#gmat training
141287soni · 6 months
 Unlock Your Potential with GMAT Courses: Your Path to Business School Success
The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a critical hurdle on the journey to gaining admission to a prestigious business school. A high GMAT score can significantly boost your chances of being accepted into your dream MBA program. To conquer this challenging exam, many aspiring business leaders turn to GMAT courses. In this article, we'll explore the advantages and benefits of enrolling in GMAT courses, which can serve as your roadmap to achieving your educational and career goals.
The GMAT: A Gateway to Business School
Before delving into the merits of GMAT courses, let's briefly understand the GMAT exam's significance. The GMAT is a standardized test designed to assess your readiness for graduate-level business education. It comprises four main sections: Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA), Integrated Reasoning (IR), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), and Verbal Reasoning (VR). Each section evaluates distinct skills vital for success in business school, such as critical thinking, data analysis, and effective communication.
Advantages of GMAT Courses
Expert Guidance: GMAT courses are typically led by seasoned instructors who possess extensive knowledge of the exam. These instructors are well-versed in the exam's format, content, and test-taking strategies. Their guidance can be invaluable in helping you navigate the GMAT effectively.
Structured Learning: GMAT courses follow a well-structured curriculum that covers all aspects of the exam. This ensures that you receive a comprehensive review of the material and are well-prepared for each section of the test.
Customized Study Plans: Instructors in GMAT courses can assess your strengths and weaknesses through practice tests and diagnostics. They can then tailor study plans to address specific areas where you need improvement. This personalized approach optimizes your GMAT preparation.
Access to Resources: GMAT courses provide access to an extensive range of study materials, including practice tests and sample questions. These resources mimic the real GMAT exam, helping you become familiar with the test format and question types.
Time Management Skills: Time management is crucial when taking the GMAT. GMAT courses teach effective time-saving strategies and techniques, enabling you to complete each section within the allotted time.
Peer Support: Enrolling in GMAT courses allows you to connect with fellow test-takers who share similar goals. Study groups often form, providing a support network and opportunities to learn from one another's experiences.
Motivation and Accountability: The structured nature of GMAT courses helps you stay motivated and accountable for your study goals. Regular class sessions, assignments, and assessments prevent procrastination and maintain focus.
Up-to-Date Content: GMAT courses are continuously updated to reflect any changes in the test format and content. This ensures that you are studying the most relevant material and are well-informed about recent developments in the test.
GMAT courses offer a structured and supportive environment for your GMAT preparation, making them a wise investment in your future business education. Whether you aspire to join a top-tier MBA program or enhance your career prospects, GMAT courses provide you with expert guidance, customized study plans, and access to invaluable resources. Succeeding on the GMAT is not solely about knowledge; it's also about strategic preparation, and GMAT courses equip you with the tools and confidence needed to excel on test day. Enrolling in a GMAT course can be the key to unlocking your potential and opening doors to a successful career in business.
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gt-prep · 1 year
3 Life Skills You Learn while Preparing for GMAT
When it comes to preparing for the GMAT, there's no doubt that the primary goal is to get a high score. But what many people don't realize is that in the process of studying for this test, they can learn valuable life skills that will benefit them far beyond the test itself.
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Here are three important life skills you can develop while preparing for the GMAT.
1. Time Management
One of the most critical skills that you will learn while preparing for the GMAT integrated reasoning is time management. The test is timed, and you will have a limited amount of time to complete each section. To do well on the test, you need to be able to manage your time effectively so that you can complete each section within the allotted time. This skill will not only help you on the test but will also benefit you in your personal and professional life. Learning to manage your time effectively will help you to be more productive, reduce stress, and achieve your goals more efficiently.
2. Problem-Solving
Another valuable skill that you will develop while preparing for the GMAT is problem-solving. The GMAT is designed to test your ability to think critically and solve complex problems. You will be presented with challenging questions that require you to analyse the information provided, identify patterns, and come up with a logical solution. This skill is crucial in everyday life, whether you're trying to make a decision at work, solve a problem in your personal life, or navigate a difficult situation.
                                 (Read More: Tips to crack the GMAT Verbal Reasoning)
3. Perseverance
Finally, preparing for the GMAT will teach you the importance of perseverance. Studying for the GMAT is not easy, and it can be a long and challenging process. You will encounter difficult questions, and you may struggle to understand certain concepts. However, if you are determined and persevere, you will eventually overcome these challenges and succeed on the test. This skill is crucial in all areas of life, as it teaches you to never give up, even when things get tough.
In conclusion, preparing for the GMAT is not just about getting a high score; it's also about developing valuable life skills that will benefit you in all areas of your life. By learning to manage your time effectively, solve complex problems, and persevere through challenges, you will be better equipped to achieve your goals and succeed in whatever you choose to do. So, if you're preparing for the GMAT, embrace the process, and you can also join GMAT training for expert guidance.
