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#Supermom • 🎉🤴🏾🦁 • “.. Birthday·Mom No matter what we go through. No matter how much we argue. In the end, you are there for me always, and I love you for that. @ruthtron 🎉🎈❤ ... ☝🏾❤🌎 ...” ― Gwendell Mercelina, Jr. 📷 • @wenshow #InfluencerLifestyle 🔥 #PositiveLife 📌 #KeepMeSharp 😎 #Motherhood 💪🏾 #FaithfulWisdom 💯 #GNIUSXP ✊🏾 #RightNowInCuracao 🇨🇼 (at Curaçao) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq-ze3GggHP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1x4acr435tyf2
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#DopeNature • 🤴🏾🦁 • “.. Nature·Lightness Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them. .. ... ☝🏾❤🌎 ...” ― Gwendell Mercelina, Jr. 📷 • @wenshow #InfluencerLifestyle 🔥 #PositiveLife 📌 #KeepMeSharp 😎 #PowerOfNature 💪🏾 #FaithfulWisdom 💯 #GNIUSXP ✊🏾 #RightNowInCuracao 🇨🇼 (at Christoffelberg) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrP9F_NARyk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=d111mb92t3uf
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#BeautyAndTheBeast • 🎉🤴🏾🦁 • “.. Birthday·Beauty We met each other at Kleutervreugd, she never forgot.. we reconnected at Radulphus, and our hugs lasted for a lifetime. She for me is the epitome of beauty, because beauty in a person is never how they appear, it is how they act. With Daniëlle there is no exquisite beauty…without some strangeness in the proportion, and we all need a piece of her in our lives. Pabien nos bunita.. 🎉🎈❤ ... ☝🏾❤🌎 ...” ― Gwendell Mercelina, Jr. 📷 • @la.vie.photographie #InfluencerLifestyle 🔥 #PositiveLife 📌 #KeepMeSharp 😎 #BirthdaySister 💪🏾 #FaithfulWisdom 💯 #GNIUSXP ✊🏾 #RightNowInCuracao 🇨🇼 (at The Hague, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrDjxz2FQd3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u9rglxucvcf8
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#Supermom • 🎉🤴🏾🦁 • “.. Wonder·Woman I truly believe in love at first sight because I loved my mom ever since I opened my eyes, even deeper than that our love bonds beyond every other connection before. Ruthsella @ruthtron, our mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us, when adversity takes the place of prosperity, when friends desert us, when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts. We couldn’t ask for a better mom @missruenna. Even in my flaws, only thing she sees is perfection. Long live your presence forever Mama, Masha Pabien mi Nilda, Nina, Sella, mi bieu, nos tur kos! 🎉🎈❤ ... ☝🏾❤🌎 ...” ― Gwendell Mercelina, Jr. 📷 • @wenshow #InfluencerLifestyle 🔥 #PositiveLife 📌 #KeepMeSharp 😎 #Motherhood 💪🏾 #FaithfulWisdom 💯 #GNIUSXP ✊🏾 #RightNowInCuracao 🇨🇼 (at Curaçao) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq-RlPRAAfP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jciiduh189gm
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#BirthdayBrother • 🎉🤴🏾🦁 • “.. Different·Conversation #ToInfinityAndBeyond Sit with winners, the conversation is different. Few are those in life who keep running and always on the move. With him, one can surely prove that exceptions do exsist in a world where people talk more than act. Celebrating Junny's birthday will never fill the enough thank you's, patience, discussions, laughter, foodgasms, unique and crazy moments he has brought in this lifetime. He always shows up, when you thought he will not appear.. and stays there when you thought he already left. Flips on you when you thought he ... ai le'mai .. He brings life, and brought the best in my life sharing his family Chichi and Sharine for infinity and amazing friends @missrric13 @gina.pietersz. Chupa bo sous broer! 🎉🎈🔥 ... ☝🏾❤🌎 ...” ― Gwendell Mercelina, Jr. 📷 • @wenshow #InfluencerLifestyle 🔥 #PositiveLife 📌 #KeepMeSharp 😎 #Brotherhood 💪🏾 #FaithfulWisdom 💯 #GNIUSXP ✊🏾 #RightNowInCuracao 🇨🇼 (at Curaçao) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq8Q-SOAN0b/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g4p3oj1thque
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#KnowYourStatus • ❤🤴🏾🦁 • “.. Fight·Stigma 🎗 #WorldAidsDay Turn the tables, if you knew I was infected with HIV - would stop liking what you see? Would you stop kissing me? Hugging me? Loving me? Piece by piece, since long we have been advocate to this cause. Starting awareness campaigns @weleadcuracao in 2012 as Global Youth Coalition on HIV and AIDS Focal Point together with @stephany_francisca. And it has been always near our hearts to bring more education, save lives, break taboos and bring an end to the epidemic. December 1st marks the 30th anniversary of the World Aids Day, while the world has seen notable progress made in the AIDS response since 1988 nowadays still there are people living with HIV without the knowledge of their status. Curaçao has seen lately an increase on infections, even 14 year-old youngsters infected, which is an overwhelming news while we are living in a world where information is everywhere to be found. #GetTested HIV Testing is important to facilitate treatment and ensuring that all people living with HIV can lead healthy and productive lives. On this day, all our respects go to this amazing being Gloria Summerville, of the initiative 'Het Rode Lint' in Rotterdam. In Gloria's own words ‘I have HIV but I am not HIV!.’ She transformed her life and made her situation an example of honesty and positivity serving others passionately with her platform. ... ☝🏾❤🌎 ...” ― Gwendell Mercelina, Jr. 📷 • @wenshow #InfluencerLifestyle 🔥 #PositiveLife 📌 #KeepMeSharp 😎 #FightStigma 💪🏾 #FaithfulWisdom 💯 #GNIUSXP ✊🏾 #RightNowInCuracao 🇨🇼 (at The Hague, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq2hvU2gmDC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12szpuh4732l
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#Affirmation • 👑🦁 • “.. Keep·Going You may be the only person left who believes in you, but it's enough. It takes just one star to pierce a universe of darkness. Never give up. #NeverGiveUp ... ☝🏾❤🌎 ...” ― Gwendell Mercelina, Jr. 📷 • @wenshow #InfluencerLifestyle 🔥 #PositiveLife 📌 #KeepMeSharp 😎 #GameChanger 💪🏾 #FaithfulWisdom 💯 #GNIUSXP ✊🏾 #RightNowInCuracao 🇨🇼 (at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqyi1nUgcSc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19t5s1u4w3snf
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“.. 🎶 Que más me da ... Me preguntas que es lo que nos queda por salvar. Que para que quiero regresar? Que importa ya se a roto mil cosa que no quieres arreglar. Quieres encontrar otro lugar, Pero al menos quiero contestar. Por que no me rindo quiero verte una vez más. Para empezar ... Haces que este mundo sea un mejor lugar, Cuando hablas llenas todo de verdad, Y haces que me olvide de la soledad. Nos fue muy mal, Los buenos momentos empezaron a faltar. Luego comenzamos a dudar, Me asuste y no te puede parar. Pero ni un segundo te eh dejado de extrañar ... Para empezar .. Nunca quise envejecer con nadie más. Y no se que va a pasarme si te vas. Solo se que quiero estar en donde estas. ... 🎶❤🌎 ...” ― Leonel García 📷 • @wenshow #InfluencerLifestyle 🔥 #ParaEmpezar 📌 #KeepMeSharp 😎 #GameChanger 💪🏾 #FaithfulWisdom 💯 #GNIUSXP ✊🏾 #RightNowInCuraçao 🇨🇼 (at Escher in Het Paleis) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqljV6qAmN3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14be5qej27zao
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#DopeThanks • 👑🦁 • “.. thank·ful Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful. – Buddha ..... ☝🏾❤🌎 ...” 📷 • @wenshow #InfluencerLifestyle 🔥 #WorldTelevisionDay 📌 #KeepMeSharp 😎 #GameChanger 💪🏾 #FaithfulWisdom 💯 #GNIUSXP ✊🏾 #RightNowInCuraçao 🇨🇼 (at Willemstad) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqdwBMLlzPT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qrvgw8cuxplt
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#DopeKids • 👑🦁 • “.. chil·dren We were all children once. And we all share the desire for the well-being of our children, which has always been and will continue to be the most universally cherished aspiration of humankind. #UniversalChildrensDay ... 🎉❤🌎 ...” ― Gwendell Mercelina, Jr. 📷 • @wenshow #InfluencerLifestyle 🔥 #GoBlue 📌 #KeepMeSharp 😎 #GameChanger 💪🏾 #FaithfulWisdom 💯 #GNIUSXP ✊🏾 #RightNowInCuraçao 🇨🇼 (at Maastoren) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqbCuKwgxlq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qhs12jqktpjt
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#DopeRighteousness • 👑🦁 • “.. ri·ght As long as money continues to seduce the hungry, the hopeless, the broken, the greedy, and the needy, there will always be war between brothers. While we are standing for all people and all races, if social injustice is happening to one group of people, then it is happening to all. #RightHereRightNow That's why we should always stand up for what is right regardless of who is committing the wrong. #RiseUp Wrong is wrong even if everybody is doing it. Right is right even if only you are doing it. #RightIsRight ... Stay w o k e! ☝🏾❤🌎 ...” ― Gwendell Mercelina, Jr. 📷 • @la.vie.photographie #InfluencerLifestyle 🔥 #StandUp 📌 #KeepMeSharp 😎 #GameChanger 💪🏾 #FaithfulWisdom 💯 #GNIUSXP ✊🏾 #RightNowInCuraçao 🇨🇼 (at Haagse Bos) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqQ_4i-ARWP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13w2239p9r391
