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templesofdelight · 2 months ago
take a sip of grandiosity
flame quenched chrome throat
banded, segmented, pockmarked
thirsting and sandblasted
from the
scirocco gusts
a scurrile polymorphy of cubic words
angular and libelous
seeking to facet
the basalt blood
of this barren place
landing grainy barbs
to besmirch the eidolon
to topple the zenithal wings wrapped
azimuthally anchored
dipping in against the molten surface
of the amorphously
terra chrysophilia
zirconian glorien
halos made
of blasted jargoons
parallel and shaped like diamonds
points in a fearful crown
angled towards their target
fire circled in archoprase
archopraxis hewed of fire
archaemetological stone
archaemetological fire
raptured hagiolatry
0 notes
444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from the entirety of English Wikipedia articles on "Walt Disney" and "Profanity", excluding the letter "W"
Aberaglo Achid Adcaling Adefiern Ading Adiseands Adquity Adverd Agelf Agingers‍ Aiders Aldening Allogy Altic Amest Ancertiond Antion Anum Apentrupts Aphoeserep Appeaded Apped Arach Arneet Asestiand Asught Atele Aught Ausly Authrempt Avelly Avint...
Bablaphity Bademman Baniffeer Banth Basid Beatialeam Behant Belasts Belika Betimpoins Blegus Boart Boducce Bonses Botions Bounley Brimathood Britomed Brostabute Brove Buder Buitic Bulteng Burip Butocke Callealiff Caloy Canaboy Caterse Cationt Cesestou Chaing Charned Charth Chatic Ching Chippros Chninal Ciancon Claill Clents Cloging Coilay Colvert Comeni Comer Comlel Commed Commods‍ Compercred Compt Conatitiat Coniquets Conven Coothing Corallo Cords Corse Corthed Cournes Covin Crainons Crectomm Crencianim Creoves Cress Cricidi Critism Crive Cublate Culadve Cuserds Cusied Daging Dagols Dalth Delveminet Densied Dentins Dents Deovottice Deposch Derba Derch Dermaking Dermal Derthooty Devely Diallon Diduction Dirayed Dirishod Disespred Dision Displate Distents Distran Dityphys Doling Dolunt Drantaters Drares Drention Dring Dritailly Ducce Duciervon Ducle Eaked Earkely Elarie Embey Emors Emplegurt Enints Enteek Ently Essivition Etifatiors Eurass Exambest Exhary Exhistly Expeo Exter Faimanly Faspek Favall Faventut Faver Fearm Flibitio Floyer Folve Forts Founch Fremy Fuctirp Gaimemer Garai Giveracce Glorien Gogred Grabusely Graill Greaser Grehaning Grehritlet Grict Grimise Gurginim Hanight Hared Harse Hartes Hauduccus Havemought Heate Hedgen Heided Herilision Hetter Hetuack Hieffe Hinst Hiser Holdeares Holdent Hooductens Hostighly Houccumer Houncluson Hours Hundayed Hurder Iling Imaily Imanly Imarguil Imeolly Inalrenues Inationes Inclature Inclund Incomples Inconstent Inding Ineures Infor Inglyzers Inicente Inser Invick Iseligneed Ister Izeatten Julainks Jusecters Keeness Ketty Kisnor Lancer Lancon Larms Liands Liked Likenvold Linclue Lions Lities Locreally Lostacce Magind Maked Malluse Manks Maservate Massms Matimeoly Mationsual Matubsely Mayeritice Meaking Medion Mences Menguens Mesur Mexprous Mileer Milly Mingle Misevert Misms Mixemody Mmenclance Moduckeel Monolores Mulants Munbear Nablents Natemes Negings Neverituch Nevoing Nexhinsual Nobseatoth Nobtatic Norro Notthol Novedes Numots Obaser Obech Offinmet Ofican Onding Oractied Orght Ormandic Ormars Ormfuly Orton Oudeng Oustalyin Outhed Paccer Pagrod Paing Pairs Parcons Pards Pareficia Parge Parigs Paugulaing Pencroye Persim Perst Pfuce Phervented Pipperied Plefection Polling Porgestmed Portent Poscam Preact Preake Preatio Preausted Premoussod Prianion Prills Proffitice Progic Proginfurs Progy Proldemalt Prolds Prolike Prolly Prons Propted Prover Proving Psent Punclach Punima Reans Rearmful Reation Rectional Reffer Reigh Relform Relte Remager Remotat Rensches‍ Ressent Ressing Revidalles