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goto-university · 2 years
The Complete Guide to Gmat Classes in Dubai and How They Can Increase Your Chances of Higher Scores
The GMAT exam is a computer-based test that assesses the skills in reading comprehension, analytical writing, verbal reasoning and quantitative reasoning. The GMAT score is accepted by most of the top business schools across the globe and it has been considered as one of the most important prerequisites for admission. The GMAT exam is an adaptive test which means that it changes according to your performance. So, if you are doing well in a particular section then you will be given questions from that section only. But if you are not performing well then you will be given questions from all sections. Some people might find it difficult to get through this exam because of its complexity and time constraints. This is where online GMAT classes can come in handy as they provide students with all sorts of tools and resources like study schedules, sample questions, practice tests and video lectures which can help them improve their skills on this exam ..
How to Choose the Best Gmat Coaching Centre for Your Needs
Choosing the best GMAT coaching centre for your needs may seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. There are a few factors that you should consider before making a decision. For starters, you should think about what type of GMAT coaching center best suits your needs. Do you want to take classes in person or online? Do you prefer one-on-one tutoring or group sessions? Your answer will dictate the type of GMAT coaching center that is right for you. Secondly, you should think about what your budget is and how much time and money you are willing to invest in preparing for the GMAT exam. The more time and money that you're willing to invest, the better quality of services will be available to you at higher prices. .Third, you should consider the reputation of the GMAT coaching center. This is important as it will give you peace of mind that you are choosing a reputable company for your business. You may also want to consider what other students have to say about their experience with the GMAT coaching center that you're considering.If these three factors are not enough, there is also a website called owlGmat . It provides a list of accredited GMAT coaching centers and reviews from previous students who have
What You Need To Know About The GMAT Test Before Taking It
The GMAT is a standardized test administered by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) and is designed to assess the test taker's knowledge of mathematics, verbal reasoning, and analytical writing skills.
The GMAT is a computer-based test that takes about 4 hours to complete. It consists of four sections: two sections of multiple choice questions, one section of quantitative questions, and one section of written essay. The GMAT uses the following four question formats:
Multiple Choice Questions - There are six types of multiple choice questions on the GMAT: Reading Comprehension Questions; Sentence Correction Questions; Critical Reasoning Questions; Problem Solving Questions; Data Sufficiency Questions; Integrated Reasoning Question. Quantitative Comparison Question - This question type consists of five answer choices in which you are required to determine which two answers are correct based on a given problem. Quantitative Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division Problems - These questions ask for the sum, difference, product, quotient or fraction of two numbers.The quantitative comparison questions on Testday 1 will include the following types of problems:1. There are now six types of multiple choice questions on the GMAT: reading comprehension questions; sentence correction questions; critical reasoning questions; problem solving questions; data sufficiency questions; integrated reasoning question.2. The quantitative addition/subtraction/multiplication/division problems on Testday 1 will be mixed in with the other types of multiple choice questions.
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studyabroadexams · 2 years
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excelligenz · 1 month
A Graphic Illustration Of Why Being Mentally Prepared Is A Key Aspect Of Being Prepared For The GMAT
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Acing the GMAT requires thorough preparation spanning test content, strategies, and mindset. While many focus heavily on studying materials, achieving peak mental readiness is equally crucial for GMAT success. Let’s explore key mindsets vital for optimal GMAT performance through this illustrated guide.
Visualize the Goal
Keep your target score firmly envisioned. Whether aiming for 650 or 750, hold that number as the finish line. Envision yourself achieving it through commitment and preparation. Let the goal propel your efforts. Remind yourself regularly what the GMAT means for unlocking your desired academic program.
Believe in Your Abilities
Have faith in yourself and your capacity to learn, improve, and succeed. Avoid negative self-talk, doubt, or comparisons. Recall past achievements. You are smart and capable enough to master the GMAT through dedication. Allow no room for self-limiting thoughts.
Embrace a Growth Mindset
View abilities and intelligence as flexible skills that can be developed, not fixed traits. Use positive mindsets when facing difficulty. Say "I will learn this," not "I'm bad at this." Apply greater effort to grow. The brain forges new neural pathways through hard work.
Be Comfortable with Discomfort
Expect occasional struggle and discomfort during the long preparation process. Understand that confusion means you are about to learn something new. Lean into the struggle, keeping your eyes on the end goal. Discomfort precedes growth.
Forgive Minor Setbacks
Brush off a disappointing practice test or study session as a temporary hiccup. Vow to learn from it rather than being derailed. Look at marginal losses over time versus day-to-day fluctuations. Minor setbacks reinforce resilience.
Conquer Nerves with Confidence
When test nerves strike, counteract with calm confidence that you are fully ready and destined to succeed on test day. Trust your preparation. Use positive affirmations and visualizations. Nervous energy can fuel focus if channeled productively.
Gain Momentum Through Early Wins
Build momentum by focusing first on your GMAT strong suits and most developable weaknesses. Quick wins build confidence to fuel bigger challenges. Early momentum creates a positive snowball effect.
