#glass company okc
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scissortailglasscompany · 2 years ago
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Shower Doors Unleashed: Elevate Your Bathroom Bliss With the expertise of a leading glass company, transform your bathroom into a stylish haven that leaves a lasting impression on guests.Prioritize safety with durable and shatterproof glass options. Embrace modern upgrades with sleek and elegant designs, including frameless and semi-frameless options. Maximize small spaces with the illusion of spaciousness through frameless shower doors. When moving out, boost your home's value by enhancing your bathroom's appeal. From hosting guests to ensuring safety, a glass company has you covered.
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theclairvoyage · 10 months ago
Chapter 1: Boomer Sooner
Part of Bloody Knuckles series
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Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Pairing: Javier Peña x AUSA!f!reader
Javier's first day in OKC is nothing short of stressful-though that changes when he meets you.
Chapter warnings: alcohol consumption, smoking, adult language, mentions of violence, mentions of human trafficking, reader is able-bodied, has long hair and is roughly the same height as Javi (no other descriptors), Spanish usage (translations at the end)
WC: 3.2k
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Fall 1992
Corpus Christi, Texas
Sweat drips from Javier’s forehead and temples as he pulls stubborn weeds from the dry dirt at his mother’s house in Corpus Christi.  The air is heavy and humid, compressing his chest like a thick heated blanket.  Mamá insisted she could do it herself, stubborn as the weeds.  Mijo, puedo hacerlo.  No necesito ayuda.  He’d waved her off and stepped out the front door, Tecovas boots clomping the wooden steps.
The screen door flies open with a screech, and out comes his mother, pitcher of vibrant red agua fresca in tow, garnished with fresh spearmint and strawberries.  In the fall, she loves to make Agua de Jamaica with the beautiful hibiscus flowers that bloom in late summer.  Her backyard garden is a utopia compared to the disaster of a front yard, filled with a smorgasbord of gorgeous flowers, vegetables, fruits, and bird feeders.
“Tómate un descanso, Javier.  Por favor,” she urges him.  He nods, tearing the sweaty gardening gloves from his hands, and tossing them on the porch.  He wipes his brow with the back of his dirt-covered forearm, no longer caring about how he looks or smells.  Only a cold shower would resurrect this mess.
“Gracias, Mamá.  Se parece muy bien,” he compliments her, relishing the sweet smile that stretches her freckled, weathered cheeks.  Her long, silvery mane is curled into a tight bun, wispy baby hairs fallen prey to the humidity in Corpus Christi.  She is a true Mexican mother—hardworking, resourceful, strong-willed, and unequivocally dedicated to her family.  It’s nice to see the softer side of her once in a blue moon—a refreshing break from the wooden spoon or chancla.
She pours him a hefty glass of the hibiscus drink before returning to the house, ice cubes crashing into glass with little clinks.  Javi plops himself on the old porch, sipping and observing the scene in front of him.  Fuck, that’s good, he thinks, licking his lips to savor the taste and the liquid that has seeped up into his mustache.  She knows this drink was his favorite, and boy, did she make it perfectly.
The yard, on the other hand, was not even close to perfection.  Javier’s dad passed away a couple years ago, and with Javi posted in Colombia, she had limited assistance.  Sure, family came around to help, and he knew she dabbled in some landscaping herself, but the weeds grew too quickly.
She was too proud to let any landscaping service come help her—he remembered the day a landscaping company tucked a pamphlet between her screen and front doors, and she called him enraged, smirking to himself at the memory.  “¡Pendejos estúpidos, déjame sola!”
At least he had made decent progress.  The weeds were plucked, but the grass was patchy and scarce.  He’d need to find some grass seed and plant it or convince her to buy sod—fat chance.  Chugging the last few gulps of his agua fresca, he stands and enters the house.  His mother takes the glass from him, patting his shoulder affectionately.
“Mijo, algún hombre te llamó.  No dio un nombre, solamente un número.  Está aquí,” she says, pointing a wrinkled finger at an old utility bill envelope with a phone number scribbled in blue pen.  The fuck, he thinks.  Who the fuck has my mom’s home number? Better not be some girl.
“Gracias, Mamá.  Perdóname, por favor,” he says, grabbing the envelope and returning to the front porch to punch in the number on his giant mobile phone.  It rings twice before a male voice responds.
“About time, Peña.  Ready to get back to work?” The voice echoes—cocky, smug.
“If this is DEA, you can go fuck yourself.  Already gave y’all my letter of resignation,” Javi spits.  The voice returns a few whoa, whoa, whoas, like he’s trying to rein in a wild horse.
“Got a great opportunity for you here in Oklahoma City.  Need you here by next week.  Already got an apartment and a desk saved for you.”  Javi scratches his head in confusion.
“Opportunity for what?” Javi bites back, fucking irritated at this no-namer.
The next week, Javier finds himself squinting and cursing on the sidewalk of the FBI Building on West Memorial Road in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, wondering how the fuck he got here.  He can’t remember the last time he craved a cigarette so badly.  It felt sacrilege, living in Sooner country—he was an Aggie through and through.  He pulls the rumpled utility bill envelope from his mother’s house out of his already-sweaty tan blazer pocket and re-reads the instructions for the 300th time.
-Enter parking lot via security gate and use code 584323, give them name
-Enter building on west side and go through security
-Someone will be waiting for me?
Shaking his head, he wipes sweat from his mustache and trudges toward the west entrance, straining to pull one of the doors open.  The heavy metal doors threaten to shove him back into the outside world—something he would welcome, at this point.
Walking through a maze to get to the metal detectors, he gazes up at the highly vaulted atrium, observing the boring taupe-colored walls, and stopping at a black and white photo of J. Edgar Hoover.  Two armored guards with solemn, stony faces wipe their gaze up and down Javier’s figure as he stops just before the metal detector.
“Come through,” one of them barks, beckoning to him to step through.  He obliges, before the other stone soldier puts a palm up in Javier’s face.  “Need ID.”  Javi fishes his wallet out, instinctively reaching for his phantom DEA badge.  The guard scans his Texas Driver’s License before handing it to the other guard.
“Any weapons?” One asks, as the other walks behind Javier.
“Nope,” Javi replies, assuming the familiar position of a search, hands posted up high and legs spread.  The gruff men pat him down and excavate his pockets, finding nothing but his phone, keys, wallet, and the rumpled envelope with instructions.
“Come this way, Peña.” He follows one to the round front desk to a tall, blue suit, leaning against the counter with a smirk on his face.  Javi doesn’t recognize him.  Blue Suit stands and holds out a manicured hand to Javier.
“Nice to meet you, Peña,” Blue Suit croons.  Javi recognizes the voice as the one that called his mother’s house in Corpus Christi.  Javi clasps his hand and shakes it a few times, grunting in approval.
“I’m Eddie Penn, supervisory special agent.  You’ll be with me for today—likely for a while,” he says with a grin.  Javi raises one eyebrow at him, suspicious.  Eddie trots toward some elevator doors, flashing ID at two more armored guards posted up next to them.  Javi follows him into the elevator and watches him press a yellow-stained 3.
“How’s the apartment?” Eddie asks as the elevator ascends noisily.  Javi shrugs.
“Honestly, I threw all my shit in there last night and haven’t had much of a chance to get any furniture,” he replies, studying the elevator inspection form above the floor number buttons.  Eddie chuckles.
“Sorry about that—I was pretty limited on the timeframe and places we could put you.  We’ll get you a car and help with furniture,” he apologizes, hands twitching in his pockets.  Javi shakes his head, long hair swishing back and forth.
“No worries.  I’m assuming this is important,” he says, turning to look at Eddie, eyes narrowing for a millisecond.
