#goal is to include one of every Gaia gang member
hartlesshart · 11 months
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bastsoldtrollblog · 2 years
Organizations, work groups, and connections among the trolls on my blog, also notable members/npcs:
Gaia is the most prominent; An organization of powerful psionics and mages who counter supernatural occurrences on Alternia. Mikail - Head of Investigations Glasya - Lead Archivist Raz (Shade) - No role [NPC] Hanabi - Head of Gaia Pheira - Civilian associate
The Fangs are a lowblood gang located primarily in one city. Their central members are all mutants, with their main goal being just fostering/protecting mutants and lowbloods and some gigs on the side for making money. They have multiple bars/underground fight rings and other such locations which serve as safe meeting places and money laundering fronts. Silans - Top cage fighter at the ring at Dogbite Lloric - Top cage fighter at the ring at Adderhead [NPC] Missah - Bartender at Adderhead and Lloric’s ex matesprit.
Aki’s chop shop is infamous; Aki’s known for pissing off local gangs and other people who ran chop shops due to him literally blowing up competition several sweeps prior. He’s “laying low” at the moment, aka not blowing up gangs. Mostly. His chop shop buys and sells stolen vehicles, cybernetics, weapons, whole bodies, and organs in good condition. Aki - Owner Cheran - Former mortician
Ani runs a primarily-lowblooded merchant ship with a regular course; They revisit locations once every other month or so. Ani is skittish about any pirates or ex-pirates. Anirus - Captain [NPC] Anhele - Doctor & Cook Badaui - Doctor
Ankiro’s sanctuary, Phoenix Rising, has some extended connections through Ankiro himself and Phiroe. Pretty much anyone who works with animals has a chance to at least know of them; Phiroe is pretty famous, like Steve Irwin levels of famous. Ankiro - Owner of the sanctuary Phiroe - Ankiro’s ancestor and face of a highly popular nature doc series that ran some ~4-5 sweeps prior Sel - Works in a zoo unrelated to the Phoenix Rising sanctuary, but also does field work for other organizations, including Phiroe and Ankiro
Shattered Star, a somewhat bizarre Fleet special ops group who is very good at what they do. Darvai - Leader Zarali - Espionage expert [NPC] Typhos - Management [NPC] Byrron - Munitions expert & mechanic [NPC] Two - No role yet [NPC] Vaalai - Jack-of-all-trades (master of none) [NPC] Lila - Integrated psionic battery
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