Rinnoron Rions Rized Rodus Rofamnuent Ronsting Rovention Roving Rualies Ruboon Saires Samed Sated Scientied Scismed Secid Seniginged Sevolve Shfund Shoduced Sholls Shouthun Siand Sianter Sional Sivar Skerts Skett Slaincit Somot Sondef Sorts Spairgaing Spannoung Speatistal Speons Speted Spomed Sporythans Spostraims Spriler Stalle Stance Statidave Stato Stences Stersa Stint Stions Stockee Strearmate Striconto Strons Stury Suboatens Sughth Surricalls Sychary Tally Tarnif Tating Teducce Telialy Tercepis Termance Thely Thers Thnoract Thunt Tonoval Tonverial Toped Toure Treging Turniation Ubititate Undont Unques Untial Vences Veney Verip Vesperas Vingk Vishoging Visms Vitiamn Yearalf Youtory Zonot
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gameforestdach · 1 year ago
Buckle up für eine nostalgische Reise in die Vergangenheit, denn eine Demo für Berserk Boy, den aufregenden neuen Plattformer des japanischen Studios Berserk Boy Games, wurde gerade für den PC veröffentlicht. Ein Spiel mit einer von Anime inspirierten Geschichte und retroartigem Gameplay, Berserk Boy ist bereit, Herzen und Köpfe mit seiner Mischung aus eingängigen Musikstücken und einer packenden Handlung zu gewinnen.Berserk Boy stammt von Berserk Boy Games, einem japanischen Studio, das für seinen innovativen Ansatz beim Gaming bekannt ist.Der Soundtrack stammt von Tee Lopes, dessen Arbeiten Sonic Mania und Streets of Rage 4 umfassen.Das Spiel ist eine raffinierte Mischung aus Nostalgie und Neuheit und integriert Elemente von Mega Man und Metroid.Das vollständige Spiel soll 2024 auf Steam veröffentlicht werden, aber eine Demo steht nun kostenlos zum Testen zur Verfügung. Keine Ruhe für das RetroDas Spiel ist eine Hommage an das goldene Zeitalter der Plattformer, jedoch mit einer modernen Ästhetik, die sowohl Old-School-Enthusiasten als auch Neulinge gleichermaßen begeistern wird. In der Rolle des tapferen Helden Kei verwandelst du dich in Berserk Boy, um den bösen Wissenschaftler und seine Armee der Dunkelheit herauszufordern. Durch das Überwinden von Hindernissen und das Besiegen von Feinden mit Raffinesse werden sowohl Spiele-Neulinge als auch Veteranen eine bemerkenswerte Resonanz mit Berserk Boys Stil finden. Soundtrack, der den richtigen Ton trifftEines der herausragenden Merkmale von Berserk Boy ist zweifellos sein Soundtrack, komponiert von keinem Geringeren als Tee Lopes. Lopes' bisherige Arbeit an Fan-Favoriten wie Sonic Mania und Streets of Rage 4 bürgt für seine Fähigkeit, klangliche Landschaften zu schaffen, die das Spielerlebnis verbessern. Das Kämpfen gegen Bosse und das Eintauchen in spannende Bosskämpfe, während man zu Lopes' eingängigen Beats groovt, garantieren ein Spielerlebnis wie kein anderes. Eine ganz neue Welt der NostalgieWas Berserk Boy von der Masse abhebt, ist seine perfekte Mischung aus Nostalgie und Neuheit. Obwohl es fest in den Traditionen des Plattformings verwurzelt ist, nimmt das Spiel geschickt Anleihen bei Klassikern wie Mega Man und Metroid. Die nuancierte Spielstrategie, bei der man neue Fähigkeiten von besiegten Bossen erwirbt, eröffnet eine ganz neue Welt der Möglichkeiten. Dies verspricht ein umfangreiches Spielerlebnis mit versteckten Bereichen und Geheimnissen, die den Reiz des Spiels erhalten. In ErwartungObwohl die vollständige Veröffentlichung von Berserk Boy noch einige Jahre entfernt ist, dient die kostenlose Demo als vielversprechender Vorgeschmack. Die Spieler bekommen einen Vorgeschmack auf das, was sie erwartet: fesselnde Visuals, elementare Power-Ups, eine packende Handlung und ein spannendes Gameplay, das von vergangenen Gaming-Glorien inspiriert ist. Also, worauf wartest du? Tauche in die lebhafte Welt von Berserk Boy ein, probiere die Demo aus und lass uns wissen, was du denkst!