Maintain Focus amid Distractions
Screen out external buzz and internal doubts to stay truly focused. Eliminate distractions during study sessions. On exam day, tune out neighboring test-takers and focus solely on your screen and thinking. Avoid mind wandering.
Be Adaptable and Agile
Respond nimbly when facing unexpected obstacles or wrong answers. Adjust tactics as needed, redirecting efforts to maximize results. Agility mirrors the GMAT itself which rewards those ready to think on their feet.
Give Your Best, Forget the Rest
On test day, know you put in your fullest effort through rigorous preparation, and walk away content regardless of score. Your cycle of GMAT glory begins and ends with you. Stay confident and keep perspective.
While most GMAT preparation understandably concentrates on content, structured practice is equally essential, as the Best GMAT Coaching Classes in Dubai attest. Coupled with strategic study, cultivating a winning mindset helps ensure you operate at mental peak performance when it matters most. Best GMAT training in Dubai centers provide both keys to open your desired MBA program doors.
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meghacool4u · 1 month
Dubai is a city with lots of different cultures and tall buildings. It is also a great place for kids to do well in school. Preparing for the GMAT classes Dubai stands out from the other things you can do to learn.
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johnypage95 · 7 months
ib hl tutoring support in Dubai:-
The Universal Language of Problem Solving igcse math classes and ib math classes dubai is a subject that holds a special place in the world of education. It’s not just a subject; it’s a tool for problem-solving, critical thinking, online tutoring and logical reasoning. https://www.tutors.ae/ib-tutoring-in-dubai/
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softzenia-tech · 9 months
Facts to Realize Earlier than You appear in the GMAT Examination
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In case you are just starting with GMAT studies, then it can feel overwhelming to examine such a lot of new matters. however, be affected person and start to observe grade by grade. you need to make a plan for yourself. but, earlier than you start studying, here is some information that you must recognize to perform higher. curiously, GMAT checks are usual with the aid of more than 7000 business and management packages across the world. GMAT exam preparation will help the students to clear the exam.
Computer-based examination
Examination sections are taken on a computer at the testing center. you may simplest get the chance to take your eyes off the computer when you take one or the alternative options. college students are incredibly advocated to use those breaks because it enables them to think better with a refreshed mind. GMAT online coaching is helpful for students.
Questions are generated primarily based on your overall performance
software Adaptive Tested is utilized in each of the quantitative and verbal classes. As you develop by every phase, the algorithm adjusts the complexity of each new query based on your preceding effects.
Availability of the display screen calculator
You may no longer get admission to the display screen calculator in the quantitative section. You will simplest get to use the display calculator while doing the IR phase.
Dedication of rankings
The student ratings are decided by the simplest two sections: verbal and quantification. to attain between 200 to 800. The scoring record includes numerous additives, but the overall score depends on these two sections. but, the examination committee of the B colleges will take a look at every element when you send them your rating report. GMAT practice tests will be a good way to score well in the exams.
No 2nd probabilities
You cannot provide a solution and assume that you could come back and accurate it anytime because that is a total laptop adaptive take a look at in which you have to provide a solution to move to the following one. the following question constantly relies upon your overall performance or your IQ level; therefore, you must answer the query. Check online for the GMAT course in Kuwait with good coaching centers.
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dishahub · 11 months
Don't leave your success to chance! 🍀 Trust Dishahub's Mock Test Series for guaranteed results."
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141287soni · 5 months
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goto-university · 2 years
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2022's Guide to IELTS Preparation in Dubai
Learning a different language than your mother tongue is an excellent investment in both your personal and professional life. The need to learn a foreign language has become a huge demand all over the globe. Students and professionals all around the world are lining up to learn different Foreign Language Courses. A Foreign Language gives you an added advantage to your career prospects and it can make you explore better career opportunities in different countries also.
When thinking of learning a new language and moving to a new country for studies or work, IELTS plays an important role in making you eligible and competent enough to interact and adapt to a new land. Before doing so, you need to decide which language you want to learn and its importance in your career or studies, and then you need to proceed with preparations for the IELTS and many other language proficiency tests. This is the first step in your language learning journey and then you can move forward with other foreign language learning like SAT preparation in Dubai and many more.
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Dubai is one of the top leaders in language learning and IELTS preparation. We are the Best IELTS Training Institute in Dubai which imparts training to a huge number of students all across the globe in their IELTS journey. You can experience the leading school tutoring in Dubai with Level Up Language and Computer Centre.
IELTS has become one of the top demands among students. To secure a place in foreign Universities and attain professional opportunities, every candidate needs to train themselves for IELTS and mark their endeavors.
You can go for the GMAT Test preparation and your learning journey in Dubai and SAT preparation in Dubai with our experts, and add skills to your resume. Start with our Leading tutoring school in Dubai and the Best IELTS preparation in Dubai and make yourself better equipped and prepared for the upcoming exams.