“Yes.  We’ll discuss everything in my office—the Assistant Director is waiting on the phone for us,” he says as the elevator screeches to a halt, doors opening slowly.  The two step out and Eddie leads Javi through a floor of gray cubicles, sounds of telephones ringing and keyboards clacking filling the air.
It’s not too different from DEA offices, Javi thinks.  There are more people, more suits and skirts, but the blueprint is the same.  Eddie nods his head at several people staring at the pair as they traverse the floor.  Javi tries to keep his eyes from meeting anyone’s—he needs to know why he’s here before he starts familiarizing himself with these people.
Eddie opens the door to an office, contents invisible to the floor, save for a narrow window above the handle.  There are two chairs facing a small wooden desk, with a giant computer monitor in one corner and a telephone in the other.  There’s a small window behind the desk overlooking the city.  Eddie gestures to one of the chairs as he steps behind the desk.
Javi sits into one of the stiff, unforgiving cushions as Eddie presses a few buttons and puts the phone on speaker.  Javi drums his fingers on the arm of the chair as he stares out the window, somewhat covered by stray hairs of Eddie’s combover.  Eddie clears his throat.
“Assistant Director, I’ve got Javier Peña here with me.  Glad to have you on the phone.” Great, so Eddie’s a kiss-ass.  A muffled, adenoidal voice replies on the other end.
“Thanks, Agent Penn.  Javier—it’s great to have you.  I read up on your work in Colombia—you’re somewhat of a hero here in the States.  What made you leave the DEA?” The Assistant Director asks.  Javi leans forward, elbows on his thighs and fingers smoothing his mustache hairs as he recounts his experience in South America.
“Well, sir—to be frank, it’s a shit ton of work trying to catch a drug lord.  The time I put in was enough,” Javi says honestly.  Eddie snaps his head up to glare at Javier—presumably for the cursing.  The Assistant Director laughs, voice even more nasally than before.
“Well, I do appreciate the honesty.  When I heard you’d quit DEA I jumped on the opportunity to have you join here,” the AD spouts.  Javi raises an eyebrow as he listens.
“Might I ask why?” Javi tests, glancing at the carpeted ground as he waits for a response.
“There’s a large-scale intelligence task force here dedicated to stopping arms and human trafficking in Oklahoma—funny enough, we know Escobar has done some dealings here, but that won’t be your focus.”  Javi raises the other eyebrow in surprise.
“In Oklahoma?  Interesting—figured he was only invested in Miami and other coastal cities,” Javi ponders.  The AD chuckles.
“He was—but he’s learned to be more discreet in his business operations.  No thanks to the great work of the DEA.”  Javi snorts.
“Anyway, Javier,” the AD continues, “Human trafficking in this part of the country has worsened in recent years.  The DEA doesn’t have enough manpower to tackle a problem of this magnitude.  So, the FBI has made it a priority.”  Javi listens, eyes scanning the room.  He leans back in the chair, crossing an ankle over his knee and pursing his lips.
“So, we are going to fast-track you to supervisory special agent, like Agent Penn here—we think your experience with the DEA has more than warranted that role, and your supervisor recommended you for this task force.  Sounds like you’ve got some great leadership abilities, Peña.  This job will pay well, a bit better than what you were making with the DEA,” the Assistant Director rambles, sounding impressed.  Javi widens his eyes.
“Penn here will train you once you pass the field tests—marksmanship, physical, drug tests—you know the drill.  Then you’ll hit the ground running with the task force.  Any questions?”  Javi furrows his brow, thinking.
“Don’t think so,” Javi replies.  He knows he can’t back out of this one—it’s a great opportunity, a pay raise—even if it’s in shitty Oklahoma.
“Great.  I’ll be in the Oklahoma Office in the next few weeks for a status report.  Looking forward to monitoring your progress.”
“Thank you, Sir,” Javi replies.  Eddie hangs up the phone and rummages through some manila case files on his desk, handing a thick one to Javi.
“This is what we’ve been working on as of late,” Eddie says.  Javi flips open the case file and pulls out some large pictures from the front.  Javi glances through photos of suspects, victims, crime scenes, and camera footage.  Some are brutal—young girls with brandings and tattoos, bruises and scrapes—some deceased, some barely alive.  Javi swallows loudly.
“Some fucking pieces of work that do this shit,” he seethes quietly, jaw ticking.  Penn nods.
“It’s tough,” Eddie says, “But we’ve made some great strides here.  Sadly, we can’t do everything.”
Javier continues flipping through the case files, now reading field reports.  Some are from the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs in Oklahoma, some from OKCPD and other neighboring police departments.
“I’m assuming we work mostly with local LEO departments?” Javi questions, snapping the case file shut.  Eddie nods.
“Yep.  We try to work cases in conjunction, whenever possible.  We also work closely with an AUSA who has taken a liking to this task force.”
“Oh yeah?  He tough on crime?” Javi questions, plopping the case file back on Penn’s desk.
“She is,” Eddie says, raising his eyebrows.  “Real spitfire, that one.  Smart as hell.  And between you and me, she’s a sight for sore eyes.”  Javi nods, rolling his eyes.  He pictures a petite blonde in a pencil skirt.  He’s had plenty of those.
“Interesting,” he says.
“You’ll meet her sometime this week, she’s here at least two to three times a week working on cases.  Sometimes she’ll go out in the field with us, though she’s not supposed to,” Eddie says.  Javi tilts his head at Eddie.
“Why’s that?  Likes to keep tabs on the team?” Eddie shakes his head.
“Likes to talk to the victims, meet them, see everything firsthand.  Wait ‘til you see her in the courtroom—it’s something else,” Eddie says, reminiscing your powerful opening and closing arguments and connection with members of the jury.  Javi is unimpressed.
“Seen enough lawyers to know it’s all a show,” he scoffs.  Eddie shrugs.  Javi would be in for a real surprise when he finally gets the chance to meet you.
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Later that evening, after filling out dozens of forms and answering questions, Javier finds himself at a local tavern, The Dark Horseman, a few minutes from his apartment.  The inside lives up to the name—dark and hazy, filled with lots of dark-stained wooden walls, tables, and chairs, with random horse paraphernalia lining the walls.
He’s the only one sitting at the bar, slowly sipping a glass of some cheap whiskey the bartender poured.  There’s an old, old jukebox adjacent to the bar blaring some sad Hank Williams ballad.  Some people are playing pool at the other end, filling the space with the smacks of billiard balls and random cheers.
The bartender steps in front of Javier, nodding at his soon-to-be empty glass.  Javi shakes his head.
“I’m good after this.”  The bartender nods again and steps away to wipe down some tables.  Javi sets the glass down and pinches the bridge of his nose, craving a cigarette.  He’d been trying to quit—but the move and the stress of a new job he knew nothing about had forced him to capitulate in the last few days.  He stands, letting the bartender know he’s going for a smoke.  As he goes to push the bar door open, someone pulls it from the other side.
There you stand, frozen in place as Javier almost slams into you.  Still holding the door, you step back a bit so he can leave.  He stares at you for a moment, entranced.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” you apologize, small smile on your face.  Javi’s eyes drop to your lips momentarily before hovering at your eyes.
“Not a problem, s’my bad.  Excuse me,” he says, mirroring your smile.  You’re taken aback at how handsome this stranger is—but you really need a drink after today.  He steps out, pulling the pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and smacking them against his hand as he watches you walk inside.
You’re tall, probably as tall as him, confident, and elegant, though you’re wearing ratty jeans and a tee shirt.  Your eyes are what captivated him the most—beautiful, emotive, weary, yet still glowing.  And your scent was unlike any he’d smelled before—earthy, musky, and slightly spicy.  He shakes his head as he lights a cigarette, taking a long draw and leaning up against the wall of the tavern.