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tears-and-lilies · 3 years ago
Chapter 45 - All the warmth you want
Feyros pov :3
Tag: @whumpfigure @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @green-eyed-whumpster @liliability @sideblogformindtrash @starnight-whump @milk-carton-whump @abitefullofwhump @unicornscotty @myst-in-the-mirror @neverthelass @dont-touch-my-soup
CW: death mention, captivity, death of woman
A carriage was parked at the intersection of the main road to the palace and some smaller street that only led to taverns. In front of the carriage, Feyros was walking back and forth. He couldn’t think. Worry had taken over his mind. 
He paused as he saw the light of a touch approach. Two of his bodyguards walked over, in between them a man with a familiar posture. All of his worries washed away and he hastened towards the trio. 
‘You’re found!’, he exclaimed. A smile spread across his face, he couldn’t help himself. 
He slowed down when he noticed the smeared make-up on Glorien’s face, and his red eyes. His lip was wobbling slightly. Had he been crying?
‘Are you alright? Are you hurt?’, he asked. 
Hesitantly, he put his hand on the boy’s shoulder. When teary eyes looked up at him, he couldn’t control himself anymore. He launched forward and wrapped the boy into his embrace. 
‘It’s fine. You’re safe, it’s fine.’
He knew how scary the city could be at night. The people who roamed the streets when the sun had gone down, didn’t do so with good intentions. Who knows what could have happened. He closed his eyes. He shouldn’t think like that. Glorien was safe now. 
He knew the carriage ride back to the palace would be short, so he had to take every moment of it to ask the dancer a few questions. He had to put his embarrassment from the last time he'd seen Glorien aside. Gently he looked at the boy sitting on the seat opposite of him. 
‘Where were you?’
Dark brown eyes examined his face. Feyros waited patiently for a reply. 
‘I wanted to go for a walk, but I got lost’, Glorien whispered. 
‘A walk? In the city?’ Didn’t he know how dangerous that was?
Glorien stared out of the window. ‘I saw… a suspicious person.’
His breath hitched for a moment. ‘What do you mean?’
The boy shrugged, and kept his attention on the night outside the window. 
Clearly, something had happened. Feyros felt like it was important, but getting the information out of Glorien would be tedious. And right now, he didn’t have that sort of time. 
Instead, he asked: ‘What did you want to see me for?’
He had the boy’s attention on him again. His hands were fiddling with one of the silver bracelets he wore.  Judging by his confused look, he didn’t know what Feyros was referring to. 
‘Someone told me you wanted to see me. Was that true?’
Glorien kept frowning and shook his head. ‘I don’t know.’
So his suspicions were true. He was lied to. But why? A shiver ran across his back, and he wrapped his dark blue coat closer around him. 
‘Do you have any idea who told me that?’, he tried. 
When the boy shook his head again, he asked: ‘This may sound like a weird question, but do you have any affiliations with lady Triban?’
Now, he got more of a reaction. The fiddling stopped, and a confused look made place for a shocked one. He stumbled over his words. ‘No- not really, no… except- well, she hates me. But that’s it.’
He leaned forward and sofly placed his hand on Glorien’s. ‘Listen. This may be very important. There’s something going on in the palace that may be dangerous for the both of us. So if you can tell me what sort of interactions you have with her, it may help us get a better understanding of things.’
He noticed Glorien did his best to swallow. Then, he said, quietly: ‘She… she- hurts me. She likes to punish me. Vas- the Emperor does that too, but lady Triban actually seems to enjoy it.’
Triban is a sadist, but that he already knew. Feyros leaned back against his seat. Still, it could mean that she easily pushed Glorien in one direction or the other, simply by holding fear over his head. But right now, Glorien wasn’t in a state in which he would admit to something like that, and Feyros couldn’t blame him for it. 
‘Hey,’ he said, trying to sound cheerful, ‘if you enjoy walks, maybe we could go to the haven? What about tomorrow, right after noon? You’re allowed to go outside, right?’
It seemed to have the opposite effect on the boy. Quickly, Feyros added: ‘Or do you want to go somewhere else? I’d love to go out with you.’
