rlxtechoff · 1 year
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Friday 25 October 1839
7 ¾
fine morning F59° now at 9am. at Murray (Thibet vol. 2 p. 1047) till breakfast at 9 ½ to 10 ¼ - then looking at maps till 11 ¾ maps of Asia and Asiatic Russia – out at 11 50/.. drove to the Imperial garden bought about 3 years ago of ......... walked thro’ a sort of garden [previously] and alighted at our destination at 12 20/.. – walked about a little – a sort of botanic garden – but A- soon starved and we went into the Serres to warm her – very much amused and interested I left her at 2 35/.. in the serres while I walked round the gardens extending some way along the Moskva river – in summer we should often visit these gardens if stationary at Moscow – I walked about ½ hour – the air sharp and cold tho’ Leopold said only 6° of cold of Reaumur = about 45° Fahrenheit I think he must have been wrong – it must have been colder but said he we always feel starved when the first cold comes – but when the great cold comes we shall not feel it so much as we feel the little cold now! – from the garden drove perhaps near a mile beyond the Smolensko barrier for a good view of the city which certainly looks vast and imposing from this road – walked some part of the way back to the barrier – stopt at a farmstead to watch the people chop very small the cabbages in long deep troughs – salt etc. to be added to make shee as pronounced by Leopold – home at 4 40/.. – dressed – dinner at 6 10/.. to 7 – before and after (tea in ¼ hour at 8 10/..) read Murray (slumbered a little just after dinner) – Thibet, Asia a little of Tartary, and wrote all but the two first lines of today till now 12 5/.. tonight at which hour F62 ½° very fine day – on our return found the card of ‘Constantine Thal’ – will call again at 11am tomorrow – In the serres today
Eugenia Australia [Australis] looks rather like grenadier but pretty white flower like feather-columbine formed by the innumerable stamina which, falling off, leave the one long pistille and the quatrifide pinkish capsule looking like a pinkish 4 petalled flower.
Saturday 26 8br. –6° R. = about 21° F.
miscalculated yesterday because forgot that –R- and +R- make a monstrous difference
melaleuca stifeloides [styphelioides], and ruscifolia, and one other [species] the 1st lille a small leaved skiry myrtle.
Eucalyptus pulverularata [pulverulata?] – glaucous – leaves in pairs, no leaf-stalk – set close on the stem, the 2 leaves almost joining together so as to form a sort of ruche round the stem – the pairs about ¾ in. from each other ( opposes interchanged) -  
Pinus Todea [Taeda] (Linnaeus) 2 leaves from one sheath, set thickly round the darkish coloured stem – the leaves thinner, finer, and considerably longer than those of its neighbour the
P. halepensis also 2 leaves from one sheath but straggling, i.e. set thinly on to the whitish stem. (Do not remember having had an opportunity of observing this Pinus before) –
Calceolaria Echile with pretty, little, cockle-shell,yellow flower, and leaf like a narrow leaved wild balm – the  Spircaea the man called calcifolia [salicifolia] at Upsala [Uppsala], might be Spiraea calceolaria? (Fischer at St. Petersburg knew nothing of S. calcifolia [salicifolia])
Metrosiderus [Metrosideros] rugulosa, angulosa, intermedia, etc. – the leale of all these [species] like the narrowest willow leaves, but a fine dark myrtle-green and glandulated comme les myrtes et des feuilles des orangers.
Phillyraea [Phyllirea] latifolia, and alaternus – little apparent difference in the leaves of the 2 [species] the leaf shaped rather the grenadier leaf (very slightly serrated) but dark green
Amaranthis [amaranthus] tricolor (Love lies bleeding? coxcomb?) –
Rubus laciniata [laciniatus], pretty sort of cut-leaved bramble – would be nice for Shibden –
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castillodeleon · 2 years
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MENU: Latin American and Jewish Menu: Spreads, cheeses, breads, empanada bar, burrito bar, rice and glandules, black beans, latkes and brisket, kosher foods and the Drink menu! 
