#go wild and do it in what would the chronolgical for in series
dragontamer05 · 2 years
You know matter what medium it was done in if I were to want anyone to make be it a movie or some kind of mini series or something based of the Demonata books-
Guillermo Del Torro,
He's so good with creature creation, using both practical and visual effects that really think he'd probably one of the best people to pull of trying to design the Demonata in all their grotesque glory
Also because of the amount of blood, gore, body horror, and stuff in those books like there's no way you could make a faithful/decent adaptation of even just the first Book Lord Loss with it being like Rated 18+ / R
The books themselves are already like T rated but add visuals on top of that and oh boy.
Will we ever get such a thing probably not but I think it'd be cool and just Darren Shan is an underrated author
and while you'll probably ever only hear me talk about the Demonata or Cirque du Freak he written a few other series to (has a whole website too) so yeh check em out might find something you like
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