He felt himself getting warm. That came out a lot differently than how he wanted it to be. But a little blush appeared on Glorien’s face as well, making Feyros’s heart jump. 
‘Uhh… y-yes. I… Maybe the park?’, Glorien mumbled. ‘But not tomorrow! It’s… a busy day.’
‘Of course! When do you want to go?’
‘Um, I don’t know, actually.’
Feyros tried to keep his composure. He had to push harder. 
‘In three days, maybe? That’s the next day I’m free.’ He saw Glorien hesitate. ‘And if you want to change plans, you can tell me and we’ll do so, alright?’
Now, the boy gave a small nod. ‘Sure.’
‘That’s great!’
The carriage had stopped. They had arrived back at the palace. Feyros helped Glorien get out. When they did, he still couldn’t let go of the boy’s hand. He stared at the gigantic building that towered over the city. For Feyros, any place that basked in luxury was a place of comfort, where he felt safe. But for Glorien, this place was one he must associate with pain and humiliation. 
For the first time, a thought formed in his head. He cursed himself for not thinking of that sooner. He glanced at Glorien. Had he tried to run away?
Glorien returned his look. ‘I want to go to bed.’
He nodded, and let go of his hand. ‘Goodnight.’
But the boy didn’t go. He kept staring at Feyros. They were alone. 
Feyros swallowed. Did he want to say something? He’d listen, whatever it was. He’d provide comfort, even if he was tired. Saints, he’d ride him back to the city if he wanted, and pretend like he didn’t find him, just so they had more moments alone. He forced himself to smile. He’d give this person all the warmth he wanted.
‘Goodnight’, Glorien said. 
That was all. 
Feyros watched as the boy walked to the main entrance. Soon, the building had consumed him. It left him empty. 
"You must feel so proud of yourself."
He didn’t know how long he had been standing there, nailed to the ground, when suddenly a guard ran up to him. It was an imperial guard. 
‘Sir! His Majesty orders that you meet him in his private chambers, immediately!’
‘What’s wrong?’
‘One of our men found the dead body of lady Lazulan, sir!’
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milk-carton-whump · 3 years ago
☆☆Glorien themed poetry☆☆ @tears-and-lilies
Cw: death mention, implied blood
The tile will run red when I'm done
They've had their fun
I'm tired and hated and sad as can be
Now I'll escape, just you wait and see
They'll pay for their crimes
And I'll get my way
Marsi and Loui, they'll rot at my feet
For it's the devil I'll send them to meet
Just you wait, I'm not done today
For soon I'll make sure, it all goes my way.
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liliability · 4 years ago
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Be grateful. Obey. Kneel.
Glorien belongs to @tears-and-lilies
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tears-and-lilies · 3 years ago
Alright this is a snippet for an AU where Feyros quits his job and takes Glorien to a villa in Derreia, and they are no longer involved in politics. It’s very sweet and focuses on recovery!
I’m not tagging anyone because it’s just a snippet, but if you do want to be tagged let me know!
CW: trauma recovery
Feyros slowly woke up. He moaned and tried to turn onto his side, but stopped when he realised someone was lying next to him. Glorien was all curled up, sleeping cosily. His black hair was a mess and his mouth hung slightly open.
Feyros smiled. Glorien had his own room, where he could sleep if he wanted to sleep alone. But since they moved here, to a villa in the countryside in Derreia, they rarely slept apart. Usually, when night came, Glorien got dressed together with him and went to bed together with him. He didn’t have to. After all that he went through, Feyros wanted to give him as much space as he needed. He had told his lover as much last night. 
Maybe that had been a mistake. He didn’t want to push him toward one way or the other. But Glorien had first shrugged and said he could sleep alone that night. When Feyros clarified that it wasn’t an order, and he could do whatever he wanted, Glorien had simply responded with “I’ll see”. 
So he had changed his mind. And now Feyros was worried that he had made it seem as if he didn’t want the younger man here, which wasn’t true.
Carefully he stroked Glorien’s forehead, brushing some strands of hair out of his face. The boy groaned, and Feyros put an arm under his neck, holding his shoulder and pulling him closer. 
Glorien opened his eyes, and for a moment, there was a hesitation on his face. Feyros froze. Always that familiar hesitation… But it disappeared as soon as it had come, making place for a big, joyful smile. Feyros’s heart fluttered.
‘Hello’, Glorien said hoarsely. 