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Source URL: https://sat-test-preparation-in-dubai.blogspot.com/2022/07/2022s-guide-to-ielts-preparation-in.html
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ereardon · 5 months
Before I Knew [Jake Seresin x Reader] Chapter Two
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A Jake Seresin unexpected pregnancy fic
Overview: On your first night after moving to San Diego to spend more time with your brother Bob, you unknowingly have a one night stand with his teammate Jake Seresin. For the first time in his whole life, Bob has a closely knit friend group and you’re desperate not to rock the boat. But an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy upends your world, forcing you and Jake closer together, against Bob’s wishes. What will happen when you find yourself actually falling for the father of your unborn child? 
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Reader; Bob Floyd x Sister!Reader 
Warnings: Pregnancy, cursing, eventual smut, alcohol
Chapter summary: Y/N tries to get her life together but finding a job proves to be difficult. So difficult that when Jake catches her in a weak spot at the Hard Deck the two reconnect behind closed doors; Y/N gets a massive surprise that threatens to change everything
Masterlist here; previous chapter here
You were late. 
Which was abnormal, because the only thing that was timely about you was the fact that you got your period on the same day every single month. It was the one thing you could count on in a world that was constantly in flux. 
This time, you were late. Three weeks late, to be exact. 
One Week Before
You weren’t sure what you had expected when you booked your flight to San Diego. The last time you and Bob had lived together you were just kids. Back then it had been fighting over the remote and who ate the last frozen waffle. 
Bob had always been quiet. Collected. He blended in with the background of things. Whereas you had preferred to be the center of attention, Bob was the wallflower. He carried your plastic pumpkin behind you while trick-or-treating and he was the one to help make scrapbooks for your high school graduation, taking a special weekend leave from the academy just for that. 
So it was surprising that almost every moment of Bob’s time was filled. If he wasn’t at North Island training, he was on a smaller mission, gone for a day or two at a time. Whenever he wasn’t flying, he was hanging out with the rest of the daggers. You often woke up and wandered out into the living room to find Bradley sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal, wearing the same clothes as the night before, smiling sheepishly about how he had crashed on the couch. 
“I’m sorry,” Bob said, his voice echoing on the phone as you filled a mug with coffee in the kitchen. “I won’t be home until late.” 
“You know when I moved here I thought we’d get to spend some time together,” you said. “Instead, I hear from you even less than when I was back home with mom.” 
“I’m sorry about that.” You could hear the jet engines roaring in the background. “This weekend. I promise, we can do something fun. The zoo?” 
You laughed. “I’m not five anymore, Bobby. You don’t have to plan a fun playdate for me. I just want to spend some quality time together.” 
“We will, I promise.” There was a pause. “Ducky, I gotta run, OK. I’ll see you when I get home.” The line went dead. You sighed, picking up your cup of coffee and walking into the living room. You needed to get a job. Pulling up your computer, you flicked over to the LinkedIn tab that was open. Back in Chattanooga, you had spent the year after college aimless. Bartending at night. Taking some classes and studying for the GMAT as you toyed with the idea of business school. But you weren’t really sure what you wanted to do. 
You still weren’t sure. That was the part that you had kept from Bob. He was the kind of person who needed a plan. An itinerary. He looked at menus before he even stepped foot in a restaurant. He refused to go somewhere if he didn’t know what the parking situation was. He was by the book. You were anything but. 
It was time you grew up a little. 
By the time Bob got home, the sound of the front door crashing open, you were in bed. Opening one eye, and then another, you waited for the soft footsteps of Bob entering the house. Instead, you heard a gaggle of voices, loud shushes and uncontrolled whispers. 
Cracking open the door, you peered down the hallway to where the light was on in the living room. “Bobby?” you called out, stepping onto the carpeted hallway. 
“Duck?” It was a slurred whisper. You frowned, rounding the corner into the living room to see Jake supporting Bob as he lowered him down onto the couch. 
You rushed over, eyes wide, not even realizing that the hem of your long shirt rode up as you kneeled down in front of the couch where Bob was laid horizontal, one arm hanging off and dragging on the cream carpet. You looked up at Jake accusatorial. “You got him drunk?” 
“It was Phoenix,” Jake said, hands in the air. “I swear. I’m just the DD.” 
You shook your head. “I’m getting him some water.” Bob started to sit up and you put one hand on his shoulder, shoving him down against the cushion. “Lie down.” 
“Bossy,” he groaned, fluttering his eyes closed. 
In the kitchen, you ran the tap, seething. Of course Jake had gotten Bob drunk. You barely knew him, but this just proved that you knew enough. His cockiness at the bar that first night had been charming. But you knew from your experience with men that cockiness never aged well. 
Jake entered the kitchen, one hand pressed against the doorframe. “Y/N.” 
You shook your head, pouring a glass of water. “You can leave.” 
“What if I came here to see you?” 
“Why the hell would you do that?” 
Jake inched closer. “Maybe I thought what we had the other night was pretty great.” 
