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Today I present you this picture which I took in the High Line Park. The High Line is a public park built on a historic freight rail line elevated above the streets on Manhattan’s West Side. This picture is different than my other pictures. Usually my pictures are more crisp and not very "soft". They are more like cristal clear. This time I experimented a little bit and took a different approach and softened the image more. Here you have the result. Personally I think it is one of my best pictures yet. If you take a closer look at the building in the center you can see the reflection. This photo seems like an illusion and I just love the mix of those colours and the softness of the picture. So now I need your help! I want you all to tell me if you like this style of picture or not? Is there anything I can do better or different? I really appreciate your support in this matter and I would be glad if you can leave me a comment and tell me your opionion. This way I can make much better photos for you folks and we can all enjoy them together😁. #globetrotter_usi #ilovenewyork #icapture_nyc #newyorkcity #citykillerz #justgoshoot #travelgram #moodygrams #newyork_ig #instagramnyc #visualarchitects #passionpassport #visitnewyork #newyorknewyork #explorenewyork #berlinblogger #newyork_instagram #nyc_explorers #fernweh #photooftheday #instanyc #thebigapple #hochhaus  #nycprimeshot #watchthisinstagood #skyscraper #ourmoodydays #cityview #stadt #artofvisuals (hier: High Line Park - W 30th St)
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Zögere nie, weit fortzugehen, hinter alle Meere, alle Grenzen, alle Länder, allen Glaubens.  _________________ It isn’t how much time you spend somewhere that makes it memorable: it’s how you spend the time. #globetrotter_usi #berge #issykkul #mountainview #landscape #naturegram #landscapephotography #beautifuldestinations #kirgistan #beautifulnature #landscape_lovers #naturekyrgyzstan #hikingtrail #nature_perfection #kyrgyzstan #wandern #mountainlife #discoverkyrgyzstan #naturephotography #mist #landschaft #photooftheday #landschaftsfotografie #centralasia #diewocheaufinstagram #nebel #berlinblogger #nebel #wanderlust #openmyworld (hier: Issyk-Kul', Ysyk-Köl, Kyrgyzstan)
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Das One World Observatory™ in den Etagen 100, 101 und 102 des One World Trade Center, dem mit 541 Metern höchsten Gebäude der westlichen Hemisphäre, bietet eine einzigartige Panoramaaussicht auf New York, die berühmten Sehenswürdigkeiten und die umliegenden Gewässer. Falls ihr vorhabt einen Abstecher nach New York zu machen, empfehle ich eich unbedingt das One World Trade Center zu besuchen. Die Aussicht auf die Skyline ist der Hammer. Alleine die Präsentation und die Fahrt nach oben ist jeder Penny Wert. _________ Standing as a shining beacon for the new Downtown, and a bold addition to the skyline, One World Trade Center is safe, sustainable, and artistically dynamic. Soaring to a symbolic 1,776 feet — it is the Western Hemisphere’s tallest building, and already an iconic New York landmark. If you plan to travel to New York I highly recommend to visit the One world trade center first. The view is amazing and the way they present you the skyline is just astonishing. At this point I won't tell you anymore but believe it is worth the money. #globetrotter_usi #newyork #icapture_nyc #newyorkcity #travelphotography #ny #travelgram #what_i_saw_in_nyc #newyork_ig #thebigapple #beautifuldestinations #passionpassport #visitnewyork #newyorknewyork #cityscape #berlinblogger #manhattan #nyc_explorers #watchthisinstagood #photooftheday #fernweh #thebigapple #reiselust #nycprimeshot #bigapple #skyscraper #freedomtower #cityview #hdr_captures #oneworldtradecenter (hier: One World Trade Center)
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The only trip you will regret is the one you don't take. #globetrotter_usi #berge #issykkul #mountainview #getlost #naturegram #landscapephotography #beautifuldestinations #kirgistan #beautifulnature #landscape_captures #naturekyrgyzstan #hikingtrail #nature_perfection #kyrgyzstan #bluesky #mountainlife #discoverkyrgyzstan #naturephotography #natureaddict #landschaft #photooftheday #landschaftsfotografie #centralasia #diewocheaufinstagram #kirgistan #blauerhimmel #ig_landscspe #naturephotography #openmyworld (hier: Issyk-Kul', Ysyk-Köl, Kyrgyzstan)
