see how they favor! This review is only for the senshi, since everyone else (Minus Team Moon Luna) is returning! With that said, let’s start!
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Sailor Moon - Mizuki Yamashita Before I say anything, I do want to say that I DO like Mizuki! However, after watching her more in Nogizaka46, I don’t see her as Moon anymore. She’s very serious (her serious face showed a LOT in the show. Like she has that “stone-cold” face that you guys KNOW irks me. XD) and sassy. WHICH WORKS FOR HER, like in the 7th birthday live she was giving me LIFE and I was LIVING for it! (I have to make a gifset of her so I can share. xD) but yeah, I’m not very keen on her. Her singing... Let me just put it this way, I love the Blu-Ray for what it does. x’D What I can say is that she did have nice chemistry with Mikako-Tux, but... that’s about it. 
Sailor Mercury - Riria Ito When the cast pictures first came out, I really wasn’t feeling Riria. She looked bored and didn’t seem interested. I was actually very surprised that I liked her performance! She’s like a baby Ami! So adorable and sweet. However, maybe TOO sweet. IDK it’s not that it doesn’t fit the role of Ami, but she isn’t my preferred option. Her singing is really nice, though! Overall she isn’t bad to me, I actually like her a lot! Just wouldn’t exactly pick her of the 2.
Sailor Mars - Kazumi Takayama Uhm... I don’t even need to explain how much I love her. xD Like, I’ve never been a HUGE Mars fan, but after Kazumi, I gained a new love for her! Kazumi’s my second-favorite Mars of all time, and I just adore her to bits! I love her fiery passionate side, and her sweet and wise side! Her singing voice is also REALLY superb and I love listening to it! Her deeper voice also very much matches the character (I prefer Sailor Moon Crystal to the 90′s anime, so I prefer that style) and not to mention SHE LITERALLY JUST LOOKS LIKE MARS LIKE THEY DID SO WELL CASTING HER. <3
Sailor Jupiter - Ami Nojo Like Riria, when the cast photos came out, I was really iffy on Ami. To me, she did not look like Jupiter. But as soon as she came on stage with that Radiant smile, I was shooketh! AND THEN THE QUEEN STARTED SINGING AND I WAS SHOOKETH AGAIN. Like Ami’s SUCH a good singer! It’s a shame Nogi used her as an under member, cause really she’s fucking amazing. xD She isn’t my preferred of the 2, but Ami really felt like Jupiter to me, and I adore her so much. <3
Sailor Venus - Hina Higuchi Oh boy... This is where my opinion really differs from many. Now, when the cast photos came out, I was SO EXCITED for Hina. I thought she would be my favorite! To me, she looked a lot like Shiori Sakata (Venus in NelkeMyu from La Reconquista to Un Nouveau Voyage) and I was like “YAS QUEEN GIVE IT TO ME!!!” But uh... For me, personally? Hina just feels like she’s self-centered. She doesn’t give me that “leader Venus” vibe and more of a “pop star Venus” vibe. Which is fine for normal Minako moments, but not really for season 1 Minako especially. DK Minako is supposed to be very leader-type and serious. And Hina seriously lacked that. Yeah, she’s pretty, but I feel like that’s all she has to her. Her singing is fine, but it’s not like WHOA THERE either. 
Team Moon Review Honestly, you can watch either version of NogiMyu and enjoy it. There’s something good about each version. But what lacks so much in Team Moon for me is chemistry. It felt like most girls were more to themselves and didn’t really work as a team. I think they’re all great separately, but together just didn’t mesh for me. 