“Weren’t you listening?” you asked, setting the cup down on the counter. “That’s never happening again. In fact, we promised to pretend it never happened. So in my mind, we met for the first time that day at the coffee shop when Bob invited me to meet his friends. That’s the story, Jake. Nothing else.” 
“You really think it’ll never happen again?” 
Jake was close, the warmth of his body practically heating you through your skin. You had to push away the memory of how his hands felt along your waist, in your hair, his lips on your throat. He was just a guy. There were plenty of other men you could sleep with or date who weren’t part of your brother’s friend group. You owed it to Bob not to get in the way any more than you already had. 
Even if Jake was standing in the kitchen looking at you like he wanted to consume you. Even if you felt your legs trembling at the thought of his tongue roaming over your core like it had that night. 
You straightened up and looked directly into Jake’s eyes, willing yourself to be difficult. Hard. “I don’t think so,” you whispered. “I know. Now if you don’t mind. I want to get this to Bobby before he pukes on the carpet like a cat.” 
You pushed past Jake, heart beating rapidly. A minute later, as you knelt down next to the couch, you heard the gentle clang of the door shutting closed, followed by a car engine roaring to life outside. 
Bob was asleep on the couch, glasses askew. You removed them, setting them on the nearby table along with the glass of water. Without thinking, you made your way to the window, peering out from behind the curtains. 
Jake was sitting in his truck in the driveway, lights on, but not moving. You pulled the drapes closed, shutting him out. 
You pressed your forehead against the steering wheel of Bob’s truck and groaned. This was your third interview that you had bombed in as many days. The first had been for a store manager of a women’s boutique on First Ave. The second had been for a barista job and the third for a bartending position on North Island. Bob had been pissed about that third one, but you needed money. 
“You have a degree,” Bob argued as you folded a pile of laundry on the floor of the living room. “From a good university. Put it to use, Y/N.” 
“Don’t you think I’m trying?” you asked, exasperated. “Nobody wants a fucking history major. It’s not like I’m going to go work for a Big Four or some land developer. These are the kinds of jobs that will hire me.” 
“You’re better than all of those,” Bob huffed, standing up and shaking his head. “I’ll find you something.” 
“You’re not responsible for me, Bobby,” you argued. “I can take care of myself.” 
“Can you?” 
His words clung in the air. Heavy, like fat raindrops. Those two words sucked all of the oxygen out of the room, out of your lungs. Just a black hole and you were falling. That’s all you seemed to do lately. Fall. Fail. Flail. 
And Bob knew it. 
“So you’re from Tennessee?” The guy you were talking to stepped in closer, one hand on the wooden bar behind you, practically boxing you in. But he was cute and when he smiled you felt like he was talking to only you. 
You nodded. “Moved here last month.” 
“So what do you do?” 
You hesitated. There was movement on your periphery and then Bob appeared on your right, face hard behind his wire frames. He took one look at Keith, the guy who had bought your last drink, and his lips practically disappeared into his face as they squeezed into such a tight line. “Fuck off,” Bob growled. Keith looked up, terrified. He spotted Bob’s uniform immediately. 
“Lieutenant Floyd,” Keith said, straightening. 
Bob stepped in closer. He wasn’t as tall as Bradley, or as built as Jake, but he carried a quiet presence that filled a room. It had run off more than one high school boyfriend. Keith looked like the next victim. “Leave,” Bob said and Keith grabbed his beer, scurrying away with nothing more than a grimace. 
You turned your gaze, hot, on Bob. “Seriously?” 
“A fucking ensign?” Bob asked. “No way. I didn’t bring you here so you could let some random Navy guy in your pants.” 
“You didn’t even want to bring me here!” you argued. Bob turned ashen. “I’m only here because you feel bad for me. Poor little Y/N. Has no life, no job, no aspirations. I’m your pathetic little sister. That’s all I’ll ever be to you, isn’t it?” 
“Ducky,” he said, face growing softer. “That’s not true.”
“What if it is?” you whispered, pushing yourself up and off of the bar. 
“Duck.” Bob’s hand shot out and you flung him off, eyes wide. 
Weaving around the bodies that crowded the bar, you skirted the edge of the room, headed for the bathroom. Inside, you put both hands on the sink, letting your head hang low. Just as the tears started to flow, the door opened and you spun around in shock. “Oh!” 
Jake stood in the doorway to the single bathroom. “Shit, sorry, the door wasn’t locked.” 
“It’s fine.” You turned back around, expecting him to leave. 
Instead, you heard the door shut softly, footsteps as Jake stepped near. “Are you OK?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” 
“Because you’re crying in a dirty bar bathroom.” 
You wheeled around. Before you could think, you flung your arms around Jake’s neck, pulling him in close, smashing your lips against his, tasting the beer on his tongue as he walked you back until your hips hit the sink basin, his fingertips tight along your sides. You gasped into his mouth, feeling his lips close around yours, the heat of his hips drilling you back against the counter, his massive muscular arms winding around you, holding you close, the pine scent of his cologne filling your nose as one of his hands threaded into the hair at the back of your head. 