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northaugustausarmy · 3 years
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“As a Latina female born in Puerto Rico, I take pride in my culture, customs, and overall upbringing,” Navarro said. “Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to celebrate and recognize our rich culture and ancestry. While it is nice to have a month of observance, I always welcome curiosity about my heritage. I love teaching someone a dance like the salsa or merengue or making a traditional dish like arroz con glandules or empanadas. Sharing my culture is year-round.” - SSG Michelle Navarro, #instagood #fashion #photooftheday #art #beautiful #photography #follow #happy #cute #instagram #nature #tbt #followme #travel #style #repost #instadaily #summer #selfie #fitness #beauty #food #fun #likeforlike #usarmy #armyreserve #love #heritagemonth (at South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUvVZslPQw1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nie7027 · 4 years
I finally watched Adventure in the elements AND IT GAVE ME SO MUCH TO THINK ABOUT
First from what we saw at Convention I thought Lilith was going to be Amitys mentor and and the one to teach her spells BUT NO
Amity learns her new spells from her older brother and sister! Which i love so much! Specially because it looks like they do this regularly and from that montage of them training ot looks like they have a lot of fun.
And while the former option would have been cool and expected as a clear parallel to Eda and Luz this one is cute and I prefer it because it gives us an insight to the relationship between the Blight siblings
even though they still enjoy ruining her life and sometimes go way too far as we saw from the Library episode but when i watched that I thought they were going to have an strained relationship where the twins were going to be the cool and mean teens that dont actually care that much for Amity and would ignore her and her needs and shrug away everytime they hurt her as Amity being a baby or just plain dont realize what they are doing BUT NO
They love their baby sister, and they look after her and are apologetic for what happened at the library even if ts in their own older annoying sib way!
They care for her more than they let on...actualy they show it a lot but it just gets overshadowed by their messing around.
They take her to train to the most magical place in the boiling islands because they know serious Amity takes magic.
They jump to the front to protect her(and Luz) the moment danger comes up
They love Luz and get happy whenever Amity and her get close even if they cant help but tease her (they probably are realizing Amitys crush on Luz even before she does)
I havent watched Understanding Willow but i saw the spoilers about what Amitys parents make her do which in turn puts the twins comment about Amity finally having a cool friend in a new light! Because! they didnt just said it to annoy Amity but they are actually happy Amity is befriending Luz because this means she is starting to rebel her parents!
It isnt far to believe their parents imposed their strict control over the twins too amd whether they meld to it or not is yet to see because while they dont seem to be the proper and correct witches their parents want they domt hang with anybody but themselves either.
This episode gave us an insight into the twins different personalities too instead of just seeming they are the same.
Edric is the most irresponsible and inmature from the two more prone to goofing around and try new things(trying out Edas methods) while Emira seems to be more strict controlled and meaner deeming new stuff as just goofing around and when push comes to shove she acts like the oldest taking the reins
During training she was doing attacks pushing amity into defense while edric was more likely playing with her, she made dinner and scolded Edric whenever he was messing around and she was the one to talk Amity into doing the new spell while Edric was the first to mess with her whenver Amitry dropped her guard.
It seems like out of them Emira was the most influenced by their parents ...
...which we know is wrong and is another way the show has to open discussiom amd criticize the witches way.
All we know from magic and its origins we have learned from Luz.
The witches, even Eda, didnt know they were using glyps whenever they used magic. They just think they are making their circles in a special way. And if they didnt know about the glyphs they certainly didnt know they can be found in nature and that magic is a gift from the island as Luz and the first witches, which this episode strongly suggests, knew which means...modern magic or they witches see it is a corrupted form and Luz is here to correct it.
This is even more stronly suggested with Amitys training wand.
Amity depends on a faulty wand to learn new trickes and use her magic and when the battery dies she is left useless which she shouldnt be because Luz never need it to learn new spells amd i think this speaks a lot of how they use magic.
It seems like for witches society magic is a limited source that can be emptied while for Luz it is infinite.
And one would wonder why? Why the sole fact that Luz uses glyphs changes this?
Whenever Luz uses magic she is using it from an outside source. She is taking from her surroundings and using them for her magic.