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Sailor Moon - Sayuri Inoue Okay, it is no secret that I ADORE SAYURI. Like if I was straight I’d marry her. Like I LOVE her. She did SO well as Usagi! And being the older one of the 2 playing her, you’d think it’d be the other way around! I didn’t expect to like Sayuri NEARLY as much as I do! The moment she wakes up in act 1 I literally screamed “OH MY GOD SHE’S SO CUTE”. Sayuri radiates Usagi energy just as much as Satomi and Miyuki. All her cute little faces, her ad-libs. She just exhales Usagi for me and I can’t get enough of it! AND HER SINGING. OH MY GOD IS SHE AMAZING. Just thank you Lord for giving me Sayuri. xD
Sailor Mercury - Miria Watanabe I like Miria, I really do. She’s not a favorite of mine, but I do like her! Her smile is very warm and inviting (unless you’ve seen Zambi... In that case, run. xD) and I really love her warmness in her performance! Her ad-lib when she screams at Usagi is legit one of my favorite things ever. xD That said, however, her singing... YIKES... She seemed VERY strained when singing and like she couldn’t catch her breath. When you’re in a MUSICAL, your singing ability is important. You don’t have to be the BEST singer, but you should at least have decent breath control and pitch control. Maybe with time, Miria could improve, but let’s just say she’s another who benefitted from the Blu-Ray. xD
Sailor Mars - Ranze Terada Ranze is so fucking cute. Like literally, just watch Team Star’s Making of, she’s literally so damn adorable. That being said, adorable isn’t a trait for Rei, and I don’t think Ranze really portrayed Mars correctly. However, you can tell she REALLY tried to give that fire passion. When she sings, she tries to give a lower pitch to simulate a more Mars-feel. Ranze is a high-voiced, very quiet person. She does have some sass to her, though. I loved when she gave sass to Rina during the Senshuuraku speeches. XD I honestly do not think Ranze was fit for Mars, BUT I do enjoy her just as herself. I get SO happy every time I see her in Nogi. xD
Sailor Jupiter - Minami Umezawa I LOVE HER. xD Like as soon as she walked on stage, I FELT IT. Maybe Ami is more accurate to the character, but Minami feels like a mix of Emi Kuriyama and Yu Takahashi and I LOVE IT. Her dynamics between power and softness felt JUST right and I love it. The one area I think she lacks is her singing. She isn’t BAD, and she does have a naturally deeper voice. But, a lot of times when she went too deep, her voice cracked. But the passion of her performance really shone for me. She’s my second-favorite Jupiter and I stand by that!
Sailor Venus - Kana Nakada UNLESS YOU’RE NEW HERE, YOU KNOW I LOVE MY QUEEN KANA. <3 Like some of the others, I judged Kana before I got to see her performance and I feel SO bad for that. When the cast photos came out, I was NOT feeling her at all. But then as soon as she came out I was like “Oh, I was so wrong about you...” I tried so hard to like Hina more, but I can’t do it. Kana just has something about her that I love. Her general personality, her awesome dancing, just everything about her feels genuine and I love it. She definitely has that leader Venus vibe and she’s more serious than Hina, which I appreciate. Kana is my sweet precious baby and I will protect her at all costs! <3
Team Star Review I ADORE Team Star. One thing that’s very important with them is they have CHEMISTRY. Like they really worked together to bring the show alive. From their backstage to the main stage, they really worked hard together to produce a great show, and that they did. I adore Team Star, and I will stan them. 
Well, that’s it for me, I hope you enjoyed reading this. xD
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sittingoverheredreaming · 6 years ago
Okay, now that I’m home and have gotten some sleep, I want to share my thoughts on The Super Live. It’s super spoilery, so it’s going under a cut. 
First, I want to say the Play Station theater has some really bad seating arrangements? The section we were in was flat, so it was very hard to see a lot of the stage (esp being that we were behind some tall people, and we are pretty short) I SAT ON MY FEET THE WHOLE TIME WHICH HURT BUT WAS DEFINITELY WORTH IT BECAUSE THIS SHOW IS SO VISUAL
Also I finally understand what people meant when they said it wasn’t a musical! I think it’s closer to a musical than anything else, though my wife brought up the point that a lot of it is similar to a ballet, in that a lot of things are conveyed through dance (and effects) with little talking or singing. We both agree though, that overall it felt more like a highlight reel than a full story. I’d put it as it showed a lot, but explained nothing. 