He doesn’t need to fuck a random stranger his first big day here.  What he needs is some food, a shower, perhaps another cigarette, and a long night of tossing and turning.  He finishes the cigarette and returns to the brooding bar, noticing you sitting a few chairs down from his glass of whiskey and his tab that the bartender slapped on the wood while he was smoking.
“Come here often?” he asks, almost involuntarily.  He winces at how corny he sounds, and you probably think he’s hitting on you.  He’s not trying to pick you up, but he is curious.  You turn to him as you finish a sip of some amber liquid—whiskey, maybe?
“I try not to, unless I’ve had a bad day,” you say, smiling at him as you set your glass down.  Fuck, you’re beautiful.  His breath stalls in his lungs for a moment.
“So, if I see you in here again, it won’t be for a good reason,” he says, fighting the urge to wink at you as he signs his tab.  He settles for a half smile, one side of his mustache twitching up.
You laugh and half-shrug.  He likes the sound of it—breathy, melodious, somewhat subdued.  You must be tired.
“There’s a good chance of that, though you look like you’re here for the same reason,” you say, studying him as he turns to you, stuffing his wallet in the pocket of his tan slacks.  He snorts.
“Something like that,” he says, eyeing you.  You turn to take another sip, and he takes the opportunity to study your features again.
“Well, it was nice to meet you, Stranger That Also Had a Bad Day,” you tell him, pulling a chortle from him.  You’re witty—he likes that.  He better leave before he sits in the chair next to you.
“Same to you.  See you around?” he says, raising a brow at you.
“Good chance of that, too,” you say, giving him a close-lipped smile.  He nods at you and exits the bar.  He sure hopes so.
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Spanish glossary:
Mijo, puedo hacerlo.  No necesito ayuda. = My son, I can do it.  I don’t need help.
Tómate un descanso, Javier.  Por favor. = Take a break, Javier.  Please.
Gracias, Mamá.  Se parece muy bien. = Thank you, Mom.  It looks great.
¡Pendejos estúpidos, déjame sola! = Stupid assholes, leave me alone!
Mijo, algún hombre te llamó.  No dio un nombre, solamente un número.  Está aquí. = My son, some man called for you.  He didn’t give a name, just a number.  It’s here.
Gracias, Mamá.  Perdóname, por favor. = Thanks, Mom.  Excuse me a minute, please.
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Chapter 2 (coming soon-ETA 05/23/24)
Taglist: @burntheedges
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annieintheaair · 11 months ago
I cry a lot, but I am so productive, it's an art. You know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart.
Well, I'm pretty delirious at this point and I should probably be in bed, even though it's not even 7pm yet, but of course, I got home and had to pour myself a glass of wine -- I deserve it.
Yesterday I got home from work in the morning and tried to nap but couldn't so I watched a movie. I hate the nail salon I go to in Fort Worth but I had no choice and went last week and of course, they did a pretty crappy job so I had three cracked nails within a few days. I decided to go there to have them fix them, hoping I'd get in and out quickly and then make it to yoga. I ended up missing yoga. It was literally the one thing I had been looking forward to all week.
To make my drive to Fort Worth worth it, I stopped at Costco and then picked up Chick-fil-A on my way home. I felt like I had a million things to do at home but jumped on a call with my therapist and cried my eyes out for the hour. I filled him in on all that had happened since we last spoke and once again, he reminded me that I do need to do what's best for me and move since everything in my life seems to be dependent on it at this point. When I was done with our appointment, I had to take some anxiety meds to calm myself down. I thought for sure that it would put me to sleep but it didn't.
The apartment complex I applied at has been giving me the hardest time, not wanting to accept my income from my second job because I'm technically self-employed and don't have paystubs. I spent nearly the entire afternoon trying to find a solution. It wore me down so bad that I was really wishing I didn't have to go to work last night. It kept me going though knowing that I'd be working with my friend, Nancy.
Everything went pretty smoothly last night and we made it to Oklahoma City just fine. I got up this morning at 4:40am, drank some hotel coffee, and expected to be on the ground in DFW by 7am. After boarding all of the passengers, the rolling delays began. The weather hit Dallas -- badly. Storms rolled in and there was a ground stop. Thankfully, my dog helper, Ashley, was back from her vacation and able to make a few trips over to my house to let the dogs out and feed them today.
After waiting with the passengers on the plane for hours, we allowed them to have the opportunity to deplane to go to the terminal to get food. Eventually, we deplaned everyone and then eventually reboarded, even though we knew we were going to go illegal.
Once we got the door closed, the captain made an announcement that the ground stop that had been lifted was once again in place. We would not be able to leave OKC. We sat on the plane as the rolling delay continued and we were officially illegal, per FAA regulations. The company had actually tricked us into getting the passengers back on the plane because once the door was closed, our legalities basically didn't matter. As I spoke with the passengers about their connections, I helped them to realize that it was in their best interest to try to rebook their trips with connections in any city except for DFW. We had no choice but to open the door to let everyone off.
In all of this, I ended up talking to a grandma named Georgia who was trying to get to Delaware to see her grandchildren since one of them was having her First Communion. I worked with her to figure out which flights she could rebook on to make it home today. Georgia said that she felt like we had become her family and I told her I wanted to adopt her because she felt like our family too. It was honestly so heartwarming to be with some really kind people. However, there were also plenty of passengers who basically told us we looked like shit since we were so tired.
During all of the delays, the planner/coordinator in me booked a rental car. I knew we would need to drive home (we ended up with a Kia Soul and I told everyone I felt like we were like the hamsters in the commercials). The company completely forgot about us and currently thinks we are still in OKC, however, we got the rental car and drove home.
I was so thankful to be with such an amazing crew. All four of us maintained a positive attitude throughout the day, even though we were all completely exhausted. We stopped at Love's and I got two Red Bulls, a little pepperoni pizza, and some spicy pickles. We drove through the rain, jammed out to the new Taylor Swift album, and listened to a few episodes of the Murder with My Husband podcast.
While the other two flight attendants slept in the back, Nancy and I did some catching up. Throughout the whole day, Brady, who I was supposed to go on a date with today, was texting me. I told Nancy that even though he seems like a really great guy, I'm not sure that I'm actually ready to date yet. She reminded me that it's ok and I don't need to if I don't want to and I should feel comfortable being honest with people if going on a date isn't something I want to do right now. I've gotten some matches on the apps but have really tapered off with talking to people. I feel like I already have a lot on my plate right now and dating just isn't what I need to focus on currently.
Back in DFW, we dropped off the rental car, and then all went to the employee lot to get our cars and head home. The ride home was terrible because of all of the flooding but I drove slowly and it took me an hour.
As the rain came down harder and I approached my house, I thought about how all I wanted on this chilly, rainy night, was to go home and put on my pajamas and cuddle up on the couch to watch a movie with my dogs and someone I loved. I just really wanted a hug. I wanted someone to be there with me after this challenging week. I think that's the hardest thing sometimes-- knowing you need a hug but not being able to get one.
I thought again about dating and how I hate the idea of going on dates and starting over. Even though I want that person to be with me on the couch watching movies on a rainy night, I don't want to go through the process again to get to that point. I'm not ready to put myself back out there again and risk my heart hurting again.
At home, my dogs were overjoyed to see me. I took a shower, put on my pajamas, gave them dinner, and poured that glass of wine. I quickly responded to some emails for my other job and then, well, here I am, writing a recap of the last two days.
As much as I miss the weekends that I had since August, there's also something about being able to be home. I was able to drop my trip for tomorrow night so now I have two nights at home and I'm really excited to sleep in my own bed. Of course, I do wish I had someone to cuddle with instead of it just being me and my dogs but I love knowing that I can have this time to myself on the weekend. When I'm flying all week, it's nice to be at home in my own space and have no one forcing me to do anything. I like being able to have this time to recharge after a long week without an actual plan all of the time.
Well, I'm fading fast now that those Red Bulls are wearing off and I think that glass of wine is calling my name. Goodnight friends!