Whereas witches use themselves as the source amd belive magics comes from within (the magic glandule eda spoke about)
And yeah people probably have magic inside amd it would make sense to use it instead, right?
At first one would even think it is more poweful that way but the truth is it is not.
Becase a person is a limited source that will eventually dry themselves if they are not careful
Whereas Luz wont have this problem. Because magic is a gift from nature.
And here is where the corrupted view the wirches society have come into play.
Because Luz ways is harder, its more difficult. It involves looking outside and hearing what nature has to say and listening and trusting in something outside yourself.
Whereas the way witches are doing it allows them to separate themselves, to think they are the ones in control. That it comes from the inside and they only have themselves.
In a wider way these distintcs approach eson magic can be viewed like an analogy for individualism vs community.
In a simpler way they can be viewed as an analogy on the discussion on creativity amd its origin.
People like to think creativity comes from the inside, talent they call it, and that only those who have it will rise to the top while all the others stay below
And this is bad and why a lot of artist end up burning out.
When creativity in reality comes from the outside and you get inspiration from observing your surruoundings and the stuff you experience.
Like magic. Like Luz does it.
And before i finish this i want to ask something because ok we settled witches have a corrupted view magic but Why is that?
Who would do that?
Who benefits from witches burning and drying themselves doing tasks they could easily do the other way?
Who sees the witches as simple pawns that exist merely to serve?
As soldiers that can be discarded?
Who is limiting the magic?
Eda already told us.
Basically Eda may had been the first to rebel the emperors system by refusing to join a coven and limiting her own magic and but Luz will be the one to dismantle the system by teachin the witches there are other ways
And here is where my other analogy of individualism vs community comes from.
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ephrampettaline · 6 years
burning bright | miguel & ephram
“Neat lil critters, ain’t they?”
Ephram had, of course, gravitated towards the more avian section of the travelling pet fair -- The Grandulous Glandulous World o’ Bananimals, it was called, which Ephram found to be the most unfortunate name for it -- but it did turn out to be chock-full of fascinating beasties. He’d already seen something that was part lion and part bumblebee that somehow managed to be cute, a family of lizards that looked like lightning bolts, and turtles that grew jeweled shells, reminding him of the mystical jeweled turtle he and Bellamy had caught that time.
But at the moment, he was at the enclosure for the Honeymews, a breed of a feline creature with the exact colouration and scent of perfectly ripe peaches. There was a short man next to him who seemed transfixed by the cats (either that or woolgathering pretty intently), and Ephram continued the conversation nevertheless. “You think that momma meow’s got a litter in her? Wait, do they even have litters? Ain’t there supposed to be a sign around here with info on it?”
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syreetachen · 4 years
Foods That Lower Blood Sugar and Help to Achieve Normal Range Blood Sugar Levels
Healthy coarse. The healthiest corpulent Male Diabetes Solution Review are unsaturated coarse, which fall from fish and vegetable spring such as olive anoint, nuts, and avocados. Omega-3 fatty acids fight inflammation and support fancy and heart health. Good rise include salmon pink, tunny, and flaxseeds.
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People with diabetes mellitus may have problems with their performance for of dejected blood melt and nerve injure that can result from high kinship glucose open. To aid anticipate foot problems, you should waste vigorous, supportive shoes and take watchfulness of your performance before, during, and after physical briskness.
What’s more, the extract also subjugate levels of prostate-definite antigen, a protein produced by the prostate glandule. High levels of this antigen may be a sign of prostate growth .
Carbohydrates have a bulky impact on your kinship compliment levels—more so than fats and proteins—so you need to be tart going what typify of carbs you gnaw. Limit refined carbohydrates like favorable food, italian paste, and rice, as well as soda, confectionery, packaged meals, and mealy foods. Focus on supercilious-fiber complex carbohydrates—also understood as slew-quit carbs. They are digested more moderately, thus hinder your consistency from producing too much insulin.