It’s definitely more a celebration of Sailor Moon using the first arc than a retelling of it. It’s not there to give you a story to dig into, it’s there to make you swoon over Tux and scream when your favorite character shows up, and it did that and it did that AMAZINGLY
Like listen, I am too gay for miracle romance most of the time but at the beginning, when Mamoru’s teasing Usagi and they accidentally touch and they freeze and then moonlight densetsu starts playing and they show a bunch of images of them from manga art? that hit me oh my god
It was kind of funny, Ami got the shaft being first, not too many people cheered when she popped up, but then they showed Rei and Rei fans weren’t gonna NOT CHEER FOR REI, and then MAKO FANS HAVE TO REPRESENT BECAUSE IT’S MAKO AND WE LOVE HER, and then I think everyone screamed for Mina because if you do not get excited for Minako Aino you are wrong
I’d worried about this cast, but they’re amazing and in character and it’s GREAT
The Best Friends song is SO CHEESY I LOVE IT
Comment from my wife: it was always easy for them to follow who spoke, even when they all just said “Hi” they all had distinct voices they could place, which is a problem they sometimes have in this stuff, especially while trying to read the subtitles
(I think the parts where the subtitles were done in comic voice bubbles were BRILLIANT, but the ones that were only on the screens to the sides(mostly the songs) were difficult to see while still watching the stage from where we sat)
my wife has not really experienced how much I love Makoto because I don’t write about her and it was kind of hilarious before the show I got a mystery bookmark with one of my merch purchases, and when I opened it and saw I’d got Mako I teared up because I LOVE HER
I love their fight song, I love all the songs where each senshi gets their little introductions, whether it’s just inners or everyone, SUPER LIVE SOUNDTRACK WHEN??
This one might be a particular favorite, because I think it captures that they’re fighting for Usagi, their sweet flawed friend Usagi, and that’s just really sweet
also not to beat a dead horse but every time Mako says “I’ll make you numb with regret” in anything it adds three years to my lifespan it’s so great I love Makoto Kino
I’d love to see this cast in a more substantial show, they were so amazing in this and I fully believe they could rip my heart apart in something that was more character-focused
on a similar note why didn’t they let Beryl sing more
I love when they cast Beryl with a strong, operatic-style voice and they did that and then she barely sang
Everyone was underused, basically
Or maybe everyone was over-cast? The casting here is SO GOOD and I just want to see more of them
The part where they went to Harujuku was SO CUTE and also felt a little like they were trying to teach Americans a little about Japan/Tokyo, it made me wonder if it was always in there
Also the part where they were in what I think were kimonos (I don’t know how to spot the different types of clothing) was so amazing? They tied them in perfect sync? It felt like fan service, but not gross male-gazey fan service, like whoever wrote that moment was just like “girls want to see their favorite character in a new pretty outfit” AND THEY WERE RIGHT
but also I pay my taxes when do I get to see Mina stab Beryl
The Venus/Kunzite moment didn’t bother me too much, it’s the one SenShi pairing that I think brings something interesting to the table, though I would have loved if it happened after she ran him through
or if she just ran him through anyway
Listen I just wanna see Mina stab someone
everyone died really quickly and it didn’t emotionally hit but I feel like that was okay for this version. I don’t think they were really trying to bring the waterworks
That said though I again would love to see this Usagi do a Sorezore no Elegy moment, when she was screaming and crying I was like man if this was given the space, it would have so much power
OH BACKING UP A LITTLE, I loved the use of Otome no Policy, I wasn’t expecting it and it took me a second to recognize it. I thought it was really smart to have the senshi sing it to keep Usagi going, it was sweet and cute and played on nostalgia in a great way
she’s so hot but also just. the way she played Mamoru was so good because she had a great balance of jerk and dork and dreamboat
Usagi and her heart eyes? same
Beryl rubbing all over tux? S A M E
during the curtain call when the cast came into the audience I embarrassed my wife by shouting RIONA as she passed
(also I told my wife I was glad we didn’t do the VIP experience because I figure they’d be mad when I threw myself at Riona. But actually it amuses them because I don’t get celebrity crushes much)
The game center scene was really cute? It’s a situation where I really bought Mamoru’s teasing as an expression of his crush, which most versions don’t do for me
please let Riona play tux again in something where she has more lines
when they did La Soldier I ascended to a higher plan of existence. the dance was different but still reminiscent of the original. AND EVERYONE SANG ALONG. IT WAS AMAZING.