Finally, you pulled back, lips puffy and wet, Jake’s green eyes wide, his mouth pink from kissing. His eyes roamed over your face before he stepped back, his hands falling from your waist. 
“Shit,” you whispered. “I shouldn’t have done that.” 
“No, you definitely should have done that.” Jake grinned. 
“I have to go,” you murmured, grabbing your purse, trying to skirt around him. 
Jake’s hand reached out, stopping you. “Hey,” he whispered. “It’s OK.” 
You turned to look at him, eyes filling back with tears. “Nothing is OK,” you replied quietly, one hand on the door, yanking it open. “In case you didn’t realize, Jake, I’m a mess.” 
You scrambled out the door and back into the boisterous bar before Jake could say anything else. 
“Ducky?” Bob’s voice on the other side of the bathroom door was soft. He must have been in the kitchen or living room. “I’m leaving!” 
“OK!” you called back, voice too sharp. 
There was a pause. And then, “I’ll see you later?” 
The sound of the front door closing rang out and you sank to the ground, cold tile pressed against your bare feet and the backs of your legs. You could feel your heartbeat thundering in your chest. 
You looked down at the pregnancy test grasped between your clammy fingers. 
And the pink plus sign staring back at you. 
Please follow my library page @ereardonlibrary as that will largely serve as my tag list. Anyone I previous promised to tag is here:
@bobfloydsbabe @blue-aconite @wkndwlff @mamachasesmayhem @mandylove1000 @djs8891 @clancycucumber230 @rosiahills22 @buckysteveloki-me  @kmc1989 @gigisimsonmars @eloquentdreamer @mjisbby @shanimallina87 @seresinslady @seresinhangmanjake @blackwidownat2814 @yanna-banana @bbyvanessaa  @mrsjobarnes @midnightmagpiemama @ingoaliesitrust @rockbottomphilosophies-blog @iangiemae @joaquinwhorres @boiolay @sometimesanalice @spinning-away
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horacemann2024 · 2 months
17 Direct Benefits to Study in Ireland for Indian Students
Do you know why a 1-year study in Ireland for Indian students is sought after heavily these days?
Many courses, MS in Computer Science, IT, Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals, Management, and Business Analytics rank among the top 10 worldwide.
Most Indian students opt for a Master’s program for the benefits we have enlisted below. Graduating with these above MS degrees in Ireland guarantees high chances of employment in Ireland.
Also, universities in Ireland boast high research outputs, the hallmark of an excellent postgraduate study destination.
Award-winning journalist, John Kennedy, calls Ireland the AI island, highlighting the nation’s advancements in technological research.
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Study in Ireland for Indian students: 17 Benefits
Ireland is the best destination for Indian students due to its top universities, affordable 1-year master’s programmes, and 2-year post-study work visas. These are just a few reasons out of many that Ireland has to offer you. 
Below are the benefits why an MS in Ireland or MBA in Ireland is lucrative and will be life-altering. Notably, as an Indian student, you get several advantages.
Some benefits grace you even before you start your journey!
1. You don’t require a GRE score…
You can still study at Irish universities such as Trinity and UCD. Irish universities, which are in the same league as the US universities, which accept Indian students even without a GRE score.
Isn’t this appealing enough to apply to study in Ireland as an Indian student?
Hence, to get into an Irish university, Indian students require an excellent academic record and scores on one of these tests – IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, and Duolingo.
GRE & GMAT is not required by almost all Irish universities (UCD & TCD may ask for GMAT scores for their MBA degrees).
2. English Language Proficiency Training
All English-speaking countries expect their international students to be well-versed in English, as does Ireland.
But aren’t your English proficiency test scores suitable enough to secure admission?
Not to worry. Irish universities offer Pre-sessional English language programs. These short-term courses are designed to help you gain the skills needed to prepare for exams like IELTS, TOEFL, DET, and PTE.
3. How much study gap is acceptable in Ireland?
The answer is…
Study gaps don’t matter for Irish universities!
As long as you can explain the gap between your last academic year and the time of application, you are as good as any other person without a study gap.
Various reasons, such as employment, vacation, health issues, and business ventures, can be used to explain your study gap. You can provide these reasons in your Statement of Purpose.
Sarem Education will help Indian students with their Statements Of Purpose to study in Ireland.
4. Cost of studying in Ireland is lower for Indian students
Compared to studying in the USA, UK, and Australia, an MS degree in Ireland costs less.
Cost of study in Ireland for Indian students:
Place of study EUROS INR
Universities 12,000 to 36,000 9,97,000 to 28,89,000
Institute of Technology 12,000 to 17,000 9,97,000 to 13,63,000
Colleges 13,000 to 15,000 10,80,000 to 12,00,000
Tuition fee is the most significant cost component, while other expenses like accommodation, student visa, medical insurance, and the like typically cost between €7,000 (5 to 9 lakhs) to €12,000 per year.