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soulorganism · 5 years
(Soul Organism)
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cinselbilgiler · 4 years
Servikal Erozyon nedir?("rahimağzı yarası")
Servikal Erozyon nedir?(“rahimağzı yarası”)
Rahimağzı kanalının iç yüzeyini döşeyen epitel hücreleri salgı yapıcı (glanduler) özellikler taşırlarken, vajinanın iç yüzey hücreleri bu dokuyu çeşitli dış etkenlere karşı (bakteriler, virüsler, cinsel ilişkinin “aşındırıcı” etkileri) korumakla görevli yassı epitel (skuamöz) yapıda hücrelerdir. Bu iki ayrı hücre türünün yakın komşulukta olduğu bölgeye değişim bölgesi (transformasyon zonu) adı v…
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lotsofnerd · 5 years
menstrual cycle! but in a biological way
the woman borns with nearly four hundread cells on both ovaries and, from the moment she enters puberty, one for month (or twenty days, avarage) will mature and become an ovule. on human species, the repetition of the menstrual cycle occurs around every 28 days. 
the cycle begins with a glandule called hypophysis, which fabricates a lot of dfferent hormones. the hypophysis liberates an hormone called FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone). this hormones goes to the blood, and when he arrives at the ovaries of this woman, he’ll make the ovarie produce an hormone called estrogen. this is the first day of the menstrual cycle. 
the estrogen will cause a slight tighening of the intern part of the uterus. the uterus tissue will get a little thicker, and this tissue is called endometrium. (resuming: the estrogen will make the endometrium thicker than it was for a few days). the concentration of the estrogen will increase, until it reaches the point where this concentration will inhibit the liberation of the FSH hormone. when the liberation of FSH is cancelled, the hypophysis will release a second hormone. this second hormone is called LH (luteinizing hormone). this hormone will promote the very expected ovulation. it will mature cell by cell to become gamets and will make this cells get out from the ovarie. 
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dashnite · 4 years
do you have any advice for people with hidradenitis suppurativa? (specially the ones who got recently diagnosed, like me 🥺 i was scrolling through the tag and saw your post)
OMG HI,, welcome to hell lol. no i mean, you probably had the symptoms already before being diagnosed so you know the gist of it
but advices hmmm. ive been living with this condition for almost 4 years now (diagnosed at 21) so i do some things that help me with the pain, but!!! not every body is the same and what might work for me might not work for you, just please keep that in mind :o
i usually have flare ups in between the tatas, on the crotch region, inner thighs, ears and armpits. what i do: avoid sweating too much at all costs. i mean, if you’re gonna dance or do physical activity ofc ur going to sweat, but i try to keep that to a minimum with towels and napkins. sweat may cause flare ups
speaking of physical activity, i recommend you start doing these (as long as the pain doesn’t stop you, if you have a painful cyst just. don’t move, that shit hurts. wait for it to pop or pop it yourself when you feel it's ready). i usually dance alone in my bedroom lipsyncing to 90’s bubblegum pop (LOL) but yo you can do whatever! swimming and yoga are also good ideas. exercise actually helps with HS because the more body fat percentage you have, the more aggressive your HS will be (at least that’s how it works in my body, again every body is different)
i know this sounds cliche but if it’s hot out and you fear the friction on your body parts will cause cysts to appear, BABY POWDER THAT SHIT. DO NOT use coconut oil or similar, because they can clog your pores and annoying cysts might derive from that. baby powder doesn’t clog your pores, helps with friction and is a way more affordable product!!! honestly this tip saved my ass more than once
avoid shaving the areas where you flare ups usually happen. HS is a sweat glandule issue, if there’s hair there already then fewer chances of a cyst uncomfortably inserting itself in your life
and finally, don’t worry if it’s a bad day and you can’t move right because it hurts so much. we are all here for you, going through the same thing, and we need to make this condition more known so (hopefully) someone can finally find a cure! so, basically, don’t be too hard on yourself. believe me when i say that i know how much it hurts, there will be days where you won’t be able to get out of the bed, but don’t be too hard on yourself. everything is gonna turn out ok 💕
your mood is a big part of HS. if you get more stressed, the more you’ll have a tendency to flare up. try breathing slowly. yoga helps with that too. i usually do a meditation technique called zazen (youtube link explaining what it is and how to do it)
also, avoid milk, milk derivatives (yogurt, cheese), bread, and chocolate. i found my HS got much better after i cut these out of my diet (i mean,,, i still eat cheese sometimes bc i LOVE and it’s almost certain i’ll get a cyst somewhere but i cant resist, cheese is delicious @_@), i don’t know scientifically what might be the reason for that but by personal account, this helps.