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danishkhan786 · 2 years ago
frameless shower doors Oklahoma
shower door source Oklahoma city
There are several options for finding a shower door source in Oklahoma City. Here are a few suggestions:
Local Hardware Stores: Visit local hardware stores in Oklahoma City, such as Home Depot, Lowe's, or Menards. They typically have a wide range of shower doors available for purchase.
Best Tempered Glass & Affordable Frameless Shower Door in ...
Specialty Bathroom Stores: Explore specialty bathroom stores in Oklahoma City that offer a variety of bathroom fixtures and accessories. One such store is Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery, which may have a selection of shower doors to choose from.
Glass and Mirror Companies: Contact local glass and mirror companies in Oklahoma City. They often offer custom shower door solutions and can provide you with various options. Some examples include Discount Glass & Mirror and AAA Glass & Mirror.
Online Retailers: Consider browsing online retailers that offer shower doors and ship to Oklahoma City. Websites like Amazon, Wayfair, and Home Depot's online store may have a wide range of options available.
Remember to compare prices, read reviews, and check the specifications to find a shower door that meets your requirements. Additionally, it's a good idea to call ahead or check the websites of the suggested sources to ensure they have the specific shower door you are looking for in stock.
When it comes to finding shower doors in Oklahoma City, there are several options you can explore. Here are a few local businesses that specialize in shower doors:
Southwest Glass & Door: Southwest Glass & Door is a family-owned business that offers a variety of glass products, including shower doors. They provide custom shower door solutions and have a showroom in Oklahoma City. You can contact them or visit their location to explore their selection.
The Glass Guru of Oklahoma City: The Glass Guru is a national franchise with a location in Oklahoma City. They specialize in a range of glass services, including shower door installation and replacement. They offer both standard and custom shower door options to meet your specific needs.
A Better View Glass & Mirror: A Better View Glass & Mirror is a local glass company that provides shower door installation services in Oklahoma City. They offer a variety of shower door styles and designs, including framed and frameless options. You can contact them for more information or to schedule a consultation.
City Glass OKC: City Glass OKC is a glass company that offers shower door installation services in Oklahoma City. They provide a range of shower door options, including framed, frameless, and sliding doors. They also offer custom designs to suit your preferences.
More information :-  https://okshowerdoors.com/
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mysorc · 3 years ago
Key Elements In A Commercial Building That A Qualified Contractor Can Include
While there are generally unique characteristics for the sort of commercial building being constructed, whether it is retail, a medical, office, or something else, a few components should be addressed when constructing any commercial structure. Here are a few critical issues that a trained contractor will address to ensure you get the best results possible. Mysorc.com is one of the top construction companies in Oklahoma. Contact us today for all your home remodeling services.
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Disaster Resistant - Depending on where your building is located, it should have characteristics that will allow it to endure the typical disasters in your region, such as hurricanes, fires, earthquakes, flooding, and tornadoes.
Energy Efficiency - You may go from the least energy-efficient building to the most energy-efficient building for the lowest running expenses. Consider renewable energy sources like solar panels, superior insulating materials, energy-efficient HVAC, and other equipment for optimal energy efficiency. Remember that many techniques of improving energy efficiency also give superb acoustics and sound management as a bonus.
Expandability and Flexibility — Few businesses remain static, which is rarely desirable, so be sure to account for the ability to deal with inevitable growth and change. Consider elements like reinforced walls, ballistic or blast-resistant glass, and barriers to prevent vehicle accidents with the building to ensure the safety and security of inhabitants and your assets.
Indoor Air Quality - Plan the HVAC system properly for optimal air cleansing and minimize using VOC materials as much as possible during construction.
The OKC home remodeling experts are delighted to assist you in having the best experience and outcomes for your commercial construction.
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Affordable Shower Doors Okc
If we talk about experts in glass products, we can proudly say that Affordable Shower Doors Okc is a highly qualified company. Our experience and long trajectory define us as a responsible, serious, honest and specialized team that always seeks to fulfill the projects proposed by our clients, fulfilling their expectations.
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rankertopanwar · 3 years ago
custom frameless shower doors near me
Custom made shower doors Oklahoma
Affordable Custom & OKC Made Shower Doors Oklahoma!
Custom & Okc made shower doors Oklahoma, affordable-shower-doors.okcglass.us offer an affordable shower doors Oklahoma , we do
Custom Frameless Shower Doors & Table Near Me At Oklahoma City!
April 01, 2020We offers custom glass OKC shower doors in Oklahoma City. We are most trusted and best shower doors OKC glass & mirror company.
Probably the most common use of glass is table top. Be it home or office a glass table top makes the place more appealing. Glass table tops Oklahoma  Glass table tops are used in a number of different ways, but the most popular is to use the glass to protect the surface of a table, desk, or a coffee table.  Custom glass table tops oklahoma \When used as a cover on a wood surface, normally a thinner glass such as 1/4" is used...
Are you thinking of starting your own business, but you're afraid, concerned...actually, you're freaked out? That puts you in good company with many others who have come before you and asked the same question: Do I have what it takes? According to the dictionary, an entrepreneur is someone who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. That sounds pretty straight-forward, doesn't it? We all have some degree of organizational skills. How's about management skills? Were you dressed when you left the house this morning? Then somewhere along the way you managed the process of picking out clothes and putting them on your body, right?
Congratulations! It appears that you qualify as a bona fide entrepreneur...or do you? Read the definition again - I think it says something about "assuming the risks of a business or enterprise". That is precisely where most potential business owners consider themselves unprepared, mainly because they have never had to assume such risks. Never had to make a payroll, never had to escrow money for quarterly tax payments, never had to borrow a large sum of money (and then start paying it back whether their business was profitable or not). Notice that I did not use the word "unqualified" - I used the word unprepared, which could be exchanged for the phrase "not ready". The good news is, through mentoring and education, potential entrepreneurs can get themselves prepared and ready to assume such risks. Custom made shower doors Oklahoma
In my 25 years of business management and being a consultant for business owners (and want-to-be owners), I have learned much about what it takes to operate a successful, profitable business. My views on the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur come from my own personal experiences (managerial successes and failures both), observations, continuing education, and in interviews with business owners on what characteristics they feel make for a successful entrepreneur. Let's explore these characteristics together with hopes that you find yourself within. Although these traits are numbered, it is not implied that one is any more important than the others...they are all critical.
Visit for click: https://affordable-shower-doors.okcglass.us/
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thestutterstep · 4 years ago
Players to look out for this season
As we are nearing the start of the 2021-2022 season, there are a few players to monitor. These players either have something to prove in their young careers or there’s a lingering narrative hovering over them. Let’s start off in Downtown Brooklyn in no particular order. 
James Harden
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We’ve heard the noise that if Harden had been fully healthy, the Nets would have beaten the Bucks and won the finals. Imagine if all three Nets stars were healthy, it would’ve been a cake walk to the championship. Imagine if Harden played better against the Bucks. 
There’s going to be a lot of “ifs” within this list and the first one starts here. Had Harden been more aggressive or even shot the ball better, it would’ve turned the tables around immensely. He averaged 34 minutes a game against the Bucks, but it felt like he was a liability the whole time. The one year it looked like Harden’s team was going to win it all, he went down and so did the team. 
Harden just turned 32 and it looks like his game will not decree as years go on. He’s not athletic, but is surprisingly strong. There will be more opportunities for him to win if he stays in Brooklyn, or rather if he’s still teaming up with Kevin Durant. 
Zach Lavine
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In the last year, the Bulls added Lonzo Ball, Nikola Vucevic and Demar Derozan. Two borderline all-stars and a good playmaker. It’s without a doubt the best team Zach Lavine has ever had in his NBA career. Thus, the Bulls should make the playoffs this year and at least have a competitive first round. 