La Soldier you guys.
Also they did Moonlight Densetsu as an encore and it was so funny because everyone was just like, WE KNOW YOU’RE COMING BACK OUT YOU HAVEN’T DONE THE SONG
I love how they split up the lines to different characters
and everyone came into the audience and it was great
everyone had so much love for the characters and it was so great to see
at the end of the show Usagi’s actress said a little speech in English, and struggled with it a little, and it was so cute and it made me cry and she said something about it being the last show in America and I feel so lucky to have gotten to see it
I really, really loved it
I hope they do more of these shows, I think it’s a style that’s really cool and even though I’d love more substantive musicals, this sort of thing makes sense to put on internationally, and it would be amazing to see S or Stars done in this style
this is a show that made me feel that love. it wasn’t perfect but it was just really about loving sailor moon and playing on the history and legacy of the story, and it’s a joy
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singingrainbows · 8 years ago
Tag Thing
Nicknames: No nicknames (but I do go by Molly in games and such)
Star sign: Scorpio (also my chinese zodiac is a dragon :D )
Height:165,5cm (I think *shrug*)
Time right now: 01:39(start)
Favourite music artist: It's unusual for me to like more than a few songs pr artist lol, so I guess the ones who are the exception to that could kinda be called my favs, even if even that's a stretch for many. I do very much adore the Danish artist Kim Larsen he's like one of our national treasures. He's kinda like wierd cross between Bob Dylan, David Bowie and Elton John among others lol. So yeah I love Kim Larsen. I also love a lot of music by the danish Rasmus Seebach. I have a fondness for Backstreet Boy's second album (I think it was second, the one with the ”everybody rock your body” song (my first ever cd actually)), I really like a lot of Eminems work too; I really love most of Westlife's old works (they also did one of my top fav song of all time Flying Without Wings), I also have a fondness for some of Avril Lavign's old works. Gah let's just say my fav singers/bands off the top of my head are Kim Larsen, Westlife, Rasmus Seebach, and Yui (japanese). I listen to little bi of everything. From Fallout Boy and the occasional Lincon Park and Evanescnese; to Neon Trees, Paramore, and even those two one direction songs (best night ever, and perfect); to oldies like Dolly Parton, and Bob Dylon (yeah prolly add Dylan to fav list too). I like a few Gwen Stefani and Beyonce songs, and even a Taylor Swift songs. I also love Bruno Mars (yeah he should prolly be on the list, maybe, Iunno). I like classic musik and some opera, I like some rap, I folk songs, and country and old and some new. My fav song to listen to atm is prolly All Of You/Me by John Legend (which may just be the most romantic song I've ever heard). I DON'T like synths, and autotunes and all the horrible thing like that, which is sadly the norm in so much music today. I've very rarely seen it used well. It grates, and while some of it may be ok to dance to in a club (like the unholy racket that was crazy frog, actually kinda fun to really dance to on a sugar high) but the problem is that it's never kept there. It bombards the radio stations, which in turn, bombards shopping malls and recntly my god damn grocery stores! WTF? D:  So yeah I fucking HATE modern club music! I literally hurts my ears, and stabs at my head. FUUUUCK! (sorry for the rant ^^; ) Not much for Disco, I find the majority of Elvis songs kinda boring, and I'm not much for punk. I do love a good rock song, and I have a fondness for most of the hits thats came out when I was a kid. I like exactly one Spice Girls song (three guesses which, lol) but I REALLY do like that one. I love Aqua and while Barbie Girl will always scream ultra Nostalgia my fav is Doctor Jones. The VangaBoys too, Boom Boom, and Ibiza stand out lol. Achy Brachy Heart will always be fondly smiled at, and Over My Shoulder