i really hope i helped somehow ;;; living with HS is hard but know we are all here for you ❤️
EDIT: I FORGOT THE TIP TO END ALL TIPS!!! if a cyst is too swollen and painful, put a slice of tomato on top of it. hold it there for abt 10min. do this at least 3 times a day until or when you can see the improvement. the tomato will suck the pus out and make EVERYTHING better, i promise you.
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curdsandwheyquotes · 5 years
Samuel Johnson, A Dictionary of the English Language, 1805
Whey. n.s. [hpceg, Saxon; wey, Dutch.] 1. The thin or serous part of milk, from which the oleose or grumous part is separated. [I’ll make you feed on curds and whey. Shakespeare; Milk is nothing but blood turned white, by being diluted with a greater quantity of serum or whey in the glandules of the breast. Harvey on Consumption.] 2. It is used of anything white and then. [Those linen cheeks of thine Are counsellors to fear. What, soldiers, whey face! Shakespeare.]
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efdort · 5 years
Glandüler Ateş Nedir?
Glandüler ateş veya bulaşıcı mononükleoz, gençler, genç yetişkinler ve üniversite öğrencileri arasında yaygın bir enfeksiyondur. Belirtileri ateş, boğaz ağrısı, halsizlik, şişmiş lenf bezleri ve bazen de hepatiti içermektedir. Normalde Epstein-Barr virüsü (EBV) bulaşıcı bir herpes virüsünden kaynaklanmaktadır. EBV’nin dünya genelinde insanların yüzde 90 ila 95’inde mevcut olduğu…
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ilactanitim · 5 years
Glandüler Ateş Tedavi
Glandüler ateş için spesifik bir tedavi yoktur. Viral bir hastalıktır, bu yüzden antibiyotikler çalışmaz (sadece bakteriyel enfeksiyonlara karşı çalışırlar).
Glandüler Ateş Tedavi
Asıl tedavi bol miktarda dinlenmek, kendinize bakmak ve bol miktarda sıvı içmektir. Ağrı kesicigibi parasetamol ve non-steroid anti-enflamatuar ilaçlar (NSAID’ler), ağrı ve hafifletmek için yardımcı olabilir ateş.…
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retiredhorsetamer · 7 years
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, being anally comprehend can produce a pleasurable sensation due to the inserted penis rubbing or brisk against the prostate (also known as the "male G-spot") through the anal wall. This can result in pleasurable sensations and can lead to an climax in some cases. Prostate stimulation can produce a "deeper" orgasm, sometimes described by men as more widespread and intense, longer-lasting, and allowing for more feelings of xvideos than orgasm elicited by penile irritation only. The prostate is located next to the rectum and is the larger, more developed male homologue (variation) to the socket Skene's glands. However, though the experiences are distinct, male erethism by penile stimulation are also centered in the prostate glandule. It is also ideal for a subject to not reach orgasm as a suscipient colleague only from anal see.
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lupoaica-blog · 7 years
“Nu ştiu alţi cum sunt, dar eu, când mă gândesc la locul naşterii mele, la casa părintească, la dormitorul cu patul  pe care mă întindeam, când ne jucam noi femele juvenilele (și uneori și cu băieții :) ), de-a mama la ginecolog, şi la alte jocuri şi jucării pline de hazul şi farmecul copilăresc, parcă-mi saltă şi acum inima de bucurie!” Jurnal intim, Lupoaica
Pentru aplicarea sfaturilor practice la locurile potrivite, trebuie să fac câteva precizări teoretice de bun simt:
1. Organismul femelei se deosebeşte de cel al bărbatului prin caracteristici bine precizate, multe din ele măsurabile (sâni/fese, etc. – de exemplu sânii  – unii le cunosc drept țâțe, iar fesele drept buci - la femele sunt elemente fundamentale ale plasticii, iar la bărbat au o dezvoltare rudimentară).