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[EN] In Kyrgyztan I was fortunate to have this view on a daily base. I just love cloud pictures. I took this shot on our way from Bishkek to Tamchi. I really have to say that driving through Kyrgyztan is a experience. I took so many beautiful pictures as we were driving from one city to another one. I recommend you if you ever intend to visit this beautiful country do not take a nap and pay attention to this jawdropping landscape🇰🇬. Do you also like breathtaking cloudscapes? Have a wonderful sunday my friends😀. [DE] Hallo Ihr Lieben, in Kirgistan war dieser Anblick kein seltener. Ich liebe solche dramatischen Wolkenbilder, die mit dem einfallenden Sonnenlicht etwas besonderes darstellen. Dieses Bild habe ich während meiner Fahrt von Bishkek nach Tamchy geschossen. Falls ihr vorhabt einen Abstecher nach Kirgistan zu machen, kann ich euch nur ans Herz legen, während der Fahrt immer wieder mal einen Blick aus dem Fenster zu werfen. So entgeht euch dieses Land mit seiner unglaublichen Landschaft nicht und on top könnt ihr atemberaubende Bilder schießen🇰🇬. Seid ihr auch angetan von Landschaftsfotografie? In diesem Sinne wünsche ich euch allen einen schönen Sonntag Wochenende😀. #globetrotter_usi #cloudscape #issykkul #getoutdoors #instatravel #cloudstagram #travelphotography #wolken #reiseblogger #beautifulnature #landscape_captures #naturekyrgyzstan #beautifuldestinations #berlinbloggers #kyrgyzstan #himmel #naturegram #discoverkyrgyzstan #instanaturelover #cloudlovers #landschaft #photooftheday  #fernweh #centralasia #diewocheaufinstagram #kirgistan #watchthisinstagood #instagood #naturephotography #openmyworld (hier: Issyk-Kul Region)
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Hallo ihr Lieben, dieses Bild habe ich während einer Bootsfahrt zur Freiheitsstatue aufgenommen. Die Aussicht auf die Skyline ist grandios. Bedenken müsst ihr, dass die Boote sehr voll sind und ihr euch früh einen guten Sitzplatz sichern müsst. Ich habe die Bootsfahrt nur deshalb gemacht, weil ich Bilder von der Skyline machen wollte. Ansonsten lohnt sich so eine Fahrt nicht, da diese sehr touristisch ist. Die Bootsfahrt kostet im Schnitt ca. 20€. Warst du schonmal in New York und was sind deine Highlights gewesen? In diesem Sinne wünsche ich dir ein schönes Wochenende 😁🎉 ___________________ Hi my friends, I took this picture during a boat trip to the Liberty Statue. The view is awesome. If you plan to do a boat trip keep in my mind that the boats are often crowded and you have to be early there to get a good seat. For me perdonally I took this trip to get some great shots but I do not recommend these tours because they are very crowded and annoying. I paid about 20€ for this boat trip. Have you been to New York before and which places you enjoyed the most? I wish you folks an amazing weekend😀🎉 #globetrotter_usi #ilovenewyork #icapture_nyc #newyorkcity #travelphotography #ny #travelgram #what_i_saw_in_nyc #newyork_ig #instagramnyc #visualarchitects #passionpassport #visitnewyork #newyorknewyork #cityscape #berlinblogger #newyork_instagram #nyc_explorers #fernweh #photooftheday #instanyc #thebigapple #hochhaus  #nycprimeshot #bigapple #skyscraper #skyline #cityview #hdr_captures #oneworldtradecenter (hier: Manhattan, New York)
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[EN] Times Square NYC is one of the most popular commercial intersections in the world! Located in central Manhattan at the junction of Broadway and Seventh Avenue, this popular NYC attraction, especially among tourists, is home to top destinations such as the Naked Cowboy, ABC's Times Square Studios, and Planet Hollywood. The best time to visit this place is in the evening. [DE] Der Times Square ist das Zentrum des New Yorker Theater Districts. Der Platz mit den berühmten Leuchtreklamen liegt an der Kreuzung von Broadway und Seventh Avenue. Neben unzähligen Theatern finden sich in der Gegend rund um den Times Square viele Restaurants, Fast-Food Ketten, Hotels und Firmen wie die Times Square Studios, Sony oder Planet Hollywood. Am besten besucht man den Times Square am Abend, wenn die vielen bunten Lichter leuchten. #globetrotter_usi #newyork #icapture_nyc #newyorkcity #travelphotography #ny #travelgram #what_i_saw_in_nyc #newyork_ig #thebigapple #beautifuldestinations #passionpassport #visitnewyork #newyorknewyork #cityscape #reiselust #manhattan #nyc_explorers #watchthisinstagood #photooftheday #fernweh #thebigapple #reiselust #nycprimeshot #bigapple #skyscraper #timessquare #cityview #timesquare #timesquarenyc (hier: Times Square, New York City)
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The only trip you will regret is the one you don't take. #globetrotter_usi #berge #issykkul #mountainview #getlost #naturegram #landscapephotography #beautifuldestinations #kirgistan #beautifulnature #landscape_captures #naturekyrgyzstan #hikingtrail #nature_perfection #kyrgyzstan #bluesky #mountainlife #discoverkyrgyzstan #naturephotography #natureaddict #landschaft #photooftheday #landschaftsfotografie #centralasia #diewocheaufinstagram #kirgistan #blauerhimmel #ig_landscspe #naturephotography #openmyworld (hier: Issyk-Kul', Ysyk-Köl, Kyrgyzstan)
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The only trip you will regret is the one you don't take. #globetrotter_usi #berge #issykkul #mountainview #getlost #naturegram #landscapephotography #beautifuldestinations #kirgistan #beautifulnature #landscape_captures #naturekyrgyzstan #hikingtrail #nature_perfection #kyrgyzstan #bluesky #mountainlife #discoverkyrgyzstan #naturephotography #natureaddict #landschaft #photooftheday #landschaftsfotografie #centralasia #diewocheaufinstagram #kirgistan #blauerhimmel #ig_landscspe #naturephotography #openmyworld
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