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#DopeGreatness • 👑🦁 • “.. gr·eat·ness Let's put this out right now as we've encountered with the reality to realize how humanity can be so cruel with our own kind. How can one's courage, one's coolness, one's self love can easily be misunderstood for narcissism. And sometimes the easiest way trying to break one is to search high and low how to trash them. But may this be a force for every time you read it, a leadership function does not make you a leader, it is the same as you won't be a professional because of a diploma or the study you did. It is the attitude, your integrity, your principles, your honesty and determination that brings you to that greatness ... Be reminded that no weapon formed against another shall prosper, and every tongue that rises up against another in judgement shall be condemned by the power of the Almighty. And if ever my being or identity has to be questioned by others conditioned or fixed comfortable mindset remember to bury me in the ocean with my ancestors that jumped from ships because they knew death was better than bondage. Stay loved and f r e e! 😁❤🌎 ...” ― Gwendell Mercelina, Jr. 📷 • Pearls of the Dutch Caribbean @blackachievementmonth #InfluencerLifestyle 🔥 #KeepHopeAlive 📌 #KeepMeSharp 😎 #GameChanger 💪🏾 #FaithfulWisdom 💯 #GNIUSXP ✊🏾 #RightNowInTheNetherlands 🇳🇱 (at PEP Den Haag) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqAn6BSAOAe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4h8wvi58rwgz
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#DopeGodSon • 👑🦁 • “.. god·son KYANU, 🎉 you are the bam of all fireworks and the epic sunshine of all days. Congratulations Dino's Godchild, I promise to love you and guide you, to support you, to care for you, to encourage you, to keep you and your family always in my h e a r t ! 😁❤🌎 ...” ― Gwendell Mercelina, Jr. #InfluencerLifestyle 🔥 #LoveMatters 📌 #KeepMeSharp 😎 #GameChanger 💪🏾 #FaithfulWisdom 💯 #GNIUSXP ✊🏾 #RightNowInTheNetherlands 🇳🇱 (at Wandu café and more) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpMy5hIi_Y-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rttitdhu2t2s
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#UnapologeticDopeness • 👑🦁 • “.. un·apol·o·get·ic | dope-ness : : Find out who you are, and do it on purpose! Live your life and enjoy every last minute of it, be so terrific and tantalizing it makes you stand tall in your own mirror and the world doesn't need to understand it - you do! There is no need to apologize for evolving past your comfort zone. Stand tall, evolve Everything changes so don't think you are staying in the same situation. 'Because the last time you saw how late it is on which day, will never come back. Be unapologetic in your growth and journey to better yourself. Those around you either play their part or they don't get a role. Be such a dope soul that people crave your vibes. Be the g a m e c h a n g e r. ✨🌎 ...” ― Gwendell Mercelina, Jr. 📷 • Slingshoot #InfluencerLifestyle 🔥 #YouMatter 📌 #KeepMeSharp 😎 #GameChanger 💪🏾 #FaithfulWisdom 💯 #GNIUSXP ✊🏾 #RightNowInNetherlands 🇳🇱 https://www.instagram.com/p/BoPOTizCVxm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gnz1k7fy30bp
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• 👑🦁 • “.. In life, you will realize there is a role for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you, some will love you, and some will teach you. But the ones who are truly important are the ones who bring out the best in you. They are rare and amazing people who remind you why it's worth it. ✨🌎 ...” ― Gwendell Mercelina, Jr. #InfluencerLifestyle 🔥 #FamilyMatters 📌 #KeepMeSharp 😎 #PurposeDriven 💪🏾 #FaithfulWisdom 💯 #GNIUSXP ✊🏾 #RightNowInCuraçao 🇨🇼 (at Landhuis Chobolobo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BntzCLihHQ4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1d4figdkp1333
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• 👑🦁 • “.. Be an unstoppable warrior who is strong and fearless. Live with courage and compassion in your heart. Wear confidence like a shield to deflect all negativity. Be powerful and proud of who you are and what you do. Believe in yourself, when you assess every moment that you believe in yourself - that's the moment you should align with your purpose of life. Wake up each day positive and ready to take on the day ahead, because we are on a mission to achieve our goals and nothing nor no one can stop you! #BeUnstoppable ✨🌎 ...” ― Gwendell Mercelina, Jr. #InfluencerLifestyle 🔥 #SoulMatters 📌 #KeepMeSharp 😎 #PurposeDriven 💪🏾 #FaithfulWisdom 💯 #GNIUSXP ✊🏾 #RightNowInCuraçao 🇨🇼 (at International School of Curacao) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnmsnziB6C0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=i923x0r308dl
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