2. Oasele scheletului la femele au dimensiuni mai reduse decît la bărbati (excepție: zona Clujului și a Sibiului).
3. Oasele craniului si cele ale bazinului prezintă cele mai mari diferenţe la cele două sexe. Femelele au capul mai mic și deci și creier pe masură. În plus, la femela, înclinaţia mai accentuată a bazinului favorizează o evidenţiere a regiunilor fesiere şi, din nefericire, o ascundere a organelor genitale externe ceea ce face greu de tot utilizarea pisoarului - dar nu imposibil ( :) ).
4. Lărgimea bazinului femelei face ca diametrul bitrohanterian să predomine femelă juvenilă de cel biacromial ( :) Știu că deja credeți că vorbesc în rusă, nu?!?).
5. Raportată la înălţime, extremitatea cefalică a femelei este relativ mai mare decît la bărbat, în schimb, toracele este mai alungit, mai îngust, talia este mai subţire, iar bustul relativ mai mare.
Astfel, ţinînclu-se seamă de circumferinţa coapsei şi greutate, pentru diagnosticul antropometric al sexului, s-a propus indicele:
circumferința coapsei/greutatex100=y, care are o valoare medie de 82 la bărbati şi 105 la femele.
Și normal eu, LUPOAICA, am ieșit bărbat la indice, ceea ce spune multe despre indicii ăștia care circulă pe net.
Este organul genital masculin pentru contact sexual, avînd rolul depunerii spermei în vaginul femelei. Are o formă asemănătoare unui cilindru ( :) cum ar zice un momârlan: "pulan"), la care se descrie o rădăcină şi o porţiune mobilă. Rădăcina  se găseşte în perineu, fiind fixată de oasele pubiene şi ischiatice. Porţiunea mobilă cuprinde corpul penisului şi glandul. In stare flască, lungimea medie este de 9,5 cm cu variaţii mergînd de la 8,5-10 cm (cu excepia hunedorenilor la care media este mai mare).
Corpul penisului  are  forma  unui  cilindru  puţin  turtit,  este acoperit de o piele fină, foarte mobilă, care depăşeşte marginea liberă a acestuia. Glandul penisului  se găseşte situat la extremitatea  liberă  a corpului, avînd o formă aproape conică, descriindu-se un vîrf  şi o bază. În vîrful glandului se găseşte meatul uretral. Baza glandului, nurnită coroana glandului, are un diametru  mai  mare  decât   extremitatea  corpului  penisului, fiind separată de acesta prin şanţul balano-prepuţial.
Pielea de pe corpul penisului, mobilă, poate acoperi glandul, fiind aderentă de suprafaţa acestuia, numai pe o porţiune delimitată pe linia mediană ventrală, formînd „frenul prepuţului".
Pielea aceasta mobilă, care poate acoperi sau descoperi glandul, este un repliu cutano-mucos, denumit prepuţ ( :) obligatoriu zona trebuie umectată abundent în caz de manipulare altfel sunt suspiciuni rezonabile de inhibare profundă).
Vaginul reprezintă organul genital feminin care permite efectuarea actului sexual prin introducerea  penisului  în  interiorul  lui. Ca structură, se prezintă ca un canal musculo-membranos turtit antero-posterior, cu b lărgime de circa 2,5 cm şi o lungime de 8-14 cm. Vaginul continuă uterul, fiind delimitat în porţiunea superioară  de colul  uterin, iar  în  porţiunea inferioară de vulvă şi vestibulul vaginal, axa mare a acestuia fiind îndreptată oblic de sus în jos şi dinapoi înainte, formând cu uterul un unghi deschis înainte.
Acestea sînt formate  din  pliuri  cutanate  situate  pe  părţile laterale ale vulvei, formînd labiile (buzele) mari şi labiile mici.
Labiile mari, cu o lungime de circa 8 cm şi o lăţime de 2 cm, delimitează părţile  externe  ale vulvei, faţa lor  externă fiind acoperită cu fire de păr groase, relativ rare, în timp ce faţa internă este acoperită de o mucoasă umedă, lipsită de pilozitate.