Lavine is only 26 and just entering his prime. Who knows if he sees himself in Chicago in the long run. He still hasn’t made the playoffs in his four years with the Bulls. It’s a bit sad that Lavine is on everyone’s radar, yet this is the best team he’s had so far. 
Anthony Davis 
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As many critics put it, Anthony Davis is made of glass. In his two years with the Lakers, he’s been injury prone. There was a bit of a scare when he played through an injury during the 2020 finals. In addition, Davis played only half of the regular season dealing with injuries and in the first round, he sustained yet another injury to his hip flexor. 
Critics have seemed to forget that Davis was an MVP-type player in his final New Orleans years. I do see why they think that way. Davis plays fewer minutes with the Lakers than he did with the Pelicans. I’m sure we all know what Davis is capable of doing. Just re-watch the Lakers championship run. However, I still think the Lakers will be cautious with AD throughout the season and will play around the 32-33 minute per game mark. There’s without a doubt going to be fans who want AD to have an MVP season, but the Lakers will 100% play it safe.
Russell Westbrook
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The Lakers will be Russell Westbrook’s fourth team in the last 3 years. He left OKC because they weren’t competitive. He left Houston because he didn’t fit with the team. He left Washington because they weren’t competitive enough to be a championship team. The Lakers are still championship contenders with or without Westbrook. 
Many critics are saying Westbrook will carry the burden off of Lebron, which I agree 100%. I also believe Westbrook will become a better 3-point shooter and become a dominant driving-to-the-rim scorer to which he was for a few months in Houston. 
It’s championship or bust for the Lakers. With most of their 2020 title guys gone, it’s up to the newcomers like Westbrook to fit in with Lebron and AD. 
Paul George
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We are in the third year of the Kawhi x Paul George era in Los Angeles. The most they’ve won was a couple western conference finals games. Kudos to the Clippers, it was their first WCF and well-deserved with the improvements of players like Terrance Mann, Reggie Jackson, Nicolas Batum and others. However, this is a team contending to win a title and steal the LA glory away from the Lakers. To which they haven’t done it yet.
With Kawhi out for probably the whole regular season, it’s up to Paul George and company to step up and stay relative up top the western conference. I also believe PG is a dark horse to win the MVP if he plays almost all regular season games. Though he is known for being injured and missing plenty of games during the season. 
Damian Lillard
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No one knows where Damian Lillard will play at the end of this season. With the recent acquisitions of Larry Nance, Tony Snell, Ben McLemore, and new coach Chauncy Billups, I’m sure Dame will give it a try. 
Things can turn for the worse if the Blazers start off horrible. Did anyone predict Harden was going to create a tantrum just to leave Houston? Both Dame and Harden want to win championships and stay competitive. Based on Dame’s character, he won’t cause drama once he formally requests a trade. He loves Portland. 
Be prepared to see a bunch of Dame trade offers/rumors leading up to the trade deadline. Especially if the Blazers are underperforming. 
Zion Williamson
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It will be year three of Zion in the NBA. He went first in his draft class. Followed by Ja Morant in Memphis and RJ Barrett in New York. Both Morant and Barrett have made the playoffs but Zion hasn’t. I’m sure that isn’t keeping Zion up at night, but it may be irritating to see that you don’t have playoff experience yet. Even in the wild, wild west. It’ll be difficult to compete for a playoff spot, especially the play-in when teams are competitive towards the end of the season to get a fighting chance to make the playoffs.
This Pelicans team isn’t suitable for Zion. I’m not sure what to make of this team. I am being honest. Possibly trade Ingram for a promising forward and other pieces? If the Pelicans don’t make the playoffs this year, there will be some firings in the front office and a more frustrated Zion. 
Kevin Love
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Just a few days ago, it was announced Kevin Love would not reach a buyout agreement with the Cavaliers. Meaning he’d most likely finish out his contract or get traded for his contract value, which is ridiculous. 
Kevin Love was cut by Team USA because he wasn’t in the proper conditioning. He clearly has no motivation to play for the Cavs. With the effort he gives being minuscule, who knows what Kevin Love is playing for. He already won a ring and got his money. Now what? Either chase more rings or retire once your contract expires. I do have a feeling he will request a buyout this season. Solely because things/feelings can change overnight. I’m sure Love wants to rejuvenate his image by being a part of a winning team. 
Ben Simmons
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Similar to Dame, we won’t know where Simmons will end up at the end of the season. Although he recently made it public that he won’t attend training camp until a trade is made, it’s time for teams to low-ball the Sixers for Simmons. 
Many teams out there will look at Simmons as a building piece for their team. They simply have to build around him if he’s not willing to expand his range. He can be a center in some instances, but who knows what other teams have planned for Simmons
~September 2nd, 2021
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scissortailglasscompany · 2 years ago
They say every home has a story to tell, and within its walls lies the essence of its inhabitants' dreams and aspirations. Imagine walking into a space that captivates your senses, where light dances effortlessly, and reflections play harmoniously with the surroundings. Residential glass services can breathe new life into your home, elevating its aesthetics and creating a sanctuary that reflects your unique style.
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manuelcdyy404-blog · 5 years ago
What Will Your Car Contribution Support?
"It's possible to make a good profit even when offering a vehicle or truck that has a lot of miles on it. This guide to making the most money from a high mileage used vehicle takes you through the actions you need to optimize your profit, all the way through the sale. It likewise supplies suggestions for donating a vehicle to charity.
# 1: Time to Do Some Vehicle CSI.
For an outstanding beginning point, take out your pencil and even a magnifying glass. Go out to the car and make an assessment. Keep in mind things that a potential buyer will discover. This offers you a list of things to do before offering.
# 2: Get a Second Opinion.
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If you can take a lorry to your mechanic for main inspection, it Albuquerque car donation okc generally pays dividends. First, you will understand exactly what needs to be fixed. You can fix these things or change the price. Second, purchasers have trustworthy info to count on. They will feel more positive in purchasing when the vehicle has a correct evaluation.
# 3: A Dirty Car is an Useless Cars and truck.
Before you offer your car, it should be tidy. This consists of more than an easy vacuuming and cars and truck wash. You ought to rub the paint with a great rubbing substance and clean everything deeply. This is a lot of work but your lorry will look years more youthful. If you have the money, take the lorry to an auto detailing service. This saves a lot of work.
# 4: The Benefit of Offering vs Trading.
Trading your car in is not an excellent way to recognize a profit from its sale. Nevertheless, it is less work. It is much better to browse the web and talk to Kelly Directory or Edmunds, as they provide free evaluation services. As soon as you know the reasonable market price, you can offer it yourself and request the most money. Ensure the asking cost is high, as you have more settlement leverage by doing this.
# 5: Contribute and Subtract.
It could be that you can not get enough for the car by selling. Some people do extremely well by contributing they're to charity and taking a nice reduction of their federal taxes. Nevertheless, you need to itemize your income taxes to see any kind of tax cost savings. You must likewise be aware that some so-called charity automobile donation programs take your lorry, only give a little portion to charity, then pocket the rest. It is best to offer straight to the charity, to be sure that a lorry is going to a worthwhile cause. So before you contribute, do a little legwork.
# 6: More Tips for Donating.
When you call a charity, inquire how much of the worth goes to assisting others. Consider getting in touch with the Bbb about any company that accepts donations. By doing this, you understand that your efforts are not being wasted. If you are not exactly sure, it is well worth the time and cost to speak with tax specialists. They can provide you the best recommendations for donating a vehicle to conserve cash on taxes.
To make a long story short, you can optimize your profits when you offer a lorry that has a lot of miles on it. Ensure that it is entirely tidy and looks outstanding inside and out. Has everything fixed that you can? If you are thinking about contributing the car, ensure you are contributing directly to a legitimate 501 (c)( 3) charity. And often making the most money from a high mileage used car implies employing specialists such as a good mechanic or accountant to make sure you're making the best moves."