‘Good morning.’ Feyros leant in and pressed a kiss on his cheek.
This prompted the boy to wriggle closer, pressing his body against the man’s. 
‘Did you sleep well?’
The answer was delayed, a sign that he didn’t.
‘No’, Glorien mumbled. ‘I was scared.’
‘What were you afraid of?’
He hugged his lover as close as he could. Glorien didn’t have many good nights, and it worried him. Of course he understood why. They had left the palace in such a haste. Glorien had been held captive there for six years, and it would take a long time to get used to this sudden new life. 
Glorien… didn’t talk much about the things that clearly troubled his mind. And Feyros didn’t dare to bring them up. Only at the beginning had his lover mentioned them. Those mentions were accompanied by fits of rage. He would start cursing at the Imperial family, at the nobility, and sometimes at the Koians. He would make sarcastic jokes, quickly followed by yelling and screaming and ranting about everything he could think of. And then, slowly, day by day, the anger went away.
And now Glorien barely talked at all. 
‘The usual’, he replied to Feyros’ question. 
At this point, Feyros had no idea what “the usual” meant. 
He kissed the younger man again, and was met with a shower of kisses on his face and neck. They held each other firmly for a while, enjoying the moment. Finally, Feyros sighed and got up.
‘Alright, I have some work to do’, he said. 
Glorien looked at him with such adoration, that he felt guilty to leave the bed. 
‘Have fun’, the boy teased.
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milk-carton-whump · 4 years ago
Worst best dancer ever
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tears-and-lilies · 3 years ago
Now that I introduced Chaïra, I can finally show you this post I made on my main blog on July 7th 2020 :D
I want to ramble about my ocs before I go to sleep
So I came up with them only like 4 weeks ago but I love them so much. They live in a fantasy world where 6 years ago a man started a war to claim the throne, but he lost and killed himself, and his 2 oldest sons lost too and 1 died and the other fled out of the empire. The third son (Glorien) was captured and sentenced to death but plead for his life. He got freed but everything was taken away from him and he was forced to work as a dancer in the palace. In the present, so 6 years later, he tries to take revenge by destroying the system from the inside. He believes he has a chance when he meets his cousin (Chaïra) who also swore revenge but lives freely. However, Chaïra wanted to destroy the system from the outside so they thought Glorien could lead the troops who were once loyal to his father, but he doesn't like that idea, while Chaïra doesn't like his idea. Taking revenge together is difficult when they don't agree on the means so stuff happens
Anyway I'll go to sleep now
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sideblogformindtrash · 4 years ago
Vibe check for Glorien?
Heheh, mischievous royal boy, not a very good dancer, that drabble about the flower-shibari <3 <3 not allowing yourself to cry; using anger as a shield from sorrow; being unable to accept people who love you; an old run-down house filled with only painful memories, that you'd still force yourself to live in; watching a family from a distance
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Hi! I've kind of been turning this around in my head a lot lately, but that time you left a comment on my work meant so much to me! I love it so much when I get reactions and I was so happy then and I kept going back and rereading! We don't interact a lot so I wanted to let you know. I love your writing and I really really appreciate you, please keep being you!
thank you so much! Your art is great and I’m invested in Glorien’s story!
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cupcakes-and-pain · 4 years ago
What would Kad think of Glorien? (Defiant and arrogant son of a noble forced to dance for the emperor, tries to kill members of the nobility, hates being lonely, has a lot of homesickness) ~tears-and-lilies
Sorry I didn’t see this right away, I was on mobile all day and often anon asks don’t show up on that.
Anyway, Kad would definitely be kind of frightened by Glorien and try to stay away from him. While Kad would definitely be very happy for him that he can be so defiant and brave while stuck in a terrible situation, the whole killing thing would definitely not sit well with Kad as well as his arrogance. If Glorien opened up to Kad about his hatred of being lonely or homesick, Kad would immediately become 100% nicer and less distant. But if they don’t have a bonding moment? Kad would definitely just be nice and hospitable if necessary, but not try to get to know Glorien.