In structura  labiilor  mari  se gătsesc  ţesuturi  adipoase  bine vascularizate, glande sebacee şi  sudoripare. Extremităţile labiilor mari,  unite  pe linia mediană, formează comisura anterioară şi posterioară. Comisura anterioară se continuă cu o zonă cutanată proeminentă, rotunjită, denumită muntele lui Venus,  avînd  o  formă  triunghiulară  cu baza  în  sus  şi vîrful în jos  şi fiind acoperită în mod obişnuit cu păr ( :) mult).
Comisura posterioară este numită şi furculiţă şi se găseşte la cîţiva centimetri de orificiul anal.
Labiile mici sau nimfele sunt situate între labiie mari, paralele cu acestea, acoperite de ele şi avîncl o lungime mai redusă, de circa 3 cm, iar lăţimea în jur de 1 cm.
Suprafaţa vestibulară a labiilor mici este acoperită cu o mucoasă cu un număr mare  de  glande,  care  secretă  mucus,  cu  rol  important în actul  sexual.
Acesta este reprezentat de către clitoris și bulbii  vaginului. Clitorisul este un  organ erectil unic, amplasat pe linia mediană în partea antero-superioară a vulvei, avînd o formă cilindrică și fiind format din : rădăcină, corp și gland. Corpul este alcătuit din doi corpi cavernoşi acoperiţi cu o membrană fibroelastică, extremităţile posterioare ale acestora fixîndu-se de oasele pubiene şi formînd rădăcina clitorisului.
Glandul este situat în continuarea corpului clitorisului, fiind acoperit parţial sau total de un repliu care are forma unui capişon, format din unirea extremităţilor anterioare ale labiilor mici. Îndărătul clitorisului se găsesc două cute provenite din labiile mici, formînd ceea ce se cheamă frenul  clitoridian.
Clitorisul ca şi  penisul  în urma unei excitaţii eficace poate să intre în erecţie ( :) ohohohohohohohohohoh, daaaaaaa!).
Inervaţia este dată de nervul dorsal al clitorisului, care formează un plex nervos la nivelul glandului clitoridiau şi în corpii cavernoşi. Fibrele nervoase vegetative vin în contact cu corpusculii Pacini, care sînt într-un număr mai mare la nivelul glandului.
In ceea ce priveşte dimensiunile şi poziţia acestui organ, există variaţii individuale : diametrul său, în  general,  se situează între  4-5 mm, iar distanța dintre rădăcină şi deschiderea uretrei în jur de 2,5 cm. Cînd se depăşeşte această distanţă se consideră teleclitoridie.
Pentru posesoarea unui clitoris mic mic problema mare este ca se găsește greu - fiind mic. Alta era situația dacă ai norocul ca femelă să posezi o teleclitoridie sănătoasă.
Mamelele (sînii, țâțele) sînt organe glandulare, asezate de o parte şi de alta a sternului în regiunea toracală anterioară. Rudimentare la bărbați, mamelele prezintă o importanță deosebită la femele, dezvoltându-se progresiv începînd din perioada pubertății până la vârsta adultă.
Deși embriologic sînt de origine tegumentară, datorită faptului că din punct de vedere clinic şi funcţional sînt strîns legate de organele genitale,
sunt manipulate alături de acestea. La femela adultă în perioada de activitate sexuală mamelele au urmatoarele dimensiuni (aproximativ) : 10 cm în plan vertical, 12 cm în plan transversal şi 5 cm în sens antero-posterior.
Aceste dimensiuni prezintă mari variaţii individuale, crescând mult în sarcină și alăptare.
Aproximativ în mijlocul mamelei se găseşte situată papila mamară sau mamelonul, variabil ca formă şi dimensiuni, în unele cazuri fiind aproape absent. Pe virful mamelonului se deschid ducte lactifere.
Maamelonul are de obicei o culoare variind între roz (la blonde) la maro închis (la brunete). El poate fi proeminent, turtit, ombilicat.
Areola se prezintă ca un inel în jurul mamelonului, avînd de asemenea o culoare variabilă de la roz la maro închis.
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