themotivationalmom · 5 years
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Not every day is a walk in the park. You will not feel super ambitious every dang day. But every day you need to remember why you started, why you are doing what you are doing! Reflect on goals set and what actions you need to put forth to get there. Don’t quit...full speed ahead, friends! ❤️ . . . . . #fridayfeels #noquitzone #hardworkpaysoffs #goalsahead #purpose #takeaction #motivation #inspiration #life https://www.instagram.com/p/BzP1QU1FBm8/?igshid=zts54ubqmate
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I’m going to do this and furthermore...#imgoingtoenjoyit. That’s my attitude for the perpetual today. I’ve decided. I’m very guilty of thinking negatively about the goals I set for myself, the dreams that fill my head and the good challenges that present themselves to me. I give up on myself without even trying. I consider my track record of indiscipline and decide for myself that that is the only way things will ever go; I will give up before the finish line. If I’m honest I spend more time thinking about what I can’t do, don’t have or haven’t attained to, than being thankful about what’s already in my hands. It’s harder to see in myself what people see. It’s difficult to appreciate that I have something to give that someone else is happy to receive. — To compound the issue, I do this thing where it’s all or nothing. Instead of allowing myself incremental steps, I want to do the deed cold turkey and then get upset when things go quickly south. If God Himself won’t put more on us than we can bear why do we feel the need to yoke ourselves into commitments that feel like bondage, take the corner of change too quickly, and then berate ourselves when we don’t meet our own lofty self-imposed standards. — Today I’m #breakingupwithdefeat (thank you @kingjermaine I’m borrowing this. Side note see his insta, check out his book) and I’m deciding in spite of every thought that’s telling me otherwise, every 'what if' and why I shouldn’t, that it’s win and not lose with this one. Win...ok, and lose too. Imma lose a few things in the process. But the right things (or is that the wrong things) are going to fall right off. What’s your ‘this one’? Own it. #attitudedeterminesaltitude #mindovermatter #levelup #accountabilityiskey #eyesfront #goalsahead #gimmeareason https://www.instagram.com/p/BqOfSeAg4A5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=c5rqnwl2yrh9
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merteuilmark83 · 9 years
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#YouJustWait&See #GoalsAhead #LiveLife #Blessed #Humble 💖👑😘
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maxgutierrez · 10 years
Back in shape again
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