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cornelia-the-vestal · 5 years ago
I want to ramble about my ocs before I go to sleep
So I came up with them only like 4 weeks ago but I love them so much. They live in a fantasy world where 6 years ago a man started a war to claim the throne, but he lost and killed himself, and his 2 oldest sons lost too and 1 died and the other fled out of the empire. The third son (Glorien) was captured and sentenced to death but plead for his life. He got freed but everything was taken away from him and he was forced to work as a dancer in the palace. In the present, so 6 years later, he tries to take revenge by destroying the system from the inside. He believes he has a chance when he meets his cousin (Chaïra) who also swore revenge but lives freely. However, Chaïra wanted to destroy the system from the outside so they thought Glorien could lead the troops who were once loyal to his father, but he doesn't like that idea, while Chaïra doesn't like his idea. Taking revenge together is difficult when they don't agree on the means so stuff happens
Anyway I'll go to sleep now
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milk-carton-whump · 4 years ago
I will never not love glorien looks like Fish made a big friend!!!
Glorien belongs to @tears-and-lilies
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planteven · 5 years ago
men men men, det kan godt være Magasins formål er at tjene penge, men det er vel stadig godt, at de med den email støtter priden? eller hvordan ser du det
Det her blev et længere svar end først antaget. Nu er den mail et år gammel (og de har så vidt jeg kan se (7-9-13) ingen pride-kampagne i år), men jeg er sådan ca. bare pisse hamrende træt af regnbuekapitalisme. Vi ser hvert år, at store firmaer lige omkring Pride-sæsonen gerne vil være alle LGBTQ+ personers bedste venner, fordi der er seriøst gode penge i at sælge intetsigende produkter og smide et regnbueflag på. Vi ser også hvert år, at så snart pride-ugen er slut forsvinder regnbuelogoerne og opråbet om “mangfoldighed, bla bla bla, homoer er også ok, bla bla man må holde i hånden med dem man elsker” som dug for solen. Hvad har vi som LGBTQ+ personer fået ud af det? Visuel opbakning? Måske. Mere tryghed i nattelivet? Det tvivler jeg på.  Hvad har de store firmaer fået ud af det? Millionomsætning og god en god CSR de kan henvise til i den kommende årsrapport for at pudse glorien.
Derudover tror jeg (uden at tale for hele LGBTQ+-samfundet i Danmark, men tænker at langt de fleste er med mig), at vi ikke har brug for at blive valideret af heteroseksuelle mennesker (læs: straight saviour complex, mere om det her) om at vi OK og at vi også gerne må være her. Vi vil bare gerne accepteres og have lov til at leve vores liv . Jeg tror også folk glemmer, at priden ikke opstod for at cis-heteroseksuelle mennesker kunne have lov til at være dem de er, for det kan de (i langt højere grad) allerede. Priden opstod som en demonstration mod, at LGBTQ+ personer netop ikke måtte være hvem de var (mere om Stonewall Riots her)
Jeg ville som sådan ikke have noget mod Magasins nyhedsbrev, hvis de produkter, som de prøvede at sælge mig på en eller anden måde gavnede os (i form af støtte til LGBTQ+ organisationer) eller støttede og fremhævede LGBTQ+ designere og deres arbejde. I stedet vil de have mig til at købe en blå støbejernsgryde eller en ”regnbuegrøn” kjole, der med meget stor sandsynlighed er produceret under kummerlige forhold et sted i Asien. Derudover er det super ulækkert at tjene penge på andre menneskers strukturelle undertrykkelse og lidelse uden at donere penge og på den måde støtte LGBTQ+ personers kamp alle andre uger om året.
