#go read it pleaseeeeeee you'll love it
patolemus · 25 days
double-whammie wip (not) wednesday
got tagged by @novasillies (still freaking out over their current wip update!!) and i have a bit of the newest chapter for my time travel au to share
“Hey, Stiles?” he calls out to the older boy. Stiles hums distractedly, and Derek knows he’s not really listening to him, too caught up in whatever he’s doing. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” Stiles says. His back is turned to Derek, and he spends a moment appreciating the way Stiles’ muscles shift underneath the fitted shirt he has on as he mixes up his herbs. Stiles still doesn’t look like he’s paying all that much attention to him, but oh well. Derek will take what he can get.
He props himself up with his right forearm, half sitting as he puts his weight on it. “You like me, right?” he asks, sounding calm even though his heart has started beating faster and faster by the second. Derek doesn’t regret asking, though.
Stiles goes taut almost as soon as the question registers. He doesn’t turn around so he can’t see what kind of face he’s making, and his scent doesn’t betray anything, but Derek knows better than to trust it when he knows Stiles knows ways to manipulate it. After a few moments, though, his posture relaxes again and he goes back to mixing up things in the mortar.
“Yeah. Of course I do,” Stiles says. There’s a sort of vulnerability, a softness in his voice, and Derek feels his heart soar. 
He didn’t lie. Stiles didn’t lie. He likes Derek, Stiles likes Derek.
Don’t fuck this up, he thinks, only a little desperate as he tries to keep his heart under control. Not for the first time, he thanks whatever higher being is looking out for him, because if Stiles could hear how fast his heart is racing right now he’d think Derek is the lamest person ever. Which he is, but Stiles doesn’t need to know that.
“Cool,” he says, immediately regretting it. Cool? Who the fuck says cool to something like that? “I mean, I like you, too,” he adds hastily, fully sitting up as Stiles finally turns around.
“I know,” there’s the ghost of a smirk dancing on his lips and mirth in his eyes.
Derek starts to smile, then frowns. “Did you just Han Solo me?” he asks, not knowing what to feel when Stiles just bursts out laughing right there and then.
It’s a beautiful laugh. It takes his breath away. Derek doesn’t think he’s ever heard Stiles laugh like this before. Chuckle, maybe, definitely an amused huff here and there. But never an outright laugh like this one. Derek wants to hear it forever, wants to record it so he can play it back again and again and again, all the time.
He’s so gone on this boy. So, so gone. Derek feels overwhelmed by the sudden rush of affection that overcomes him, a hot, fluttery thing that leaves him tingly all over.
couldn't not do the star war's reference i mean IT WAS RIGHT THERE. anywayssss take the rare angst-free scene. no pressure tags: @dontcallpanic @hedwig221b @salty-fryingpan @oldefashioned @endwersed @dear-massacre and of course anyone who wants to do it
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rillette · 2 months
For the ask game, since i just read his first appearance, charlie vicker ?
THE CHARLIE RENAISSANCE IS UPON US!!!!!!!!!! my feelings about charlie are that I love him and he is a cunt. He's such a huge bitch.
I still don't ship him with anybody as of yesterday but you know what I think he would have like a one night stand or fling with someone and they would either like not remember at all or they'd go "ew yeah I thought you were an actual green lantern sorryyyyy". I don't think he'd have any alien romances going on because although he is a freak, he's also repressed and from the 60s.
I know I always say that I think that kilowog is every GL's favorite GL and that he gets along great with everybody which is real and true to me, however I think his dynamic with charlie is like when dogs get too excited to play with a cat. Kilowog is like omg buddy hi we missed you it's been ages!! And charlie is like 'he doesn't remember my name surely this is a passive aggressive way to tell me to go back to fuck ass nowhere'. Not to bring up my oc but charlie is also like 90% my oc now he's MINE dc 🫵. Anyways truly my favorite charlie dynamic is the one I created in my own head I genuinely really really like the stupid ass loony tunes dynamic he has with eastwood. Creature that sees a man fall face first into the mud and goes I have Got to make his life a living hell. The dependability of knowing you're safe but its purely because some fucking thing just really wants to see your epic fails compilation of a life and it can't do that if you're dead.