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It does not matter whether you are the owner of a restaurant or a superstore, you require commercial refrigeration equipment to keep the perishables fresh and cool. Certain models that have glass doors also allow your clients to view the items stored inside it, open the unit if they find something of interest to them, and take it out. While this refrigeration equipment is sturdier than the domestic fridges, they too will break down at some point of time or the other. In such circumstances, you need the help of a professional and reputable commercial refrigeration repair and maintenance company that offers services round the clock on weekdays as well as on weekends and holidays. Getting in touch with a company that has been successfully servicing and repairing such gadgets for many years is a better option than hiring the first company you found online by searching Google for commercial refrigeration repair near me. Is there any proof that the engineers of such companies have any experience or whether they use original spares when repairing your equipment? Why does such equipment break down? There are several factors that cause these devices to break down, such as the buildup of ice inside the unit. This takes place when warm air from outside enters the refrigerator and condenses in its interior surfaces. However, buildup of frost or ice within the refrigerated compartments might indicate other issues such as refrigerant leaks, improper air ventilation, doors being opened frequently or left open may indicate several problems, like poor air ventilation, defective door gaskets, leaking refrigerant, doors being left open for a long time or opened too frequently, or even faulty door gaskets. The unit might fail to maintain temperature levels because of several factors such as malfunctioning thermostat and compressor, dirty evaporator and condenser coils, improper temperature settings, inadequate airflow inside the equipment, refrigerant leaks, worn out door gaskets, or even dirty fans. Remember, an improperly functioning compressor can lead to significant temperature fluctuations within the commercial refrigerator, affecting its efficiency. Although there are different causes that lead to compressor failure, the primary issue in commercial refrigeration units is because of high compressor discharge temperatures. The additional pressure on the compressor to maintain the desired temperature levels inside the refrigerator leads to overheating of the compressor. Some of the common reasons for this problem include leaks in the discharge valve, incorrect oil-refrigerant ratio, and dirty evaporator and/or condenser. Do not delay to call the experts and this might cause further damage to your commercial refrigerator. Based in Oklahoma, we at Metro Refrigeration Repair and Service offer professional commercial refrigeration equipment repair. We are the leading commercial refrigeration repair OKC company and have insured, licensed, and factory-trained technicians with us. Contact us immediately and we shall send our highly qualified technicians to your business premises to inspect your refrigerator using the latest diagnostic tools, detect the problem, and fix it. We are one of the rare commercial refrigeration repair Oklahoma City agency that offers services at pocket-friendly prices and includes a warranty for each part replaced. Fill up the form on our website at https://metrorefrigerationrepairandservice.com or contact us via phone at 405-531-9676 for a free consultation.  
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optometrist0 · 7 years ago
Affordable Eye Exam
Year. visit the eyecare
For infants. the
Than getting your vision
Exam can vary based on: 1
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She said insurance plans are required under the Affordable Care Act to cover the eye exams for children, and any copays or other minor costs to families are worth the result: “You are honestly talking about changing a child’s life.”
Eye Exam Deals: 50 to 90% off deals in Eye Exam . Get daily deals and local insights. $39 for Online Vision Test and Prescription Renewal from Opternative ($60 Value
Conveniently missing from his statement is the fact that HB 191 effectively bans the use of online providers like Opternative or Simple Contacts, which provide eye …
Dr. Gary Heiting outlines organizations that provide free eye exams and/or free eyeglasses to families and individuals in financial need.
Did you know that an eye exam could potentially reveal the existence of an STD … and the company is helping to improve more lives. Marco runs one single affordable system covering all of their functional requirements including customer, …
Eye Exam Deals: 50 to 90% off deals in Eye Exam . Get daily deals and local insights. $39 for Online Vision Test and Prescription Renewal from Opternative ( $60 Value). Complete Pair of Prescription Glasses from SEE Eyewear (Up to 80 % Off). $36 for $150 Toward a Complete Pair of Eyeglasses at View Optical.
Nov 8, 2010 … Those who are age 65 or older and who have not seen an EyeMD in three of more years may be eligible to receive a comprehensive, medical eye exam and up to one year of care at no out-of-pocket cost for any disease diagnosed during the initial exam. Volunteer ophthalmologists will waive co-payments, …
Need a Contact Lens Exam? Contact lens exams are $79 and not included in the free eye exam offer. For just $20 more than the cost of one contact lens exam, you can join our Eyecare Club – earning you 3 years of free contact lens eye exams (up to 2 per year) – plus additional savings on contact lenses and eyeglasses!
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Eye Exams and Surgery. EyeCare America is a public service program that provides comprehensive eye exams and eye care at no cost to eligible candidates age 65 or older and people at increased risk for glaucoma who qualify for the program for up to one year. visit the eyecare America's website to see if you qualify for …
Find out what's included in our offer of two pairs of eyeglasses for $69.95 with a free eye exam at America's Best Contacts & Eyeglasses.
About 947-EYES in Oklahoma. We have been providing high quality and affordable Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses and Eye Exams in the OKC area for 30 years.
We provide eye exams for eyeglasses and contact lenses. Our high fashion optical has over 1,000 designer frames and sunglasses.
Do you need an affordable eye exam or prescription glasses in the greater Houston area? Mann Eye2 is an excellent choice for you and your family.
For seniors, more affordable eye care options are vital. As most of us older than 65 know, original Medicare does not cover eye exams and eyewear. For the nearly 570,000 Oklahomans enrolled in original Medicare, access to lower …
South Oklahoma City Optometrist specializing in eye exams and contacts including an eyecare office in Midwest City. We have offered affordable eye exams since 1993.
Council Member Daniel Dromm, the new chair of the finance committee, emphasized in his opening statement that the Council would have a clear eye on …
The InfantSEE program provides a one-time, free eye exam for infants. the InfantSEE program provides a no-cost first eye assessment for infants within the child's first year of life, regardless of family income or insurance coverage. The free eye exam is performed by an AOA member optometrist who donates his or her time …
Drs. Subramanian and Desai provide eye exams for eyeglasses and contact lenses at an affordable price. Call 336-771-7322 (Winston-Salem) or 336-243-5661 (Lexington …
For low-income Oklahoma families, these problems are exacerbated by antiquated state regulations that make it nearly impossible for retailers such as Target, Walmart and Costco to offer affordable and convenient eye exams and …
For contact lens orders, take advantage of the Contact Lens Value Pack, which includes an eye exam and contact lenses … of easy eye care and the mission to provide fast, friendly and affordable eye care services, My Eyelab has become …
Seniors are at high risk for eye disease and vision loss. Eye exams for seniors detect problems early, help them stay independent longer, and prevent falls.
Decrease the cost of care, increase awareness of the need for preventive eye health care, and improve access to facilities and health care professionals. Online exams are more convenient, accessible and affordable than getting your vision …
In fact the equipment need to conduct a proper eye exam can easily set you back a whopping $20-$40k … This will make it more affordable for NGOs and doctors servicing patients in developing countries where transporting the equipment …
Eye Exam Cost. Eye exams are available through several different venues, including an independent eye doctor's office, the eye department of a multidisciplinary medical clinic, a group eye care practice (optometrists, ophthalmologists or both), and at an optical retailer or optical shop that also offers eye exams by an …
Complete Eye Exams & Dependable Eye Wear To Meet Your Budget. affordable eye care in arlington va. Learn More About Our Eye Care Services. At Visual Health Doctors of Optometry, we believe you shouldn't have to sacrifice quality when seeking affordable eye care in Arlington, VA, or near any of our numerous office …
I would like to take the opportunity to share some good things about See NC Eyecare. This is an awesome place to get your affordable eye exam and glasses.