There are also independent colleges in Ireland where Indian students can study for lesser fees.
Provided you have the necessary work experience, colleges such as Dublin Business School, Griffith College Dublin, and National College of Ireland should be a sweet deal!
Consultancies do love adhering to “get rich overnight schemes” by giving Indian students the aforementioned options to study in Ireland. However, we do not do that here.
Here is some honest information. Freshers would find it daunting to land a job after graduation from these places. So, apply here at your own risk.
However, experienced candidates should be able to land a job thanks to their experience.
With a part-time job or a paid internship, you can further reduce your expenses to study at an Irish university. We advise that you search for the right one where you can balance your studies with your part-time work.
Just ensure you don’t do anything you will regret on your academic side.
5. Study in Ireland for Indian students: Scholarships
Here is a list of scholarships available for students looking to study in Ireland.
Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships Programme, sponsored by the Higher Education Authority (HEA)
The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme
Scholarships by the Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
About 60 students get this scholarship which pays them 10,000 euros per year. These Ireland scholarships make life extremely easy for Indian students.
6. The 3 benefits of studying 1-year masters in Ireland
Undoubtedly, Indian students are constantly under pressure to settle down quickly. Studying a 1-year Master’s program at an Irish university can help you alleviate this.
You can fast-forward your dreams of graduating with an MS degree and happily settle abroad sooner than your counterparts in other countries!
Let us enlist and explain the benefits below:
Return to the workforce with world-class skills sooner: Sometimes, students take a 1-year leave to finish their degree and resume work with their previous employer. This is possible if you do a Masters in Ireland. Moreover, a 1-year break for education will also be less harsh on your resume. You can also join the workforce sooner and ease off your loans.
Costs Less: Compared to a 2-year course, studying for a 1-year Masters in Ireland is cheaper. A shorter duration means you pay lesser rent, living expenses, etc.
Resume: In any Master’s course in Ireland, you must complete 90 credits within a year. Inevitably, you will be putting in tons of hard work throughout the year. Consequently, this can bode well for your resume.
7. 100% visa approval
Ireland and India faced the brunt and after-effects of British imperialism and colonization in the 1900s.
Now, both countries share cordial relations owing to which there is less than a 5% chance for your visa to get rejected for Indian students to study in Ireland.
Not impressed?
DAVID FLOOD, Director, India, and South Asia, Enterprise Ireland, shares an impressive stat. The Irish visa approval rate for Indian students has grown by over 95% in the last 5 years.
So what happens to Indian students after they come to study in Ireland?
8. Globally Ranking Universities
Did you know securing admission to Irish universities would allow you to study at one of the top-ranked universities globally? Five universities in Ireland rank within the top 500 globally, and three are within the top 1000.
Trinity College, University College Dublin, University College Cork, University of Galway, University of Limerick, Dublin City University, Maynooth University, and Technological University Dublin are the universities on the list.
9. Highly quality education
The International Graduate Insight Group (i-graduate) found that students pursuing an MS degree in Ireland reported high student satisfaction with their academic experience.
Of course! Why wouldn’t they?
All MS degrees in Ireland are one year in duration. You will be prepared to enter the workforce within one year.
Irish universities and institutions are globally renowned for their programs in Science, Technology, Maths, Teaching, Medicine, Business, and Finance, accredited and recognized worldwide.
Most importantly, the tuition fee is way cheaper to study in Ireland for Indian students than in other top destinations.
Also, Irish universities are ranked among the best in the world regarding gender equality and climate action as per Times Higher Education’s (THE) university impact rankings.
10. Part-time opportunities in Ireland while studying
During their study in Ireland, Indian students can work for up to 20 hours a week.
According to labour statistics, Ireland has more than 400,000 people employed part-time. As regional investment grows and new businesses pop up, part-time jobs shall also grow steadily.
Irish universities also offer teaching assistant positions where students can assist professors with their academic commitments and get paid for them.
Indian students studying in Ireland will be allowed to work 40 hours per week only from June to September & from 15th December to 15th January inclusive. At all other times, students will be allowed to work 20 hours per week while they study.
11. Hub for global corporations
Ireland’s technological ambience is nothing to be scoffed at.
Ireland houses more than 1000 multinational companies, mainly because of Ireland‘s liberal FDI policies and ease of doing business. This opens doors for talent across the world.
Many of these MNCs seek MS degree holders from Irish universities in areas like Artificial Intelligence, ICT, telecom and life sciences.
Several companies – like Google, Facebook, Airbnb, Roche, Abbott, and others – have their European headquarters in Ireland. There are several hundreds of internships for fresher Indian students studying in Ireland.
Down the road, this ups their chances of securing full-time employment.
12. Safe, friendly, party and quality of lifestyle
Consumed by excitement while applying for a Masters, one would leave caution to the wind and fail to read about the destination’s attitude towards international students.