I still don't think there's enough charlie stans out there for me to have an unpopular opinion everyone go read charlies 10 (ten) issues it will take like maybe an hour and you'll be able to say wow soup rillette of tumblr fame has never been more wrong or insane about a guy this badly before!
One thing I wish would happen is charlie screen time PLEASEEEEEEE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. PLEASE.
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hxlda-hxlda · 7 months
Um hi! I reader your post which said let's be in a book club (if u remember) it js talked sm to me, I had to find out more abt u,,, so go on tell me abt urself pleaseeeeeee, Also I hv nvr read ur fanfics, m gonna start this ver moment
hello!! welcome!!
a) yes! i do remember the bookclub post, because it turned into a discord server that is just full of the loveliest people. if you want to be a part of our little club the link is here :))
b) as for me, i'll give you my little run down:
my name is harper! i'm australian. the love of my life is rock music and too-loud concerts, only second to my ancient pet rabbit. i make how much music i listen to my main personality trait, so ask me about an artist and you'll get their whole biography. i also love the outdoors, so plenty of beach-ing and hiking and all sorts when i can find the time between my multiple jobs and my writing addiction. eventually i hope to study literature and really up my intellectual superiority complex with overkill knowledge on niche music AND classics. for now, i work to save to travel and see the world outside my little aussie corner.
as for my fics! on a good day i like to think i'm pretty funny and occasionally i'll write something that i feel is profound (if you squint). according to those i share my writing with, i'm good at causing devastation with my angst. i take this as a massive compliment. really, i just like to write character studies and explore different relationship dynamics (both romantic and platonic) in different settings. i am far too concerned abt pacing when it comes to my writing, and i will use the 'no, i'm sirius,' joke until it is as dead in the ground as sirius black himself.
i hope you enjoy reading!! leave me a comment if you do, notifs in my inbox are my favourite things ever. thank you for asking about me, and feel free to tell me about yourself.
sending love and a nice sunrise/set your way, harp x
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riverswater · 1 year
PLEASEEEEEEE WRITE IT OMG. but if you don’t, do you have any fucked up fic recs about them being terrible people bc i feel like those fics are impossible to find
Hi darling beloved!! I'll try I swear 💘💘💝 for the recs, I'm so sorry I haven't read fics in such a long while so these are the few I remember from the top of my head! Sadly it's not many of them 😔 but maybe some more have been written in these last 2-3 years
I always feel like somebody's watching me (666 words)
Lately, Louis can't shake the feeling that he's being watched.
I LOOOOVEEEEEE THIS ONE. it's only 666 words because it was part of a Halloween round but it's soooo good!!! I remember I looked into the tag because I desperately needed MORE but there wasn't anything where the terrible person is also the love interest :(
A Darker Shade of Love (750k words)
Louis is a 30 year old multi-billionaire with a very dark past. He is violent and is a sadist with a taste for pain.
Harry Styles is a 19 year old student who sets out to London after being kicked out by his homophobic father to follow his dreams. He wants to go to the best University to study but he needs a lot of money so he starts to work as a part time stripper at a gay club to support his studies and his life.
The club he works at, Garland's, is part owned by Louis Tomlinson. When they meet, its life changing for the both of them.
I didn't finish this because it was making me uncomfortable sooo maybe it will be a hit for you!!
do you feel better now as he falls to the ground (6,5k)
"Harry, open the door." Louis' voice comes though the thick wood door of the bathroom, hard and cold. Harry pulls his legs closer to his chest, rocking back and forth as he tugs on his brown locks. He can hear the group of people outside the room yelling at Louis to let them in, to let Harry go. Tears prickle his vision as he replays the sense over and over and over again in his head. How could he be so stupid? So clueless as to what Louis was capable of. How could he have let this happen.
Or the one where Harry loves Louis but Louis is abusive so Harry just cries a lot.
I haven't read this one but from the description it sounds perrrrfect, maybe I'll read it later! Hope you'll enjoy it ✨✨✨
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