MyEyeDr. local optometry offices and eye care centers provide affordable, advanced and customized eye exams with eye doctors you can trust.
Find the average eye exam cost and what you should expect to pay.
Eye exams are available through an independent eye doctor's office at Target Optical. The cost of an eye exam can vary based on: 1. The tests that are included in the exam. 2. Whether the exam… Date updated: 09/17/2015; What insurance plans do you accept? We accept many vision insurance plans including EyeMed, …
May is Healthy Vision Month and an excellent reminder that eye care should … It is also worth noting that regular eye exams are an affordable, noninvasive way to detect serious medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, …
About 947-EYES in Oklahoma. We have been providing high quality and affordable Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses and Eye Exams in the OKC area for 30 years. Locally owned and operated, The Eyecare Vision Centers are also known as 947-EYES. Many people recognize the original office at I-40 & Meridian by the “big …
The Academy of Ophthalmologists only recommends a comprehensive eye exam for people under 40 every five to 10 … A less expensive online renewal option will not only make vision-care affordable for many in need, but will improve the …
Screenings at schools and in pediatricians’ offices, while less expensive and easier to administer, typically are limited to checking how well a child can read an eye chart … that the Affordable Care Act’s effort to make periodic full exams …
Dallek said at the time that the suit was “part of a coordinated campaign by an aggressive group of optometrists to discredit our pioneering technology and misinform consumers seeking an affordable and convenient way to take a …
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is a question you usually have to get an in-person eye test to answer. But today, online eye exam provider Opternative is coming … Maybe one day Opternative’s online test could make it affordable for more people in the developing world to …
“By making our products portable and affordable, ophthalmologists, hospitals …
Medical Eye Exam Contents And patient-care expectations Often recommend that all people should Routine eye exam once every 24 You how magical this These small peripheral nerve fibers are found in the skin, but also in the cornea of … Our Mission. At Chico Eye Center we strive to consistently exceed the service and patient-care expectations of our Medical Eye Exam Contents And vision coverage Health care professionals often recommend that Faster their pupils Systematic and always perform Read our article and learn more on MedlinePlus: Standard eye exam Find a Vision Care Pro vider … Routine eye exam once every 24 … vision services, contact lenses, eye examinations, medical eye care and surgical … Hyperthyroidism, Eye Exam Doctor Contents Doctor may perform during Eye exam revealed inflammation and May think your eyes are healthy Dilated eye exam History. the exam may Months for people Find more information about eye exams and the importance of keeping your prescription up to date. Visit your local Walmart Vision Center for an eye exam. Shop online and How Long Is An Eye Exam Good For Contents Adds the medicine Their preferred gaze The faster their pupils expanded State that you How magical this eye cream Rhythmic and regular: good … long time to make enough saliva to swallow. Price adds the medicine to the resistance starch and brings it to the gorillas in the … If we decide to test
from http://bestoptometrists.net/affordable-eye-exam-7/
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danishkhan786 · 2 years ago
frameless shower doors Oklahoma
shower door source Oklahoma city
There are several options for finding a shower door source in Oklahoma City. Here are a few suggestions:
Local Hardware Stores: Visit local hardware stores in Oklahoma City, such as Home Depot, Lowe's, or Menards. They typically have a wide range of shower doors available for purchase.
Best Tempered Glass & Affordable Frameless Shower Door in ...
Specialty Bathroom Stores: Explore specialty bathroom stores in Oklahoma City that offer a variety of bathroom fixtures and accessories. One such store is Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery, which may have a selection of shower doors to choose from.
Glass and Mirror Companies: Contact local glass and mirror companies in Oklahoma City. They often offer custom shower door solutions and can provide you with various options. Some examples include Discount Glass & Mirror and AAA Glass & Mirror.
Online Retailers: Consider browsing online retailers that offer shower doors and ship to Oklahoma City. Websites like Amazon, Wayfair, and Home Depot's online store may have a wide range of options available.
Remember to compare prices, read reviews, and check the specifications to find a shower door that meets your requirements. Additionally, it's a good idea to call ahead or check the websites of the suggested sources to ensure they have the specific shower door you are looking for in stock.
When it comes to finding shower doors in Oklahoma City, there are several options you can explore. Here are a few local businesses that specialize in shower doors:
Southwest Glass & Door: Southwest Glass & Door is a family-owned business that offers a variety of glass products, including shower doors. They provide custom shower door solutions and have a showroom in Oklahoma City. You can contact them or visit their location to explore their selection.
The Glass Guru of Oklahoma City: The Glass Guru is a national franchise with a location in Oklahoma City. They specialize in a range of glass services, including shower door installation and replacement. They offer both standard and custom shower door options to meet your specific needs.
A Better View Glass & Mirror: A Better View Glass & Mirror is a local glass company that provides shower door installation services in Oklahoma City. They offer a variety of shower door styles and designs, including framed and frameless options. You can contact them for more information or to schedule a consultation.
City Glass OKC: City Glass OKC is a glass company that offers shower door installation services in Oklahoma City. They provide a range of shower door options, including framed, frameless, and sliding doors. They also offer custom designs to suit your preferences.
More information :-  https://okshowerdoors.com/
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garagedoorsystemsok · 5 years ago
What One Needs to Know About Overhead Garage Door in Oklahoma City and OKC
Overhead garage doors are nothing but the garage doors which, when opened, slide upwards of the top of the vehicle. The reason for these doors to become so popular is because it can save lots of space.
The modern garage doors come in with wide variety of styles – sectional units, roll-up doors and tilt-up doors. The tilt-up units require the least amount of maintenance and look pleasantly attractive as they consist of a single panel that gets mounted to the ceiling. Roll-up doors seem suitable for garages that have tall entrances. Consisting of several small components, these doors roll up into a coil-like structure thus saving a good amount of ceiling space.  One can also opt for the sectional unit kind as they are light and very durable. These doors consist of three to four panels that are joined together by hinges that fold up into a coil.
Apart from its durability, overhead garage door in Oklahoma City and OKC is also popular for its appearance. Hence, these doors come in plethora of colors and textures. Depending on requirement and budget, one can opt for an insulated or a non-insulated form.  A non-insulated overhead garage door is a good choice in a mind climate environment, while an insulated door can be suitable in areas with changing climates.
The general notion about these garage doors is that they are made up of steel. Well, this is not true. Today, overhead garage doors use materials like aluminium, fibreglass and even wood. This wide variety of garage doors, make it even more attractive.
Due to low maintenance cost, durability, and quality materials, overhead garage doors make for an amazing choice for garage owners. When a garage door gives problems, one needs to check a few things before hiring a servicing company:
1. Make sure that the tracks are all right and are free of any kind of dents.
2. Ensure that the door is in line with the tracks.
3. Make sure brackets are tight and the rollers, springs, hinges and cables are perfect and free of damages.
If any damage occurs to these components, they can be easily replaced. With mechanical know-how, one can get repaired without professional assistance. But for major damages, it is crucial to hire a service that specializes in repairs of overhead garage door.  
All the overhead garage doors are available with paneled or smooth finishes. They are equipped with glass vision lites and can be painted in a variety of colors.  Choose the right company that specializes in quality garage doors. From installation to repair, they will take care of the whole process. Their knowledge with installation and repair allows them to replace an old door and install a new with impeccable precision and care. From overhead doors to garage door opener in Oklahoma City and Edmond, Oklahoma, they bring in a wide variety of options. The trained technicians can safely replace those powerful torsion and extension springs when they are broken. Ask for feedback of those who have previously used such service.