And while Ireland’s windy climate
is often chided for being unfriendly, the locals are super sweet. Indian students in Ireland feel very safe and peaceful, and their study period is a heavenly experience.
Still, undecided to study in Ireland as an Indian student? Contact us so that we can help you connect with alumni.
13. Rich Culture and Heritage
You can earn a 360-degree, fulfilling experience from your education abroad only if you read and imbibe academic papers and the culture around you.
If you are a bookworm, a history buff, or a culture enthusiast, don’t look further into the West than Ireland.
The best part about studying in a European country is that every country is different from the others; in terms of architecture, history, race, music, etc.
Ireland is not just well known for its education but also for reasons like these as well.
Dublin, the capital of the Emerald Isle, is a popular tourist destination filled with parks, museums, and statues paying homage to literary laureates such as Oscar Wilde, Joyce Meyer, etc. Pubs that are about a 1000-year-old grace the ever-alive city centre.
Festivals such as Halloween and St. Patrick’s Day originated in Ireland.
Studying in Ireland for Indian students will be thrilling for those who like to travel to various places and capture the green garlands of nature with their photography skills.
Also, are you familiar with these famous movies- Harry Potter, Star Wars, P.S. I Love You, and Game of Thrones?
All of these films had scenes filmed in Ireland. Ireland’s landscapes breathe life into the dormant desi travel bug in you.
Ireland’s West Coast throngs with breathtaking sceneries, docks, rocky coastlines, and castles. Be sure to check out these places while pursuing your M.S. degree in Ireland.
14. A growing, dynamic Indian community in Ireland
In 2011, The Irish Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, aimed at attracting the 100,000 Indian students moving abroad for their higher studies every year into Ireland’s workforce.
Consequently, between 2013-2017, Ireland saw a 45% increase in international students entering Ireland.
As of 2015, about 26,000 Indians reside in Ireland, of whom about 9,000 are second-generation Indians. They occupy roles in healthcare (doctors and nurses), IT, engineering, and senior management positions.
According to DBEI (Department of Business, Enterprise, and Innovation), the majority of work permits were obtained by Indian students than any other nationality in various fields such as IT, ICT, Finance, Medical, and Business in 2022.
You can see several local businesses in Dublin with Indian owners and managers, which may get you part-time jobs if you can get their patronage. “Muqqabla” and “Urvashi” are some music tracks that rock the corridors of these local businesses. So there is no need to forget the rice, dal, and curry after you leave India.
15. Employment rates are at an all-time high!
It is undoubtedly heartening for us to announce (with proof) that employment rates are at an all-time high. Employment figures from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) confidently state that Ireland is fully employed.
Lifeline for graduates in Pharmaceuticals, Finance & IT, Pharma and biotech industry in Ireland picked up after companies took advantage of the government lowering tax rates for corporates.
19 of the world’s top 20 pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies are in Ireland. They constantly attract graduates with MS degrees from Irish universities. Indian students considering where to go after a UG degree in biotech, pharma, biomedical, and instrumentation can seek Ireland for higher studies.
Accountancy and Finance are lucrative for Indian students who study in Ireland. Due to the demand level and a squeeze in supply, companies are increasing compensation packages for both attraction and retention purposes. [Source: Morgan Mckinley]
Several tech-centred Irish institutions offer MS degrees in information technology, data analytics, cloud computing, and business analytics.
The courses are tailored to tackle real-time challenges in the tech-savvy industries in the IT hub of Europe. This is one supporting point for young and ambitious Indian students to study in Ireland for their Master’s.
16. Ireland’s post-study work visa benefits make you go WOW!
So here is the answer to the much-awaited question, “How to work in Ireland post-graduation”.
The Irish government offers a 2-year post-study work visa for Indian students in Ireland to seek employment after their graduation.
Ireland has two types of work visas – General Work Permit and Critical Skills Employment Permit.
The Critical Skills Employment Permit is acquired by people in the sectors included on the Critical Skills Occupations List, such as ICT professionals, professional engineers, and technologists. This visa targets highly skilled people, encouraging them to reside permanently in Ireland.
In 2022, 63% of the 10,171 critical skill visas issued were grabbed by Indian students studying in Ireland.
A General Employment Permit allows the holder to work in various occupations. Unlike the Critical Skills visa, this permit recognizes that all professions are eligible unless excluded from the Ineligible List of Occupations for Employment Permits.
17. Easy Pathway to PR
Did you know Ireland has one of the most effortless PR processes globally?
A list of countries with the smoothest PR processes would include Ireland in the top five.
A Critical skill visa allows you to apply for a PR in two years, and a General work permit will enable you to apply for a PR in five years.
A 1-year study in Ireland for Indian students is flawlessly beneficial.
It is undoubtedly your gateway to finding a job in Ireland and getting a PR soon in Ireland using the 2 years of critical skills work permit.
We can connect you with Indian students in Ireland to enquire about your course and confirm all of the benefits we have mentioned above to studying in Ireland for Indian students.
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