is still one of my favs (for some inexplicable reason, despite its subject matter being sad, it never fails to make me smile. Must be the upbeat melody, lol.) The danish band Shubidua was played to redicluous levels in my early teens, someone was always putting it on, lol. (That and Kim Larsen.) Their silly, silly songs made us laugh and smile and sing along. Also the Danish song Videoman. I Swear by All 4 One evokes memories of when my parents were still in love and not estraged divorcees, (while I don't regret them splitting in hindsight, no kid likes going through a divorce. Let alone moving a country away and leaving one parent behind. *forget ”every other weekend” I saw my dad 2-4 weeks a year if that.*) that song reminds me of simpler times (not that I long for them, I like my life now, but still). The Soop Shoop Song aka In His Kiss by Betty Everett is and always will be awesome. Las Ketchup was rediculous but fun. Yeah I  could go on, but I think that's beyond enough lol. Sorry long babble is long. XD
Song stuck in my head: Can't remember for a blessed moment and I want to keep it that way lol.
Last movie watched: Uh. Prolly a drama or some scifi movie.
Last TV show watched: Underground, Handmaid's Tale, American Gods, so many more. (Also, Game Of Thrones needs to start NOW not in two weeks :O )
What are you doing right now: Writing this, reading an awesome Naruto fanfic, arguing with my cat, smiling at my cat, enjoying that my cat is currently not screaming his head off and hoping lasts, considering attempting to gather my sweet kitty for a cuddle, watching a few anime Hero Academia, *just finished a few too* just started the first ep of Spiral; cat's yelling again ”be quite I'm not giving you a snack! Top scratching the table gah!”; quiet again, please last; playing Pokemon Sun.
When did you create this blog: Uh, like last year I think. It's fairly new.
What kind of stuff I usually post: Mostly reblogs. I'm planning to start psoting some fan theories, musings on stories, and maybe a review or two, I dunno. Who knows.
Do you have any other blogs: Twitter (my primary hang out) and Deviantart.
Do you get asks regularly: No
Why did you choose your url: Uh.
Hogwarts house: Swings between Slytherin and Hufflepuff, with the potential but not really the desire for Gryffyndor.
Pokémon team: I think it was Valor, but I dunno. Also, if I really lived in the pkmn world my occupation would totally be treasure hunter/adventurer.
Favourite colour: Pastel/baby/pale pink and pastel/baby/pale/sky blu are tied for first place, second  is pastel/baby/pale purplish blue and pastel lavenderish. I just love pastels, and I'm fond of all lighter shades of blue. I like some reds too. Bright orange and yellow in nature. If it's found on a real rainbow I likely have a fondness for it. Flowers and nature make me happy. I love the sky, and bodies of water. My dream is to live near a lake and a meadow. (I hate grey.)
Average hours of sleep: It swings. But for an otimal nights sleep I require around ten hours min.
Lucky number: 7
Favourite Character: Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail (probably one of the best female characters (and characters period) ever; Naruto Uzumaki (pre Tobi ”reveal”) from Naruto; Sakura Haruno (pre Tobi reveal), various other Naruto characters; Madoka from Madoka Magica, Usagi/Sailor Moon; various Madoka Magica characters; various FairyTail characters; various Digimon Characters; Harry Potter from HP; various HP charas. A ton of others too, but this list is long enough.
How many blankets do you sleep with: Two summer duvets (sometimes I forgo the one if it's REALLY hot, but my body goes into super shut down mode when I sleep, so I get super chilly. This is not fun on a plane.) In the winter I sometimes pile on one or two or even three blankets. (Then despar when I wake to one or more on the floor.)
Following: 6
Followers: 11 but not because tumblr spazzed out. The real number is iffy. :P
I was kinda tagged by Amarevia. I tag those who wanna give it a go.
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