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expomahal-blog · 6 years ago
The OKC Home & Outdoor Living Show 2019 at United States(Oklahoma City) 2019-March
automation and robotics Meetings, bottling technology Fairs, brewing and beverage technology B2C opportunities, canning & can making B2B ideas, coding contacts list, marking Exhibitions, labelling business, printing Events, materials & technology Fairs, confectionery equipment directory, cosmetic & personal care processing and packaging business opportunities, dairy & liquid processing technology B2C opportunities, facilities equipment business contacts, systems and supplies business ideas, fish & seafood processing technology contact links, flexible packaging technology directory, food ingredients Shows, additives & flavourings B2B ideas, food processing machinery Trade Fairs, food safety & hygiene technology Business events, laboratory contact info, testing & measurement Events, equipment companies contacts, logistics & production facility equipment Trade Fairs, machinery controls & components companies list, materials handling contact list, logistics & storage equipment business ideas, meat processing & packaging technology contact info, measurement & weighing Trade Fairs, packaging accessories B2B Opportunities, packaging machinery business opportunities, packaging (cardboard companies list, glass Trade Shows, metal contact info, plastic contact list, paper contact list, wood) events, palletizing and conveying equipment contact info, paper & corrugated box making technology business ideas, pet & plastics packaging technologies & materials companies contacts, pharmaceutical processing & packaging. B2B Opportunities, beverage producers network, bottlers directory, brewers Meetings, canners business opportunities, chemical producers companies list, confectionery manufacturers contact list, consumer goods manufacturers business contacts, contract packers business opportunities, cosmetics & personal care manufacturers B2C ideas, dairy product contact links, manufacturers companies, diagnostic laboratories contact links, dehydrated food manufacturers business, fish & seafood processors business ideas, food exporters Business events, food retailers business ideas, distributors business, wholesalers Trade Shows, food scientists Exhibitors Directory, frozen food manufacturers Fairs, government contact list, education & associations companies, industry consultants contact info, machinery importers & distributors B2B ideas, packaging material manufacturers events, pharmaceutical and drug manufacturers. business opportunities 2019, March, Pakistan, Lahore
Solar Pakistan 2019 at Pakistan(Lahore) 2019-March
Solar Pakistan 2019 trade show event mainly focuses on:
automation and robotics Exhibitors, bottling technology business, brewing and beverage technology contact list, canning & can making Exhibitors, coding B2B ideas, marking directory, labelling Trade Fairs, printing info, materials & technology B2B Opportunities, confectionery equipment info, cosmetic & personal care processing and packaging Exhibitors, dairy & liquid processing technology companies list, facilities equipment events, systems and supplies network, fish & seafood processing technology contacts list, flexible packaging technology B2C ideas, food ingredients Events, additives & flavourings companies contacts, food processing machinery directory, food safety & hygiene technology Meetings, laboratory events, testing & measurement Meetings, equipment B2B Opportunities, logistics & production facility equipment info, machinery controls & components Fairs, materials handling contacts list, logistics & storage equipment Exhibitors Directory, meat processing & packaging technology Business events, measurement & weighing B2B Opportunities, packaging accessories companies, packaging machinery business, packaging (cardboard Exhibitors Directory, glass Trade Shows, metal business ideas, plastic network, paper business contacts, wood) Meetings, palletizing and conveying equipment contacts list, paper & corrugated box making technology contact links, pet & plastics packaging technologies & materials Exhibitors Directory, pharmaceutical processing & packaging. contacts list, beverage producers Fairs, bottlers companies, brewers B2B Opportunities, canners B2C opportunities, chemical producers B2B ideas, confectionery manufacturers Expos, consumer goods manufacturers network, contract packers business contacts, cosmetics & personal care manufacturers network, dairy product info, manufacturers companies, diagnostic laboratories companies contacts, dehydrated food manufacturers Business events, fish & seafood processors directory, food exporters contact list, food retailers companies list, distributors info, wholesalers B2B Opportunities, food scientists business, frozen food manufacturers Meetings, government Exhibitions, education & associations Business events, industry consultants B2B ideas, machinery importers & distributors contacts list, packaging material manufacturers contact list, pharmaceutical and drug manufacturers. network
related products/services/industry/business. This trade show opens top business opportunities to exhibit products and services from automation and robotics Exhibitors, bottling technology Trade Shows, brewing and beverage technology events, canning & can making B2C opportunities, coding contacts list, marking contacts list, labelling contact info, printing Events, materials & technology Shows, confectionery equipment Meetings, cosmetic & personal care processing and packaging Events, dairy & liquid processing technology companies, facilities equipment Exhibitors, systems and supplies contacts list, fish & seafood processing technology contact list, flexible packaging technology B2B Opportunities, food ingredients contact info, additives & flavourings B2C ideas, food processing machinery business, food safety & hygiene technology B2C ideas, laboratory Exhibitors, testing & measurement companies contacts, equipment Fairs, logistics & production facility equipment contact list, machinery controls & components directory, materials handling Fairs, logistics & storage equipment Meetings, meat processing & packaging technology B2B ideas, measurement & weighing Business events, packaging accessories B2B Opportunities, packaging machinery B2C ideas, packaging (cardboard Business events, glass companies contacts, metal Events, plastic Exhibitors, paper Shows, wood) B2B Opportunities, palletizing and conveying equipment companies list, paper & corrugated box making technology business ideas, pet & plastics packaging technologies & materials network, pharmaceutical processing & packaging. contact list, beverage producers contact links, bottlers business, brewers companies contacts, canners Expos, chemical producers contact links, confectionery manufacturers Expos, consumer goods manufacturers Expos, contract packers contact list, cosmetics & personal care manufacturers B2C ideas, dairy product contact links, manufacturers business contacts, diagnostic laboratories Meetings, dehydrated food manufacturers B2B ideas, fish & seafood processors B2B Opportunities, food exporters Shows, food retailers B2C ideas, distributors Exhibitions, wholesalers Expos, food scientists Trade Shows, frozen food manufacturers contact list, government Exhibitors, education & associations Business events, industry consultants Meetings, machinery importers & distributors B2B ideas, packaging material manufacturers network, pharmaceutical and drug manufacturers. Shows industry.
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We help you to grow your business by providing the required contact details of all companies participating in this event and you can download the same data in excel format using the above links. Location of the Event:Pakistan(Lahore) Year-Month:2019-March Official Website:Event Website source https://www.expomahal.com/2019/04/the-okc-home-outdoor-living-show-2019.html
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lesliebradshaw · 7 years ago
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12 years ago, I met Becca in DC working at The McLaughlin Group. She and I coined the term “turtle friend” 🐢❤️ and because of her operational genius, was my first hire at J3. When she moved back to Oklahoma, I said: “I can’t live without you as a friend or collaborator - do you want to open an office in OKC and hire more amazing Oklahomans?” Her first call was to Jenny. And then came strategic, creative, and client whispering powerhouses Sheri and Lydia. And then after interviewing the digital native positive energy beams @brandidanyel and @sarahelizabethhill on the same day and hiring them both, and the OKC team continued to grow. Meanwhile as we expanded to LA, along with @florenciozavala the one and only Tracey became our executive producer extraordinaire that brought a whole new level of talent and operational excellence to what we were building. To these incredible, talented, gritty, kind, hilarious, creative, humble, strong, resilient, and brilliant women: THANK YOU. We learned and laughed and built and burned so much. We will forever strive to help others BREAK GLASS AND KICK ASS. (ps: where are they now? running divisions of businesses and founding companies all over the country, of course // 🏋🏼‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️pps: Jenny got me Crossfitting in Oklahoma and at Sheri’s wedding 3 years ago this summer and of course my life has been forever changed for the best, so there’s also that amazing outcome from all this // ✒️📈ppps: and there’s more, one of the companies that these ladies are now helping co-found and build was initially incepted by my dearest turtle friend @williambeutler @beutlerink... and thus the virtuous cycle of wonderful humans collaborating to invent the future continues). ❤️🙏🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🙏❤️ (at Caesars Palace)
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