Derudover vil jeg gerne henvise til @/kraenkelseskulturellememes på Instagram der har et skidegodt highlight (og klart mere velformulerede indlæg) om, hvorfor det netop er problematisk
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444names · 3 years ago
dragons + brythonic deities + french and german forenames + natural sattelites and stars + theological demons + medieval weapons + quenya names
Abehakala Acquest Actrace Aevilin Agoturine Alalka Alaminna Alanusse Alaum Aldhambard Alhelkur Alianuko Alimedyl Alkin Alkolda Alluce Almaicar Altros Aléath Amain Amirrínal Ammando Ammar Ammed Ammeldanwë Amyantored Ancer Andena Andilian Anduin Angknis Ansed Apelchang Arbassil Archibatyx Ardemee Arindlexa Arion Aroisl Artaith Artarix Arume Asairie Assaba Astoloïc Atypetia Aulsunding Aurinwë Auruli Avindaym Azibal Bachance Baldë Banimo Batandia Bathienya Beclaquan Beleatch Benthard Berie Beriendar Berrónë Bette Bezbersto Bhann Biringspit Biser Biurari Blaimeron Borithib Bortrië Brean Briel Brielion Brinebhūta Buttab Béatan Calandil Calindes Calnanparn Calow Caper Cariame Carmaito Carstab Carta Cassarum Cassë Castonds Catrunen Ceftean Cendorver Chabaegore Chalkon Chelpe Chlebor Cilië Cirkla Clamba Clancir Clech Cliverk Cloïc Colled Comúron Conelloïc Cordlencë Coritchesl Culuc Cupidi Cyotur Dalinwë Deldame Dilislandi Dillexid Diningalië Diseucali Ditirmë Diéniome Domalin Drenimelp Eavira Eccura Ekalphil Elcassë Elderanin Elducando Elecildë Elesdell Ellam Elmaquenk Emold Eostedros Erial Etestansta Evieu Eärelf Eärron Faitandon Falbeimil Falgakros Falsa Fatrilórë Findar Finym Finyë Flastion Forchrië Forisa Foron Foryath Frabrocing Frefta Fressë Fried Frincimo Fringo Fririsight Fruhir Frégivene Furnia Fusēn Gaétim Gerne Ginwë Giresder Glorien Gloïc Goristh Grago Gredres Grich Gruilmor Gréging Guendmut Guncirès Habhond Hadle Hador Haldemalis Hamen Hanna Hapows Harulucar Heducil Hegar Heierba Hermia Hernaldol Hersteus Hilman Hipettla Holando Horinch Houth Hrimeduind Hrineht Huell Hugus Hurnse Hyaltan Ifrië Iftanditya Inard Inater Inyaf Ipolaranth Irfalë Iters Javing Jeandur Jearved Jeasata Jenderië Jessa Jewantarid Joars Jornaitë Joton Kabrierne Kartritz Kashyarin Khacar Kindórë Korossion Ladeushein Lamar Lamimon Lannue Larcirsed Lauto Lepalacil Leyri Lichidedar Liederindë Liena Lighius Limendech Lindo Linótë Lischae Liveta Livist Loftsch Loregor Lorigie Lundild Lámos Lémimë Lémingrey Lórëa Maddo Malin Malka Manistay Mannai Manta Manwandë Manáris Maran Marangwe Maranya Mardang Maricessir Marimon Maritonich Marnerossë Meler Mests Metterax Miaevinca Miefta Migil Mimilfic Minur Miring Miris Mnace Monzon Moros Morthel Morwend Murégir Mussya Mámantia Mámar Neldahanit Nementë Nemor Nissarp Nolloren Nomúrin Norogmussë Nusard Nárin Návansedel Nísipo Nísisself Oaconel Ocambeche Ohaberns Olaulowen Oldemer Olluriabra Ondolairnë Oraxe Oryannalt Pauro Peard Phair Phanni Phillwë Pholaurman Picama Pieleda Piothilde Plasto Plundia Polline Poondertar Pronar Pulkatuc Pusalë Pyoley Queld Quelpenke Queree Quetwar Rachabrite Rafersted Raincir Ralendie Raminranka Rarbash Ristla Roammut Rollo Ronithie Ropaldo Royalt Rufann Rumata Régoldo Rémedron Rímatjamta Rívidencar Salighoin Samicord Selvine Semnoe Sheid Shlendold Sianwë Sicar Sildre Siryargum Sirzavept Sither Siveger Skatarther Skoria Slaraston Smulinging Smutar Solles Sonds Soyotes Spitë Stedil Stiatar Stisto Stobarar Sufina Sulil Swaricen Tafnië Tanyaroch Tarrómic Tatlas Teavy Tellux Terta Thalle Therta Thius Tiasta Tilda Tingaoe Tirylalike Tornambsul Tumárearë Turekketin Turey Turuffine Turzima Twizagni Túrier Uinyona Ulord Umegi Umenta Umúrike Undeinwë Vaina Valabran Valauff Valim Valië Vamard Vancë Vanpalauli Veastanya Vichembi Viorinnitz Viuse Vornich Wentarand Wesess Westeron Whoonne Whous Wilis Wincale Witaite Woroavest Yarux Yeavamene Yesse Yverboold Yárie Yáropyon Yénitar Zamadike Zandë Zarldoht Zarrívë Zetorn Zwemoss Éliele Éling Émeisallra Érèse Ëandessë Íriata
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